The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1937.
Miss Luciie Norton Epent her
ipring vacation at home with her
1 arents.
Miss Eleanor Green, of Lincolr, From Thursdays Dally
visited Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hansen D. C. West of Nehawka was a busi-
Ist Saturday. ness visitor in Plattsmouth yester-
Ralph Meyers returned home last day.
week from California, where he has V, S. Harding of Nebraska City
". cm employed, was in Plattsmouth on business yes
Mrs. Railes fell and brolce her terday.
arm while cleaning her walks last J. E. Baier and sons, Glen and Ken
faturday morning. neth, o Avoca were business visi
Harlev Coleman, of Omaha, came tors in riattsmouth yesterday.
to see his sister, Mrs. Pearl .Rouse, Mrs. Katherine Schlichtemier and
who has been quite poorly. daughter, Clara, of Omaha were in
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peters and Plattsmouth on business yesterday.
rM-. i!y spent Sunday in Omaha with Linville Wiles spent a few days
her sister. Miss Lois Gumble. here this week visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Recce went his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wiles,
to Omaha ht Monday to see her Judge and Mrs. Wm. G. Kieck and
rlster and the new daughter. family plan to leave today for Cedar
Mrs. E. M. Hansen attended a Rapids where they will spend Easter.
1 ;:uhen last Saturday at the "Home jir. and Mrs. Clark Boggess left
Management House" in Lincoln. '
GALS !Elmwo Newsl f EL STEPi011!
jgf.'niniiV! . YmiiiViTir nriinJ William Groat has been having '
William Groat has been having
..ater service piped to his home and
will henceforth enjoy the modern
day conveniences.
Charles Buell and family have been
down with influenza during the past
eek, but are reported as being con
siderably improved at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillett were
, enjoying a visit last Sunday at the
j home of their son, Frank Gullett
'and wife, of Lincoln, driving over in
, their car. J
j Joe Johnson, who has been at
! Murdock looking after the conduct
of his restaurant business there,
-pent the week end at his home in
Elmwood, returning to Murdock on
Monday. . 1
: Miss Maggie Stokes, who has been
very poorly at the home of her
brother, John Stokes, is not showing
r v - 4
v.-. - -K - . '
From Thursday's Daily
Birhtday Dinner
A birthday dinner honoring U. E.
Waller was held at the Waller home
last evenine. A three tier cake form
al ,h0 n.iono v, HrhtPfl children spent Thursday afternoon
by candles. The Easter motif was
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman were
Lincoln visitors Friday.
Mr ?)tir1 Mrq Pun Miifnfliaii vis-!
ited in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickel and
15C FCR 12
2 run. DOZEN
t the Ellis Nickle home.
Mrs. Frank Taylor and Mrs. Simon
last evening for Storm Lake, la. ' lmI)roraMt desoite the best
The ladies of the Guild met lastuhere they will visit at the home or;of medlca, aUeDtioD and nursing,
Tuesday at the church with Mrs. j Mrs. Boggess during Easter vacation, remajn3 in a serious condition.
Lamen and Mrs. J. S. Gribble serv-j Mrs. Katie Hild and daughter. Miss Rav Eidenmiller and wife of Brew-in-
j Helen, were in Omaha today where: arrived in Elmwood on Friday
Messrs. B. M. Hansen and E. A. they spent a few hours visiting with j oJ lagt vepk and were visiting at
Landon attended a session of the ; friends and looking after some busi-tue home of hig brother, George and
f ft t '
used in decoration.
Following the dinner the cruests
Played pinochle. Mrs. P. Y. McFet- j Tuesday afternoon to help Mr. Lars
ridge won high score for the ladies j
and W. M. Swanda for the men. A
ui icjy 1 tuvtLUi lamp nas yirK;iii-
a nr, m, w.,n0 uv thJ flower club Hireling Tuesday ait e
, t t-, A' ,tt.-.. ...:,, H!n.cet with T.Irs. S. C. B;yles
Mrs. D. S. Sumner and Kathryn, Mr. i
and Mrs. V.. M. Swanda, Mr. and
Mrs. John Moore and Evan Noble.
P.thmeier autoed to Weeping Water!
Tuesday afternoon to help Mr. Lar
Nelson celebrate his SOth birthday.
Due to the rainy weather, the S.
O. S. members did not have their
Tbe ladies were scheduled to
vith Mrs. S. C. Boyles.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dimmitl and
soil were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
were luptised
I ' 1 n personr
(Lurch by letti-r :
yvv. n ?.- '"Iks cor.::::
f(.-r the tirst ti:-c
(;:::: i::to ti.
; J tl.e ( itur.i f
i.:to t '.'.c i l.ur '.
Masonic lodge last Thursday even-jness affairs
and Ralph Witt were at
wife, as well as greeting many of
George A. Kaffenberger is leaving the old friends wnom tney knew
todav for Wymore where he Willi
home Sunday for a birthday dinner j Spend the week-end with his daugh
:n honor of their mother, Mrs. Jacob j ter and husband. Rev. and Mrs.
Witt. jAdrain Edgar and with his small
Goodhart Vant left Wednesday ( granddaughter,
for Hastings, where he will work on j Aattorney W. C. Ramsey and At
the railroad during the coming torney John W. Cooper, of Omaha,
week. v?re in the city today to look after
MrB. Charles Card returned home some matters of business at the court
..onua irom i8uu ' . house, they being here on the case oi j tfa supplv of underground
fcue 1Wi i the Farmers State bank ol Avoca vs. i hr,s riimiTlishpfl .rreatlv. and
- - l I 11 M i-' r 1 I't'S III V. Cll Li 1 1 11C 1 D 11UC
before they move away a few years
Sinking a Well
L. V. Davis and George F. Wilson
have been busy the past few days
linking a well on the farm of Peter
' Spangler a few miles east of Weep-
! ing Water. During the past few dry
Miss Lucille Norton was enter-
Dr. A. E. Johnson and John How-
tained at a supper by Miss Aurel ard drove to Omaha last evening to
Cope at her home on last Thursday j se Mrs Johnson and small son who
are in the hospital there. Mrs. John
son i3 trettins: along very well and
The ladies of the Dorcas society
r. et at the church last Friday with jhopes to retUrn to her home in Platts
Mrs. Fred Anderson and Mrs. Com- j mouth next week.
slock serving.
Mrs. Hunkin and son Jimmy, of
Lincoln, spent Thursday, Friday
and Saturday with their aunt. Mrs
Goodhart Vant and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mays, Wilma
and Lyle. spent Sunday at the home
c i Mrs. Winnie Booher. of Ashland.
Mrs. Mays and Mrs. Booher are sis
ters. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Vant and son,
John, of McCook, spent Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday at the home of
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John
Robert Hansen, who is attending
college at Crete, came home Friday j
to spend his spring vacation with ;
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. j
The ladies of the Cemetery asso
ciation met at Lulu Clynier's home
last Wednesday afternoon. The next
jueeting will be with Mrs. N. O.
Mrs. Elsie Petcr3, of Omaha, vis
ited her son. Glen Peters and fam
ily last Thursday. Also Glen's uncle
of Denver. He and Mrs. Peters are
leaving for California.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vant received
word that their son, G. H. Vant and
tamily are moving from Fairmont to
Hastings, where he has been pro
moted on the railroad.
Miss Lois Birky, of University
Place came last Wednesday even
ing and stayed until Friday night
as a guest of her sister. Miss Wilma
Birky. primary teacher.
A. J. Mays spent Tuesday at the
From Friday's Dp.ily
Miss Lillian Chevonic and Eleanor
Olson were Omaha visitors yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kiser of Lin
coln were visitors in Plattsmouth to
day. Mr. Kiser, a senior at the school
of journalism at the University, call
ed at the Journal office.
not been much in demand. But with
the fine rains and melting snow of
the present spring, it looks like the
underground veins will again be re
plenished and those needing wells
will not hesitate taking a chance
on getting same without having to
go to undue expense and trouble in
locating water.
From Saturday's Dally
Wm. F. Evers was a business visi
tor in Omaha yesterday afternoon.
Miss Lillian White went to Omaha
last evening to spend today with rela
tives there. j
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Anderson are ;
spending the week-end with Mrs.
Anderson's parents at Ceresco.
Miss Tillie Lehnhoff was in Omaha
yesterday visiting at the home of her
niece, Mrs. Ernest Nordine, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lillie plan to
drive to Lincoln this evening to spend
Easter at the home of Mrs. Lillie's
mother and sister.
J. C. Snavely and son, Carl, of
Union, were in the city today, visit
ing friends and attending to some
business matters.
Miss Anne McGlain of Kansas
City was an overnight guest of Miss
Georgia White. She left this morn
ing for Oklahoma. .
F. I. Rea and Robert and Anna
Marie departed yesterday for Hayes,
Kansas, who they are attending
funeral services of an uncle.
F. G. Fricke and daughter. Miss
Dora, and Frederick Fricke will drive
Little Lad Some Better
The iitt'ie son of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Straub, residing southeast of
Avoca, who has been confined to
his home and bed with diphtheria,
is reported considerably improved
the past few days, and it is hoped
will soon be able to be up and
around again. He wa3 pleased when
his aunts, Mrs. Joseph F. Gustin, of
Murdock, and Mrs. Emil Rcsenow of
Elmwood came to visit him last Sun
day, and were accompanied by his
cousin, James Gustin as their driver,
v ho also visited him.
Many Attend Revival Meetings
The revival meetings which have
i been in progress for some time at
the Christian church, have been well
attended and much interest mani-
; fested, with a number of conversions
to the faith. The series of meetings
, came to a close on Easter Sunday.
At the Methodist church, special
Easter day services also drew a large
New Picture Show Opens
Elmwood's new moving picture
show, which has been under con
struction for some time, was opened
last Sunday night, with a large at
tendance, requiring two complete
shows to accommodate the people.
Elmwood folks are pleased to have
a irood picture show located here, so
, , ." ,, , to Omaha tomorrow to be guests at . , . . ,
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. & . that instead of having to go else-
Levi Mays, of Ashland, who were
celebrating their Golden Wedding
the home of Mrs. Russell Harris
George H. Heinke, well known Ne-
annivarsary. He was one of the J " J from other places
. . In Innk nftpr Romp mnttprn at thp
44 cuests who enjoyed a Dountitui
where to attend a show the enter
prise is also attracting people here
Birthday Party
and calling on old i
Improving Building
Henry Crozier, of Weeping Water
was in town Tuesday and Wednes-
I court house
Miss Delia Tartsch is spending the
Airs. UOOUUail um Kxe ""' et-.uu iu x lanaimmiu iwi iuB (ayf an(J with gome hep waB clean.
clay party at ner nome lasi iuesaa me nome oi ner Droiner anu w iie, .air.
night in honor of Mr. Vant. The and Mrs. George Tartsch, and with
evening was spent playing pinochle. Miss Tillie Lehnhoff.
Mrs. Evan Armstrong won first. Miss Eleanor Swatek and William
Pallas Hunt won first among the Nelson of Plattsmouth, Mr. and Mrs.
vaen and Charley Sandy second. Roy Perkins, and Mis3 Florence Nel
Mrs. Lulu Clymer won the travel- son will be guests at the John Nel-
Elaine Earrie
This new photo of Elaine Barrie, es
tranged wife of John Barrymore,
shows her as she attended a costume
party in Hollywood to which she
was escorted by B. P. Schulberg,
movie mongul
the reduced size, the Ark of the Cov
enant, which was designed to be car
ried by four men, is about an inch
long not including the handles.
One can spend considerable time
to good advantage looking over this
perfect replica of a famous building,
.-nd especially Mason3 who are famil
iar with the design and construction
oi the building, about which many
of the traditions of Masonry are in
terwoven. When you are in Elmwood
and would like to see this miniature
model, just ask Rev Ernest. Baker,
iastor of the church, to show it to
Eastern Star j
j Mrs. Clara Gardiner of Omaha,:
; supervisor for this district of East-;
j ern Star and a grand officer in the j
organization and Mrs. Man Martin of,
Omaha, Grand Ruth, were guests at;
! the initiatory ss-rvice at the Masonic
hall last evening. Over TO attended,
the service and dinner following. Cut!
flowers were used on the tables and!
Fell and sen of Waverly, Sunday,
rieads will remember Mrs. Bell as
Miss Fay De Jarnette. a former
Alvo tea' her.
Mrs. L. M. Haupr.ian viritcii
from Thursday evening urtil Sai
nrciay at the Mark Nickel home a:'
ter being released from scarlet fever
Quarantine. Mrs. Ilauptman is feel
ing quite well ag::in.
Mvs. Rc use of Nueko!3 county
enmc Saturday to be villi M'
Visiting- &t Auburn
Mr. iv.d Mr. L. M. H::-:pt;.::
on tl i; .'iiii-ur:; Sail '.lay for
( oi. t vi wl;!) M: : llaui
rn-.f'.- p; V ;. ; -u! Mr-. A.
. . 1 l.ini tniM! ;( :... i;n d for
:i;n. ;-5
o' veok.- vi!-:t
r i up-ra : :;r.; 1 r
Mr. :.:!:;!:.
i'.uiida v evi ::lt:;:.
the Easter theme was carried in the
dinner. Mrs. Richard Beverage, Mrs.
John Wolff, and Mrs. A. H. Duxbury
had charge of the dining room.
Mrs. Lola Heed of Omaha was also
a guest and special greetings were
given to Mrs. Ray McMaken, past
matron, wl;
to Flattsmoutn
During the afternoon Mrs. Gard
incr met with the cfficL-rs of the Star
j T.inch. her brotlivr, who
!!;-t week from the Bryan
hospital. A son and brother of Nel- j
i son brought Mrs. to Alvo. I
?. T. A.
T. A. s:,
;i am
!;. an
in a .
!-.- 'i d a t.iic p;'o-
cvci! ' !:
Airi: ui
a (I i " ." .
Mrs. Carl Chrictensen went
Kansas City. Mo.. Monday t
with her sister during the funeral
:irii-i iii'i-ial of the sister'2 hu.Vnand.
has recently returned!., , . .
i .'.Irs. Christensen expects to ro::ia;:i
for a few days visit before return
ing home.
C-c-ear.ut to C'!h::
o: n
a :.(.
: y !
;ali t v
!''S of bus,
:!!(. :u i.;n
c. c.
! ! : m ia " :
;J (-
at ii'
iv v ;-r
I- ;.u
Omaha. Mrs. Anna C. Nelson, 52,
wife of Soren M. Nelson, publisher of
the Farmer-Labor News of Council
Bluffs. Ia., was found dead of gas in
her apartment here Friday. Coroner's
Investigator Matt Jaap said Mrs.
Nelson, in ill health, committed sui
cide. She had been separated from
her husband for seven years.
North Platte. Elmer Smith, 39,
died Friday of a fractured skull, suf
fered Wednesday when he was struck
by a heavy chain which broke as he
was helping to lay a gas pipe line.
He is survived by his widow and two
Phone news Items to Tio. G.
From Friday's I a:!y I
Stag Wenier Eoast !
Boys of the "Stag" patrol of thei
Boy Scouts mot at the V. A. Robert- i
son home last evening to roast
weniers ever the log fire in the big.
fireplace. All of the boys were pres
ent except John Soennich"cn who is i
confined to his home with a cedd.
Her.ry Eueters Here from Ictra ; c n
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rue ter d-ove j
ever from their home at Crar.d!
Junction, Iowa, with a truck iond j
oi" seed corn. Thursday. They plan;,.--t;
visit a few etays with relative?:,,
hi' .v
thr deal
Syra; us
before returning home.
t terday
( :
Bridge-Club jb
Mrs. Frank Cloidt was hostess to!s
the Wednesday afternoon bridge club'
this week. High score went to MrsJr
Ralph Anderson. Eight ladies played
25th Wedding Annivcrsnry : i
Ir. and Mrs. Fred Ru'.er vole- -
ted their 23th v.eadirg au::ivcr-,I
.- Sun da v evening. !
rs. B'-ii'-.
iiu h.
i Yh ,:r.(Iav
:.;'.. y Da. :.
.! v.-; l.vh!
y c.
f M:s.
i : -i'!-hiv of
: and P. .1.
child- I
All of Mr. and Mrs.
ren and other cl:s' relatives were!
I 'esent to participate in the pleas- '
rut event. Delicious refreshments of;
rat.dwiches, pickles, jello, cookies,!
cake and coffee were served late in
have the
ing prize.
Kensington Card Club
Mrs. Edna Clymer held a one
o'clock luncheon at her home for
the ladies of the card club on last
Thursday afternoon. The afternoon
v ts spent playing 500. Mr3. Edna
Miller won first and Mrs. Lulu Cly-
r.ier won second.
will be with Mrs. N. O. Coleman
son home in Havelock Easter day. 1
Mi3S Inez Eberhardt returns to
her home at Wahoo for the week-end.
She will be accompanied bj Miss
Helen Smetana who is to be a guest
at the Eberhardt home over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Born will
drive to LaPlatte where they will
ing out the bank building which he
and Knude Jensen purchased some
time ago, getting the same in
readiness for occupancy, as there
have been negotiations carried on
for the locating of some business en
terprise in this building, which s
centrally located and a desirable
place in which to carry on any one
of a good number of businesses.
Papering Dining Room
The members of the Elmwood
Christian church have been making
some worth-while improvements to
sTwrnH Krister with Miss Marv Miller . i. .- i i. i...-u: iL
The next meeting - - men t.un.-u uuuuing, me last, ui nas recenuy leeurneu irom me ll)ese being the papering of the din-
hospital and is recuperating at her ing room whiCh was done by Henry
Surprise Party
Eurtrand McDonald, who is home
from the navy, was pleasantly sur
prised last Sunday evening at a
rarty Riven by Mrs. Everett Reece
nt her home. The eveninc was
In conjunction with the improve-
j ments, they have on display a most
interesting miniature model of King
Cmaha. Delinquent tax payments Solomon's temple, that was made by
under the Haycock bill were being j0hn Albers. of Lincoln, scttretarv o?
jpcr.t playing pinochle and bunco, accepted Friday by Douglas County; the Nebraska Christian Missionary
A most delicious lunch was served. Treasurer Eauman following opinions society. This building, measuring
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ' by the atate attorney general and but a trille over two feet in length.
Ernest Otto, of Ithaca, and thethe county attorney that the bill is in an exact replica as to size and
Misses Ruth Harmon, Irene and Lu-! constitutional. Eauman is giving j appearance of the celebrated temple
cillc Kelly and Lucille Reece. How-j qualified receipts in case the law. 1 0f Biblical days. It is built on a uni
: rd Johnson. Dwiclu Shtesley of j which cancels interest charges, is j form scale of three-eighths of an
Alvo and Ramon Newkirk. j later declared unconstitutional. inch to the foot. As an example of
of Glen Vallery's Horses
and Machinery
will be held at his place of
business at Plattsmouth, Neb.
Saturday, Apr. 3
Beginning at 1:00 O'Clock
This sale consists of 16 Horses and
Mules, some Cattle and 4 Spotted
Poland Sows bred to farrow about
Kay 1st also all kinds Machinery.
Horses and Mules
One team blacks, mare and geld
ing. S years old. wt. 3300 lbs.; one
team grey geldings. S years old, wt.
3000 lbs.; one black team of mares.
3 and 4 years old. wt. 2600 lbs.; one
black gelding, S years old, wt. 1200
lbs.; one span of sorrel mares, full
sisters, yearling and 2 years old:
two spans of mules and several
head of good work horses.
Farm Machinery
One 24-inch John Deere threshing
machine with huller attachment
'n irood condition.
Two John Deere 2-row cultivators:
one 2-row Ohio lister; one D-foot
John Deere mower, like new; one
r-foot McCormick mower; one 12
hole Van Brunt drill: one John
Deere 3-section harrow, like new:
one 10-foot John Deere disc, like
new; one P-foot John Deere tractor
disc, like new; one Oliver 14-inch
tractor plow; one John Deere 1 -row-cultivator,
like new; cue ll-h. p.
John Deere engine, like new; one
Model B trector and cultivator, like
new; one Rumley Do-All with lis
ter and cultivator; one model D
tractor in good condition; one Jenny
Lind walking cultivator; one walk
ing plow, 14-inch; one long wheel
base Reo truck with stock rack, in
good condition. Also many small
articles not mentioned.
THIS SALE will be held on day
advertised rain or shine under
cover if weather is bad.
.Terras Cash
No property to be removed from
premises until settled for.
John Deere Implement Dealer
Auctioneer Clerk
Eirthday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hoffman and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch drove toUhe evening.
Lincoln lat oven in r tn ;tfpnd a din-1 Mr. V.V.d Mrs. Rueter
ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar-j congratulations of friends.
ence Neville. The dinner was given j
in honor of Mr. Hoffman's birth- M. E. Church Services
day. During Holy week special services
were held at the Alvo M. E. church.
Missionary Society Thursday evening a special "service
Mrs. V. T. Am was hostess to the bad as its theme "The Sermon of
Missionary society of the Methodist Holy Communion." This able dis
church yesterday afternoon. Special ; ourse was followed by "The Lord's
Lenten day services were conducted ; Supper
by Mrs. V. C. Wright and Mrs. Elmer Friday evening a special Good
Sundstrom. Candles were lighted for! Friday service was held,
each of the past deceased mission-j Rev. Ben Wallace, local pastor,
aries. Mrs. R. B. Haves presentences in charge of there special per
the lesson of the afternoon and the;vit'es-
Enigma quiz was conducted by Mrs.
George Mann. A Lenten day offer
ing was taken for the retired mission-
llvn A rnrntnn T.T-ocirlorl ' POlUt Ol
at the meeting. Easter decorations
A Vcrtk-V hiI-2 '.
"::t. P. T. A. h.o: '
th--. hi!.- p-o'-a: .
hint i he i-hmLi-t :-y
the s-.-hool ground.-
! its phi! to
1 vt hn.-- liH-.l
c. a:
t :
i o
r ii. in
1 .:
Ik i.:
.v (
'- 1
ie"rit drouth years
the lawn. This will b
while projeol ii': jt
he fine to restore tl
grounds to their par
T'ntil the drouths, patrol.
lvo p hool could truthfully b a
of the n;oj-.t beautiful school pro .:!;?
in the county according to size and
were used on the table.
Phone news Items lo No. .
Pain Sunday a Hecord Day
Palm Sunday was a record day in
ttendance at the Alvo
Mb! h nrl t rlitireh
An impressive service was held in !
which fifty persons united with the
church. Three groups oi
Have Uo Assessor.
With the refusal of Edward Ed
wards to accept th" election to th
office of assessor leaves the f'i.e ..
cant. The ruirt r that R. M. ('-'.it-man
was in Fluit.-ia'-uih for th-.- a.--sersor's
tupplics, be in -r an error. T!
position will have- to he hli-d vh-;i
the man for the po.-itin:; v. ill K r.
vided the necessar supplies, orr;
the errcneous ium . Lou id have est; :
up to the news item.;.
! C'ub and Social news are beina
persons featured in the Journal.
i net.,
CMiwr.iwi:r- ! sesi .(4 .2: 'r.!tii;;
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iCarbon black'
;;u..Tt corron.
i lusri
1 - Ik . I M U - I
:am . 1J
-vj it
The automobile industry is one of
America's largest buyers of raw
materials and manufactured prod
ucts. The map above shows a few
of the principal products bought
by motor manufacturers in each of
the 45 states, at a total cost for
1936 estimated at more than
$1,600,000,000. Significant as this
is in indicating the nation-wide
effects of a strike, it la far from
complete. Another map might
Map prepared A.V..A.
show, state by state, the thousands
of dealers and salesmen directly
affected. There is no way to pic
ture indirect losses in retail sales
and in government revenue thro; gh
reduced taxes and increased relief.