t PAGE SIS PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUF.NAL THUK3DAY, NOVEMEEP. 4, 1927. I - Steffi From Monday's Daily Miss Genevieve Cortes of Omaha epent the week end at the I. L. Koeian home. Attorney C. E. Tefft, of Weeplns "Water vas here today to attend to some matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Teterson of Da kota City, Nebraska, visited at the Ij. II. Peterson home over the week end. Morris McGrew and two sons of Burwell left Saturday after visiting with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Shopp. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cramer were dinner guests at the Otto Iliel home at Murdock yesterday. Mrs. Iliel is Mis. Cramer's sister. Her parents were also there. Leland Briggs and family of David City visited yesterday at the home of Mrs. Briggs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Hartwick, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Briggs. William Shea has returned home from Galesburg, Illinois, where he has been for the past ten days visit ing with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malley and family. The Malley family reside on a farm near Galesburg. Fiom Monday's Dally Visits in Old Home Mrs. Guy Milkr of Winner, South Dakota, arrived here Sunday and will visit here with her sister, Mrs. James Ptacek and daughter, Gertrude of Chicago, who are here visiting. They are guests at the Theodore lYelick home. Elmwood, Mr. John Palaeek, Sr., and daughters, Anna and Celia, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stander and family of Manley. family gathering Sunday when her children came in to enjoy the pass ing of her birthday ' anniversary. A fine dinner partv itfas served at the and Rev. V. C. Wright represented the Plattsmouth Methodist Epworth League at the sixOi annual conven tion of the Omaha district of the .Ferrie farm home and the wife and League of Youth at Blair. They spent' Visit at Nehawka Mrs. Adelaide Boynton and sons, Leo and Clarence, were at Nehawka Sunday. They were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cis ney. The Cisney family were former neighbors of the Boynton family at Hartington, Nebraska. Sunday Evening Bridge Club The Sunday Evening Bridge club met last night with Mrs. Kay Bryant. Among the ladies Marie Richards won first prize and Mrs. Guy Long won second. Of the men Guy Long won first and Walter Tritsch won second mother showered from the family. with well wishes Returns to School Margaret Henton, who is attending school in Omaha, came down Friday evening and enjoyed a short vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henton. She returned Sunday evening. Tea for Standard Bearers Yesterday afternoon their leader, Mr3. G. W. Smith, gave a tea at her home for the Standard Bearers, who have been conducting a drive for new members. There was a large attendance, including four of their new members. From Tuesday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. James Allbee visited in Glenwood'over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Worley and Max and Robert of Lincoln visited at the V. V. Leonard home Sunday. Searl S. Davi3 was in rapillion to day attending to business in district court. FOOTBALL FOR THE WEEK The Plattsmouth high school will visit Tecumseh this week for their next to the last game of the 1937 sea son. Tecumseh has not shown the class this year that they have in the past and have had an in and out re record as to victories. The game should be a good one as the Platters, refreshed by a rest of a week will be all ready for service against the pupils of Coach Dean Higgins. The last game of the season will be here on Friday, November 12 with the purple and gold warriors of Ne braska City as the foemen in the an nual clash. Coach Ossian's boys have been faring poorly in the victory line this year and will do their ut most to add the annual game with the Platters to their list. Incidently the local griclsters hope also to check a victory against the Nebraska City visitors. The Nebraska City reserves are to play here on the coming Saturday morning against the local reserves. HAS BROKEN JAW Harold Edgerton, Louisville young man, injured in an auto wreck near this city a short time ago, is found to be suffering from a fracture of the upper jaw on both sides. It was thought that he may have suffered this injury at the time and which X-rays later proved correct. ANNOUNCEMENT I have agencies of the Farmers Mutual Ins Co., of Nebraska and the Capitol Fire Ins. Co., formerly repre sented by the late V. W. Straub. MAX STRAUB, JR. Phone Avoca 1801 - Dunbar2612-J Sunday at Creston Mr. and Mrs. Otto Keck and Shir ley were in Creston, Iowa yesterday helping Mr. Keek's father, Mr. Phil lip Keck, celebrate his 81st birthday anniversary. All the children, three boys and two girls, with their fam ilies were home for the occasion. They also visited a short time with Mrs. Keek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brown, at Afton, Iowa. Spend Sunday at Omaha Miss Katherine Barkus epent Sat urday and Sunday at the home of her friend, Miss Mary Ann Franzer at Omaha. Miss Jean Franzer of Omaha spent the week end here with Helen Barkus. The two families, the J. F. Franzer and the Frank Barkus fam ilies, had a picnic at Oreapolis yes terday and the girls returned to their hemes. Visit at Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Max Vallery, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Dun and Mr. and Mrs. Al Janda of Omaha were in Lincoln Sunday where they went to see Joyce Ellen Beesly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beesly." The little Miss is the only grandchild on either side of the parents and it is needless to say she 13 the object of the greatest admiration. at noon and in the evening tnere was a banquet. From Tuesday's Dally Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlik, of Peoria, Illinois, who were here over the week end, departed Monday for their home. They have been guests of Mrs. Frank Siavicek, mother of Mrs. Uhlik, as well as the other relatives. Honored on Birthday Mrs. E. J. Ferrie was honored by a Woman's Club Meets There were thirty-seven present at the meeting of the Woman's club last night which was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Wiles. The program was in charge of Mrs. L. S. Devoe and Mrs. L. W. Egenber ger, who presented a surprise pro gram. The musical selections con sisted of two numbers by the high school bras3 quartette under the di rection of Lee Meyer. It consisted of Alan White. Burton Rishel, Joe Noble, and Stephen Devoe, with John Jacobs at the piano. The Meade trio presented by Miss Ethel Meade gave two numbers, with Mrs. Roy Cole at the piano. Mrs. Egenbtrger present ed Milo Price in a very interesting and instructive talk on China and Japan. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Joe Wiles, Mrs. F. A. Fricke, Mrs. Homer Sylvester, Mrs. Roy Knorr. Mrs. Cass Sylvester, Miss Elizabeth Spangler, and Mrs. Leslie Niel. the day in classes and had an elec tion of officers. A lunch was served Ed Tritsch October 28, with Mrs. Roy Tschirren as assistant hostess. The president opened the meeting, had roll call, and the club saug its song for the month. The meeting was then turned over to the project leaders, Mrs. Ed Tritsch and Mrs. Fred Buechler, who gave the lesson on personality. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Max Vallery, with Mm George Kaffenberger as assistant hostess. From Wednesday's Dally Tuesday Evening Card Club The Tuesday evening card " club met with Marie Richards last night. Mrs. Ray Bryant won the first prize and Marie Richards Avon second. Attend League Meeting Saturday Mary Louise Walton Jane Persinger and Ruth Ann Hatt Surprise Shower Monday afternoon the Sunday school class of the Methodist church of which Mrs. Wm. Baird is teacher, gathered at the home of Mrs. Fred Ilowland for a handkerchief shower on Mis. Wm. Howland. Those present were: Mrs. Val Bur kel, Mrs. Julius Hall, Mrs. R. Jahrig, Mrs. Jennie Whalen, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. S. J. Millions, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Adelaide Eoynton, Mrs. John Leyda, Mrs. E. M. Buttery, Mrs. Storm, Mrs. Kate Sidenstriker, Mrs. Wm. Baird, Ella Kennedy, Margaret Mapes, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Howland. At an early hour the handkerchiefs were presented and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Fred Howland, assisted by Mrs. Frank Horsak and Billy Ilowland. Subscribe for the Journal. Entertains at Hallowe'en Carl Ofe, Jr., entertained Friday afternoon at a Hallowe'en party In keeping with the season. The theme of Hallowe'en was carried out in the decorations of the home, the favors and the refreshments and which were enjoyed to the utmost by the mem bers of the party. Those attending were Tom and Jerry Pucelik, Cyril and Patrician Kocian, Janis Schmidt mann, Patty Sylvester, Patty Larue, and Carl Ofe, Jr. n 25S Visit at Auburn Mrs. Hamilton Mark and daugh ters, Mary . Jane and Rosalind, and Joe Graves, were at Auburn Sunday to visit for the day. They were uests of Mrs. Myrtle Mark, mother of Hamilton. Special Saturday Only BIGGIE Ifcr 1." ;. Visit at Fairbnry Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Kerr, W. E. Wells of Red Oak, and Mrs. Axel Zarr of Murdock, spent Sunday at Fairbury with old friends on their annual weekend party. AT ROCHESTER HOSPITAL Miss Amelia Frederich, of this city, i3 at the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minnesota, where she is taking treat ment and may undergo an operation. It i3 hoped that she may soon be able to return to her home here. PURCHASES TRACTOR Albert Warga, residing south of this city, has purchased a new John Deere tractor. This will be found of great use for the farm work. Entertains Friends Miss Nellie Margaret Rainey gave a Hallowe'en party for twenty-one of her friends Saturday night. The home was decorated in orange and black. Games were played and prizes won by Miss Charlotte Palmer, Elva Jean Smock, and Bobby Stones. Lunch was served ending an evening of fun for all. Returns to Litchfield Mrs. Rachel Stone3 of Litchfield. Neb., who has been visiting here left! Saturday for her home. Mrs. George! Stone3 gave a farewell party for her! Friday afternoon. Entertain Guests There was a social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Stander of Weeping Water yesterday honoring Mr. and Mrs. John Palaeek, Jr., of Chicago. Everyone brought filled baskets for tbe dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seiker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seiker and family of 01 11 fO Great U ClU Breakfast, says DICK MERRILL, Trans -Atlantic Ocean Flyer, who holds the All- Time Record for two successful Atlantic Round-Trip! You can't beat a Quaker Oats breakfast for that warm, friendly lift on a cold, cheer less morning ... It's rich in food-energy, rich in flavor, and costs only V4 cent pel Sortion . . . Besides, Quaker Oats is abun ant in Nature's Vitamin B the precious vitamin that doctors say you should have daily to combat nervousness and poor ap petite! Give youngsters this Breakfast oi weai Americans. Rich in food en erev. Rich in fla vor! The one and THERE,! only Quaker Oats! l. : I r I VJU LAN btl U? ON A HOTWS Ji 1 1 1 t ii 1 1 ' irVfflTai f'i 11 i 1. Ma lnd tinbnN 2. bwM 114c ttaui nM villi bm Cask auanM. ' aakana, . I t Safety ccnbiMtloa wrtta s. Can fatal -j M mm tm am aaekct - Extra , Mom ankia. 1 4. Bar Mad aaakata Dud torn. I . tpaa kamnar Map. I aa taarl awa -eel taot H anaa'tart kfa aMUfc. j 12. Only at r Otaaai ft. ttU wrta a saaraniM at urlitlactca t fta artarar. II .....yay-lj' iu. - nJ 111 4 ' J 'Big Smith' All Sizes $31.oo Jacket to r.latcli All Sizes Pr. $1 SPEOSAL SALE -of- 0 l i Smart Styles in Suede and Smooth Leathers Various Types of Heels Dress and Sport Styles Values to $3.95 On Sale at i!D3)(fl) 0S s 7 Krr sfo -if vo rW-'- y si 1 Low Price on Cotton Batts for Comforters 3-Ib. Roll, Unbleached, Stitched Per Roll 59C Part Wool, Grey Mixed Batt 3-lb. Roll Sale oS Fleislier's Yarn Do You Wish to Make an Afghan? Here is an. unusual opportunity to buy fine yarns at an exceptionally low price. Look Knitting Worsted, 2-oz. balls. 25-39 Four fold Zephyr Yarns, ball. 19-25 50-yd. Skeins or Balls 2 for 15 1 4-oz. Skeins Knitting Worsted. . .65 Learn to Knit Free Instruction . . with Your Purchase of Yarns! Knitting instruction in our store each Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock. Saturday Only Outing Flannel Standard Heavy Quality 13c Yd- Blanket Special Part Wool Blanket Double 72x84, block plaid, in sateen bound edges. Warm, economical. 2.89 pr. on n d 9 PLATTSMOUTH, HE SR. ! i "Eat Fleisehmann's Yeast for Health" I... j in MMiaaTSrwTrfi ' hianra'tlia rtrniaiB iiii m in mnaiiiiwii i """ Dole Pineapple Juice 4G-oz. Tin 3c Hunt's Whole Peeled Apricots l2 c K0T2V2 Can SHURFINE Grapefruit Juice No. 3C0 Tin. . .3 for SHURFINE Grapefruit Whole Segment No. 2 Cans. . .2 for Cranberry Sauce OCEAN SPRAY Large Can -HSV Apple Sauce MUSSELIYIAN'S No. 2 Tins. . . .3 for 25c Pork li Beans VAN CAMP'S 16-oz. Tin . . 5C Tomato Soup 7r Per Can 2 ROSEDALE Pineapple 4qc Sliced. !?o. 2 Can AUV CAMPBELL'S 25c GOOD BRAND Green Beans No. 2 Tin. 10e 3 for 27c Del Monte Golden Santam Whole Kernel Corn 12-oz. Tins... 2 for Dozen, $1.40 EUREKA Was Beans No. 1 Tins. . . .3 for HONESTY DICED Carrots 92-oz. Tin RACQUET Pear Compote Full of FruitI H!Sc Large 2Vz Tin LAKESIDE Corn on Cob fOc Tall Tin, each & f 25c 25c 5c Crisco ov Spry Perfect Shortening SA O 3-lb. Tin fc Peanut Butter GOLDEN GLOW f!r 32-oz. Jar SHURFINE Cake Flour Large Pkg 21c Hallowee Bulk Dates Fancy. 2 lbs Casco Butter SOLIDS 1-lb." Carton . . . . 19c 37c Salad Dressing TASTE WELL Full Quart Jar EVERYDAY Crackers 2-lb. Caddy .... Santa Clara Prunes 90-100 size. 4 lbs.. 10-lb. Box, 57c Large Size PRUNES 2 lbs. for 25c 25c Santos Peaberry Coee Per !b. .... 18c SUN Macaroni or Spaghetti 2-lb. Box WILSON'S Honey 5-lb. Pail HOME MADE Sorghum 5-lb. Pail Dog Food Hills. Per can . . Doz., 53c; Case, 48, $2.29 GANOS, WINESAPS f! C nporls No 1 Rina Facked. 3u.. . .5 9 "ft P So Onions, 3 lbs. or 10c Head Lettuce, large, solid, ea. . 7c Cranberries, ancy Bed, lb 15c Oranges, large juicy Fla., doz.. 35c Small Florida Oranges, doz. . . . 20c Carrots, green top Cali., each . . 5c Grape Fruit, large size, 5 or. 23c Marsh Seedless Fey. Idaho Jonathans, 6 lbs.. . .25c Cauliflower, per lb. 10c Oregon Green Peppers, lb 10c Fresh, Firm Meat Department WHERE QUALITY PREVAILS Short Fed Yearling Bee Shoulder Boast, per lb 15c Lean Bib Boil, lb." . 12ic Round Steak Sirloin Steak T-Bone Steak Rolled Rib Roast, lb 23c Fresh Pork Brains, lb Cudahy's Bacon Squares, lb.. 2214c Cello Wrapped Pork Butt Roast, lb . .25c Dold Sterling Bacon, lb 35c 1-lb. Layers LARD, 2 lbs. or 27c EUppered Smoked Salmon, lb.. 31c Fresh Oysters, pint, 23c; quart. 45c FRESH CAT FISH WE DELIVER PHONE 23 AND 24 3 "Eat Fleisehmann's Yeast for Health" l n