THURSDAY. EECEMEER 19, 1935. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE Get a Little Extra E3 and stop feeding those non-producers! We will cull, worm and de-louse your poultry. State licensed inspector. Phone 207 Eor this service BRINKS HATCHERY Plattsmouth, Nebr. AVOCA NEWS Miss Dorothy Goliner mho is em ployed in Omaha, was an over Sun day visitor at the home of her par-J cats, Mr. and Mrs. Ym. Goliner, re- turning to her work in Omaha Mon day morning. Fred Goliner who is with a mu sical troup or orchestra making the important cities of the country, visit ed with the family last Monday for a short time, then departing for Chi cago wnere ne was to join tne or chestra and is now v.ith them. He v. as pleased to meet the folks and also the many friends of his home town, Avoca. voted and lifelong member. She leaves a brother, Andrew Weber, and a sister, Kattie Weber who re side on the farm near here. Miss Mary v as 45 years of age and had many friends who mourn her passing. Interment was at the church ceme tery at the Ilcly Trinity church. f"lfl "7 TT Louisville, Murcock, Weeping Water fcLlIYl Wilflfi Ixl WS 'and Union- A ver' eood lime was en ?f UUU " "I joyed and the organization perfected George W. Bogenreif who has been With the following officers for the gathering corn for John Stokes has!t.ounty elected: Guy Clements, pres completed the work and now the corn ident; Alvin Morris of Union as vice is all in the rrib. president; W. J. McDonald of the The subject for the Sunday morn- Murdock department as secretary ing discourse which will be delivered treasurer. Following the business by the Rev. W. W. Bliss will be "The aess;0n there was lunch provided by Christmas Message," which will be accompanied by some special music. ; W. W. Coatman was over to Alvo . last Tuesday where he attended the; John Deere school of instruction ! which was sponsored by the Elliott: Implement company of that place, j Later he and chn B. Skinner were! over to Clarinda, lewa, where Mr. j Skinner secured a truck load of coal; and where both entered the mine: and observed the manner of mining coal which was new to both gentle- men. the Elmwood department and which was served by Herman Penterman. The next meeting place and time will be announced at a later date. Many Enjoyed Class Play. of school patrons and friends of mem- j birthday. bers of the cast were there to enjoy children the very fine performance. Honored on Birthday. Mrs. W. A. Cook gave a dinner at The Elmwood Junior class gave her home on Friday, honoring her their play last week which was "The , mother, Mrs. Catherine Terry, who is .united Third Night," and presented the play in a very fine manner. A large crowd A larre r.uml r of t'i grandchildren and great grandchildren of Graridin;tb r I' rry were present to -nji;y the ur ea:-in:i and she was rci-ie inhered by those who were unoUe to be wiih h r, by many beautiful card- and rift?. AM in the v.i-h that they may her guest for a few weeks, and who j help her to celebrate many more an was on that day celebrating her S&th niversaries of her birth. Celebrated Golden Wedding-. On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. I'eter Jourgcnccn of Avoca celebrated the rassing of their 50th wedding anni versary at their home here with a large number of friends and relatives present to assist in the joyous event. The entire family of their children were entertained at a turkey dinner. The union of this aged couple who are 74 and 70 respectively, was bless ed by eleven children and who co::i l ined number with their children, amounted to AT who were arranged at the table last Sunday for the din ner. The children are Mrs. Joseph Eehrens and family of Nehawka; George Jourgensen and family, Ne braska City; Mrs. Nicholas Kohl and family of Imperial; Peter and family of Avoca; Jaek and family of Weep ing Water; Henry of Avoca. Louis of Waumego. Kansas and Miss Marjorie with the folks at home in Married in Sidney, Iowa. On last Monday Miss Vera Ruhge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. F. Ruhge of Avoca and Mr. Walter Stoval, also of Avoca, were joined injPlaees decorated marriage at Sidney, Iowa, following j and the activity which they departed for Missouri where the groom has his folks. They will visit there for a week or more and return to make their home near Talmage where they will reside on a iarni. The congratulations of their many friends follow them to their new home. Protest Being Singled Out in Epidemic Fight Christmas Nearly Here. There is much evidence of the ap- proah of Christmas over the city of Elmwood with the various business in holiday attire of the Christmas shopping. At the Penterman, Both well and Greene Drug store the de corations were very pretty. No tree as yet graces the streets, but there is some tail: of having one soon. Ralph Greene Sick. Ralph Greene, the druggist who has not been feeling the very best oi late was compelled to return to his bed, and his place at the store is being taken by his brother, Harr.A Greene v.-ho is at home during the holidays from his work en the read as traveling salesman, and is work ing in the store. Onaha Ministerial Union Believe It; Equally Important Commercial Gatherings he Halted. who is A UL spread of scarlet fever in the city,! Mr. Jourgesen came to America j bombarded him yesterday with ques and Cass county in 1SS3. Mrs. Jour-jtions as to why the suggestion has -pnwn i n rin .1 t pr nf ir. anii Mrs. ;not been made to the movies, schools Too Much for Be SSiC. Charles West, the barber, had a cow, and a good one at that, but she was not particular enough as to her diet, for she sickened and died. It Efforts in st.nmn nut thP snrenH nf i being a strange case. Mr. West scarlet fever in Omaha is meeting j thought i "nil uiut? ui uuitu ls iio::i sourteat - - - -- there, as indicated from the World-; the cow. In an autopsy it was re-j Herald: jealed that the stomach of Bossie con-j "Members of the Ministerial union, jtained three nails five inches in leuth.j after hearing Dr. Millard Langfeld. : two bits of wire o" varying length; director of puulic health, ask for j an(j a piece of rubber hose. No won-1 their co-operation in combatting ;, . this enoUoh for ai he would investigate as to what was the cause of the death of Chris Meters of near Weep in ter. " ". yaand other places where children gainer. "After a discussion -which at times grew stormy and delayed Bishop ;Shayler's presentation of an address goat or an ostrich. Telephone Company Active. j The Lincoln Telephone and Tele-; graph, company are very active dur-: ing the latter part of the year in get- ( tinsr new subscribers lined un for the! TTinnf fledir Chests iShaylers presentation of an address ' . . A week ago W. H. Bogaard post- uPn tne lDIe tne ting P'eageu "Vt , -,l ,1 , I 'the union to do all it can to co-oper- Hanson of Lincoln with the compan , master no nas Deen puuin3 ate with the health department and i has been in Elmwood doing some spe-; spare time in making cedar chests for SUSr&ested that the department call cial v,ork and completing his mission ! his two granddaughters. Misses Eileen on other groups to do the same. ! Weerinr Water tor a! Rher.nndoah. Declaring there were many mud : cases of scarlet fever in the city and Nadies Thomas of promised the writer a view of them Dr. 1 T.nnp-ff M lictort t hp fifnirpc for tVif and we had it Tuesday. Sure : they are ,last -foar weejg &s 90 92 1Q7 and presents which the granddaughters ; 160 Twenty-five new cases since should appreciate as Christmas pres-' Saturday noon were reported yester- iday. I "Dr. Langfeld reiterated that there Jis no official ban on meetings when Died at Omaha Hospital. jhe was asked if there would be any Miss Marv Webr who has resided 'order on Christmas programs. ents. Plattsmouth for a special campaign. near Avoca all her life, has been very "Sunday school attendance, it was 1 '1 - i n j , 1 1 -. ff ri Tl r M O r ') T 1 1 1' In U( V seriously ill for some time and had- churches Sunday. At First Cen been in the hospital at Omaha for tral congregational church it de many months, suffering from a can- creased nearly a third. At First cer. passed away there last Sunday. Christian church the Sunday school tu f,, , v,Q itw- attendance reduction was somewhat Trinity Catholic church southeast cf gmaier" Avoca at which she had been a de- ance." Other churches reported percentages of non-attend- 1. C 'S ' -. 1 4,4;. '.r-'j..yy 4 'it !. M----' mmm P...-. I y T'.riy-"-.- J : -i.s.. 'V f" -T t St.; :... Mist Janet Samuel Her dusky brunet charm and attractive coiffure helped Miss Janet Famuel, co-ed at Kansas State college at Manhattan, Kas., to win the title of campus beauty queen, an honor which entitles her to being pictured in the 1936 yearbook as the prettiest co-ed. . . Farmers Union Holds Meeting. ! The Farmers Union of Cass coun-1 ty held their county gathering at, Elmwood on last Monday, where they j gathered to listen to an address by ' John Herthore of Aurora who spoke of the advantages to the farmer of being a members of this organization, j The meeting was attended by a large i number from all over the county. Herman L. Bornemier cf between Elmwood and Alvo was selected as ! the delegate to attend the state con- vention which will meet in Omaha j early in January. . League to Give Play. The Epworth League of the Meth odist church of Elmwood is to give a play at the church parlors the com ing Sunday evening which is known as "Brothers." Following is the cast of characters, all of whom have given much attention to the play: Bertram, the boy, Donald Kelly; Bertram, the man, Morris Penter man; Mrs. Blake, mother, Vera Pratt; Dr. Blake, father, Harry Arn old; Allen, older brother, Frank Tur ner; Margie, sister and sweetheart of Jim, Clarice Hottle; Jim, Allen's chum, Morris Penterman; Uncle Peter, Civil war veteran, W. B. Bliss; The Hon. Cecil Duxbury, the mil lionaire, V. G. Clements. Morris Pen terman plays a double role. Tears Down to Build. George L. Brinton tore down an old barn and immediately rebuilt it into a garage with the lumber. Well the auto has certainly superceded the place old doirorn xormerly occu pied. Enjoyed Family Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stout and the other members of the family were enjoying a family reunion which em braced some seven families and which was held over near Lincoln last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Stout and family attended and enjoyed the gathering, which was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ottley who was hostess to the families attending. Formed County Organization. The call made by the Elmwood fire department was responded to by about forty from over the county when they met at the Elmwood com munity hall last Monday night. There were representatives of Elmwood, Our sincere wish - - - A Merry Christmas to You HERE are many holiday and EVERYDAY values for you. Buy Quality at Low Prices! wmms mmM Plattsmouth, Friday and Saturday, December 20 ar i 21 Christmas Nuts - Candies c c Rainbow Assorted Chocolates, lb. . . Christmas fV.ixcd Candlec, lb. . . 4 Harriet CIarve Assorted CHOCOLATES g$c 5-lb. 'cor., 9Sc; 3-!b.. 3 Harriet Clarke Chocolate Cove: cd Cherries, ib. box. . Quality Mixed fr NUTS, Ib. . . Baby Emerald English Walnuts, 2 lbs.. . . -I BrazU Nuts Lge. Britc, 21c Loc Wed., lb.- Large Paper Shell Cf f Pecans, lb , Fresh Roasted Jumbo Ji Peanuts, 2. & Glenn Valley CATSUP Large 14-oz. 3cttle 1!i - b&M Country Boy Evergreen or Golden CORN No. 2 Can - 3 for Jeil-O cr Royal Gelatin DESSERTS -p QC Asserted - 4 Pkrrs. L J Christmas Trees Strong, Bushy Wash. Fir, up from HOLLY WREATHS, each I5c ranges Fancy California Sunkist Navels 176 Sire, dozen 39c 216 Size, doztn 33c 253 Size ffi&l-L Dozen - g GfKMMCkfr Fancy, Sweet Calif. La it. cg7wS Red Emperors, Ib. - - UG Sweet, Juicy Texas IV!arsh Seedless Med. Size doz. 38c, 6 for A -rfc1? a tr Fancy Idaho Rome igpteS Beauty. 5 lbs. - - - &&Q Washington Winesaps 3Fe-b Fancy, Red, Juicy, 4 lbs. - - - - - "rT U' s- Gpad No. 1. Large Uw Ciw Firm, Fresh Ariz. Iceberg 5 Doz. Size, Head . &Q Large bunches, 2 forpW YssrtoVctn's 6 lbs. S9e T ziV ir9r encer cam, uge. wen r p - fLeiGSrV Bleached Stalks, each -HwC Staley's Gclden cr Crystal White 5-lb. Pail 10-lb. M Pail Potatoes ico-lb. c i on Bag - -sJl.Ot U. S. Grade No. 1 Nebr. Red Triumphs 15-lb. Peck 25s as A Fresh, Solid Green aa Wise. Holland Seed. Ib. GREEN PEPPERS, lb. Fancy, Fresh, Sweet Texas 2' 15C Bacon Lb. pks TiOc Snlll'n I'rt'tiiliitu r.rniu!. RoaSt Bee, lb IbC ForMoin Roast, Ib. . 26c RoaSt Rolled Rib, lb. 'hoiiT, Tfu'fr lnnlit. BeeS Hearts, lb. lam n! 'IViulcr. I'iuf bnknl. asitbugcr, 2 lbs. Krchb Kround hc-lrr I!-f. Steak, lb. . 20c 10c 27c hi-e Ho-. fid '.-r Sirloin. Pork Chops, lb. (hoicr ctunlit). Costrr t'litx cml . 22 c . 25c . . 25c ISc Summer Sausage, lb. 20c T-Bone, lb. Steak, " 1 -I --, Tcudrr ;hH. FramMorters, Ib. DcIiI'm I'anry Tlit:rlnKrr. Minced Hatn, Ib. . Armuur'H rnnr;- Clunllir. Oysters9 Pint Foa j Solid I'ack tinnlilj. ICraist CninbM l'aury Witft-r. 'I'liiu MiccI. SUPERIOR BILE, or SOUR PICKLES Quart Jar - - M Sheets, quart jar 25c -3 I'ancy Lb. V. Inciixiii Hulk. 15c 23 c l?c . 5c Sunlight Margarine Carton . ..... i&c Casco BUTTER Mb. Carton Our markets will he stoVed vMth hichest Quality Poultry for your Christmas dinner at reasonable nrices. . . . Fresh dress ed Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and ChicV.ens! Santa Clara S0-100 Size. PRUNES Kfc 10-lb. Box eJcJP 80-90 size 4 Ibs.t 25c Thompson's Seedless RAISINS 29c f 1SC Gem Pancake FL0UE, 4-lb. Ba Buddy Boy Whole Ip Wheat Cereal, 2-lb. pkg. J1 BEL MONTE suggestions or Chrlstnias2 70V Del Monte Sliced or Crushed ft'Lbt Plsieapple no. 2 can, sie No. i fiat can, z!;r CRUSHED ONLY, No. 10 can, 65c; 8-02. can. 3 for 23n Del Monte Solid Pack Del Monte Bartlett TOMATOES Peai?S No. 1 Tall Can, ISc ; No. 2V'2- vt 01 r IT De Wcnte Cream Stylo Country no. zyz can ac 2 GOo Gentleman or Scntam QRc No. 1 Tall Can10p Can GOSrll No. 2 Can 2 fcr Bel Monte COFFEE !Lced or HaIf Ortho-Cut for Fine Flavor ! f) & J Pi ACHE S Z Lb. Can, x Czn - - U Can, 13c iOi gg? SPECIAL 3 Pkgs. SlflHNERS 19 the Superior T4ACARONI. SPAGHETTI Pmre EGO NOODLES SUGAR . GIIAMLATEI) BEET f. 100 lbs, $5.39; 10 lbs. C SEA ISLAND CANE.. 100 lbs, $5.59; 10 lbs. ;4c 57c Baker's Premium Chocolate, Vsj- tar 15c Calumet Baking Powder, G-oz. can, Sc; 1-lb. can 21c Pillsbury's Cake Flour, .234-lbl pkg 29c Fancy Long Shred Cocoanut, 7-cz. b?.t;, 10c ; Lb lc Citron, Orange cr Lemon Peel, 8-cz. bag, 15c; Lb 29c Powdered or Brown Sujar, 3-lb. hag 21c BUTTER-NUT Salad Dressing 1000 Island or Spread 8-cz. Jar, 15 C Pint, 23; Quart.. So-Tast-ee Soda CRACKERS or CERTIFIED gib. Grahams caddy 19c Sunrise Brand COFFEE 3-lb. Bag, 90 lllKV-l)lKV 3-lb. Bag, 55c ; l-lb.. 19c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing Pint Jar - 27c Quart Jsr - j Tick Took Sliced Peaches, No. 2y2 can 14c Arab Boy TJnpitted Dates, 1-lb. pkg., 146; 2-lb. pkg 23c Chef Leon Mince Meat, 18-oz. jar, 18c ; 32-oz. jar 330 Eocn Green Freestone Olives, quart jar 29c Red Maraschino Cherries, 2-oz. bottle . 50 Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco, 15c tin, 110; 1-lb. can 77 OTOIi CIIIEK FLOUR Sri-- $i .79 HINKY-DIHKY 5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $.CS 24 lbs, 31.05 : 48 lbs. I Daisin- 11 ORAM m 2 for llicliuifatCetccl 25p rr? cood-aho cood fcr. you Pillsbury's Best FLOUR 24-lb. Bag, $1.23 ggp 33 48-lb. Bag - - & Chased Sanborn's Coee IT'S DATED. 1-lb. Baa - -- -- -- - 9Kc Sani-Fiush Bowl Cleanser QQ Large Can - - Ji. melo -;;.s;',,:;n:. 5i IVORY SOAP 2 Large Bars, 236 ; 3 Med. Bars IJC 4 Guest size bars, 190 Kirk's Cocoa H. Water Toilet soap, Ear 5c P & G SOAP 6 Giant Bars, 270 ; 10 Eeg. Bars 33C OJYDOL Begular size Pkg., 90; Large Pkg 23 C Orar Wonder FLOUR 24-lb. Bag, 51.19 9Q 48-lb. Basr PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese Delicious Flavor 2 pkgs, 17'