THURSDAY, DECEKBEH 5, 1935. PIATTSMOITTH SE32I - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TEHEE For Women who are looking fcr Greater Comfort . . . and Smarter Head Lines I , w ' ' & Tliermique Waves THE PERFECT PERMANENT Offered exclusively in this terri tory at Etta Belle Beauty Shop. Exquisite waves of lasting beauty result from this new heater less method that offers the utmost in ease, simplicity and speed. Thermique uses no heaters, lessening the weight on the head fully 75 per cent and eliminating all possibility of discomfort. Control of heat is automatic and the results dependable and permanent! You are invited to Witness a Demonstration of the Improved Thermique Method of Permanent Waving Monday, December 9th from 1:C0 to 5:00 O'clock A factory man will be here throughout the day, giving a public dem onstration on three heads of hair during the afternoon. Come in and see this demonstration of the Thermique method heretofore available only in exclusive beauty salor.s of the world's largest cities, but now brought within the reach of every woman in this vicinity only at Etta Belle Beauty Shop Phone No. 20 . . - Over Soennichsen'a CASE IS DISMISSED From Monday's UaHy This morning with the opening of the district court the case of Louise Parsell vs. Delvin Landis, was called for trial but the parties in the case made settlement among themselves and the matter was dismissed. The defendant is to provide for the care of the minor child. HERE FROM MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. Ira Queen of Deep water, Missouri, are visiting Avith relatives and friends in this section of Cass county. They are house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wilson of Murray and will also visit the other members of the Queen family in this vicinity. WILL UNDERGO OPERATION Calvert W. Root, of the United States Engineers office in this city, is at the Security Benefit association hospital at Topeka, Kansas, for a surgical operation. Elmwood News "SPRING CAME ON FOREVER," by Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich. Auto graphed, $2.00. At Green's Drug Store, Elmwood, Nebraska. Walter G. Box was a visitor in Weeping Water Tuesday morning of this week, called to look after some business matters for the day. Albert Flaischmann who lives north of Omaha and who was here for jthe funeral of his father, reports the crops as oeing slightly fetter tnan here. Emmitt Cook and family were over ,to Greenwood last on Thanksgiving I day where they were gue .s for the day at the home of Dr. and Mrs. N. D. Talcott. Roy Sterner was the lucky lad who captured one of the ducks thrown from the top of the bank building, but the others our informant forgot to mention. Ray Lane has been caring for the feeding of cattle in the eastern part of Elmwood for Guy Clements and Doanie Stark and as well has been j building feed bunks and arranging : f or care of the cattle. Frank Schlictemeier from near Murray was looking after some busi ness matters in Lincoln last Tues day and stopped while going thru Elmwood and visited for a short time with his son, Ronald Schlictemeier. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wood en tertained at their home Thanksgiving Jay and had as guests for the occa sion their son who resides east of iManley with the family and with the excellent dinner they enjoyed the day splendidly. Grover Hill who has always been a rustler when it comes to getting the farm work done, has completed the picking of his corn and like oth ers is not the best, but it is gathered and he is ready for any other work that may come his way. united in marriage with Miss Fred rika Taber on October 23, 18S3 and in 1887 came on rrom Ohio to Ne braska, settling on a farm just west of Elmwood where he lived the re mainder of his life. The funeral was held at the Meth- VISIT0RS AT SCHNEIDER HOME Miss Florence Wiles, who is teach ing in the Wymore schools, with Mrs. Ethlyn Wiles Mullis of Lincoln, were in the city Sunday to spend the day at the Carl J. Schneider home. The ladies are sisters cf Mrs. Schneider. m;.ll factories will find splen did opportunities to expand here. Among them, forthcoming river navigation with its resultant low shipping costs. "D'j'ever see 'ie like? Anythincr goes!" f VS t $ " " . J Rebekahs Elect Officers. At their last meeting which was held last Tuesday, the Daughters of Rebekah held their election after the regular business meeting and selected as their new officers, Mrs. Skyles Miller, noble grand; Mrs. S. Penter inan, vice grand; Mrs. Orvill Miller, secretary and Mrs. Loren Nickles treasurer. The appointive officers will be selected at a later date as the installation will not occur until in January. Odd Fellows Elect Officers. At the last regular meeting of the I. O. O. F. the business of the meet ing was first looked after, following which they proceeded to elect the officers for the coming term and se lected for their noble grand Loren Nickles, with Frank Turner as the vice grand and Vris Backemeyer as secretary, with Earl Elliott treas urer. They left the appointive offi cers for the future. They then enjoyed an oyster sup per which concluded the affairs cf the lodge for that time. Harry Lin der was elected as a member of the board of trustees for the three year term. Charles Haggles and Grace Bradley, stars of Paramount' forthcom ing laugh-producer, "Anything Goes ", find that anything does go immediately if it's a car fueled with Standard's new double-quick' starting gasoline. ITS a new winter gasoline by all odds, the fastest -starting gasoline in Standard Oil's history without the drawbacks which so often go with fast-starting characteristics. You'll really get that cold motor of yours under way in a hurry, if you give it this Double-Quick Live Power. It clicks with the first flash of the spark. And then it gives you fully 35 greater warm-up speed, even in zero temperatures which means a bigger saving on mileage. We predict you'll find it the best insurance gainst cold-starting troubles you've ever had. Get some of this new Standard Red Crown now. . . and SEE WHAT HAPPENS next time you step on the starter! Sold at the price of "regular" gasoline, where you see the STANDARD sign. HERE'S WHERE TO GET IT ROCK BLUFFS SERVICE STATION. .Plattemouth F. H. GERBELING, 7th and Vine Plattsmouth ATTEBERY GARAGE Union .a. rt rr.M 9.500 nrrrrrrn 10:30 CCS.T.) KFABanJColumliaH The Elmwood Carnival. The Elmwood carnival, which is an all home institution which is con ducted in the evening of the days Wednesday, Dec. 4 th to Friday, De cember 6th, inclusive, is now on in full force and all are having a fine time and doing all possible to secure the money with which to pay for the heating plant at the Community building. Looks Like Christmas. The Green Drug store is at this time taking on an appearance of the Christinas season. The window is filled with a display of the latest book by Mrs. Bes Streeter Aldrich, widely known Nebraska authoress, "Spring Came on Forever." See the ad concerning the bock elsewhere in this issue. Turkeys and Bucks. The matter of the liberating the turkeys and ducks which was inaug urated a week ago was cotinued and last Saturday a turkey was liberated which flew to near the post office door and was captured by Helen Schneider, and say it served as a foundation for a very fine dinner the next day. J IS n l SSULj Jacob Flaischmann Dies cf Injuries. Jacob Flaischmann who was over eighty years of age, about a month ago sustained a fall which caused se vere injuries and he Was taken to the Bryan Memorial hospital at Lin coln where he was cared for, but he passed away there last Saturday. The remains were brought to Elmwood where the funeral and burial was had last Tuesday afternoon. Uncle Jacob was born on Septem ber 9th, 1855 in Germany and came to this country while yet a small boy and with the parents settled in Ohio where he grew to manhood. He wa odist church in Elmwood, conducted by his friend. Rev. Ralph Ranseler of Lincoln, who formerly ministered to the church of Eagle. He leaves the wife and seven sons which had come to bless the union of these good people. The sons are Charles, Otto, William, Albert, Herman, Fred and Henry. Visiting Friends Here. J. C. Hampton and wife and their daughter. Miss Frances, of Iteardon, Washington where they make their home, arrived in Elmwood for a visit for a few weeks at the home of Wal ter G. Box and sister and also at the home of John A. Box and family. The visitors are cousins of the Box boys and their sister. They are en joying the stay 1ipj-p very much. ou for I at Hinky-Dinky are QUALITY foods at LOW PRICES to give more power to your table supply budget and more satisfactory meals! FINE VALUES in No. 10 Canned Foods! Fresh Italian Red Pitted A PRUNES, No. 10 Can. . ifC CHERRIES, No. 10 Can QuC Ross Baker OA Choice Quality Af AFPLES, No. 10 Can. . OuC APRICOTS, No. 10 Can 4ljC Sclid Pack Fancy Quality PEACHES or PEARS f 9- APPLE SAUCE QQp No. 10 Can 'Jt No. 10 Can OUK, Pure Tomato Af Solid Pack Q CATSUP, No. 10 Can. . 4HC TOMATOES, No. 10. . OOC Plattsmcuth, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6-7 Half Hills Brand Maclserel Mb. Tall Can3 for Glenn Valley CATSUP Large 14-oz. Bottl Bounds TOMATOES No. 2 Can 4 for Kuner's Fancy Cut Green Beans No. 2 Cans . . 2 for 3.9c Van Camp's or Frank's KRAUT No. 2i2 Can3 for dCP Van Camp's PORK & BEANS or Tomato Soup Medium Can Or Country Boy Evergreen or Golden No. 2 Can Flambeau Soaked PEAS No. 2 Can CRISCO 3-lb. Can Sunrise Sweet Mild COFFEE l-lb. Bag - - So-Tast-eo Soda CRACKERS or CERTIFIED 2lb - Q Grahams caddy 3 for 95c 4for9c Grapefruit SSSi At the season's lowest Drice. Medium to large size. Doz., 3Sc; 6 for - - - Tangerines Lg. size, doz., 19c Fancy Sweet Juicy Florida Sealdsweet Grapes, Lb. 7c, 3 Lbs. 20c Fancy, Sweet California Red Emperors. 4n!kM'fe- Sunkist Seedless oranges Navels 17G Size, dozen 33c 288 Size &PJ 216 Size, doztn 33c Dozen Apples SS?y.,dlh,bSRo-'- -25c Washington Winesaps 5CJrf Fancy, Red, Juicy, 4 lbs. ----- Potatoes N;dsT?iua,SephNs0-1 Ncbr-1B0a0a-'- -$1.35 &?- . -23c Cauliflower, 21$. . 5c Fancy P.'ew York Snowball YaJ2ist!ispSrrSden!"c0an1s 61bs. S9c Smoked Ham ?ri Whole or Half, lb 2la riuiur'.i St?ir IJram. I'lnent Quality. Lard, I lb. plig. . I4c ArtiKiur'M tnr Urn ml. Klnt QunlHj'. HoaSt Bsc? or Veal, lb. . . I$C Flue XuliiiI Hone or Shoulder C'ul". PorMosn Roast, lb. 17c limns I'orL. a to 5 lb. 'utn. ReaSt Rump, lb 18c r:cejitlonnllj I-'lae Quality MeHt. HoaSt Rolled Rib, lb. . . . 20C Tender, Tnxty, liich and Juicy. Spare Rihs9 !&.... 17c Siiuiil, Tender Quality. Swiss Steak, lb. . . 20c t'utx from C hoice Qualify Ileef. Pork Chops, lb. . . 20c Select Center utM, Itib or I.oln. Steals, vcai, s& 22c Choiee Hound, Sirloin or T-lloiif. amburger, 2 lbs. 25c Krexh (irusiod llt'ef. I". S. IiiMMeted Qiinllty tittt. Smoked Ham, - -32c From Armccr'N Stnr Quality Ham. QUANTITY PURCHASE . SELLING Santa Clara New Pack Prunes ffcffiVo? 55c 80-90 SIZE 2 lbs 13 4 lbs 25 25-lb. Box, $1.29; 50-lb. Box, $2.55 40-50 SIZE . Lb 10 2 lbs 19$ 25-lb. Box, $2.09; 10-lb. Box, 89 Summer Sausage, lb. 20c Itold'M I'auey Olio Tube Quality. Minced Ham, lb. . 15c Arntour'M Fauey Quality. Eason 1 1&. pg. . . . 30c iiluUy-m.-iky Sujrnr Cured Smoked Quality Huron. ysfcers, Pint 20c Faney Solid Park. Kraut wise. Bulk, Lb. . . 5c Casco Creamery BUTTER 1-Ib. Carton - - Margarine, l-lb. carton. OTOE CHIEF fc-f! 70 16c FLOUR, 48 lbs. 24-lb. Sack 95c DEL MONTE VALUES in QUALITY! Del Monte Solid Pack Del Monte Whole Segment TOMATOES Q)c Grape Fruit tyc No. 2y2, 17; No. 1 Tall, 10; No. 2 JLdd No. 2 Can 2 fcr Z-JSi Del Monte De' Fftonte Seedless Tomato Sauce FZC 9c 8-cz. Can cP 15-oz- g., BZ 3 for cJ? Del Monte Bartlett Del Monto Red PEARS CPfihc SALMON K-0 2io Can - V-lb. Flat Can. 17 1 : l-lb. Tall Can. &Jj) Calumet Baking Powder "fl q 1-lb. Can - - - dak JJu SWANS DOWN OQr Cake Flour, pkg 31 Miller's Crispy Corn Flatiec Bran or Oat Flakes, JJi L cr Pkgs. 2 pkgs. . SUGAR Git ii. 'i i : i ni:r.T f. 100 lbs, $5.39; 10 lbs. C SEA ISLAND CANE. 1C0 lbs, S5.59; 10 lbs. ;4c 57c SPECIAl 3 Pkgs. SKIMMERS 19 the Superior WACARONLSPAGHETTJ Pmr EGO NOODLES BUTTER-NUT Salad Dressing 1000 Island or Spread 8-oz. Jar, 15i QC Pint, 23; aaarteS3) Brer Rabbit Molasses No. li2 can, 15 1 5..29c f:.A i. iii:i. m " BRAN Tftc7uiiiedCctte.e 250 rTS CdOB-ANO C900 fOft YCU 2 for Oatman's or Koberts Milk, 3 tall cans Sally Kay Salad Dressing, pint jar, 15 ; ttnart 25 J Gem Pancake Flour, 4-lb. bag Pure New York Buckwheat Flour, 5-lb. bag 270 Flap Jack Maple Flavored Syrup, pint jug, 170 ; Vz J Pure Country Sorghum, 10-lb. can, 850; 5-lb., 450; 2V2-lo. 250 Choice Cling Peaches, lb., 170 ; 2 lbs 330 Acorn Fruit Preserves, 2-lb. jar 23 e Selected quality Peanut Butter, l-lb. jar, 190; 2-lb 23c Chef Leon Mince Meat, 16-oz. jar, 13C ; 32-oz 33c Arab Boy Unpitted Dates, l-lb. pkg., 140; 2-lb 23c Chocolate Covered Cherries, l-lb. box 230 Omar Wonder FLOUR 24- 48- lb. Bag, $1-19 $tt.29 -lb. Bag - - &d Maxwell House COFFEE vita Presl1 53C Can - d 2-lb, Can Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 27c ?r sir Pint Jar - Pillsbury's Best FLOUR 24-lb. Eag, $1.23 48-lb. Bag - - .33 Mountain Grown Grind x lb. can. .-3 J FREE! One bar Fairy Toilet Soap when you buy GOLD DUST Washing Powder "fl dTi r Lge. Pkg iisy Chase & Sanborn's It's 'Dated' COFFEE l-lb. Bag - - - CAMAY SOAP, 4 bars 19c P & G SOAP 6 Giant Bars, 270 ; 10 Beg. Bars 33C CHIPSO FLAKES or Granules, Lge. pkg 1$JC Del Monte COFFEE -7 ORTHO- :-ZTT ? cut acijnosit i lmJ. Flavor for 2-lb. Can, 530 l-lb. Can - - 7C