The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1936, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Co-ed Twins Named Co-Queens
Ihe PSattsmeuth Journa
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsinouth, Neb., as second-clas? mail matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
GOO miles. $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly. in advance.
Frank Stander, of Omaha, was a
Lusiiuss caller in Manley Wednesday,
and enjoyed meeting many of his
old friends while here.
:iss IJllian Tighe of Omaha was
a sruest at the home of her sister,
mis. Walter Mockenhaupt, several
cl.i.vo during the pasi week.
Miss Katherine Sheehan has been
ill for the last week with a severe
cafe of tansilitis and quinsy. She is
a little Letter at this writing.
Vheo. Harms was called to Lincoin
Tuesday to look after business mat
ters connected with the conduct of
his s ore here. Mrs. Harms looked
cf Klmv.ood since their marriage
some time since, moved last week to
the Stander place west of Manlev,
which was formerly farmed by Jo
seph Johnson, who has given up his
farming operations to engage in the
restaurant business in Elrawood and
One Hampshire boar. Good alfalfa
hay in barn. Chas. M. Mead, Murray.
Nebr. d3-2tw
From Thursday's Dally
Shower for Mrs. Minniear
Ladies of the Christian cliurcu gave
a miscellaneous shower in honor of
Mrs. Perry Minniear yesterday after
noon. The brida was formerly Miss
Mildred Carlberg.
A mock wedding was the feature
of the afternoon. Mrs. ' J. It. Stine
acted as minister; Mrs. W. J. Iliner,
bride; Mrs. Clifford Black, bride
groom; Mrs. Ruol Sack, best man;
Mrs. L. D. McKinney, maid of honor;
MesJames Charles Manners, Hallie
jiarsnai, aim tuw ard Duxbury, Joanne Hall, Marcella
onuesinaias; lumamwi wuiou "-jSft.aaJj Maryln Kieck, Margaret
Payden, and Norman Ferry, who as-
One F-20 truck, carrying new
guarantee, 9775. Also
One John Deere 1933 power
cultivator, $475. Will trade!
d7-2t sw
Installation Next Wednesday
The services incident to the in
stallation of the new priest of St.
Patrick's Catholic church of Mauley
will be held at the church Wednes
day forenoon, at 9:30. Rev. Father J
Hoffman, the new priest, comes from Entertain at Duck Dinner
sistccl his mother.
dison and Walter Minniear, flower
girls; Mrs. Harry Tincher, ring bear
er; Mrs. Don Tincher, groom's step-
. .. . , Celebrates S9th Sirthaay
er: Mrs. C. O. Carlberg. bride s Aunt
Sally Sower; Mrs. Ed Ofe, father.
Ushers were Mesdames Carrol Sutton,
Everett Gooding, and Lee Philips.
Mrs. Oliver Hudson played the wed
ding march and Mrs. Hal Garnctt
pang a solo.
Auburn, where he has held a long
and successful pastorate. He wi!l
take charge of the parish here im
mediately following his installation.
after the store during his absence,
,T. ,, r T 4. ,. i These who have met Father Hoffman
Miss Anna Stoll of Plattsmouth
:s;teil in Manley Sunday, a guest of
Lor cousin. Miss Teresa Rauth. M.
i.-.ul r.Irs. Lawrence Bergman
also guests at the home of
Rauth Sunday.
?;:eak in highest J,erms of his ability
jas a priest and are looking forward
! t most nloasnnt relations with him
were !
v. ,!and ? successful year ahead for the
Lumir Gerner brought the ducks
for a "Joe Penner" dinner at the
J. R. Reeder home last evening.
Guests were Misses Jean Ray, Kath
arine Luke, Lois Lrandhorst, and Lee
Attended Party at Louisville
Fay Kestard, of xUchison, Kansas, ed for auction and contract bridge
W J. Rau. the banker, has been
i nder the weather the past week.
su fiVi infr I'rnr.i nn attack nf asthma.
vliich has kept him confined to his f who has been visiting at the homeland for pinochle
V.oe. He is reported somewhat ira- of his brother-in-law, Divid Brann,
1 roved at this writing. durii.g the past two weeks, went to
John Fleischman and wife of Louis- jLousville last Monday to attend a
Woman's Club Parties
Sixty men and women enjoyed the
card parties given at the H. M. Socn
nichsen home yesterday afternoon
and last evening. Prizes were award-
J i - I 1 1
Mrs. B. Chrisvvisser gave a dinner
yesterday ceicbratiag her S9th birth
day. Guests were her brother, Jess
nainey 'of Omaha, her niece, Mr3.
Williams and husband and two chil
dren of Cedar Creek, Mrs. Bert Reed
and Mrs. Till Cotner of Plattsmouth.
The group also remained for the
evening meal with Mrs. Chriswisser.
During the evening, Donald Perry,
who had his sixth birthday yester
day, brought greetings and a piece of
his birthday cake to Mrs. Chriswisser.
Donald was accompanied by his
mother, Mrs. II. B. Perry, his brother,
Norma n, and two aunts, Miss Grace
Perry and Mrs. H. C. Sherwood.
Ruth Marie and Nellie Oglevce
Students of the School of Agriculture of Pennsylvania State college
at Nittany weren't going to take a chance of bsing deprived of their
"queen" at the annual Harvest ball, so they selected twin freshmen,
left to right. Kuth Marie and Nellie Oglevee of Somerset, Pa., to
reign at the event.
Our first sale in the new Sale Barn,
at the Will Farm north of Platts
i::outh on Highway 75. with seats
provided for everyone, will be held
in&sairs., E5ee
Starting at 1 P. M.
Stocker and Feeder Cattle end Feed
er Pigs, also many other articles.
; Eii'.irr hi anything you wish to have
icld at snv time before sale starts.
II. M. Lum, local lumber dealer,
was transacting business in Platts
mouth last Tuesday.
William Theile, of Unadilla, was
where they will be engaged in farm- ,
ing the coming year.
Elmer J. Hallstrom and James
Johnson are both kept very busy of
i late in the clerking of sales, there
being many held at this time. Now
adays, when a man is going to quit
farming or move elsewhere he holds
K. W. Grosshans
Res Young Auctioneer
at the conclusion of the lesson per
iod, which they greatly enjoyed.
vilie and Charles Fleischman and
wife cf Omaha were guests last Sun
day at the heme of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fleischman, where a sumptuous
dinner was served and the day's visit
together greatly enjoyed by all.
M( '.dames Rudolph Bergman and
Csiar Dowlcr were in Nehawka last
Wednesday as delegates to the dis
trict convention of the American
Legioif Auxiliary, both the Legion
naires and the Auxiliary members
holding their conventions there on
that day. They report a good attend
ance at both meetings.
Conducted Services Sunday
The Rev. Father Hellman, a priest
cf the Catholic church at Lincoln and
editor of the "Register," a Catholic
newspaper, was in Manley yesterday
to conduct services at the St. Pat
rick's Catholic church, which is soon
to be served by Rev. Hoffman, who
has been transferred to this charge
from Auburn.
gathering of I. 0. O. F. and Ro
bekah members there, which was In
the nature of a farewell party for
the families of two of their members,
E. G. Thackrey and L. J. Mayfield,
who are leaving Louisville to spend
the winter in California and Tesas,
respectively. Editor Mayfield has dis
posed of his paper there, ihe new edi
tor taking charge December 1st.
Guests at McDonald Home
M,rs. Myra McDonald, of Murray,
'mother of Oscar McDonald, Mrs.
Claude Black of Kansas City and Mrs.
W. F. Moore and Arthur T. Hansen
and family, of Murray, were guests
last Sunday at the McDonald home
here, being joined by Robert Mo
Donald and family of Nehawka, to
comprise a most merry gathering of
i datives and friends, who enjoyed
the fine dinner that was served.
Mrs. Steinkamp Poorly
Mrs. E. Steinkamp has been feel
ing rather poorly of late and while
she i3 able to get about, she is not
well enough to look after the work
cf the household and Miss Teresa
Rauth ha3 been engaged to assist
with the work and look after tho
ca.e of the patient. It is hoped she
will soon be feeling much better.
To Farm Near Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Panska, who
have been making their home south
If You
DirSve a Car
Yen Need Good
Driving will be more dangerous
for the next few months because
of Cold, Ice, Sleet and Snow!
Be Safe-Not Sorry
Roosevelt Pinochle Club Meets
Last week the "Roosevelt Pinochle
club," composed of friends of tho
J president, met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Riester, who reside
north of town, and a very pleasant
evening was enjoyed.
High score winner among the la
dies was won by Mrs. Walter Mock
enhaupt, while Harry Haws was the
high score holder among the men.
The consolation prize went to Frank
Bergman. A traveling prize proved
very pleasing, going to the first one
holding four aces, and from them to
the next one, finally resting with J.
C. Rauth. Mrs. Riester, the hostess,
also held a four ace hand, but did
not accept tho prize, as it would be
giving it to oneself.
Entertains t Pinochle
Mrs. I. L. Kocian entertained at a
party Tuesday afternoon honoring
Mi33 Esther O'Neill of St. Libory.
Pinochle was played. First prize was
won by Mrs. Frank Horsak and con
solation by Miss Mildred Dvoracek.
From Friday's lially
Kethodist Federation
Mrs. Wm. Eaird read a Christmas
story to the members of the Meth
odist federation at the meeting in
the church parlors yesterday after
noon. A vocal number was given by
Mrs. E. H. Wescott. She was accom
panied by her husband. Devotionals
were led by Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom
and Mrs. V. C. Wright had charge of
the missionary program.
Honor Lee Mayfield
Elmer Sundstrom, John E. Turner,
Win. Robertson, and Clarence Ledg
v.ay drove to Louisville last evening
;o join the Chamber of Commerce
in a party honoring Lee Mayfield.
Men of the group expressed their ap
preciation of the activities of Mr.
Mayfield in the Louisville community
and their regret at his leaving. An
oyster stew was served at the Adam
Rcntschler Cafe. D. C. Huffman, the
new editor of the Louisville Courier,
was present.
Family Gathering
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Encck entertain
ed at their country home 21relativcs
and friends on Sunday.
Dinner was prepared by Mrs.
Speck assisted . by her daughters,
Marie Kathryn and Phyllis Jane.
Those who attended were: Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Horn and daughter. Leota;
a visitor in Avoca last Tuesday, com- , .n the faU ingtead of waiUng
ing to iook alter nusmess.
Dick Neumeister, wife and daugh
ter. Bertha, and John Ruhge, wife
I case.
mid-winter as used to be the ,
and son Ray were Nebraska City
callers last Monday.
Lynn Hoback and wife and Mrs. ;
William Maseman were business call- j
ers in Nebraska City last Saturday, j
making the trip via auto.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Zuiser enjoyed
a visit last Sunday from Mr. and
Mrs. Kadura of Omaha. A very pleas
ant visit was enjoyed by all parties. !
Louis Carsten was in Nebraska I
City one day last week, where " he j
went to attend the-funeral of John j
Rich, an old friend, who passed away !
on Monday. I
Lester Hobac!:, who has been liv
ing at the Carter house, moved last
week to Avoca and is occupying a
portion cf the home of Mrs. Caroline
Miss Selma Marquardt, v:ho makes
her home in Omaha was a visitor at
the home cr her sicter and husband.
Suffered Peculiar Accident
As Henry SudTiian was about
to enter the hcuse through his back I
door, and had placed one foot on :
the edge of the porch to step up, his '
feet slipped and he fell to the ground, !
i catching his leg in such mannerthat ;
! it was fractured in two places, lie
j was given nrst aid by ur. J. vv .
j Brendel, but on account of the sev- i
j ious nature of the fractures, was ;
i taken to Omaha, where he was placed i
in the Nicholas-Senn hospital. George
Sudman and wife, accompanied by
the wife and children of the unfor-
tur.ate man, John and Lois, went to J
Omaha Tuesday to call on the patient
end found him getting along very
Car Stolen in Nebraska City
John Buerner and another young
lan drove to ienraska City last
oaiuiuay, were iransaei-
ing business. Leaving their car park
ed cn the street, they round it gone
when they vac ready to return
home and had to telephone for an
other car to come down and bring
then: home. Nothing has been heard
of the missing car since.
! Took Bus to Chicago
j Llcyd Pehrns and John Marquardt
departed last Monday via bus for
j Chicago, where they went to purchase
; goods lor their respective stores and
I to get a view of Christr.-.a.3 chopping
activity as it is practiced in the
"Windy City." They returned home
the latter part of the week, after a
very enjoyable f?w days' visit in
the big city.
During the business meeting, favor- Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Schafer and daugh
ter, Mary; all of Creighton, Nebr.;
Mrs. Mary Becker; Henry Horn and
daughter, Helen; Miss Jane and Ger
ald Keil; and Mr. and Mrs. Speck and
children, Marie, Marion, Hillard,
Tohn, Phyllis, Shirley Eidell and
Pattl Mae. In the afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Becker and son, Billie,
joined the family.
able reports were given on the rum
mage sale. The ladies voted to have
a Christmas party.
Members of the Naomi circle were
hostesses. Tables were decorated in
red cellophane Christmas trees and
red taper3 in scarlet holders.
Presbtyerian Federation
Mrs. L. O. Minor led the Mission
ary study at the meeting of the Pres
byterian ladies Wednesday afternoon.
She told of missionary work in Iran
and in Utah.
Plans were made for a
Surprise Party
A group of young friends of Mr.
r.nd Mrs. Merrill Meisinger of this
city gathered together and went to
joint ' their home as a surpriseon the newly-
The Good Will club is giving a
program ar.d plate supper at Sciota
school Thur-dry, December 10th, be
! ginning at 7:30. Public invited.
mil J'Vat
Phone- 16
Christmas party to be held at the
K. C. hall December 16. A special
program and kitchen shower are to
be held at that time. Circle 2 was
hostees at the meeting at the K. C.
wed3 Sunday evening. The evening
was spent in dancing and visiting.
The bride and groom were presented
with a number of gifts for their
Entertain at Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meisinger of
Murray entertained at their coun
try home, twenty-one guests for din-
last Thursday. Those present
Farewell Party
Mrs. John Sander entertained in
honor of Miss Ann Sander at a party
last evening. Miss Sander is leaving 'ner
for Long Beach, Calif., Monday with were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marler and
her father, Henry Sander. They plan grandson, Billie, of Lincoln; Mr. and
to spend the winter in California. i Mrs. William Wonder and Joy and
Mrs. Otto Waters took high prize , Charles of Avoca: Mr. and Mrs.
in bridge; Miss Helen Smetana, sec
ond; and consolation went to Miss
Mario Hern.
Player piano, geed condition. Call
Mary Carter, phone No. 11. ltw
Plattsmouth is the ideal large
tewn chopping center for all Cass
county people. Value3 here are
the equal of thoso found anywhere
read the ads for bargain news.
w a
IT ISN'T any trouble
whatever for you to
obtain the very best
of insurance advice
just reach for your
phone anytime and
Call No. 9
Scar! . Bavxs
Platts, state Bank Bldg.
Charles Bates and son, Clark, of Ne
hawka; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mar
ler and daughter, Edna, of Murray;
Mr. and Mrs. William Brandt. Jr., of
ralta Deck Nehawka; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mei-
Mra. Frank Gobelman was hostess : singer. Lucy Ann and Bobby of Cedar
to tho Delta Deck club at her home! Creek; and Mia: Georgia Golland of
lc.,t evening. Mr3. Wm. Schmidt-1 Nehawka.
maim. Jr., held high score for the
evening. Sc.ond went to Mrs. Lil-J Visitors From St. Louis
nan Livingston and consolation, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Elder and
-us. len uailiiigf. daughters. Emilv Jane mid Bettv
Ann, will arrive in Plattsmouth to
morrow for a few days' visit at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. V. C. Wright.
Mrs. Elder i3 a sister of Mr3. Wright.
The family have resided in St.
Loui3 but are now moving to Los
Angeles, Calif., to make their home.
Mr. Elder is a consulting engineer.
Entertains for Visitors
Mr3. Carl Koch of Prcsque Isle,
Me., and Mrs. York Hinman of North
Platte were guest3 of honor at an in
formal gathering at the homo of Mrs.
C. E. Tunnel last evening. Two
tables played bridge. Candles lighted
the tables and small Christmas trees
were given as favors.
rirthday Party '
Donald Lee Perry celebrated his
Sixth birthday yesterday afternoon.
A party was given for his small
friends by hi3 mother, Mrs. H. B.
Perry. The guests played games In
the house then went outside for a
candy hunt. Balloons were given as
A birthday cake with candles was
brought in after the gifts were open
ed. Guests were John Kelly, Rich-
"In War's Wake" a record of
1914-15 by Colonel Ernest P. Bick
nell, late vice chairman in charge of
insular and foreign operations, the
American Red Cross, is now in Cass
county chapter of the American Red
Cross. Thi3 book has been purchased
for use in the chapter and anyone in
terested may have access to the boak
by getting in touch with Miss Au
gusta Robb, the Casa county, chair
man, at Union.
Er. and Mrr. J. Y. Brendel, over j
Thanksgiving d".y.
Carl Tcfft who underwent an op
eration at a Lincoln hospital for the
removal of his appendix seme two
weeks ago. was able to return home
la3t week and is getting along very
Charles Marquardt and brother,
Henry Marquardt. who make their
home near Scribncr, were visiting in
Avoca during tha past few days, com
ing down to call on their brother, B.
C. Marquardt.
The funeral of Ivan Paap, who fell
dead in his d(r yard one day last
week, was held on Monday at Otoe,
with burial in a nearby country ceme
tery. A number of people from Avoca
went over to attend the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Thomas and
their daughters, Nadine and Eileen,
of Shenandoah, were visiting in
Avoca last Sunday, being guests at
the home of Mrs. Thomas' father.
Postmaster W. II. Eogard and his bon,
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brendel were
at Murray last Sunday, where they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Seybolt. Mrs. Margaret Brendel and
son Richard, who make their home in
Lincoln, were also guests at the Sey
bolt home that day.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maseman
were in Lincoln last Sunday, where
they were guests at the home of Carl
Maseman and wife. They report that
Mrs. Carl Maseman has been suffer
ing from blood poisoning caused by a
recent injury to one of her hands.
Many of the peopl6 of Avoca and
vicinity were in attendance at the
farm sale of Ben Hoffman, who i3
soon 'to move to Plainview to reside.
The Hoffman family will live at the
east fedge of the town of Plainview,
Club Enjoyed Meeting
Mrs. Mary S. K. Harmon, who is
Uiiich interested in extension club
work, was hostess to a meeting of the
i Avoca club last week, at which time
j they took up the study of a very pop
'ular subject, "Christmas Gifts." The
i making of appropriate gifts was gone
into in much detail, as the leaders
outlined the lesson. The ladies were
also treated to a delicious luncheon
From Friday's Daily
This morning in the county court
a hearing was had on the case of
the State of Nebraska ex r:l and
Adalyn Wilson, againct George F.
Wilson. The plaintiff asked that the
defendant be placed under a peace
bond and which was granted. Mr.
Wilson supplied the bond in tho svr.i
of $100. The parties arc residents
of Elmwood.
Be Sure They Properly
Cleanse the Blood
YOUR kidneys ore constantly filter
ing waste matter from the blood
stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in
their work do not act as nature in
tended fail to remove impurities thai
poison the system when retained.
Then you may surfer nagging back
ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent
urination, getting up at night, puffinest
under the eyes; feel nervous, misew
ble all upset
Don't delay? Use Doan's Pill.
Doan's are especially for poorly func
tioning kidneys. They are recom
mended by grateful users the country
over. Get them from any druggist
A Fine
of Greeting
Cards in
the German.
Box Assortment
10 Cards and Envelopes 10
12 Cards and Envelopes 25
12 Cards and Envelopes 5K
1 Cards and Envelopes 50
24 Cards and Envelopes 506
$1 Assortment
12 Cards and Envelopes $1
6 Cards and Envelopes $1
1G Cards and Envelopes $1
20 Cards and Envelopes $1
21 Cards and Envelopes $1
2 Cards and Envelopes $1
25 Cards and Envelopes $1
Come in Early for Largest Selection
Tissue, Holly and Fancy Paper . . . also
Tags, Seals and Ribbons for your Packages.
For Ycur Christmas Parties
Napkins - Place Cards -Table
Corner 5th and Main Streets