The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1936, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1936.
Elmwood News
Peter C. Hansen of Plattsmouth
was visiting in Elmwood for the aft
ernoon last Tuesday.
Wright Gillett and wife and Frank
Clllett, jr., and family, both from
Lincoln, were spending last Sunday
with Grandfather and Grandmother
Frank Gillett.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bornemeier
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius
G. Engelkemeier some seven miles
west of Murray.
L. D. Bliss of Des Moines, Iowa,
was a visitor in Elmwood Friday of
last week and was visiting with his
brother, Rev. W. B. Bliss for the re
4 mainder of the week.
Mr. and Mrs Emmitt Cook and
family were visiting in Lyons last
Saturday and Sunday with the folks
of Mr. Cook where he was born and
lived in his early childhood.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Streeter of
Chicasaw, Oklahoma, were spendin
a few days during the past week
visiting with his sisters, Mesdames
Bess Streeter Aldrich and J. P. Cobb.
Simon A. Boyles of Alvo was In
Elmwood and made the purchase of
one of the latest model Studebaker
four doer sedans getting the same
through the Ronald Schlictemeisr
Carl Schneider, who is employed
at Lexington, was spending Mem
orial day and Sunday at home visit
- iug with the wife and other relatives
and friends, returning to his work ou
Orv..MMeY,o'fl2 of the men who
iJN f ',rs Sas and otner goods for the
yidwood Farmers Oil company, pur
- chased a new Chevrolet truck from
Ronald Schlichtemier, which he will
use in his business.
Mesdames Margaret Miller, Bess
Tyson Robb and Ella Southerland, all
of Lincoln, were visiting in Elmwood
last Sunday and were attending the
meeting of the M. I. S. S. at the home
of Mrs. Inez Greene.
, Miss Ruby Bliss, daughter of Rev.
end Mrs. W. B. Bliss who has been
teaching at Chadron Normal school,
v.-ith the close of the school year, re
turned to Elmwood to spend her vaca
tion with her parents.
The Flanders-Smith colored glee
club of Fort Smith, Arkansas, gave a
very enjoyable concert at the parlors
of the Methodist church in Elmwood
last Wednesday, which was largely
attended and well enjoyed.
Miss Frances Bliss and brother,
James Bliss, who have been attend
ing Wesleyan University at Lincoln,
with the close of the school year,
are spending the vacation with their
parents. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Elis3.
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Turner of Mar
quette were over the week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Xorville Both
well as were also John E. Turner and
family of Plattsmouth, where they
were visiting with the father, Oscar
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flaischmann
were in Omaha last Friday and Sat
urday looking after business matters
and visiting with relatives, as well
as attending the Ak-Sar-Ben races
which are attracting many to Omaha
at this time.
Carl Skeen who has been teaching
at Pierce with the close of his school
has returned to Elmwood and is visit
ing with the mother. Carl and wife
also are to attend Peru Normal this
summer, as they are both to teach
the coming school yea.r
Mrs. Ida Jeary Dean of Imperial
and two aunts, formerly Misses Han
nah and Lona Dittman, but now mar
ried, were visiting in Elmwood, at-
tending the M. I. S. S. at the home
of Mrs. Inez Greene Sunday and with
their many other friends here and
spending Memorial day also.
Emil Meyers and family of Fair
bury, were guests for the day last
Saturday at the home of the parents
of Mrs. Meyers, Frank Gillett and
wife, and when they returned home
their son Richard remained for a
visit for the week with the grand
parents and is enjoying his stay here
very much.
Mrs. Wm. Winkler was over to the
home of Wm. Strich west of Murdock
v. here she enjoyed dinner Sunday
Buy Anything but a
Perfect Fit?
It stands to reason A Suit
that is tailored for YOU t3
better. You have 300 se
lections all pure wool, at
$23.50 Up
Personalized Tailoring
and with her sister and husband
went to Lincoln to see Mr. Winkler
who is making fine progress at this
time as he has been very ill at the
hospital in Lincoln. Much pleasure
is had on account of the Improvement
of the health of Mr. Winkler who Is
promised to early leave the hospital.
Mrs. H. A. Williams Still Poorly
Mrs. Harry Williams who was
taken severely ill while in Platts
mouth some two weeks ago, still re
mains confined to her bed and is be
ing cared for at this time by her
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Reeder of Platts
mouth. Meet with Inez Greene.
The members of the M. I. S. S. an
organization which has existed for
the past thirty years in Elmwood and
which' in the beginning was composed
of some thirty-five young ladies, then
making their homes in Elmwood and
whoso habit was to meet on the day
following Memorial days when they
recounted the other days when they
were young, always at the home of
one of the members of the order who
either resided in Elmwood or other
places. This year it fell to the order
to gather with Mrs. Inez Greene who
has been a member for the past thirty
years and who entertained about thirty-five
members and guests at her
home last Thursday. Many of the
members have gone to other places to
make their homes but are all pleased
to return for the annual meeting. All
have married and while it is the same
individuals who first organized the
club, they are making their homes
at many places and under much dif
ferent circumstancec.
The gathering this time was on
last Sunday and was at the Greene
home. The club entertained Mrs. Bess
Streeter Aldrich, Mrs. Daisy Lang
horst Moore of Omaha and a sister
of Mrs. Aldrich who has been visit
ing here for the past week from Cedar
Falls, Iowa.
Visiting Old Home in East.
Mrs. Lucy Lyie who is manager of
the Elmwood telephone exchange,
who has been closely kept to her
work, departed last Tuesday morn
ing for Washington, D. C, where she
will visit with relatives and friends
for a time and later w ill go to a num
ber of places in Virginia where she
lived when a child and where she has
many relatives at this time. The visit
will continue until about June 10th
when she is expected to be home
Married in Lincoln.
Miss Hilda Schmidt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Schmidt of
Murdock and who has been making
her home at Lincoln for some few
years past, was united in marriage to
Mr. Franci3 Echey of Lincoln Thurs
day of last week, were spending a few
days with Mrs. Wm. Winkler, who is
a sister of the bride. Last Saturday
they went to Murdock where they
visited with the bride's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. H. R. Schmidt and will after
the coming week be at home in Lin
Will Hold Family Reunion.
The families of the Bornemeiers,
Lenz, Oehlerkings and Reuters, who
reside in Cass county and many in
Lincoln and vicinity are to hold their
annual family reunion at Aantelope
park in Lincoln Sunday, June 7th,
when it is expected some 150 will
be in attendance. Following dinner
they expect to have the program,
which is a feature of the gathering,
they will have their annual election
of officers, the present officers being
Herman L. Bornemeier, Alvo, presi
dent, Edward Bornemeier, secretary
treasurer. Thi;s i3 the sixteenth an
nual gathering.
Celebrate 117th Anniversary.
The members of the I. O. O. F. of
Elmwood lodge are celebrating this
evening at their hall the 117th anni
versary of the instituting of the first
lodge of this order in America, on
June 4, 1819, which wa3 instituted
at Baltimore, Md.
The order here are having an ap
propriate program and a social time
with eats, which is furnished by Her
man Penterman as the chef. The or
der is very active at this time and
are working very hard for the ad
vancement of the order.
The election, for the current six
months of this year was Frank Turn
er for the position of Noble Grand,
while the position of Vice Grand was
filled by H. Wall. There was no elec
tion of secretary or treasurer at this
time but only at the mid-winter elec
tion The appointive officers will be
supplied at the meeting at which in
stallation of officers i3 held which
will be during the coming week.
The Daughters of Rcbekah Joined
with the I. O. O. F. in the ecclcbra
tion and their election which also
occurred last week consisted of the
election of Mrs. Sylvia Penterman as
Noble Grand and Mrs. Alfred Race as
Vice Grand.
A supply of the complimentary
den show and race tickets, good on
Southeastern Nebraska day, Monday,
June 8, has been received here and
may be obtained at the Bates Book
Store or Conis Shining Parlor.
Present indications point to the
usual large crowd from here attend
ing the den shw in the evening,
and in addition a good many will go
up for the afternoon racing program.
Although no admission is charged to
holders of these complimentary tick
ets to the races, there are certain
state and federal taxes that cannot
be waived, amounting in all to 25
cents per person. It is this state tax
money, coupled with some of the
proceeds from the pari-mutuel bet
ting that is apportioned back to the
various county fairs of the state, and
the law prescribes that the tax must
be paid, even on complimentary ad
missions. Those desiring tickets can obtain
just the kind they will require one
type good for both the race3 and
show and the other good only for the
night show by calling for same at
either of the above mentioned places
of business.
A delay in getting the tickets here
this year may inconvenience some,
but there is still ample time and
will be ample tickets for all who de
sire to go.
Present indications are that the
new Murray-Lewiston band under the
direction of James Smith, will ac
company the Cass county delegation
to the show. Mr. Smith took his
Lewiston band up three years ago.
A large delegation from Union is
planning to attend, also a goodly
number from Louisville, Murray and
other towns and Nebraska City is ar
ranging for a large auto caravan.
The golden wedding of Dr. and
Mrs. Carroll D. Evans, of Columbus,
was observed at their home the past
week, the event being attended by a
very large number of the friends
from over the state. Dr. Evans is one
of the prominent leaders in Masonic
circles of the state and is well known
in this city, having been a member
of the board of control of the Ne
braska Masonic Home for a great
many years and often visiting here.
Dr. Luther M. Kuhns of Omaha was
one of the guest3 and renewed the
marriage vows of the golden Avedding
ceremony at the Evans home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ramsey, of
Omaha, the former grand master of
the Nebraska Masons and Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Robertson of this
city, the former grand senior war
den of the Nebraska Masons, were
among the members of the distin
guished party present at the Evans
Local employes of the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph company began
June 1 a campaign to increase the
company's Postal Telegraph business.
Distinctive plaques will be awarded
to district area and exchange group
Throughout the campaign the ef
forts of telephone employes will be
directed not only toward stimulating
the sale of Postal Telegraph mes
sages, but will also stress the fact
that such messages may be dictated
to a telephone operator, with the
charges appearing on regular tele
phone statements.
The Plattsmouth friends will be
pleased to learn that Mrs. D. W.
Parker, of Lincoln, operated on'a few
days ago for appendicitis, is now
doing very nicely at the Bryan Mem
orial hospital at Lincoln. She was
stricken with a sudden attack of ap
pendicitis and which necessitated an
operation at once.
Mrs. J. Howard Davi3, of this city,
a daughter, has been at Lincoln to
care for the mother and Mr. Davis
motored out thi3 afternoon to visit
with the patient and Mr3. Davis.
Mr. and Mr3. Eugene Burdic and
little son and daughter of St. Ed
ward, Nebraska, were her over De
coration day and Sunday to enjoy
the week end at the home of Mr3.
Burdic's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
Schneider, as well as meeting the
many old time friend3.
MEN WANTED for Rawleigh
Routes of 800 families in Mills (la.)
Fremont (la) counties and Platts
mouth. Reliable hustler should start
earning $25 weekly and increase rap-1
idly. Write today. Rawleigh. Dept.
NBF-2S1-S, Freeport, 111. J4-18
Double Feature Show
Ricardo Cortez in an Action Thriller
'Man Hunt9
and Hoot Gibson's New Western
SucIiy Terror'
Chapt. 1 Flash Gordon Serial
Added Attraction, New Game
Adults 25 Children 10
Eott. Montgomery and Myrna Loy in
'Petticoat Fever'
Comedy, Cartoon, News
Sunday Matinee at 2:30
Matinee Prices Evening Prices
10 25: 10-300
Sunday, June 7
9:00 a. m. Teacher's meeting.
9:30 a. m. Church school.
During this hour the Job's Daugh
ters will make their visitation to our
church, hence, a full worship and in
struction period will take place, in
stead of the usual breaking up into
classes, for class discussions. We in
vite all people of the church to this
early morning service, especially
those who do not attend the German
service, which will follow at 10:30
a. m.
2:00 p. m., final rehearsal for the
children's Day program. All parti
cipants and members of the church
school are required to be present.
Sunday, June 14
9:45 a. m. Church school.
10:30 a. m. Children's Day service,
"A Festival of Praise." -
During the pastor's vacation period
services will be held at 9:00 a. m.
and will be in charge of Rev. Walter
Ivieker, of Omaha. Church school
will meet at 10:00 a. m. This will be
effective June 21 and June 28.
Progress in the "150 Crub" mem
bership drive has been slowed up a
good deal since the last report a few
days ago. As a result, there is still
a marked shortage in money required
to meet the area due3, to say noth
ing of overhead expense.
Only about half the solicitors al
loted lists of names to be seen and a
return made thereon, have submitted
their reports, the other half leaving
the committee in the the dark as to
how much has really been paid in.
Dues collected should be turned in
to E. II. Wescott, accompanied by a
statement showing those paid.
Splendid progress has been made
in Scouting during the last couple
of years, and it is hoped to keep up
the good record.
Friday and Saturday
Matinee Sat., 2:15
'Show Them No
Rochelle Hudson
Bruce Cabot
'Sunset o Power'
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Matinee Sunday, 2:15
Ann Sothern and
Bruce Cabot in
'Don't Gamble
with Iove'
Matinee at 2:15
j'BeviPs Squadron9
with . Richard Dix
W.-- -, rV - . . 1
Weeping Water
O. R. Dinger and John Bolz were
In Plattsmouth last Tuesday looking
after some business matters.
Mis3 Mayme Hillman has been hav
ing a new rear porch built at the
cafe, the work being done by Henry
George Metcalt was called to
Plattsmouth last Monday to look
after some business and was a caller
on his friend, W. G. Kleck.
Walter Johnson has commenced
working in the blacksmith shop of
John E. Johnson and is doing a good
bit of work as assistant blacksmith.
Ross Shields and wife were enjoy
ing a visit with their daughter at
Louisville last Sunday, where they
and the folks there enjoyed a very
pleasant visit.
Dennis Thoul who has been work
ing for Louis Allgueyer for the past
few months has resigned and depart
ed for McCook where he has a posi
tion with some government project.
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Sing of Lin
coln were visiting and attending the
Memorial services in Weeping Water
Sunday. They formerly resided here,
but have lived in Lincoln for some
Wm. Patterson of Murray, was
spending a number of days this week
in Weeping Water and was visiting
with his brothers, David Patterson
in the country and Judge A. J. Pat
terson in town.
Miss Carrie Schafer who has been
making her home with her sister,
Mrs. Ed Pankonin south of Weeping
Water, was a visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rhoden in Man
ley last Friday.
Dennis Oldham was in Omaha last
Monday evening when the storm
broke and he confidently said that
he would much rather have been back
in Weeping Water, especially when
the hail was falling.
Art Johnson who has been giving
dances on the pavement on Saturday
nights, has changed the date to
Thursday since the beginning of the
free band concerts which commence
this Thursday evening.
Mrs. Oti3 Sargeant of Omaha, was
a visitor for over the week end at
the home of friend3 in Weeping Wa
ter and on Monday was taken to her
home In the big city by Mrs. John
Jourgeson and Mayme Hillman.
Ella Beck, living in the country
towards Nehawka was in Weeping
Water and made the purchase of a
new Maytag washing machine from
the distributing station here and is
well satisfied with the new labor
Knude Jensen, C. J. Algaard and
Ralph Keckler were In Omaha last
Monday attending the Ak-Sar-Ben
races and enjoyed the entertainment
very much. Again on Tuesday Mr
Algaard was called to Omaha to look
after some business.
Randall Oldham who makes his
home in Omaha where he is employ
ed, was a visitor in Weeping Water
for Memorial day and was accom
panied by his lady friend, Miss Dor
othea Kelley, visiting at the O. A,
Oldham home, returning home Sun
day evening.
The Hard Brothers, northeast of
Weeping Water, have gotten over
their corn for the first time with
the two row machine and as well for
the first time with the cultivator,
they doing the. work with horse pow
er and are liking that manner of
cultivation better than that of other
kinds of power.
P. A. Johnson, father of John E
Johnson and grandfather of the Oscar
Johnson children, who makes his
home in Lincoln, came to Weeping
Water last Friday and has been visit
ing with relatives and will remain
until the end of this week. He was
accompanied by his son, Elmer John
son, also of Lincoln, who spent Mem
orial day here and returned, leaving
the father for a longer visit.
Miss Ruth Homan at Hospital.
Miss Ruth Homan who has been
employed at the home of Mrs. Freda
Johnson as housekeeper, was taken
suddenly very seriously ill and as her
illness was so severe Mrs. Johnson
with her auto took Miss Ruth to Om
aha where she was entered at the
University hospital and after a criti
cal examination it was found neces
sary for the patient to undergo a
major operation. Since the operation
she has been resting as easily as the
circumstances under which she Is
now will admit. It Is thought that
she will soon rally and be on the
highway to complete recovery.
Oscar Hinds Receives Injury
As a result of stumbling over some
garden tools In the garage in the
dark, Oscar C. Hinds Is suffering from
a fractured collar bone. While suf
fering greatly he is getting along
and is taking the matter as psy
chologically as possible and tells his
friends that the injury was caused
when he went down in a well to get
definite Term
Loan Repayment
According to schedule, based on payment plan
selected by borrower, is another decided ad
vantage of a Direct Reduction Home Loan.
Under the Federal Home
Loan Banh Plan
Time of re-payment may be guaranteed for
any term, five to fifteen years, according to
amount of monthly payment being made, un
affected by variations in, or suspension of
No Share Purchases Required;
No Loan Commissions Charged!
Ilebr. City Federal Savings & Loan Association
(Fifty Years' Continuous Service in Savings and Loan3)
a drink and slipped and fell out of
the well.
Visited with Friends Here.
A. R. Birdsall and E. L. McCartley
and wife have been enjoying a visit
for the past week from Supt. John
Weatherhoog and family of Bloom
field. Mrs. Weatherhogg is daughter
of Mr. A. R. Birdsall and as well sis
ter of Mrs. E. L. McCartney. The
visit was a most pleasant one for all
parties. Supt. Weatherhoog who has
been at Bloomfield for the past eight
years has been re-elected for the com
ing year.
Why Wonder, Why Wonder.
It was rather mystifying when the
above title was selected for the play
which the young people of Weeping
Water chose to give as their play for
the benefit of the band. The play
went over so nicely that it was given
again Monday night of this week.
Had Attack of Virtugo.
While Ross Shopshire was at a
store down town he was taken with a
sudden faintaing sensation and fell
down in the store, but was revived
and taken home, where a short time
later he suffered a second attack.
However he has been feeling much
better since rallying from the second
attack. His many friends are hoping
that he may soon be in his former
good health.
Visited Here for Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubbard of
Taylor, were visiting for over Sun
day with friends here, being guests
at the home of J. I. Corley and Miss
Anna Hubbard, they coming for
Memorial day. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Wm. Kidder and
young son of Sargent, who went to
Murray where she visited with her
sister, Mrs. Margaret Brendel and son
Richard, and as well with Mrs. John
T. Bates and daughter. Miss Mary
Louise, who are visiting there from
their home at Rising City. On Mon
day Mrs. Brendel and son, Richard,
brought Mrs. Kidder and son to
Weeping Water to return home with
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard.
Visiting in Iowa.
Stuart Rough of Nehawka, a bro
ther of Miss Agnes Rough, depart
ed last week for Iowa City, where he
' Rapid and
0)Hfs Economical Service
Available at
Any Distance
Sattler service is available miles
and miles away; our friends every
where in this territory may call us,
in time of need, with the assurance
that we will respond promptly and
serve with economy.
is visiting with his two daughters,
Mrs. H. J. Dane and Mrs. Ben Ben
son, and was accompanied by Mis3
Agnes, where they are remaining for
the week. During the time they are
away Miss Mable Dudley is looking
after the beauty shop and store of
Miss Rough. When they return, they
will be accompanied by Mrs. Benson
and her two small daughters who will
remain for the summer at Nehawka
and where Mr. Benson will keep
house for her father. Miss Agnes will
return to her busines in Weeping
Water the latter part of this week.
Sell Many Refrigerators.
C. B. Compton, who is associated
with Mr. O. O. Kimber in the hand
ling of the Allied and Kelvinator elec
tric refrigerators, has been in Weep
ing Water thd past week and
during that time ha3 disposed of
some four refrigerators and is find
ing the demand very brisk. These
refrigerators with the steady demand
for the Maytags which Mr. Kimber
is handling has been keeping these
gentlemen very busy.
Will Attend Summer School.
Miss Donn Lee Baker who was
teacher at Reserve, Kansas for the
past year, with the opening of the
summer school the coming week at
Feru, will attend there, and thus
make herself more proficient for ter
chosen vocation, that of teaching.
First Band Concert Tonight.
The band stand for the concert.3
which the Weeping Water band are
to feature this summer has been
placed and everything is ready for
the first concert which is to be held
this evening (Thursday). The Weep
ing Water band 13 well equipped for
the task of giving the very best en
tertainment for the citizens of Weep
ing Water and to all who attend
these free entertainments.
Visiting in Iowa.
Wm. Marshall and wife of Doug
las and parents of Spencer J. Mar
shall, departed last Saturday from
their home at Douglas, going to Ot
tumwa, Iowa, where they are visiting
for two weeks at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Davis and hus
band. Phono news Hems to No. 6.
ST. & AVE.
vnifSTi j t i ij 1 r mi 1 tiLirrj