The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1927.
Fzem Monday's Dally
Here Prom Lincoln
Misses Margaret and Alice Davis
former residents of Plattsmouth and
members of the Methodist church,
were in Plattsmouth yesterday to at
tend the eightieth anniversary of the
Methodist church and to visit with
old friends.
Red Oak Visitor Here
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Breese of Red
Oak, Iowa, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Kerr. Mrs.
BJaiBIB 3JB SJK PUB 3633.13
They 'will leave tonight.
Glenwood Visitors Here
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Reazer of Glen
wood, and Mrs. S. E. Kerr of Platts
mouth who is pending a few weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Reazer. visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Kerr yes
terday. Go to California
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Glaze and
Baby, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bush
nell and Donald and their mother,
Mrs. A. K. Bushnell, left early Sun
day morning for California. They
planned to atop at Ashland' to visit
with Mrs. Bushnell's brother there
before going on to Los Angeles where
they will make their home.
Leave for Arkansas
Mrs. Virginia Frady and son,
Lloyd, departed today for Monticello,
Arkansas, where they will enjoy a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
N. R. Swan, the latter formerly Miss
Margaret Frady.
Visit at Seward
Mr. and Mrs. James Allbee, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Lillie, and Mrs. Anna
Lillie went to Seward, Nebraska yes
terday where they visited the Justus
Lillie family. Mrs. Anna Lillie re
mained for a few days visit, but the
rest returned last evening.
Leaves for California
Mrs. George Hall departed this
morning for the west coast where she
will visit with her son, Wilbur, at
Whittier, California. En route she
will stop at Salt Lake City to visit
with Leslie Hall and family.
On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Hall
was pleasantly surprised with a
handkerchief shower that was ten
dered at the sewing center, of which
her daughter, Mi&a Mildred is the
supervisor. After the shower and the
social time the ladies were served
dainty refreshments that were very
much apprciated. ,
Prom Tuesday's Dally
Gnests Here
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell McQuin of
Union were dinner guests of Mrs.
McQuin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Senf Sunday evening.
Omaha Parties Here
Mrs. Harry Northcutt and son
Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher
and baby boy were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clem Woster.
Visit Relatives Here
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raker of Im
perial, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hughes
and daughter, Mrs. J. Meenan, of
Omaha, were in the city Monday aft
ernoon as guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Soennichsen and Mrs.
W. E. Rosencrans and family. Mrs.
Hughes and Mr. Raker are sister and
brother of Mrs. Rosencrans.
Towel Shower
Sunday afternoon a towel shower
waB given by Bernese and Ellen Kaf
fenbexger at their home honoring
Mrs. Lucile Meisinger Davis. She re
ceived many beautiful towels of var
ious kind. The afternoon was spent
in guessing games and contests.
Prizes were given. Refreshments
were served consisting of ice cream,
cake, cookies, mints, and coffee. The
color scheme was pink and white.
Those present were Estelle Park
ening, June Keil, Dorothy Slemoneit.
Martha Kaffenberger, Hilda, Malinda
and Wilma Frelderick, Katherlne
Hild. Florence and Kathleen Schaefer,
Selma Kraeger, Leona Meisinger..
Katherlne Meisinger, Alice Jane Hlrz,
Virginia and Winifred Kaffenberger,
Thelma Dill. Helen Hofacker, Marie
Parriott, Helen Franke, Bernese and
Ellen Kaffenberger, Mrs. Henry Nolt
ing. Mrs. Margaret Kaffenberger and
guest of honor, Mrs. Davis.
From Wednesday's Daily
Return From Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Livingston and
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmonth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
daughter of Nehawka and Mr. and
Mrs. Reuel Sack of this city returned
last evening from Muskogee, Okla.,
where they attended the wedding of
Miss Mildred Whistler and Mr.
Charles Livingston, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cyrus Livingston.
Visit Here from Lincoln
Orin Contryman, of Lincoln, was
a week end visitor with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oliver
and at the Karry Henton home. He
also met his father, Chas. Contry
man of Oshkosh, who was here visit
ing at the Oliver home. Mr. Contry
man had several car loads of cattle
on the Omaha market last week.
D. D. Club Meets
The D. D. club held their first of a
series of meetings last evening. They
!net and established a fine organiz
ation, electing the following: Presi
dent. Margaret Ann Vallery; vice-
president, KatbrynGrosshans; secretary-treasurer,
Jane Rebal; news re
porter, Clara Toman.
They also chose committees of two.
who will take charge of the activ
ities of each month and plan excur
The group is well pleased with its
be; inning and hopes to have a suc
cessful year.
Shower for Miss Swatek
The Catholic Daughters of Amer
ica met Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. John Bergman, the regular
business session, and the social hour
that honored Miss Eleanor Swatek,
whose marriage to Mr. William Nel
son, occurs Sunday.
In the business session the report
of the recent rummage sale was made
and the members voted to present re
membrances to the members of the
sisterhood at the school.
Miss Swatek was showered with
many very attractive gifts by her as
sociates and friends in the organiz
ation and which will carry a pleas
ant memory of the old friends with
her into the new home over which
she is soon to preside.
Refreshments of ice cream and cake
were served and which carried out
the colors of the order, lavender and
Miss. Mary Zimmerer, grand regent
of the Nebraska City chapter and
Mrs. Woolcott were guests of the eve
ning. D. A. H. Meeting
The Daughters of the American
Revolution held their meeting at the
home of Miss Pearl Staats. It "was
their first meeting of the year. The
different committee letters were read
and the work for the year was out
Mrs. Pearl Mann presented the
chapter with some books on local his
tory. There was a review of the
magazines and a short talk on
patriotic education. The program was
a review of the president general's
address at the continental congress.
Refreshments were served.
From Thursday's Dally
Entertains at Tea
One of the pleasant social events
of the week was the tea given at
the home of Mrs. H. A. Schneider on
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The event was in honor of the
visiting ladies here for the Cass Coun
ty Bankers association meeting and
a very delightful time was enjoyed by
the group.
Assisting Mrs. Schneider was Mrs.
Carl Schneider, Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt,
Misses Edna Warren, Eleanor Hiber
and Mildred Cacy.
Visit at St. Josenh
Mrs. Mae N. creamer ana airs.
Henry Foster of San Jose, California,
Mrs. C. E. Metzger of Omaha and Mrs.
A. H. Duxbury of this city were at
St. Joseph, Missouri, Wednesday.
They spent the day with Mrs. Anna
Romig, an aunt of Mrs. Foster Mrs.
Creamer and Mrs. Metzger, and a
great aunt of Mrs. Duxbury. Mrs.
Romig is now In her late nineties.
Honored at Shower
Miss Eleanor Swatek or thl3 city
was the honor guest at a very charm
ingly arranged miscellaneous shower
given by her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Jel
inek, Jr., at Omaha Wednesday eve
ning. The Jelinek home was very attrac
tively arranged for the occasion and
the time passed most delightfully in
games and in which prizes were
awarded the guests.
A large cake appropriately ar
ranged by the uncle of the bride was
one of the decorative features of the
In honor of the bride-to-be. whose
Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts of Title
Phone 324 - Plattsmouth
marriage to Mr. William Nelson oc
curs Sunday, she was presented with
a large number of very attractive
gifts as remembrances from the
group of relatives and friends.
At an appropriate hour delicious
refreshments were served, Mrs. Jel-
inek being assisted in this by her
daughter, Miss Marion, Miss Betty
Kalina, Miss Frances Hadraba and
Miss Wilma Swatek of this city.
Those who were guests of the event
were Mrs. Joseph Wooster, Mrs. R. A.
Bates, Miss Elizabeth Hirz, Miss
Emma Hirz, Miss Frances Hadraba,
Miss Betty Kalina, Mrs. W. A. Swa
tek, Misses Mary and Wilma Swatek,
and the guest of honor, Miss Eleanor
Swatek, of Plattsmouth; Misses Emily
and Helen Kramolish, Mrs. John
Kramolich, Mrs. Joseph and Miss
Mable Hedlicka, Mrs. Jack Ulick,
Mrs. Whit Melcher, Mrs. Mary and
Mrs. Edward Swatek, Miss Florence
Nelson, Mrs. Roy Perkins, Mrs. John
Halleran, Miss Adele Stecker, Mrs.
Joe Mahoney, Mrs. Jelinek and daugh
ter Marion, of Omaha, and Miss Lula
3adeker, of Chicago.
From Friday's Dally
Entertains Card Club
Mrs. Ralph Gansemer entertained
the card club at her country home
yesterday. Mrs. Henry Goos won the
first prize and Mrs. Maude Fricke
won the second prize. Garden flowers
were used for the centerpiece.
Visit at Hayes Home
Last night Miss Jean Hayes with
two other teachers from West Side
spent the night at the R. B. Hayes
home here. They returned to Coun
cil Bluffs this morning where they
are attending a meeting of the South
west Iowa Teachers Association. Otto
Wurl is sponsoring part of the pro
gram which they are enjoying.
K. B. Club Meets
The K. B. club met at the home of
Mrs. John Hatt yesterday. Mrs. Avis
Shellenbarger, Omaha, came down for
the club meeting. Laura Meisinger
won the first prize, Mrs. Ella Wolff
won second and Mrs. Emma Egenber
ger won third.
Stitch and Kibble Club
The Stitch and Nibble club met at
the home of Rose Janda last night.
One member. Miss Eleanor Swatek,
was ill and unable to attend. Mary
Swatek was a guest. It was cold
enough to make everyone ambitious
so a lot of stitching was done.
Hold Skating Party
The Junior Auxiliary held a skat
ing party last night at the local rink.
There were about 25 boys and 28
girls who attended. Dr. and Mrs. R.
P. Westover chaperoned the party.
Before the party, the Junior Auxil
iary girls had a weiner roast at the
Westover home. Then they went in
side and danced until time to go to
the skating rink.
Visiting in the City
Mrs. E. G. Shellenbarger is in the
city, a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank R. Gobelman and also
visiting other friends.
Have Fine Meeting
Yesterday the Foreign Missionary
meeting was held at the Methodist
parsonage. The meeting was opened
with devotionals by Mrs. E. W. Thim
gan, new stewardship secretary, on a
Bible story connected with the les
son. There was a candlelight install
ation service of the officers conducted
by Mrs. V. C. Wright. She wore a
white robe and gave commissions to
each of the 11 officers and depart
ment secretaries.
At the business session plana for
the new year were given and the cal
endars were presented. Anniversary
plans znd the financial program for
the year were presented. New mem
bers are being solicited; there were
three present yesterday. A letter was
read from Victoria Singh whom they
are helping to support at the mission
school in India. A fine report was
given by the counselor for the Stand
ard Bearers, Mrs. Smith, of the work
and plans for that group. Mrs. F. L.
Barkus presented a very interesting
right now ... and we are X
showing some beauties in the X
new Fleeces, Kerseys and Mel- b
tons. Half belts or full belts. j
Where Quality Counts
study of Mohamraadism and Christian
contact with it.
Refreshments were served by the
officers, who were hostesses of the
meeting, in the Arabian style of the
harem, with rice and fruit. It was a
very interesting meeting and there
was a large attendance
From Saturday's Dally
Visits at Pern
Miss Louise Rishel went to Peru,
Nebraska last night to spend the
week end with Virginia Trively at
the college there. She will visit with;
the friends she made when she at
tended school there last year and will
participate in the activities of home
coming today.
Neighborhood Pinochle Club
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lohnes enter
tained the Neighborhood Pinochle
club last night. Of the men, William
Swanda won first prize and John Al
win won second. Of the ladies, Mrs.
Raymond Larson was first and Mrs.
Frank Horsak won second.
Celebrates Birthday
Last evening a group of friends
helped Miss Charlotte Palmer cele
brate her sixteenth birthday at a
birthday dinner given for her by her
mother and sister. A large angel food
cake was the centerpiece. The mem
bers of the group were Barbara Rho
den. Mary McCarroll. Mary Kvapil,
Nellie Rainey, and Opal Byers.
The resolution of the city council
to comply with the request of the
state department of highways that
trucks be barred on Sixth street from
Vine to Pearl, has made it extremely
busy for the police.
Large numbers of the truckers
have been used to parking for short
periods while they had lunch cr re
freshments and this has made neces
sary the chief of police notifying
them of the new ruling, requested
by the state on account of the fact
that the parkings on both sides makes
less than the twenty-four foot road
way demanded by the state for safe
Those who have been notified of
the change in parking regulations
have complied promptly altho it has
inconvenienced many.
Mrs. Schwenniker and con, How
ard. Mr. and Mrs. Adkins and daugh
ter, Miss Veneta, Mrs. Sheard and son,
John, were at Shenandoah. Iowa
Thursday for the jubilee at KM A and
report a fine time.
Miss Veneta Adkins and John
Sheard were on the program in sing
ing and musical numbers and in
which John was second place in his
number on the rattle bones, receiv
ing a S5 prize for his skillful work.
Joe Faith Is feeling that the hunt
ing season is not so worse, as Fri
day while hunting with his brother-in-law,
Henry Donat, he secured a
fine speciman of the mallard tribe.
This was the only duck bagged by
the hunters after several hours in
the chill and dampness along the
Hie. &4ftGSiie4t o
tr They're truly smart
these new BALL-BAND Gat
ters. Smart in design, smart
in the trim way they fit your
ieet and ankles, and above
all tmitut in the way they
stand the abase of bad
weather. Get BALL-BAND
gaiters t and enjoywinter
weather. in ye end comfort.
5r - - US '.-; t.te
Alvo News
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams spent
Friday at the Frank Cook home.
Frank Edwards and Charlqs Ed
wards plan to drive to Elgin Satur
day, where the two men will visit
a brother.
Rev. Ben Wallace, Mrs. A. B.
Stroemer and Mrs. A. Dinges attended
the Cass county Sunday school con-
vention held at Nehawka Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Ganz accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott,
Jr.. to Ames Saturday to see the foot
ball game. They enjoyed a very
pleasant trip.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl D. Ganz and Allen
Tistsman attended the Cass county
Bankers' association meeting held in
Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dimmitt and
son attended the Ashland Methodist
church services Sunday morning and
spent the rest of the day as guests
at the W. A. McReynolds home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards
and Mrs. Wm. Rainey, of Plattsmouth
drove to Dawson Saturday, where
they visited at the John Parriott
home. The ladies are sisters of
John Parriott.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashiner, of
Terry, Oklahoma, are enjoying a
visit with relatives and friends in
this vicinity. They have been visit
ing at the Frank Cook and S. C.
Hardnock homes.
Wedding of Prominent People
The wedding of Miss Dorothy
Peterson and Talbert Edwards took
place out of the county Thursday,
October 7. They were married at
the parsonage of Rev. Chenoweth, a
former Alvo Methodist minister.
The young couple have the con
gratualtions and best wishes of
their many friends.
They plan to reside on the farm
that Tolbert has been operating
the past year. It is located south of
Fnneral of Ivan Schnelke
Funeral services were held at a
Lincoln mortuary for Ivan Schuelke,
who died as the result of a serious
operation of the head.
Ivan formerly lived with his par
ents on a farm a few miles south of
Greenwood. He leaves to mourn his
passing, a wife, two small children,
his parents, three sisters and two
Burial was in the Greenwood
Ivan's parents have been living in
Alvo until just recently, when they
went to Lincoln, where both Mr. and
Mrs. Schuelke have employment at
a state institution.
Flower Club Has Meeting
The S. O. S. Flower club members
held a meeting Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Ellis Mickle.
This is the first meeting to be held
PHILCO J4F Tot 6-Vob ep.
mr American Beeeption. Per
aunent i:M DynaBle Speaker.
Antamatie V.lnnl Central!
Sealed Cabinet! A
craat haj I La
battery . . . .
net. bnt pcretae em either 6-Vebj
batterr. er llO-V-lt AC. aa7
1 'f: :
Furniture Co.
for several weeks. The next meet
ing will be with Mrs. Charles Ed
wards, with a covered dish lunch
eon. There will also be an election
of officers, that meeting to close the
club year.
Alvo Church Night
People of the community enjoyed
a most pleasant evening last Thurs
day evening at the local church. At:
seven o'clock all sat down to enjoy
a most delicious meal.
After supper the people were given i
a rare treat when they had the op
portunity of hearing the "Nebraska
Fun Boy," Ralph Copenhaver, rec
reation director of the Extension
department of Nebraska College of
Agriculture, deliver a splendid ad
dress. This was the first all-church night
of the season and everyone enjoyed
the evening greatly.
Reading Club Meets
The Alvo Woman's Reading club
members were entertained by Mrs.
Joe Parsell Thursday afternoon.
A large crowd was present to en
joy an entertaining book review,
"Neighbors to the Sky," given by
Mrs. Lyle Miller.
Delicious refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess.
From Nebraska City comes infor
mation that the date for holding the
annual 12th district Legion and
Legion Auxiliary convention has
been advanced nearly a month.
Originally planned for early in De
cember, the date is new definitely
set for Tuesday, November 9.
Committees have been appointed to
look after the various necessary ar
rangements for making this year's
convention one of the best held in
recent years.
There is a possibility the 193S
convention may be invited to Platts
mouth, unless Seward or some town
in the west end of the district de
sires it, in which event Plattsmouth
would step aside.
The twelfth district comprises the
four counties of Cass, Otoe, Lancas
ter and Seward. Two Cass county
towns, Louisville and Nehawka, have
been host cities the past two years.
Trior to that was Lincoln, Syracuse,
Plattsmouth and Seward.
From Saturday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Coates, of St.
Louis. Missouri, were in the city for
a short time this afternoon meeting
old friends. Mr. Coates, who was for
a number of years engaged in busi
ness In this city, is now engaged in
the building and contracting business
at St. Louis. They are driving
through to Lincoln, the former home
of Mrs. Coates and where they will
visit friends. While here they were
pleasant callers at the Journal office
todaY '
r Dealer' Nana
City and State
and Addran
Pleane aend. at a neat to me. SIS
Credit Cbeek with lull detalla mt
yenr Beeeial Ow ... plna tne new.
beaaUialiT-Uiiutrated Fhllcn 1 alder.
" it &vtuaisas
From Saturday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Raikes of Ash
land visited in Plattsmouth yester
day. Miss Lewana Kelly will spend the
week end at Wahoo with Inez Eber
hardt. Harry Johnson went to Kansas
City today for an over-Sunday visit
with his wife.
Thursday evening Donald Crow of
Auburn, was a dinner guest at the
I. L. Kocian home.
Thursday Bernard Kocian of Bris
tow, Nebraska visited with his
brother, I. L. Kocian.
Lumir Gerner is spending the week
end visiting friends at Holland, Ne
braska, where he once taught.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Cacy of Hutch
inson, Kansas are visiting with Mr.
Cacy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
ISearl S. Davis and son, Corbin went
to Lincoln today to attend the foot
ball game and will stay over and
spend Sunday with Mrs. Mary M.
Davis, mother of Searl.
A very large delegation of the local
football fans were at Oniaba Friday
night to brave the rain and disagree
able weather to Bee Drake trim the
Creighton Bluejays by the score of
9 to 0.
The rain had made the playing
field a sea of mud and the plaj'ers In
a few moments were well bespattered
and the wetness Interfered with the
Drake proved its reputation as a
ball team, however, and showed the
power that they had and on a dryer
field Pug Manders, Drake star, would
have showed greater effect against
the Creighton team.
The game was one of the best that
the Bluejays have played but was
not cod enough to check the in
vaders from Des Moines.
The American Legion Junior drum
and bugle corps was at the game and
put on an exhibition before the open
ing of the contest and received a nice
response from the audience for their
excellent work and fine drilled form
ations. The large Plattsmouth attendance
was due to the efforts of Dr. W. V.
Ryan and Dr. L. S. Tucelik, old
Creighton grads who had helped work
up the enthusiasm for the southeast
ern Nebraska night.
Subscribe for the Journal.
From the
8?f SI8'75
. v
Tex&rk&na Fleece
High pockets aad double
breasted tut that's only
half the appeal of this
Betty Bose favorite. Youll
luxuriate in the soft, vel
vety fleece, -whether you
choose saddle, rust or cameL
Ladies Toggery
Shop of Personal Service
Phone 61 Plattsmouth
v : 1 " " 1 "? c J r 4