PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUENAI PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1937. if f i I v s. 1 th If 1 1 OLJ Miss Marie Kfcid of near Cedar) Creek ia visiting iiua v, ee un aiiss Freda Crunk, manager of the tele phone exchange here. Julius A. Pitz of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray on Monday morn ins of this week, looking after some business matters here. Hairy M. Knabe of near Nehawka was a visitor in Murray last Friday and while here made the purchase of a new John Deere tractor. Mrs. J. V. Berger who has not been feeling the best for some time, ii reported as some better, but still not in the very best of health. Mrs. Addie Hatchett who has been in rather poor health for some time rast. is at the present staying at the r j home of her daughter, Mrs Lutz. Leuuarui. Mrs. Vesta Clark was enjoying a i i-it last Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. j Edgar Newton and little son, Charles j cf Plattsmouth, as well as Mrs. Olive Finney of Union. The sons of Thomas McQuinn of southeast of Union were in Murray early Monday morning, coming to get their tractor which had been overhauled by Ben Noell. Van S. Allen was visiting in Lin coin last Saturday night, a- he had to return to work in Plattsmouth on Sunday at the Conoco filling station, j Mr. and Mrs. Lucean Carper and j the kiddies were enjoying a very! r.leasant visit at Nehaw ka last Sun- j i:ay. guests at the home cf the mother j ol Lucean, Mrs. Gertrude Carper. Mrs. Sarah Young was passing her 5 Sth birthday anniversary and while j she is thus advanced in years she is ' in fair health and enlovlntr renin? r bout looking after the work at the Lome. The Ladies' Aid of tho United Brethren church were guests with1 Mrs. Marv Mast when thev went i with good eats and spent the day iug a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scot wiih her on her STth birthday an- f ten and sister of Mrs. Nickles. A niversary. most enjoyable time was had. Mrs. Katie Overhalser and little j babe arrived in Murrav Tuesday of, t this week for a prolonged visit at : the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Leyda and will visit with her nary friends here. j John Urish who was laid up fori a number of weeks on account of an accident is now so far recovered that; he is a:.e to be about again, and was in town Monday of this week look ing after some business matters. Word from the west tells of the family of Earl Troop who have been making their home in Colorado ing to Fort Worth, Texas, will make their home for where they the winter. I They are. at present visiting at the home of the rarents of Mrs. Troop. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt were i over to the home of Mr. and Mra. j Lloyd Lewis last Sunday where they j visited with the Lewis family as well , as with Jen u. Lewis, lather ot -Mrs. j . l . . r f .. Merritt. Mr. Jeff Lev is was injured feme weeks ago when he fell from the hay mow. He is recovering slow ly and was able to visit in Platts mouth last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Godwin while the son Lloyd Lewis and wife Avere doing the week end trading. Mrs. John L. Young during the sum Name cas Omitted. mcr and during the winter with an Mrs. Margaret Breudel and Rich- j other daughter, Mrs. Huntsman, in ard of Lincoln were here visiting j Kansas, was taken to the home of the for the week end. and then returned daughter in Kansas on Friday of last to Lincoln where Richard is attend- week where he will make his home i:ig tne state university, lnis manes, two students from Murray taking a medical course at the university as John Giimore is also a medical stu dent. The article in the Journal re cently enumerating the students from Cass county, which came from the r.niversity at Lincoln, omitted the name of Richard Breudel, which had not com? to the notice of the Jour nal, and wc are pleased to call atten tion to the fact of the sterling young from Murray students in the state institution. Has Hand Badly Injured While Herbert France and a num b' r of helpers were working on the v inter wood at the home of John I iish last Friday he v. as in the act f removing a splitting wedge when a blow from an assistant which cught Herbert on the back of the Lund inflicting a severe injury to the rr ember. It wa3 thought that the bones were l):)'..:tr.. but unon clos? examination; by P.r. R. W. Tyson it was revealed! jl ll " Mother, most hospitals now SAFER against germs. So. protect their babies against mother, do as hospitals do, as germs and skin-infection by doctors recommend Give rubbing Mennen Antiseptic your baby a safety-rub with Oil all over the baby's body- Mennen Antiseptic Oil daily, every day This keeps the Buy a bottle of the oil at your baby's thin healthier end druggist's today. ft i 1 is m MHHEn that there was no fracture but a very severe laceration. Visited at Weeping Water. Roy Cole and family of Plattsmouth j :.. incie iu -uuilijj last ouiiuilj cicumb I ifor a time and were accompanied by j Misses Mildred and Louise Allen who!wood to a c,ienl tnere- accompanied the Cole family to Weep ing Water where they visited at the home of the mother of Mrs. A. M. Cole who has been ill for a number of weeks and is now reported as be ing better. Surprised on Birthday. Mrs. Laura Johnson who is making her home with her sister, Mrs. Henry Creamer had her birthday come on I last Saturday and Mrs. Creamer had her birthday on Wednesday of this i week. The fact was known to their friends, a large number of whom ap- ineared at the Creamer home last Sat- J .., brated the events with a surprise A most enjoyable time was had and j some very fine remembrances were given. Lester Wunderlich and wife,' the latter a daughter of Mrs. Cream er, of Omaha, were present. Celebrated Passing Birthday. Herman Richter was passing his birthday anniversary last Saturday and on Sunday had a large number of his friends in to assist in the proper celebration cf the event. Be sides his friends here there was also the family of A. W. Reed of Cedar Creek who were here to assist in the passing of the event. Enjoy Family Dinner. -ir. and Mrs. J. A. Scotten were, hosts at a very pleasant family gathering at their home last Sunday when they entertained m honor oi i the passing of the birthday anniver sary of their daughter, Mrs. Alvador 1 Nickles. Besides these there were the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noell and kiddies. Mrs. Noell also be Will Give Christmas Program. Th3 ladies of the Christian church and the members of the Bible school are at this time preparing a program tor rendition at or near Christmas. The matter is in the hands of Mrs. ! George Park who will be assisted by a corterie of ladie3 when the first plans have been worked out. Old Fashioned Spelling" Bee. I There was a real old fashioned I spelling match in Murray last week j when a program was held at the Presbyterian church at which this vyas a feature. A large crowd was i present and a most njoyable time was !had. The matter was under the direc- direction of J. H. Farris while the j high speller was Mrs. Fred Baker.! formerly Miss Emma Smith, daugh- i er of Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Smith.! -Mrs. j. ii. l arris witn ner nar- monica and Mrs. Long at the piano ! gave a most wonderful number which brought great applause from the large assemblage. Will Spend Winter in Kansas. Charles K. Boedeker, sr., who I I makes his home with his daughter, t during the winter Attend Syracuse Sale. party consisting of W. O. Troop son. Tommy and others from vicinity were in attendance at mid-week community sale which A and this the is held each Wednesday at Syracuse. Frank Scott was there with his truck to haul back any purchases of stock if desired. Heading for the West. On last Sunday morning Thomas Nelson ivho has for many years been with the Murray lumber yard and who has been counting on spending the winter in California, departed via i the early northbound bus, going via I Omaha for the west, expecting to stop at North Platte. He will remain un til spring and will make his home with a sister at Vallejo. Sea the goods you buy. Catalog descriptions arc alluring enough, Ivl how about the goods when ycu col tcm? PROTECT &ABY your cAniMjiiic. OIL Nehawka Tommv Mason was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, delivering Forest R. Cunningham and Sr.acey Xiday were looking after some busi ness in Murray Friday of last week. Sheriff Homer Sylvester was a visi tor in Nehawka last Monday, coming to serve some legal papers as well as visiting with his many friends in Ne hawka. Fred Dow was called to Elmwood and Weeping Water to visit with Charles Spohn and George Spohn, after which he returned home last Tuesday evening. Richard P. Hnbsnn anrl wife ol i Weeping Water were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Wunderlich where all enjoyed a very fine visit and an excellent dinner. As it takes more coal to heat a larger room than a smaller one ' Stacey (Doc) Niday has had a par tition placed near the middle of the amusement rarlor, shutting off a por tion of the peace which otherwise necessarily would have to be heated. Visited With friends Here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Contryman and son. Martin and family from the northern portion of the state, were visiting with friend3 in and about Nehawka and Murray and in the country and enjoying a very fine time while here. They returned to their home in the north the first of the week. Visited Former Neighbors. Robert Gamble of Overton who was called here on account of the death of his father, James Gamble of near i Elmwood last week after the funeral tame to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rav Creamer, visiting with them for two days. Messrs. Gamble and Creamer lived near neighbors near Overton and were pleased to have the opportunity to visit with each other. Held Last Party. The Nehawka Woman's club who have been sponsoring a series of par- ;ties in behalf cf the Nehawka library i number of weeks he'd their conclud ing meeting on Tuesday of this week when they enjoyed a very fine time and as well turned a neat sum of money for the benefit of the Nehaw ka Library association which will be used for the purchase of new books and other needed supplies. Givirg the Dog- a Break. Lots of people thinc a dog is only a dog and treating as a dog. But not so others and one of the others is none other than Arnold Mast who ; has a Jarg and beautiful canine. He i knows to get the best service out of ! his don he must be treated with some s , v...:, good house for the dog where he can be nice and warm and dry when it rains. Win at Basketball. The basketball team of the Nehaw ka school was over to Greenwood on Friday of last week where they en gaged the like team of the Green wood schools and were able to win over the lads from the west end of the county. Visited Friends Here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe West of Lincoln were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of the brother of Joe, D. C. West and as well with a num ber of other friends in Nehawka. They called on J. H. Steffena and wife. Remaining in the East. George C. Sheldon and sister, Mrs. E. C. Giles of Plattsmouth who went to New York on account of the death of hteir father, are remaining for the present to look after business there as their mother who is well advanced in years and in poor health ! cannot look after the business. There is stock on the farm and this has to be disposed cf before the son and daughter can return to their home here. It will be some time before they are able to return home. Visited With Friends Here. Howard Todd of Imperial, where Muscular Rheumatic Pains It takrs more than "just a salve" to draw them out. It takes a "count er irriiant" like good old Musterole soothing, warming, penetrating and helpful in drawing out the local congestion and pain when rubbed on the aching spots. Muscular lumbago, soreness and EtiSness generally yield promptly. Better than the old-fashioned mus tard plaster, Musterole has been used by millions for 30 years. Recom mended by many doctors and nurses. All druggists'. In thr strsr.5T.hs: Regular Strength, Chilirea'a (niild), and Extra Strong. EAGLE MEWS ITEMS C. E. Allen of Lincoln visited his mother, Mrs. S. E. Allen last Sunday afternoon. Charles Palmer returned home from Mitchell, Nebraska Wednesday morning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of Lincoln visited relatives in Eagle last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spahnle drove out from Lincoln and spent the eve ning with Fred Beach. Charles Williams is quite ill and is confined to his bed. We hope he will regain his health soon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weyers and sons spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wolken. Harold Doran of Belle Plaine, Iowa ! visited his mother, Mrs. Emma Doran and other relatives the first of this week. The Trinity Lutheran Aid were en tertained on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Ivan Caddy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oberle came out from Lincoln Saturday and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oberle. Mrs. Tom Spahnle of Hastings ar rived on Tuesdav of this week and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peterson. Mrs. Etta Trunkenbolz visited in Eagle several days last week with i encouragement is given for her re relativpa. Php rpturned to Greenwcod ' wvery. the fir t of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Flojd Myers, Clayton and Virginia Lee left last Friday morning tor Laiiiornia wuere tney plan to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Norris of Fairmont spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hudson. They re turned home Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Lytle and chil dren of Elmwood spent last Sunday with Mr. Lytle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lytle and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trumble had as their dinner guests last Thursday, Mr. Trumble's sisters, Mrs. Cook Rus sell of California and Mrs. John Reit- ter of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. George Trimble and Merna Stradley were in Lincoln last Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Trim ble's sister. Mrs. Wendell Briuton and Mr. Brinton. Dale Henriksen arrived home Sun day evening from Norfolk, Virginia i where he is stationed and is-4tend- mg ine c . s. navai scncoi mere, rie will visit home folk for several weeks. Mr3. George Hoffmeister and daughter of Weeping Water spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Anna Earl and Mr. and Mrs. William Hud son. Mrs. Cook Russell of California and Mr. and Mrs. John Reitter and son of Lincoln visited relatives and friends in Eagle last Wednesday eve ning. Valley Trumble drove to Bradshaw on Friday of last week where he and two sisters, Mrs. Russell and Mrs. John Reitter visited Elmer Trumble and family. Mrs. Houston Welton of Red Cloud visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Price and family several days last week. She returned home the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Umland and Dickie returned last Saturday from Venango where they made an extend ed visit with Mrs. Umland's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pump and family. Miss Helen Nelson went to Lincoln Sunday evening. She accompanied Mrs. Perry Colbert on a motor trip to California, leaving Lincoln Mon day morning. They plan to be away about two months. Mrs. Floyd Frisbee and daughter of Lincoln spent last week with her he is engaged in the trucking busi ness, had a truck load of cattle on the Omaha market and after delivery of the stock drove down this way to visit friends and relatives and visit ed here for a day before returning to his home in the west. While here ;he visited at the home of Mrs. George C. Sheldon. WOMEN WHO HOLD THEIR IMtt NEVER LET THEM KNOW NO matter bow much your back aches and your nerves scream, your husband, because ba is only a man, cia never under stand why you are so hard to live Kith one week in every month. Too often the honeymoon ex press is wrrcked by the nagc-.n? tongue of a three-Quarter wife. The wise woman never lets her husband know by outward sign that she is a victim of periodic pain. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders wtucti women must endure in the three ordeals of life: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching fmiddle age." Don't be a three-quarter wtf. tak LYDIA E. PIN'KHAM J VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Thrmigy TE LADIES SHoulD REMEMBER "DAT rrS EASIER rTEv? MEtTt BE LOVERS T5AM MoNotoKY SOHfVTE IVU1NS MOST" 111 fill ' 1 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward j Francke. They returned home with I Mr. Frisbee Sunday evening who 'spent the week end there, j The Junior class presented the I play, "It's the Fashion" in the school I auditorium last Frida' evening in a highly commendable manner. Miss ' Marie Bader is sponsor of the class and directed the play. Mrs. Herman Wolken was stricken Monday evening by a very severe I parab"tic stroke at the home of her J daughter, Mrs. Walter Weyers. Her i condition is so serious that very little Hold Annual Eazaar. The ladie3 of the Methodist Aid appreciate the donations and patron age which helped to make the bazaar and supper a success whi:h was held at the church on Wednesday evening. December 1st. Those who were present enjoyed the program, given before the auc tion. The program included a whist ling solo by Jimmie Bender, a vocal solo by Miis Thomas, a reading by Mrs. Belle Jack and several Negro songs by a group of boys. The auction was iu charg? of P. F Venner of Lincoln, a former Eagle resident. That part of the evening was enjoyable as well as profitable for the organization. WESTERN LA3.B FEEDING CLU3 December at 7:o0 p. m. the "Cass Western Lamb Feeders" held their first meeting. The meeting was opened by D. D. Wainscott. The members that were present were: Cleo Bergman. Eagle, Myrl and Har lan Kunz. Elmwood. James and Stuart Mills, .Murdoch. Nagel Brick er. Greenwood. Harold and Merritt Pollard. Nehawka. Erwin Schlaphorf, Wabash, Jack Ward and Lyman Reh meier, WeepiwVater. First we elected the following of ficers: Leader Cleo Bergman. President Myrl Kunz. Vice President Erwin Schlaphoff. Secretary Merritt Pollard. News Reporter Lyman Rehmeier. After we elected our officers, we discussed our feed problems and the cost per pound gained in weight. We found that most cf these lambs gained ten pounds a month. After the Iamb meeting we talked about what we have been feeding our little calves. By LVMAN REHMEIER. Reporter. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. English services. 2:00 p. m. Practice for Christmas. On Wednesday, December 15 the ladies aid society will meet at the church. All of the ladies are hos tesses and everyone urged to attend. Cass county has no tonded in debtedness, as, like tKe state, we have paid cash for our hard sur faced roads and other improve ments as we went. D IHjL." 'fr""" b ' r ss5 J-M rl 4 i i J A V I Weeping Water Ole Olsen v. ho was spending some time in Chicago viiiting his wile and daughter and looking after some busi ness interests, arrived home last week. Fred Dow of Nehawka was a busi ness visitor in Weeping Water one day this week and was visiting George Spohn and a number of other friends while here. C. J. Schwere, former implement dealer in Weeping Water, which he disposed of some time ago, has accept ed a position with an implement firm located at Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Buchanan and family of near Nehawka were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of the folks of Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew. Henry Crozier who with Knude Jensen are interested in some busi ness matters in Elmwood was over to the neighboring town last Tues day attending to business and visit ing a number of friends. Ernest Jamison Better. After many mor.tho of illues? and some of which it was an even toss up as to whether he would get well or not, but after many months of ex treme illness, Ernest Jamison has overcome the disease, and lias been showing good improvement. He has been up and around and v.-a 3 able to take a stroll down arrows the lot to the shop. -He is feeling much better but not sdeh as to warrant his en gaging in any manual labor. Grandfather Well Pleased. A fine nine and a half son was born last Sunday morning at the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln to Mr. and Mrs. John Bolz. The little one is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Binger of Weeping Water, which has brought them much joy. Mrs. Binger was at the hospital to welcome the lusty grandson. All con cerned are doing nicely. Woman's Club Meets. The Woman's club of Weeping Water were meeting last Tuesday with one of their members. Mrs. Fred H. Gorder, with their customary pro gram featured by a book review by Mrs. Thomas Murtey. There was a social period as well as a very de lightful luncheon at the clore of the meeting. Visited in Nehawka. Richard P. Hobson and wife were in Xehawka last Sunday where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wunderlich and where they all enjoyed a very pleasant visit and while there also met Mr. and Mrs. Joseph West of Lincoln who were also guests at the Wunderlich home. Sells Large Amount of Stone. Ole Olsen, the stone man. last week completed a contract for the sale and shipment to Omaha to the firm of McMaken and Petersen of some 5,000 tons of stone for building purposes. This amounts in round numbers to about 150 car loads of stone. This will provide much work for the peo ple of Weeping Water who desire to such work. Spending; Winter with School Pal. Mrs. Nellie Ambler who when she was a young girl had a very close friends, another school girl, they at tending school together and as time went on both married, and later also were bereft ol their husbands and became separated miles apart. hi UUiiL Winter fires are danger ous ... beware of over heated stoves, poor chim neys, fuel oil, Christmas candles, poor wiring, all sorts of open fires other hazards. and Be Careful, but be SAFE Insure with Us Today! Phone- is Plattsmouth INSURANCE- "J. I 11 i but they have kept in clot-e con nection, they are still very close pals. Last week upon invitation from the yr.hcol pal who makes hor home in Ii'.incis, Mrs. Ambler departed for Illinois and they wiil spend the u in ter there together. i The Ladies Meet. The order of the Weeping Water ladies known as the "Friendly Ladies" were meeting yesterday at the home ct Mrs. E. E. Moore where they en joyed a very pleasant afternoon ot contract bridge and enjoying a pleas ant social hour. The afternoon wa3 climaxed by a delightful liimheori ; served by the hostess. Moves to Southern Missouri. Since the moving some six inoiithj aso of his parents to southern Mis souri. George Rose and family have been getting ready to ma";e their home at Buffalo. Mo., and on last Monday with the household effects cf Mr. Rose they accompanying Lini. Earl Oldham departed with the good.?. The elder Hose who went some time? ago are well pleased with the country there and have made the purchase of a home there for the son and family. Mr. Oldham returned from the south Tuesday evening. ! Will Spend Holidays Here. Randall Oldham, sun u; Mr. and Mis. Earl Oldham, who ha?? been making his home at Los Angeles fu tile past two years, are t j arrive in Weeping Water soon and will spend the .holidays here visiting their par ents and friends. They tell of Den- ! zi'd (mere commonly knevn as Den jni?) establishing a garas and worh .shop in Los Ang?Ic-s and is enjoying , a wry good business. Mr. and Mrs. jDonnie Oldham departed Jer the west last s'.ring. Is Iiki::g: California. Clint Wilkinson v !.o Las now been iu the west about i vo weeks wher he has been visithn; with his mother, Mrs. Nellie Wilkinson at Glendale. Calif., writes that he is rnjoying his stay there and wiil visii his sister Mrs. S. II. Wells at San Jose, Calif., before his return. This 13 the firs t vacation that Mr. Wilkin ;on has en joyed in over a quarter of a century, having been kept close to his business fcr the past tv. tnty-five years. Play Basketball. The Weeping Water hieh school basketball team was in Greenwood one day last week where they tangled with the players of the Greenwood 'high school and when things were j straightened out it was found that .Greenwood had won 42 to lo. Again they played with the Murdoch ttam and lost 29 to 6. They must have found some pretty hard rlayers in the west end of the county. Well Deserved Recognition. Gov. It. L. Cochran has appointed Dr. W. H. Tuck of Weeping Water, to membership of the state board of j veterinarians, a well deserved ap ipomtment for the local veterinarian. j A better and newsier Journal is 1 our constant aim. You can help j by phoning r.ewsHtems to No. 6. i ftflrjfl?? eft irsfji nsrt c?"??.' LET YOUR Greeting Sards Express Your Individuality! Have 5'o:jr name print ed FREE on lots of 25 cr more purchased any time before Saturday night, December 18th. Si I ' f ; sE . it; 't Ms : ?v u jv . V ; tv? Wide Selection l Come in and pick your box -r n r v :r..i r r. ." ir" PA : -a r . and lCc varieties on display) and e vull print ycur nzizc FSEE cn each card in tLs type face which yea select! Come Early for Best Choice Journal Office 9 Tsv.-;l-V- Mi s