The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 13, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937.
better known as Grandmother Perry
was -there for the occasion.
Entertained for Mother's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brubacher and
little daughter were hosts for the
day at their home in Murray on
Mother's day. They had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lash of
Thomas Nelson was in Omaha last
Sunday visting his son and family.
J. A. Scotten and his crew of work- j
r.un are building a shed for a party;
... trw.V I'.lefTc i
. VnVn ! Auburn, parents of Mrs. Brubacher,
Win Hrnndt from near Neliawka
v. as luokiug after some business mat- j
tirs in Murray last Monday.
i,,..-.'! Mnvii who some time ago
, . ni,,. . j They all celebrated Mother's day very t ho ivennedy place, lad J
wuk moved there and is well pleased
Senate Raises
State Budget
From Monday's Daily
Mrs. Fred Rothtrt and son, Fred,
Jr., are guests at the Glen Vallery
Last Major Obstacle to Adjournment : kme this we-
t,Supt. and Mrs. L, M. Ilauptman of
j the Alvo schools, the latter also be
ing a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lash.
Is liking the West.
Willard Allen who has been in the
west for some time is now locatea
with the new hum.
Alva Jensen, the new barber, was
.fencing Mother's day at Lincoln
and remained until Tuesday before
returning to Murray.
Mrs. Vesta Clark was in Union
last Sunday spending Mother's day
with her two daughters, Mrs. O. Y.
I innpv ;ii l Mrs, Kdfrnr Newton.
, , f- t t..,,.1 tells of the rice being sown from air-
At the home ot Mr. and Mrs. r.aili . ....
, , ,, v, planes with a oevire which is oper-
Lnucasttr last Sunday were all the,1 a .
numbers Of the family where ther
eat hercd to observe Mother's day.
Is Hurdled: Passage Ex
pected on Friday.
Hal Woodard and family of Om
aha visited Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver.
Misses Etta and Pearl Miller, of
iGlenwood, were here Sunday, spend-
Lincoln, May 11. The gruelling
task of manning: Nebraska's financial
course for the next two years caraejing the day with relatives.
to an end in the legislature tonight Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren were
. - . 1 j. v.. hAma rf "Mr an1 "Mre
and senators again set their slgnts : gue&ia mC
Patrol and
Drivers License
Act is Signed
State Engineer Tilley Appoints Engi
neer Culwell Chief of Motor
Vehicle Division.
: . . . . . . A A A A A
Gov. Cochran signed bill 147, the
measure creating a state highway pa
trol to be supported by a new sched
ule of drivers' license fees, drivers re
quired to obtain new licenses within
for Friday or Saturday night ad-'Richard Beverage for Mother's day. U0 days after Sept. 1, licenses good
,m,rnmt I Mrs. A. P. Christiansen ana Miss,for two rs It crcates a division
near the town of Willows. California. I Members affixed dozens of amend-' Vivian Warner spent Sunday in Iowa
where he has a bit of work on a meats to the huge biennial appro- j visiting at the Pete Christiansen
I for. a rice farm, where the water is
! turned in on the growing plant. He
ated by electricity.
Grandmother Redden who has
hi en very ill for some time at her
of highway safety and patrol in the
highway and irrigation department.
1 - - - . . . ! frr.1 - . . . . 1. Vt 1. , I . .1 1
lie has been building dykes priatiens bill today ana wnen mey uumc. ine euu- eiiBiiieei lo
finished the totals read like Mrs. AY. x . t-mnitri, unn ; rector of the motor vehicle division.
! taken to the Kani hospital in Omaha j state Engineer Tilley announced
Friday, is reported to be getting j the appointment of R . W. Culwell as
along very nicely.
Mrs. Ethel McCarty and daugh
ter, Betty were in Cedar Creek Sun-
Total tax funds recommended by ! day where they visited at tne jonnfor tne state under bill 3S8
Governor R L. Cochran 511. S4U,- n'ii)uvi.
home in Murray, is still very poorly.
5-he is being cared for by her daugh
ters. Herman C. Ross of near Union
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murray, getting some sed i
Services at Christian Church.
Services were conducted last Sun-
iday at the local Christian church by
I Rev. O. B. Chastaiu, former minister
jof the Christian church at Benson
where Rev. C. Loyd Shubert received
a call. A large audience was pres-
Total from tax funds for 19S7-39
Total from tax funds for 1935-37
chief of the division. The chief will
be paid a salary of $250 a month
and will also serve as licensing agent
a bill
Nelson Berger of near Nehawka
j was looking after some business mat
Uers in Union last Monday afternoon.
Mont Robb has not been feeling
so well during the past week as he
was not able to get down town for
the past few days.
Mrs. C. L. Greene prepared a very
fine program which was presented at
the Baptist church last Sunday, fea
turing Mother's day.
W. II. Marks was called to Platts
mouth last Saturday to look after
some business matters, driving over
to the county seat in his auto.
Ralph Opp, station agent of
the Missouri Pacific with the family
were over to Nehawka last Sunday to
visit with the mother of Mr. Opp.
Mr. and Mrs. H. AV. Griffin were
at the home of Dwane Karnopp and
Sunday for a very fine dinner honor
ing Mother Griffin "on Mother's day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Karnopp and
- Thcmas Walling Company
! Abstracts of Title v
coming year as foliovs: C. K. Morris,
mavor: Charles L. Grtne. in usurer ;
D. Ray Krans, seen tary
Morris as city
and John
maibhal end ft ret t
s, me 5 2. 0 0 a
r!anfiit rj Ticjps Lfil. Helen and
which provides for licensing of deal-. of Lincou were Sunday gut.sts
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hallas of ;ers and saiesmcn jn automobiles and
iiid an interesting service for
t-n from the Frederick Seed turn-
company. j
Ray Frederick with his r.ssistar.ts
wtre in Murray last Monday and
v ne shipping feme 200 bushels of
Beed corn to Blair where he had an
i Mother's day.
order for the grain.
Margaret Brendel and son, Rith
l:c1 were spending Mother's day in
Murray and for a portion of the time;
Richard was at Omaha to waUh an ;
operation as a portion of his studies, j
Raymond J- Mayficdd was in Mur-j
day last Monday, pitting some plow t
lays which he had Oliver Lloyd
sharpen and also secured some seed
corn from the Frederick Seed com
pany. John Poynter and family were en
joying a visit from two brothers of
lilakcs a Mistake.
Earl Lancaster began the planting
of his 195 acres of corn last Satur-
day, malung a sngni mistake wm-u
j insures a good outcome. Kager to
! get started, having the planter in the
: field, he thought he would not wait
i for the team to go out to take the
seed corn, and seeing a sack about
half full, he shouldered it manfully
and trudged out to the field, about a
! half mile away so that the planter
could be filled and ready to go, but
'when he arrived and opened the sack
he found that he had packed up a
part of the wife's chicken feed.
Increased Items.
Increases in property tax expendi-'. Mr. Hallas
tures could be attributed largely to las, on Motherys day.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byers
sity of Nebraska, a $50,000 item for Walthill .spent Sunday in this city,
bindweed eradication, $35,700 lor jvisums wr. ujeis .-.i"".
Burnett and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Vallery were
guests at the home of Mrs. A'allery's
sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
P. D. Dunn in Omaha Sunday.
Mrs. F. AA. Nolting returned from
the hospital Saturday. She had her
tonsils removed but is reported to
be getting along very nicely.
Omaha were guests at the home of j regUiates prices of new and used cars
mother, Mrs. Mary Hal- and nrovides a svstem of "fair trade
new legislative expenses, 15,000
for lav.- enforcement under the state
sheriff's office, and an accumulation
of smaller items.
The total budget, including tax,
cash and federal funds, reads this
Grand total for 1937-39 $54,446,-
Grand total for 1935-37 $37,S7S,-
i n
Grand total recommended by the
i governor $ 4 a , t 4 , o i.
Most of the increase is due to in
creased federal spending for high
ways and for social security.
Last Obstacle.
Last major stumbling block in the
path of tired members, the appropria-
Culwell, 37, has been associated
with the department of highways for
nearly 17 years. He was born in
Nemaha county and 'lived in Aurora
prior to entering the state university.
During the course of his educa
tion at the University of Nebraska in
1918 he enlisted in the U. S. army
and wa3 receiving instruction in an
officers training school in Kentucky
at the time the armistice was signed.
Culwell's first work with the de-
Nathan Schutz, Mr. and Mrs. Nellie , partment was as an engineering
Bethel, and George Winter and chil- j draftsman, then as project engineer
dren were guests Sunday at the homeand chief draftsman. For the past
Making Good Improvements.
The Missouri Pacific railway hi.
been doing much work at tin ir
tion in Union, spendin
in the raising of the station a foot,
as well as also the tracks in front
and the brick pavement and v. ill i:i
a short time in.-tall a new fleet He
signaling device at the crossing. In
the latter the state is joining in or
der to keep the highway .-afe a. y
sible. The signal doue v. ill be in
stalled the coming v. eek. the nvw
computing the tignuld at MLriay
this week.
Have Excellent Display at P. 0.
The scholars of the history i
!at the homeof Dwane Karnopp any
. , - i
National Music eek was ooserveu : f Jh i-u;on s hool.s have an t xc 11 nt
last week at the Methodist church by di.j,lay of history papeis : t the Uni :i
appropriate musical programs, en- post )ffh.e xvl;ieli treats of Anieii
joyed by a large number of music the lia,,trs tw. wring I". S
lovers. liUtm-v X'..brnckn liistnr-. C.i.v'. n'lli:-
ty history and the l.ittory i-f Union
as weil as the hhtory of Wal.ii.-
Pather Very S
Tr ti.-i Tvc Tinhnvt T'ni.p nnd 'tmnQ full iiVfibahiv will be reauv lor
Mr. leynter, uames i 05 nie. 01 ; daugtter Wfer over to v.'eeping Wa-! third reading and final passage Fri-
emi. iUo., anu 1.. v. iujuiu frr lat!t e..11lrl;1v visitinir for the dav dnv morninsr. Senator Robert M.
f t. Louis. Both are guests here for
this week.
num. ...i.exv i....u. t. n Ll' a:id ;,irs. Thomas Christian. The visit ! view, said everything else should be
cmana lor uoeacKer ana couius- ..... c. .v. 1
ham, taking hogs to the market.
trr last Sunday visitinsr for the day dav morning. Senator Robert
and celebrating Mother's day at the j Armstrong of Auburn, chairman of
home of Mrs. Blake's parents. Mr. ! the committee on enrollment and re-
. , 1 1 this time
Noddlemaii and hogs for Frank
Schlictmeier.- '-- " - ' ' '
George Perry and wife of Lincoln
were visitors in Murray to observe
Mother's day wiih the mother. Also;
Mrs. AV. A. Cook and son and wife!
v. ere here and enjoyed the gathering j
at the home of Guy Riser. j
Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles were;
dinner guests at the home of Mr. j
r.nd Mrs. Chester Shradtr of South i
Omaha Sunday. They drove past the
Oak II iil cemetery first as they went
to Omaha, to look after the graves
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Long, par
ents of Mrs. Nickles.
The membership of the Presby
terian church was very much pleased
when Everett pangler presented the
j was particularly to see the father, j out of the way by the time the bud
; Thcmas Christian who is very il lat ' get bills come up for final vote.
Tax fund changes today included:
Allocation of $35,000 to the attor
ney general's office for North Platte
Ililkcd All the Cows.
A story is told of two of cur enter
prising citizens who went over to
Shenandoah and as it began to rain
they started for home and were not
making the best time for the car had
started to spit. So they stopped to see
v hat v as the matter and discovered
river water litigation; in committee
of the whole $45,000 was recom
mended. Ten thousand dollars added for ad
ministration of unemployment insur
ance. Fifteen thousand dollars added to
jof Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohlschlager.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tunnell and
Mr. end Mrs. Frank Gobelman drove
to Sidney, la., Sunday . where they
visited at the home of Mrs. David
Guests from Omaha at the home
of Miss Etta Nickles Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie, Mr. and
Mrs. AA'ilson, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eager of
Louisville were in Tlattsmouth yes
terday. They attended the concert
at the Masonic Home and remained
for the evening services at the Chris
tian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graves and
family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hutton
and Miss Evolyn Brosnahan were
visiting in Ashland Sunday after
noon at the home of a brother of Mr.
Hutton, Charles Hutton and family.
they were out of gas and while one 1 pay the tuition of army and navy
board with a number of Chinese elms
which they planted about the manse j
and grounds and with what they
purchased besides is making the!
grounds very beautiful.
Rev. Shubert was down last Sat
urday, taking Mrs. Shubert to Ben
fo!i with him for over Sunday and
Sunday evening returned to bring
her back tor school. Rev. Shubert
then returning: to Benson. They will
move to Benson at the end of next
week and will be located at 2910
north G5th street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perry arrived
in Murray last Friday, coming from
their home at Orange, California,
to celebrate Mother's day with the
mother of Mr. Perry. They are stay
ing for about a week. The celebra
tion was he'd at the home of Mrs.
Guy Kiser where ail relatives met
for the observance. Mrs. Katherine,
watched the car the other went to
borrow gasoline, and found the farm-
er busy milking, and had no gas ex
j o opt in his car, who offered ift he
party would milk he would drain the
ca-, which he did, but not until the
milking was done. They were able to
get but little gas, which carried them
only a shcrt distance. One of the
party said confidently that they visit
ed every farmer from where the3" ran
out of gas to the Missouri river and
had to milk a cow at each farm and
got home at 6 o'clock the following
men living in Nebraska school districts.
Eix years he has been assistant to the
construction engineer and has been
closely connected with motor vehicle
matters for the past several months.
Drivers holding a license will pay
a fee of 75 cents for a new license
good for two years, and those not
holding a license must pay a fee of
$1 and thereafter all shall pay 75
Mrs. Frank cents renewal fee every two years.
It is the intention to start with a
patrol of about 4 0 men to be appoint
ed by the state sheriff who shall fix
their salaries for enforcement of traf
fic and motor laws.
Mrs. M. G. Tracy who has been
chief clerk of the automobile regis
tration department for several years
will continue in her present position,
State Engineer Tilley said.
Gov. Cochran signed bill 502, ap
propriating $15,000 from the state
general fund to pay tuition of chil-
Mrs. A'esta Clark of Murray and I
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Newton and the
little son of Plattsmouth v.ere guests
for Sunday at the home of Mrs. Olive
Mrs. AA'. A. Taylor and her grand
sons, Donald and Ivan Hoback were
over to Nebraska City Saturday of
last week where they were enjoying
a show.
Frank and Anna Bauer were guests
for the day last Sunday at Greenweod
where ihey were visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schroader
for the day.
Professor Kuth of the Union
schools in recognition of the excellent
work which the members of his class
ton. Lincoln and F. I. It.
Among other subjects arc the uni
cameral legislatuit, awatinn, air.o
and other late ui.seoveries.
Celebrated Passing Birthday.
On Monday of this week. May K.
L. G. Todd one of the foreinot-t citi
zens of Union and a man v l,u has
been with Union i:i all In 1 strug
gles for prosperity v;.s horn near this
city on May 10. 1S73. Mr. Todd U
made his home in Ntbraska arid Ca. s
county and in the vicinity of l':ii.-n
for his entire life and would like t
have been doing gave them a supper I reside her for another hundred jears.
Miss Nora DeCory of Lincoln and dren of officers and men of the U. S.
Hazel Baier of Plattsmouth attended army who are attending public
the baccalaureate sermon for the J schools at Lincoln. Omaha, Bellevue
graduating class of the Blue Hill: and Crawford or elsewhere in the
At the Preshyterian Church.
There v.-a 3 a very interesting ser
vice at the Presbyterian church fea
turing Mother's day and with the
very delightful decorations which
v.ere in evidence made this parti
cular service the most interesting.
New York. Over the flag draped
caskets of 24 German victims of the
Hindenburg disaster, funeral services
will be held Tuesday night on the
North l iver pier of the Hamburg Am
erican line.
Guards of honor from the U. S.
army, navy, and coast guard will be
mounted the memorial rites.
Des Moines, la. The Iowa supreme
court decided against the State Bank
of Benkelman, Neb., and the Lincoln
National bank and Trust company in
their suit to recover the value of
$17,700 in liberty bonds claimed
stolen at the Lincoln bank Sept. 17,
The court upheld a Polk county
district court decision which denied
the banks' judgment for the amount
against the Iowa-Des Moines Nation
al bank, Dewey Berlovich, the Victor
J. Silliman company of Des Moines
and others.
The Nebraska institutions claim
ed the liberty bonds in question were
owned by the Benkelman bank and
held in Lincoln for safe keeping.
They contended the Iowa-Des Moines
National bank bought $G,000 worth
of the bonds and the Stilliman com
pany $11,700 worth.
The supreme court's opinion said
there was nothing in the record to
show the bonds v.ere owned by the
Benkelman bank and included in the
stolen bonds, or that the Iowa-Des
Mcines National bank had received
notice that bonds v.ere stolen
high school in Blue Hill Sunday eve
ning. Miss Baier taught in the Blue
Hill high school last year.
Rev. and Mrs. J.- AV. Taenzler and
family were guests Sunday at the
home of Rev. Tacnzler's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Taenzler in Tabor,
la. The parents came to Plattsmouth
in the evening and heard Rev. Taenz
ler deliver the Mother's day address.
Renewal was made of the sub
scription to the Plattsmouth Jour
nal of Mrs. Sarah McCulloch Satur
day afternoon. Mrs. McCulloch is
nearly ninety years of age and,
though living just a short distance
from the city, has not been in riatts
mouth for sixteen years.
Harrison, Neb. Funeral services
were held Saturday for Edward De-,
Kay, about GO, who' authorities said
thangrd himself in the barn on his
farm. He is survived by the widow
and several children.
""""" EC"
From Tuesday's Daily
Mrs. Henry Goos, Miss Minnie
Guthmann, and Mrs. O. C. Dovey
were Omaha visitors Monday.
Miss Evel3n Kelley of Omaha ar
rived last evening to spend the week
with her sister, Mrs. Floyd Yelick.
AATord comes that Mrs. Herbert
McClain of Lincoln is having an ap
pendectomy at the Lincoln General
hospital today. Mrs. McClain is a
former Plattsmouth resident.
Mrs. Kate Morgan, of Omaha, was
here teday to enjoy a visit with Mrs.
state, the money to be apportioned
by State Superintendent Taylor as
other school funds are apportioned.
It is estimated there are 200 chil
dren in the state coming under this
early this week.
Blair Porter who resides near the
Weeping AA'ater creek and therefore
has a fishing license, slipped out
early Sunday morning and was able
to secure a good batch of fish.
Lonnie Meade and family departed i
Tuesday of this week for near St.
Joseph, Mo., where they are expect
ing to make their home in the fu
The family of C. W. Hoback was
enjoying a visit at the heme of Mr.
and Mrs. AA'. A. Taylor where they
gave honor to Mrs. Taylor, mother of
Mrs. Hoback on Mother's day.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Todd were
guests of the parents of Mrs. Todd,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schnott of
Nebraska City where they celebrated
Mother's ctay v. itli Mrs. Todd's
Harrison AA'ade and two sons, Rob-
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rihn had as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. ToIJ in a
trip to Peru last Sunday where thy
enjoyed a very pleasant ride- to look
at the apple blossoms of which theie
v as many.
Commencement on Thursday.
The commencement of the Ur-! ::
high school will be held on Thursday
of thi3 week when the graduating
class of the school wiil be audre.:e 1
by the Rev. Narckhj. pastor of the
Presbyterian churth of N -hi '
City. A most interest'iig adJri.-.- v--.i
had and one bearing hope :.i:d en
couragement for each member tf the
class who goes out in the world li
win for themselves a place.
Entertained La:t Sunday.
Mr. .and Mrs. Otto Ehk-rs e itei
tained the two families at th- ir home
ert and Rex, making their home in j last Sunday and hai. as th ir .-pe(
AVashington. Rep. Henry C.
Luckey warned against pursuit of
"a blind economy program," in help-
ing push the $2,500,000 farm forestry
bill to house approval. "AATien you
spend money to make money, that is
good business and the expenditure of
this money for farm forestry is just
such an expenditure," he told the
"The most foolish position this
congress could take would be one of
blind pursuit of economy that would
give a 'penny vise, pound foolish'
economy." The Nebraskan said tree
planting is a vital necessity in the
great plains area "if we are ever to
overcome the disastrous dust storms
and water erosion that is sapping
the life blood of the richest and most
productive agricultural area in the
United States.
guests for the occn.ion tne pa. i.t.
of both Mr. and Mrs. Khht s a.- v.
as the families of the o'her i:iei.,l .
of the family, the of Mr i-U-
F. AA Jackson, of Chicago, who is
Berlovich, former Des Moines night here to visit with ?d friends in this
city ana vicinity, fene says Nebraska
is much more attractive in the spring
than California.
club operator, is serving a life term
for the murder of Donald Merrigan,
Des Moine3 relief worker.
Cass county nas no Donded In
debtedness, as, like the state, we
have paid cash fop our hard sur
faced roads and other Improve
ments as we went.
rvu n K rs lis -
your BABY
Mother, most hospitals now safer against germs So.
protect their babies against mother, do as hospitals do, as
germs and skin-infection by doctors recommend Give
rubbing Mennen Antiseptic your baby a safety-rub with
Oil all over the baby's body- Mennen Antiseptic Oil daily,
every day This keeps the Buy a bottle of the oil at your
baby's skin healthier and druggist's today.
MEnnn cAnUuiu oil
From Wednesday's Iaily
Miss Margaret Scotten spent Tues
day in Omaha where .he celebrated
her birthday with friends.
Mrs. AAr. E. Rosencrans and Mrs.
AV. C Soennichsen were guests at the
heme of Mrs. E. T. Hughes in Omaha
Mrs. Howard Scott, of Lincoln, is
here to spend the remainder of the
week with her mother, Mrs. Anna
Rys and her sister, Miss Josephine
Rys, as well as the many old time
Franklin and Arthur Kief have
returned from Columbus where they
attended the sessions of the grand
aerie of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles. Arthur Kief i3 a past state
1 grand worthy president cf the order.
AA'eeping AA'ater were looking after
seme business and as well were visit
ing friend3 in Union last Sunday,
guests of E. E. Leach.
The people of Union w ere rather j Ehlers and the niotl. -r of
surprised when a one horse rig came ( being honor guests.
into town last Monday delivering!
cream from the country as most 1
farmers come with their autos and
trucks for this purpose.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McCarroIl and
Nels Madison and w ife were over to j
Lincoln last Sunday where they cn-
joyed a movie picture show during j
the afternoon and returned to visit j
at the Madison home in the evening.
Mrs. George Stites and daughter,'
Gwen were in Avoca last Sunday
visiting at the home of the mother j honored. There here frem m.
of Mr. Stites, Mrs. Edwin Tyrrell ; Louis Mr. C. B. Lynde and Dr. I.-.nui-
and husband. Mr. Stites had to re- and fdster. Mrs. R. L. Upton. Th y
main home on acount of some work all made the trip to Li:i'(,:n wh.i.
he had to look after. they visited at th" home of a t-i.-wr
The game of baseball played last j of Mrs. It. L. Upton.
Sunday at the Union park between!
Jimior-SonicV Banquet.
The two clatses of the U:,i-!i
schools enjoytd a moM ru-iiy tint
when they banquet ted to" thej- ;. r. !
were served by th lJie., e: the
Methodist church.
Visited Here Mother's Da 3.
At the home of Mr. and Mr... L. R.
Upton was gath red the r. t:ib is oT
both families and mot l. v.e:.-
New York. The U. S. circuit court
of appeals Monday ruled unanimous
ly that Charles E. Mitchell, former
president of the National City bank
of New York, must pay $728,709.84
taxes on his income for the year
1929. In his tax return for the year
1929 Mitchell deducted $2,872,305.50
which he claimed was a loss incurred
by him thru the sale of 18,300 shares
of National City bank stock at $212
a share to his wife.
From Tuesday's Daily
AA'illiam M. Barclay, rast state
president of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles, is at Columbua, today to at
tend the sessions cf the state aerie,
now meeting in that city. Mr. Bar
clay was accompanied by Robert
Phone news Items to Ko. 8.
Union and the CCC beys of AVeeping
AA'ater, was won by lUe visitors 11 to
6. The Union team will play, the Ne
braska City Boosters at Nebraska
City the coming Sunday.
Ralph Meredith who joined the
CCC from here has been stationed a
Columbia, Mo. Hetty Ptao?k of
Columbia, a 21-year-old s ;1 er.i-'i e
at the University of Mi-.-eu i i :-i
a serious cenditi n in a !.;':.;... 1 vi: it
a gunshot wound in h'r 1 .. .-t. Mi .i
few miles from Halsey in tiie western 1 Peacock was hot accidentally at l. r
portion of the state as a forest weath- j home about midnight by Cole PS.
er and record keeper of the condi-jlips, 18, Omaha, also a sophs. n. '.re
tions of the weather had mention in the school.
the Omaha Bee last Sunday. He is
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meri
deth of Union.
Mrs. Alfred Griffin, of San Diego,
California, whose husband i3 station
ed with the American navy, was a
visitor in Lmon w itn the it. . Urn- j sandwiches, ire gun
Cn family last Sunday night and j automatic rifle, was h
Dick Reed. P.Iar BluIT, Mo., a
witness, said the shooting v. acci
dental. Phillips s..i:l the t?if-o:i:.
occurred at the kitch'ti of the P . -cock
home where he had be"i: fa lie, 1
by the girl to have se me cake a: d
a 12.,aiiV.-
u g ( t i 1
while here attanded the baccalaureate
sermon to the senior class of which
Paul Griffin is a member. The ser
mon was delivered by Rev. Boohcr
and assisted by Rev. AV. A. Taylor.
kitchen wall and he took it c. v. n !
examine it. Both he and lied ;'i; ;( .
the ejector without any cartridi-.
coming out, he said.
"I had the gun in m right hir.
with the stock under my an: ." 1 h.!
New City Officers. 15rs 6aid- "l heard Betty v..::. en
The newly elected officers and city and I turned amuud to e
board were gathered for their first she was going ani the gun went f..
meeting and elected officers for the! Phillips is not held by police.