The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Speaks on the
Mountain People
of Southland
Br. Paul Doran of Sparta, Tennes
see, Is Speaker at the First
Presbyterian Church.
Friday evening a covered dish sup
per waa held at the Fellowship room
of the First Presbyterian church that
preceded a very fine address by Dr
Paul Loran, of Sparta, Tennessee,
who was representing the national
board of missions of the church.
Dr. Doran gave a fine address on
the conditions in the Cumberland
mountain area, the people and their
reaction to the missionary work
there being mission schools there of
the Presbyterian, Episcopal and Con
gregational churches.
These people, Dr. Doran pointed
out, came from the Scotch-Irish stock
that had first settled in the Carolinas
and later had migrated to the moun
tains of North Carolina and Tennes
see and where their descendants now
lived. With the disaster of the Civil
war and the dark days of the recon
struction years, the educational sys
tems had broken down through lack
of backing and caused only the most
crude schools to exist with many un
able to attend. The people were of
exceptionally strong race and respond
well to the work of the mission
One of the movements sought was
that of having their native workers
carry on the schools and missions
among their own people. He believed
that the conduct by the people of the
mountains themselves would bring
the greatest results.
The speaker urged the assistance
of the church in this field of home
missions and which would produce
great results for the nation.
Power District
to Halt Lines in
Cass County
Twelve to Fourteen Miles of Trans
mission Lines Stopped in "Gen
tleman's Agreement."
Subscribe for the Journal.
LINCOLN, Nov. 2 (UP) A "gen
tleman's agreement" today apparent
ly had ended the empasse between the
Eastern Nebraska Public Power dis
trict and the Nebraska Power com
pany of Omaha.
The districts board of directors in
their monthly meeting yesterday ap
proved a resolution eliminating 12
to 14 miles of proposed rural trans
mission line in Cass county in return
for assurances from the private pow
er company that it would dismiss its
supreme court action staying all work
in the district.
In discarding the dozen miles of
line which the Nebraska Power com
pany contended would double part of
its system, the directors heeded the
advice of their attorneys, Charles A.
Dafoe of Tecumseh and Robert Van
Pelt of Lincoln. Dafoe told the board
elimination of the disputed line was
the proper way to avoid litigation.
Roy Page, general manager of the
private utility and Ralph E. Svo-
boda, company attorney, were to con
fer with representatives of the public
power district over settlement of the
litigation at the state railway com
mission office here today.
The board also tabled a motion pre
sented "by Director George Craven of
Lincoln at a previous meeting which
would terminate the employment of
all directors by the district and re
place them with a "skilled public
power expert."
The district's legal staff stated in
an opinion that no section of the Ne
braska statutes or any rules of the
RE A would nrohibit employment of
relatives by the district.
Bible School Lesson Study!
Sunday, November 7th By L. Neitzel, Murdock, Neb.
"Christian Character and Peace"
Col. 3:1-17.
No teacher without a deep and
vital experience can stand before a
class and speak about the "old and
' new" life that Paul, the writer
says "is hid with Christ in God."
This is holy ground. The teaching of
this lesson should lead every scholar
to ask God to take out of his or her
life what belongs to the old life, and
to make manifest what belongs clear
ly to the new life in Christ. No other
epistle in the New Testament pre
sents Christ so constantly as meet
ing all the needs of men as does this
one. And there is a reason for Paul
to stress this phase of the gospel.
because these people had lived on a
low plane before being converted to
Christ; then false teachers came to
turn them back to Judaism.
I "1 1 ! 1 f pir.o !-i. 1 - f ' V. ......
a ant 11 ica Lt JUUIVf V-UI 1SL ll t?-
eminent in the lives of Christ's fol
lowers. Spurgeon once said this pas
sage ioi our lesson) "begins in
heaven and ends in the kitchen"
meaning that it is full of spiritual
truths that concern matters of every
aay experiences in tne world in
which we live. "While man is a slave
to lower forces and bound to this
earth in the natural condition with
out Christ, yet he does have upward
longings, aspirations for the higher
things. As the plant comes up out
of the ground seeking sunlight, so
does every man, in his better mo
ments long for the higher altitudes
of pure, noble, true living. The trag
edy of the human race without
Christ is that these upward aspira
tions nave no aenniteness and are
never fulfilled.
"If" than ye were raised together
with Christ of this fact every one
must be conscious and sure, that is,
if -man went down in penitence and
sorrow over the past life into the
grave or pit (See Ps. 40:2), this fact
being established, the injunction "to
seek the things that are above" is
in order and is a natural sequence
. . . "where Christ is, seated at the
right hand of God." For the vision
of Christ at the right hand of God,
see Matt. 26:64; Hebr. 1:3; 8:1;
10:12 and 12:2. "The imagery de
notes repose and empire of the as
cended Christ, who forever done the
work of sacrificial offering, and now
"sits to dispense the blessings he has
wrought." If. C. G. Moule.
If a man wants to love Christ, he
must think about him. Seeking the
things that are above will only come
when mind, and heart, and inward
life are occupied with him. "For ye
died." Each man's higher life begins
with death. As Christ rose from the
dead, so also do his members rise
from, the death of sin to a life on the
highest plane a life in heavenly
piaces. All the desires and longings
are toward Christ, to be with his
"beloveth." There the soul finds per
fect satisfaction. The "hidden life"
in God in the bosom of God, is
there safe and secure, and will be
revealed when Christ appears in his
glory (Matt. 25:21; I John 3:2).
Then will the glory of the Christians
be manifest to the assembled multi
tudes then we "shall be like Him."
(See Rev. 1:13-15).
The "old life" as pictured in verses
o. i) ana , is ternoie to Denoia, ana
when contrasted with the "new life"
as shown in verse 10 leads us to
marvel at the "new creation" that is
wrought by the Holy Spirit through
the grace of God. As in the first
creation, man was wrought in the
image of God, so in the new creation
man has a part to do to bring about
this change he is not passive, but
active: "Put off" - "Put on" is the
command; like changing garments
When the "prodigal" returned to
his home, he was in need of a new
robe. His father ordered one to be
brought. And then the old habits,
as given in verses 8 and 9 are ac
quired; those man must quit! By
the grace of God he can master them
and gain the victory. "I can do all
things through Christ who strength
ened me" is his slogan.
It is the greatest achievement of
man to be master of himself. When
all the old and evil habits are con
quered, tben there is the empty but
clean heart to be filled with the
eight Christian graces (verses 12 to
14). They reflect the character of
the Lord Jesus Christ Love binds
them all together and then we are
perfect as our Father is perfect (see
Matt. 5:48).
In such a heart Christ can and
will set up his throne and rule.
(Rv. 3:20). The word commands
of Christ will be heeded and obey
ed implicitly. Christs words become
our daily food, are assimilated, and
"dwell in him richly" like unto the
Berean Christians. (Acts 17:11).
And to crown the whole process,
the "peace of Christ" will have the
rule in the heart; it has found the
magnetic pole and rest, as Jesu3 said
man would. (Matt. 11:28)).
"In the rifted rock I'm resting;
Safely sheltered, I abide.
There no foes no. Ktcrms molest
While within the cleft I hide.
"Peace which pasaeth understand
ing, Joy the world can never give,
Now fn Jesus I am finding
In his smiles of love I live.
"Now I'm resting, sweetly resting,
In the clefc once made for me!
Jesus, blessed rock of ages,
I will hide myself in Thee." j
Mrs. Frank Olson of Palmyra spent
Tuesday with Mrs. Belle Jack.
Mrs. Tom Spahnle of Hastings
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Peterson.
R. B. Morgan visited in Eagle sev
eral days last week. He returned to
Lincoln Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wall of
Arapahoe visited in Eagle from Sat
urday until Monday evening. v
Mrs. Hugh Norris and children of
Lincoln visited at the Will Norris
home last Saturday afternoon.
Miss Laura Smith entertained the
member of the Blackbird club at her
home last Wednesday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Kaatz of Lin
coln were in town last Friday. They
railed at the home o Mrs. S. E.
Mrs. Lydia Muenchau and Miss
Lillie Muenchau of Elmwood visited
relatives in and. near Eagle last Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mick and son,
Ruell of Greenwood motored to Eagle
last Friday evening and visited at the
R. A. Oberle home.
Austin Trimble returned the first
of this week from Fairmont where he
has spent the past several weeks at
the A. P. Stewart home.
The members of the Epwrorth
League enjoyed a Hallowe'en party
at the church basement last Friday
evening. About twenty were in at
tendance. Mis. Charles Williams and Mrs.
Fred Smith visited in Lincoln last
Friday evening with Mrs. May Doran
and Delia and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Root visited their
son, Merle Root and wife at Scotts
bluff last week. They also made a
business trip to Alliance while in the
western part of the state.
Mrs. Tom Spahnle, Mrs. J. B. Peter
son, Mrs. W. B. Hursh, Mrs. Charles
Williams and Mrs. Charles Trumble
visited relatives and friends in Ne
braska City on Thursday of last
Rev. and Mrs. Albert Lapthorne
and daughter of Minden visited the
latter part of last week with friends
here. They were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Horn on Friday of last
Mr. and Mrs. George Vierick and
Mrs. A. M. Longman visited at Neligh
last Tuesday. Miss Elinor Longman
who teaches there, returned home
with them and attended the N. S. T.
A. at Lincoln. ;'
Charles Palmer and Llovd Trumble
who recently passed the examination
requirements of the CCC, left last
Tuesday for Weeping Water. They
were later transferred with a group
to Mitchell, Nebraska.
Mrs. Lelia Peterson visited at the
homes of Charles Williams and J. B.
Peterson the latter part of last week
Mr. and Mrs. George Vierick left
for their home in Los Angeles, Cali
fornia by motor last Friday morning
John, Mary and Jack
Approved by
American Dental Association
and the
United States Public Health
Methodist Services.
A group of young people from
Nebraska Wesleyan University had
charge of the worship service last
Sunday evening at the Methodist
church. Villers Gerd, whose home
was formerly in Eagle was the speak
er. The Epworth League also enter
tained the Prairie Home League. The
guest League had charge of the last
part of the evening service.
Mrs. Avis C. Helmsdoerfer was
born February 12, 1907 and passed
away at the Lincoln General hospital
October 30, 1937.
She grew up in the Eagle commun
ity. She Avas graduated from the
Eagle Consolidated school in 1925.
She attended the University of Ne
braska and later took nurses training
at the Lincoln General hospital,
graduating with the nurses class of
1929. After graduation she served
as surgical superintendent at the hos
pital for six years.
She was married to Clair Helms
doerfer in May of 1935. In the fall
of 1936, she again took up her work
at the hospital, becoming assistant
to the superintendent. She continued
her work until her recent illness, thus
completing seven years of service
which she greatly enjoyed giving. I
Surviving are her husband, Clair
Helmsdoerfer of Lincoln, her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Burdick of Eagle,
a sister, Mrs. William Wheatley of
Palmyra, two brothers, Raymond of
Eagle and Arthur of Santa Monica,
California and many other relatives.
Funeral services were held Novem
ber 1st in Lincoln at the First Chris
tian church with ev. Ray E. Hunt of
ficiating. Burial was in the Wyuka
Little Carl was depjorably sick. The
left side of his face was badly swol
len; the glands in his neck were sore
and distended. He was feverish, fret
ful, and felt miserable. A deep dull
throbbing pain emanated from his
lower jaw and seemed to end some
where near the top of his head.
After waiting for a few moments
in the reception room, Carl and his
mother were ushered into Dr. Young's
"I'll say you have a sick boy!" said
the dentist to Mrs. Knight as he
glanced at Carl's face.
Carl hung back. "I don't want it
pulled out," he cried.
"Don't worry, old timer," said the
dentist. "I'm not going to pull it
out, but I do want to look at it and
try to do something to stop the pain."
After a few moments inspection of
Carl's mouth. Dr. Young said: "That
tooth is so badly abscessed, I'm afraid
we will have to remove it. However,
we must get the infection out of his
gums and cheek before we can do any
The swollen, red, and inflamed
gums indicated that the abscess was
"pointing," or coming to a head, near
the offending tooth and that it was
ready to be opened. A few inhalations
of nitrous oxide put Carl to sleep.
During his slumber, the dentist lanc
ed the gum, which allowed the pus
to drain. In a very few seconds, Carl
revived and climbed out of the chair
somewhat relieved, although far from
cured. Dr. Young then gave Mrs.
Knight some instructions for Carl's
"As soon as you get home," he said,
give Carl a 'warm bath and an
enema. Keep him in Dea lor ai leasi
the next twenty-four hours. He
probably will not be hungry, but see
that he has plenty of nourishment
in the form of liquid and soft foods.
Bread and milk for breakfast, some
custard and a glass of milk for lunch,
and a bowl of broth and crackers,
and perhaps a poached egg, for din
ner. See that he drinks plenty of
liquids. Give him plentyof water or
lemonade during the day; they will
help reduce the swelling. Place cold
cloths on his swollen cheek, and keep
him as quiet as possible for the next
twenty-four hours. By that time I
am sure both the swelling and his
temperature will be reduced. Call me
tomorrow afternoon and let me
know how he is progressing. Let me
see him day after tomorrow. By that
time, if the infection has subsided,
we will remove the tooth. Otherwise,
we will wait a few days until it has
subsided. Carl has several more
teeth that should be treated before
they abscess as this one did. Ab
scessed teeth are a distinct menace
to child health. I would advise you
to have them cared for at once.
"I want them repaired just as
quickly as possible," said Mrs. Knight.
"Poor boy, I don't want him to go
through another siege like this
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interestea in me
estate of Emma D. Smith, deceased
No. 3270:
Take notice that the Administra
tor of said estate has filed his final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of his adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for his "discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on v Novem
ber 26, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated October 29, 1937.
(Seal) nl-3w County Judge.
NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT who shall hold title to. or shall be in
possession of, any lands lying within
William A. Ost, et al, Plaintiffs,
vs. Amaziah M. Rose, et al, Defend
To Amaziah M. Rose, Joseph Web
ster, William Alden Lombard, Mary
Maria Wilcox, Isaac Coe, I. Coe, Wm.
Stadelman, James J. Monroe. Jas. J.
Monroe, John R. Clark, R. B. Wind
man, S. N. Merriam, W. D. Merriam,
S. C. Smith, Packard & Miller, S.
Packard, and "all persons having or
claiming any interest in the of
SEVL and S of S of the NEVi
of Sec. 32, N of the Sy2 and SV3
of the SV2 of the Ny2 of Sec. 33, all
in Town. 10, Range 14, Cass County,
Nebraska, otherwise described as
Commencing at the SW corner of
N off SEU of Sec. 32, Town. 10,
Range 14, Cass County, Nebraska,
thence North to NWU of the S of
the SV2 of NEU of said Sec. 32,
thence east to the Missouri river,
thence south following the meander
ing of said river to a point due east
of the point of beginning, thence
west to the point of beginning, real
names, unknown":
You and each of you will take
notice that on the 2Cth day of Octo
ber. 1937, William A. Ost and Clara
Nutznian Ost filed their petition in
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against you as defendants.
The object and prayer of which is to
obtain a decree confirming and quiet
ing in the plaintiffs their fee simple
title in and to the above described
real estate and every part thereof,
and excluding each and all of you
from having or claiming any right,
title to. lien upon, interest or estate
in or to the above described real es
tate, and for general equitable re
lief. You and each of you are required
to answer or plead to said petition in
said Court on or before Monday, the
20th day of December, 1937, or the
allegations of said petition will be
taken as true and a decree entered
n4-5 w
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Frank Lambert, deceased.
No. 2163:
Take notice that the administrator
of said estate has filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on November 26th, 1937,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated October 27th, 1937.
(Seal) o28-3w County Judge
the limits of the above described ter
ritory, whether as owners, lessees,
renters, tenants, or otherwise, and all
other interested parties are invited
to attend and will be given opportun
ity to be heard at the times and places
hereinbefore specified.
o28-3w Executive Secretary.
Notice i3 hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale issued out
of the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, pursuant to the provisions
of a decree entered by said Court on
the 25th day of January, 1937, in a
cause pending in said Court wherein
The Murray State Bank, a corpor
ation was plaintiff and Frank E. Val
lery, et al., were defendants, com
manding me to sell in the manner
provided by law the real estate here
inafter described to satisfy liens es
tablished thereon by said decree in
favor of The Murray State Bank in
the amount of $4,695.97 together
with interest and costs thereon, and
also a lien in favor of the Nebraska
City Federal Savings and Loan Asso
ciation in the amount of $2,724.86
together with interest and costs as in
the County Court of Casta Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Sophia Louisa Puis, deceas
ed. No. 3148:
Take notice that the Administra
tor of said estate has filed his final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of his adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for his discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on November
19. 1937, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated October 21, 1937.
(Seal) o25-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Ethel Dill, deceased. No. 3295:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Febru
ary 14, 193S; that a hearing will be
said decree provided, I will on the had at the County Court room in
From Wednesday's Daily
Mrs. A. H. Duxbury departed this
morning for Omaha where she will
be the guest speaker at Chapter ED
of the P.E.O. Mrs. Duxbury is to
present her very interesting series of
motion pictures of a recent trip in
the east. She will also discuss the
many places of interest shown in the
Mrs. E. H. Wescott accompanied
Mrs. Duxbury to visit at the Omaha
chapter for the day.
A better and newsier Journal is
our constant aim. You can help
by phoning news items to No. 6.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
William II. Tritsch. deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Mary E. Burnett et al.
Jerold Reed et al.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 16th day of September,
1937, and an Order of Sale entered
by said Court on the first day of
October, 1937, the undersigned sole
Referee will on the 15th day of
November, 1937, at one o'clock p.
m., at the South front door of the
Court House in Plattsmouth. Cass
County, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash,
that is to say 10 on the day of
sale and the balance when said sale
shall be confirmed by the court, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 10 in Block four
south; Lots 11 and 12 in Block four
southh; Lots 1, 2, 3. in Block five
south; Lots 10, 11. 12. in Block five
south of the public square in the
Village of Rock Bluffs in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4.
5, 6, in Block four south and two
west of the public square, in the
Village of Rock Bluffs, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block
three south, one east; Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12 in
Block three south, two east; Lots 1,
30th dav of November, 1937, at 10
o'clock a. m., at South Front Door of
the Court House in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska
offer for sale at public vendue and
will sell to the highest and best bid
der the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
A square lot out of the North
west corner of the West one-half
of the Northwest Quarter of
Section Twenty-three (23),
Township Eleven (11), Range
Thirteen (13), East of the 6th
P. M. in Cass County, Nebras
ka, containing one-half acre and
more particularly described as
follows: Commencing at the
Northwest corner of the North
west Quarter of the said Sec
tion 23. Township 11 North,
Range 13 East of the 6th P. M.
Cass County, Nebraska, running
thence South 147.58 feet, run
ning thence East 147.58 feet,
thence running North 147.53
feet, thence running West 147.58
feet to the place of beginning,
to satisfy the above liens and costs.
Dated this 26th day of October,
Sheriff of Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Plattsmouth on February 18, 193S,
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or , objections
duly filed.
Dated October 15. 1D37.
(Seal) olS-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Comi
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Verna Baker, deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Dick Baker as Administrator; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 12th
day of November, 1937, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated October 11, 1937.
(Seal) olS-3w County Judge.
2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12,
Block four south, one east; All of
Block five south, one east; All of
Block five south, two east; Lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block
six south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
for the filing and presentation of 15, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block seven
claims against said estate is Febru
ary 28th. 1938; that a hearing will
be had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on March 4th, 1938 at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and ad-
usting all claims or objections duly
Dated October 29th, 1937.
Seal) nl-3w County Judge.
Special low prices on Customers'
Check Endorsing: Rubber Stamns 3
lines, 45c; 4 lines. 55c; 5 lines, 65c.
For all kinds of Rubber Stamps ou
short notice call at Journal office.
In the County Court of Cas3 Coun
ty, Jebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of F. G. Fricke, real name
Frederich G. Fricke, deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Edwin
A. Fricke as Executor thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 26th
day of November, 1937, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Dated October 28. 1937.
(Seal) ul-3w County Judge.
south, one east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block seven south,
two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9 and 10 in Block eight south, one
east; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
and 10 in Block eight south, two
east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9
and 10 in Block eight south, three
east; All of Block three south, three
east; All of Block four south, three
east; All of Block five south, three
east; All of Block six south, three
east; All of Block seven south, three
east; All of Block eight south, three
east; All of Block three south, four
east; All of Block four south, four
east; All of Block five south, four
east; All of Block six south, four
east; All of Block seven south, four
east; All of Block eight south, four
east; tie East one-half of Block one
east; each being numbered from the j
public square in the Village of Rock
Bluffs, in Cass county, Nebraska.
Said sale will be held open for .one
Dated this 9th day of October,
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Whereas, on the 19th day of Octo
ber, 1937, there was duly filed in the
office of the State Soil Conservation
Committee, at Lincoln, Nebraska, a
petition signed by at least 25 land
owners pursuant to the provisions of
the Soil Conservation Districts Law,
Legislative Bill No. 553, Fifty Sec
ond Session of the Legisislature of
Nebraska, requesting the establish
ment of the Little Nemaha and Mis
souri River Soil Conservation Dis
trict, and.
Whereas, the lands sought to be
included in the said district by said
petition comprise lands in Nemaha,
Otoe and Cass Counties, described
substantially as follows:
All land in Nemaha county
lying north and east of the
Muddy creek, and all land in
Otoe county lying north and east
of the Little Nemaha River, and
all land in Cass county, Nebras
ka. Now. therefore, notice is hereby
given that a public hearing will be
held pursuant to the said petition, on
the question of the desirability and
necessity in the interest of public
health, safety and welfare of the
creation of such district; on the ques
tion of the appropriate boundaries to
be assigned to such district; upon
the propriety of the petition, and of
all other proceedings taken under
the said Act, and upon all questions
relevant to such inquiries. The said
public hearing will be held by the
State Soil Conservation Committee on
the 22nd day of November, 1937, be
ginning at 9:30 o'clock a. m. in the
District Court room in the court
house in, Auburn, in the county of
Nemaha; on the 22nd day of Novem
ber, 1937, beginning at 1:30 o'clock
p. m. 111 tne iewn na.11 m iauua6ci
in the county of Otoe; on tne Jtna
day of November, 1937, beginning at
7:30 o'clock d. m. ia the District
court room in the court house, in Ne-
hraBka Citv. in the county of Otoe;
on the 23rd day of November, 1937,
beginning at .9:30 o'clock a. m. In tne
M.W.A. Hall in Union, in me couuu
of Cass; 011 the 23rd day of November,
1937. beginning at l:&v o ciock p. m.
in the Library Easement in Syracuse,
in Otoe county; on the 23rd day of
November, 1937, beginning at 7:30
o'clock p. m. in the Town Hall in
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, A'ebraska.
To the creditors of the estate
of Zella Brizendine, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of.
claims against said estate is Febru
ary 14, 1938; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on February 18, 1938,
at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated October 16, 1937.
(Seal) olS-3w County Judge.
In the District Court f Cass
County, Nebraska
In the Matter of the Estate of
Henry O'Rourke. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
W. W. Wilson, Judge of the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, en
tered on the first day of October,
1937, for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described, I will sell at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, on Tuesday,
the 4th day of December, 1937, at
11:00 o'clock a. m., at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following -described real estate,
tion to the Village of Green
wood, in Cass county, Nebras
ka. Said sale will remain open for
one hour.
Dated this 16th day of October,
Administrator of the Estate of
Henry O'Rourke, Deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
Lots 5 and 6 in Jones' Addi-
State of Nebraska )
County of Cass
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Clerk of District Court with
in and for Cass County, Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 9th
day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the South
Front Door of the Court House at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
Lot 361 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass County, Ne
braska; Tim same beins: levied upon and
oVon as the nronertv of Ray E
Palmyra, in the county of Otoe; on Frederick and Claire M. Frederick,
the 24th day of November, 1937, be
ginning at 9:30 o'clock a. m. in the
Masonic Hall in Greenwood, in the
county of Cass; on the 24th day of
November, 1937, beginning at 1:30
o'clock p. m. in the Farm Bureau Of
fice iu Weeping Water, in the county
of Cass, Nebraska.
All persons, firms and corporations, I
Defendants to satisfy a judgment of
said Court recovered by State Secur
ities Company, a corporation. Plain
tiff, against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7,
A. D. 1937.
Sheriff Cass County,
o7-5w Nebraska