The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ihe Plattsmouth Journal
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as econd-clasp mail matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles, f3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
53.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
Edward Ganaway wa3 a guest at
the home of his daughter iu Lin
coln last Sunday.
Howard Boyd of Elmwood visited
friends in Murdock last Wednesday
while looking after business mat
ters here.
William Murfin and a number of
the ladies of Wabash were in Mur
dock last Wednesday, doing some
shopping. '
Mrs. A. J. Tool was visiting in
Cmaha several days last week, being
a guest at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. George Work.
Charles Kupke and wife visited at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Martin Eohlson and family ,in Om
aha over the week end.
Roy Becker, of south of Ashland,
was a business visitor in Murdock
hist Wednesday, and while here call
ed on his friend, W. T. Weddell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Straich and son
Kenneth were in Lincoln last Wed
nesday, where they looked after
tcme shopping and visited relatives.
Louis Hornbeck. a traveling in
surance adjuster for the Modern
Woodmen of America, has been in
Wyoming during the past week,
transacting business for the M .W.
A. in the vicinity of Wheatland. Ho
expected to work eastward from
there, visiting various camps along
the way in his official capacity.
Charles Seikjost, well known farm
er and stock raiser of Eustis, was in
Omaha last Wednesday with a load
of stock and was met there by Louis
Seikjost and wife of Murdock. After
the consignment of stock had been
sold, all returned to Murdock and
Charles spent a few days here visit
ing his brother and wife and many
old friends.
Henry Knaup and wife, who re
side east of Manley, were doing some
trading in Murdock last Saturday
and enjoyed meeting many of their
friends here.
Harry Duckworth wtio has been
farming southwest of Murdock ex
pects to move to a farm southeast of
Elmwood this coining spring.
Henry Heinemann has just com
pleted the placing of a new shingle
roof on the home of Mrs. G. Bauer.
. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ergery. of
Wahoo, were guests here last Sun
day at the home of Mrs. Edgery's
mother, Mrs. August Panska. Mrs.
Edgery was formerly Miss Wilma
I'a nska.
J. A. Bauer, w ho is making - his
home with his daughter in Lincoln,
visited in Murdock a short time last
Sunday while en route to Louisville
lor a short visit at the home of an
other daughter.
Frank A. Melvin and Bryan Mc
Donald have been Lusy with the con
struction of a corn crib on a farm
about midway between Murdock and
Ashland and now have the structure
about completed and ready to re
ceive the crop of coin that is now
being gathered.
Dr. Formanak reports the arrival
of a fine baby son at the home of
Mr. and Mis. Alio doings of Louis
ville. Beth mother ton are doing
nicely and the father is wearing a
broad smile of contentment, while
Rev. W. E. Goings, Grandfather of
the little newcomer, is also very well
Says No Truth in Rumor
Miss Orland Parriot, tho beauty
culturist, who has one of the finest
appointed beauty parlors to be found
in any town of Murdocks size and
is enjoying a splendid business, ad
vises us certain rumors that she is
contemplating removal to some other
Snapei? Vis
.ioior& Tractor Oils
The Oil You Have
i Been Looking For!
Buy it from Any of Our Bulk
Agents or Service Stations
place are entirely without founda
tion. Miss Parriott says she is well
satisfied here and expects to remain,
as evidenced by her ad which ap
pears elsewhere in this issue of the
Visiting Grandfather Here
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowe, who re
side near Hyannis, in the north
western part of the state, arrived in
Murdock last week and have been
visiting at the home of A. J. Neitzel,
father, and L. Neitzel, grandfather
of Mrs. Lowe, as well as with many
old friends in this vicinity.
Improving Service Station
I. C. McCrorey, who has recently
completed the plastering of the gar
age and service station, is now busy
painting the same, both inside and
out, which adds much to the appear
ance of this business house.
Visited at Home Sunday
MiS3 Dorothy Gorthey, who is a
student at the Peru State Normal
schsol, visited at home last Sunday,
returning that afternoon, when her
parents took her as far as Syracuse,
where she caught a bus.
Moving to Washington
Harry Lies and family, of De Smit,
South Dakota, where they were en
gaged in farming with his parents.
j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lies held a
sale last week, following which they
packed their remaining effects and
purchased a trailer cabin, in which
they are no en route to Seattle,
Washington, where ,they expect to
make their home. They came via
Murdock, where they visited a few
days with their uncle, S. P. Lies.
En route fro;.i here to the west, they
were joined at Grand Island by the
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lies, who. are also planning
to locate in the west. They were de
sirious that Stephen Lies' go with
them, but he could not leave his in
terests and property here, or he. too,
would have been glad to try his for
tune in the west.
Enjoyable Family Uinner
A beautiful day and a fine gather
ing cf the Neitzel clan was an occa
sion last Sunday long to be remem
bered. They came from far and near,
and a fine fellowship time was had
by all. A cafeteria style dinner was
served to which twenty people did
ample justice. The ideal day made it
an occasion very enjoyable.
Those present were: Meta Mac
Diarmid and daughter Dorothea, of
Omaha; Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock and son
Jack of Havelock; Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Neitzel, Ruth, Rhoda, Hazel Grant
end a friend of Rhoda's; Mr. and
Mis. J. J. Martin and Rcy and Earl
of Cedar Bluffs, Nebr. ; Mr. and Mrs.
J. Rober and son of Tilden, Nebr.;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ixnve and daugh
ter Sally or Hyannis, Nebr.; Mrs. J.
J. Arnold and L. Neitzel.
Visited in Icv.'a
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rueter, of
Alvo, mrdc a visit to Grand Junc
tion, Iowa, last week, and were
pleased to s?o the excellent condi
ticn of crops there. They were guests
at the home of Henry Rueter, broth
er of Will, and family. They also
met while there the family of Chris
A. Kupke, who reside but a short
distance from the farm of Henry
Elmer P.ucter accompanied his
parents on their trip and remained
to assist with the task of picking
the extra heavy crop of corn that
was grown there during the past
Murdock Beautc
Spiral or Croquignolc
Oil Permanents
Machincless Permanents
Oil Shampoo and Wave dried50
Drene Shampoo & Wave dried 50p
Fingerwave dried 35
Open Evenings by
Elmwood News
Mrs. Charles Bailey was visiting
with friends in Weeping Water a
few days during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall were in
Lincoln last Sunday, where they en
joyed spending the day as the guests
of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Eidemiller
were in Nebraska City last. Sunday,
where they went to purchase a sup
ply of apples.
Miss Lois Bernhardt, an instruc
tor in the Plattsmouth public schools,
was a guest over the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ronald Schlichtemeier was looking
after business matters in Lincoln on
Tuesday of last week, and while he
was away J. L. Hayes was caring
for business at the garage.
Ted Hall is preparing to install
a heating plant in the basement at
the store. Heretofore he has been
using a circulating heater, which has
not proven entirely satisfactory in
this large building.
Miss Marjorie Sterner, who has
been at the hospital for some two
weeks, where she underwent an op
eration for appendicitis, is reported
getting along fairly well at the pres
ent time, although at first she did
not rally as rapidly as had been
Albert Theil and daughter. Mrs.
Emil Rosenow and Mrs. Venice Bak
er were in Lincoln where they called
on Mrs. Otto Straub, who has been
at the hospital there for some time,
undergoing a major operation only
last Sunday. They report her getting
along fairly well.
Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich visited
in Lincoln last Saturday night, be
ing a guest at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Milton Beechner and
family, and on Sunday attended the
Carpenter-Reese wedding which took
place in the capital city. Miss Car
penter, one of the contracting par
ties, has been a friend of Mrs. Aid-
rich for a long time.
Returns Home Cured
Emil Rosenow, who has been con
cerned with a growth which appear
ed on his nose near his eye, after
learning that the sftme could be suc
cessfully treated, went to Savannah.
Mo., where he was treated for a lit
tle less than a week, returning home
Monday entirely cured.
Visited in Omaha l ast Sunday
Herman Penterman, local mer
chant and wife, accompanied by their
son. Maurice Penterman and his
feminine friend. Miss Goldie Keitch.
of Lincoln, were guests last Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wright of Omaha. Mrs. Wright and
Mr. Penterman are brother and sis
ter. Visitinsr Here from ihe West
Clara Hetrick. former Elmwood
resident and member of the local
social eet. prior to leaving here many
years ago, with her husband. Mr.
Couger, arrived from their home in
Billings, Montana, last week, for a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Parsell and with the many old
friends here. The two ladies are sis
ters. Had Very Enjoyable Visit
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Leo Coons and T. L.
Colburn, former agent of the Mis
souri Patific at Elmwoocl, arrived
home last Sunday from a visit of a
ccuplc of weeks at Kansas City and
ether points in the south. They re
port a very fine trip and a splendid
visit with relatives at various points
in the Show Me state.
Will Attend Convention
Charle3 Wood, who has been with
the Both well stores for a long time
and is intensely interested in the sue-
;othI ;
i u m 1 r. r a 1 1 i x i f
I ' V UJ U C HI ; It I Pit
cess of the institution, departed last
Sunday morning for Cleveland, Ohio,
where he has been attending a
meeting of the managers of Clover
Farm stores over the nation. The
convention was in session for sev
eral days, and later he plans to visit
relatives in the east before returning.
Attended Bible School Convention
Rev. E. M. Hawkins, pastor of the
Elinwood Christian church, accom
panied by his wife, were at Nehawka
last Tuesday (Columbus day), where
they attended the Cass County Bible
school convention. There was a large
attendance and much interest shown
in Sunday school work.
Visiting Friends and Relatives
Rev. R. Lowe and wife, the latter
a sister of George W. Blessing and
daughter of Mrs. Emma F. Blessing,
-were guests here the past few days
from their home at Monroe, Wiscon
sin. They made the trip in their car.
Concluding their visit here, they left
Tuesday afternoon for home. Rev.
Lowe is pastor of the Lutheran
church at Monroe.
Undergoes Operation on Face
Herman Penterman, who has been
troubled .with a number of small
tumorous growths in the nasal pas
sage and under his eyes, had three
of them removed about a month ago,
and last Tuesday Dr. Liston took out
four more. There still remain sev
eral to be removed at a later date.
Mr. Penterman withstood the ordeal
in splendid shape and is feeling much
better following the operation.
Spent a Pleasant Evening
Members of St. Mary's Altar soci
ety provided the community with a
very pleasant evening last Tuesday,
at the hall here. Contract bridge was
played by most of those present, a
delicious lunch being served before
hemegoing time arrived. As a re
sult cf their .efforts, the ladies re
ceived a neat sum to be used in fur
therance of the church work.
Enjoyed Picnic Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and
Joe Parriott of Elmwood went down
to Auburn, where w ith Claude Hanim
and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Archcrof t, all close friends, they
enjoyed a punk- fur the day and a
very fine dinner at Coryell park in
that place. They remained until the
shades of evening and returned home
arriving near the wee small hours
of the morning, after a most pleas
ant day.
Enjoyed a Steak Fry
A party of Elmwood folks, consist
ing of L. L. Caygill and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles West and Herman
Fleischmann and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Horton went to the lodge
of Guy Clements at South Bend,
where they enjoyed the evening, hav
ing a tteak fry. With the crisp
weather the smell of frying steak
and the appet iStfck generated by the
ride over in the cool evening air,
all had excellent "appetites for the
supper which had been prepared. To
say they had a good time would be
putting it mildly, for all pronounced
it excellent.
Home from the Hospital
Mrs. Homer Fintel. wife of Rev.
Fintel, who has been in the Bryan
Memorial hospital at Lincoln for the
past two weeks was so far recovered
from the operation which she under
went for appendicitis, as to be able
to return home. She was brought
home by B. I. Clement in his ambu
lance and is feeling much better and
is allowing marked improvement.
Attend Bankers' Meet
J. P. Cobb, president of the Amer
ican Exchange Bank of Elmwood and
wife, together ; with Mr. and Mrs.
MONEY.'- :
Guy Clements comprised a party from
here that went to Plattsmouth to at
tend the meeting of the Cass County
Bankers Association last Tuesday
(Columbus day). The meeting was
very well attended, as it is a prac
tice of the Cass county bankers to
get together on bank holidays two
or three times a year and discuss
matters of interest pertaining to
their business. A banquet was served
in the evening.
Celebrated 60th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Cook went
to Greenwood to attend the celebra
tion of the sixtieth wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A.
Mathis, grandparents of Mrs. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathis were married
at Weeping Water in 1877, long be
fore there were automobiles, tele
phones, or any of the scores of other
modern day conveniences. Their mar
riage occurred on Saturday, but due
to the slow means of transportation
and communication the fact was not
known to the parents of the bride,
then Miss' Conrad, until three days
had elapsed. The wedding proved of
lasting qualities and throughout the
intervening sixty year3 they have
been happy and contented as they
faced the disappointments and the
joys of life. Mrs. Mathis. in addition
to celebrating her 60th wedding an
niversary was also celebrating her
SOth birthday, having been just 20
years old at the time of her mar
riage. Her husband, who was 23,
is now 83.
1 The event was celebrated at the
Mathis home in Greenwood, among
those present, besides the aged bridal
couple being Dr. and Mrs. Norris D.
Talcott, the latter a daughter; Elmer
Mathis and family, he being a son,
and Emmet Cook and wife of Elm
wood, the latter, as above stated, be
ing a granddaughter of the vener
able couple thus honored.
County Convention Here
Arrangements have been complet
ed for the holding of the county
convention cf Federated Women's
clubs hero Tuesday, October 19. and
a large attendance is expected from
the different clubs over the county.
Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom. of Platts
mouth, is county president.
A splendid program has been ar
ranged, beginning at I :' 1 5 in the
morning and running to late after
noon, with a noonday luncheon. The
convention sessions will be held in
the community building.
Beth the state and district presi
dents will bo present end deliver
addresros.-..Ttere & re, also a. number
of other prominent speakers cn the
program, and a wide rang3 of musi
cal selections..
Balloting on officers for the com
ing year will tako place during the
noon hour.
Delegates and guests will find a
royal welcome to Elm wood and we
are sure their stay here will be
most pleasant.
State of Nebraska
ss. ,
County of Cass J
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Clerk of District Court with
in and for Cass County, Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 9th
day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10
o'clock a. in. of said day at the South
Front Door of the Court House at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
Lot 361 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass County, Ne
braska; The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Ray E.
Frederick and Claire M. Frederick,
Defendants to satisfy a judgment of
said Court recovered' by State Secur
ities Company, a corporation. Plain
tiff, against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7,
A. D. 1937.
Sheriff Cass County,
o7-5w Nebraska
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
In the Matter of the Estate of
Harry O'Rourke, Deceased.
Notice-is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
W. W. Wilson, Judge of the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, en
tered on the first day of October,
1937, for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described, I will sell at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, on Tuesday,
the 23rd day of November, 1937, at
11:00 o'clock a. m., at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate,
Lots 5 and G in Jones' Addi
tion to the Village of Green
wood, in Cass county, Nebras
ka. Said sale will remain open for
one hour.
Dated this 16th day of October,
Administrator of the Estate of
Hpnry O'Rourke, Deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Ethel Dill, deceased. No. 3295:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Febru
ary 14, 1938; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on February 18, 1938,
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated October 15. 1937.
(Seal) ol8-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Verna Baker, deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Dick Baker as Administrator; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 12th
day of November, 1937, at ten
o'clock a. m.
(Seal) ol8-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of William H. Tritsch, de
ceased. No. 3297:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administra
tion of said estate and appointment
of Lester W. Meisinger as Adminis
trator; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court on
the 29th day of October, 1937, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated September 30, 1937.
(Seal) o4-3v County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Zella Brizendine, deceased.
No. 3290:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Viola Shupp as Administratrix; that
said petition has been ret for hear
ing before said Court cn the 24th
day of September, 1937, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated August 25. 1937.
(Seal) a30-3w County Judge. -
Iv the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To ail persons interested in the
estate of John Irvin Elwood, deceas
eds. No. 3291 r " ..... ,
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an
instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Minnie
E. Elwood as Executrix thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 24th
day of September, 1937, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Dated August 27. 1937.
(Seal) a30-3w County Judge.
In the County' Court of Cass Coun
f Nebraska.
" To the creditors of the estate
of Emma D. Smith, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is October
25. 1937; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, on October 29, 1937,
at ten o'clock a. m., for the pur
pose of examining, hearing, allowing
and adjusting all claims or objec
tions duly filed.
Dated June 25, 1937.
(Seal) j28-3w County Judge.
In the District Court in and for
Douglas County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Application
of Penelope If. Anderson. Adminis
tratrix, for License to Sell Real Es
tate. Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an Order of the Hon
orable F. M. Dineen, one of tne
Judges of the District Court of Doug
las County, Nebraska, made on the
9th day of August, 1937, for the
sale of real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at public
auction to the highest bidder, the
following described real estate, to-
Tax Lot Six (6), North one
half (N',4) of Northeast quar
ter (NE'i) Section fourteen
(14), Township ten (10), Range
thirteen (13). consisting cf
36.82 acres, all located in Cass
county, Nebraska.
Said eale to take place on the 27th
day of October, 1937, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m., at the south
front door of the courthouse in
Plattsmouth, Cass courity, Nebraska.
Terms of sale as follows: $100.00
cash to be paid at the conclusion of
the sale, and remainder of purchase
price to be paid upon confirmation
of sale, said real estate being sold
subject to first mortgage in the sum
of $1,000.00 and unpaid taxes.
Dated this 30th day of September,
A. D. 1937.
Administratrix with Will An
nexed of the Estate of
Melisoa Jane Key-
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Caroline Mitchell, deceased
No. 3299:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
J. Howard Davis as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
5th day of November, 1937, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated October 9, 1937.
(Seal) oll-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of David C. La Rue, deceased
No. 3007:
Take notice that the Adminis
trator of said estate has filed bis
final report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of his ad
ministration accounts, determination
of heirship and for his discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on Novem
ber 5. 1937, at ten o'clock.
Dated October 9. 1937.
(Seal) oll-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Hannah Penn, deceased. No. 3292:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Febru
ary 7, 1938; that a hearing will be
had at tha County Court room in
PlattEinouth on February 11, 193 S,
at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated October 8, 1937.
(Seal) oll-Cw County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of B. Harry Nelson, deceased.
No. 2977:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix cf said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on Novem
bci 5. 1937, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated October C. 1937.
(Seal) oll-3w County Judge.
7n the 'District Court of Cass'" '
County, Nebraska
Mary E. Burnett et al.
Jercld Rccd et al.
Notke is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitled
cauce on the 16th day of September,
1937, and an Order of Sale entered
by said Court on the first day of
October, 1937, the undersigned sole
Referee will on the 15th day of
November, 1937, at one o'clock p.
m., at the South front door of the
Court House in Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash,
that is to say 10 on the day of
sale and the balance when said sale
shall be confirmed by the court, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lots 1, 2, 3. and 10 in Block four
south; Lots 11 and 12 in Block four
F.outhh; Lots 1, 2, 3. in Block five
south; Lot3 10, 11. 12, in Block five
south of the public square in the
Village cf Rock Bluffs in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, in Block four south and two
west of the public square, in the
Village of Rock Bluffs, in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska; Also Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, S, 9. 10, 11 and 12 in Block
three south, one east; Lots 1, 2, 3,
J. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 and 12 in
Block three south, two east; Lots 1,
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, S, 9. 10, 11 and 12.
Block four south, one east; All of
Block five south, cne east; All of
Block five south, two east; Lots 1,
" 3 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. in Block
six south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6. 7, S, 9 and 10. Block seven
south, one east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, S, 9 and 10 in Block seven south,
two cast; Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8.
9 and 10 in Block eight south, one
east; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9
and 10 in Block eight south, two
east; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
and 10 in Block eight south, three
east; All o Block three south, thres
cast; All of Block four south, three
cast; All of BlocR five south, three
cast; All of Block six south, three
oast; All of Block seven couth, three
east; All cf Block eight Bouth, three
east; All of Block three south, four
erst; All of Block four south, four
east; All of Block five south, four
east; All of Block six south, four
east: All of Block seven south, four
east.; All of Block eight south, four
cost; the East one-half of Block one
cast: each being numbered from the
public square in the Village of Rock
Bluffs, in Cass county, Nebraska.
Said sale will be held open for one
Dated this 9th day of October,
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
. - . . oll-5w
Trunkenholz Oil Go.
At Your Drug Store
scr, Deceased.