PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1937. Ihe Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at rostoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living: in Second Postal Zone. 5,2.50 per year. Beyond COO miles, $3.00 per year. Rate lo Canada and foreign countries, $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. IRDOCK ITEMS George Work and family, of Om aha, were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Craig, visited in Murdock at the home of Mrs. Craig's brother, Eddie Craig and wife, last Wednesday. Frank A. Melvin and family vis ited last Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. George Melvin, and his sister Miss Jessie Melvin, in Lin coln. Robert Evans, of Lincoln, father of Mrs. W. II. Zabel, enjoyed a visit of several days at the home of the daughter here during the past week. I. G. Ilornbeck. Rock Island agent, and Miss Elsie Bornemeier, were in Nebraska City last Sunday, spend ing the day visiting with friends and looking over the exhibits at the Apple Festival. During the past week, Paul Schewe has lost three head of cattle from the prevailing disease said to be caused from turning stock into the corn stalks. Paul Reike is also re ported as having lost six from the same cause. Mrs. Michael SorJck, of Lincoln. who has been visiting in Murdock at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Homer H. Lawton, returned to her home Thursday of last week, after having enjoyed a very nice visit with her daughter and family and her many old friends in Murdock. E. D. Friend, who is visiting at the heme of his daughter, Mrs. Eddie Craig, tells us he has completed picking his corn. He is still suffer ing considerable pain and inconveni ence from the loss of his teethh. hav ing recently had them all taken out. As soon as possible he expects to get tome new "store" teeth, which he hopes will not ache. Project Leaders Hold Meeting The extension club project leaders of the various clubs adjacent to Mu.-dock met at the home of Mrs. Henry A. Tool Friday of last week, where they looked after matters coming before them and arranged the work program for the coming year as this was the first meeting of the iall season. With the organiza tion work out of the way, some real acti.ity is in store for club mem bers during the coming season. Many Enjoy Supper W. O. Gillespie, with his school bus. took a large number of people from this vicinity to Manley last S unday evening for the supper that wa:; given by the ladies of St. Pat rick's Catholic church. There was a large crowd present but enough food provided for everyone. May Locate in West Dick Rosenow and the Reichart twins departed last Tuesday for the west, with the state of Oregon r.s their destination. They expect to look over the country out that way, and if they find anything to their liking, will locate there. Injured in Auto Accident A party of Murdock people, con sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luetchcnn and family, a young girl and the baby, Alvin Oehlerking and wife (the ladies being sisters) had driven to a point in Indiana to at tend the wedding of a brother, Rev. Frank Schaefer to a young lady of Announcement GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIR, PARTS, GAS, OIL AND GREASES We have purchased and are taking over the garage business formerly conducted by Lawrence Race. We are here to serve you in the line of Auto Repair Work and can also supply you with parts as well as Gasoline, Oils and Greases. We ex .tend to all a cordial invitation to Ccme and See Us Let's Get Acquainted We will be Pleased to Serve You! Twc ton's Garage y. H. Tweton, Owner 33 that state, and were en route home when, as they neared Chicago, ac companied by another sister who had accompanied them east from that city, their car was struck by a truck and utterly demolished. Most of the members of the party suffered in jury. Harold Luetshens and wife and their little four year old daugh ter, Mrs. Alvin Oehlerking and Miss Ella Shrader were more or less se verely injured, while Mr. Oehlerking and the baby were not so badly hurt. Mr. Oehlerking and all members of the party who were able to do so, returned home last week. The rest of the party are getting along fairly well and will be able to come home in the near future. Takes Over Garage Business V. II. Tweton and family have moved from the farm , into Murdock and are occupying a portion of the E. M. Shaddo property. Mr. Tweton has purchased the garage business formerly conducted by Lawrence Race, and has an ad in this issue of the Journal inviting the patronage of the public. He is a good workman and should receive his full share of business in this line. Returns from Hospital Mrs. Formanak, mother of Dr. Formanak, who has been in the hospital for several weeks, convalesc ing from an operation, was so far recovered that she was able to be brought home Friday of last week, and is getting along very nicely at this writing, which is very good news for the family and friends of this excellent woman. L. Neitzel Confined to Home L. Neitzel. who has been subject to attacks of illness at quite frequent intervals for some time pase, which compel him to take to his bed for a number of days until the effects of the malady can be thrown off, was taken with another of. these attacks about a week ago. Thursday, he was able to walk down to the store for the day. but suffered a relapse and had to go back to Led Friday, his condition seemingly as serious as before. Charles Kupke has been look ing after business at the store dur ing the illness of Mr. Neitzel. Held Semonstration Saturday I rst Saturday, October 9, a dem onstration of the new refrigeration plant installed in the Murdock Mer cantile store drew a large attendance. The new plant, with 100 lockers, each capable of holding a quarter of beef, is something new in the way of service in this part of the country. Individuals may rent the compart ments at a stated sum. either by the month, or for an entire year, having access to same at all normal busi ness hours. The writer visited the new refrig" ernticn plant on Friday, the day be fore the demonstration and found the temperature in the outer or cool ing portion from 33 to 35 degrees, and in the inner room which is the coldest, designed to receive the goods after they have been slowly cooled, the thermometer registered a tem perature of 12 degrees above zero. When the plent gets into operation, the temperature in this room is to bo around 3 to 5 degrees above zero, cold enough to freeze solid any and r.!l meat products consigned to it, while they may be held indefinitely in that condition in the cuter com partments. There were representatives of some eight wholesale houses present for the demonstration, who joined in explaining the refrigeration advant ages it will afford as well as the workings of the system. Wc understand the locker charge will be $1 per month or $10 for a year. MR. BRIGGS Hadn't they ought to have an ad on the strength of this free write-up??? BRIDE MEETS DEATH DAWSON, Neb., Oct. 9 (UP) Mrs. Forrest Ogle, 20, a bride of a few months was fatally injured when .she fell from a load of fodder as a vcar driven by her husband rounded a curve ucar here Friday evening, fche died of a broken-neck three hours after the accident. Laughing Around the World With IRVIN S. COBB' Practically No Reason for It By IRVIN S. COBB THERE once was a clerk of the hotel in a small Maine town who had a unique way of keeping- a diary. Each evening he wrote on the VrM-nm lines of the Dace of the register for the current date a brief account of the principal doings in the community, usually coupled with a summary of his own personal reactions to them. Sometimes his phra seology was unusual but always it was amply descriptive. A friend of mine was stopping at the hotel, having gone up to Maine on a fishing trip. He fell into the habit f glancing through the back pages of the register, more from the enjoyment he got from the quaint language of the entries than because he was interestd in bygone neigh borhood history. On succeeding pages of the book for a week of the early spring of the year previous, he found these progressive records of a local Tuesday: "While fishing through the ice yesterday, Henry Whippet fell in the Saco River up to his neck. He was drawed out xnd took home." - Wednesday: "Henry Whippet is in bed with a powerful biwl cold. His folks are thinking some about calling in a doctor." Thursday: "Henry Whippet is rapidly continuing to getho Letter. It now looks like he is fixing to break out with the pneumonia." Friday :'"Henry Whippet is sinking rapidly." Saturday: "At nine o'clock this morning our esteemed fellow-citizcu, Henry J. Whippet, Esq., went to his maker entirely uncalled for." lAmerican Npws Fpntures. Ire I MANLEY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Stander were Omaha visitors last Monday. Mrs. Joseph Spirel of Omaha spent Wednesday with her aunt. Miss Mary Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt were attending the Ashland sale last Thursday. Otto Harms and Mrs. Alice Alber ding were the guests of friends in Omaha last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Rau spent last Sunday in Omaha the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Breckenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bergman and Miss Mamie Maher were shopping in Lincoln Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riester and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krecklow were shopping in Omaha one day last week. Mrs. John C. Rauth was a guest at the home of Mrs. Carl 0. Zaiser of Avoca last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer, of Avoca spent Sunday with Mrs. Mey er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. . William Sheehan. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, O'Brien, of Elair. and Miss Helen Murphy of Omaha spent Sunday with the Joseph Murphy family. Mr. and Mrs. John Carper are an nouncing a new grandson born on Sunday, September 2 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirk, of Lincoln. Otto Harms, who has been enjoy ing a visit at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Harms, de parted early last week for his home in Los Angeles. Mrs. Emma Andrews, after visit ing here for a number of days, left for Falls "City, where she is visiting at the home of her son, Harold An drus, for a time. Rev. James Hennessy left Sunday afternoon by auto for Cincinnatti, Ohio, where he will be present at the consecration of the Bishop elect of that place on October 7th. Fay Henneger, who with his fam ily have resided here for more than a year, has accepted a position on a farm near Springfield. They moved to their new location last week. H. V. Davis and George F. Wilson of Elmwood, the well men, who after three trials secured a very fine well for Harold Schliefert, are now en gaged in sinking a well for W. J. Rau. Louis Krecklow and wife and their little daughter, who were visiting here for some time, left last week Tor their home in Milwaukee, making the trip out and back in their car. They enjoyed a very pleasant visit while here. Miss Ellen Kelly and Miss Mar garet Jane Robinson of Weeping Water, who are in training in St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Massoth spent a few days in Geneva during the past week, visiting Mr. Massoth's family. While shucking corn, Linus had the misfortune to sprain his wrist, which gave him an enforced vacation of a few days and opportun ity to go to Geneva for the visit. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Massoth drove to Geneva last Friday, where they spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Massoth. They found conditions much drier there than here, and after viewing country further west are of the opinion that Cass county has produced a very good crop this year. Undergoes Operation Word has been received by rela- tives that Mrs. Aaron F. Rauth of York was operated on in the York hospital last Monday evening. Mrs. Rauth came through the op eration in good shape and her many friends here are hoping for an un eventful recovery. Her sister, Mrs. Albert Sieker, of Elmwood, is with her. Very Successful Supper The supper given by the ladies of St. Patrick's parish last Sunday was a very great success. The food was delicious, well cooked and quickly served and was greatly enjoyed by all who were present. The Tango table also attracted a good crowd and a substantial sum was added to the treasury. A New Form of Sport According to the recent state laws it is now possible to conduct rabbit races as they are called. It seems a quantity of jack rabbits are turned loose in an enclosure at a given time and allowed to be chased by the iTrayhounds. Blinds of corn fodder are provided at the far side of the fields, affording the rabbits opportun it of getting away. One of these exhibitions has been he.'d at Talmage the past week and W.i. Sheehan and two sons, Joe and William, Jr.. together with O. E. Mc Domld went over to the neighboring tow.i last Friday to witness the rac3, which they say proved very interesting. . eath of Mrs. Andrew Krecklow Mrs. Andrew Krecklow, of Falls Cit, passed away at her home there at the age of 56 years, after an ill ness of some duration. Everything possible was done for her, but to no avail. The funeral was held Tues day. She was a sister-in-law of Aug ust Krecklow of Manley, also a sister of Fred Bauer. The Krecklow fam ily from Manley. together with Louis Krecklow and family, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who were here visiting, and Mr. and Mrs. Bauer and family went to Falls City to attend the fun eral, as did Theo. Harms and Robert Wiles and family. The deceased had long been a member of the Lutheran church and the funeral was held from that house of worship. SHRIMP POACHERS SPOTTED. PHOTOGRAPHED FROM PLANE PORT LAVACA. Tex. (UP) The commercial fishermen have, been shrimping in the closed waters of Espiritu Bay and getting away with it. That is, they did until Capt. W. II. Bauer, deputy state game, fish and oyster commissioner, thought of a way to catch them in the act. Fishermen previously had been able to observe patrol boats at a dis tance and escape by sailing away. Captain Bauer enlisted a coast guard plane which flew over the law violators, took aerial photographs as evidence and obtained three convic tions. NURSES TO STUDY CHEMISTRY AMARILLO, Tex. (UP) The fac ulty of Northwest Texas College hos pital has made arrangements with the Amarillo College for college work to be given to student nurses. Nurses will receive credit In chem istry and psychology. Deeds, Mortgages and all sorts of legal blanke.for sale at Journal office. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Caroline Mitchell, deceased. iNO. 3299: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of J. Howard Davis as Administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before sajd Court on the 5th day of November, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated October 9, 1937. A. II. DUXBURY. (Seal) oll-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of David C. La Rue, deceased. No. 3007: Take notice that the Adminis trator of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for ex amination and allowance of his ad ministration accounts, determination of heirship and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on Novem ber 5, 1937, at ten o'clock. Dated October 9. 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) oll-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Hannah Penn, deceased. No. 3292: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is Febru ary 7, 1938; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on February 11. 1938, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Datcfd October 8, 19 37. A. II DUXBURY, (Seal) oll-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of B. Harry Nelson, deceased. No. 29 77: Take notice that the Administratrix-of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of her adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for her discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on Novem bei 5, 1937. at tenti'clock a. m. Dated October C. 1937. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) oll-3w County Judge. REFEREE SALE In the District Court of Cass Couvty, Nebraska Mary E. Burnett et al, Plaintiffs I y Jerold Reed et al. Defendants J Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cas3 County, Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the ICth day of September. 1937. and an Order of Sale entered by said Court on the first day of October, 1937, the undersigned sole Referee will on the 15th day of November, 1937, at one o'clock p. m.. at the South front door of the Court House in Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, that is to say 10 on the day of sale and the balance when said sale shall be confirmed by the court, the following described real estate, to wit: Lots 1. 2, 3. and 10 in Block four south; Lots 11 and 12 in Block four southh; Lots 1, 2, 3. in Block five south; Lots 10. 11, 12, in Block five south of the public square in the Village of Rock Bluffs in Cass coun ty, Nebraska; Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in Block four south and two west of the public square, in the Village of Rock Bluffs, in Cass coun ty, Nebraska; Also Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 7, S, 9. 10, 11 and 12 in Block three south, one east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block three south, two east; Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12. Block four south, one east; All of Block five south, one east; All of Block five south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10. in Block six south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10, Block seven south, one east; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block seven south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block eight south, one east; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block eight south, two east; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10 in Block eight south, three east; All of Block three south, three east; All of Block four south, three east; All of Block five south, three east; All of Block six south, three east; All of Block seven south, three east; All of Block eight south, three east; All of Block three south, four east; All of Block four south, four east; All of Block five south, four east; All of Block six south, four east; All of Block seven south, four east; All of Block eight south, four east; the East one-half of Block one east; each being numbered from the public square in the Village of Rock Bluffs, in Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 9th day of October, 1937. C. E. TEFFT. Sole Referee. A'. L. TIDD, Attorney for Plaintiffs. 6ll-5w NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of John Irving Elwood, deceased. No. 3296: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said eutate is Janu ary 24, 1938; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on January 28, 1938, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated September 24. 19 37. A. II.. DUXBURY. (Seal) s27-3w County Judge. NOTICE of Petition for Extension of Time in which to Settle Estate In the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Peter Meisinger, deceased. No. 3175: Take notice that John P. Meising er, Administrator with the will an nexed of said estate has filed his report as Administrator from the date of his appointment to and in cluding September 25, 1937, togeth er with a petition for examination and allowance of hia administration accounts, and application for an ex tension of time in which to com plete the administration of said es tate; that said petition, application and report will be heard before said Court on October 22, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 25, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) s27-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Nebraska ) ' 83. County of Cass J By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Clerk of District Court w ith in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 9th day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: Lot 361 in the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Ne braska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Ray E. Frederick and Claire M. Frederick, Defendants to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by State Secur ities Company, a corporation. Plain tiff, against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7, A. D. 1937. H. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass County, o7-5v Nebraska SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska County of Cass ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledgway. Clerk of the Dis trict Court Avithin and for Cass Coun utuuu nuu.uauu - - l,."euid.d'. l" '"c .X.Z'. ' will " th th. ,da? f 0cthetr: A u. i, Bi iu ociock a. m. day at the South front door of the Court House in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate to wit: Lots 6 and 7 in Block 1 in Stadelmann's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska: The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Henry A. Lamphear, et al, Defendants, to sat isfy a judgement of said Court re covered by Carl J. Schneider, Plain tiff, against said Defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September 11. A. D. 1937. II. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass C5unty, si 3-5 w Nebraska. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE In the District Court in end for Douglas County. Nebraska. In the matter of the Application of Penelope H. Anderson. Adminis tratrix, for License to Sell Real Es tate. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an Order of the Hon- orable I Al. IJineen. one oi me any interest in Lots 12, 13. 16 and Judges of the District Court of Doug- 17 in yest Greenwood; Subdivision las County, Nebraska, made on theof tne North Haif Qf the Southeast 9th day of August, 1937. for thei0uarter of Section 31. Townshln 12. sale of real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to wit: Tax Lot Six (6), North one half (NJ,4) of Northeast quar ter (NE'4) Section fourteen I . . . rw. I . 1 n T rr r ' ( 14 ), J ownsnip ten ui ivans thirteen (13), consisting of 36.82 acres, all located in Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale to take place on the 27th day of October, 1937, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the courthouse in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska. Terms of sale as follows: $100.00 cash to be paid at the conclusion of the sale, and remainder of purchase price to be paid upon confirmation of sale, said real estate being sold subject to first mortgage in the sum of $1,000.00 and unpaid taxes. Dated this 30th day of September, A. D. 1937. PENELOPE H. ANDERSON. Administratrix with Will An nexed of the Estate of Melissa Jane Kcy ser. Deceased. o4-? All kinds of commercial print ing done promptly at the Journal OfflC3. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of William H. Tritsch. de ceased. No. 329 7: Take notice that a petition has been . filed praying for administra tion of said estate and appointment of Lester W. Meisinger as Adminis trator; that said petition has been sot for hearing before said Court on the 29th day of October, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 30. 1937. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) o4-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the cFtate of Zella Brizendine, deceased. No. 3290: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment, c.t Viola Shupp as Administratrix; that said petition has been set for hear ing before said Court on the 24th day of September, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated August 25. 1937. A. II. DUXBURY. (Seal) a30-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF PROBATE Iv the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of John Irvin Elwood, deceas ed. No. 3291: Take notice that a potition has been filed for the probate of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of Minnie E. Elwood as Executrix thereof; that sliid petition has been set for hear ing before said Court on the 24th day of September, 1937, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated August 27. 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) a30-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cast Coun ti; Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Emma D. Smith, deceased. No. 3270: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is October 25, 1937: that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, on October 29. 1937, at ten o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objec tions duly filed. Dated June 25, 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) j2S-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska 1 ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg way, Clerk of District Court within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 16th day of October, A. D. 1937, at 10 i o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house Plattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: Northwest fractional quarter except the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in Section thirty-one (31), Town ship eleven (11), North, Range eleven (11) East of the 6 th P. M., Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Manda V. Marshall et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany, a Corporation, and Frank J. Domingo, cross-petitioner, plaintiffs against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September 9, A. D. 1937. ' H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. n. A. Itohinxon, I.iiwyfr Krrnont, Mrbraaka NOTICE To Justus Blakeley, also known as Justus Blakely, Justus Blakley, Jus tice Blakely and Justis Blakely; By ron E. Parliman: Donovan A. Wall- ing; All Persons having or claiming North. Range 9, East of the 6th P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska, real names un'tnown, (impleaded with Cass County Investment Company, a cor poration) Defendants: Yeu, and each of you, will take no tice that John Walter Griffin, as plaintiff, has filed a petition In the District Court of Cass County, Ne braska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet the title of John Walter Griffin in and to Lots 12, 13, 16 and 17, in West Greenwood; Subdivision of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31. Townshln 12. North, Range 9, East of the 6th P. M.. in Cass County, Nebraska, and to have all the defendants, and each of them, adjudged to have no lien on. or interest in, said real estate, or any part thereof, and to enjoin all of said Defendants, and each of them, from claiming any interest in or title to said real estate or interfering with plaintiff's possession thereof, and for other equitable relief according to the allegations and prayer of said petition. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of November. 1937. Dated Sept. 10th. 1937. JOHN WALTER GRIFFIN, slG-4w Plaintiff.