The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 25, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1833.
Jack Roddy and John Klein were
looking after business matters in
Nebraska City Monday forenoon.
John Banning and wife, of Alvo,
were visiting relatives in Union last
Sunday, driving over in their car.
Charles Atteberry was called to
Omaha Monday to look after some
business matetrs connected with the
garage he conducts here.
James C. Roddy has been undergo
ing treatment for a stomach ailment,
and although he is slightly better
and able to get around, is not feel
ing nearly as well as he would like
George Trunkenbolz, president of
the Trunkenbolz Oil company, was
here from Eagle on Monday while on
a business trip to the different sta
tions over the county which his com
pany operates.
Tony Sudduth and family of Weep
ing Water were visiting in Union at
the home of the parents of Mrs. Sud
duth, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Albin,
as well as looking after some busi
ness matters Monday.
Rev. E. C. Barton, a missionary
for the Baptist church in Nebraska,
who has been doing special work in
the church here, and Rev. George
Downing were guests at the home of
Mrs. Myrtle Swan at a six o'clock
dinner Monday evening of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith and son
Gordon, who reside in Colorado, ar
rived in Union in time to eat Fath
er's Day dinner with the father of
Mrs. Smith, Carl C. Cross. They will
visit other relatives here before re
turning to Colorado.
Frank Bauer and sister, Anna, to
gether with the three grandchildren
who are visiting here from Ponca,
Oklahoma, drove down to the little
brown church near the Graham
Mills north of Nebraska City on last
Sunday and attended Bible school
Mrs. Olive Finney was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Sunday at the home
of her sister. Mrs. Edgar Newton,
stopping in Murray on her way up to
pick up her mother, Mrs. Vesta Clark,
operator and manager of the Murray
telephone office, and take her along
to the county seat.
There has been a space between
the barber shop of Ira Clark and the
Atteberry garage, where the eave3
drip and water stands, making a
mud hole which remains wet for a
long time and in order to have it
drain and remain dry, Mr. Clark
had it filled with dirt last Monday,
taring for the unsightly place and
doing away with the mud hole.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor at
tended the dedicatory services at the
ancient cemetery southwest of Ne
hawka wherein are buried some fif
teen of the early pioneers, including
the marking of the grave of a mem
ber of the Masonic fraternity, a Dr.
Young and his son, Rev. Taylor being
one of the speakers. The old ceme
tery has long been forgotten and neg
lected, but now a concrete wall has
been placed around it and the Ma
sonic lodges of Nehawka (to which
a goodly number of Union Masons
belong) and Dunbar will look after
its upkeep in the future.
Home from the Navy
Albert Griffin, a brother of II. W.
Griffin, of Union, who is located at
Los Angeles in the navy, visited last
week at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Griffin and a sister,
who reside at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr.
Griffin wired to his brother here to
come and visit him, as he was on his
way back to the navy in a few days,
but the latter has been so busy with
work that he was unable to get away
at this time.
In Honor of Sister
Mrs. Martin Ross gave a reception
at their country home south of Ne
hawka on Thursday of last week,
with a large number of friends of
the family gathered together to meet
Mrs. Ben Benson, who with two of
the children are' making their home
for the summer with their father,
Stuart Routh. Miss Opel Griffin was
over and enjoyed the gathering as
she is a friend of the family. Others
from here to attend the reception
were Mesdames Delbert Lindsay and
Ray Johnson.
Home from the Navy
Justin Anderson, who has been in
the navy for some two years and has
been stationed on the West Virginia,
with headquarters at Los Angeles,
arrived in Union a few days ago and
will enjoy a furlough of some sixty
day3 visiting with his parents and
oilier relatives and hi3 many old time
friends here and elsewhere.
Fevered as Veteran Mason
T'-e'Aotiatioa of Veteran Masons
o' Vcbraaka lias honored Rev. W. A.
Taylor, cf Union, who has been an
active member of the Masonic fra
ternity well past the time required to
qualify him as a veteran. A friend
asked him to join and provided the
initiation fee of $5. This is a mark
of recognition worthy of having and
the many friends of Rev. Taylor will
extend congratulations to him on at
taining this unusual honor.
Married Forty-Nine Years
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker were
united in marriage forty-nine years
ago on June 23rd, and have made
their home in and near Union dur
ing the near half century of their
wedded life. In honor of their an
niversary they were greeted by a
large number of friends. With but
one more year to go before they will
have been married an even half hun
dred years, the family are awaiting
the coming of next June, month of
brides and roses, when they plan a
real celebration.
Enjoyed Fine Visit
Hon. W. B. Banning and wife, of
Lincoln: W. E. Reynolds and wife
and Mary Becker were guests for the
day last Sunday and a very fine din
ner which was served by Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Latta at their home at
Blair. The guests drove over to the
Washington county seat town from
their different homes for the occa
Happy Family Gathering
There was gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Roddy on last
Sunday their children who are mak
ing their homes in this portion of
the country for a very good visit and
a fine dinner, they coming especially
for the purpose of honoring the fath
er, Mr. Roddy, on Father's day.
Among those in attendance were
Curtis Dickson and family, of Blair;
Robert Roddy and family, of Omaha,
and Carl Wessell and family, of Ne
hawka. After they had all gotten to
gether, they went to Riverview park
near the old Graham mill north of
Nebraska City, rvhere they celebrated
the day with a picnic dinner in the
Visited in Lincoln
Horace W. Griffin, the blacksmith,
purchased a new Chevrolet car last
week, and on Sunday the family and
that of Lester Schumacher made a
trip to Lincoln, where they visited at
the home of an uncle of Mr. Griffin,
Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and fam
ily and with them all went to the
park and spent the day enjoying a
picnic dinner.
Church Has New Minister
The Methodist church of Union has
a new minister in the person of Rev.
E. P. Booher, who has been stationed
at Kennard for a number of years,
but was formerly pastor of the Louis
ville church in this county. In com
pany with his wife and three child
ren, they will make their home here.
The community joins in welcoming
Rev. Booher to the charge here.
Suffers Severe Loss
Last Sunday morning the home of
Fred Tigner and wife was discover
ed to be on fire and while everything
possible was done to extinguish the
flames and save the furniture and
effects, but little in that direction
was accomplished. The cook stove
was gotten out and the washing ma
chine which was standing outside the
home was removed to a place of
safety. Other than this, very few
things were saved.
This loss comes hard to the Tig
ner family, as it leaves them without
anything with which to keep house,
even if a suitable place could be ob
tained. Mr. Tigner was severely in
jured when struck by an auto some
months ago, and it seems is having
more than his share of bad luck.
Death of Nephew.
M. A. Cross has received word of
the death of a nephew by marriage,
Ezra A. Sutton, who formerly lived
near Union, but for the past eighteen
years a resident of California. Burial
was in the Turlock cemetery June
17. In 1897 he married Miss Eliza
beth. Klepser, daughter of Mrs. A. J.
Klepser. Later they resided in Colo
rado for a time, then in Oregon for
several years,' later moving to Hick
man, California, where they resided
at the time of his death. His wife,
two sons, and one daughter, reside
near Hickman.
Rome. Aviation collaboration be
tween Italy and Germany was pre
dicted on the basis of a trip to Ber
lin soon to be made by Gen. Guiseppe
Valle, undersecretary of aviation.
General Valle and other high of
ficials are expected to leave this week
for a stay of several days in the
German capital. In aviation circles
it wc3 suggested there may also be a
discussion of Itao-Germ;.in collabor
ation In South American airlines.
Death of Former
Resident Occurs
in Washington
Richard Rivett, One Time Platts
mouth Man and Veteran Rail
roader, Dies in West.
The death of Richard Rivett, 76
a former resident of Plattsmouth, oc
curred Saturday at Ocean Park
Washington, where he has made his
home In more recent years.
Mr. Rivett, while living here was
engaged in the coach shop of the
Burlington, and while a resident
here married to Miss Flora Smith, a
sister of the late A. Baxter Smith,
the family later moving to Lincoln
He was for twenty years in charge
of the wrecking crew of the Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy railroad be
tween Lincoln and Alliance. He was
car inspector for the Union Pacific
Central for ten years and was gen
eral car inspector for the govern
ment during the wartime control of
the railroads.
Mrs. Lorence Freidrich, a daugh
ter and William Rivett, a brother of
the deceased, are residents of Lin
coln. The body will be brought to
Lincoln for interment but the time
of the funeral has not been definitely
Word has just come to Cass coun
ty friends of the marriage of Rev.
Robert D. Murphree, of Oneonta, Ala
bama, a former Louisville anel Val
ley M. E. pastor, to Miss Nola Mar
pie, of Iola, Kansas, where the wed
ding took place at the M. E. church
on Sunday, June 4.
The bride is a sister of Mrs. C. L.
Isaac, of Louisville, and has visited
there on numerous occasions.
Rev. Murphree's first wife died
after the family moved from Nebras
ka to an acreage near Norfolk, Ar
kansas. She was survived by two
young sons. Following her death,
Rev. Murphree and the children re
turned to the old home in Alabama,
where he again became pastor of the
church at Oneonta, which he served
for several years before coming to
the Nebraska conference some eight
years ago. They will make their
home at Oneonta.
Rev. Murphree was active in boys'
work and became noted for the gipsy
trips which he conducted, taking
large groups of boys on extensive
tours each summer. His many Ne
braska friends will wish them every
happiness and success.
The club met at the home of our
leader, Faye Hennings, Wednesday,
June 17. Roll call was responded to
by telling the names of different
kinds of cloth."
We cut a pattern for a laundry
bag under the direction of our lead
er. Kathaleen Larson gave a dem
onstration on "Removing Work from
the Machine." We judged our finish
ed hot-pads.
Our next meeting ill be with Emilie
Bierl, on June 25.
On Friday, June 12, Faye Hennings
and five of her club members, Darlene"
Hell, Billie Lou Heil, Dorothy Ulrich,
Bonadelle Larson and Kathaleen Lar
son had the pleasure of being pres
ent at the 4-H club girls judging
contest, held at the agricultural
building at Lincoln. George Bartek
and Laverne Henning3 accompanied
us to the capital city.
Articles for judging were sport
dresses, kitchen aprons, towels,
laundry bags, hot-pads and under
clothing sets. Fifteen minutes were
allowed for judging each group of
articles, which consisted of four In
number. We were given two minutes
to give reasons for our placings. We
felt It very educational and well
worth our time. Later we went to
see the capitol building.
Club Reporter.
Large or small your printing
Job will receive our prompt atten
tion. Call No. 6.
Two mules, two shoats, four Red
Polled heifers, two fresh. Fred
Druecker, Murray. ltw
I have a smooth-mouthed mule for
sale. Sound,1 good worker. Priced
right. Mile south of Mynard.
Mrs. Hazel Porter is spending her
vacation with relatives in Eagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weyers ofWa
bash, spent last Sunday with rela
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nelson and
Helen spent last Sunday in Lincoln
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oberle of Lin
coln spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
E. C. Oberle.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burns of Den
ver visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burns
the first of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. McMaster left
the first of this week for Red Oak,
Iowa, where Mr. McMaster is employ
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudolph and
daughters were the Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wall and
Rev. D. J. Schuyleman was the
Kuest of Mrs. McFall and Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde West and family last
Mrs. Milford Axe and children of
Lincoln are visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W
Mr. and Mrs. George Trimble en
tertained at dinner last Wednesday
evening Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kendle
and family.
Mrs. Guy Jones and son. Jack, are
spending several days in Omaha this
week at the home of a sister, Mrs
E. A. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Piersol spent
Sunday in Lincoln at the home of
Mr. Piersol's sister, Mrs. Chas. Lyon
and Mr. Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manners and
family motored to Plattsmouth last
Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Manners.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffmeister
of Weeping Water visited Mrs. Hoff-
meister's mother, Mrs. Anna Earl last
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doran and
daughter motored to Omaha last Sun
day and spent the day with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Colbert.
Mrs. Roy Siekman entertained sev
eral little guests in honor of her
daughter, Velma Jean on her birth
day Monday, June 22nd.
Mrs. Mary Westlake of Alliance,
who is visiting in this community,
spent Thursday of last week with
Mrs. Sarah Keil and Dorothea.
Mrs. Ralph Lee and daughter ar
rived the first of this week from
California and will visit Mrs. Lee's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reitter
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George Trimble,
Merna Stradley, and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Umland enjoyed a pleasant
evening last Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Kendle nad family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wright of To
peka, Kansas, and Sarah Piersol of
Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Lyon of Lincoln called Saturday aft
ernoon at the L. W. Piersol home.
Mrs. Houston Welton came Monday
evening and made a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Price
and family. Mr. Welton i3 now driv
ing the Burlington bus between Lin
coln and Nebraska City.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pump returned
to their home near Venango, Nebr.,
the first of last week. They attended
the funeral of Mr. Pump's aunt, Mrs.
Lucy Wendt and remained a few days
to visit their daughters, Mrs. Carl
Oberle and Mrs. Elvin Umland and
other relatives.
W. C. T. U. Entertained.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. were
pleasantly entertained at the home
of Mrs. L. W. Piersol last Friday
The organization observes flower
day each year. Each member an
swered roll by.. telling the value of
Mowers. Mrs. Piersol and Mrs. Keil
read short articles on the subject and
each member participated In a flower
naming contest. Faye Scattergood
sang two selections and De Lores
Scattergood gave a reading.
The guests were Mrs. D. A. Hursn,
Mrs. W. B. Hufsh, Mrs. R. A. Oberle,
Mrs. W. E. Muenchau, Mrs. Anna
Earl, Mrs. Chas Scattergood and
daughter and Dorothea Keil. .
The hostess served ice cream and
cakes at the close of the program.
Dad's Day Program.
There was a good attendance at
the Methodist church last Sunday
morning anu enjoyed Rev. Schuyle
man's sermon and the following spe
cial numbers: A vocal duet by Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Bender; a solo by
Mrs. Tolle; a solo by Miss Evelyn
Bron; a harmonica solo by Sumner
West and a reading by Dean Lanning.
Second installment of personal
taxes are delinquent July 1, 1936.
J23-25-27-30 County Treasurer.
From "Wednesday's Dally
This morning the Misses Mia and
Barbara Gering departed on a motor
trip to the east and where they are
expecting to spend the summer
months with relatives and enjoying
the pleasantness of the Atlantic coast
country. They are stopping at a num
ber of places en route to New York
City where their uncle, G. A. Pfeiffer,
head of one of the largest business
houses in the nation resides. They
are to spend the summer at West
port, Conn., on the Pfeiffer summer
estate which has been placed at their
disposal by the uncle. At Westport
they will be but a short distance from
the summer home where their
nephew, Matthew Gering Herold and
family reside. Later in the season,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold will Join
the family group in the east.
R. II. Patton, well known resident
of the south part of the city, Sunday
received Father day greetings from
his son, Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Patton, all of Chicago and which was
very much appreciated by the recip
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Oliver E. Sayles, deceased. No. 3198:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is October
12, 1936; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on October 16, 1936, at 10
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated June 15, 1936.
(Seal) jl5-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale
issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 25th day of
July, A. D. 1936, at 10:00 o'clock a
m. of said day, at the south front
door of the court house in the City
of Plattsmouth in said county, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 14,
Townsend's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, $140.82
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of C. Lawrence
Stull, defendant, to satisfy a judg
merit of said court recovered by City
of Plattsmouth, a Municipal Corpora
tion, plaintiff against said defendant
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 22
A. D. 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
C. A. RAWLS, ' Nebraska.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship.
In the County Court of Cass,
County, Nebraska.
Estate of William B. Virgin, de
ceased. Estate No. 3203.
The State of Nebraska: To all
persons interested in said estate,
creditors and heirs take notice, that
Louisa A. Burr has filed her petition
alleging that William B. Virgin died
intestate in Cass county, Nebraska,
on or about November 10, 1923, be
ing a resident and inhabitant of
Cass county, Nebraska, and died
seized of a mortgage on the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot twenty-two (22) of Sub
Lot four (4), in the southwest
quarter (SWU ) of the south
west quarter (SWU ) of Section
fourteen (14), Township eleven
(11), Range thirteen (13), east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, containing 1.69
acres; also Lot twenty-five (25)
of Sub-Lot four (4), in the
southwest quarter (SWU) of
the southwest quarter (SWU)
of Section fourteen (14), Town
ship eleven (11), Range thir
teen (13), east of the 6th P. M.,
in Cass county, Nebraska, con
taining .16 of an acre, except
ing that part of said Lot twenty
five (25) theretofore deeded to
School District No. 56 in Cass
county, Nebraska, and also ex
cepting that part of said lot
theretofore deeded to Frank E.
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to-
Charlotty Virgin, widow, and
Ozro Virgin, Louisa A. Burr,
Ella Read, and Aramintia Kiel,
children, all of lawful age.
That the interest of the petitioner in
the above described real estate is
owner, and praying for a determina
tion of the time of the death of said
William B. Virgin and of his heirs,
the degree of kinship and the right
of descent of the real property be
longing to the said deceased, in the
State of Nebraska.
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 3rd day of July,
1936, before the County Court of
Cass County in the Court House at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Jsebraska,
this 5th day of June, A. D. 1936.
(Seal) JS-3w County Judge.
Cass county Tias no Bonded In-
debtedness, as. like the state. It
has paid cash for Its c ravel roads
ano otner improvements. Tnavai
a mighty good policy to pursue.
Phone news Item to Tlo. 6$
In the County Court of Casa coun
ty, Nebraska.
to tne creditors or tne estate oi
K. w. Clement, deceased. No. 3Z01:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing: and presentation of
claims against sam estate is uctoDernn o'clock a. m.
19, 1936; mat a hearing win De naai
at tne county court room in Platts
moutn on uciODer z&, isjd, at iu
Vf Illicit CL . Hi.. lJL L lAtT puillOC VI ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated June 19, 1936.
(Seal) j22-3w County Judge
In the District Court of Casa
County, Nebraska
City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff. ;
Carl W. Renner, et al,
To the Defendants
Carl W. Renner and wife, Mrs
Carl W. Renner, first and real name
unknown; Edward W. Denabay and
wife, Mrs. Edward W. Denahay, first
and real name unknown; Mayola D,
Propst and husband.
Propst, first and real name unknown;
Martha S. Phebus and husband,
Phohno first and real
name unknown; Clara Godwin and
husband. Godwin, first
and real am unknown: Ralnh G.
Palmer and wife, Mrs. Ralph G. Pal-
mpr first an ral name unknown:
Walter W. Palmer and wife, Mrs. and for his discharge; that said pe
Woitpr w. Palmar, first and real tition and report will be heard be-
name unknown; Jeanette Tartsch
and husband, Tartsch,
first and real name unknown; Mrs.
Ed Cotner, first and real name un
known, wife of Ed Cotner and to all
persons having or claiming any In
terest in, right or title to, or lien
upon the following described real
estate, to-wit: Lot 2, Block 60; Lot
14, Block 20; Lots 5 and 6, Block 73;
Lots 1 and 2, Block 165; Lots 7 and
8, Block 95; Lots 9 and 10, Block 95;
fiublot 3 of Lot 5, Porter Place Addi
tion, sometimes described as the West
Half of the North Half of Lot 5,
Porter Place Addition; Lots 11 and
12. Rlnck 23. South Park Addition:
Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Stadelman's
Addition? thp North as and 27 feet
of Lot 13. and all of Lot 14. Block
31; Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Stadel-
man's Addition; the East Half of Lot
17, in the Southeast Quarter oi tne
Snnthwpst Quarter of Section 18.
Tnnnchln 1 9 I? a n tra 1i Vast of thp
Bth P. M.. Casa Countv. Nebraska:
Lots 7 and 8, Block 39, Young and
Hays Addition and Lots 4, 5 and 6,
Block 88. all in the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, real names un
known, defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that nn thn isth day of No-
romhor 105s tha nitv of Platts. 'vohrv. a Mimical for-
poration, plaintiff herein, filed its
petition in the District Court of Cass
rnnntv. Nehraska. furainst vou and
each of you, which, cause appears in
nnrkPt 7. PaA 271. No. 922R. of the
Records of the Clerk of the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which petition
la In acpnrrianco with a rennliitlon
nrinnteri nnri naispd hv th fMtv Conn-
on of saM of Piattanioiith. Ne-
braska, and which is for the fore
closure of the separate tax liens on
each and all of the following de
scribed rear estate to-wit:
Lot 2, Block 60; Lot 14, Block 20;
Lots 5 and 6, Block 73; Lots 1 and
2, Block 165; Lots 7 and 8, Block 95;
Lots 9 and 10, Block 95; Sub-lot 3
of Lot 5, Porter Place Addition,
sometimes described as the West Half
Place Addition; Lots 11 and 12,
Block 23, South Park Addition; Lots
13 and 14, Block 3, Stadelman's Ad
dition; the North 38 and 27 feet of
Lot 13, and all of Lot 14, Block 31;
Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Stadelman's I
AQQiiion; tne n.asi nau oi ixt -
in tne soutneast yuarter oi tne
Southwest Quarter of Section 18,
Township 12, Kange 14, East of tne
oin r. ai., ass uouniy, xxeprasKa;
Lots 7 and 8, Block 39, Young and
uays ivaaition, ana i-.ots 4, 6 ana b,itntr to vou has been attached in said
uiocK ss, aa in tne wity oi Plaits-
mouth, Nebraska.
That all of the real estate above
described was subject to taxation
for State, County, City, School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the peti
tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits
thereto attached and by reference
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or any
one of you, on said real estate, re
spectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and barring
you and each of you of any and all
claims upon, interest in, right or title
7U,'U1 ruV r ruc, r
described herein; that the same, or
" vn. Dam ieui vobave
so much thereof as may be necessary, ou for tne sum f ?50 000.u0 a3
to satisfy plaintiff's lien, together amages and costs, and an order en-
with interests and costs, shall be sold tercd ordering the 8ale c? tno prop.
rtrfSS erty above Ascribed for the satis
other and further relief in the frHon nf jnrw 0a
premises as may seem Just and eqult-
able to the court
You and each ot you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer saia petition on or Derore i
nnH fnlllncr trt i)n an vnilr default will
" " ; . 'J " - ,
prayed for in plaintiff's petition.
NEBRASKA, a Municipal
Corporation. Plaintiff.
8-4w Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons Interested In the
estate of Albert Tachirren, deceased.
No. 3142:
Take notice that the co-adminls-tratora
with will annexed of said
estate have filed their final report
and a petition for examination and
- allowance of their administration
I accounts, determination of heirship,
i assignment of residue of said estate
and for their discharge: that said
I petition and report will be heard be-
fora Baid Court on July 10. 1936. at
n&tod June 9. 1926.
- i a h DUXBURY
cftn MK-Sw. Cmintv Jndeo.
In the County Court of Casa coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Henry Schlueter, deceased. No. 3199:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against Baid estate is October
12, 1936; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on October 16, 1936, at 10
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex-
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing au claims or objections uuiy
Dated June 12, 1936.
(Seal) J15-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons Interested in tne
estate of Melissa Clarence, deceased.
No. 3164:
Take notice that the Executor of
8aiu uas "iea nis ""
nd a Petition for examination and
I allowance oi nis administration c-
counts, determination of heirship, aex.
eigninent vi resiuue oi saia esiaie
foresaid Court on July 10, 1936, at
10 o clock a m.
Dated June 8, 1936.
(Seal) jl5-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested In the
estate of Carl Stander, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Administrat
rix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examina-
on ana allowance or ner aaminis-
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
8aa estate ana tor ner aiscnarge;
that 8aId Petition and report will be
"earu ueiore eam tuun on uuiy av,
, ,
iatea June ii, xaao.
loea i , jxo-ow . v-uuuij juuge.
in the County Court Of Casa coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate or
John Uhlik, deceased. No. 3195:
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing o!
claims against said estate is October
& tnat neannS W1" 1 7
t the County Court room In Platts-
mourn on ucioDer . isao, at leu
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex-
omining, hearing, allowing and ad-
Justing an claims or ODjecuons uuiy
I niea.
I AJdieu WUUe o, 130O.
I U u tt. I ,
(Seal) j8-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Harry Edmondson,
w p McGeorge, first real
name unknown.
TO: W. P. McGeorge, first real
name unknown, Defendant
Above named defendant. W. P. Mc
George, first real name unknown,
take notice that you have been sued
t,v Harry Edmondson. plaintiff in the
above entitled court and action for
tne recovery of S50.000.00 as dam-
aeeB with costs and the following
described personal property belong-
action, to-wit
One Quarter Boat 100 feet
One Pile Driver Vessel,
Number 14,
One Pile! Driver Vessel,
Number 17,
One Pile Driver Vessel,
Number 15,
Four Wood Barges 24x100,
Eight Pontoons 14x40,
One Steel Barge 25x100,
Two Tug Boat Hulls.
That unless you answer or plead
f nottinn of i..
hVeTn iasali action on or before
the 20th day of July, 1936. plaintiff's
petition will be taken es true and
rr" ""i k-""
,n the pvont thot
iui lutumjng to me lortncpming oona j
on file herein, wherein W. P. Mc- ,:
George, first real name unknown, is
r.,.T,lT,i . . . r i... V
vwuyou,, euicijr iu vuo
sum Of $69,000.00.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Phono the news to no. 6.
i. ;
" 1