PAGE SIX PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1936, OFF with These Straw Helmets 50 Real Bargain Pc!o Shirts 55 White, Blue, Lemon Wash Pants $1.50 Sanforized WESCOTT'S HAVE PLEASANT MEETING EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 a. in. Sunday school. S;00 p. in. Worship in English. Rev. G. F. II. Duhrkop of Johnson, Nebraska will preach. A. LENTZ, Pastor. See the gooes you buy. Catalog descriptions are flowery enough, but how about the goods when you get them? The regular monthly meeting of the Woodmen Circle was held Tues day afternoon at the home of Marie E. Kaufmann. At the close of the business meeting refreshments were served by the hostess. No meeting will be held during the month of August. The Junior Circle, auxiliary to the Woodmen Circle will hold its regular meeting Saturday afternoon, July 18, at 3 o'clock at the home of Marie E. Kaufmann. RETURNS TO HOME WELL ENJOY OUTING Mrs. Frank Slavicek departed Tuesday evening for Davenport, Iowa, where she will visit at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlik. She will also visit at several points in Illi nois bofore returning to her home. SAYS NOT GRAZING The owners of the cow killed on the Louisville road in the south part of the city, stated that the animal was not grazing on the roadway but had broke out of the yard and ran into the road and into the path of the oncoming car. James Mauzy, Jr., has returned home from the Methodist hospital at Omaha, where he underwent an ap pendectomy five days ago and is now feeling in excellent shape, altho he will have to remain quiet for some little time yet. He has shown re markable recuperation and is home a great deal earlier than most patients. His return has brought much pleas ure to the parents and the many school friends. VISITS RELATIVES HERE ATTENDS SHERIFF'S MEETING From Tuesday's Daily. Deputy Sheriff Cass Sylvester drove to Falls City today in company with Carl P. Ofe to attend the meeting of the Nebraska State Sheriff's associa tion. Owing to other business de mands Sheriv Homer Sylvester was unable to attend the meeting which will bring together representatives of all law enforcing departments in the state. HERE FROM LINCOLN Leonard Dreamer, of Lincoln, was a visitor over the week end here at the home of the C. E. Cook family south of this city, Mr. Dreamer being a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Penn and son, James, of Bryson City, North Caro lina, have been visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Waller, the latter local Burlington agent. The party are driving through to Denver and the Yellowstone for a short outing before returning to their home. Mrs. Penn is a sister of Mr. Waller and a very delightful time was had in the family gathering for a few days. piniiI!HllS!l!l!IIII!II!ffl HEAT WAVE AIDS TIN PRICE New York, July 12. Reports in Wall street quarters today said de mand for tin containers for beer had risen sharply as a result of the heat wave. American Can company was said to be shipping at the rate of 18 million cans a week. HERE FROM UNION From Tuesday's Dally: Moss McCarroll, well known Union merchant and J. C. Snavely and son, Carl, also of the Union community were in the city today to look after some matters of business and calling on their friends. Phone the news to IV o. G. si V3 Tlvv Friday & Saturn oemce (HI v ay at - 9 I '."J'.l..j.1..Ii.i " 1 iii. .i, m ;, ;, "' "', ,', " 'm I 7 - i i DS - I HOSIERY Work Pants RtlSSleCl fi Pol Shirts Rayon, Knee Lgth. "MSfe! Blue Mix. Wash- 8 (ffilJMl Stripe Mesh fXC"' Lastex top. 4 pair W(W able Materials TOffccHillS Wc '&MifP3 Knit, 59o fy T 61. pr. lfp 2for$l rfsl Panties and t 'Jgg IV PURSES .. HOPE MUSLIN . V'sS&Z I Mens Hose W N BIoomers MlXl Assorted Styles in 4 Yards for Wk Dress and Work ff Rayon. Tea Rose k N white Choice laras ror I0c 10 Pairs lJ&&i & and White. Choice K M s'Xftici: KHjj 2for$l $1 Si IMZJ $1 syk CrePe Slips Turkish Towels UNION SUITS MEN'S. i Shadow Proof Siie 22x44 Short Sleeve, Ankle DreSS Straw Hats S&i& Tea Rose' White Co,ored Borders Length 59c Each Valiues to $1.95 at llli $ 5for$l 2for$l $1 each s "BIG SMITH" Blue Denim vra All Sizes Friday & Sat. B Pr. I gk Ladies Presses b J Crepes, Prints and Sheer , j -ik Materials k U 8 nn WW u mm Materials Sizes 14 to 52. Only. .... hildrens Presses $ Voiles, Batistes, Prints and Seersuckers Sizes 7 to 16. Only 1 cfl cfl S Whites and Colors . . uooeesoeeeeoeeoooososooeooeoosoeoooseeooooccosseeseosecoe RAYON SILK WASH GOODS SPECIAL ?2L CM o 1 .v. Silk Crepes, Prints and Plain 2 yards for Eyelet Emb., Sheer Seersucker, Dessert Cloth, Swiss and Novelty Crepes 3 yards for Voiles, Dimity, Batistes, Organdy 4 yards for Lingerie Crepe (White Only) 10 yards for . , $51 Gowns and Pajams Pastel Shades Each $1 Curtain Netting Plain and Figured 10 Yards for SI Turkish Towels Size 16x277 for u 1 a grogs nm maz Mn at IfourEGA Store- lJHl 5a?. Lay in a Supply Now at These Low Prices Gold Medal $4 fJ5 4S-lb. Sack Omar Flour g Qg 48-lb. Sack IGA Brand .AQ 4S-lb. Sack "T Little Hatchet Cfl AO 48-lb. Sack a- West Best Cfl .3Q 48-lb. Sack Golden Sun Cfl .3Q 48-lb. Sack Great Western SUGAR 100-lb. Bag . . . $5.19 19c MILLER'S Corn Flakes Large Size. 2 Pkgs. Van Camp's Pork and Beans OQc -300 cans, 5; G forl Queen Olives 95C Large Jar IGA Oleo Per lb. Matches Carton of 6 Boxes a a a Spinach QKc No. 2i2 Cans, 2 for No. 2 Tin, 3 for 25c Soda op Graham Crackers 2- lb. Caddy Soap Chips Large 5-lb. Box Blue Ribbon Malt 3- lb. tin Red Salmon 1-lb. tall can- Del Monte Coffee 1-lb. can Miller's Wheat Pops Per pkg. 29c 22c 25c Qc 10c Pkg. Qimeline is yours for only when you buy 2 Pkgs. (30c value) for only. PAG, Crystal White or IGA Brand Laundry Soap 10 Giant Bars for Bond Brand Salad Dressing Full Quart Jar icI 19c i 39c - a Grape Nut Flakes p 3 Pkgs. for lie 25c 25c Prince Albert or VELVET. Each IGA Toilet Tissue 3 large Bolls Sugar Corn No. 2 Cans Tomatoes No. 2 Cans EE: Peas No. 2 Cans 3 3 for for for 23c 1 Gutter-Hut Coffee 1- lb. Tin ..29 H 2- lb. Tin 56$ a Tic A H ' tf'P t 1 mason jar vaps ' Genuine. Per dozen IGA Jar Rings Guaranteed. 3 dozen. Parowax Pound Carton Fruit Pectin IGA brand. Pkg. JELLY GLASSES, doz 43 SUBE JELL, 2 Pkgs. for 25 H c - ! . .- r 1 a a a a 9 ShurEine CoSSee The Finest Coffee on the Market per gsouasid SAVE Three Shurfine Coffee Bags and get a Copper Whistling Teakettle For Only Fruits & Uegefables HEAD LETTUCE JC Solid Ice Berg, 2 heads for TOMATOES AC Fancy, Bed Eipe, per lb iLU CANTELOUPE 4fc Fancy, ripe. Each JLU GRAPE FRUIT ff c Large size. 2 for iU FRESH PEAS Washington grown. 2 lbs. GREEN BEANS Per lb. BANANAS Firm, Bipe. 2 lbs POTATOES IO lbs. for CELERY, large stalk Well bleached. Each PLUMS, fancy red Quart Basket Apricots, J2 bu., $1.85 g Free Baseball Suit Cap, Ball and Bat E Save tops of boxes with our name thereon. Re- fn deem them here. fSn 2 2 boxes Wheaties. A3w a a a a .....25c 25c 15c a 2 IQc 13c a Casco Butter Solids, 1-lb. carton Ripe Olives Pints, each Peanut Butter 2-lb. Jar - Tomato Juice Swift's. 3 tins for.. Grape Juice Quart, 27i; Pint Dill Pickles Full Quart Jar Mustard Full Quart Jar Catsup, Ruby Lge. 14-oz. Bottle Red A Coffee 1 lb 35C H5c c ..25c flSc 15c Sic flQc Meat Department WHERE QUALITY PBEVAILS Shoulder Bce Roast, lb 16c Swift's Select Corn Fed Corn cd Shoulder Steals lb. . 1712C Swift's Select Quality Select Rib Boiling Bee, lb 10c Smoked Hochlcss Picnics, lb.. .22c Swift's Empire Fresh Sliced Pork Liver, lb. . . 11c Chicken Legs (Block), each 5c Tasty Veal and Pork, Properly Seasoned Minced Ham, per lb 15c Summer Sausage, lb. 22c Swift's Essex Cervelat See Our Large Assortment of LUNCHEON MEATS a a I Phone TO! fl m 10J Deliver 'llIlilillilEIllllIIilllliailiilHIUEI