i. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, lPSr,. PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI . WEEKLY JOUE1IAL PA 1 OU JQUEH DIS5IS00E Sirasght Bye Whiskey S3 Proof Noi A B!:ni Pint psiasS-s ILIboa9 OSes North 5th Street Next to Rosey's Barber Shop THE 200-IXCII EYE College En rollment Shoves an increase More Thar '"economic improvement in many sec tions is indicated by fewer applica tions from lull timo students for in stallment payments of tuition and notes l.ayuole alter raauation, and ft by increar-td attendanc e of part tir e and summer school students." Ills survey indicated a shut in "Liberal arts j survey a Million Young Am- trend in c indent pi a! cricans Are Continuing Their Studies. course", v. tiich now form an essen tial re-iuireiuert for admission to medical, l'lv.- and tth:?r professional schools," the survey said, "continue president of the University of ('in- to be the training most largely sought cinnati, reported that more than a i ''' t"'" ntering American colleges Cincinnati Dr. Raymond Walters, The human race is on the verge of learning hitherto unrevealed secrets about the universe. The casting cf the great 200-inch telescope lens for the great new observatory in Cali fornia lias been successfully com pleted. It will take three rears to grind it to the proper shape to reflect and magnify the heavens. The un aided human eye can see only six thousand stars. Uith this new tele scope more than a million and a half heavenly bodies will be visible and the noon will appear as if it were only 25 miles away. It is hard to measure the value of knowledge in cash, but the more mankind learns about the composition, the organiz ation and the processes of the cosmic universe, the more we may hope, in time, to learn about how to live on our own tiny speck of dust which we call the "earth." More Tlian a mn is Djiem M-alriwn- Wllayet! untI1 Yiai.2lii cj? ant adraini:-.tr .9- to employment opportunities created C""C:.'"Xi,E by other agencies. j Ej WPA officials said Saturday a re- port on the number of persons nov:y ti employed on work relief will be de Corringtcn Gill, assist- j 3 ator in charge of statis-W tics, returns Monday from a trip. jCT The report of McCaiTs releases jy showed that New York City had re ceived more than any state. With ajy WPA quota of about 220,000 jobs, it;sj has been allotted $121,420,S72, com drive announced that to date Comp- pared with $50,875,770 for the re-j troller General McCarl has released malater of York state. Penu-jg CM IfO A 4 n n . . . . . .. -J -"" v - " . , . . . ?i,'juj,i'H,iii oi me S4,uuu,ot'o,uoo 4 , . . .i u w L . ITcw York City Gets largest Allot ment, Nebraska Ikceives 4.5 I-Iillion. Washington. Leaders of the relief Givo a gift of food this year. It makes a. ractical gift and is economical at IGA's low prices ! by state million young Americans are con-i tinuing their studies in colleges and and universities. The I now ever, is uiminishmj i proportion, in 1933, 7 GUA3D SHIPMENT OF CASH jobs fund lor expenditure officials of the WPA . McCarl is arbiter o; government spending. Ilia approval is necessary before any of the $4,000,000,000 pro gram, including $40,000,000 for the smallest went to Nevada, which re-j ceived $1,200,416. Other allotment? include Nebraska, $4,571,504 Finrii Wednesday's Daily J. L. Cnrnicie of South Bend v.as national youth administration can bela visitor in the city today where he expended. State WPA administrators was called to look after some matters percent ot freshmen chose; a liberal ails curriculum; this fall the per- ar.nual survey of university and col- cenlfge was 71. S. lege registration put the figure at 1 , 071,320 in 5SS institutions, not in cluding normal schools, acci edited by the American council of education. Of the number, 705. 9S9 are full time student-;, the rest attending part time end summer school classes. Altogeth er, his report said, total enrollment is G.G percent above that of 1934, i courses i which in turn was 5 percent above cent." that of 1933. j Dr. Walters reported larger enroll- Mcreover. Dr. Walters commented, ! mcnt.i in all sections of the country. ' This fail, the increase in liberal arts lrc:-:hmcn over 1934 is 4.6 per cent, but t ho increase in freshmen iai-iiiic engineering is 12.1 percent; the increase in freshmen taking courses in commerce or business ad ministration :s 12.2 percent, and the increase in freshmen statring upon in agriculture is 3 0.3 per- Chicago. A heavy guard of fed eral agents convoyed $2i0,OCO to the post office at suburban Lake Forest on an advance tip that Alvin Kar pis, pubii cenemy Xo. 1, was aware- will have latitude in choosing proj ects to prosecute Avilli the $1,038.- 34 4,903. McCail has already ap proved projects totalling four times that figure, so the administrators may have leeway in adjusting WPA work cf business at the court house and visiting with his friends. Eariy Christmas shoppers 8Ctg best se'eciiens. Head the Journals ads and spend your gift money at heme vhcre prices are lowest. Ira of the plan to shin the money and I ft"- - . ... 1 meant to seize it 1'nstni insnrcln'-s kpv.f fdo Rrn re e l aJ: Of the tin prfrft lilTl limiJ m-rrv urn. i-T ' ''J caution tor protection, the er's knowledge cf the post office de-,-? partment's shipping plans accepted j V? as evidence that the underworld wasj on the alert. "G" men, special police, i and a state's attorney's detail armed!?' with machine guns rode with the! ni r. n n v nil i it rn I n f f v.-rino .i Y.fn 1 1 i- ! K;W .4v-v j v'u u i-iuiu inui uao uaiciiiii searched on the twenty-five mile run north from Chicago. ix'iv j- m t rr n t niMfi r- tikitii r i Tin j i rrin n r wr mvi riv.f Ui.jimi ' i- 1 m 3H I FJCHIGAN Navy Beans, 10 lbs. before Christmas, Before Inventory PI B R Z35 9 Brown Suar, 3 lbs. FULL LINE OF Fraifs, Huts & Don't buy vour supply fcr the Ho!idays until you get our prices! If7 -r -iy i I W. I BOrJEj Dqr 3 PMim 4 ilis. . 35c fgzh BUTTER Oasco . 2c I OSTES Bulk 15. .TOc MFfM j filLK 1 4 for 20c 0. 1 is CALIFORNIA NAVEL 1 FANCY EATING ' V If 1 SWEET " " 0 S3 n Bg VALUE i Jr E3i! ED PI women's PK3?e Slik or Slsyon Print FrocSis .CL-epe Fine quality fast eclor print, new Dark or li3it plain colors for styles and beautifully made. Sizes dresses, slips, blouses, etc. Beu- 14 to 50. Values to $1.59 each. lar 59c per yard value. Special Dollar Day Special Cellar Day, 2 Yards SI SI . Cosrsets, Girdles Pajamas or Gowns . m 9 t- tt t m n- Combination Garments Former Values to $1.9i . tt r n t -n a Various sizes 1 in discontinued Cnfcag Flannel, Bayon. Balbng- nTuate hi h de nts ;iar., m one or tvc-niece styles: 6 6 Dollar Bay, Special ValCS Ui ,0 ?4'95' $1 SI MEN'S WOMEN'S, MISSES' Drdss Gloves Raycn Lingerie line quality, lined. All bizes! rioomcrs - Panties - Slips, Etc. Dollar Bzy, Pair Values to 68c Dollar Day SI 2 for SI Boys Ccat cr Siip-On Style ' MEN'S Sveaiers Jersey Jackets; Also assorted Youths' Sli?0n Colors Grey and Navy All Sizes ! Sweaters featured for Dollar Das , J Dollar Day Only 2 for Si MEN'S FIAN1TEL Gowks, Pajamas Fcn s Kose All Popular New Fancy Patterns AL Sizes . . . Special Dollar Day 7 Pairs for Si Si Chokla. the Drink Delicious, 16-oz. . .430 Citron, Orange, Lemon Peel, 3 pkgs . 25C Apples, No. 10 (gallon) tin 2g Sutter-Haf Salad ressiisig N i seeo EsHastcI - Helssh Spread i IGA ASSORTED S( AT FCLLOWiniG SPECIAL PRICES M Quart; 340 Pint, 20 8-oz., 14 as Peanut Butter, quart jar .... Pork and Beans, No. 2l2 can Butter -Nut OFFEE 1- Ib. Can 23 1 2- ib. Can S6c SCONOX&Y eFFSE l5i Grapefruit Celery . . Edaho Baking Big Buj- Coffee, lb 220 Toilet Paper, 1000 sheet, 6 rolls . . .25b Best Quality gcoch s b?st MATCHES fifoe, Macaroni or Spaghetti C Cor Carton 4 pkgS., 290 Italian Prunes, No. 10 (gallon) . . . .380 Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs 220 minrTntimra- JL Uim IL.tuAAJL3LM You Save Dollars on These Stems! Congcleum Rug, 9x 1 2, new patterns Regular price, $S.5. You save almost $2 at . Men's Wool Union Suits; heavy weight All sizes. Former $5 value. Extra special Silk Dresses Saturday Only All our regular high grade Silk Dresses values up to $5.95 at $3M BhQe Bargain Values to $4.95 Vcoen's Pumps or Straps, also lien's Oxfords in assorted sizes. 2eB0 KEN'S FANCY Print Pajamas Fast Colors Pair $1, Men's Ties Regnlar 55c Values Dollar Day for Si PLACE YOUR ORDER KCW FOR Freshly Dressed POULTRY Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens Fancy Beef Roasts Special Price, per Lb. 1 Mutton Chons, lb. Plate ,Bo519 Sean, meaty, lib.. . . S21Ac Ham&f srger, 2es2i cat, 2 lbs. . . . 25c Sausage, puve Fori:, 2 lbs 35c Leg oS .Mutton, lb 14 Vic Mutton Boasts, i? 12 Vic MisttoiB Stew, lh 10c Pioneer Bacon, 5-S&. bos: $.1Q Fresh Oysters, Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Soup Bunches, etc., etc. r A TIC- H l If IGA FANCY a torn if 'A 'Mince - n & IGA IS i ullw i 1 1 J B CAKE FLOUR St yll 11 i I msssE's 3 3 PREMIUM No. 1 I FRESHLY GROUND y COFFEE l at ;'' 1 11 mESIBED Ijl :;ia;"s:ii::n;::::n;:!;:a:CT",:n.:r:n::::;n:::B:s:n lie 19-22-25 13 c Cranberries. 19 and 220 . 5e 100 j Potatoes, peck . . . 400 s oh Goodie kf?r; rnas Candy! FANCY HARD ANUT BPJTTlE 2 b- ?3C Vi ...18c 22c !....22c WE WISH YOU A!, LH A fflerry Christmas M oIIeo9s Market South 6th Street Telephone 95 fa h m u H fa a ( ki !-j Each Swift's Select Corn Fed ShoulJer BEEF ROAST Pep lb Cubed ROUND STEAK Per lb Fancy Quality PORK STEAK Per lb Cut frcira Young Boston Tork L'utts 4 to 6 lb. Average Armcur'3 Tasty FRANKFURTERS Per lb Annour's Tasty MINCED HAM Pet lb Swift's Mild Sugar Cure BACON SQUARES Pop lb Milk Fed Mock CHICKEN LEGS C 15c GET YOUR ORDERS IN NOW FOFt THE FINEST SELECTION OF Turkeys, Milk Fed Chickens, Geese and Ducks , , at Right Prices! Store Opening Evenings Unlill Chris!mas-We Deliver m n ti H U a n a bi ra H n b to a a a n i -. u p M u ra N ri N n n H M H M h M ri N M Li M n ES rj ri d CI ii ii u H u Ii lj - 3 f a U in Bj ri y a ii ti ii r a ti a n a ii u It N a N y ri a II U M N N H n ii M Ii - . M 11 M ii f i ti ii il M I r1, ) A j El i J w iii on era N fc- "-trii " ,-a.JL - - -r-: - IMt UL1