PAGE rOTTE PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1936. Elmwood News Ronald Schlictemeier was looking after business In Ashland and Lin coin Monday of this week. Miss Opal Thimgan, one of the genial operators at the telephone ex change, was visiting with friends in Lincoln on Tuesday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Wright Gillett of Lin coln were visiting in Elmwood last Sunday, guests for the day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillett. Dr. and Mrs. It. W. Tyson and their little daughter of Murray were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson, parents of Dr. Tyson. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Dearing cf On awa, Iowa, were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene, driving over from their Iowa home for a pleasant visit The first of the free open air band concerts for the citizens of Elmwood was given Wednesday evening and will be held each Wednesday even ing during the greater portion of the summer. Uncle Frank Gillett was in Lin coin last Tuesday afternoon looking after some business in connection with his produce station in Elmwood and also visited with his son, Wright Gillett for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reeder depart ed from Elmwood last Tuesday for Belding, Kansas, where they will visit for some two weeks at the home of the parents of Russell Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. John Reeder. The new truck which Orville Mill er purchased from Ronald Schlicte meier, arrived in Elmwood last Mon day and was immediately turned over to the purchaser who put the same in active service at once. Mrs. Harry A. Williams, who has been so ill for some many weeks is feeling better at this time and is able to get about in a wheel chair, and is getting along so she can get about herself, which is very encour aging. N. D. Bothwell was over to Om aha last Monday getting a truck load of groceries for the store here and was so busy he did not have time to stay and look in on the Ak-Sar-Ben show, but hurried home to look after the business at the store. The free shows which the busi ness men of Elmwood have been hold ing during the past few months will be held in the open air heredfter, being shown on the Tyson building. The seats for the accommodation of the public have already been placed south of the Flaischman restaurant, j Elmer Stevens who some two weeks ago took Mrs. Race, mother of Al bert Race" and a sister of the latter to their home in Canada, a short dis tance from Niagara Falls, returned to Elmwood last Sunday night, hav ing enjoyed the trip very nicely and were pleased that they could see so much country. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schlictemeier are today (Thursday) visiting at the home of his parents, Frank Schlicte meier and wife of between Murray and Xehawka where they are enter taining at a family dinner, having all the children and their families there for dinner and a general good family reunion and visit. In Honor of Miss Liston. Mesdames Bess Streeter Aldrich, Mrs. Beechner and Guy Clements gave a party last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich with a miscellaneous shower for Miss Margaret Liston who is soon to marry. A large number of the friends of the hostesses and as well the guest of honor, were present and a very enjoyable time was had with many very substantial and worth while gifts received by the geust of honor. They all extended the best of wishes for her future happiness and prosperity, so the afternoon was most pleasantly spent. Will Work in West. Miss Anna Williams, who has boen attending summer school at Peru for some time past departed for Yellow stone park last Sunday where she DO YOU WANT TO BUY A SUIT CHEAP? LOOK! We have two Suits to Close Out at EACH Sizes are 37 and 40. Color grej Latest Style WESCOTT'S Personalized Tailoring $ a .oo LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS Steel range for sale or trade for stove wood. Frank Claus. ltw TOR SALE OR TRADE Good Shorthorn bull for cow or heifer. Harvey Behrens, Louisville. ltw FOR SALE Two Short Horn Bulls, servicable age. J. L. Young, Murray, Nebr. 34-11 FOR SALE 1933 high test yellow dent corn for seed. Amos Iske, 2 mi. west of La Platte. J2-5td-j4-llw FOR SALE Registered Short Horn Bull. Very gentle. Otto Ehlers, Union, Nebr. Phone 1212. ltw will work for a company who foster summer vacations and excursions. Miss Anna has worked heretofore with this same company and is well qualified to care for the work which falls to her lot as the secretary of the company with which she works. Graduated at Creighton. Miss Maurine Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hill, who has been taking nurses training at the St. Jo seph hospital and studying at Creigh ton university at Omaha, was gradu ated there on Monday of this week with high honors in her studies. The graduation exercises were held at the Creighton University Monday of this week and was attended by Mes- dames Vernon Hill, mother of Mauri ine, Emil Rosenow, J. S. Gustin, all aunts of Miss Hill and Mrs. Karry Marshall, all of whom were more tnan pleased to be present at the graduation. Albert Theil an uncle, took the part- to Omaha in his school bus. Win. Winkler Home Sunday. Wm. Winkler, who was for several weeks at the sanitarium in Lincoln, where he was receiving treatment for his health, is so far recovered that he was able to return home and is making good gain, being able to work and was at the store where he was greeting his friends and customers, who with Billie are pleased that he is able to be home again. Visited at Omaha Monday. cnaries west and wife and son Kenneth, Harry Linder and wife. Doanie Stark and wife, J. E. Shreeve and wife made a merry Elmwood party visiting the Ak-Sar-Ben show- in Omaha Monday evening, and say they did have a good time, getting home quite a while before sunup the next morning, but that made no dif ference, for they enjoyed every min ute of the time. Jacob Sterner and Mr. and Mrs Herman Flaischman were also over and enjoyed the show. Entertain Bride-to-Be. Miss Margaret Liston, one of the very popular and accomplished young ladies of Elmwood is to be united in marriage in the near future and her friends in order to advance her hap piness have been giving parties and showers for the young lady. Last Monday Mrs. Dr. Totman and Mrs. Walsh entertained in her honor and also gave a shower for her benefit which was attended by a large num ber of the friends. Many fine presents were given the bride in token of their love for her. New Pastor Arrives The Rev. C. Jannan and wife moved to Elmwood on Thursday of this week and are located in the parsonage of the Evangelical church, lo which pastorate Rev. Jannan has been assigned for the coming year. Rev. Jannan, who has been district superintendent for the past twenty years, is well qualified for the posi tion which he has been selected to fill, being a minister of more than ordinary ability. NEW STRIKES PLAGUE FRANCE Paris, June 8. A new era of strikes gathered momentum in France Monday night as big employers, hav ing capitulated to strikers' demands under the pressure of Socialist Pre mier Leon Blum's Leftist govern ment, virtually washed their hands of the consequences. While spokesmen for employers charged that revolutionary forces are sweeping the country and predicted the cost of livnig will rise to dizzy heights, the fashionable cafes of Paris became the latest centers of strike activities as cooks, waiters and other employes halted their work. AIvo News Russell Bornemeier spent Wednes day evening at home. The farmers of this community are busy with hay making. The Timblin family spent Sunday with relatives at Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark of Uni versity Place, spent Sunday at the Clark home. Joe Bird has been carrying the mail while A. B. Stroemer has been taking a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Timblin and Willard were in Weeping Water Tuesday afternoon. Charley Stout of Beacon Hill, Sas katchewan, Canada, is expected to ar rive Friday for a visit with his par ents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosenow, Charles Rosenow and Mrs. Ester Clark drove to Weeping Water Sun day evening to see the show. Mrs. Katharine llardnock of Lin coin is visiting at the Roscoe Bird home. She expects to visit other relatives and friends before returning home. The Belmont teacher. Miss Edith Robertson, and her pupils enjoyed a fine picnic dinner with the school patrons Thursday at the school house. Mrs. Frank Taylor entertained the Ladies' Aid society at her home Wed nesday afternoon. Due to the busy season not a very large crowd at tended. Mrs. Peter Larson and daughter and her family, all of Mason City, spent from Friday until Sunday at the Elmer Klyver home. Mrs. Larson is a sister of Elmer Klyver. Charles Rosenow called ou George Mills of Murdock Sunday. Mr. Mills was in an accident near Ashland Fri day. He also called on Fred Stokes of that village who is also ill. Mr. Walter Speece of York, de clined to sign a contract for a second term in the Alvo school. He taught science and mathematics and was coach in the school the past year. Miss Edith Carlson of Oakland has been elected as the third and fourth grade teacher in the Alvo school for the next school term. Miss Carlson has been a teacher in Burt county seven years. Ray Meyers took the school band to Greenwood Saturday morning to play for the Memorial day services held there. They received many fine compliments for their good playing from the Greenwood people.. Miss Gladys Keller who has had work in Lincoln for sometime was home the first part of the week for a short vacation. She returned Thurs day where she will have work close to where she has been working. Miss Florence Taylor who has been teaching in the McCook public schools for the past eleven or twelve years, came Saturday for a week's visit" with relatives and friends. She expects to attend the State Normal college at Peru this summer. Glenn Lewis was brought home in an ambulance Sunday from the Bryan Memorial hospital where he has been since the latter part of March for treatment for poisoning of the blood stream. He stood the trip very well and it is hoped that he will soon gain his usual good health. Mr. and Mrs. George Fifer brought their little grandson, Floyd Rodeway to their home from the Bryan Mem orial hospital Thursday where he has been for several weeks because of pneumonia. Because of scarlet fever in the Rodeway family near Eagle he could not return home. Fifty-seven attended the Alumni banquet Tuesday evening in the church basement. A group of the Ladies' Aid society served' a delic ious meal to the alumni members at 7 o'clock. After enjoying a good dinner all went to the school house for the initiation and program. Mrs. Arthur""" Rlyver of Lincoln is down helping care for her mother, Mrs. Thomas Stout who has been quite ill for the past two weeks. Mrs. Stout is reported as being some bet ter. She does not have the severe pain she first suffered with from rheumatism, but remains in quite a weakened condition. More Awards Announced. For fear of some error three awards made by Supt. L. M. Hauptman ou class night were omitted from the list of awards in last week's column. Here they are: An activities medal was presented Dale Ganz because of his participation in the widest variety of school activities. He also was pre sented with an athletic medal. Dale Haertel was presented with an "A" emblem and given a full curricular credit for his splendid li brary supervision during the past two years. Hold Flower Show. The S. O. S. Flower club held a flower show In the church basement Friday afternoon. In spite of the dry weainer me ladies made quite a showing with their flowers. This was their first exhibit and it Is hoped that next year they can hold one earlier in the year, probably during the iris season. Learn of Their Popularity. Mr. and Mrs. Walter VIncient were unaware of their degree of popular ity until they w?ere awarkened in the middle of the night Tuesday by a large cnanvarl crowd that came to congratulate them. After enjoying a treat provided by the groom and offering their best wishes all depart ed leaving the newlyweds in peace. United in Marriage. Miss Bessie Daigh and Mr. Walter Vincent were united in marriage Monday, June 1st at Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klemme ac companied them to Miss Daigh's home at Albion Saturday for the ceremony. The two couples returned home late last Monday night. Miss Daigh has been a teacher of the third and fourth grades in the Alvo school the past two years. These people are held in high esteem and they have the congratulations and best wishes of their friends. Rosenow and Kuehn Picnic. On June 21st the Rosenow Kuehn families will hold their and an- nual picnic at Beatrice. All are asked to attend that possibly can. GROCER NORRIS ECHO HEARD Washington. A $200,000 damage suit was filed iii the District of Co lumbia supreme court by Robert II. Lucas, former commissioner of in ternal revenue and executive director of the republican national commit tee, against publishers of the Wall Street Journal and Frank R. Kent, columnist. Lucas told the court an article by Kent printed Sept. 10, 1935, in the Journal was calculated to injure his reputation as an attor ney of good standing. He said Kent falsely accused him of inspiring some propaganda against Alfred E. Smith, 1928 democratic presidential candi date, and with promoting the candi dacy of a Nebraska grover named George W. Norris in opposition to Senator Norris. Want ads sell all kinds of odd household goods. CASS THEATRE Friday and Saturday Matinee Sat., 2:15 DOUBLE FEATURE Plus Voice Tests on the Stage for 'RUNNIN' WILD' HIT NO. 1 PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER WITH Victor McLaglen and Freddie Bartholomew HIT NO. 2 TIM McCOY in 'Bulldog Courage9 Admission 15 and 35c Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Matinee Sunday, 2:15 ;"im. story Admission 10, 25 and 30c WEDNESDAY ONLY REDHEADS ON PARADE with John Boles and Dixie Lee Admission 10 and 25c THURSDAY ONLY Matinee at 2:15 RONALD COLEMAN IN The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo ' Admission 10 and 25c SELECTED SHORTS WITH EVERY PROGRAM! SCIENTIFICALLY COOLED HERE FROM HASTINGS From Wednesday's Dail7 Mrs. Julius Nielsen of Hastings Nebraska, was in the city for a few hours today to look after some mat ters in connection with their prop erty in the south part of the city and visiting old friends. Mrs. Nielsen re ports that their daughter. Miss Char iotte, is now located at Des Moines Iowa, where she has a very fine posi tion as a trained nurse. ATTENDS SUMMER SCHOOL Marietta Wade of W'eeping Water has completed her third year of teaching at the Hell school near Cedar Creek and will attend summer school at Peru for the next six weeks She will teach south of Avoca the coming term. NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, a Municipal Cor poration, Plaintiff. ; NOTICE vs. Carl i W. Renner, et al, Defendants. To the Defendants Carl W. Renner and wife, Mrs Carl W. Renner, first and real name unknown; Edward W. Denahay and wife, Mrs. Edward W. Denahay, first and real name unknown; Mayola D Propst and husband, Propst, first and real name unknown; Martha S. Phebus and husband Phebus, first and real name unknown; Clara Godwin and husband, Godwin, first and real name unknown; Ralph G Palmer and wife, Mrs. Ralph G. Pal mer, first and real name unknown; Walter W. Palmer and wife, Mrs Walter W. Palmer, first and real name unknown; Jeanette Tartsch and husband, Tartsch first and real name unknown; Mrs. Ed Cotner, first and real name un known, wife of Ed Cotner and to all persons having or claiming any in terest in, right or title to, or lien upon the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 2, Block 60; Lot 14, Block 20; Lots 5 and 6, Block 73; Lots 1 and 2, Block 165; Lots 7 and 8, Block 95; Lots 9 and 10, Block 95; Sublot 3 of Lot 5, Porter Place Addi tion, sometimes described as the West Half of the North Half of Lot 5, Porter Place Addition; Lots 11 and 12, Block 23, South Park Addition; Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Stadelman's Addition; the North 38 and 27 feet of Lot 13, and all of Lot 14, Block 31; Lots 14 and 15, Block 2. Stadel man's Addition; the East Half of Lot 17, in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section IS, Township 12, Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska; Lots 7 and 8, Block 39, Young and Hays Addition and' Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 88, all in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, real names un known, defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 18th day of No vember, 1935, the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, a Municipal Cor poration, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, which cause appears in Docket 7, Page 271, No. 9326. of the Records of the Clerk of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition is in accordance with a resolution adopted and passed by the City Coun cil of said City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, and which is for the fore closure of the separate tax liens on each and all of the following de scribed real estate to-wit: Lot 2, Block 60; Lot 14, Block 20; Lots 5 and 6, Block 73; Lots 1 and 2, Block 165; Lots 7 and 8, Block 95; Lots 9 and 10, Block 95; Sub-lot 3 of Lot 5, Porter Place Addition, sometimes described as the West Half of the North Half of Lot 5, Porter Place Addition; Lots 11 and 12, Block 23, South Park Addition; Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Stadelman's Ad dition; the North 38 and 27 feet of Lot 13, and all of Lot 14, Block 31; Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Stadelman's Addition; the East Half of Lot 17, in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 12, Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska; Lots 7 and 8, Block 39, Young and Hays Addition, and Lots 4, 5 and 6 Block 88, all in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska. That all of the real estate above described was subject to taxation for State, County, City, SChool District and Municipal purposes, for the several years set out in the peti tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits thereto attached and by reference made a part thereof; and that un less said taxes are paid by you, or any one of you, on said real estate, re spectively, a decree will be entered in this court foreclosing and barring you and each of you of any and all claims upon, interest in, right or title to, or lien upon or equity of redemp tion in or to all of said real estate described herein; that the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to satisfy plaintiff's lien, together with interests and costs, shall be sold in accordance with law, and for such other and further relief in the premises as may seem just and equit able to the court. You and each of you are hereby notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 27th day of July, 1936, and failing to do so, your default will be entered and judgment taken as prayed for in plaintiff's petition. CITY OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, a Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff. By J. A. CAPWELL. J8-4w Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of John Uhlik. deceased. No. 3195: Take notice that the time limited for the Dresentation and filing o claims against said estate is October 5, 1936; that a hearing will he naa at the County Court room m piaus mouth on October 9, 1936, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. . Dated June 6, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) jS-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun tv. Nebraska. To all nersons interested In the estate of R. W. Clement, deceased No. 3201: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of Janet L. Clement as Administratrix; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court ' on the 19th day of June. 1936. at ten o'clock a. m. Dated May 20, 1936. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) m25-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Estate of Marie Steppat, deceased. Estate No. 3200. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Mar tha Meisinger has filed her petition alleging that Marie Steppat died in testate in Cass county, Nebraska, on or about March 2, 1932, being a resident and inhabitant of Cass county, Nebraska, and died seized of the following described real estate, to-wit: Undivided one-half interest in Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in Block nine (9), in Young & Hayes Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska leaving as her sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: August Steppat, William Step pat, Wilhelmine Nolting, Hen rietta Schultz, Frank Steppat, Emma Kaffenberger, Martha Meisinger, Anna Marie Timken, and Eddie Steppat. That the interest of the petitioner In the above described real estate is a daughter of said deceased: and praying for a determination of the time of the death of said Marie Steppat and of her heirs, the degree or kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the State of Ne braska. It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 19th day of June, i$b, before the County Court of Cass county, in the court house at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. this 20th day of May, A. D. 193 6. A. H. DUXBURY, Seal) m25-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship. In the County Court of Cass, County, Nebraska. Estate of William B. Virgin, de ceased, instate No. 3203. The State of Nebraska: To all persons interested in said estate. creditors and heirs take notice, that Louisa A. Burr has filed her petition alleging that William B. Virgin died ntestate in Cass county. Nebraska. on or about November 10, 1923, be- ng a resident and inhabitant of Cass count', Nebraska, and died seized of a mortgage on the follow- ng described real estate, to-wit: Lot twenty-two (22) of Sub Lot four (4), in the southwest quarter (SWU) of the south west quarter (SW'i) of Section fourteen (14), Township eleven (11), Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M., in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, containing 1.69 acres; also Lot twenty-five (25) of. Sub-Lot four (4), in the southwest quarter (SWU) of the southwest quarter (SWli) of Section fourteen (14), Town ship eleven (11), Range thir teen (13), east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, con taining .16 of an acre, except ing that part of said Lot twenty five (25) theretofore deeded to School District No. 56 in Cass county, Nebraska, and also ex cepting that part of said lot theretofore deeded to Frank E. Vallery leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to wit: Charlotty Virgin, widow, and Ozro Virgin, Louisa A. Burr, Ella Read, and Aramintia Kiel, children, all of lawful age. That the interest of the petitioner in the above described real estate is owner, and praying for a determina tion of the time of the death of said William B. Virgin and of his the degree of kin3hin and thft ritrht of descent of the real property be longing to the said deceased, in the State of Nebraska. It is ordered that the f,0nr,chea,ri?s on the 3rd day of J"iy. before the Countv rvmrt of Cass County in the Court House at i-iaiismouth, Nebraska, at th hnr of 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmoi this 5th day of June, A. D. 1936. A. II. nirvniTnv (Seal) JS-3w Countv .Ti.rt NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Andrew Blum, deceased. No. 3185: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is Septem ber 28, 1936; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on October 2, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and ad- Justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated June 1, 1936. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of John J. Vetesnik, deceased. No. 3202: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased. and for the appointment of Mike L. Vetesnik, whose real name is Mich ael L. Vetesnik, as Executor thereof; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 26th day of June, 1936, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated May 28, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons Interested in the estate of Marcus L. Furlong, deceas ed. No. 3166: Take notice that the Administra tor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, dtiersii-i3.t;on of heirship, assignment of residue o! said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard berore said Court on June 26, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated May 29, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO NON-RESI DENT DEFENDANT To Henry G. Inhelder. defendant: You are hereby notified that Jen nie A. Weller, as plaintiff, duly filed a petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in an action entitled Jennie A. Weller, plaintin vs. Clara B. Weast, et al, defendants. Docket 7, page 14 6, the object ana prayer of which are to foreclose a first mortgage upon the Southwest Fractional Quarter (SWfr'4) and the South Half of the Northwest Frac tional Quarter (S4NWfr4) of Sec tion Nineteen (19), Township Twelve North, Range Twelve East of toe 6th P. M. in Cass County, Nebraska, such mortgage being recorded in Book 56, page 620 of the Mortgage Records of said county, and upon which mortgage debt there is due plaintiff the sum of 111,590.95 as of June 26, 1935. with interest at 10 per annum from said date; that you must plead to said petition on or be fore July 13, 1936, or a decree will be entered establishing a first mort gage lien in favor of plaintiff for $11,590.95 and interest at 10 per annum from June 26, 1935, as a first mortgage lien upon said property and said property will be ordered sold and the proceeds applied to the payment of plaintiff's decree. Interests and costs, and you will be forever barred and foreclosed from all right, title, interest or equity of redemption iu and to said premises. JENNIE A. WELLER, m28-4w Plaintiff. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. DEFENDANT In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Harry Edmondson, 1 Piaintirr. vs. j NOTICE W. P. McGeorge, first real j name unknown, j Defendant. j TO: W. P. McGeorge, first real name unknown, Defendant: Above named defendant. W. P. Mc George, first real name unknown, take notice that you have been sued by Harry Edmondson, plaintiff in the above entitled court and action for the recovery of $50,000.00 as dam ages with costs and the following described personal property belong ing to you has been attached in said action, to-wit: One Quarter Boat 100 feet long, One Pile Driver Vessel, Number 14, One Pila Driver Vessel, Number 17, One Pile Driver Vessel, Number 15, Four Wood Barges 24x100, Eight Pontoons 14x40, One Steel Barge 25x100, Two Tug Boat Hulls. That unless you answer or plead to the petition of the plaintiff filt-d herein in said action on or before the 20th day of July, 1936, plaintiff's petition will be taken as true and Judgment will be rendered asainst you for the sum of $50,000.00 as damages and costs, and an order en tered ordering the sale of the prop erty above described for the tutis faction of such Judgment and costs, in the event that said property i3 forthcoming to thp forthcoming hond on file herein, wherein W. P. Mc George. first real name unknown, is principal and the Aetna Casualty In surance Company, is surety in the sum of $69,000.00. HARRY EDMONDSON, Plaintiff. FRANK A. DCTTO.V. Plaintiff's Attorney. Phone news items to No. 6.