The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Thomas McQuinn has recently pur
chased a 1938 Chevrolet from Chas.
Frank and Anna Bauers were over
to Greenwood last Sunday visiting
with their friend, Tete Schrader and
Henry Becker was shelling some
of this year's corn for Thomas Mc
Quinn which was being delivered to
the Stites elevator.
Martin Ross who lives in Otoe
county, south of Xehawka, was look
ing after some business matters in
Union last Monday afternoon.
Glen Rutlege of the Xehawka En
terprise was looking after business
matters in Union last Monday in the
interest of the paper he publishes.
II. C. Ross who has been so ill for
a long time is at an Omaha hospital
where he is receiving treatment and
is reported as still being very ill
Pat Roddy and family of Beatrice
were enjoying a visit with relatives
and friends here over the week end,
especially with his mother, Mrs. Ida
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Metcalf were
guests for the day and dinner at
the home of Mr. and Mrs
at their country home east of Union
last Sunday.
Ernest Rathe and family of Adams
who have been here since the fun
eral of Mrs. Rathe's aunt, Mrs. Harry
Todd, returned to their home last
Monday morning.
Last Saturday was the 31st birth
day anniversary of J. Marion Stone,
and although it was Hallowe'en, the
neighbors went to the Stone home to
help him celebrate.
On last Monday Mesdames Martha
Lynn. "W. A. Taylor, Henry H. Becker,
John Lidgett made a party who drove
to Omaha to look after some shopping
and visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banning, their
daughter and Mr. Glen Peters of Syra-
cuse were visiting for the day last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Banning at Alvo. '
The Union Woman's club was meet
ing Tuesday of this week at the home
of Mrs. Dr. Andersen where they en
joyed a very fine program and a
general good time with fine eats.
Mrs. V. B. Banning was spending
some ten days in eastern Iowa with feckless driving everywhere should be
a sister who has been seriously ill.! curbed.
remaining until the sister showed im
provement. She returned home late
last week.
Miss Opal Griffin was guest with
her lady friends in Omaha last Sun
day, going np'nad enjoying a visit
for over Sunday, returning home in
time to take charge of her work at
the post office. Monday.
Mrs. Martha Pickering who has,
been visiting with her sister, Mrs. I
the past number of days, returned to
Union last week after having enjoy
ed a very fine visit with her sister.
Mrs. Vesta Clark was a visitor in
Union last Sunday, guest at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Olive Finney
who also was entertaining her sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar New
ton and son, Charles, of Plattsmouth.
L. G. Todd who has been kept to
the home for some three or four .
weeks on account of his delicate
health is reported as being somo
better and it is hoped he will con
tinue to improve and soon be able to
be out again.
Vance Harris of Omaha was a visi
tor in Union Sunday and Monday and
was assisting and directing the con
struction of a vestibule at the store of
Rihn and Greene. E. E. Leach was
building the vestibule for protecting
the store room from the cold weather
of this winter.
Miss Augusta Robb was hostess to
the Auxiliary of the Episcopal church
at her home in Union Wednesday of
this week where the ladies looked
alter the business matters coming
before them and also enjoyed a de
lightful luncheon.
Showing Good Ir-.provenient.
Dr. Omar C. Mewhinncy who is
staying at the home of John N.
Larsh was in town last Monday, aud
in conversation had to say that Mr.
larsh was much better than he has
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Euilding
Plattsmouth. Nebraska
been for some time and on Sunday
sauntered out and walked about the
place for a short time. This is good
news to his many friends, as he was
not able a portion of the time to
even arise from his bed.
Entertained At Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ehlers of north
east of Union were host and hostess
last Sunday to the members of the
family of Mr. Ehlers, and which was
also attended by the parents of Mrs.
Ehlers, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker and
their daughter, Mary. A most pleas
ant day was had and an excellent din
ner. Enjoyed Late Picnic Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker and
Donald, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Hoback, C. H. Whitworth and
family, made a pleasant party whojpany at the filling station conducted
went to the big woods of A. L. Beck
er where they enjoyed a pleasant pic
nic dinner, as the day was warm. Fol
lowing the picnic the party went to
Omaha where they enjoyed a very
fine theatre party, completing a most
pleasant day.
Visited in St. Joseph.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Frans and
son, Jimmie, Mrs. Jennie Frans, moth-
Ike Dyejer of Ray, went down to St. Joseph,
Mo., for over the week end where
they visited at the home
Frans, a cousin of Ray.
of W. H.
New Garage Now Completed.
The double garage wnich Joe
Bauer and Edward Leach have been
constructing for Joe Banning, has
been completed and was recently
j painted by King Clarke, making a
very tidy and serviceable place for
the autos of the Banning family.
Warning to the Motorists.
The city of Union through their
city council has authorized the paint
ing of five signs for the main street
of Lnion to warn fast and reckless
drivers of their folly and admonish
them to keep within the limits of
the law. Two are located on the
street leading to the Union school,
as mo?t of the scholars have to cross
the highway at this point. The other
three signs are to warn drivers of
the railroad at the foot of the hill
and to state the rate of speed allowed.
The speed limit in towns and the
Norma Mae Yonker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yonker while with
a party of girls was celebrating Hal
lowe'en last Saturday night, when
attempting to run across the street
in front of a moving auto was knock
ed down and considerably bruised.
She was picked up and thought to
be dead, but revived and was exam
ined by Dr. R. R.Andersen and after
a short time after first aid was able
to walk on home. While many people
are hurt by autos which are wrongly
there is also a place which 'pedes
trians should keep and a care they
should take. Pedestrians should al
ways look and listen before hasten
ing to cross a highway or street or
road where there is traffic.
Will Make Kcme Here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarroll who
ave been making their home iu Ne-
braska City for some time past,
moved last Sunday to Union where
they will make their future home.
They were assisted in their moving
work by Moss McCarroll, father of
Will Serve Dinner and Supper.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Methodist church of Union are pre
paring to serve both dinner and sup
per on Armistice day, November 11.
A bazaar in connection. All are in
vited. Prices reasonable. Serving be
gins early Adv. ltw
Visited in Lincoln Saturday.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and wife of
Murray and Mrs. D. Ray Frans of
Union were visiting in Lincoln last
Saturday, the ladies being guests of
Mrs. Margaret Brendel for the day
and dinner and were also guests of
Mrs. Brendel at a gthering of the
Lincoln Woman's club. Dr. Gilmore
went to the Lincoln public library
where he had come rsearch work to
20 acres improved, nortli edge of
! Plattsmouth. Nebr. Bond & Mort-
i gage Corp. o26-tfd&w
Don't be satisfied with ordinary
baby powders that are nof anti
septic. Without paying a cent
more you can get Mennen Anti
septic Powder which not only
does everything that other baby
powders do but also sets up an
antiseptic conditi6n that fights
off germs and skin infections. It
stops chafing and rawness, too.
Buy it at your druggist's today.
Weeping Water
Henry Crozier was looting after
some business both at Louisville and
Elmwood Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler were
in Omaha one day this week look
ing after some business matters and
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gustiu of
west of Xehawka were visiting with
friends and looking after business
matters here Tuesday.
Mr. and "Mrs. Georsre Olive were
host and hostess last Sunday to their
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields, fw scraps of advice to remember
who enjoyed a very fine dinner at wUen J Ieave the Pital and em
the Olive home. bark on eneral Practi-"
C. J. Elgaard has been making the
necessary changes in the plumbing
to install gasoline of another com-
by Albert Tuck.
Knude Jensen was in Lincoln last
Saturday where he went to see the
Cornhuskers down the Hoosiers.
Henry Crozier was looking after the
store while Knude was away.
Frank Farnham of the Masonic
Home was a visitor in Weeping Wa
ter Tuesday of this week, coming to
visit with a nephew, Ed Endberry,
who he found not at home and had to
return without seeing them.
Mr. and Mrs; Ralph Frye were
guests for the day last Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Frye's sister in Au
burn, where they enjoyed a fine visit,
and an excellent dinner, driving down
in the morning and returning home
in the evening.
The members of the Woman's club
of Weeping Water were meeting on
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Mogens Johnson where the' en
joyed a social hour and as well were
participating in the excellent pro
gram. After the business of the aft
ernoon was disposed of the ladies en
joyed a fine luncheon served by the
genial hostess.
Raising Sunkan Pavements.
The impossible can be done if only
you have some cue who will tackle
the job. The man who begins with
a will and grin to do something that
cannot be done, generally does it. The
walks at the corner near the drug
store had sunk, making it uneven,
which at first looked like to make
proper repairs it would be necessary
to tear up the walk and pave it over
again. But a crew of highway work
ers was secured, who drilled holes in
the walk and then by a device cram
med mud in the holes, thus elevating
the lew places to the desired height.
Church Enjoyed Rally Day.
The Menonnite church of Weeping
Water held a rally day for the
churches and membership of this sec-
tion of the country embracing south-
eastern Nebraska, southwestern Iowa
and part of northwestern Missouri
were gathered at the Menonite
church of Weeping Water last week.
There were 20 representatives from
Omaha with even more from Weep
ing Water. Hamburg. Iowa was rep
resented by eight delegates. A most
interesting rally was held and all
seemed very enthusiastic in their
work for the church and its aux
iliaries. Completed, Corn Crib.
In evidence of the worth of the
partial crop of corn in Cass county.
Arthur Baker who resides southeast
of Weeping Water was compelled to
construct a crib with a concrete floor
which is ten feet in width and thirty
two feet in length. Had not the crop
been injured by the extreme heat and
the hot winds there would have been
more people needing new cribs.
Ministerial Meeting Sunday.
The meeting 'of the ministers of
Cass county is slated to be held at
the Callahan church southwest of
Murdoek next Sunday afternoon and
is expected to be attended by a ma
jority of the ministers of the county
and by many of the members of the
various churches.
Still Showing Improvement
E. A. Jamison, who has been so
seriously ill for the past few months
and for whose recovery there was
considerable concern, is now showing
If you were asked just
exactly how your insur
ance would protect you
in case of Iocs, would
you know? Let us check
up on your protection.
Searl S. Davis
n,ricFSi :d floor
Platts. State Bank Bldg.
LONDON (UP) A long list of
"do's" and "don'ts" to guide them
to success and popularity among pa
tients have been offered students of
the "Westminster Hospital Medical
School by Sir Seymour Hicks, famous
actor-manager, speaking as a "pa
tient of 65 years' standing."
"I have enjoyed a great many very
pleasant illnesses in my time," he
said. "In fact, at times, I have al
most been a professional patient.
That is my only excuse for having the
! 4 n n . r onma aro an1 rr- i - i-i vaii i
Here are Sir beymour s Do s and
Don'ts for young doctors:
Don't keep your patients waiting.
Don't let your wife talk about
medicine and surgery in private life.
Don't give us small talk in the
Don't try and impress on us that
you're attending Lord and Lady Lip
stick. Don't allow scandal to be talked
in your presence.
Don't back horses.
Don't go to the moneylenders.
Don't talk medical shop in mixed
Do always dress for the part.
Do cultivate an easy, smiling man
ner. Do employ a smiling parlormaid to
open the door.
Do be definite, even if you're
A general practitioner's patients,
said Sir Seymour, are divided into
four kinds.
"Fifty per cent of them are nat
ural people be very kind to them,"
he advised. "Thirty per cent are
Ehy treat them with tolerance. Ten
per cent are snobs give them a
swift kick in the pants. And ten per
cent are idiots. Get down on your
knees and thank heaven for that last
ten per cent for they'll never find
you out.
good improvement, with assurance
I that in time he will be restored to
his former health. This week he has
I been so he could sit up for
a time
I and walk across the room, which
, j . ;,,..: .t,iCouncil Bluffs and her son, Lyle Hines
very serious condition in which he
has been for so long.
He has had careful nursing by his
daughter and the best of medical at
tention. Brotherhood Next Monday. .
The Brotherhood of the Methodist
church of Weeping Water is to have
their regular monthly meeting next
Monday evening at the parlors of the j
church, with their regular program!
; and good eats and as well good fel-!
lowship. These meetings have proven
very popular. If you are a member
of the Brotherhood, be sure and be
there and if you are not, hand your
name to a member and become an
earnest worker for the good of Weep
ing Water and the church to which
you are a member and in fact to all
churches to the cause of Christ and
the Father. The meeting next Mon
day will be addressed by J. Howard
Davis, Plattsmouth attorney and
superintendent of the Met ii Oil ist Sun
day school there.
Home Specially Blessed. .
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Keckler was specially blessed on last
Sunday when the stork presented this
happy couple xvith a very fine baby
girl, and with the mother is getting
along nicely.
The Foresome Meets. !
The Foresome which is composed of mK Here -Mr. i.eonara nas inaue uU
several ladies of Weeping Water and ia malia and some time as
which have through long vears met I was married. He and wife we,e 111
regularly during the winter season. I Murray last Sunday, guests at the
-v rr, ix-, . ,.,,-Jhome of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Seybolt.
week at the home of Mrs. I. L. Mark
land, who entertained the members
with a social afternoon, and follow
ing which a very inviting lunch was
Subscribe for the Journal.
WHEN you have those awful
cramps; when your nerves
are aU on edge don't take it out
on the man you love.
Your, husband can't possibly
know how you feel for the simple
reason that be is a man.
A three-quarter wife may- be
t.o wife at all if she bags her hus
band seven days out of every
For three generations one woman
lias told another how to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which;
women must endure in the three
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching ''middle age."
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
Co "Smiling Through,"
Ira Parker was a guest for the day
last Sunday at the home of his son,
Noah Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vautiue of Lin
coln were visiting Murray friends
Wednesday of this week.
Lucean Carper was called to Om
aha Monday of this week to lobok
after some usiness matters.
Noah Parker, who has been feel
ing quite poorly for the past ten c'ays
was able to get out and go after his
work this week.
Miss Helen Gilmore, postmistress
at Hay Springs, Nebr., is a house j
guest at the home of her uncle, Dr.
G. H. Gilmore. j
John royntcr was calling on;
friends in Plattsmouth and Omaha I
last Saturday night and spending ,
Sunriav in Omaha. !
On last Saturday Mr. and Mrs
Everett Spangler with the kiddies andj
uert locm were over to Lincoln icr i
the football game. j
Wallace Nelson, who is attending j
school at the Wesleyan University at j
Lincoln, was spending the week end i
with his mother, Mrs. B. H. Nelson. j
Mrs. Belle Frans of Unio narrived I
m Murray last huntiay and is visit
ing for a number days at the home
of her son, John Frans and family.
James Condon of Omaha was a
guest of Thomas Nelson for the day
last Sunday. These meu when lads
were school pals in the public school
at Diller.
Theron Cole, well known here, but
who has been working at Ceresco,
has resigned his job and prone to Loup
City where he has accepted a posi
tion driving a truck.
Frank Dill and wife were host and
hostess to the mother of Mr. Dill and
his brother Lester who came Sun
day from their home southwest of
Murray for a very pleasant visit.
BenNoell was busy last Monday
taking down summer machinery and
storing the same for the coming sum
mer that it might not deteriorate and
be in good shape for the coming sea
son. I Mrs. C. E. Hines. a sister of Mrs.
I Vest Clark, making her home in
and family of Omaha were sruests for
the day last Sunday with Mrs. Vesta
Clark of Murray.
Mi- iitiH M A T PriirA- of T'nirm
, ' ... , ,,
and daughter and husband. Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Erwin and family
were guests at the home of
Freda Crunk, manager of the Murray
,, ,
telephone exchange last Sunday.
- , .1,
an Alien, wno is emyioyeu nu
the Conoco station in Plattsmouth
was visiting friends near Lincoln last I
Sunday, returning home in the eve-1
King, and reports seeing a couple of j
wrecked cars over near Murdoek on
highway No. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr.
cinrl Mt-h llnwarH Trprit of Omaha
. . Ti n;that although there was much dam
Miss Mildred V. llson and Russell ... .. .. .
Easton of Omaha attended the Ak- j
Sar-Ben ball last Friday night which
was a very colorful event. Follow
ing the ball they enjoyed dining out.
Miss Tattie Long of Omaha, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Long,
was spending her school vacation in
Murray at the heme of her grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Long and
;t tbo camp timo Kathprine Lone, her
. . , ,
aunt, was spending- the interval m
Omaha visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Long.
Warren Leonard who formerly re
sided here and was driver for Dr. W.
D. Brendel when he was a practition
er here and drove the country roads
. . " . ' ' " Ii
Visited in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nickles de
parted for near Shenandoah, Iowa,
last Saturday afternoon, going via
Star Single-edge
Blades solve the mystery of
good shaves. Made since 1880
by the inventors of the original
safety razor. Keen, longy-T
lastiner. uniform. ?.'
Nebraska City and visiting Saturday
night and Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kelsey near
Shenandoah, returning home Sunday j
afternoon after enjoying a very fine f
Appreciated Their Presence.
Postmaster C. D. Spangler and j
George E. Nickles of Murray, who ;
were in Plattsmouth when Postmas-!
Iter General James Farley visited there j
Mr. Farley has in turn written both j
gentlemen telling them how he was
pleased they had ccme to greet him.
Unemployment Census.
B'.anks for takirg the unemploy
ment census have been received at
the Murray postoffice and the task
of securing the filling out of the
blanks have been delegated to the
postmaster, which is adding much to
li is duties, but will in this manner
do away with the expense of securing
Uhe data which the government is
thus trying to secure.
PuilrHnp- Com m i.-l inns frarn-'e
The Pittman estate homestead re-
cently purchased by C.
V Tin..,.;, r f
Union and later sold by W. W. Coble
of Omaha and in turn presented to
his daughter. Mrs. Win. Miuford. is j j"ed a verr fine dinner, returning
having a double garage built on the hon:e iu the evening,
premises. There is some work Icing
done also on the main building, the j Good Used Hoofing Tin.
interior being redecorated and paper- j wilh the Placing of a new composi
ed which work was taken by Earl j tiou , ocf 011 th building just across
Merrill before he embarked iu the
(barber business. Mr. Me-rrit is con -
(eluding the work on the home as time
Auto Only Damaged.
Two youths lrom Murray were
visiting friends in Nebraska City last j
' Saturday evening, and finding the
'company so entrancing, remained ua
! til near the break of day, and as
' they were getting near Murray, one
cf them was enjoying a dream, snor
ing loudly, but not loud enough to
keep the driver awake and the car
collided with the Rock Creek bridge
which would not keep out of the way.
The bridge was not badly damaged,
but not so the auto. Both lads were
rudely awakened, but no further dam
age done.
Celetrate Quiet Hallowe'en.
While there were a number of par
lies celebrating Hallowe'en and some
gyed meetings had, aud as will some
iout to surprise their friends with the
4 . . .
time Honored
practice of making
. 1 merry on
lilt 1 1 Uii 11UI1U l C V I vl
- -
confined their merry making to mno-
-ect fun.
Corn Picking Progressing.
Ray Gerking who has slightly over
190 acres of corn which during the
! summer looked fine but like most of
the others was sadly injured by the
two days hot winds, is getting well
along with his picking and is finding
age done, still the entire field is aver
aging near thirty bushels to the acre
of very good corn.
Who Left the Dead Calf? j
Someone desiring to get rid of a i
dead calf, left the same along the !
railroad in a stream flowing through j
the farm occupied by Frank Dill. As!
it was left there as night, no one.
iknows who the guilty party is, but
. ... .
nevertheless the drainage of the ,
stream which comes from the dead;
animal is likely to contaminate the'
water which is the snurse of supply
for the cattle in the pasture of Mr. :
Dill. To be neighborly one should do '
to the other as he would like to have i
that same neighbor do to him. Let us
all be fair in our dealings.
Visited West of Asliland.
Earl Mrasek and wife and the par
Mrasek, Mr. and Mrs.
RUB soothing, wanning Musterola
well into your chest and throat.
Musterole is NOT just a salve. It's
a "counter-irritant" containing
pood old-fashioned cold remedies
oil of mustard, menthol, camphor
and other valuable ingredients.
That's why it gets such fine results
better than the old-fashioned mus
tard plaster. It penetrates, stimu
lates, warms and soothes, drawing out
local congestion and pain. Used by
millions for 25 years. Recommended,
by many doctors and nurses. All drug
gists. In three strengths: Regular
Strength, Children's (mild), and Ex
tra Strong. Tested and approved by
of Mrs.
just a lemon r- j
John E. Schutz of Plattsmouth, were
guests tor the day last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Todd
! v' est of Ashland where they enjoyed
1 vi -iiitr wau, uitii i lit t. t-u i iu
ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
I Todd where they also visited and en-
j tne stret from the Murray State
jbank - tLere was reclaimed some 3.000
; square feet of this roof, which I will
sell at
a low
price. George E.
Will Slake Change in Phone.
The materials for the new equip-
j ment of the Murray telephone cx
j change, which is to be made over intn
!an automatic exchange or what is
I commonly known as the dial system,
iis expected to arrive In about a week.
when work will begin on the trans
formation. It is expected to be com
pleted by the first of the year.
This new system seems the very
last word in telephone equipment
and especially of small exchanges as
it affords a very silent secret selective
calling of the party wished and in
cases cf crowded traffic, each line
cares for itself and reports busy when
such is the case. Your dialing in
stantly calls the number you desire
and keeps calling for a reasonable
time when it cease. When you have
obtained the party you talk in per
fect privacy, as there is 110 listening
in, as u now the case..
Attend Football Game.
Di:k Todd and Charles and Char
ler.e Spangler, also Gene Nolting of
Plattsmouth, a cousin cf Charles and
Charlene, were in Lincoln last Sat
urday where they witnessed the foot
ball game between Nebraska and In
diana and were thrilled to see Ne
braska win the game.
Incidentally Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Spangler accompanied the young
folks, and also enjoyed the game.
Authorized Plymouth
(and DeSoto) Dealers
in Plattsmouth
Make Your riext Car a
thi: tn tiiit
mus XV HIT
R. lL Bryant r.lofor Co.
Sales and Service
If ycu own or drive a car
you need good insurance.
What would you do
if you were sued for
$10,000.00 or more?
It is better to have insur
ance. The cost i3 small!
or oee
Phone- is