The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 04, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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iyth Ms mm
to held at the OTTO SCHAFER
.arm, s5x miles west and one-half
mile r.ort of fllurray; six miles
c-'st and one-ha!f mile north of
i.'aniey on Gravel Kl3hway No. 1
Tucsiiay, Febr. 23
beginning at 12:00 o'clock noon,
: narj). Linr h will lie served on the
ivi-mists by Ladies Aid of Eight Mile
C. rove Lutheran church.
Houses and Mules
to be Sold
One black tram geldings, C and 7
years old. weight 3150;
One roan te:-m geldings, S years
(Id. weight 3000;
One gray team geldings, 6 years
t !d. weight 2S50 ;
One roan teara geldings, 4 years
1 Id. weight 2 SOU :
One hay team geldings, 3 and 5
v .:i:rs old. weight 2S50;
Ono bay team geldings, S and 9
years old. weight 2750;
One gray team, mare and gelding,
su.ooth mouth, weight 2700;
One bay team, mare and gelding.
3 years old. weight 2900;
One bay team mares, 2 years old.
v. eight 2GO0;
One gray team, mare and gelding,
2 years eld, weight 2550;
One Mack team mares, 2 years old,
veisht 2 COO;
One gray team, mare and gelding,
2 years old. weight 2550;
One cream colored team, mare and
gelding, coming 2 years old, weight
l u 0 o :
One brown gelding, 2 years old,
weight 1275;
One bay mare. 2 years old. weight
13 50;
One sorrel mare. 2 years old.
weight 12 50;
One black mare, 3 years c"d. in
foal, weight 15uu;
One .black mare. 2 years old. in
foal, weight 125u;
One black saddle horse. 2 years
( Id. brcke to ride;
One black gelding, 5 years old.
1 4 " o :
i:i50 ;
gelding. 6 years old
9 " years old.
One sorrel mare, 10 years old. in
al. weight IZ'jO:
One black gel
smooth mouih.
mul?p, emooth
v. eight 12 oO;
One team molly
'.r.r.uth. weight 27(0;
One spotted saddle horse, 4 years
(.Id. vary Well broke, anyone can ride.
The team? in this sale are all well
matched. All horses are gentle and
come frem a country where they raise
horses to sell -in western South Da
kola. All horses are broke to work
except these coming three years old.
Terms of Sale
Six months time will he given cn
bankable notes drawing S per cent
interest per annum. No property to
he removed from the premises until
settled for.
Oiio Seftaies? Son
Hex Young. Auctioneer First Na
tional Lank, Weeping Water,
On account of my wife's ill health.
I have decided to quit farming and
hae a public sale at the Gus Hollen
i arg farm, known as the Lee Flliston
place 2 miles south and a quarter
mile east of Murray on Highway 75,
c 11
Tuesday, Fsde 9
beginning at 12 :.': p. m., sharp, with
lunch served on the grounds, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
Four Horses and Mules
One span gray geldings, wt. 1300
each: one span of mules weighing
1150 lbs. each.
Eight Head of Cattle
Three milk cows, one fresh about
six weeks ago. one to be fresh soon
and one to be fresh in April; two
heifers. IS months old; two heifers,
s months old; one bull, 1G months
Eleven Head of Hogs
One brood sow and ten head of
shoats. weighing from 100 to 125
pounds each
Some Rhode Island Red hens.
Farm Machinery
Or.o P & O gang plow, 12-inch;
lie Ca?e 2-row machine; one Case
lis;er; two riding cultivators; one
Pork Island hay rake; one John
Deere disc; one P & O 1-row mach
ine: one 2-section harrow; one Deer
ing mo'ver: one walking plow, 14
:'nch: one Galloway feed grinder;
r.r.e farm wagon; one l-h. p. Fair
banks gas engine; one wagon gears
and rack; two sets of harness; some
Lay; one hrooacr house, 8x9; one
,"!i0-thick brooder stove, oil heater;
(Tie double tub washing machine;
c:ie cream separator.
Household Good?, Etc.
Various household goocts and c.her
articles too numerous to mention.
Terras of Sale
Terms are Cash. No property to
I c removed from the premises until
i.cttlement therefor has been made
with the Clerk.
HEX VOl'.VC. Auctioneer
Persistency ts wlial gets
suits in advertising.
Cass County Farm
Bureau Notes
opj furnished from Office
i ( ounty Agent VVainscott
Organize a 4-H Club.
Now is the time to start the 4-H
"ball rolling for 1937. Two Keep
Well dub: are already active. Who
will he the next to enroll V It takes
c :uy live members (ages ten to twen
ty years) with a local leader in
charge to organize a standard club
ami there are so many projects avail-
able u should not be difficult to se-
leet one for any community.
T ive-
f-.oc, ciuos snoum oe organueu ul
once, so that complete feed records
r :iv' hp knt hv the members to ell-
able them 10 show at the fairs if they
! Major projects in home economics
, cunts mis year wm oe ouuiiuti
rMfhoo ftir the- 4-H nirl " "ProtdeniS
, 1:1 Room Improvement,
and "Learn- to Cok."
T-V, ; , . I, V,
u.eciiia uiai
! eleven ciu'os carrying the "Learning
it.) Sew" project in 193C will be ready
J to go ahead with the Summer
I Clothes project, providing they are
I 'J years 'of age, and many older
girls, even though they have not had
i "'.earning to Sew." should be able to
'carry the Summer Clothes project
j without difficulty. Girls Room clubs
I continue o gain in popularity and
(this year 3 major.
Problem in Room
T.'nprovement." should appeal
l May. For the younger groups
j girls, ten to twelve years of age.
I w ho are not quite old enough to carry
'he two other major projects, special
j emphasis v. ill be placed on enrolling
them in 'Learning to Cook" clubs.
j Canning
and Keep-Weil clubs are
12 Iso available, as well as various oth-
or projects. Clubs may be organized
for any of the 4-K projects but in-
laniuch as Home Economics clubs are.
organized on a cycle basis, more em -
jphasis is placed en major project
j Livestock clubs should be especial
ly appealing this year. The Bureau
!cf Agricultural Economics says: (a)
!"IIos prices will be high all through
1937. Production will be short for
J:-everal years.' (b) Cattle prices will
jbe higher in 1937 than in 193C and
jthe outlook for several years is good,
l-ci Little change in sheep numbers
: is expected. Price outlook is favor
able for several years, (d) Horse and
mule numbers continue their long de
Clubs expecting to reorganize from
last year should do so as soon as pos
sible. More detailed information re
garding the organization of clubs
;.ny be obtained at the Farm Du
leau effire.
Conservation Program
i Looks Good to Farmers.
Farmers that attended the sixteen
recinct conservation raeeting3 held
within the county last week, gave
, , .
..... wwma-i. . ni.ii i. LJ . mi
; lures of the 1937 program. j
; The fact that the program would
i:ot only permit, but
only permit, but also encourage
1-iuuiiiit, irku viv'tc .iiti a l u.'.-
:.-ame time pay them for the acreage j daughter of 1934 and 19 3.". the re
jtney convert from soil depleting tojFt,rt adds. slaughter of both cattle
iscil consoivirg crops by making new..,1!d (.alves in 1&37, liowever. will be
r,ccdings. medits their approval. j larger than the average of the five
j More than five hundred appliea-1 , t.ars preceding 1934. The number
lions were signed at these meetings! ( f catUe t;!1 fced for maket in the
ji'i f-pite of the rather small attend- j ro, abelt statc3 on January 1. 1937,
a:ice at some place3 on account of
the severe weather. At each of these
.''leeimgs me iarmers preseni electee ;
rneir 1937 precinct committee. Those
elected were:
j Avoca Precinct:
j Wjiiiam Maple, G.
j postponed .
Liberty Precinct:
IMelvin II. Todd, It.
, Harris.
Merritt Pollard.
L.. Heneger, J.
W. E. Reynolds,
E Foster, It. S.
; Louisvihe Precinct: John S. Spang-
i jer. L,awreiicfi uroun. Herman Gake-
meier. John Schoeman.
Mt. Pleasant: Henry H. Ragoss.
O. E. Domingo, Parr Young. F. J.
I Nehawk.i Precinct: J. Maricn
noi iii.k n:Ti Hi: n:o.n M
; Wheeler Woolscy, Mirth Kings in
'Mummy Boys'
Sally Eilers and Robt. Armstrong in
'Without Orders'
Robinson Crusoe Serial and Screeno
Adults 25$ Children 10
Eleanor Povrell, James Stuart and
Virginia Bruce in
'Bom to Dance'
Sunday Nlatinee at 2:33
Matinee Prices Evenln?: Prices
10-25e 10-30C
Eank Nights Katharine Hepburn
and Herbert Marshall in
'A Woman Rebels'
i t
Stone, A. A. McReynolds, TV. II. Aug- ;
ust, Eimer Stoll.
Plattsmouth Precinct: E. II. Spar.g
lr, Henry Xolting, C. L. Wiles, Wm. ;
Uaier. !
Center Precinct: Eward Steinkamp, ;
William Shcehan, Frank Erhart,
Iieuben Groesser.
Eight Mile Grove: John F. Kaffen
berger, II. E. Iske, Lloyd Group,
Frank Salsberg.
Elmwood Precinct: Charles I. Long,
Carl rfchlaphoff, William Kueter, Joe
F. Gustin.
Greenwood Precinct: (Meeting
East Rock Bluff: J. L. Stamp, M. I.
Hall, A. R. Troop, Mike Kaftenber
ger. West Rock Fluff: Alfred Gansemer.
Ivan Deles Dernier, Glenn Todd,
Vearl Smith
Salt Creek Precinct: E. H. Arra-
strong. John Lambert, Harry uricKer,
A'-thur Jeti'ery.
Qmh Bond Vl.ecincU A D. Zaar.
John L,cddy, A. D. Bachman, Albert
T? 1 1 1 m
ct()VP Creek- Henrv Vogt. Eldon
stark Xolan Hottle. W. H. Menden -
Tir.ton Precinct: Clyde S. West,
t-red IMuenchau, Harry t isner, eijue
Weeping Water Precinct: J. W.
,, r....- n... rr.-r,
enoigfc ijaies, i cici (.uiisiciOTu,
Pointers for Buyers of
Hybrid Seed Corn.
Many growers have only
idea of what is meant by hybrid seed
corn. To help clear away doubt, G.
II. Dungan of the Illinois Agricul
tural Experiment Station, recently
aided farmers by explaining some of
ihe thing-, buyers should look for;
i nd others they should avoid if they j
wish to get good hybrid seed corn. I
"Corn growers should understand."!
he said, "ihat good hybrid seed can-!
not be produced by crossing two cpen-j
Pollinated varieties, by detasseling'
certain rows of an adapted variety.!
or by selecting seed in a field grown
, t ommercial hvbrid se,d. And
nor i,VKr5fis ar. eood. not even all
; fcvbriis that involve four inbred
j j,
Certain hybrids that have given
1 . .-.,,.!,-, ,.rfnrr.n nee over a
j eriod (lf vcar3 in a certain section!
'of the state are no bitter in other
; sections than adapted open-pollinated
varieties, say agronomists of the
"nited States Department of Agri
culture who coonerate in this corn:
vork. The merit oi a given hybrid:,
! depends on its ability to give a sat is-1 .
. fartorv vield of sound grain, to stand i
'tp until harvert. and to uo these con
sistently ;-ear alter year. Inform
ation as to these qualities can be
established only by repeated tests m;!nnd 1eascs durSa? th, ,riod review-
The general area in question.
Keat Outlook in 1937.
Consumer demand for beef and
:eal in 1937 will be somewhat
stronger than during 1!)u'j, a repon
1'rcm the Hureau of Agricultural Eco-
! nomics received at the Cass County!
j Fa rm
I vl v.-
Bureau office indicates.
1-ia.uinri ii uuu'.t.a,uui, :iumiev saiU ji;io i ornin, ua. proin
of prospective decrease in I , r., ,W1 ,o . . ' . . .,. . .
-ugnter supplies ana proDamy tur -
ther increase in consumer
foi meats, the general level of cat-i Regardiug the accounts of the rur
t'e prices in 1937 is expected to he, . . f ,. el,Jln
rigjier man in lyau. i
slaughter of cattle and calves in
j,37 1!lCibably will be considerably
: .,an,r than those of 1936 and some-!
vvhnt cmriiier tnm tilt ")Trrnrc,a
vas estimated to
be 23 per cent
earlier and much
i smaller than a yea:
below average.
Grand Island. A verdict in favor j
of the defendant was ordered by Dis-1
irict Judge Clements of Ord. in the'
(State's prosecution of Ames T. Turk
of chevc-nne,
charged with securing
goods under false pretenses, after
the state completed its testimony. In
sustaining the defense motion for a I
directed verdl t Judge Clements held!
that no evidence had been submitted '
to show that Turk represented him
self as a man of means. Issuance of
a $300 check; the court held was
implied representation that he had
funds on deposit in the bank.
ror dbl
or Rent
Improved Acreage
g3 r'
Ml A ?
Swanscm Needs
Mew System of
?.crcninenuation of State Auditor as
Result cf an Audit System
Very Unsatisfactory.
Gov. Cochran's attention has been
called by William II. Price, state
auditor, to the result of an audit of'
ihe accounts of State Lind Commis-
-i ;m-r Leo Swanscn, an audi", asked
!'(; b the governor. The audit v. a-;
m::dc- by W. II. Fansing. state ae-
i-.ii:r.iant, w ho works under direc-:
t i - -1 cf the otate auditor.
"The present system of bookkeep-
mg in the office of land commissioner
i very unsausiui:uju, a;.t uunu.
y," says Auditor
. Price in his hrtter to the governor
Price in his Irttcr to the governor
"rnci I would suggest that a survey
of the office be made and install -
, .
aiiou of new records, so that neces -
tary iniormation win tiways oe aau -
ab!o." Gov. Cochran said ho would
jti-Ke the report up with the beard of
t lands and funds for uis -
I'ansing. accountant.
reports the
ii re.-t iit svstent of crediting payments
ion f-tat' land leases in the land com -
i missioner's office has been in exist
lor years and
.hriMl'l I f. rhrrrpfl
rtup and ledgrr accounts
l'ecessary to prepare monthly re-
rt'ri.-el asn receipts anc4 iniormative
riu'ements for the :tate board. "Asid, "Righteousness cxaltcth a na
the situation is," said the state ac-jtion. but cin is a reproach to all peo
cojutant, it would take months of j pie."
cciii thuous work by myself and as-! A free, brave and a Godly nation
sistti!its to make a real audit of the; v ill be respected.
7.!'0i) accounts. Changes should be; Whn the nations como to the place
r.uMle so that a monthly balance can .hcre they ca:i and will depend upon
be l ad showing the amount of month -
collections of delinquiit accounts
and current leases.
A cash book is
iticrs-t necessary."
Gov. Cochran said he ir; aware- that
; lie land commissioner has been t
r-reditintr as cash, collections on leases!
made by county treasure i ;. -i t'upli-
JV..I. I'l.i Still U I a l.l-H. ' UJ:ll.ll"
. riw-tcr anu li'.e crigina; . state,
,t arurer. b'i . it is so-a.-mi'j s'sa !
i i! i'!ii:i:; befo .- the count-.- f t asurer's '
unt wit", the state tr-asrier is
picte ant the amount cf collec -
s actur !1" Vnown.
n ieie :a i pi opna
tants Fv.i:--.:ig said
I ; !'! to pay a
.is txaminat'c .i did not ut ch the
! necessary verification of payments on
He also finds the Warrants issued
against the various appropriations
I under control of the land commis
i ;-!cn are merely listed as issued, with
l'"o distribution as to the nature of
I 1 1 1 e items purchased, no segregation
ot various salaried employes and no
analysis of maintenance accounts, i
i "TKI r;nyn 1 .-.-.!.-1-nr-4 no- flinillil
uwu.i., in; .-n. mm
'so that nec-
i !n-,.r-,,-rn
will always be
, Ul uu 10 tt.i tail v.' l lilt ."iaie
iie accountant say the system of
fiatidlirig collections of fees for his
v ork and expenditures should be
crnauged so that ail receipts should
To direct to the state treasurer i"
the regular way and expenses be paid
by warant, but some provisions should)
be made to take care of refunds. The j
accountant verified the state survey
or's accounts and finds them correct,
with a ten per cent deposit made to
balance the funds in a bank.
Stavangcr, Norway. Eighteen
men. the entire crew of a Swedish
steamer identified as the Plpahlsson,
were reported drowned when the ship
.sank in a snowstorm off. the south
west coast of Norway.
Phone news Items lo Ho. 6.
Highest Ossh Prices
en Produce
Hens, 5 lbs. up, lb. . 14$
Kens, under 5 lbs, . . 12C
All Springs, Stags. 10$
Leghorn Hens, lb. . . ICc
Leg. Springs, Cocks. Be
Butterfat, lb 22c
Eggs, dozen 20$
Horse Hides, ea. .$4.00
Full Head and Tail
Cow Hidesy lb 7c
Conveniently Located at Corner of
5th and Main, Plattsmouth
February 14 is Education Day, and
vo all need at this time to know the ;
l eeds of the Christian college. To
have a strong people v.e must have a !
well-instructed people. This has been I
fully realized in all ages of the world. '
Even the leaders of ancient Israel
bneu this and mad.? provisions for
the instru:ticn of her people. . i
Morns told the children of Israel
(hat they could not exist as a nation
i. tbe forgot God. j
And we as a nation cannot exl-t if :
e forget God. In Deuteronomy 0:7:
'And thou ehait tea oh them to dili-;
1 ntly to thy children, and shall talk j
to them when thou sit test ia thine j
hour?, and when thou v alkeet in the I
way, and when thou lies! down, and
v. lien thou riseth up." i
S. "And thou shall bind them on
i.une ua:iu, ai:u wi-'y tuan ue u
:iont!vts bet v.e en thi:;e eye?.'
0. "And thou shall write them
'. upon the posts of thine house, and
jupon thy gate." If we are to have
. .. . i
; a strong, unassaname iortresses. us-
i cll garrisoned to v. n.. its frontier
) of streams, and of beauty
, o rength of a ration does not consist
j of fortresses, large navies, or large:
; : i mies. Oar defense is m the mtelli
i gence of a patriotic people, and our
'God. All the munitions cf the world
w ill fail to keep cut an -nemy, when'
the people are corrupted and en-
feebled. j
Hear the words cf the p:ophetj
i i'-aian. wnen he caiieu to israei ana
j Christian .-talesmen, instead c f pon-
' ticiar.s. then v ill come to pass what
God told all the nations of the wt rid.
The time will come when they shall
b at their swords into pruning hook?.
and their spears into plow shares,
rod nations shall not b arn war any
J r.tore. He re is whe re the Christian i
r LUii'.o 4 V 3 111. 11 BICU? tir t
ouns man ana v. email not a cnesi oi
ti-ols, hut a power of spiritual
vf renglh, that shall enable Hum to
use that chest of tools to the best
j possible advantage. The foundation
nv natfou rests upon the educa
tion c f its people that rests upon
Christian truth.
Let us not forget Sunday. February
7 is Ited Cross day. Let us come
prepared to help the Hood sufferer.
Sabbath School at 10 a. m.
Public worship at 11. Subject:
"Walking with God."
-Co. Atty. W.
' . ...... , .
inent iiai'rison rancner, anu
killed himself on the street here
He had been a resident i f the com
munity near Harrison for 5 0 years,
lie was living ith a sister here.
Relatives said they knew of no reason
whv he should take his life,' as his
health was good and
: financial difficulty.
e was not in
Survivors include his wife, from
whom he was separated and who is
now living at Casper. Wyo., six sons,
two daughters, three sisters and two
For every insurance or
bond need see this de
pendable local agency.
We will be glad to dis
cuss your Insurance prob
lems with you without
Protect what You Have
with Good Insurance
1 "today
i i 3
1- : -.1
Photo World CopTTtrtt. 1936.' N. E. A.
- -
-To Jay you can do or jovt o w
E- -J does e cry d jy for the Dionne
If 1 ri nourishiriR Ouaker eJiits-ncn in .Nature s nanini u
(, - .Trfs to brace-up nerves and digestion.. . . Visit the inter
43,5 Health Salenowonatrour proccr's. It helpjou to
'K J plan your meals around Nature's Vitamia-Ricb foods.
TnCf Wbert poor condition is due to lack cf Vitamin B.
Veeping Water
Mrs. Furl Oldham a;i;i son Den
I K iiiiis
i v. c re in ( J-nnil
Paitei'ron :' Platts?n( VA h
I v. as a vi.-itc
in Wc-evi.ig Water !-st
t '
n.eut h
l! '.vas called to Plut
Mendav v. her
some bu.iucs: to lo..I. altei-.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fitzpatrhk
were in Nebra.'-ka City las: Sunday
viriting the father of .Mr. Fit zpat ric 1:
w lio i j very ill
;t the St. Mary's lies-
C. P. Schwers who handle
John Deere products, was over to
Plattsmouth and Mynard Tuesday of
j this w eek, demonst rating a tractor
jcu-d as well looking after oth-r mat-
i'-vz ( i busin :ss.
i Mrs. Edna Shannon
1, 1,..., 1.,.'.,,
j lr., j. . c
her home in Plattsmotuh
' here she is em;. loved, was a vi.itcr
1 r a l. Timber cf d.,y3 extendi::-; Aer
: lie week end with her ; inter, Mi.-s
liable Dudley. She returned to
I lattsmouth Tuesday morning.
Last Friday Mrs. Owen Willis v as
hostess to a number oi" the friends
! of Miss Gladys Keatch fur a pleas-
! a l
aficinocai when she tntertai:i:d
ia her hcnc.r. She is soon to be wed.
Til? ladies enjoyed the gathering very
much and were given a very pleas
ant luncheon at the end of the after
noon. VitWTIonn Wotrollc Tit-
F. A. Zessen who has been in poor i
health for some time, but able to he
about now. depai ted last Wednesday
for Fall.- Citv where he wili visit fori
sc;me time v:i;
a dar.ghtcr. He will
remain there until
from hi; iHr.tsj.
lie has recovered
John FitzpBtrick Very Sick.
John Fitzpatrick, sr.. v. hp has he
verv si. and is ; till . k;
t the St.
ha City
Mary's hospital ;:t NVuras
" lie- is b--::.g cared fo
recc :vi::g tre atmc r.t. The me
and i -;
hers ( f
th-j family :.
tc the i'aihe
times there
e giving l.L-t att-ntia.u
who is lo ill that at
i. thought to be but
slight t:i" hi.; recove.
The Fri
it a- . J
lies licet. j-nivrs( n bo;, u-r. wioo
o i
i rc
the lute i:;ier;;:i Dowb.-r. li ir
the eastern pinion of Wee-.-.;:-.jr
trr and a mi mbi r of the sccie
Friendly L: dies of -.hi.-h thev
. irrht, -..; h.;.4ess to !!;
I liti- l-.,?v. '.. (1 "I
( :
where t ;-y enjv;
g rum and i Ia
A fine luncheon e
K d
the hi
- a: t-'
Eetums From the West. j
Mrs. IW-n Benson, or better known!
as Elizabeth Uensonv daughter of ;
.Smart Kotih who ' went v ith her1
father to California about a month:
ago, where the father is staying; lor
the v. inter with his son S. I. Rough, j
instructor in the v.estern city. Mrs. j
Benson returned a few days aro after,
visiting vith her sister, Mrs. Martin)
Ross a short time near Xchawka.;
continued on to her home at Iowa j
City after having enjoyed a very finej
visit in the west. I
Visited Friends in Weeping Water.
Mrs. J. J. Mtier, former Weeping
Water lady who following the pass
ing of her husband, moved to Lincoln
to make her home and has since re
sided there, was u visitor in Weep
ing Water Tuesday of this week look
ing after some business matters and
visiting with frtends.
Seeing the Southland.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Brook
ings departed a few days ago on a
tour of the south where they are en-
joying tbc milder climate and are
'having a good time.
Woman's Club Meets.
Tuesday of this week the Weeping
Water Woman's club was meetlnr
j with Mrs. Eaton, where a very ap
jpropriate program was had with a
R L :;... '
Yi r: "?
;v. - r '(-( -.f. :
' I .
Semct. Inc.
I 4
I K '1
. - . . ;
fzm i!v what Dr.Dafoc J'.--iir -
Quins. . . . iive them -... ,-r
I time lor mk i.
j c it t y net . s v
i c
e.:: i;tii!i r.iii
Are ::.'.l letter
::e lw 1 v it ks a "
t h- p i r. v .. -
sevt re a!ta.-;. oi hi:
(-::t;.-:::u;i at i:om- a
ma :i.
hi 1
t his
for a wee k. ".h !i h;- '.
."-ir." imp-i-tve:ne:it his w i :'
j .itli t he mala :iy a..! v. a :
; to tahe to b.'-r b-'d. Mr.
jjvst lli-a able to be r.p
I 01 the tiir.f. Fr.m on
i tn
. . i w
: b
good imt.rovi n.'-ut v hi t vers.:
1 . 1. 1 . ... . . v
r a !,'! i" i a
i a re
h- i
' t aken ca l " f h ira
man howt ver at !.i
j tack of pceum; :iia
I tic: ifitti vi r t n
a:- b:.ih sen:
-iio it time to b
better and h
e in
v eil agai l.
Mrs. (It : ce I: ciat;.
Miss Itillo Caliafh'Y ;. .- i i
ing Vv'atrr b. laity oa K.
IS 90. making h r :. !:
her liutinu a!:a u..:
riaae v. it h Geo; ae 1 ) .::
: :n V."
ml i-. : x
in mar
. yea r.
' tak- i ill s
pa" u d a. -ay J.
' frc!n an at tack:
on k: .
a :y
:oi ;
1 u:h rai v
There are a he
of ! l i
!' t h
i 1 a m 1 1 y v. i.o are extev.utiig
1 r.; i' ' !.
t the other members of
over the passing of this
t .c-.-ib-n
Little 0;:e rs?3
Mr. ana Mrs. Ah a
pleased o.i May ll. l
giri whirh br'--ight j,.
and which gre
the time pass-
i :
tr.e Iitti
one- Va- tal
h ;.:a i
en::a whi h ; .:
grou i ,r. -cne.
Lola. :
sity hos; i'.al -(i
ivitig lie: t :
L'Ttii she die ;i.
; a year. Th.
' lo W, ; '
.ul i'
:.:.. i
"i i.t
.T;m:-u.: y
( ::: v: .(
icct lfn r :
t:-n. Ib
:: 1 dr.:
ces L
r-arn:!.? o! . . .
ra. y ami Mr.
, K !h ( f I.i:;:-
t I.
t : i
rturdav a ft ( r!:o.-:i at
t !;
r.-.uniy Jul
A. 11. Duxturv.
idul r-aupb; v. ;
y f frici'.d.
. lemonv.
; s at i cm d by
v bo v ii:. s. --d t !.
FEW husbands cin v. i.i'r-ar. !
why a w ife s!jouj i turn fr.-i; :i
".l(a.ant o;u.a!i:i int- a .l.ri-v
for one w bole wk 1:1 r v.-'y
Yoa caa say "in w.rry" .1: I
kiss mJ i:i..i:o a..i. r N T'-r-i
raarriace then f;. r. If y .'r- v :
a:id if joa v. ant to li'.i-.J jo :r 1. . -lian.l,
ou won't be a th:e urur
ro.M ;iroo "r. rat '..r.r rt vronin
has toUJ am i : r S:r. t . i-
fc'g thr.-MajY v. l.,iia J i'.r.k
ham s .rota' ! z .1 u .:: i. I .
helps r-Cataro t vr.e up t'.. i t.
thasles.-H-::!r.3 t ho rii.-." .n.f .t;" - J-.-m
tbc fuactiinai (:i.-iri. r . iv 1. r.j
v.on-.-ja ::nit v:.c :?.- ir. : . .
crjcals cf Lfr: 1. Tut : - fn
pLrihotJii to v.on:a!!;i"u 1. i . -p?.rir.?
for r.-.oi l'.-.rl.o u. o. .:
pruacLiing '"laiduk- a,:;."
ron't b a thn-f-'.-'-ir r .
ta'.c i.Vbi.v riMwi .: : -
V E : i; T A U L K C O M 1 '( ' L -N D fc J
Oo "irmiuiis Tioaah,,