PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL tn Ihe Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoflice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Pnblisher SUBSCRIPTION PBICE $2.00 A YEAS IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, 12. BO per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, 13.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. UNION IIEK1S. Glen Iloback and wife of Omaha were visiting in Union last Sunday. Roy Yonkers recently made the purchase of a new washing machine. John V. Banning of Alvo was in Union last Friday looking after some business matters. Donald Hoback has been visiting on the farm of Milo Jay for the past week, helping with the work. Miss Nola Banning was a visitor in Cmaha Monday of thi3 week where she and a friend attended the Ak-Sar-Ben races. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Griffin recent ly made the purchase of a new elec tric refrigerator. Messrs. W. B. Banning and V. E. Reynolds were in Lincoln last Mon day, called there to look after some business matters. Two fellow teachers of Miss Nola Banning;, Eleanor Williams and Mili ccnt Orme were guests of Miss Nola last Thursday and Friday. Russel Schaffer is having his cafe modernized by the installing of an air conditioning system. The work is being done by Ralph Pearsley. Eillie Dodson and sister of Chicago i have been visiting for a few days at the home of their aunt, Mrs. .Mili cent LaRue. They returned home last Tuesday. Carl Petersen of Nebraska City was a visitor in Union for the day last Monday and was looking after some business matters as well as visit ing friends. Mr. and Mis. Henry H. Becker and son, Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoback were guests last Sunday at the home of C. J. Mullis near Ne braska City. Mr. and Mrs.I. Ray Frans, Roy Upton and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker were over to Nehawka Thurs-TlSth day of last week enjoying the Ma sonic Roundup. ' Mrs. Edith Fahiiander of Brule, Nebraska, has been visiting here for the past week, and was accompanied by her two sisters, they enjoying the time visiting with friends. Miss Rachel Viers who was one of the faculty of the Union schools last year has accepted a position with the public schools of Tecumseh and will teach there the coming season. Frank L. Anderson and family, Ben Anderson and wife. Con Watkins and wife and Mrs. Minnie Anderson were enjoying a very pleasant picnic at the famous Kamp Kil Kare last Sun day. v Mrs. Earl Freeman of northwest of Weeping Water with the family were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Midkiff. they being the parents of Mrs. Freeman. Mrs. Mary B. Allison and daugh ter, Mrs. John R. Pearson, both of. Auourn, were visiting last Sunday and Monday with friends in Union, being guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J,. Becker. Orville Hathaway has been taking his annual vacation from hid work as mail carrier as he must get the vaca tion oetore the first of July. Louis j Burbee is carrying the mail during the time Mr. Hathaway is off. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dysart of St. Paul. Minn., arrived here last week and have been visiting at ilie home of Mr and Mrs. James Dysart where they have enjoyed the visit very much They are expecting to remain for t time. Kev. . A. Taylor and wife and Donald Hoback were down to Goose Hill where they went to look at the high waters, this affording a good viewpoint. They took along their fish hooks but did not find anv suitable place to fish. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ross who have v been making their home in Chicago for a number of years were visiting the past week at the homes of Joe Bauer and wife and Frank Bauer and sister, Anna. They de parted for home Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roddy and Prompt Closings JOE LAPIDUS w Hotel Plattsmouth nvtei w 33 little daughter have been visiting for the past week in the western part of the state where Uiey have been guests at the home of the parnts of Mrs. Roddy. Harry Albin has been carrying the mail while tbey are away. Mrs. Harold Nickles and friend, Mrs. Homer Vance, with little George Nickles who have been visiting here for the past week or more departed last Saturday for Ponca, Oklahoma, their home. Misses Ruth, Dorothy and Bessie Anna remained here for a visit during the summer. Ttomas Chapman and wife who have been visiting in Union for the past three weeks with the parents of Mrs. Chapman, departed last Monday for Lincoln where they will remain for the present week after which they will depart for Douglas, Wyoming, where they will expect to make their home as they have a position there. Married in Omaha Last Week. Miss Merle Davis, former teacher in the Union schools and Mr. Rex Parks, the latter of Grand Island were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents in Omaha Wed nesday of last week. Miss Davis was a teacher for the past two years in the Union schools. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stites and daughter, Gwen were in attendance at the wedding. Miss, Gwen being the bridesmaid while a brother of Mr. Parks acted as best man. Miss Rachel Viers pre sided at the piano during the march which preceded the ceremony. The young couple will make their home at Grand Island. Shower for Bride-to-Be. Mrs. M. G. McCarroll was hostess Friday of last week at a very joyous entertainment which was in shape of a miscellaneous shower in honor of ,Jip, v era Lpion. wno win on Juiy marryMr. Roddy Whitmore of 'Johnson,' where he is to be superin tendent of schools the coming year. Many friends of the brideMo-be were present. There was a large sprinkler which denoted the shower and smaller sprinklers for each guest. Many gifts were presented the bride-to-be, accompanied by best wishes. Refreshments were sserved at the close of the evening. Union Orchestra Meets. The members of the Union orches tra were meeting last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruse Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harris of Plattsmouth were among those attendance, as well as Francis Liber shal and Wm. Fravlin also of Platts mouth were present. Will Hold Open Air Meeting. i ne iuemoaist cnurch has con eluded to hold open air services start ing next Sunday at the Union park They will be joined by members o the Baptist church. The church buildings are considered too warm to hold services inside this warm weath er. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy these out door services. Moving to Missouri to-Live. Eugene Moore who with the family uau ieen maKing ineir home in Union for the past two years, but i i , . . . just recently Mr. Moore working at or iiea i v,nuacoine, .io., were moving to that place last Monday. Mrs Moore and the kiddies remained un til Mr. Moore had secured a place to reside and sent a truck for the goods and the family. Return to Home in South. Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Larsh and three children, Mr. Larsh being son of John Larsh have been enjoying a visit for the past two weeks at the SAVE MONEY ON FEEDS Have your Grain RTOund with Added Supplement. Authorized formulaes used. Save freight charges and mid dlemen's profits. We sell direct to consumer at one small profit. Ask for further information. GB0WING MASH, 100 lbs'.$2.S5 STARTING MASH, 100 lbs..$3.00 GEO. A. GT1TEG 2 Social From Monday's Dally Chicago Guests Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mottinger of Chicago were over night guests Fri day of Mrs. Mottinger's cousin, Mrs. George Man n. Mrs. Mottinger teaches in Peoria. HI., and her hus band in Chicago. They left Saturday afternoon for the Y. M. C. A. camp at Estes Park. They will also taken ex tended tour through the west before returning to Chicago. Sunday Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Callahan and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Max Evald, and Genevieve Cordes of Om aha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Kocian Sunday. The group drove to King Hill where they enjoyed a pic nic dinner. Vacationing in Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downey of Lin coln spent the week-end at the Rob ert Cappell home. Dorothy Jean and Robert John Cappell returned with their aunt and uncle to spend their vacation in Lincoln. Sunday School Picnic Children of the St. Paul's church were entertained at a Sabtath school picnic at Plamore park Sunday. A picnic dinner at noon was followed by games during the afternoon. Rev. G. A. Pahl and Max Schack neia had charge of the entertainment. Mrs. J. J. Stibal, Mrs. Lorena Urish, and Miss Elizabeth Hint had charge of the dinner. Ninety attended the picnic. Birthday Party Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Ryan enter tained at a party at Peony park Sun day evening in honor of the birth day of Carl Ofe. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woodbury of Nebraska City, Mr. and Mrs. George Jaeger, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keil, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schuetz, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ofe. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Halistrom of Avoca and children were guests at the John Halistrom home Sunday. Bob, who has been attending Camp Sheldon, returned to Avoca with them. Picnic at -Plamore- r-..t.... . A picnic was held at Plamore park Thursday evening. ... Swimming and dancing furnished' entertainment after the supper. Those attending were Robert and William Gilmour, Helen Johnson, Marian Propst of Bayard, Martin and Ralph Stava, Marian Lepert, John Novotny, Gordon Meade, Bob Headlee, Elizabeth. Margaret, and Florence Wiles. Margaret Henton, Henry Kaffenberger, Mary Ellen Kaufman, Edyth Lushinsky, George Stanley, Frank, Cecelia, and Dorothy Lepert. From Tuesday's Daily Return to Chicago Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Rosencrans and daughter, Mary, who have been visit Larsh home east of town. They de parted for their home in the south last Saturday, after a very enjoyable visit. Entertain Visitor at Picnic. Mr. Farnk Bauer, Miss Anna Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bauer, were hosts and hostesses at a picnic held at the Larsh park known as Springdale when they made a merry time for the guests. There was plenty of good eats and a jolly time enjoyed by all. Those there for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, June and John. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Con Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Land. Mrs. liomer Vance. Ponca, City: Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chase. .Mrs. John Chase. Minda. Mary and Paul Chase, of Omaha. Dorothy Ruth Turner of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ross of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bauer, Frank and Anna Bauer, Dorothy D.. Ruth, Bessie Anne, Donald George Nichols, Mrs. Harold Nichols, Ponca City, -Okla. AOttecr tlBne You Can't Buy Hail Insurance You should get your loss draft then. . See ing relatives in Plattsmouth, have returned to theirhome in Chicago. They were guests at the W. C. Soen- nichsen home and with Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans. Visiting at Hastings Mrs. W. N. Brink and Leo, Cath erine, and Rose are driving to Hast ing today. They will visit at the home of Mrs. Brink's sister and two brothers there. They plan to return the latter part of the week. Lawsons Here Mrs. Sam Lawson of Cedar Rapids, la., and son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawson, and two children were visiting friends in Plattsmouth Sun day. They called at the Don Seiver, Leonard Terryberry and Wallace Terryberry homes. Mrs. Lawson is the mother of Mrs. Garold Hol comb, former resident of this city. She has been assisting her son and family in moving into their home in Glenwood, la., where Fred has re cently located. Assists in Installation Miss Jean Knorr acted as junior custodian at the installation of Bethel No. 1, Job's Daughters, in Omaha Monday evening. Bethel No. 1 is the mother bethel of the world. A very elaborate ceremony was held. Others who drove to Omaha last even!ng were Mrs. Roy Knorr, Mrs. H. A. Schneider, and Miss Mary Louise Walton. From Wednesday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Graves and daughter, Maxine, returned Monday from a vacation trip through central and northern Nebraska, where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. Graves returns to his work as car rier on rural route No. 2 July 1. Enjoying Trip Word comes from Mrs. W. A. Wells that she is having a very enjoyable trip. She left Saturday morning with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wells, and granddaughter, Shirley Wells, of Omaha for California. They plan to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Edwards in Santa Monica. Uncle Visits Here Mrs. O. C. Hudson has received word that her uncle, Joe Brown, is visiting relatives in Omaha and plans to visit Dr. and Mrs. Hudson this week. Mr. Brown is located in South America with the Standard Oil Co. He was married June 12 in Los An geles after a trip by plane from South America. The couple is now on their wedding trip and plan to leave from New York for their return trip to Mr. Brown's location. Girl Scouts On Tuesday evening at 7:00 the girls met at the library and hiked to the park where the meeting of the Girl Scouts was held.. Mrs. Dow Armstrong, the lieutenant, presided over the meeting. ; The scribe called roll and dues .were paid. Plans for recreation for the 'slimmer were dis cussed. ; Follow ing . the meeting, the girls played kittenball. Mrs. Armstrong ltd the game. Rosalyn Mark, report er. Linen Shower A linen shower was given Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. John Pala- cek, Jr., who is leaving in the near future to make her home in Chicago. Mrs. Raymond Larson and Mrs. Mer ritt Kerr entertained at the Kerr home. Appointments were in pink and purple. Larkspurs were used as floral decorations. During the evening the ladies played progressive peanuts. Mrs. Charles Carlson won high score and Miss Emma Hirz, consolation. Four tables played. Those present were Mrs. Nora Kaf fenberger, Mrs. Harry White, Mrs. Frank Barkus, Mrs. Charles Carlson. Mrs. J. Rishel, Miss Edna Warren, Mrs. Richard Beverage, Mrs. Leslie Niel, Mrs. Fred Lugsch, Mrs. A. H. Duxbury, Misses Emma and Elizabeth Hirz, Miss Josephine Rys, Mrs. Fred Sharpnack, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Palacek. White Suits for Men The Modern Rage Very Cool Very Stylish Washable $7.50 - $8.50 - $10 WESCOTT'S Since 1870 M mray Earl Wolfe of near Union was looking after business matters in Murray last Monday afternoon. Parr Young was over to Mynard, where he purchased a load of shell ed corn for the feeding of his cat tle. Harry Albin and the family were called to Plattsmouth last Sunday, where they visited friends and look ed after business matters. Frank Mrasek was in Omaha with a mixed load of stock, cattle and hogs, on Monday, which he had pick ed up at various farms in this vicin ity. The home of the McCullah sisters east of Murray is being repaired at this time, also new roofs are be ing placed on some of the other farm buildings. Hobart Blake and wife and their little daughter were in Omaha last Sunday, where Mrs. Blake was re ceiving treatment for her health, which has not been the best of late. Among those cutting wheat this week were Curtis Faris and W. O. Troop. The grain is ripening rap idly and in a few days a large num ber of the farmers will be busy with the harvest. J. A. Scotten and his crew of workmen are busy building a new bridge north of the Amick school, replacing the old one at that point, which was too narrow to accommo date modern day traffic. Josephine Martis has accepted the job of carrying the Oinaha Bee News to the Murray readers and began work Monday evening. While she is not overly large, we are sure she will make a good carrier for this paper. Mrs. Nelle Wehrbein was in Platts mouth the latter part of last week, where she visited her friend, Mrs. Wade Porter, who has been very ill at her home for some time and has been confined to her bed for several weeks. E. W. Thimgan of riattsmouth was in Murray Monday afternoon looking alter the locating of a num ber of the WPA sanitary, toilets. To date the force at Plattsmouth has made and installed ever fifty of these sanitarv units, which have been supplied to private parties and school districts as well as a few to! business houses in the smaller towns over the county. Putting School in Condition J. A. Scotten and his crew of workmen have been placing the school building at Rock Bluffs in tip-top condition for the opening of school on September Cth. A new shingle roof has been placed on the building and new window frames and sash are being installed. Some time ago the school directors had a re-inforced storm cave constructed, and this last spring installed two of the government's new WPA built sanitary toilets. A new steel book cabinet was also placed in the school room and a furnace installed during the last few years, making this old time school house one of the best arranged'of the many rural schools over the county. The directors are E. B. Hutchison, Jack Stamp and Joe Shera. Ladies Aid to Meet at Church The Ladies Aid of the Christian church, notwithstanding the fact there is now no regular pastor, are continuing active in the work of the church The next meeting is to be held at the church parlors on Wednesday afternoon, July 7th, at which time a program will be pre sented under the leadership of Mrs. W. L. Seybolt. 2:30 is the hour for the meeting to begin. Hostesses for the occasion will be Miss Margaret Moore, Mrs. A. T. Hansen and Mrs. Georgia Creamer. Services Sunday, July 11 It has been arranged to hold ser vices at the Murray Christian church on Sunday, July 11, when the Rev. John Boosager, student of Oklahoma in Dividends Faid and Credited July 1 at rate of 4 Fer Cent per an num, to accounts of more than 800 shareholders. Save Safely and Profitably in Federal Insured Shares Nebr. City Federal Savings & Loan Association 51st Year of Continuous. Service. University will conduct services. On July 4th, he will hold services at the church in Louisville, also with out a pastor at this time. Murray Public Library Open The Murray public library will be open for the exchange of booka on Saturday of this week from 7:45 to 8:15 p. m. This is the beginning of the summer schedule that will be in effect during the warm weather on alternate Saturday nights. Keep the dates in mind July 3, 17 and 31 and August 14 and 28, as these will be the only times you can get in to exchange books or take out new ones during the coming two months. Make Trip to Kansas J. II. Browne, of Omaha, who has land interests in western Kansas, accompanied by Mrs. Browne, were in Murray last Saturday morning and departed for Ness City, Kansas, near where their land is located, to look after the harvesting of their wheat. They Avere accompanied by Mrs. Topliff and George Berger, the latter going along to help with the work of looking after the wheat har vest. Mr. and Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Topliff returned home on Tuesda evening of this week. Attended Wedding Monday Mrs. C. D. Spangler and daugh ter, Mrs. Margaret Todd and her son departed last Sunday for Brule, Ne braska, where they attended the wed ding Monday evening of Miss Lois Cole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole, who became the bride of Hugh Bruce, a teacher in the schools of the western part of the state. The wedding took place at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Suffered a Third Stroke Thomas Christian, of Weeping Water, who has been in the hospital in Omaha for some time, but was later discharged to return home, his condition being such that the medi cal experts could offer but little if any encouragement for his recovery, suffered a thrd stroke Monday even ing. His daughter, Mrs. Hobart Blake, immediately hastened to his bedside at Weeping Water to render ciich aid and assistance as she could, although his condition is very ser ious. Visiting Here After Years Fred Grosser, who will be remem bered by the older inhabitants of Murray as one of the first postmas ters of the town, living here fifty years or more ago, but now a resi dent of Alva, Oklahoma, dropped into town last Monday and was visiting for the day and a few days follow ing with the old timers. He had many interesting incidents to re count as he talked and visited with his many friends of the years long past. In company with George E. Nickles he drove over the surround ing territory, observing the changed condition of the country and espec ially Murray. When he went away from here 35 years ago, there was not a tree on the Main street of Murray and now the trees have grown until in some instances they nearly overlap the street. Mr. Grosser also lived in Platts mcuth for a number of years, at tending school there. He is an un cle of Lon D. Crosser, who recently moved from Murray to Omaha to make his home. He visited here un til this (Thursday) morning before leaving for his home in the south. TO ATTEND BALL GAME From YVednos Jay's Daily Robert Hayes, Jr., Ronald Rebal and Gavin Farmer departed Tuesday night over the Burlington for Chi cago where they will attend the base ball game today between the Chicago White Sox and Detroit. They expect to leave this evening on No. 11 over the Burlington and reach here on Thursday morning. The boys are members of the Junior American Le gion baseball team and will play at Elmwood Thursday. Theatre . Nebraska City SAT. - SUN - M0N. - TUES. July 3-4-5-6 Wallace Beery and Warner Baxter in "SLAVE SHSP" with Virginia Bruce, Mickey Kooney and Jane Darwell 11.1 s 2 reel Musical Comedy 'Mickey Mouse' in Natural Color and News Three Shows Saturday Night Sunday, 2:30 Continuous HAVE PLEASANT TIME Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer and family went to Omaha Sun v to at tend an afternoon luncheon h, honor of Francis Fischer. Francis attended college in Chicago this year and came home a short time ago. Ho gradu ated from college this spring and will leave for Illinois in August to study for the priesthood. In the afternoon all went to Brown's park to see a ball game. They enjoyed themselves very much. St. Joseph and St. Vensuslaus schools played the game. St. Vensus laus won. The score was 4-1. On re turning home Mr. and Mrs. Fischer stopped at the sand pits north of thi3 city. A arge crowd was swimming there. Joe Fischer, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer accompanied them home. NEW AMUSEMENT PLACE From Tuesday's Daily George E. Ellis of Weeping Water and E. W. LaRue, of Nebraska City, were here today arranging for the opening of their new duckpin estab lishment, one of the new and popular forms of recreation. They are lo cating in the north room on the Sixth s.trect side of the Hotel Plattsmouth, this room being arranged for their occupancy and where they hope to be i'ble to start the next week. The equipment will all be new and there will be four alleys so that there will bo ample opportunity for the lovers of the sport to enjoy themselves. They will be able to handle clubs and groups of the players and it is hoped to have several teams of the ladie3 of the city organized as well as men. FAMILY REUNION The John Knabe family reunion was held at Louisville park on Sun day, June 20. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. John Knabe, Mrs. Dagget, and Miss Marie Vidlock, all of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mur dock and Lohn, Robert, and LeRoy, and Mi3s Mary Krecklow, all of Weeping Water; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockman of Union; Miss Alice Camp bell of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Fitch and Elmer, Lottie and Josephine of Nehav.ka. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Knabe and children of Nehaw ka were unable to attend. VISIT IN COLORADO Mrs. J. L. Young in company with her daughter and son-in-daw,' Mr. and Mrs. H.'-C. Humann of Brainard, Nebr., have just returned from a trip to Colorado. Places of interest visit ed were: The Royal Gorge, Corley Mountain Highway, Colorado Springs, Denver, Berthand Pass, Fall River Pass, Estes Park and the Big Thomp son canyon. The trip took two weeks. MEETING OF RED CROSS The annual meeting of the Cass county chapter A. It. C. will be held in the Methodist. church at Union at 7:45 Friday, July 2, 1937. Judge A. H. Duxbury will show films of his Washington trip when at tending the national convention as delegate of our chapter. There will ilso be other items of interest to all. C. AUGUSTA ROBB. Chairman. MRS. HENRY TOOL, Secretary. Automobile Insurance Before you leave on your vacation, it would be wise to have your car fully insured. You will enjoy driving more if you know you are protected! Insure Today Don't Delay Call or See INSURANCE- C Z Plattsmouth Union, Nebraska 9 9