The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 23, 1936, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1936.
Miss Agnes McCann was assisting
in the cooking nt the home of Frank
Creenrod during the harvesting and
threshing vhieu thc.y have just completed.
I). Raj- Frans of the lumber yard !
cf Union and. his friend, W. A. Ost
v. cro visiting in Avoca last Monday
r.nd were railing on M. II. Lum, local;
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Thomas of Shen
andoah, accompanied by their daugh
ters. Nadine and Aileen were visiting
with Postmaster V. II. Bogaard for
the week end.
M. 11. Lum and Lola Lum and fam
ily of Verdon were looking after
some business matters in Lincoln on
Tuesday of this week, driving over
in the car of Lola Lum.
Earl Freeman and family were over
to Louisville last Sunday swimming
in the lakes. They enjoyed a very
fine time until they had to rush thru
the worst dust storm of modern his
tory. M. II. Lum was down to Verdon
visfiing relatives lar-t Monday, stay
ing over night and coming home
came via Nebraska City where he
as looking after some business mat
ters. George Shaeklry has been doing
rome requiring on the barn at the
farm of Fuul Wolph. the foundation
having given awry somewhat and Mr.
Shackley is making repairs on the
Kenneth Xutzr.ian, wife and three
children departed early this week lor
the west and will expect to visit with
relatives at Los Angeles and also
see the country in the west while
Harry Wohlers and family, John
Bucholds and family were guests for
the day last Sunday at the home of
Z.Ir. and Mrs. Henry Newman and
family at Purr, where all enjoyed the
day together.
John McFarland and wife of Lin
coln were in Avoca last Monday lock
ing after some business as well as
having some work done on his prop
erty here where Superintendent L. L.
Larson lives.
Leo McCann was enjoying a visit
at Lincoln on last Monday evening
where he was attending a show there
and after the show returned home
Lut as the show was held late he did
not get home so early.
While most people are about
through harvestlnd threshing. J. F.
Lehrnes only began the threshing of
i. is hundred acres of weat last Tues
day and is expecting some excellent
yields during t next few days.
Kenneth Nutzman and famiiy who
have been visiting here for he past
week, departed Tuesday for Beatrice
where they will visit for a time and
then go to Bcrtrand, after which
t'.ey will continue cu to their Lome
il Los Angeles.
Miss Bertha Tesclle, former teach
er of the Avoca schools, but who has
been teaching at Tecumseh, and
where she will teach again the com
ing term, was a visitor for over the
week end with friends her, return
ing, early this week to her home at
Ralph Morley and Claude Ilolle
berger were over to Nebraska City
last Saturday night attending the
circus and others shows on the boards
there. The show went to Lincoln for
Monday night and to Council Bluffs
for Tuesday evening and drew large
crowds at each place.
Edward Shackley and daughter.
Miss Mueller, departed for the west
ti'.d will visit at Denver and other
points of interest in Colorado before
they return. They are expecting to
spend some two weeks on their trip,
returning home before time for Miss
Mueller to begin her school again
in the fall.
Mrs. Ella Barker and tivo daugh
ters, Delene and Anna Jane of Mal
colm where Mrs. Llla Barker is man
j'ger of the telephone exchange, and
enjoying her annual vacation, and
tiii: limn: w i!i:vr imctiki::
Double- I Vat ur- 1'roKrnm
Margaret Lindsay, Glonda Farrell
and Lyle Talbott in
and Gary (irant and Joan Bennett ia
Action, driima. ari'l romancf-! Also Flash
CuiUon Serial and Kcrt-feno.
Adults 25 p Children 10$
Sylvia Sidney, Fred MacMurray,
Henry Fonda and a Big Cast in
4The Trail o the
Lonesome Pine'
in t'el:iiicclor a fuf-U in Kentucky's
! ills. Tlx- liicf-Kt "titilocr picture ever
tiline"! worth driving many miles to
see. I'on't m.iris it. Also, in addition
Comedy, Vaudeville Act, News
Sunday Matinee at 2:30
Matinee Prices Evening Prices
10-25 X0-20
Miss Clara Meyers, were all enjoying
a visit for over Sunday at the home
of the mother and grandmother, Mrs.
Anna Meyers. The girls and grand
daughters are making the home of
Grandmother Meyers a merry place.
How About His Wheat?
Thomas Akeson in harvesting his
wheat found that it yielded 44 bush
els the acre and say at a dollar per
bushel it was not very bad. At the
farm of Elmer "Wcssell the wheat
tested GG pounds the struck bushel
and say did it have plentv oL pro
tein. Attend Friend's Funeral.
Mrs. Edna Gockel of Omaha, com
ing this way picked up Mrs. J. W.
Brendel and went to Lincoln where
they attended the funeral of their
friend and elistant relative, Mrs.
Stacia Griffith who passed away there
a few days ago. The funeral was
held Monday of this week.
Visited at Beatrice.
Mrs. E. J. Ilallstrom and son,
Jackie and Grandfather Robert L.
Fropst who is visiting here, depart
ed last Tuesday for Beatrice where
they are spending a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilcox,
Mrs. Wilcox being a daughter of
Mr. Propst and sister of Mrs. Ilall
strom. Little Girl Dies Sunday.
Little Colleen Meyers, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wolford Meyers, mak
ing their home a little over a mile
north of Avoca passed away Sunday.
The little girl has been affected for
some time with partial blindness and
affected her general health, which
finally resulted in her death. The
funeral was held from the Holy Trin
ity Catholic church some five miles
southeast of Avoca and the inter
ment made at the church yard there.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers have the sym
pathy of their host of friends here
in this their great grief.
A Good Wheat Crop.
Claude Hollenberger has been as
sisting at the elevator for the past
two weeks, since the rush of grain
incident to the harvest and threshing
season. The season has been very
busy and has brought much money
into this vicinity, estimated at over
fifty thousand dollars and still com
ing. The wheat crop seemingly has
taken up part of the loss which seems
certain to come to the corn crop.
Surprised Last Sunday.
The family and friends of Uncle
Louis Carsten sr., made a merry day
for him last Sunday on his 73rd
birthday anniversary when they came
in force with well filled baskets of
good things to eat and surprised him
and made a most merry time with an
excellent dinner in their remem
brance of the passing of the natal
day. There were there for the occa
sion Frank Greenrod and family,
Louis Carsten, jr., and family, Fred L.
Carsten and wife and son, Calvin and
Miss Ruth Ruge.
Seeing the Northwest.
Warren Fager and Stirling Baier
departed early this week for the
northwest, expecting to be away
some two weeks and will go to Idaho
where Edgar Fager makes his home
and expect to remain there if they
can secure employment, otherwise
they will return after some ten days
or two weeks.
Church Board Meets.
The chuch board of the Congrega
tional church of Avoca were in ses
sion one day the first of the week
and were considering the question as
to whether it would be best to se
cure a minister for the church.
Injures Finger Badly.
Little Willie Wolph, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Wolph while about the
windmill got one of his fingers in
the machinery, tearing the end off.
The little fellow was rushed to the
St. Mary's hospital at Nebraska City
where the end of the finger was
sewed on again and an attempt made
to save the finger. The little fellow
stood the severe pain manfully and
is hoping that the finger will again
be as good as new.
John Iiajeek, former resident here,
injured in the Havelock Bhops son.e
weens ago, has taken a Flight change
for the better in the last few days
and is now able to recognize the
members of the family. His condi
tion was so grave for a few days that
hi.s recovery was not expected and
members of the family from a dis
tance were called to the hospital at
Lincoln. His condition, however, is
still srious and the outcome of his
case in grave doufct.
Commercial printing of all kinds
at the Journal office.
Weeping Water !
Rueben Crosser and family were
enjoying a trip to Lincoln last Tues
day, looking after sqme busines mat
ters and visiting with friends.
Mrs. John E. Johnson has been
visiting for the past week or more
with her two daughters in Omaha,
enjoying her stay there very much.
Mrs. Ernest Bates and little daugh
ter were over to Plattsmouth last
Tuesday evening attending a shower
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
H. E. Brookings has just completed
air conditioning the Liberty theatre.
He has also been making extensive
repairs to his home in the north por
tion of the city.
Earl Oldham was in Omaha Tues
day morning with a truck load of
poultry and produce, and goods
were broughtb ack to Weeping Wa
ter on the return trip.
Tete Miller has been assisting in
the threshing at the home of Mr.
Peter Lund, south of Weeping
Water, getting the job completed on
Wednesday morning of this w eek.
John Robinson and family depart
ed for southern Missouri where they
are to spend their vacation among
the rugged hills of the Ozarks and
see Missouri at her best. They will
be away for ten days.
Faith Day who has been over to
Wabash for some two weeks, depart
ed for Denver where she is to visit
at the home of Mrs. Chas. Murfin and
family for some two weeks and enjoy
the west in its prime as a summer re
sort. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Buchanan of
near Nehawka and children were
guests for the day last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gibson
where all enjoyed a very pleasant
visit for the day and an excellent
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oldham were
over to the home of Fred Beverage
last Monday evening where they went
for chickens to make up a load the
next morning, as they were to take
a load to Omaha and did not get
home until midnight.
Elmer Michelsen and family were
over to Louisville last Sunday, ac
companied by Fred Allen and family,
going for a swim and expecting to
remain and eat their supper and a3
they were getting ready for the lunch
the dust storm came up, and they
had to hurry home. However the
supper tasted mighty good when they
got home.
Mrs. Fred H. Gorder who has been
visiting for the past two weeks at
Denver where she has been guest at
the home of her brother, H. W. Tool
and family and where all enjoyed a
very fine visit in the mountain city,
a mile high. Mrs. Gorder was accom
panied home by their daughter, Dor
othy Nyrup who makes her home at
Denver, having moved there a Ehort
time ago from Brule.
Slixing the Medicine.
Chris Rasmussen is kept very busy
at this time in the preparing of the
poison bran for the feeding of the
grasshoppers which are ravaging corn
and alfalfa fields. It keeps him going
to keep enough of the bran prepared
for the farmers who come in steadily
for the hopper poison.
Home From the North.
Lieutenant Powell who has been
taking a vacation for the past ten
days arrived home in Weeping Wa
ter last Tuesday alter having visited
with friends in various portions of
the country, spending most of the
time in the Dakotas where he found
the weather even drier than here,
where we count it as being dry
enough. However they enjoyed their
vacation very much.
Attends Erother's Funeral.
P. II. Miller and son, Pete, were
over to Nehawka last Sunday to at
tend the funeral of the late James
Miller, sr., who died last week and
whose funeral was held last Sunday
afternoon. There they also met James
Miller, jr., and wife of Murray with
their little daughter who returned
to Weeping Water with them for a
visit in the evening, returning to
their home near Murray in the even
ing. Enjoyed Supper Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hart were
host and hostess at their home for
Eupper last Sunday and as well en
tertained during the afternoon. They
had arranged to have the evening
meal with iced tea, ice cream and
other good things, among which was
a plentiful supply of fried chicken
on the porch at the home.
They had as guests all the brothers
and sisters of Mr. Hart, they being
Misses Anna and Mildred Hart of
Weeping Water, Albert and Raymond
Hart and a sister who lives on the
farm. The meal looked tempting when
ithe dust storm blew up and how all
Fara Leans
Optional Payment
hands did scamper to get the eatables
from the porch where the meal was
to be had, into the house and the
doors closed before the deluge of dust
came. However they had a fine time
and ate inside, notwithstanding it
might have been a little warmer.
Installing New Track Scales.
Weeping Water has almost tied
Plattsmouth in her paving of Sixth
street there, in the installation of
some track scales for the Missouri
Pacific, but there are plenty of people
wanting to work. With the blasting
and digging the work is extending
into weeks before its completion. But
we know it will be a good job when
it is completed, like the paving at
our sister city, riattsmouth.
Solve Water Problem.
With failure of the crystal lake
which Weeping Water depended on
for water, the well which was dug
two years ago, has been supplying
water for the city. The pumps are
kept going all the time with the ex
ception of stopping for oiling and
packing and seemingly the water is
inexhaustible, for it keeps supplying
the water needed. However a new
pump has been ordered and which is
to be installed in the old railroad
well and with both well it is expect
ed the problem will be solved, for
the present at least.
Enjoyed Theatre Party.
Messers Lloyd Supernault and Art
Johnson, accompanied by Misses
Betty Bennett and Dorothy Switzer
were enjoying a social dance at Ne
braska City on Monday evening of
this week and also took in a show.
Enjoyed Lawn Meeting.
The young folks of the Congrega
tional church of Weeping Water en
joyed an ice cream party on the lawn
of the church and as well a fine pro
gram. They also sold ice cream to
the public at the band concert on
Thursday night of this week.
Visit in Black Hills.
Glen Heneger and wife and Dick
Cole and wife of Avoca departed early
this week for the northwest and will
visit in the Black Hills and make it
a point to visit Casper Wyo., where
a brother of Glen Heneger makes his
home. They expect to be away about
ten days.
Will Spend Winter in West.
Otto Linde and wife of Los An
geles who have been visiting here
with the parents of Mrs. Linde, Mr.
and Mrs. LeRoy Zessen for the past
two weeks, departed last Tuesday for
their home in the west and were ac
companied by Mrs. Zessen and daugh
ter, Laura, who accompany the Lindes
to their home in the west and where
Mrs. Zesssn and daughter are expect
ing to remain until the coming
spring, spending the winter in the
milder climate of the Pacific coast.
Seeing the Northwest.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cole and fam
ily, accompanied by Walter Cole and
wife, departed last Monday for Osh
kosh and other points in the western
portion of the state, where they will
spend some time and enjoy a visit
with two daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Cole and also will probably
go on to the Black Hills.
The death of Ernest Rokahr, 74,
one of the prominent builders and
contractors of the state, occurred
Monday night at. his home at Lin
coln following a week's illness.
Mr. Rokahr and his firm have built
many of the finest public buildings in
the state and his fame as a builder is
He is survived by the wife, two
daughters and three sons, one of the
sons being Herbert Rokahr, whose
wife was formerly Miss Anna Hiber
of this city.
Small factories wtti nnd splen
did opportunities to expand here.
Among them, forthcoming river
navigation with its resultant low
shipping costs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spahnle visited
Tuesday evening of this week with
Fred Beach.
Mrs. Harold Scattergood and son
of Syracuse spent last week at the
H. L. Scattergood home.
Mrs. Fred Weyers and son of Wa
bash visited several days last week
with relatives and friends.
Supt. Boren and family have been
in town this week. They will locate
here permanently about August 1st.
The members of the Trinity Luth
eran choir enjoyed last Sunday after
noon at Llnoma Beach near Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sexson of
Ravenna, visited over Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sexson and other
Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Schuyleman
had as their guests Sunday evening
Rev. and Mrs . Fred Anderson of
Miss Laura Smith went to Papil
lion last Saturday. She left for Chi
cago on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Kennedy and son.
A pre-nuptial dinner was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rob
ertson Friday evening for members
of the Caddy and Robertson families.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy McAllister were
dinner guests Friday evening of Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Wall Mr. and Mrs.
McAllister left on Saturday for Okla
homa. Mr. and Mrs. George Peckham and
family had as their guests last Sun
day, Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Anderson of
Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Myers and family of Bennet.
Mrs. Emma Root, who is suffer
ing from an infected foot caused
from a nail which she accidently step
ped on recently is being cared for at
the home of her daughter in Nebras
ka City.
There will be a farewell party held
for the J. H. Adee family at the
Methodist church Wednesday even
ing, July 29th. Each family is re
quested to bring a cake. Everybody
Mrs. Harry Mailer and family, who
have been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Weyers and other
relatives for the past two weeks,
returned to their home in Omaha last
Mrs. Sarah Piersol of Geneva, Mrs.
Harry Piersol and son of Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Piersol were din
ner guests last Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Scattergood and
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McMaster
and family moved to Red Oak, Iowa,
last Sunday where Mr. McMaster is
employed. E. H. May transported
their furniture and was accompanied
by Mrs. May and son, Ormond.
In celebration of Rudolph Oberle's
birthday, a nice birthday dinner was
served at his home last Saturday.
Those who enjoyed the dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Oberle and
their son, Carl Oberle and Mrs. Oberle
and Dean and Dale.
In Auto Accident.
While Mr. and Mrs. Jasiei Bogen
rief of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Trumble were returning from
their motor trip to Chicago last Fri
day the car struck some loose gravel,
causing it to overturn. The car was
damaged some, but was taken to
Weeping Water where the occupants,
who needed it, received medical at
tention. After some delay they were
able to continue their journy home,
feeling fortunate ther accident had
not proven more serious.
Miss Irene Francke, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Francke and
Floyd Frisbee were united in mar
riage on Tuesday of last week.
The couple will reside in Lincoln
where Mr. Frisbee is employed. eBst
wishes are extended them.
Miss Edna Caddy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Caddy, became the
bride of Lester O. Robertson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Robertson July
17 at the home of Rev. Delbert Samp-
Iress Straws
for Cash
Since 1S79
son, who officiated.. The guests in
cluded only relatives and close
The bride was attended by Miss
Bernice Knabe of Lincoln and Mau
rice Robertson, brother of the bride
groom, served as best man.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Robertson have
been graduated from the Eagle high
Bchool and are well known in this
They left by motor Sunday for San
Diego, California, where they will
make their home.
Congratulations are extended this
young couple by their friends in this
Eagle M. E. Church Notes.
Sunday, July 20
D. J. Schuyleman, pastor.
Golden Text: "Be thou faithful
unto death, and I will give thee the
crown of life." Revelation 2:10.
10:00 a. m. Sunday school hour.
"The execution of Stephen was the
first Christian martyrdom," but we
have "Modern Forms of Persecution"
today and such is the title of to
day's lesson.
11:00 Morning worship hour. No,
there is no mistake in the time set
here. Although many preferred the
reversed order of service, it worked
a hardship on some of our country
friends. Therefore, beginning with
todaj we shall go back to our old or
der of service. Our thoughts for this
hour will be directed to the question
of "How God Directs Them Who Love
and Obey Him."
5:30 The young people will meet
to go to Lincoln and find fellowship
and new inspiration at the Assembly
Epworth League Service which is in
charge of the district cabinet. We
must be here on time so that we will
not be late in arriving at Epworth
Lake Park.
Epworth Assembly begins Saturday
evening, July 25th. Assembly sing
ing begins at 7:30 under the direc
tion of Rev. R. E. Carlyon. At S:00
the Cosmopolitan class of the First
Methodist church, Lincoln, will pre
sent the religious drama in two
scenes "The Silver Trumpet."
Fourth Quarterly Conference A
congenial group of the members of
the Quarterly Conference met in the
church basement for a covered dish
luncheon. In the afternoon we had
an enjoyable and inspirational mes
sage, "A Glimpse of General Confer
ence," brought to us by Dr. R. N.
Spooner. The message was followed
by the usual business meeting. Re
ports from the different departments
of the church were heard, and the
committees and leaders for next year
elected. We wish more could have
been present.
Financial Clean Up: We shall be
gin to close the financial business of
the year on July 27th. We must
average about $6.50 per family or
possibly a little more to clear our
books and start the new year w ith a
clean slate. With the spirit of sacri
ficial service, so characteristic of the
true followers of our Master, all
things are possible!
Adee Farewell: July 29th at 8:00
p. m. in the church. Everybody come
and enjoy themselves. Bring a cake
and the conviction that ou will have
a good time, for you will be correct.
W. C. T. TJ. Entertained.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home
of Mrs. Sarah Keil on the afternoon
of July 17th, with Mrs. Palmer as
rvn rn
Sunday, Aug. 2nd.
at '20 Club9 Park, 4 miles North
o Plattsmouth, on Kiway 73-75
Holy Rosary Church, Plattsmouth
The Ladies o the Parish will
Gqvvq Hot CMcZiert Binder
from 12:30 (Noon) on ... at
35c per Plate
QcCrecIimentc and Limcltec
During the Day and Evening
Amusements or Both Young and Old
Grand OoclaS Basiee
Music by Sparta Orchestra
Friday and Saturday
Mystery Bides the Air Waves
"Panic on the Air"
with Lew Ayres and
Florence Eice
'The Mine with
the Iron Door9
Featuring Eichard Arlen
Also Buck Jones Serial
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Matinee Sunday, 2:15
Dnly four such stars could
Dring you ... its true glory!
Matinee Thursday, 2:15 .
'Trapped by
with . . . Lyle Talbot and
Mary Astor
hostess. The subject of the lesson
was "Alcohol and Motors." with Mrs.
Harold Porter as leader. A Fpoon
was presented to Mrs. Harold Scatter
good, a departing member who now
lives near Syracuse. As a special
number Miss Janice Porter sang a
very pleasing solo. At the dose t.f
the afternoon ice cream and cake
were served by the hostess. Visitors
present were Miss Janice Porter, Mrs.
Glen Crandall. Ira Stall. Lave Horsh
and Bevers of California. The Aug
ust meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Harold Porter.
Hold Open House.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reitter and
family held open house last Wednes
day evening, making it poss-ible for
friends and relatives to viit with
Mrs. Ralph Lee and Lois of Los An
geles, California, Mrs. George Reit
ter and Robert of Berkeley, Califor
nia and Mr. and Mrs. Percy McAl
lister of Davenport, Iowa.
Many from this community and a
number of out of town guests called
during the evening which was pleas
antly spent visiting. Light refresh
ments were served by the hostesses.
Used cars, Ilvestoc. household
goods all can be sold through
inexpensive Journal Want Ads.