a THURSDAY, JAITIIAEY 2, 1936. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAL PAGE SEVEU P A ? AND Nefaawk "!5 SUDDEN DEATH cf crutches. We are pleased to re port that the injured ar.kle is now' showing some improvement. 11 Alvin Pollard and John W. Mur doch are the latest owners of new Plymouth cars. Fon I'hilnot, the salesman for the Farmers Oil Company, was called to : Omaha last Monday to look after some business matters. j Luccan Carper, of Murray, was a ! visitor ia Nehawka last Monday,, coming' to look after some business i terloek. requiring an acetylene torch ' matters for a short time. j Mis. Jesse M. Smith, of Mynard Christmas in Onaha T.oy Crear.it r and family, Ander sen Lloyd and family and Victor, Wehrbeir. and family and his moth- ! er, Mrs. Nellie Wehrbeiti were guests . on Christmas day at the hone of Mr. j and Mrs. Walter Sans and his moth-i er, or Omaha, where they ail c moved a fine Christmas dinner and vis::, i L- -J V is 6 For a Limited Time . . . We offer you Choice of Cur Entire Overcoat Stock, at $2.5 ?! 7-50 s&9-50 These are dl new this season's Coats and cannot be duplicated at ihb money as woolens arc going up daily. WSSCOTT'S Editor's Note: In printing this help it if the facts are revolting. If article, written especially for The you have the nerve to drive last and; to cut them apart. In a recent case Reader's Digest, and reprinted by take chances, you ought to have thc.u that sc rt taey lotind tne o:u lau, m..st on chritrns d-v a' the permission cf the publishers. The nerve to take the appropriate cure, who bad been sitting in back, lying ; - ' " ' " ' Journal hones that in some measure You can't ride an ambulance or watch .ceros;; the lap of her daughter, who , -:omc cu Mr. and Mrs. no t.regg, re it mav ai.l in reducing the loll of ac- the uo.tor working on the victim iu!was in front, each soaked in her own. siding north cf Nehawka. cifient"; which fat h viar claim death the kosrital. but vuu can read. land the other's blood indistinguish- The automobile is treacherous, just ablv, each so shattered and broken and iniurv victims in this vicinity. If the reader, at the threshold of a - a c& s It i3 tragically difficult : l--dl v a3 no l,UIIil WUttlt,,H 1U the New Year, will read this article lo real,-ze thal it can become the an autopsy to determine whether it with attention and photograph its deadlier! missile. As enthusiasts ttH'v'&s broken net!: or ruptured heart Gruesome details on his mind, per- ,)U it nabe Ga feel like nothing at .that caused death. haps he mav be paved later ircm the ' Eut c-, an lKVUV iqo feet a! Overturning cars specialize m cer horrible expriences described by Mr. s.,(ont a spo,d which puts a vicious-'.tain injuries. Cracked pelvis, for m r urnas. lv unjustified responsibility on brakes t a n c e. piarantec-ins agonizing 1 ermission to publish the article ' , n, r(,Yi.c nH r ircuir.t- ! mouths in bed. motionless, perhaps was obtained by the Plattsmouth j v tu rn'this duciYe'luxurv into a mad ; crippled for life broken spine re- A. F. Fturni. Chamber of Commerce, and this er- c.iCT.baiU. jsr.lting rom sheer side wise twist conization has alio distributed near- .,."';:,. tnvr.r , - r.iwire. I the miner details of smashed knees ar- each n 0f accident products cither .and spiintcreu sfiouiuer otaues causes TO :, .-nM.'rini; ci.ad men cr a crashing ' h' crashing into the side of the car change of direction-ond. since the as sm, g, s m t r v th t he s . 1 o a oceur.ant nuanins! you continues ; iane roller coaster anu the It thai in the- old direction at the original om-.equcii.ts of broken ribs which :xn-ov. everv surface and angle of the I'uncture hearts and mugs vMth their ear's interior immediately becomes a a v." ends. The consequent internal battering, tearing projectile, aimed "l '-'" J'"" :..-uareiv at vou inescapable. There cause it is tne p.eural inru-ad ot the Charles Davis and wife were en- joying a visit with the parents of Mr. ! Dvis. at Tekamah. they driving over to the Hurt county town n their car. Mi s. John Yeiser and her two; sens, And' and Jack, were down sev- ; cral davs last week, visit ii:g at the' home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Christmas at Troop Kovze ! W. O. Troop and wife enjoyed i themselves at home CLristma-. day. j their daughter, Miss Loir,, who is a j student at the University oi Nt-bras-jka, and their sons, Thomas and Earl, jail being present to enjoy the day with them. lv io. pami.hlets containing the ti le. MAKE A RESOLUTION 11 i: L P PLDUCE ACCiliEN'TS i : c t . AliD EUDEZH rLAIH F. C. Furnas IN Like tie prucsoyrtc spectacle of a L-.1 aniomooiie accictt it re!, tl:e tea I U-lie details of ti.ia criieic tciil iiiiiseate t-onit reciicr. Tl.o-c who fit d tken.ficlcc tkns pr'tcted ct tke outlet ere ciniii d (.(."junt reaa..:p t: e article i.i i' :ti,ciy. rmec there i.-; no letuoicn i.i the author's oat sj'okr;; treatment of tickeuir.3 facts. Publicizing the total of motoring is no bracing yourselt against these imperative laws cf momentum. It's like coins over Niagara Falls in a steel barrel full of railroad spikes. The best thing that can hap pen to ycu and one of the rarer thing? is to be thrown oat as the doers spring open, so you have only the ground to reckon with. True, you strike with as much force as if you had been thrown from the Twen tieth Century at top speed. Put at injuries almost a million last year. leEyt you are Ppared the lethal array, with 36,000 deaths never gets to o Reaming metal knobs and edges first ba.-e in jarring the motorist into anjJ siaiS inside the car. a realization of tne appalling risiis abdominal cavity that is filling with Mood. Flying glass safety glasr, is by no means universal yet contributes much more than its share to the spectacular flue of accidents. It doesn't merely cut the fragments are driven in as if a eannon loaded with broken bottles had been fired in your face, and a sliver in the eye, traveling with such force, means cer tain blindness. A leg or arm stuck through the windshield will cut clean to the heme thre.ugh vein, artery and muscle like a piece of beef under the P.oy Gregg made the home happy when he purchased a now Maytag wa: her for the pood wife, with which to ( : the laundry work with the least pr ssiMe effort. M::;. A. J. Koss was stricken sud den! ill last week and has been con ::ncd to her bed. Sl;e is showing slight improvement, but is still in sjricus condition. P3easE.Rt Family Dinner The Anderson family have a prac- , the of getting : or ether the Sunday ! after Christmas each year and t::j. y- iniT a family reunion and dinner. Tl:i:; time it fell to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson to entertain the other mem bers. f the family. There were 22 gathered around the festive b'verd. A spiendid time was had. as usual, ami all ;n joyed the excellent dinner that v, as ftrved by Mrs. Anderson. Those v. i.o v erc pres-. nt included Dan An dersen and family of southwest of io-e. n cm the O street road, Andrew Kcv. !):eie"orff, cf Omaha, will close on Friday. January 10. Our i.i'b.' onference conducted by P.ev. and Mrs. C. L. Nixon, of Omaha, v as e ujoyt d by all. j The Woman's so iety will be en-' tor tuir.ee by Mrz. Lloyd tbis week. i GTTEKLEIN CHURCH Pibie church s'luv.l at 10 a. m. ' :: mint v.m-.rVp L rvi e at 11 a. m. j Tito Woman s s. c : will be en-; tertained by Mrs. M. C. Christenscn t bis v c k. ; P.ev. II. A. Pierdorff of our thurch ! :;t On. aba will speak at Otterbein : ehurch at the Sunday morning ser- j vi- e. Come. I Let us pray for tbe lost and by all means win some. V'isliing all a' liappy New Year. ! RIVALS lit GALLANT DUEL ovxecoze by rui-izs of mote ring. He does not translate cry statistics into a reality of blood and ag my. butcher's knife, and it takes little Anything can happen in that split Uime to lose a fatal amount of blood second of crash, even those lucky es-jUI1der such circumstances. Even capes you hear about. People have safetv glass may not be wholly safe z. . - , . . 'dived through windshields and come when the car crashes something at Figures exclude tae pain anu . -nrfi(.5al scratches. ' c,i v h.r if..,,,,.np V-,. e c,t-., -..i -.M-r Mot -V,r, xv h r- h ---- - . . .w .j.v... - - " -. w . , means they leave out the point. They need to be brought cither home. A passing loMi at a bad smash cr the news that a ftilow you had lunch wit b, last week is in a hospital with a brck.n back will make any driver but a bora fool slow down at least temporarily. Eut what is u ceded is a vivid and sustained realization that every time you step cu the throttle, death ge ts in beside you. nor :lu'.ly waiting bo his chance. That single horrible accident you may have wit nessed is no isolated horror. That sort of thing happens every hour oi the day. everywhere ia the United Ftates. If you really felt that, per haps the cold lines of type in Mon day's paper recording that a total of 2 9 local citizens v. ere killed in week end crashes would rate something mere than a perfunctory tut-tut as .-,,, ti.rT. 1.01-1- tn tVio . n.rts im?p n ete' pi i !n" judre no w and In ttie middle of the front seat they )C.r( d individually by doctors and po :., K"-..lr'rK klps drivers to found a nine-months-old baby sur- lieme n. you have to do somet hing as ton- the accident end of a city ro -nded by broken glass and yet ab- I srroteFQUe as the lady who burst the ; morgue. Put even a mangled bouy Th"v have run cars together head on, ' ta;t s 0f how a flving human body reducing both to twisted junk, and will make a neat hole in the stuff ha n found unhurt and arguing hit- ; with its head the shoulders stick terly two minutes afterward. Put tne glass holds and the raw. keen death was there just the same he edge of the hcie decapitates the body v. as only exercising his privilege of :;s neatly as a guillotine, being erratic. This spring a wreck-, Or. to continue with the eiecapi ing crew pried the door off a car tating motif, going ?f; the foad into which had been overturned down an a nost-and-rail It nee can put vou embankment and out stepped the pyond v orrying about other in driver with only a scratch on his 'juries immediately v. ben a rail ' Miss Lois Troop, who is home from the University of Nebraska fcr the 1 mid-winter vacation, was a guest at t the home of her sister. Mrs. Victor :Vehrbein, on Christmas day. I 11 t'l.nrU.l :'T(1 V. i f f vprn ft ' Cedar Creek last Thursday, where j they attended the fune ral of the bete j I Ie.hr. Caucr. The two men had been' close friends fe.r a number of years. ; Mrs. L. E. MePride. of Lincoln. .was a visitor at the home of her brother. Roy Gregsr and family, and '. hetr mother, Orandmoibcr Gregg, fcr j Christmas, all enjoying the visit to-' I get her. Ilennings Johnson has been tbe ' unfortunate loser cf fivv' of his best horses, all c f which, it is thoupht died from corns'alk disease. This comes as a seve'-e ": low t . Mr. Johnson, as rro-d burses cost plenty of money and ate hard t.; get at that. Fred N'::t:r..sn v. ar. taken with a . f.nJJ'. n il'.neis Friday evening of Anders.m and family of Omaha., ; Edith Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. K. i , V. Y.'hite. of Louisville, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquardt. of Avoca. United Erethren ir. Christ Rev. Otto Engebrerson. Pastor Phone 2241 NEHAWKA CHURCH Ilil hurch sc lni'd at le a. E'cning g-.spel service at 7 :.'!'. Gothenburg, Neb. Mrs. John Cun ningham, v. ite of the school principal here, is recovering in a hospital fiom the effects of fumes from the furnace in her home. She was overcome when the Cue became clogged with soot. Cunningham, on his return from school, found his wife unconscious and rushed her to a hospital. Chit ag.;. A eroi:; f::e of j retty pk-.isantrks c ptm d the cong: cs-i'U.a. "battie" cm Chicago's Ccdd Coast. The principals in the gallant duel v. e re Mrs. i 'riLa Paur, republican na tional comr-.itt' c-wen.-u for liiino:-. wLo sc -ks bee j arty's nomination in that distrii t, tbe ninth and Repre sentative Jame s Mr A ndrev. s. the detu ocratie in vn.Vu.t. v. bo has not yei cc-e'arfd hie, intentioi's. .Slated Jvlrs. Paur: "I ihink M: McAr.dre v. n is smarter than I am." ltej...inetl ( (:, i man M.-An lre.s: "No. I don't thin!; . o. t"h bright and tint- on an." M rs. I.aur c ibo: a . . : '.to a !;;.t i ie of j : i:o ipl .- I alities." ;: - : . . eu.an NeAnde- v out : ' Ev :i it I 1; :.-v. against any a-niidate. I v. b d ;t atcd than say it." The compliments ere carrie r back and te eth by a it porter r.ga-"-d in a little reconnc iter i:ig in v.l.at had a1 -ays been a politiral l.attU-ii' 1J. : a very : t to I. - ::.t . a':yi i.i'. -t uld i at lo r i Ke?d r-irtim? .Vjitt c-1! Cur sic ini meetings conducted by j an-j ycu-tj find lis on the jcb. frfic'o cr crci.trv dollars r-itl-cr kir.d v.-ill tVl' t 'J rr.rct if cy-c"-':-! i-, your brrrc comrrun- i r .cr ccrr.rr.L n'.l-j c cheek. Put his mother v. as still in- : comes through the windshield and last week and v. ill be required to re- sicie. a splinter of wood Horn the top Uars off your head with its splintery driven four inches into her brain as .n(j not as neat a job but thor !a result of son's taking a greasy uughly efficient. Lodies are often 'curve a little too fast. No blood no found with their shoes off and their horribly twisted bones just a gray- . fCl.t all broken out of shape. The haired corpse still clutching her s hoes are back on the door of the packet book in her lap as she had ear. empty and with their laces still clutched it when she ftlt the car ; neatly tied. That is the kind of im leave the road. pact produced by moaern speeds. Cm that same curve a month later,! jut a.j that is routine in every a li'rht touring car crashed a tree. American communitv. To be remem- .ain iti bed for sjiue time. Vv'hile he on a slab. v. axiiy portraying the con sequences of bad motoring judgment, isn't a patc h on the scene of the acci dent itself. No artist working on a sat-ety roster would dare depict that in full detail. That picture would have to in- is feeling slirhily better, he is still . unable to be up and about. His many friends hope lie will s on be hack ir ' k:s former good health. i Ccmant V.'olph. v. bo had hoped to !;cc.i ir.ta' t one of the buildings be owns c ; tne rignt-o: -way , anci move it to his farm, found tbe bridges en rente w mid be insuui: lent lo carry tbe load, and accordingly is tearing down., and tbe lumber from tbe two will be used in tbe construction 1 Q-mvmJvu Sale of- : gf?:?!':. v-p;-ts -jjjpJZT . -7 8 L- 3 O 1 g Large 5 1 soi-itely unr.urt. a nne pracxicai jone .windshield with her head, splashing on death but spoiled by the baby's splinters all over the other occupants parents, still silting on each side of uf the car, and then, as the c ar f mw farm buiidimrs. him. instantly killed by shattering 10!leci over, rolled with it down the: Miller Christensen. and wife, who their skulls on the dashboard. ease of the windshield frame and cut ; i i-,.;im im!-,.; ,vf.i- to v;e:t ivltl: relative?;. rcti::me-d home mi Fgf Women Sk Misses ."V- it "- in.g had an I were away. and two of a If you customarily pass without her throat from ear to ear. Or park ,-n -! '-.n Linn- ,Vav r.bcnrl rrsske on the. tiavemcut too near a curve at tt Ivr,- r- rT-t.rV nf the n.-nv uiabt and stand in front of the tail '"' v of this week and report hav- rule v . i -- - - - x - - - - - - mtinn.tMVtiiT. iir.fl KrniTir! ti- rnrrifs irif-nt meat ion naners its Oi- itgiit as you tanC cm tne spare lire lecY's" too the flopping, pointless ef- ficult to identify a body with its whic h v. ill immortalize you in tome- f.o-r.. ' r,-- !'-(. inhi-e'' to stand un: the v. hole face mashed in or torn off. body's- me mory as tlte felio-.v v. ho was fM-rc- Fri--ircr noises, the steac.y. The driver is death's favorite target T.o-tit.cr" f-r-,, i.i a human being If the steering wheel holds together inches thick by the impact wi-1 ''in creeping up on him as the it ru Mures his liver or spleen so he heavy duty truck against the rear of -iu e-1 wePfs e.if. It should portray bleed; to death internally. Or. if his own car. Or be as original as the the -eck (-pc;,,:! on the face of a hi etee-iag wheel breaks off. the pair of youths v. ho were thrown out man "tlruried with shock, staiin? at matter is settled instantly by the of an open roadster this spring th.- Z-tv. it in his broken leg. the in- puerins: column's plunging through thrown clear but each broke a wind sane crumpled .-fleet ol a child s body his abdomen. shield post with his head in passing aft-r if. bor.ee, arc- crushed inward. Py no means do all head-on col- and the whole top of each skull, down a realistic- portrait of an hysterics! lisions occur on curves. 1 he moaern to me eyeorov.s. dS missing, ur , thc L..,h,.r.in h0Fmtal in Omaha for woman with her screaming mouth death-trap is likely to be a straight snap off a nine-men tree and get 1 mak-'n- very o-nin- - hoi- in th" bloody drip that stretch "with three lanes of traffic yourself impaled by a ragged branch. c - r u ,t'or'tJ"a nmk. v ve.j fills her e ves and runs off her chin, like the notorious Astor Flats on the None of ail that is scare-fiction; j .-;ocd progress since his arrival there, Minor details would include the raw Albany Post Road where there have it is jun the horrible raw material but he will be required to remain for of bones protruding throvgn. been as many as 2. lataniies in one ot me j ear s Maamcs a., seen in me . KCVeral weks as the condition of his excellent time while they Mr. Christensen says the rrc r.3 there were excellent last year and times are troc d and e verybody is buoyed up with a feeling that the ec i ressicui is on its last legs and bet ter times are coming. leTakinj Good Improvement V. T. ?eh!ic htemt ier, who went to 1 s --' f r, r s fle-h in cc-.-.! nd fractures, and the .rummer month. This sudden vision ordinary course of duty by police-' da'k red. "oozing surfaces where of broad, straight road tempts many men end doctors, picked at random, cb.thes and :-kin "were flayed off at an ordinarily sen: ibi; driver into The surprising t! ing is that there is oa,.e r.assing the man ahad. Pimul- , little dissimilarity in the stories Tnose are a.l standard, everyday taneously a driver coming the otter they tell. po-ue!s to i he mode rn pafsicm for go- Wry swings out at high speed. At! It "a hard to find a surviving acci- 1 1 ' :ast moment earn tries ie hti ut m mch;;i no can wear 10 ihik. into line again, but the gaps are After you come to. the gnawing, closed. As the cars in line are forced searing pain throughout your body into the ditch to capsize or crash is accounted for by learning that you fences, the passers meet, almost head have both collarbones smashed, both on. in a swirling, grinding smash shoulder blades splintered, your right ' health was found to be more serious than was at first supposed. ir ?r r.'ir-.-s in a hurry and tasmg a chance or two by the way. If ghosts could be- put to a useful purpose, every bad stretch of road in the 1 nittd States v ould greet the on- -linrr motorist with groans and s r-ams and the educational spectacle .t'.iat sends them caroming obliquely arm broken in three places and three r,-- ten o- a dozen corpses, all sizes, into the otners. s'vr ard aces Iving horribly still A trooper described such an acci-bad internal ruptures Met v.ith Severe Injury j Last Monday morning, while pre- ; paring to saw wood at the country ; home, James McVey met with a ae- ! verc injury. He had gotten the trac tor which h? was to use for power j in the proper place and was starting j ribs cracked, with every chance of I it, having placed a board in position if i ; l : , W - - t yfj: c " J( TtUP. JAirrJARY SALE of TTouien's and Misses Coatc is ence O the Iiijli point m value rettir.Er for o"r natrcr.3 ar..3. v?!ue trivia for tliis r:o:e. ICew and fasLicnafcle f ur-trinimed coats at r,ri:cs which ziezv. a saving ol iroin SO to 45 per cent. Ccme in and see thece coats ! I lire WW Groups re: fine FURS fine FABRICS Put the pain c n the blood v grass. tient live cars in one mess, seven can 1 aiseraci jou. as me shock ue- Last vear'a state trooper of my killed on the spot, two dead on the gins to wear off, from realizing that a . -uaintance ste pped a big red His-'way to the hospital, two more dead ou are probably on your way out. per.o" for speeding. Papa was ob-,iii the long run. lie remembered it ,You can't forget that, not even when vb.as'.v a responsible person, obvious- far more vividly than he wanted to they shift you from the ground to lv set" for a 'pleasant week-end with the quick way the doctor turned, the stretcher and broken ribs bite hie, familv so the officer cut into away from a dead man to check up on into your lungs and the sharp ends Tap's well-bred expostulations: "I'll a woman with a broken back; theof your collarbones slide over to stab let you of: this time, but if you keep three bodies out of one car so soaked deep into each side of your scream con this way, you won't last long. Get with oil from the crank-case that ing throat. When you've stopped going but take it easier." Later a they looked like wet brown cigars screaming, it all comes back you're parsing motorist hailed the trocper and not human at all; a man walk--dying and you hate yourself for it. and asked if the red Hispano had got ing around and babbling to himself , j That isn't fiction either. It's what a ticke t. "No." said the trooper. "I oblivious of the dead and dying, even ! it actually teels like to be one of hated to m.oII their party." "Too oblivious of the daggar-like siivcr of that 3C.000. bad you didn't," said the motorist, "I steel that struck out of his stream- And every time you pass on a blind saw "you st p them and then I pass- ing wrist; a pretty girl with her lore- curve, every time you hit it up on a ed that car aain "0 miles up the head laid open, trying hopelessly to slippery road, every time you step on line. It still mtkts me feel sick at crawl out of a ditch in spite of her j it harder than your reflexes will safe- my stomach. Tbe car was all folded smashed hip. A first-class massacre :ly take, every time you drive with up like an accotdlan the color was of that sort is only a question ofyour reactions slowed down by a about all there was left. They were scale and numbers seven corpses are ! drink or two, every time you follow all dead but one of the kids and he no deader than one. Each shattered ! the man ahead too closely, you're wasn't going to live to the hospital." man, woman or child who went to'gamb'ing a few seconds against this Maybe it will make you sick at make up the 3C.000 corpses chalked jkind of blood and agony and sud your stomaeh, too. Put unless you're up last year had to die a personal den death. a heavy-fojted incurable, a good look death. j Take a look at yourself as the man at the picture the artist wouldn't' A car careening and rolling down, in the white jacket shakes his head dare paint, a first-hand acquaintance a hank, battering and smashing its lover you, tells th? boys with the v ith the results of mixing gasoline occupants every inch of the way. can rtretcher not to bother and turns with speed and bad judgment, ought wrap itself so thoroughly around a away to somebody else who isn't quite to he well worth your v. tile. 1 can't tree that front and rear bumpers in-'dead yet. And then take it easy. to mesh the gears with the flywheel, but not permit contact with the driv ing gears. Just as tbe motor started, the vibraticn shook the board Lrom its place and allowed the driving gears to mesh, causing the tractor to jump forward as the motor raced. The trouser leg of Mr. McVey was caught and his leg drawn under the wheel of the heavy tractor, with the calks running over the leg, breaking the bones and mangling the flesh badly. The tractor was stopped and Mr. McVey removed, being given first aid by Pr. Walters and then taken to an Omaha hospital. Sutlers Severe Ankle Injury While I(erbert Stoll was hauling straw last Friday, after having load ed his wagon, he slid down the slide of the stack only to find that he had miscalculated the distance and hit the ground harder than he expected, suffering a torn ligament in one of his feet. As a result he Iids been com pelled to walk with the aid of a pair 5i0'ss regularly $22"50 The fabrics are the season's newest weaves and pat ternr.. They come from the leading wooiea mills. They in. iude matelasre wools, diagonals, jacquards and broad cloths. The linings are beautiful. Many eoata are inter lined. Representative size range. $!B'75 regularly $2S-75 The furs in these Coats at ?19.75 include Leaver, Skunk. Persian, Caracul, Fox. Canadian Wolf. Mink. Cross Fox and other line lurs. They aie correctly styled collars and trims. $2-75 regularly 539-75 These coats are in sizes for women, misses and little women. They are not all sizes in all model, so we would suggest early selection if you want a wide choice. " :i'e't; '::"d "V'.J Ik Ma M i.r. - t'"1 - km v.- ' . u r nut U vrvJ Li Li I The Shop oS Pcrsrssi Service I I r :T'