PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1937. UNION ITEMS. FOR SALE: House and several lots known as the Lynde property. Write: Mrs. A. W. Propst, 3216 Apache Ave., Ortega Terrace, Jax., Fla. 2t-Up Mrs. Fred Clarke was in Platts mouth last Saturday attending the King Korn Karnival. C. E. Morris and family were in Nebraska City last Monday visiting relatives for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hammerstrom of Omaha were visiting with the mother of Mrs. Hammerstrom, Mrs. Etta Barritt. Miss Marjory Hoback who is em ployed in Plattsmouth, was spending the week-end at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hoback. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Taylor and their daughter, Mrs. Leona Hoback and daughter, Jean were visiting in Nebraska City Saturday of last week. C. F. Harris was a visitor in Platts mouth last Saturday looking after some business matters and attending the last day of the King Korn Kar nival. Joe V. Banning and wife were in Omaha last Saturday visiting some of the Union people at the hospital, and Mr. Banning also looking after some business matters. Herman C. Ross who has been very poorly for the past several months, still remains a very sick man and as times goes on he is showing the ef fects of the continued illness. Angello Guerra and wife of St. Louis who have been visiting in Union for the past two weeks at the home of a brother. John Guerra, de parted last Monday for their home. P. F. Rihn was called to Platts mouth last Saturday afternoon where he had business matters to look after and while he was away Mr. Rihn was looking after the business at the store. Moss McCarroll has converted a portion of the basement of the build ing in which he lives into a garage which makes it very handy, for he can step out of his car into his home and vice versa. Keith Brown and wife and their son have come to Union to make their home where Mr. Brown will be em ployed by the George company. The son who was injured in an accident about a year ago has entirely -recov ered. Mrs. Elmer Sundstroin of Platts mouth who has been appointed to in vestigate the causes of age pensions or relief, was in Union last Monday looking into the claims cf those who have been receiving old age assist ance. On Wednesday evening of last week Mrs. W. A. Taylor, accompanied by her two grandsons, were over to Plattsmouth in the evening where they attended the coronation cf the king and queen of the King Korn Karnival. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church were meeting last Thursday with Mrs. Nels Mattson, where all enjoyed a very fine program as well as a nice visit. This wa3 dollar day and the fact added many ducat3 to the treasury of the society. Young Lad Breaks Arm. While Robert Austin, fcon of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin was playing with a tire which he was rolling down a hill, it got away from him and in his endeavor to catch it, fell and his arm was broken. After the member was set he geeraed to be get ting J?rg verj well but was suffer ing a good deal from the injury. He however was able to be about and was over to school. Accidentally Shoots Foot. Otto Ehlers and wife were host and hostess to the remainder of the Becker family at the farm home and whore all enjoyed the event to the fullest. There were there for the oc casion A. L. Bckcr and wife, par ents, and daughter, Mary, Ray Beck er and wife, Roy Becker and wife, Henry Becker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoback. Following the very fine dinner they repaired to the timber and amused themselves by throwing cork ed bottles into the river and s-hoot-ir.g at them. About 3 o'clock while Donald Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.'cnry II. Becker was going along v. ith a shot gun, the gun accidentally discharged, the charge entering one of his feet, tearing away a good por tion of the flesh from two toes and some on the one next to it. He was hurried to the St. Mary's hospital at Nebraska City where the injury was dressed and a few shot removed. The wound caused a great deal of suffer ing, but the lad stood it very well. Very Sick at Sicspital. Little onna Dale Kannopp, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kannorp. one-year-old. has been critically ill and is in the Bryan Memorial hos pital in Lincoln where she is being cared for. The mother is with the little son. The malady is a telescop-, ing of the bowls. The case is extreme ly serious and is causing much con cern to the parents as to her recovery. Entertain for Day. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd were host and hostess for the day last Sunday having as their guests for the occa sion Henry Born and wife of Platts mouth who were accompanied by a grandson, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Todd and son. The party en joyed a very finedinner and an excel lent visit. Joe Everett Very Poorly. J. A. Everett who has been sick for some time past still remains very poorly and but little hope has been retained for his recovery, altho everything possible is being done for his recovery. Visited Friends Here. Thaddeus Becker and wife of Idaho Falls. Idaho, arrived in Union last week and visited over the week end and a number of days this week with his brother, A. L. Becker and family. Things have changed since Mr. Thaddius Becker was here. How ever he found many people whom he knew and was pleased to see them. He also visited in Murray where he formerly knew many people, but on his visit last Monday found few of the friends of other years left. Visited Brother in Hospital. P. F. Rihn was a visitor in Omaha last Sunday where he went to visit with his brother, Wm. Rihn who lives out in the state and has been at the Immanuel hospital where he under went an operation. He is doing fair ly well but. will have to remain at the hospital for some time yet. Painting the Apple Honse. Hon. W. B. Banning has been hav ing his apple house painted white. He also has had King Clark paint across the front of the building the sign "W. B. Banning Orchards." The place looks very neat as it stands on the hill and can be seen and ad mired by those who pass on the highway. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cotner, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Glaze and Mrs. Edgar Glaze were at Fairbury, Nebraska, Sunday where they attended the fun eral services of Mrs. Joseph Neitzel, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Glaze and Mrs. Cotner. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neitzel were former residents of this city but have made their home in Fairbury in re cent years. On their return they stopped at Lincoln and visited Edgar L. Glaze at the U. S. Veterans' hospital where he is taking treatment. Mr. Glaze is responding nicely to the treatment and is pleased with the care and the fine hospital that the government has provided for the war veterans. CHEVIES TAKE REVENGE F'ora Tuesday's Daily The Chevies last evening revenged their defeat at the hands of the Wimpys by a score of 2272 to 2145. The scores of the individual players were as follows: Wimpys Bourne, 479; Ault, 421; Hula. 369; Dr. W. V. Ryan, 428; Wimpy, 44 8. Chevrolet Al McClanahan, B. McClanahan, 463; King, 473; 429; Bourke, 460; Keck, 447. A meeting will be held at the bowling alley Thursday night to or ganize teams for the season. Anyone interested in bowling or entering a team be there as this is an important meeting. This applies to ladie3 also. GOURD COLLECTION There was a very extensive collec tion of very fine varieties of gourds at the flower show during the King Korn Karnival. There were long neck gourds and many different fancy varieties and shapes. Among the col lection was Mrs. L. W. Egenberger's Romona string. It is a charm string made up of gourds, peppers. cones and squashes all on one string. Mrs. Lillian Freeman had charge of the gourds. Mother-think of it! Nine tenths of all the hospitals im portant in maternity work now give their babies a body rub every day with Mennen Antiseptic Oill Why? Because this treatment keeps the baby MSMHSn oiniUefduL. OIL Weeping Water Harry M. Knabe was .in Weeping Water advertising his Hampshire hog sale to be held in October! He was also over to Palmyra and Syra cuse. John Kirkhoff was in town and se cured some materials for the placing of his corn crib in condition to hold the corn which is now ready for picking. Miss Agnes Rough was called to Omaha to attend a trade meeting and the beauty shop and millinery store was being look after by Mrs. N. L. Grubbs. E. L. McCartney moved to an apart ment on the south side. He has been occupying the C. Wally Johnson residence, which was then occupied by another renter. Marshall Gregg won a one dollar prize from his exhibit of poultry and his essay on the feeding of Wayne feeds, this was among some six hun dred prizes over the entire United States. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ludwick were over to Lorretta Sunday where they visited the parents of Mrs. Ludwick and on their return were accompanied by the son who has been spending some two weeks visiting the grand parents. The Woman's club held their first meeting of the year's work on Tues day of this week and extended their meeting until after the close of school, entertaining the teachers of the school and extending a welcome to them by the town. Ross Shields and wife were in Lin coln last Sunday where they were visiting friends. Since returning home they have moved from their trailer summer home to their apart ments in the upper story of the building where they have their clean ing establishment. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jewel were called to Plattsmouth by the notifi cation of the death of a grandchild, a child of Clarence Jewell who make their home in Plattsmouth. Unci- Frank Farnham, a resident of the Nebraska Masonic Home at Plattsmouth who was visiting at the Jewell home, accompanied them to Plattsmouth. For Sale A Heatrola type heater. Burns wood or coal. In excellent condition. Earl Freeman, Avoca. Hear From Tourists. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler who were in Portland Ore gon, tells of their visiting at the home of the parents of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Elgaard at that place and also saying the weather was cold there and prevented them from going north into Washington and Vancouver. They are turning north to get where the weather is warmer. Married in Omaha. Word has been received of the mar riage of Margaret Lane who has been making her home in Omaha, telling of her marriage to Max Richards. The newlyweds departed immediate ly for Portland, Oregon where the parents of Mr. Richards reside where they will spend some two weeks and then return to make their home in Omaha. Goes to Hospital. Albert Smith and family from the western portion of the state are visit ing in Weeping Water at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snell, parents of Mrs. Smith. Their son, Neil, 10, was operated on for mastoid about a year ago and a growth coming on the place of the operation caused some concern and they were taking the lad to the hospital for examin ation to ascertain the nature of the growth, they going over on Wednes day to Lincoln. - Friendly Ladies Meet. The Friendly Ladies who have been on a vacation for the past three months met Tuesday of thi3 wet with Mrs. Emerson Dowler which was the initial meeting of the fall. They enjoyed a very friendly time and planned programs for the future. Mrs. Cam Klepzer Poorly. Mrs. Cam Klepzer who has been in poor health for some time past, was taken to the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln the first of the week where she is being treated and kept under safer from his worst enemy, germs helps protect his skin against infection. Give your baby this greater safety. It's so important! Buy a bottle of Mennen Antiseptic Oil at your druggist's today. e observation. It is hoped that she may be restored to her customary health by treatment and no operation will be performed unless required. Knickerbockers Club. The Knickerbockers club met for the first time for the fall season on last Wednesday with Mrs. Allen, where they enjoyed a very pleasant meeting. Nature Study Club Visits Here. The Omaha Nature Study club was visiting in Cass county last Sunday, some twelve auto loads of members making the, tour. They visited at Springdale, which is the John Larsh farm where they partook of a picnic dinner, afterwards visiting Nehawka and later came to Weeping Water where they picked up Postmaster Sterling Amick and with him visited the scenic places which so lavishly surround this picturesque city. They visited the hospital of Dr. L. N. Kun kel and looked over his Indian relics. Attended W.C.T.U. Meet. Mrs. Fred H. Gorder and a number of other member of the W. C. T. U. were attending a county meeting of the W. C. T. U. at Plattsmouth Tues day. Mrs. Gorder was elected chair man of the motion picture section of the county union, also making an address at the convention. Young Son Arrives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jamison, liv ing west of Weeping Water, were blessed last Monday evening by a! present from the stork in the shape of a very fine son, All are doing nicely. Ernest Jamison Home. Ernest Jamison who has been at a hospital for some time past was brought home last Sunday and when he returned was in a very bad condi tion, but since resting a short time was feeling somewhat better. Still he remains in a very critical condi tion. He is being cared for by hi3 daughter. Miss Cleo Jamison w ho has been at Chicago where she has been nursing, and hastened home to care for the father. Change Managers Here The Nebraska Power company has made a change in the manage ment of its office in Weeping Water where Glen Conley has been the man ager, being promoted to the office at Louisville, which is a more respon sible position. Floyd Hile who has been located with Vqe company at Louisville will be the new manager of the Weeping Water office. This is a well earned promotion for both and especially for Mf. Ifite, who has earned all his advancements by hard and careful work. Attend Family Gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Haith and fam ily, Kenneth Haith and wife, were over to Papillion last Sunday, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haith for the day. Other members of the family were also present includ ing Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Haith of Cor vallas, Oregon, thus making a real family reunion. Enjoyed Picnic Sunday. P. H. Miller and son, Peter, of Weeping Water and Carl Hansen and family, also of Weeping Water, James Miller, son of P. H. Miller, and fam ily of near Murray, made up a party who enjoyed a picnic in the Weeping Water park last Sunday. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, October 3 9:30 Sunday school and choir prac tice after Sunday school. No services, as pastor is away on synodical business. Sunday, October 10 9:30 Sunday school. Mission fes tival. 10:30 English services. Pastor H. Geedo from Bennington. Nebr., will be the speaker. 2:30 p. m. German sertice fcy Fas tor Goede. English services byas tor Lorin Wolff from Diller, Nebr. 7:30 p. m. English services. Pas tor L. Wolff from Diller, Nebr., will be the speaker. For Improved 80 at . . 100 Improved 120 at 1)3 Improved 160 at. . 210 le Exclusive Agent 0k vw M urray Fred Kahler, living several miles west of Murray has recently pur chased a new 1937 V-8. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mrasek were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reed. The Murray lumber yard received and unloaded a car of lumber which was stored at the yards last Satur day. Mrs. Nelle Wehrbein. who is work ing at Plattsmouth was looking after some business matters here last Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edar Newton of Plattsmouth were guests of the moth er of Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Vesta Clark for the day last Sunday. j Earl Merritt has been painting at the home of James Pittman for the past week and has just completed his work in that line there. Mrs. Arthur D. Crunk and Mrs. Roy Evans and daughter were guests in Murray last Monday and were visit ing with Miss Freda Crunk. Miss Freda Crunk, manager of the Murray telephone exchange, was a visitor for the day last Sunday at the home of friends near Cedar Creek. Henry Heobner has been suffering greatly from attacks of rheumatism, but while he has been greatly trou bled he has still been getting about. Noah Parker and Earl Vest have been cutting posts at the farm of Alvador Nickles, as things in Murray have been rather quiet and they de sired to be employed. Mrs. Joe Martis, Jr., and daugh ter, Josephine, were over to Nebraska City last Sunday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sharp, the ladies being sisters. Frank Dugay of Omaha was a visi tor in Murray last Sunday afternoon and was caliing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt and other friends for the afternoon. Thaddeus Becker and wife of Idaho Falls, Idaho who is visiting at the home of his brother, A. L. Becker, at Union, were calling on friends in Murray last Monday afternoon for a short time. The new home which Robert Pat terson is having built near the Rock Creek school house is progressing very nicely and the frame work of the house is now up and the workmen are busy enclosing the structure. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt were over to Plattsmouth last Saturday evening where they enjoyed the last night of the King Korn Karnival and were guests for the night and follow ing day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitch. Used Ranges for Sale. I have some half dozen good used ranges burning either wood or coal for sale. The Murray Hardwarde Co. Bulding Bridge to Highway. O. A. Davi3 who owns the farm where M. H. Warthen resides has been having a bridge built so that the occupants of the farm could get from the farm to the highway. The new bridge which is to be built is 14x24 feet. Mr. Warthan was in and hauled the lumber out for the bridge last Monday evening. Oil Well Work Progressing. The work of sinking the oil well for the Golden Rod Oil company is making progress, although very slow ly, the fact of their breaking some of the machinery, delayed work until it was repaired, keeping them from making much progress, but they are at it and have dug a twelve inch hole forty-four feet, and have been drilling in lime stone, now having penetrated some four feet in this strata of stone and do not as yet know how thick it is. Home About Completed. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster which has been in process of building for some time is YOU CAN THROW CARDS IN HIS FACE ONCE TOO OFTEN WIIEN- you have those awful cramps; when your nerves are all on edge don't take it out on the man you love. Your husband can't possibly know how you feci for the 6implo reason that he is a man. A three-quarter wife may bo no wife at all if she nags her hus band seven days out of every month. For three generations one woman lias told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, t hus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which, women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PIXKJJAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Co "Smiling Through.' Laughing Around the World With IRVIN S. COBB The Curious Ways of Sheep By IRVIN S. COBB A COWFUNCHER named Russell knew all about there was to know about beef cattle and about horses but his education regarding the ways and habits of sheep had been neglected. All the same, he went 60 V- c out on the rane with a flock of wooly baa-baas. Ten days passed, and he returned to headquarters to replenish hi3 supply of provisions, lhe boss met him at the ranch-house. "Well, Charlie," he asked, "how goes it?" "Oh, all right," said Russell. : "Satisfied with your new job, eh ? pressed the employer. "I guess so," said Russell. "But if you want me to keep on working for vou there's one thing you'll have to do." "What's that?" "You'll have to get ir.e another lot of sheep. That first bunch has dene lit out on you." Amrrir-jn Nfwn Fcntn.cs, Ir.e.) now- nearly completed, the carpenters puttinug the finishing touches on the interior which will make it ready for the interior decoration and varnish ing. In Honor of Mrs. Martis. A dinner was given b3T Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klema in honor of the passing of Mrs. Joseph Martis, sr., which was held at the Klema home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mar tis. sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Berg man comprised the guests. A very enjoyable time was had. Visiting at Murray. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Holmes of Plattsmouth were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Smith last Monday afternoon and were ac companied by Mr. Arthur Holmes, a brother of Mrs. Smith and Mr. J. W. Holmes who is visiting for a few days at the Holmes and Smith homes. This is the first time he has visited here for the past seventeen years. Arthur Holmes resides in California, where he is foreman in the factory of the Douglas Aircraft company and was taking a two weeks vacation which he is spending in going to Detroit where he made the purchase of a new V-S which he is driving home. He departed for the west Wednesday. On his way west he will stop at the home of a sister, Mrs. D. R. Churchill at Twin Falls, Idaho, where he will visit for a few days. Used Ranges for Sale I have some half dozen good used ranges burning either wood or coal for sale. "The Murray Hardwarde Co. On Way to California. Joe Richter and Ethan Allen de parted late last week for San Fran cisco in the auto of Mr. Richter, where they will stay for a time. Mr. Richter expects to return some time within a month, but Ethan Allen will remain and endeavor to secure employment. Van Allen and Verle Potts also departed Tuesday of this week and will expect to meet the other parties at San Francisco. After a visit Mr. Potts expects to return, but Van will stay if he obtains work. Ladies Aid to Meet. The Ladies' Aid of the Christian church will meet at the church on Wednesday, October 6th for the aft ernoon. Hostesses will be Mrs. Addie Park, Mrs. Addie Hatchett and Mrs. Charles Carroll. Mrs. Chester Sporer will be the leader in the program which is to be one of the features of the afternoon. Christian Bible School Elects. At the session of the Murray Chris tian Bible school last Sunday follow ing the class study the school went into a business session and elected Star Single-edge Blades solve the mystery of good shaves. Made since 1880 by the inventors of the original safety razor. Keen, lonfyS-. """ lasting-, uniform. f M D v rA v j i officers for the coming year. The officers elected were: Louis Sack, superintendent, Silas Ferry, assistant; Miss Helen Leyda, secretary-treasurer; Lcroy White, assistant; Mrs. Leonard Lutz( pianist; Dorothy Yost assistant; James Hoschar chorister; Dick Hall first assistant; Joan Hall, second assistant; Mrs. H. M. War ten, cradle roll, Mrs. Addie Park, as sistant; Mildred Wilson librarian; Dorothy Yost assistant. Used Ranges for Sale I have some half dozen good used ranges burning either wood or coal for sale. The Murray Hardwarde Co. library Board Elects. In the election of officers for the library board at their last meeting Mrs. J. H. Farris was elected as pres ident and Miss Loa Davis, secretary treasurer. Card of Thanks We wish to join our children (Mr. and Mrs. Dale Topliff) in expressing our sincere thanks to those who so kindly helped during and after the fire of our farm home. Mr. and Mrs. James II. Brown. Surprised on Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schomaker were very much surprised last Sunday when friends and relatives came to their home with well filled baskets to help them celebrate their thirty-sixth wedding anniversary. An enjoyable time was spent and the guests of honor received many nice gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schuerman, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiles. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harsh man. Mrs. Anna Harshman, Mrs. Louis Schomaker, Arlene Couper thwait, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Scho maker, Mr. and Mrs. George Scho maker and Wanda, Darlene, and Viona, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Warlick and Byron, Donald, Floyd and Al fred, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cox and Don ald, Laurence, and Carlene, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schomaker. and Larrie, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Todd, and Jack, and Betty Lou, Mrs. H. G. Todd, Dick Patseh, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Parker, Helene and Junior, Ray, Viv ian, Golda Eloise and Harold Scho maker and the guests of honor Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schomaker. Deeds, Mortgages and all sorts of legal blanks for sale at Journal office. tependafile Insurance BUY YOUR INSURANCE FROM THIS OLD, ESTABLISHED LOCAL AGENCY Service and Protection IN CASE OF A LOSS, WE ARE ALWAYS HERE TO HA LP WHEN NEEDED . CALL CR SEE Phone- 16 Plattsmouth MHMMBnaWMBBBBSSSSSSSaBWBBMaMV-M INSURANCE Z-7c; if-iw "V-