The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 01, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936.
tJnion and riattsmouth are expect
cd. to play ball at Plattsmouth the
coming Saturday.
Dale Topliff of west or Murray was
hauling corn to the Stites elevator
Monday of this week.
Airs. M. Lynde was guest of her
friend. Mrs. Fannie Eikenbary last
Sunday for the day and a very fine
L. R. Upton, jr., who is a student
in the state university was visiting
for over the last week end with his
D. Ray Frans and family as well
as many others of Union were in
Plattsmouth attending the Korn Kar
nival last week.
John Fitzpatrick and family were
in Plattsmouth last Tuesday visiting
with her folks and attending the
Korn Karnival.
Mrs. Joe Banning and Miss Pearl
Panning were attending the funeral
of a friend, Mrs. John Hughes In
Omaha last week.
C. E. Morris was over to Rock
Bluffs last Monday where he was call
ed to look after some business mat
ters for a short time.
Glen Rutlege was a visitor in
Union for a short time last Monday
while on his way home from a busi
ness trip to Nebraska City.
Having secured the outfit owned by
Wm. Barclay, Noah Parker Is opening
an amusement parlor in one of the
rooms of the Woodman building.
John C. Hansel and wife were in
Nebraska City last Saturday where
Mr. Hansel attended a sale and Mrs.
Hansel was visiting with friends.
Mrs. John R. Pierson of Auburn,
was in Union a few days ago visiting
wit hher mother, Mrs. Mary B. Alli
son, who has been very sick for some
time. j
That they have an abundance of
music the Morris grocary has in
stalled a radio at the store and will
now have some diversion as well as
Thomas McQuinn who liVts on one
of the farms of W. A. Ost east of
Union, was delivering his cattle to
the market at Omaha during the early
portion of this week.
The Union fire department was
well represented at the county meet-i
ing at Nehawka last Friday night, J
also holding a meeting of their own
in Union Tuesday evening.
John Lidgett and wife were re
sponsible for the very nice fried
chicken that graced the table of Rev.
W. A. Taylor last Sunday and for
which they are very thankful.
The Harris boys have been busy
with the cutting of fodder and har
vested for themselves and neighbors
some twelve hundred acres of fodder
for ensilage and are still-at it.
Mrs. Roy Upton entertained the
Union Bridge club at her home last
Wednesday and there with the many
members enjoyed a very pleasant aft
ernoon with a delightful luncheon.
C. E. Morris and family were over
to Louisville last Sunday where they
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Silas Morris, Mr. Silas Morris
being a brother of our townsman, C
E. Morris.
Ira Clarke, Ralph Davis and Fred
Clark made a merry party who en
joyed the farmers parade at the Korn
Karnival in Plattsmouth last Thurs-
We sell every kind of
good Insurance and Sur
ety Bonds. Consult us!
is or Safety
Get the Best
We represent the largest
and oldest insurance com
panies in America.
Phone- 16
Laughing Around the World
The Unforgivable Sin
A YEAR or two before his death,xBooker T.-Washington made an
address in a small town in Georgia. He looked like a bronze lion
and he spoke, as he always did, as one inspired. When he had finished,
an old Confederate soldier, white haired and white moustached, pushed
forward to the platform, his old face aglow with enthusiasm and ap
proval for what the orator had said. "
"Professor Washington," he declared, "I want to do now what I
never thought I'd be doing I want to clasp your hand and pledge you
my support for the great work you are doing. And furthermore, I
want to tell you this I want to tell you that that was the best speech
I ever heard in my life and that you are the greatest man in this
COUn"rm afraid you done me too much honor," said Washington.
"Wouldn't you regard Col. Roosevelt as the greatest man we have?"
"Huh!" exploded the Southerner. "I've had no use for him since
that time when he invited you to eat a meal with him at the White
House." .
(American New Features. Inc. J.
day. Many other of the Union people
were also there.
Mrs. Hugh Robb, who makes her
hume in Los Angeles, is visiting with
friends and relatives in this vicinity,
at Union and Nebraska City and with
friends and relatives in Lincoln for
a number or weeKs.
C. W. Hoback and family and Mrs.
W. A. Taylor were enjoying attend
ing the King Korn Karnival at
Plattsmouth for the first three days.
but the last day was too rainy for
them or anyoneelse.
The Union Extension club met
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Arden Rhuman. There being
no lesson, tne atternoon was spent
socially. Mrs. R. E. Foster and Mrs.
George Lutz were assistant hostesses.
The faculty of the Nebraska City
schools were enjoying a reception
gathering last Tuesday evening and
Miss Nola Banning who is instructor
there and who drives from home to
her school remained in the city for
the party.
Delivered Cattle to' Omaha.
A. L. Becker who has been feeding
about a half hundred cattle at his
yards east of Union shipped them to
Omaha last Monday, 49 very fine
steers, they being taken by truck and
suimg enough trucks to carry
them all at one trip. Mr. Becker was
well pleased with the results of the
feeding and of the very fine herd
which he was able to deliver.
Wants Them Himself.
Whoever has may ladder jacks,
please return them as soon as you
can as I am needing to use them my
self. D. Ray Frans, Union.
Everyone Wanted It.
Just in the nick of time, after D.
Ray Frans had gotten his coal house
completed he received a '.ar of coal.
He had thought it would be the in
itiation of the new houses, but it be
ing snappy he did not have an op
portunity to unload any coal in the
houses for it was all gone and more
wanted before the demand was filled.
Visiting Friends Here.
Mrs. E. H. Riggs of Brewster, for
merly of here and making her home
north of Union years ago, arrived
in Union for a visit with her brother,
Bud Fitch and sister, Mrs. Jennie
Frans and with other friends here.
She has enjoyed a visit here for near
ly a week, also was in attendance at
the old settlers clay at the Platts
mouth Korn Karnival.
Will Hold Reception.
The ladies and members of the
Methodist church of Union are mak
ing preparations for holding a recep
tion for the minister and his family,
which has been set for Thursday, Oc
tober 8 which will be at the parlors
of the church and to which all mem
bers of the church and friends are ex
pected to be present ana assist in wel
coming this family, the Rev. E. I
Surprise Their Neighbor.
Last Sunday marked the passing of
the birthday anniversary of Mrs.
Howard Snodgrass and accordingly
her neighbors gathered and cele
brated the occasion in a very' nice
manner, bringing eats and making
a very pleasant evening for the en
tire family. Those present were the
families of J. C. Snaveley, Herman
Comer, Harry Gobelman and Clar
ence Clarke.
Gave Excellent Service.
Under the direction of Mrs. C. L
Greene and with assistants Misses
Ruth Armstrong, Ruth Moore, June
Frans and a most appreciative ser
der the direction of Mrs. Greene, do
ing the singing, offering prayer, and
rnmnletintr the entire service in a
manner creditable to a regular min
Mrs. Stanley Very Sick.
Mrs. Russell Stanley of Peru, for
merly Miss Rutheta Dysart, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dysart of
Union, is very sick at her home in
Peru. So serious was her condition
last Monday that the parents were
called to her bedside. Everything is
being done for the patient in the
hopes of her recovery.
Was a Happy Event.
On September 25th, 1S51, Miss
Reynolds was born in Missouri, who
with the parents moved to Nebraska
and where she was united in mar
riage with George S. Upton, they
making their home here ever since.
Mr. Upton passed away a few years
ago. Mrs. Upton's two daughters-in-law,
Mesdames Earl Upton and L. R.
Upton made a very fine afternoon for
the mother last Friday at the home
of Mrs. L. R. Upton, when twenty
five of the friends of Mrs. G. S.
Upton were present, those who have
with her lived here during the past
near fifty years and some for longer
periods and have done their bit, as
has Mrs. Upton, to bring the very
fine country out of the raw prairie of
the years ago, were present, and
many reminiscences which had been.
There were more than twenty-five
gifts for some came from Lincoln who
could not be present. "With each
there was a wish for a number of
happy birthdays yet to come. The
guests assisted Mrs. Upton in open
ing and admiring the gifts as they
were heaped on the table. In a few
well chosen words Mrs. Upton thank
ed her daughters for the very happy
afternoon and also the guests for
their very pretty gifts and the friend
ship which prompted them.
Visited Folks Sunday.
II. W. Griffin and family were in
Plattsmouth last Sunday visiting for
the day at the home of the parents
of Mr. Griffin, E. M. Griffin and wife.
They found Mr. Griffin in much the
same state of health as he has been.
First Aid Red Cross Class.
A Red Cross first aid class was or
ganized on last Monday evening with
a membership of eighteen and are
being instructed by Dr. R. R. Ander
son, that they may be able to do ef
fective work when the occasion
L. T. Bonner, of Imperial, who has
been engaged there for a great many
years in the real estate business, was
here Monday afternoon for a visit
with the old friends. Mr. Bonner
while here had a very pleasant visit
with his old friend and associate,
W. K. Rosencrans.
BEFORE you start on a
week-end motoring trip,
make sure of your Auto
mobile Insurance. Manj
an amble cneds in aD
ambulance !
Searl S. Davis
Platts. State Bank Bldg.
Local Man to
Head Roosevelt
Electors Here
John B. Kaffenberger Announced from
.National Committee Headquar
ters as Local Chairman.
New York, N. Y. Sept. 28. In
approving the appointment of John
B. Kaffenberger of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
as local chairman for the National
Council of Roosevelt Electors, James
A. Farley, chairman of the Demo
cratic National Committee, today ex
pressed satisfaction with the pro
gress made in perfecting the Elec
tors' organization in Nebraska.
The Roosevelt Electors is repre
senting the national committee for
the purpose of raising the national
campaign fund for the reelection of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
November. Appointments of addi
tional chairmen are being made in
every city and town in the state.
Contributions will be sent to E. N.
Van Home of Lincoln, finance direc
tor for the Democratic National Com
mitee and state chairman of the
Council of Roosevelt Electors, who
recommended the appointment of Mr.
Roosevelt Elector certificatea will
be issued to each contributor.
A list of local democrats who will
assist Mr. Kaffenberger will be an
nounced by him shortly.
From Wednesday's DaHjr
Members of the Rotary club en
tertained their wives at a dinner at
0:30 last evening in the Presby
terian church. 4S attended.
During the program, Frank Cloidt,
president, introduced John Frady who
sang. He was accompanied by E. H.
Wescott. George Jaeger had charge
of the entertainment. Searl Davis
welcomed the wives of the members.
His talk was followed by a piano
duet by Mrs. L. S. Devoe and Mrs.
Roy Knorr.
Dr. H. G. McClusky gave a clever
talk on the members of the Rotary
club. He described them as a base
ball team. Songs by the Rotarian
quartet followed.' Members of the
quartet are: Frank Cloidt, George
Jaeger, Dr. H. G. McClusky and Roy
, Recognition was given to Mr. and
Mrs. Nels Westerlund, newest mem
bers in the club, and to Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Sundstrom, ranking next. Mr.
and Mrs. George Jaeger were also
called upon to stand as they were
celebrating theiri. eleventh wedding
anniversary yesterday. Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Boggess were guests.
Elmer Sundstrom headed the com
mittee in charge,: of the dinner.
George Jaeger and Art Troop assist
ed. The meal was served by Gamer's
In the parade of Friday a great
deal of attention was drawn to the
ancient hearse that was used to rep
resent the Sattler funeral home. This
year is the fiftieth anniversary of
John P. Sattler, Sr., in the under
taking business in this city, the old
hearse having served in the earlier
years for the use of the funeral home.
The new modern equipment now in
service Is the last word in mortuary
The Plattsmouth Feed yards in the
south part of the city, now have on
hand -Some three hundred head of
hogs that are being fed for the mar
ket. The hogs were secured by Man
ager E. J. Doody, shortly after the
fire that destroyed the elevator at
the yards, the hogs being fed from
the parched corn and which has saved
the company a great loss on the
grain that was in the elevator as
much was salvaged that can be used
in feeding the hogs.
to Depositors, Stockholders, Officers,
Directors and Claimants of the
Bank of Avoca, Avoca
You, and each of you, are hereby
notified that the receiver of the above
named bank has filed his final report
as receiver, and has made applica
tion to be discharged as receiver; you
are further notified' that a hearing
will be had in chambers, at the Court
House In Nebraska City, Otoe Coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 17th day of Oc
tober, 193 6, at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m., or as soon thereafter as said
cause may be heard.
Objections to the discharge of said
receiver must be filed with the Clerk
of the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on or before the time of
hearing above named.
E. H. LUIKART, Receiver
of Bank of Avoca, Avoca,
Mrs. Charles Gradoville, residing
in the west part of the city, has been
confined to her home for the past
several days as the result of a severe
attack of lumbago, "being for the
greater part of the time bedfast.
We, the undersigned, hereby as
sociate ourselves together for the
purpose of forming a banking cor
poration as provided by the laws of
the State of Nebraska, and do adopt
the following Articles of Incorpora
tion: Article I The name of this cor
poration shall be UNION STATE
Artirl TT Tho nrlncinal nigra rf
business of this corporation shall be
at Greenwood, County of Cass, State
01 xeDrasKa.
Article III Thp nhiert for -whifh
this corporation is formed is to carry
on a commercial banking business as
provided by the Laws of Nebraska.
Article IV The authorized caDi-
tal stock of this corporation shall be
$25,000.00, of which at least $10,
000 00 shall have been naid in at
thft time of commencement of busi
ness, which shall be issued in fehares
of the par value of One Hundred
(100) Dollars each. No transfer of
the stock of this corporation shall
be operative until entered on the
books of the corporation.
Artirlft V The indebtedness of
this corporation shall at no time ex
ceed the amount of its paid-in cap
ital and surplus except for deposits.
Article VI This corporation shall
begin business on the 1st day of July,
1936, or as soon mereaner as autn
orized by the Department of Bank
ing of the State of Nebraska, and
shall terminate on the 1st day of
July, 1966.
Article VIII The affairs of this
corporation shall be under the con
trol and management of a board of
directors consisting of not less than
three nor more than five share
holders, whose term of office shall be
for a period of one year, or until
their successors are elected and
qualified, not less than a majority of
whom shall be residents of the coun
ty in which the bank is located or
counties immediately adjacent there
to. It shall be the duty of the board
of directors to elect from their num
ber a president and secretary, and
select a vice president and cashier,
and they may also select an assist
ant cashier and such other clerks and
assistants as the business of the
corporation may require. The term
of office of the officers of thi3 cor
poration shall be one year, or until
their successors are elected and
qualified. The board of directors may
adopt such by-laws for the regula
tion and management of the affairs
and business of the corporation as
it may deem proper.
Article VIII The regular annual
meeting of the stockholders of this
corporation shall be held on the first
Tuesday of .January each year, at
which meeting the board of directors
above provided for shall be elected.
A majority of the shares of stock of
the corporation at any Tegular or
special meeting shall constitute a
quorumfor the transaction of busi
ness. Article IX Until the regular
meeting of the stockholders of the
corporation, the following named
persons shall constitute the board
of directors: L J. Dunn, B. M. Han
son, E. A. Landon.
Article X Each stockholder shall
at any regular or special meeting be
entitled to one vote, either in person
or by proxy, for each share of stock
Article XI These articles of m
cnrnnrntinTi TTlflV be amended by a
two-thirds vote of all the stock at
any regular or special meeting call
ed for that purpose.
Witness our hands this 25th day
of June, 1936.
e. a. landon
b. m. hanson
h. v. martin
albert woitzel
n. d. talcott
j. s. gribble
e. l. Mcdonald
State of Nebraska 1
Cass County 'j
nn thia 2Kth dav of June. 1936,
before the undersigned, a notary
public in and for said county ana
state personally appeared L. J. Dunn,
E. A. Landon, B. M. Hanson. H. V.
Martin, E. B. Perry, Albert Woitzel,
N. P. Talcott, J. S. Gribble, E. L.
McDonald and Mabel C. Boucher, to
me known to be the identical per
sons whose names are affixed to the
foregoing articles of incorporation,
and each for himself acknowledged
the same to be his voluntary act and
In Witness Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and notarial seal
this 25th day of June. 1936, at
Greenwood, Nebraska.
Notary Public.
I, L. J. Dunn, President of the
Union State Bank, of Greenwood,
Nebraska, do hereby certify that the
within and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the original articles
of incorporation of said bank.
. Witness my hand this 25th day of
June, 1936.
(Signed) L. J. DUNN,
State of Nebraska
Original Articles mea ior rec
ord this 1st day of July, 1936, at
4 o'clock and 30 minutes p. m., and
recorded in Book "C," page 44.
County Clerk.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Henry Oelkers, deceased.
No. 2296:
Take notice that the Adminis
trator of said estate has filed his
final report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of his ad
ministration accounts, determination
of heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for his discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on October
9, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated September 10, 1936.
(Seal) b14-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested In the
estate of Francis C. Lemon, deceas
ed. No. 3189:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on October
16, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated September 16, 1936.
(Seal) s21-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Daniel P. Wilson, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is January
25, 1937; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on January 29, 1937,
at 10:00 o'clock a. m. f or the pur
pose of examining, hearing, allow
ing and adjusting all claims or ob
jections duly filed.
Dated September 25, 1936.
(Seal s2S-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale
issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass County, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 24th day of
October, A. D., 1936, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day at the south front
door of the court house in said
county, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the follow
ing real estate, to-wit:
Southwest Fractional Quarter
(SW fr. U) and South Half
(S) of the Northwest Frac
tional Quarter (NW fr. ) of
Section Nineteen (19), Town
ship Twelve (12), North, Range
Twelve (12), East of the 6th
P. M.. in Cass county, Nebras
ka The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Clara B.
Weast et al. Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
Jennie. A. Weller, Plaintiff against
said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
12, A. D., 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
Plaintiff's Att'y:
Defendants Att'y:
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
J. A. Capwell as Adminis
Annexo De Bonis Non of
the Estate of David G.
Babbington, Deceased,
Delia B. Kuhns and hus
brnd, Stanley Kuhns;
Marjorie Kuhns, Jocelyn
Kuhns, and all persons in
terested in the Estate of
David G. Babbington, De
ceased, Defendants
To the Defendants: Delia B. Kuhns
and husband Stanley Kuhns, Marjorie
Kuhns and all persons interested in
the estate of David G. Babbington,
You and each of you are hereby
notified that J. A. Capwell as Admin
istrator Cum Testamento Annexo De
Bonis Non of the estate of David G.
Babbington, Deceased, Plaintiff, filed
a petition and commenced an action
in the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, Septembere 26, 1936,
aKainst you and each of you, the
object and prayer of which is to ob
tain an order construing the will of
David G. Babbington, Deceased, and
finding that said plaintiff as Ad
ministrator c. t. a. d. b. n., aforesaid.
of the estate of David G. Babbing
ton, Deceased, has and possesses law
ful authority under the will of said
decedent to sell the real estate be
longing to said estate and convey
good and sufficient title thereto, to
wit: Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 1, City
of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
and for such other and further re
lief in the premises as may be just
and equitable.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 9th day of November,
A D. 1936, or an order and decree
will be taken against you and each
of you, according to the prayer of
said petition.
As Administrator Cum Testa
mento Annexo De Bonis Non,
To John G. Renken, Amos Tefft,
George S. Ruby, J. C. LaGrange,
LaGrange & Co., G. M. Carr, Mary
J. Carr, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in Lot 5, the
West one-third of Lot 6, and the
West one-third of Lot 7, all in
Block 12, in the Village of Avoca,
in Cass County, Nebraska, real
names unknown,
Notice is hereby given that V. W.
Straub, M. M. Straub, David Straub
and William E. Straub, as Plaintiffs,
have filed in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, their petition
against you as defendants praying
for the decree of said Court barring
and excluding each' and all of you
from having or claiming any right,
title, interest, lien or estate in or
to Lot 5, the West one-third of Lot
6, and the West one-third of Lot 7,
all in Block 12, in the Village of
Avoca, in Cass County, Nebraska,
and cancelling a mortgage given on
said West one-third v of Lot, 6 by
Isaac Houser to J. C. LaGrange, dated
December 18, 1883, recorded in Book
"O" of Mortgages, page 376 of the
records of Cass County, Nebraska, to
secure the payment of $75.00 due
June 18, 1884, as having been paid
and being barred by the Statute of
Limitations; and quieting title to
said real estate in plaintiffs as the
owners thereof in fee simple, each a
one-fourth share thereof.
Your answer day to said petition
in said Court at riattsmouth, Ne
braska, will be November 2, 1936.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
John F. Wehrbein,
Priscilla Waterbury et al,
To the Defendants: Priscilla Wat
erbury; Mrs. Calvin Waterbury;
Stephen Waterbury and wife, Lydia
E. Waterbury; Mary Elizabeth Carl
ton; William B. Waterbury; Delia M.
Waterbury; Edward C. Waterbury;
Mrs. Edward C. Waterbury, first real
name unknown; James H. Water
bury; Mrs. James H. Waterbury, first
real name unknown; James Harlett
Waterbury; Mrs. James Harlett
Waterbury, first real name unknown;
Edward Calvin Waterbury; Mrs.
Edward Calvin Waterbury, first real
name unknown; William Betts
Waterbury; Mrs. William Betts
Waterbury, first real name unknown;
James Hazlett Waterbury; Mrs.
James Hazlett Waterbury, first real
name unknown; Wielhelm Weck
ert; Mrs. Wielhelm Weckert, first
real name, unknown;.. Isaiah Brad
rick; Mrs. Isaiah Bradrick, first real
name unknown; Daniel C. Briggs;
Mrs. Daniel C. Briggs, first real name
unknown; G. W. Fairfield, first real
name unknown; Mrs. G. W. Fair
field, first real name unknown; W.
R. Wilson, first real name unknown;
Mrs. W. R. Wilson, first real name
unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the es
tates of Priscilla Waterbury; Mrs.
Calvin Waterbury; Stephen Water
bury; Lydia E. Waterbury; Mary
Elizabeth Carlton; William B. Wat
erbury; Delia M. Waterbury; Ed
ward C. Waterbury; Mrs. Edward C.
Waterbury, first real name un
known; James H. Waterbury; Mrs.
James H. Waterbury, first real name
unknown; James Harlett Water
bury; Mrs. James Harlett Water
bury, first real name unknown; Ed
ward Calvin Waterbury; Mrs. Ed
ward Calvin Waterbury, first real
name unknown; William Betts Wat
erbury; Mrs. William Betts Water
bury, first real name unknown;
James Hazlett Waterbury; Mrs.
James Hazlett Waterbury, first real
name unknown; Wielhelm Weckert;
Mrs. Wielhelm Weckert, first real
name unknown; Isaiah . Bradrick;
Mrs. Isaiah Bradrick, first real name
unknown; -Daniel C. Briggs; Mrs.
Daniel C. Briggs, first real name un
known; G. W. Fairfield, first real
name unknown; Mrs. G. W. Fair
field, first real name unknown; W.
R. Wilson, first real name unknown;
Mrs. W. R. Wilson, first real name
unknown, each deceased, real names
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to the
North half (N) of Section eighteen
(18), Township twelve (12), North,
Range thirteen (13) East of the 6th
P. M., in the County of Cass. Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John F. Wehrbein as
plaintiff, filed a petition nd com
menced an action in the District
Court of the County of Cass, Nebras
ka, on the 1st day of September,
1936, against you and each of you;
the object, purpose and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree of the
court quieting the title to the North
half . (N ) of Section eighteen (18),
Township twelve (12), North, Range
thirteen (13), East of the 6th P. M
irt the County of Cass, Nebraska, in
the plaintiff, as against you and each
of you, and for such other relief as
may be just and equitable in the
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 19th day of October
1936, or the allegations therein con
tained will be taken .as true and a
decree will be rendered in favor of
the plaintiff, John p. Wehrbein as
against you and each of you 'ac
cording to the prayer of said 'peti
tion. 1
Attorney for Plaintiff.
... , s7-4w
vice was had. The young ladies un-