PULTT3M0TTTH SIMl-WEEKLY JOUENAX THURSDAY. DF.CEMEEP 9. 1921 PAGE SIX b'OCIAT From Monday's Daily Guests Here Sunday The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Farmer was the scene of a very pleas ant house party over the week end when several of the relatives of Mrs. Farmer were here. Mrs. Mary Arm strong of Opallala, Nebraska, an aunt of Mrs. Farmer, with her son, Ivan Armstrong and family of Ashland, Glen Bookwalter, of North Platte, a brother of Mrs. Farmer and Miss Ethel Clark of Omaha, comprised the party. Union Guests Here Last night Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris of Union were supper guests at the I. Li. Kocian home. Mrs. Fran ces Bierl was a weekend guest at the Kocian home. which members of the group from the Humboldt offices were guests of the local members." The home was attractively ar ranged for the happy gathering and at an appropriate hour, Santa Claus appeared on the scene and announced that he had gifts for ail of the group. A short business session was held and the remainder of the evening was spent at cards, bridge, pinochle and Fan Tan being played by the jolly group. In the playing prizes were won by Mrs. Warren Scharsen berg. Miss Margaret Scotten and Miss Dorothy Svoboda. DEATH OF FORMER RESIDENT Word has just been received an nouncing the death of Louis II. Val lery at Los Angeles. Death was due to heart trouble, coming suddenly from an attack. Mr. Vallery wa3 a son of the late Jacob Vallery, Jr., a brother-in-law of V. J. Streight and an uncle of L. O. Minor of this city. Funeral services will be held at Los Angeles. Dec. 9th and interment made either at Los Angeles or at Fort Worth, Texas, the home of Mrs. Vallery. FLORIDA BOUND I Class Has Pleasant Time Elmer Sundstrom's class of boys met with Junior Devoe Saturday night and played games. Later the group of Sunday school boys went to Jacob's cafe where Mrs. Jacobs served refreshments. There were 12 boys present, L. S. Devoe, Rev. J. C. Lowson and the teacher Elmer Sund-strom. From Wednesday's Daily Entertains Class - Mrs. Val Iiurkel entertained the Women's Bible class of the Methodist church at her home this afternoon. There are about twenty members in the class. CHEVIES WINNERS Junior C. D. of A. Last night the Junior C. D. of A. held their meeting at the home of Wilma Swatek. It was a business meeting. After the business had been discussed the girls spent the rest of the evening knitting. The Christmas party will be held on De cember 22 at the home of Renee Brown. The Chevrolets won three games last night from the Bestor and Swatek quintet. That puts the Chev rolets the winners of the first round. There are possibilities of plenty of competition the second round which will start next week. A schedule will be drawn up this week and the teams will know who bowls who. Ed Thimgan was high with a 199 score. The snow of last night that be tokened the coming of the old time Nebraska winter season was too much for a trio of Plattsmouth young men, who today headed for the southland. The party comprised Tom Kriskey, Robert Slavicek and Don MeCarroll. The party has Florida as their destination and expect to have a great time in motoring through the south with Miami, Jacksonville, Palm Beach and Key Weet as their objec tive points. ATTENDS CLERKS' MEETING MYNARD U. B. CHURCH Paul L. Dick, pastor Hold Skating Party- Last night at the local rink a croup of young people had a roller skating party. Afterwards they had refreshments. The members of the group were Leo Meisinger, Lila Jane Elliott, Florence Masters, Gerald Mei singer, Bill Brink and Leona Price. South Dakota Visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gapen and son, Ralph, of Rapid City, South Da kota have been in the city for a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapen and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Snyder. Yesterday they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder where they enjoyed a day featured by a lovely dinner and a delightful afternoon of visiting, it being 19 years since so many were together on one day. The guests were Mrs. Martha Gapen Wiles of this city, Mrs. Anna Gapen Dean of Fort Morgan, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gapen, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Gapen and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Cook. Hold Dinner Party Last evening at the home of Miss Janet Westover, the D. D. club was entertained at a C o'clock dinner. After enjoying the well - prepared menu the members attended the local theater. Then they were off to tie Tas-Tee shop where Hazel Kelley proved that no matter how cold the weather is outside, ice cream sure tastes good on the inside. Sunday school 10 o'clock. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. Choir program, 8:15 p. m. The evening service will be de pendent upon favorable weather con ditions. We have a place for you, will you be in your place? From Monday's Dally Clerk of the District Court C. E. Ledgway was at Lincoln today where he was in attendance at the meeting of the district clerks association which is meeting this week. Repre sentatives from all of the counties of the states are expected to be in attendance. PICK UP WANTED'MAN Sheriff Homer Sylvester Monday afternoon arrested George Marshall, wanted at Glenwood, Iowa, on a charge of forgery. The Bheriff was notified that the man was thought to be coming this way. en route west and accordingly he was arrested and held, for Sheriff DeMoss of Mills county. AMBASSADOR RESIGNS STINGS CAUSE HEART ATTACKS FORT WORTH, Tex. (UP) The insect-sting complex of Mrs. R. S Pope of Fort Worth has physicians puzzled. At 60, she seems in good health until an insect stings here, then her heart gees bad. She has suf fered heart attacks for years when stung by bees, wasps, yellowjackets and ants. BERLIN. Dec. 7 (UP) William E. Dodd, American ambassador to Germany, submitted his resignation when he was in Washington last fall, to become effective in January, it was learned here today. RECEIVES SAD NEWS Mrs. A. F. Seybert has received a message from Pekin, Illinois in re gard to the death of her cousin Dude Keil. Mr. Keil passed away yester day. He leaves a wife, two sons, one daughter and two sisters. The fun eral will be held Wednesday In Pekin. From Tuesday's Dally Honor Old Friend Mr. and Mrs. Max Vallery enter tained Monday evening at their coun try home, honoring Charles W. Stoehr Mr. Stoehr is leaving soon for California. Woman's Club Meeting Last night the Woman's club met with Mrs. J. C. Woest. The meeting was opened with devotionals given by i Mrs. George Farley who read a Christmas story "The Three Trees." At the business meeting it was decided that gifts should be brought that could be given to the needy of Plattsmouth. Some clothes have been donated by the different clubs of the ountry and this club decided to make that a project and help get clothes ready to give to the needy. The program consisted of Christ mas carols sung by the club with j Mrs. E. H. Wescott leading and Mrs. ! L. S. Devoe accompanying. Follow-. ing the singing Mrs. Robert Reed gave a very interesting book review on the book "North to the Orient": by Ann Lindbergh. Guests of the i evening were Mrs. J. C. Lowson and! Miss Corbie. Refreshments were served by the hostess and co-hostesses Mrs. James Mauzy, Mrs. John Hallstrom, Miss Wilma Pickard, Miss Wilhelmina Henrichsen, Miss Marie Nolting and Mrs. John Alwin. The next meeting will be In the- nature of a Christmas party held at the home of Mrs. E. H. Wescott. A tn h h e eiieepiiBiHj I GOATS f W1 ;?V l - " ' Live Wire Clul j The Live Wife club, comprising j employes of the Iowa-Nebraska Light i & Power Co., held a very delightful j Christmas party Monday evening at I the home of Mrs. F. I. Rea. The members of the party enjoyed j a delicious G:30 turkey dinner and at j Why Wait? We will make the clothes you order NOW and hold them un til you need them. Tailored to Wombo collar. Moleskin full sheep pelt All around belt. $4 ,95 Leatherette . 5.95 Corduroy . . . $7.50 For Boys GL I iL ai- flasEs & WM&s WE DELIVER PHONE 23 AND 24 NOTE Prices quoted in our Sacrifice Sale Bill good all this week in addition to the bargains listed in trm ad. Hills, Folger's or Butternut 4 lb. Tin 54 I I.I I ! I III, II II I Omar or Gooch's Besl 48-lb. Bag re- 51 your order from wide selection S j O of fabrics still at unbelievably 8 b low price in the face of rising 8 i costs. We repeat, 'Why wait?' 0 $2S-50 I for Suit or Overcoat Pure gj Wool, Guaranteed Fit WESCOTT 'S- I S . Where Quality Counts 0 Men's All Wool, Tourist Style SHEATHS! GOAT Button Front $2-98 soEJMCHsers GOLDEN HALLOWII (Bulk) 2 lbs -LL c Jersey Cream FLOUR C4 .3Q 4S-lb. Bag Fresh Roasted i.. .25c GREAT NORTHERN H&vy Beans ngc 3 lbs. for Pancake Flour FIDELITY ' OSP 3!2-lb. Baa ffBi fiLd Winsap Grimes Golden DO. . SJSlG Grapefruit Itllt 3 Sosr 10c Caskets SS5 TajPfsor.n,a 2 Sor qc Mew Cabbage rldibFresh .5c Cllmeiine Bowlene ONE CENT SALE 35c Value 25c INDEPENDENT Cookies 25c lb. Value Assorted. 24-oz. 25c Cllmeiine Regular 10c Size (30c Va!ue) 3 for. Oleomargarine ssr.'....:....i5c se8Q Sspiis&Ereo lb. Fresh mm Meaty i LEAVE 'YOUR ORDERS EARLY FOR FRESH DRESSED POULTRY for the Holidays. We will personally select the birds, dress them and have them ready when you want them! Highest Quality at Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Christmas Trees SELECT MONTANA GROWN TREES AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES 2 to 3 feet $ .19 6 to 7 feet. $ .75 3 to 4 feet 25 7 to 8 feet. . . 90 4 to 5 feet 45 10 to 12 feet 1.75 5 to 6 feet 60 12 to 14 feet 2.50 LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR WREATHS, HOLLY. MISTLETOE, ETC. ' CASE IS DISMISSED In the trial of tae case or the State of Nebraska vs. II. C. Mehlig. on the charge of forgery was dis missed on Saturday afternoon in the county court. The court held that the evidence in the case was insuffi cient to warrant a conviction and the defendant was accordingly released. HONOR MEMORY OF FRIEND In memory of Mrs. V. V. Leonard, by friends at the Masonic Home, a book has been presented to the pub lic library here. The book is "The Sod-IIouce Fron tier" by Everett Dick. It is a social history of the northern plains of Kansas and Nebraska up to the ad mission of the Dakotas into the union. The author spent five years in the writing of "Sod-IIouse Frontier." In it he tells of every p-.iase oi the pio neer life from 1S54 to 1890. This fine book is an appropriate gift given in memory of one who was a pioneer in Nebraska and has ex perienced the hardships and trials of the early days. Del Monte, Frank's or Kuner's Fancy KRAUT Hfihc No. 2i2 Can. JLjf Thompson Seedless RAISINS 9QC 2-lb. Pkg., 15c ; 4-lb. Pkg. & Van Camp's PORK & BEANS Mb. Cans gjr Pine Cone Brand TOMATOES Ffc No. 2 Can : & Glenn Valley CATSUP ChC Large 14-oz. Bottle vdr Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat., Dec. 10 and 11 9 A NEBRASKA INSTITUTION Domestic Oil SARDINES 3 No. 14 Cans Bulk Hallowii DATES lbs, for aimaimas Lb sc Tropic Gold Fancy, Firm Yellow-Ripe. Grapes, ILlb. . . 5C Fancy California Sweet Red Emperors. -t Oranges gSJ&.lS; Si 19c Juicy California Sunklst Valencias CauliSlower BBS KS.ZffiVec PURE Ring-Packed. Full 95c iiytJICd Bushel Basket Idaho Rome Beauty, Schoolboy Size LatffflA Fresh, Crisp, Solid Call vftdUw fornia Iceberg, head Cranberries ?i 88? SS?:. .29c Fancy Deep Red Wisconsin Jumbos GrapeSruit EE JSSf' r?. . .23c Sweet Juicy Texas. Ex. Large, 5 for 23c V) 4 4h n Idaho Bakers. Comm. JrOtaEOeS Grade. 15-lb. Peck . , 100-Ib. Bag (when Packed), $1.29 lfotsfc6-r? Calif. Green Top Qclk JL UliS Large Bunches, 2 for. . . New Cabbage g Fresh, Solid, reen, id. 23C T' ..5c In Bulk -XL' Armour's Pure, Star Brand, lb. - ...... u&JUUw JL U. ML-3J Krrib, Whole or Half. TTTf T773 -4f f m)&KU iAlcsJLi& Lb. Choice Teutler Shoultler Cut Hamburger or Pork Sausage I'rewhlv Prepared i: lb, for 3SC Tenler Sirloin or Shortenl Wmrh. BteBU Lb. HSC Choice, I.can. Minced Luncheon or Ring Bologna r.rrd....3Sc BonAf Armour's Fancy Sugar Cured aCOil Whole cr Half, Backs, lb All (BoMies, lb., 25c) ysters Kssh Sir ? 22c Waiting Fish S Headless, 9C reused, 3 lbs..3 Old Fashioned f XmasBiixed Candy c Santa Clara PRUNES Small Size Qgo 5 lbs. Sunlight Margarine .....15c Mb. Carton Hinky-Dinky 1-lb. Carton CASC0 Aft 1-lb. Carton. fefiV Fino Granulated Beet SUGAR 100 lbs., $5.19; 10 Royal Brand f M FLOUR. 43 lbs At Hershey's COCOA i-lb. Can, 8t Gq Mb. Can ILtei Sunrise Sweet Mild COFFEE 3 lbs.. 49c. Lb. Hinky-Dinky COFFEE 3 lbs.. 59c; Lb ,..17' Pillsbury's Pancake Flour iy4-ib. Pkg., lie 2i2-ib. Pkg:., 21 J)F7c 3is-lb. Pkg d Omar FLOUR Puts Magic in Your Baking 5 lbs, 23c 24 QCfcc 10 lbs, 45c lbs. 0 CBI5CO All-Purpose Shortening 31b. Can White King Granulated Soap Small Fkg.. 9 Med. Pkg., 21 0 j Q Large Pkg. iL Master Loaf Sliced White, Rye, Whole Wheat or Raisin BREAD sc lC-oz. Loaf Slic'd White, 24-oz. loaf, 10c PSISs&siry's .FLOUR 5 lbs, 23c 24 10 Its, lbs... Rinso Large Pkg. . . . Lifebuoy Health SOAP, 3 Bars. . 21c 19c Blue Barrel SOAP 3 for Large Bars Palmolive SOAP Vittlr with ltve OU SUPER SUDS (Red Label) Excellent for Dishes, j Large Pkg. Mm U Miller's Crispy Cosrsa Flalies hu V.'3. Jut--! Large Pkgs. 3 for C Fresh, Crispy Peanut Brittle, lb 10 Season's Greetings Assorted Chocolates, 5-lb. box 2Cc Harriet Clark Cherry Chocolates, Mb. box 23 Chef Leon Mince Meat, Mb. jar, 19$ ; 2-lb. Jar 33 Corn or Peas, Standard Quality, No. 2 cans, 3 for 250 Maytime Fancy Cut Beets, No. 2y2 can Mom'n PiVil D 7-i eon niiT7c miart. inr Velvet, Prince Albert or Kentucky Club Tobacco, large can JJ? Calif. Baby Emerald Walnuts, 2 lbs Old Pals Alaska Salmon, 1-lb. tall cans, 2 for Shredded Wheat, 2 regular packages So-tast-ee Soda Crackers, 2-lb. caddy .33c 23e .230 -17C Cleans, Bleaches, Deodorizes Pint Bottle. ... 12c Quart Bottle 2s Northern Tissue nORTntK" i When J Reg. Rolls. It you buy 4 Beg. Bolls at 240 ifiiGGtme The New Soft-Weave Waldorf Rolls... 1 ! i. i ! ( I "1 4 I V