The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    t f : r"' . : , ,", ' ...,- . .,,, . , , , , ; ... .." " ; " " ' '-v
T- .. . VISIT AT SPA CITY piAKsroRjPRiNasPo Hearing Being -s T
f f ' " 13 T7Z HpIS ill Still! -ve'-en TST yWyy - Everything you 11 need
and MrB- E" J- Fenie' Were at X" ?PrinS PP PrSram " , nelC! 111 here ith their relatives and old Mftffff (&S (73 HpSL FrTS to make VOUf Easter
' braaka City for a few hours Sunday, and women In Flattsmoutn. .Meet- . . ftToff Of blends, departed Sunday for their fffmi U L,. FN iW? H Ujj make yOUr
I They were at the St. Mary's hospital inrrs are beins held Friday and Mon- EiSlttlv ITiclLfcCI home at Chicago. Mr. Becker has :jflfrf " iJ i 1 I H I V jT 1 dinner an outstanding
where Mrs. Ferrie was given an ex- day evenings for organization of been engaged at Chicaso for several j 0)13 )gL i UpJ 1 CJ 1, j I. iz3 Lt fr LL ...,! Tri FINEST
,fc mination by a specialist. Mrs. Ferrie teams. Special Administrator Seeks to Have years with the A. G. Spaulding Co..; -Js?KA 4- "" success.
; is to return to the hospital this aft- All young men In tween the ages of r prQcee(js cf gale Turned into and has been in charge of a large; I W'MRff FOODS at greater
' I ernoon and will probably remain for 17 and 2.1 who are interested in join- Estate Funds number of ther retail stores. Mrs. j " Ifi' VKCcC R pVfl B H ?
I j a course of treatment or possible ing a junior league baseball team will " ' Becker is connected with the Xa-j pCvV 'VBUi B"Sj savings.
operation. meet at the recreation center fn Frora weanesday's Daily- tional Broadcasting company in their JtTSfi
V , Third and Main streets Friday eve- Judge A. C. Thomsen was engaged blue network studios. LCJ17 Wl&i Tv :S J
j ' ning at S p. r.i. Three older ir.fn are today in hearing an action in ac- while here Mr. and Mrs. Becker; '
. I A V A T(T!? needed also as sponsors for the team, counting against Frank E. Vallery, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. j VAN CAMP'S " I - 14 I V i T I f'l l"V
I MJaX? WJSm a meeting of the leaders of re- v.iio had been designated in a bill of Becker parents of Harley. as well asj TOMATO JUZC5 Vjl V C
! Legion Building creation sponsors of southeast Xe- sale to handle the disposal of per- with Mr. and Mrs. John Sattler, Jr.,! Q.0z can 5c Giant 'A f V;l t 1 f i
1'LATTSMOUTH braska was held in Nebraska City sonal property in the estate of the and Mr and Mrs. William H. 2-0z' can 10c 50-02 can Cllf : Vll i 1 IV ill V rf'i'
p.,, LJnder aid His Wednesday evening to organize a hate C. Lawrence Stull. Schmidtman. the ladies being sisters " " ' V :-' V-3 J I )
- Junior League for this section. 20 The deceased had deeded the real of Mr. Becker. Del Monte Sliced or Half t-s t
Hotel "aXtOn nu11 representing towns of this sec- estate to several of the children, also , PEACHES f Am WTNxX f ( ( jrS'i
- Orchestra tion attended. The sports program making the arrangements for the dis- ni; CIlt JC IOl f rj 1 I II C Js
i (Now en Tour) was outlined for inter-city contests j posal of the personal property and ! tlCSDOIlSC ., ' ' ! Y VI fV l I AV.
' q i - this spring. Those who attended j live stock by Mr. Vallery. r 5fii?d U1 S-vru-n J J'A V V 1 I V
OatUrday, IVIar. lfroIn nattsmouth were II. E. Lut- The validity of the deed and sale I-q C ft ITl 6 t CI V PilARS ni 'f ,.J V J J
j Admission 80c Couple 'man. Clyde Jackson, and Wm. C. was attacked by Ira Ftull. a sen of ' VK3 VtlllUlVl J K cng 1()F J
IV"""" "V1 "" ILJ"j "J "' 1 "rT7r O'ftmnell. the deceased and who had been omit- Rflffl PlatlC PINE CONE Ad for PlattSRlOUth, Fri., Sat., Mar. 26 and 27
' " ' "' ted in the division of the property JDUdlti i Idllo TOIfA.TOES "9 f
. and who asked for the appointment Kn2rfln; 5 lOY AC JCll-O Superior
if : of Sean s. Davis as administrator, Hope t0 Contact With AU Lot 1 c cans PlCkleS
i the petition of the other heirs Owners on the Proposition of Kuner's Sweet harden -1X delicious
1 (ff!ri1ptt r ot M'- if- fA, 2 for 25c X--i9g aLrr....i5e
! Wv "TQf I TJ i V"- Tlie r'ar!io?! vore tinable to agree The cemetery board recently sent "
IpS. " on the administrator and accordingly jetters to all of the owners of lots in! T ff ? -
lF U V. II. Sc hmidtmann was named as Qak Hill cemetery, asking their re- j 3S J fc j ArmOUrS nigh quality MelrOSe y) i j
Ife S the administrator and Carl D. Ganz aclion to the plan of a yearly assess-! iS&kMMLi&r SlUOked, Whole Or Hal iLliffi 4jliV
tfe VJ as the attorney for Mr. Schmidtmann. ment of $3 for each lot to provide for I
; i VWVO The popular cross strap style r,ra itls ai, i. pC-..J- ils nj i,u.n. TS)nn . TT T31?1 AHBOUT'l Star O
I 4 M m an entirely new treatment. 'L o JMZ IrUQlT iUgUTgU Lb. Ctns SE ZlCb
5 I J f Lovely Grey Gaberdine by act as special administrator until the t5on seems to be finding much favor " i
' I 1 V-L 44l lj i niatter of the administrator was from the owners and gives hope that ci'' 00 fnoc 9 IQ Irf 1 Til TT KC
J I tFil Hannahsons definitely settled. the plans of the board may success- if OtatOCS o,be iw,!,.? : iJWi4 lAlCJtJ L D.
I j The case heard today is one in fully be carried out for a cemetery "b,,"p" ,,r ,:,,rI !; u,i- 'ur-!1 '''--
I A CZ which it is sought to have Mr. Val- that v in be in excellent shape at all POtatOGS Idaho Eakers, 15-lb. Peck 35 ; fU7 s TV 2 rn o
.sAK lery turn over to the special admin- seasons of the year. i'.-n.. Hate . i..-u ,..k.-.i f.-.09 j: InlQ ffilU UPl!BCrfS6IL Zi
.7-?fJV, istrator proceeds of the sale held o. It is the desire to have all persons Gf?apGl?tlit Large. 39c d02., 3 for. IOC s,i..ied n.-f :trr.hi,-uiid.
i .ySL kgjj&ii&aJJ Qthprc pt tl Q7 fn 95 the Prson:il property and what prop- wft0 have lots to indicate their de- sret, Jnirv Tn iar.ii smi!n.
V CeTtC5'6T " erty may remain in his hands. sires in the matter, it depending OratlgGS 216's. 35c doz..' 288's. doz.30C I MQPg S1i!GIL1 h 117
r j ' Witnesses called today were Dr. lal.gely on the repIies. the cai.rying n,,. ,vei,. AWW4 W UW&U. L. U M
f , G. II. Gilmore. the physician of Mr. out of the future plans. The fee has LemonS Iarg.e 300 ize doz. 2 : fr "' J "r-,d H'"-
i i 1 - - StUl1 in hiS laSt lllness' aS V" UP been set at the $3 mark for the year J(li,.v (Hlif ,.,- MlkiM. Tui-r1?' fTT f I L OC
i I Factor ChftA &5Z& Attorney C. E. Martin who drew the to determine just how much can be ARftM Pp- PPn T)flvi; 41 ! Uii Vbiil.H
P ! taSter MlCeS hiU f Sale nnd T- rll0Ck- a Wit- depended on for this part of the rev- PPfeS Bcn DaY1S' 4 !S ZC rboI(.c ul. iu aIu.k,irfc. fe,rr.
t ? for s- jfl ness to the signing of the bill of sale enues of the cemetery. XadlSlieS Large Bunches. 3 for IOC
t ' v that designated Mr. Vallery to handle it ma v be possible to set the assess- Kr.h. in iird le.. i Smaked Pnl t?T1 Choice Center C
f KldliieS TCOS lVf the sale. ment inolher years at a lower figure CaUHHOWer White Snowball, lb..10C i; 5 ' SllCCS' Lb
l. I :' ?' --St3 but this sum was fixed upon as rea- f.-, iumi. , vr,o..r-. M.-.rKt. n..,
,. 2tai(J PHOTOS ON EXHIBIT sonable and one that should produce NCW CabfaagC Taney Texas. Ib C i TvTiH1 Or Ring 2
" 11 '" 1 ' a very good revenue if the response ,.im ;rr..ii, M-.iium iieno. MlHCed ISiSIlE Bologna, LfcS. 4-3)
I. . - gn, Emil J. "Weyrich has six photos in is general and assure the cemetery TOUtatOeS Red Eipe Florida, lb 1JC luv o..n.iitj.
rO.fA IZ) All JlJ the Joselyn memorial among the ex- being kept up in excellent shape and rune-?, nnn tuii. DRESSED WHITING
t vrn, bibits by the Omaha Camera club, improvements wished made in the CelerV Well Bleached, Ex. Lge. Stalk12C i SSlEKOEt op fIlLETS 2 lbs.25C
i A complete stock of new Spring: Styles m FORTUNE OXFORDS Mr Weyrich is exhibiting "Christ- two cemeteries. 'i,..i.-r California i.ii- vi.. n-r.i. in, ir.n
for Men. Gray - White - and Two-Tone Combinations. All the mas Morn." ('Windswept," "Wood- .
I new lasts and patterns that will make your Easter outfit complete. land." "The Sower." "Young Kobins" DEBATERS RETURN rnw"''? ""tfWSV SunriS6 Brand Hinky-Dinky
and "Nicholas." tsjir? fay MUSTARD Ar BUTTER f)Or
j Other Spring Oxfords for Men, $2.97 to $5 . Trr JXZTTn t 57 ttJr -3-tc m. -eSoc
I l selected from the 190 submitted to oate squau v.iiun iook. pan in uic m?7T XJT r
the club for the 12th annual exhibit, contest at Lincoln on Friday and Sat- MlkK J foj. gC COT'as 2SC fb" C'or"6 33C
vhich is up from March 14 to April urday. were eliminated from the con- Tall Cans, COCOA, ft las AW 1-b. Ctns., 2 for
s- Mr. Weyrich became a member of test by the representatives of the Fre- .
Asr f the club in January. mont high school. HeiltZ HClltZ SCUOS Cofelt's Perfect
( X(Ab f CC aSS9 Follov. in- the exhibit in Omaha In the opening round Tecumseh IfPTrKTTD - Tortfa ?N TrfcT7I7 TTTT
V T ( C., the pictures are sent to other cities forfeited to the Plattsmouth team KLTCHUP 2 S 2SC COFr EE
Y0Uf Farniy hSe St0re I for exhibition before other camera and who advanced to the second large 14-02. 7 , AC C
! dubs. -und and drew the strong Fremont J ffiffior CoLT 2 lbs.. Q C Lb. faljl
f, , team as their opponents, losing both
l i ' - - - -- -
I V ,ir 'V events to the Dodge county speakers. .
V'f OrW", The Fremont team was in the finals 737,T,l5r "" K? Sunrise Sweet, Mild riGPSriSy tttXTS
I) MS 7 " 4 ' "" r i-'bFte J1C COFFEE -fiGiC eT0!"ondfllmond
j f v?v T 7 I S. the capital city team, and the locals 1 l0' 55c. jLoJ? C
i I wTv WVA ifTTr- f feel well pleased that they were able So-Tast-ee Soda . " . . ' ,'e Va-Ib- A f fir VS
!i 3 W MsK ;;:-tlhelia crackers 1 7c g' rf
f Fsv M t:c i lfrs"s i3c
f Z -VV rl iAV Bestor. Harriett Case and Robert 2-b- Caddy Xt Al.-Purpose Shortening b. Cel 10 B. ; Lt
I T Hn fe?- VA Ji woest. OTOE CHIEF Brand Mb. Can, 24c Cattdy BarS
r AC Sh X- lc frwLtyf flour cq a-ib. Can. c Astd 4 qq
C Y V VV rEATH 0F G- P- EASTWOOp -lb. Sack JjOT 3-Ib. Can 5 Size ' j.O
i X-lX 11 w- y AK V fJ$i V-n The death of G. P. Eastwood. S3. . ,
? If yflf?iv&A former I lattsmouth resident, occur- L" I BUTTER-NUT CLAPPS
Ffeu- A lisjfr A r d Tuesday night at Lyman xebras- GrapeJuce Salad Dressing Baby Foods
R " W ? S-5 7 fX AVX ka. where he and Mrs. Eastwood have for Health and Energy Assorted Varieties
V ?ZS f l, fSSTSSf lniA tZ I I I been visiting at the home of a grand- Pint ff Quart Qffhp "Z'-S f . JLEfi 4V2-CZ. j fft-
I -T I lLV 7 ' UCZflf A daughter. He would have passed his Bot-2 C ' Bottle j Pint, 25c ; Quart- tP Cans J 01 i5 g
jsy iSSm I il tS? TJP S4th birthday August 2S. -
O VWA 7 y J?ITZ "eusiy m uul Omar FLOUR CAMAY SOAP Pillsbury's Best
I TfjTX I My S - the last attack. Puts Magic in Your Baking The Soap of Beautiful FLOUR i' m.i iI
' I. ?" '' I 5S. OsJ''V 1 He is survived by the widow, two - Women S1.09
; Nv XO sons, George, of Washington. Arthur 2 51.05 $- .93 EeglarBars jVll! I SZ05
7 V of Omaha and two daughters. Mrs. 48-Ib.Bag JL 3 for 1 HQ-ID. DacK afl
i CMMGE TO OIL'PLATIWG ?:rHSrjri! Magic washer reerr:r?rrr:L
I where the family has resided since; 10c Package for 1 paas Chkk B pkg. 1Qc . 3 for 25c
, ieavi "attsmouth a number of you uy 23C N. B. C. Butter Cookies, 2 dcz. or over in Pkg 10c
' vpnr? no Lge. rug. at. .......
'.J s , J J Protex Soap, bar 5t Black or White Cookine lias. bulk. 2 lbs 25c
f .c tjttto-.t.v "" " Pillsbury's Sno-Sheen Cake Flour. 23lb. Pk 23c
I All the other "serious stuff" is out, if you With this firmly fastened layer of lubri- CAK ilAb UAWAI New Yorker Asst'd. Beverases (plus deposit). 32-oz. bottle 10c
'I i take just one thing seriously about your cant always maintained on cylinders, bear- SCOtTOWClS Ear-S, for punches, mixed drinks, etc. Quart bottle 33c
J engine oil . . . In selecting at-for a '37 xngs and other parts it stands to reason 100 the 0?damrtIle sedan of H rolls, Sl.OO A. Santa Clara Prunes. 60-100 size. 4 lbs 25c
model or anything else be guided by that friction never finds them naked. They 1 nis noon 1 e !eadn j Vft t i n-T n v;- -kt o c . xr 01 - -r-
V , things you really know for yourself. remain all covered constantly with slippy Searl S. Davis was left parked near 2 rolls ii lake 0 Isles Pipkin, 0 2 can Sc ; Jo. 2V. 3 for 25c
Oil-Plating, as though they were buUt the home on North 5th street and Scot Towel 1C Golden Hallowu Bulk Dates. 2 l.s. 17c
1 You know that a plating on metal can- with it on. It's on, every time you start decided to take a trip without the Holders Each 3l Sunbnte Double-Action Cleanser, 3 re? cans 14c
y not come off like any mere liquid. ' Thus the engine, because Oil-Plating can't run puide of human hands. The brakes
if Oil-Plating, formed in your engine by down "between times." And it's on failed to hold on the car and it back- jrS tt SOILAJX Sal-y's SimUJ?
V Conoco Germ Processed oil, cannot come throughout your hardest run, because Oil- ed across the street intersection, j jCTilCftd . . , "fiwT
f S. off the working parts like any mere film of Plating isn't liable to the usual "squeeze- broke out a section of the guard rail rAPI C HDAMn oper Ueanser ana (Golaen)
J oil. Though the patented Germ Process out, scrape-off and burn-up." None'of and coasted several feet down the W tAULt UKAllU Water boHener QlQ 5-lb. Sfl 10-lb. 50
puts abnormal strength into the so-called those worries any more, as you change to steep incline on the former Coates LjvV MAGIC MILK Lge. Pkg ILjf Pail3Uw Pail ft
j movable oil film, it goes much farther and Conoco Germ Processed oil and Oil- park and there stopped in the mud. sweetened condensed
gives you exclusive Oil-Plating. Plating economies. Continental Oil Co. The car was not overturned but was ( Crystal White )
I I VrEEgy firmly imbedded in the mud and re-J Can Priltl Special Process 5--?n 10-lb. PAp
i ; COMOfO ftBBfJl PHQfPSSFD nil - tissue Pail--c Pai1-
! W IU U WLlilfci T KU iLLl VHL of the mud. The ear was not dam- " - ISg5 3ft -l 11 Staley. Cube or Com Qn
1 V ased and it was possible to drive the t0' " ) B U 0 IgC . rOlIS, STARCH, 1-lb. Pkg.. . . VC
MBMiM car out an bac to tne Davis horns.
j .. ,
o ' j