THURSDAY, JULY 9, 193C. P1ATTSM0UTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE "Cream of the West" READ 80 a loaf, 2 for 150 MADE WITH MILK BUTTER CRUSTED FINE FLAVOR CREAM OF THE WEST BREAD has never ceased to gain in public favor. ... Its fine flavor and satisfying qualities account for its popularity. ... If you haven't tried Plattsmouth Made Bread you are missing a great treat. We have a full line of breads white, rye, whole-wheat and graham. Also Pastries, Cakes and Pies. Plattsmouth Made Bread Sold at All Grocers, 80 loaf, 2 for 150 Tlie Plattsmoutb Baliesry Bakery Opens Sunday at 8 a. m. Closed from 1 to 4:30. HAVE CLOSE GAME The BREX team in the Softball league had a close call from defeat on Friday evening when the Murray team dragging 13 to 7 at the seventh inning that brought them in the narrow- margin of one from victory. Murray opened the game with a demonstration of strength which fea tured a home run by Pointer that scored himself and Long, who was safe on a fielder's choice. The IS REX started going places in the third inning and which piled up a good lead in that inning and the fourth and fifth when Gruber was hit hard, one of the blows being a home run by Chandler of the BREX. The fireworks opened in the sev enth when the first two men were passed and Stewart then poked one for a double to score them and later scored on the double of Grueber. The ninth inning rally of the Murray team was featured by errors on the par of the BREX to help out the cause. The box score of the game was as follows: BREX AB P. 11 TO A R Spidell. c 5 3 3 8 0 1 Chander, cf-p 5 2 2 0 0 0 Aylor. rs 5 0 12 10 Gradoville, 3b 5 1 2 2 0 0 Mason, lb 5 119 0 0 Svoboda. ss 4 112 6 2 Hall, 2b 5 2 1 4 0 1 Hilt. If 1 0 0 0 0 0 Sutton, rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 March, p-cf 4 3 0 0 0 1 Tincher. If 2 3 2 0 0 0 Herring, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 44 16 13 27 7 5 Murray AB It 11 PO A K Stewart, lb 6 1 3 12 0 0 Long. 3b 4 1 0 0 6 1 Krueber, p 5 13 110 Pointer, ss 5 1 1 3 13 Keil. c 5 0 4.2.0 0 Griffin, If 4 2 1 0 0 0 Farris, 2b 4 2 12 11 Kinney, rf 4 3 0 0 0 1 Staska, cf 4 3 2 1 0 1 Peterson, rs 5 1 2 3 0 0 45 15 17 24 9 7 SEARCH FOR HIT-RUN DRIVER Deputy Sheriff Cass Sylvester was called out last night to be on the lookout for a car bearing an Omaha license that was last seen coming this way after an accident on Railroad avenue in Omaha. The car had struck a man on Railroad avenue, the car coming around the wrong side of a street car, hitting the man and drag ging him several feet. The deputy sheriff remained on the watch for the wanted car but without any success. WILL BROADCAST PROGRAM The University of Nebraska sum mer school of music, is announcing a special radio program each week during the school session. The pro gram will be broadcast at 9:30 a. m. from radio station KFAB. The chorus of the summer school will be heard on the program. Miss Mildred Kno flicek of this city being a member of the group. CLEVER COOKING CLUB Our meeting was held at the home of Wilma Livingston. We discussed dessert making. We received more material and our club pins. After the meeting we sang songs. Several enjoyable contests were held. Ice cream, cookies and orange ade were serve! by our hostsss. BREX WIN GAME From Wednesday's Daily The BREX team of the softball league last evening took a seven in ning contest from the Conis Car dinals at Athletic park by the score of 7 to 3 and in which the shopmen had an early lead. The game opened with the BREX gathering in four runs for themselves in the first inning and these includ ing a home run by Chandler and a triple by Gradoville. The Cardinals were scoreless until the sixth when they made two on a pass to Keil, and hits by Ilennings and Salsburg. Stoehr scored in the seventh when he hit safely and scored on the single of Glen Kaffenberger. The box score of the game was as follows: BREX AB K II PO A E Spidell. c 3 10 10 0 Chandler, cf 3 110 0 0 Aylor, rs : 3 12 0 10 Gradoville, 3b 3 110 3 0 O'Donnell, lb 3 1 1 6 0 0 Svoboda. ss 2 0 0 2 3 1 Kail, 2b 3 0 0 2 0 3 Mason, rf 3 0 0 6 0 0 Smock, If 3 110 0 0 March, p 2 113 0 0 2S 7 7 IS 7 4 Cardinals ab n II PO A K Heim, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 1 Keil. lb 3 1 0 4 0 0 Ilennings, 2b 3 112 10 Salsburg, ss 3 0 1 0 2 0 E. Meisinger. c 2 0 0 2 0 0 Spreick. If 3 0 0 1 0 0 H. Meisinger, cf 3 0 2 3 1 1 Davis, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 G. Kaffenb'ger, p 3 0 1 0 0 1 30 3 6 IS 7 3 LEAVING FOR THE WEST From "Wednesdays This evening Mr. and Mrs. John Alwin, daughter, Miss Wilma Pick ard and Miss Mildred Schultz, will depart on a vacation trip to the west and which will include a visit at Yel lowstone park. They will also take a trip through the Black Hills coun try and view the many places of in terest in that part of the west. TO VISIT AT LAKES From "Wednesday's Daily Dean Snyder and George W. Perry are leaving this evening by auto for Minnesota where they will spend a short vacation on the lakes in north ern Minnesota and enjoying the fish ing. Both of the young men are en thusiastic fishermen and are antici pating a most delightful time on the lakes. ENJOY VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Dunn and Mrs. Al Janda, were here from Omaha spending the Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Vallery. OHIO CONGRESSMAN IS DEAD Toledo, O. Warren J. Duffey, 50, Toledo democrat, congressman from the Ninth Ohio district, died after several weeks illness. He was a strong supporter of the new deal. Duffey was defeated for renomination at the May primary. Joe Fischer of Omaha who came here two weeks ago on his bicycle, intends to remain several weeks visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer. Phone the news to No. 6. count most, in trade and industry and in pro duction of days' work. Federal Savings and Loan Service keeps saved dollars moving, in build ing and ownership of homes. Make Savings Safe in Federal Insured Shares. tlcbr. City Federal Savings & Loan Association Resources More than ONE MILLION Dollars AV0CA NEWS Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Plattsmouth Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. James F. McLean of Lincoln were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kokjer where all enjoyed a very fine visit. Miss Helen Aline of Omaha and a friend of Jordon Kokjer, they being school pals at Doane college, was a visitor in Avoca last Sunday and dinner guest at the J. M. Kokjer home. Dick Neumeister and family and J. II. F. Ruhge and family were in Lincoln last Saturday enjoying the Fourth and came back in the after noon via Syracuse where they enjoy ed the celebration there. Ralph Morley has been the second assistant at the Fred Marquardt ele vator with the extra work which has come incident to the threshing of the excellent crop which has been the lot of Cass and Otoe counties. The kittenball game was staged in Avoca between the crack team from Weeping Water and the Avoca team was played a few nights ago and resulted in a victory for Weeping Water SO to 10. This was the girls team, while the boys game was Avoca 35 to Nehawka 10. Contrary to the practice for a num ber of years of having a Fourth of July celebration July 2nd at Avoca and which has been enjoyed by many people during the time, there was no celebration or picnic this year. No one was particularly at the head of the former movement and so this year the city went without a celebra tion. What will be done in the future about it is not known. Enjoyed Quiet Fourth. The families of Banker E. J. Hall strom, Supt. L. L. Larson of the Avoca schools and Elmer Hennings and fam ily were enjoying a very peaceful and enjoyable evening at the home of the folks of Mrs. Ilennings and at the lakes at Cedar Creek which abound and with their eats and plenty of cool shade and an abund ance of hot wind they got through the day nicely and enjoyed the out ing to the fullest. Syracuse Celebrated the Fourth. John Ruge and family and Henry Maseman nad family were enjoying the celebration at Syracuse on the Fourth. Syracuse generally has a very good celebration and this year was no exception, as it is a very en terprising town along various lines. Ereaks Ribs and Finger. While T. L. Clayton, who is em ployed on the Cam Clesper place was trying to lead a fractious mule from the stable, the mule gave a lunge and fractured his finger, which had just gotten so he could work when he fractured three ribs when he ran into a washing machine in the dark, which seems to be his full portion of bad luck. Celebrated Anniversaries. Carl Nickles and family, Mrs. Nickles formerly being Miss Free man and who were married three years ago July 4th, Dale Tigner who was married to a sister of Mrs. Nick Is a year ago and Earl Freeman who was married nine years ago July 4th, enjoyed a picnic celebration of their wedding anniversaries at the lake at Louisville where they went with an abundance of eats and enjoyed a pic nic dinner. They were all married by the marrying pastor, Rev. C. W. Savage of Omaha, who has married so many thousand couples. They were joined at their picnic on the Fpurth by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freeman, parents of Mesdames Nick les and Tigner and of Mr. Earl Free man. A most enjoyable time was had. CLUB GIRLS MEET The 4-H club girls had a very pleasant meeting at the home of Wilma Swatek on Thursday of last week with a very pleasing attend ance of the members. The girls of the club were busy in planning their achievement day program which will be held Wednesday morning at the parlors of the Methodist church, for the mothers of the members of the club. The refreshments were served by Betty Bruce and Luetta Falk. RETURNING TO SOUTH From Wednesday' Dally Mrs. C. C. Hargis ot Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who has been here visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Davis, departed today for her home in the south. Mrs. Hargis Is a cousin of Mrs. Davis and was brought up in the home of Mrs. Davis' par ents. She has been at Lincoln visit ing Mrs. Parker, her aunt, who is recovering from a very severe illness. OBITUARY GO TO THE LAKES Harriett Mathis was born Septem ber 22, 1851, in Mills county, Iowa, being one of the pioneer children of that county, and grew to womanhood in the community near Malvern. She was married on August 26, 1875, to Ensley R. Dillehay. They moved the year following their marriage to Kansas and after living there and in Valley county, Nebraska, they re turned to Mills county to live. Theyj came to Plattsmouth in the nineties! and have made their home here since that time. Mr. Dillehay died May 24, 1935 and since that time the widow has made her home the greater part! of the time with her sister, Mrs. John Wiles up to the time of the death of Mrs. Wiles. She has been living with her nephew, Everett Wile3 for some time and at whose home she died on Wednesday morning, July 1st. The funeral was held at the Sattler fun eral home here on Friday morning and the interment was at the Hills dale cemetery south of Glenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Klinger and son, Garry Lee, are spending their vacation period in the lake country of Minnesota, leaving here Sunday for the northland. They are expect ing to spend the time in fishing and enjoying rest in that popular resort country. VISITS RELATIVES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Martin Parsons and three daughters, of Holdrege, Nebras ka, are in the city to enjoy a visit at the home of Mrs. Parsons' mother, Mrs. Bessie Bourne and family of this city as well as at the Lester Gansemer and Ross Bourne homes at Murray. VISIT AT ST. EDWARD Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schneider spent the Fourth and Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burdic and fam ily at St. Edward, where they en joyed very much the pleasant observ ance of the national holiday that had been arranged there. SHOWING NICE IMPROVEMENT C. A. Johnson, former mayor, who is at the St. Joseph hospital at Om aha, i3 reported as recovering nicely from the effects of an operation. Mr. Johnson was taken to Omaha last Monday and operated on for an ab dominal rupture and which has proved very successful and the pa tient is now gaining nicely. The many friends are trusting that he may soon be out of danger and well on the highway to recovery. HERE FROM CHICAGO From Tuesday's Dally Mrs. James Ptacek and daughter, Miss Gertrude and Stanley Marcelak, Jr., a grandson of Mrs. Ptacek, ar rived in the city today for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Yelick, the latter a daughter of Mrs. Ptacek. While here they will visit among the many old time friends of the Ptacek family in this city and vicinity. PURCHASES NEW HOME The residence of Mrs. Cora Cot ner on Granite street near Lincoln avenue, has been sold to Clarence Favvors of this city, the family to take possession of the house at once. This is one of the worthy ways in which the veteran compensation has applied in the securing of a per manent home for the family. 'Scientifically Cooled' CASS THEATRE Friday and Saturday Matinee Sat., 2:15 UNIT NO. 1 "Forced Landing" with Toby Wing: and Eddie Nugent UNIT NO. 2 BOB STEELE in "Trail of Terror" UNIT NO. 3 Micky Mouse Cartoon Admission 10 and 25c Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Matinee Sunday, 2:15 IT CLIMAXES 30 I,. YEAJtS OF SCREEN o ACHIEVEMENT! . EDNA FERBEBS' Admission 10, 25 and 30c WEDNESDAY ONLY George Arliss as a Lovable Vagabond in 'Mister Hobo9 THURSDAY ONLY Matinee at 2:15 Richard Arlen in 'The Calling o Dan Matthews' SELECTED SHORTS WITH EVERY PROGRAM! Indian Valley Solid Pack TOMATOES -fl AC No. 2yz Can ILxJ? Cloverdale or Country Boy Evergreen Corn Qq No. 2 Cans. Each O Granite City Brand No. 2 Cans 2 for lc Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat, July lOth-llth Fresh Italian PRUNES No. 10 Can Red Tag Prunes No. 2'2 Can . . . - - 25)C ..12c Del Monte Red Alaska SALMON -lb. Flat Can, 170 Mb. Tall Can , Miller's Crispy CORN FLAKES Sm. Pkg., 70 Large Pkg 9' Q Quart Basket . . . 23c Fancy, Fresh, Red-Meated Santa Rosa. Apr i cots 8y?S" .,5. .$1.59 Excellent for Canning. Fancy, Fresh Calif. Casiteloupes Delicious Sweet Vine-Ripened Arizona niA Pink Meats. 45 size. 3 for Tomatoes BK:. 2fc?H:t..3LqG Honey Dew Melons Delicious Sweet Calif. Vine-Ripened 1T EZtf Large size. Each JltZw T kr Calif. Sunkist, large, ETir LigatlOnS juicy. 300 size, doz.. . . .5 HIm'miva Fancy Calif. Sunkist U?lTc3niG3 Valencias. Sweet, Juicy 216 Size Pr 344 Size IT Dozen - -5C Dozen - -l-VS ? u s- No- 1 large, fresh, A JLGXtUCG crisp Calif. Iceberg, each..V?C 5 Dozen Size Heads nAAM Fresh, Tender, Full-Pod am IreaS California. Lb Q Grapefruit Seedless, 6 for. . . 25c Celery uik. 10c oeS Uracil ib. T,C Choice 'IViIer Slioulilcr CiiIh. Cat from Choice. Touilfr Ileef. Bnflnmi(g MeeS ib. Sc Choice I.enu IUI Uuallly. IHauimlisQiiE.'gei? ib. c Selected Iteef Cut, freahly i.rouuJ. IPoe'Ei S2apG ib. S3C Choice, I.enn OtinlHv, In thlckuettM tleNlred. Sjpasre WfflsG ib. c Small, I.enn. They're laxly. FcamiEiSiiOE.'ttG ib.2ic Iaree, Juicy Variety. Fv2Smi(2enl JKIainm ib.Hc 10 cell cut for I.nuclie. etc. Casco BUTTER l-lb. Carton 36c Sunlight Margarine 2Qc l-lb. Carton 2 for a2im lb. pkg. . . HSC HIiiky-DInky, UiJi duality. Fuac?Q ILaiFaS ib. 31c Armour'M High Quality Star Ilraml. Waemies ib 1ISC Small Size. Kxcellent for llcnlc, etc. Otoe Chief J FLOUR J1A Hinky-Dinky 5 lbs. 2C0; 10. 430 f 24 lbs, 79; 48 lbs. 9117 Sunrise Sweet Mild COFFEE 3-lb. Bag, 49 IIINKY-DIKV 3-lb. Bag, 55 ; l-lb 19 :;Mb. HF Van Camp's FORK & BEANS No. 300 Cans, 5 & for 2c Finest Brand MATCHES 6 Box Carton Folger's mountain COFFEE BROW 2-lb. Can, 56' l-lb. Can PC&c cy Del Monte Ortho-Cut COFFEE 2-lb. Can. 45 1 ()QC 1- lb. Can apU So-Tast-ee Soda CRACKERS 1 flje 2- lb. Caddy JLL t RITZ Butter Crackers 4 n 1-lb. Pkg Z1C Fancy Cut Macaroni or Spaghetti -f S!c 2-lb. cello bag - JLCM Armour's Star CORNED BEEF Can JLL 2 Van Camp's Pure Tomato Juice 10-oz, Can 5; 14-oz., 7 !:.3for 25c College Inn Tomato Juice 13y2-oz, Cans L 4 for 2&c New! Different! Miller's Wheat Pops m 0B Rice Pops Pkg 9C lubbers -jjc Heavy Red Jar Rubbers 3 Pkgs MASON Jar Caps -fl Jc Carton cf 1 dozen JJl u Mason Jars Quarts, doz., 69 $ Pints, doz. S9C Crystal Brand Gelatin Desserts. Assorted, 3 Pkgs 110 Burnett's Ice Cream Mix, Assorted, can Oi New Yorker Assorted Beverases (Plus deposit), 32-oz. bottle 100 Basemary Grape Juice, pint bottle, 150; quart bottle 250 Fresh-Aid, makes refreshing drinks. Pkg. 50 Crisco Shortening, 3-lb. can 550. Pillsbury's Best TTT ATTO TIIK HALANC Kn FI.UIK 24-lb. Sack, 930 C 48-lb. Sack IL -fl.03 Fort Howard Tissue SOFT SPUN Special Ice Tea Blend (bulk), l-lb. cello bag, 290; y2-lb 180 Korean Brand Crab Meat, No. y2 can 190 Oatman's Dundee Milk, 3 tall cans 210 Silver Bar Tuna, 13-oz. can, 270; 7-oz., 150; 3y2-oz 100 Sure-Jell, for making jams and jellies, 2 pkgs 250 Kraft Chocolate Malted Milk, 2-lb. can 490 'The Coffee Delicious" l-lb. Can (Regular or Drip Grind) 2S America's Sandard of Quality LIGHT 0B DABK HOP FLAVORED 3-lb. Can S7 Omaha Family SOAP 10 ,?-7; 32c Haskins Hard Water 4Qr Toilet Soap, 4 bars. . . AVE. SOIL All Super Cleanser and Water Softener Lge. Pkg