The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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of Platte River
Island in Court
E.'.vis and Scliulz Island in Platte
River Subject of Dispute" That
Goes to Supreme Court.
Tlitoi'.urcf Davis and Henry r
Si-hulz have asked the supremo court
in a brief, to overthrow 'the finding
i.: Judge Livingston that ousted them
from possession of the UnVis and
fc'chulz island in the Platte river in
L'iirpy county, held by them for more j
tlinn 20 year:-. The island is an ac
cretion t') a tow Head or low lying ;
shoals of about two acres formerly a i
I art of a government lot, but which'
v aa cut ofi" by Hood waters, and add- j
e:! p' to the lands of the appel- i
bints, who owned adjoining land
l:':!co 1!K7.
The island now consists of 3 4 acres
a:;d is i:bout three-fourths of a mile
ic!:g. The other parties to the liti
gation, ten in number, claim that the
low bead suddenly popped up in the
river and that it is really part of an-
ether island. The appellants say that)
.hile the tow head mav once
Icon a part of the appellees' land, i
ll:c law iz that when the
riparian or. :i r is washed
the newly formed land
land of a
away, if
riparian owner extends over the same
territory, the land belongs to that of
the riparian owner of which it is
r.ow a part by accretion, even tho it
txtencis beyond the original boun
dary of his land. Appellees contend
that it is impossible for an accre
tion to form en the upstream cine of
Davis and t-ihulz also rebt their
c'aira on use of tho accreted land for
;:rowing hay for years, and say the
only use the other parties to the law
ruit have made of it vas for hunt
i'lg and fishing, in which they were
not disturbed.
Miss Helen Warner departed Mon
day tor Exiine. Iowa, where she will
attend tin. funeral of the late Stan
ley Caster, who wus drowned several
weeks ago near Fairbanks, Alaska.
The body has been brought to the
late home in Iowa for interment.
Mrs. G. P. Stoehr of Cedar Creek,
who had an operation at the Im-!
n-:mnpt ho::nital for the removal of a
goiter lust Friday, U reported to be j 13
g tting along as v eil as can be ex- j
pected. She rallied very nicely after
the operation.
Mrs. J. Humpe, mother of Mrs.
H. L. Gayer is somewhat better at her j hawka on Friday of last week and
home ia Lincoln. Mrs. Oliver Gaar,;'S been visiting with Mrs. Sumner
a sister to Mrs. Humpe, returned to j and will stay the remainder of the
Richmond, Ind., this week-end.
A night force was started at the
planing mill of the BREX shops Sun-
t'.ay night to help in
if material for new
the production j
cars that are
being turned out of the shops.
The sure clue to good shaves is
a Star Single-edge Blade. Made
since 1S30 by the inventors of
the original safety
razor. Keen, long-
lasting, uniform
m n 9
MEnrisn c?idiiefit pouter
D C. West was called to Omaha
Monday of this week, to look after
some business matters.
Marion Tucker was called to Ham
burg. Iowa last Monday afternoon to
look after some business matters for
the day.
Albert Anderson and family who
were visiting the past week at Weir
sey. Kansas, ith a sister of Mr. An-
del son, Mrs. Ralph Stander, return-
cd homed tiring the latter portion of
last weed.
Mis.-? Lanna McReynolds, postmas
I ter and Mrs. A. A. McReynolds were
j in Omaha last Monday where they
l went to be with Mr. Harry Bogenrief
who was undergoing an operation for
appendicitis. During the time they
were away Mr. McReynolds was stay
ing at the postol'nce during the time
the assistant postmistress was going
to dinner.
Home for Short Time.
i Stuart Rough w ho has been isit-
ing at Alton. Illinois, guest of a
daughter and family, arrived in N'e
I hav.ku last Monday morning after
j having enjoyed a two weeks visit,
iand arranging some business matters
departed for
Iowa City where he is
at the home of another
now visiting
'daughter, Mrs. Harold J. Dane
Celebrated P;
ns of Event.
Like nioct people Mr. Alvin Mc
Reynolds has a birthday once a year
and it came on Wednesday of this
week. In order not to let it passed
unobserved his wife and his sister.
Miss Lanna McReynolds staged a sur
prise on iast Sunday at the McReyn
olds home and provided a fine time.
Those present for the occasion were
Mr. i:id Mrs. Nelson Berger, Fred
Schumacher and wife, Leo Switzer
and wife, Mr. McKnight and a few
j Enjoying Good Business.
! Forrest It. Cunningham who owns
; and operates the saw mill and which
; is at present at tho farm of A. G.
; Ci&ney has found business very good.
Many of the farmers take logs for
sawing into lumber and are reward
: ed with a good quantity of lumber
: which they are using on the farm.
Hears Mother Is Improving.
Station Agent B. E. Sumner who
with his brother, D. S. Sumner, Mis
souri Pacific agent at Plattsmouth,
who went to Pinewood, Kentucky
week, called by the illness of
their mother, Mrs. J. H. Sumner, who
7 9 years old, report that she is
and has a good chance to get
.veil, whkh is tine news.
Visiting Sister in Nehawka.
I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Idell of Oak-
land. California, the latter a sister of
i Mrs. B. E. Sumner, arrived via Ne-
week. They drove from the coast
city in their auto and enjoyed the
trip very much.
Celebrated Passing Birthday.
J Lyle Kruger was passing his
birthday on last Wednesday and was
guest at the home of Harry Bucholds
and wife, the latter a daughter, who
make their home in Avoca, where the
dinner in his honor was enjoyed by
Mr. Kruger and wife, Fred Grade and
family of Unadilla.
Entertained for Dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steffens and
Mrs. Steffcn's mother, Mrs. Mollie
Maguey entertained for dinner Sun
day at the J. II. Steffens home and
had as their guests for the occasion
Mr. and Mrs. C. Steffens, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Horstmau of Panama,
Albert Anderson and family and
Mr. and Mrs. D. Steffens of Nehaw-
!ka and Fred Whiteman and family of
Meets Peculiar Accident.
During the latter portion of last
week while Roy Chappell was play
ing ball at the Nehawka schools he
of struck across the nose when one
the players
attempting to I
nose was en
tile face. Dr.
strike the ball
tireiy flattened
Henry Walters treated the injury!
ana tne lad vvno is eignt years ot age
is getting along nicely now.
Now. you can get a habv powder
that will keep your baby SAFER
against germs and skin infec
tions. It's Mennen Antiseptic
Powder Your doctor will tell
you that whenever you buy a
baby powder it surely ought to
be Mennen Because Mennen is
more than just a dusting powder
-it's antiseptic! And it ctsts no
more? So. mother, buy a tin
from your druggist, today. -
Clover hay and silage for sale.
L. B. Todd, Murray.
White seed corn,
nard, Nebr.
Reuel Sack, My-mll-tfw
Thoroughbred Red Toll bull,
old Schleifert. Wabash Neb.
Top buggy, almost new; Shetland
pony; 1936 yellow seed corn. S. T.
Gilriiour, Plattsmouth. mlS-tfw
Seotch Collie Pups. Male, $7.50;
Female,' $5.00. L. L. McCarty, Coun
try Club. m20-ltw-ltd
Thirty-three pound northern Iowa
seed oats, 75c per bushel sacked.
Cash on delivery. Plattsmouth Feed
Yards. . nio-tfd&w
Settle Long
Disputed StnII
Road Claim
Money raid Into Court Today and
Eisbursed to the Land Owners
Compromise Case.
The final chapter was written Sat
urdav in the long standing dispute
over the settlement of damasres for
i he construction of hizhway No.
this city ami a part of
now the viaduct at Orea-
When tho application was made
for the granting of thj right of way
by the state highway, a board of , .birthday Dinner
appraisers was appointed and whose! Mrs. Richard Beverage entertain-
findings set the recovery of C. Law-jed at a birthday dinner yesterday
l-pncp Stull. tho in nil owner at $ 1 .3 4 5.
Mr. Stull made an appeal to the dis-
trict court and where on the trial
the award for the damages was raised
to $3,000.
The case was appealed by the state
highway department to the state su
preme court and where the amount
of the jury verdict was reduced and
the case reversed.
The state department and the rep
resentatives of the Stull estate have
readied an agreement on a settle
ment for $2,400 and which was paid
over to District Clerk C. E. Ledgway
Kenneth Armstrong, Stuart Porter,
George Adam, and Donald Cotner,
Plattsmouth students at Tarkio col
lege, are here to spend the Easter
vacation with the home folks. They
will be free of school tasks until next
Monday and will visit here with the
relatives and old time friends.
Any ladies interested in a spring
sports program are asked to meet at
the high school gymnasium Monday
evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Letman
will have charge. The probable set
up for women's sports will be volley
ball and basketball for the present
time with tennis and kittenball fol
lowing in the warmer weather.
Mr. and Mrs. George Iske and fam
ily of Fort Collins, Colorado, ar
rived here Saturday evening for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tu
lene, the parents of Mrs. Iske, as well
as with the Iske family in Sarpy
YCII may remove e7ery
threat to your property
and ycur prosperity
transfer ycur responsi
bilities for the protection
cf ?.ll you possess to the
strong, broad shoulders
cf a dependable insur
ance agency.
Gearl . Davis
Platts. Stale Dank Cldg.
From Monday's Dally
Guests for Week-End
Robert Bestor arrived Saturday j
evening with friends, Mr. and Mrs. j
E. II. Bailey, from Mitchell, S. I)., to
spend the w eek-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bestor. Mrs.
Bestor, who has been visiting in Lin-j
coin, and Miss Lois Bestor, student!
at the university, also spent the
week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Hosier of Omaha joined the group at
dinner at the Bestor home yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bestor and
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey returned last
evening to Mitchell.
Sunday Evening Club
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tntsch cntet-jmen
taincd the Sunday evening bridge ;
club at their home yesterday. Mrs.
Richard Beverage won high score for
the ladies and Mrs. Ray Bryant, sec-j
ond. Writer Tritsch won first prize j
for the men and Guy. Long, second,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rector of North ;
Platte were guests
Four tables play-
Eirthday Honored
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmiutmann,
Jr., entertained at a dinn?r honor
ing the birthday of Mrs. Schmidt
man's mother, Mrs. H. E. Becker,
yesterday. The Easter theme was
carried out in the decorations.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Harlcy Becker
of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Sat
tler, Jr., Mrs. Louisa Bauer, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wallinger of Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Egenbcrger, and
Janis Schmidtman.
Visit Here
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith and
daughter. Margy Lee, and son. Jerry.
of Council Bluffs were guests at the
Henry Donat home at dinner yester -
day and spent the afternoon here.
Lee remained to spend her
vacation with the Donat film-
1 honoring her father, Frank Warren
I , . , . - j,:of Richardson. Field insr. and D.foe.
-v uiiiucaj taKC uearii'.jj canuiesi
formed the centerpiece for the table.!
, .
ihe Easter theme was used in ap-j
pointments. Guests were Mr. and i
Mrs. Frank Warren. Miss Edna War- j
ren. Francis Warren, Mrs. Margaret ,
McClanahan, Elmer Taylor, Richard
Beverage and Richard, Jr.
Spring Party
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gayer and son,
John, attended the Alpha Signup-Phi
annual spring party at the Cornhus-
ker hotel in Lincoln Saturday eve-
ning. The affair was a Hawaiian
party. Palm trees were used in the
ballroom. Invitations were extended
to 200. Preceding the party the mem-;
bers entertained their dates at a din -
ner at tne university ClUU. l-avors
were corsages of vari-colored carna -
Hons to represent Hawaiian leis. j
Mr. Gayer is a member of the
house committee for Alpha Sigma Phi;
fraternity but due to his mother-in-law's
serious condition, he and Mrs.
Gayer did not remain at the party
for the evening.
From Tuesday's Daily
Returns to Lincoln
Mrs. Frank Downey, who has been
visiting at the Robert Cappell home,
returned to Lincoln this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McCarty visited
at the Cappell home last evening also.
Miss Genevieve Whelan led the
study of ISth Century English liter
ature at the meeting of the Delphian
society last evening at the home of
Mrs. C. C. Wescott. Robinson Cru
soe, Pamela, Tom Jones, and Tristam
Shanty were tho selections studied
YOU bavo to work at marriage
to make a success of it. Men
may lo Beirish. unsympathetic,
but that's the way they're tnado
trd you might as well realize it.
When your back aches and your
nerves scream, don't take it out
on your husband. Ho can't possibly
know how you feci.
For three generations ore woman
has told another how to go "smil
ing through" with b.ydia E. rink
Lam's Vegetablo Compound. 16
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must cndiu'e iu the thrco
ordeals of Lfe: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don't bo a three-quarter ,wif3,
Go "Smiling Through,.' .
Practical Work
Given Student
in Advanced Class
High School Commercial Class Goes
into Offices of City for Training;
0. G. A. Awards Received.
From .Wednesday's Daily
Advanced typing and shorthand
students of the Plattsmouth high
school completed their first week of
work in the business o.Tices in Platts
mouth today. They will return Mon-
!day for their second week of practi
cal training.
This method of instruction gives
the student an opportunity for ex
perience in actual office work. It has
been preceded bv talks bv business tare in Plattsmouth today visiting at
of Plattsmouth and courses of! the home of Mr. and Mrs. A m. Baird
instruction in both shorthand
typing. The students work two hours
pt.r day in the offices,
Those working are: Waunetta
Johnson in the county superintendent
of schools office; Betty Kalina in the!
Central Application Bureau; Betty
Ann McCarty in Dr. O. C. Hudson's
office; Genevieve Bloom for Council
man Elmer Webb; Maymie Schwen
ncker for Bob Walling, abstractor;
Delia Solomon and Alice Hirz, Ne
braska State Employment office. Eve
lyn Meisinger, for A. L. Tidd, law
yer; Elva Johnson for R. W. Knorr;
Cathryn Ar.thes for Frank Cloidt;
Lova Sell for J. A. Cap well, county
attorney; Mary Jane Mark, resettle
ment administration; and Mary Ann
Highfield, Fred Busch. Reports will
be given to Mis3 Katherine Luke, in
structor, upon the work of the stu
dents. Receive 0. G. A. Honors.
Junior O. G. A. papers arrived this
ween ior eleven c i tr.e siuuenis oi
j the elementary commercial class,
The award is made by the Gregg
j Writer. Hazel Payton received the
, gold pin as the outstanding student
cf the group. Those who received
the papers are Shirley Sc-iver, Bhea
Edgerton, Frances McCarty, Mary
Kay Wiles, Mary Alice Sheffer, Mar
ion Olson. Edaa Mae Peterson. Kath
ryn Grosshans. Betty Voboril, and
Rosemary Stander.
and the women discussed other works
' '
. '
To Ee Guests m Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dovey and their
daughterSt nazel and Mrs. J. R.
Brown and daughter3t v;ill 1)e guests
tomorrow at the Russell Harris home
in Omaha.
Miss Hazel Dovey of Canton, Ohio
and Mrs. Brown and Mary Eleanor
and Carolyn arrived Saturday night
to spend the week of Easter vacation
with their parents. They plan to re-j
turn to their home Saturday evening. I
From Tuesdav
Mayor George Lushinsky appeared
( at the city hall last evening attired
ui a suane cnapeau uun iu juu;
. and his honor started a search to dis-
cover the owner of the headpiece.
It rooms that at the last meeting of
the council, the mayor was one of the
last to leave the temple of justice,
f.ndirg iie strange hat left in place
cl the uftial headgear of the mayor.
Necessity forced wearing it home and
as yet the hat is unclaimed, as all of
the councilmen and other officials
h;d- their own hats and denied all
knowledge of the mayor's, so Mayor
Lushinsky is still guardian of the
strange hat.
While on the subject of hats, Coun
cilman W. C. Tippens had his favorite
pearl grey badly crushed during the
session of the great common council.
He had carefully placed the hat on
a hook back of the door of the coun
cil chamber and someone had pressed
the door back until the hat was re
duced to a mangled mass of felt.
'lonl'lc !
Ilrncriift lire I'riKrrnm (iniru'r
-ii'! !!'-l-.-u lt!irfr! in
A Doctor's Diary'
Problems of a youn doctor disclosed!
niifl Trf tim'-1 CJImtTt Munrt 111
'Wanted: Jane Turner'
I'ostofTice t Men crack down on criine.
Mick 'I'rnvy Serirl -mi1 tcimi
Adults 250 Children 100
Sunday matinee at 2:30
"lie!. !ro-.v-JI. J'i-ii III-.mUI1 :iiJ
t;lMiilf. I'nrrrll in
'Gold Diggers of 1937'
AImi Vamlfvllli' .i-ts, Silly Symphony,
Oswald tlie Kaljliit anil News Keels.
SIi-jv fr nxlrr uimIiiv
Matinee Prices Evening Prices
10-2.SC 1O-3O0
Kay ! rniiel-i rint Illinni I'omi-II in
'One Way Passage'
nnnl.y swid Nfv.-., I Ii a! I ' ni-s of
. A tine rhuvv- tor Bank Nights.
1 j V c a r
mu ii
an i
From Monday's Daily
Miss Laura Grassman of Omaha
visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
R. A. Bates, over the week-end.
Mrs. Frank Downey of Lincoln ar
rived last evening for a visit with
her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cappell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Richey and Mrs.
Mary Clark departed for Tulsa, Okla
homa this morning. They will visit
with relatives there over Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rector of North
Platte are visiting at the home of
M"r. and Mrs. Ray Bryant. Mrs. Rec
tor and Mrs. Bryant are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Urbach of Chicago
antland with Mr. and Mrs. John crauui.
Mr. Urbach is an assistant to the vice
nresident of the Burlington in Chi-
Arnold Schleifert,
known residents of
one of the well I
Manlev and Wabash, was
tho city!
today for a short time and
here called at the Journal to
his subscription. He reports
3iiow in his locality.
a fine
Mrs. C. E. Hitt and Miss Frances '
Gamblin visited Mrs. Gertrud Gam
blin who has veen very ill in the hos
pital in Council Bluffs. Ia. Mrs.
Gamblin was moved this week-end to
1 Glenwood where she is employed.
Mrs. Hitt is the mother and Frances,
a daughter, to Mrs. Gamblin.
Fron Turilay's
W. A. Wells
1 a i 1 y
is ill at
his home in
John Alwin injured his back yes
terday and is confined to his bed.
Miss Ann Hofackcr of Cedar
Creek was a Plattsmouth visitor to
day. The Elmer Hughes family has
moved to their new home on 14th and
Vine streots.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vallery were
guests Sunday at the home of their
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Peterson, at Omaha.
Mrs. Grover Cundall and baby re
turned from the hospital Saturday.
They are at the Jess Warga home.
Mrs. Cundall was formerly Miss Ger
r'.alnc Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hunter and
children. Barbara and Bobby, visited
at the Sterling Ingwersen-iome Sun
day. The children will remain here
for the Easter vacation.
Mrs. Aiiie Christensen who has
been veiling at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sme
tani. went to Omaha yesterday to
j spend a few days with friends and
; relatives.
Mathilda Poennichsen. Miss!"""- T!u' l,,an Ut ,T"m,
Birdie Mae Johnson, Mrs. Frank
Gobclman, and Mrs. Holcomb drove
to Nebraska City Sunday afternoon
to attend the Christian Science lec
ture given by Judge Richard A. Davis
of Chicago.
, F rom -vcd nesil av's Dailv
j special train bearing ten
coaches came through Platismonth
early this morning. The cars were
filled with CCC boys eastward bound.
Mrs. Will Hummel is leaving today
for Ilcldrege where she will spend
the Easter holidays at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Harry Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis received
word from Omaha this morning of
the birth of a granddaughter. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. II. Jacobs, John.
George and Shirley leave this eve-
elman s
It's Going Fast
541 Main St.
Paint, Glass, Wall Peper
Gray or Brown, Plaids or
Checks. Raglan Should
ers, Double Breasted
Slash Pockets and Belt!
75 And $7"85
Personalized Tailoring
7 1
7 v r
shire hogs rrove
Most Profitable
Harry Knabe, Aehawka, ti:s liecora
Sales with This Breed -
from All Parts cf U
Nehawka, Neb. Larry Krabe l"
Nehawka. v
ho raises blue blooded
Hampshire hogs, draws buvtrs from
all parts of the 1. S. v. hen he hold
one of his sales. Knabe, i years old.
held one recently. He sold one sow
for ?1.000 and another lor $90.".
Then ten top soW3 brought an aver
age of $415, which buyer.? said is a
record for recent years.
Three hundred hivrs are now mak-
ling their home on the M i acre Knabe
j farm two miK-s northv. est of here.
Knahe's grandfather. John C. Knabe.
heirrteaded the farm in lJ-.'t;. Dur
ing the past year Knabe's Hampshir
took top honors nt every livestix k
show at which they have Ik en ex
hibited. "When I buy new stock." I try to
buy the befct regardle.v; of price."
says Krabe. "I get th-r.i wherever
I can find them. Somctinus I Kit fa
far as S00 miles to get a Rood ho;.
"It wrs 4-F. club work that got ni"
started. My father, John. v. ho now
lives in Lincoln, and my couiry
agent. L. R. Snipe.;, encouraged nv.
I wasn't yet 10 when 1 bought my
first hog. That was on June 0. IMS.
and the beginning cf my pi t sent
herd." Knabe said.
He grows corn, alfalfa, b.iib y ami
rye on the farm, but !,:iy he lan't
raise enough food for his lmns. The
business is profitable, Knabe rays,
but, he emphasizes that it's a long
range proposition "with tips and
inc: for Clav Center for Easter va a-
Miss Lois Riandhorst v ill go to Em
coin with them.
Mrs. Louis Lohnes opened th'
meeting of the Westminster Guild
last evening at the home of Mis
Marjorie Wohlt'arth with a devotion
al period. Miss Marie V:;!Ury had
charge of the liss-on. Th - prohh-m
of immigrants was discussed. Th
girls voted to or tier f.fty additional
song books for the church, bringing
the total to 200.
All kinds of commercial print
ing done promptly at tho Journal
We have a special rate on
insurance for farm cars.
You will be Ineresied
We will writt Hail Imur
ance on growing crops
this eumrncr. Buy at
home and knew hat
you are
or Sec
PKCNr 16
ill $ m
I 111