The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1935, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MONDAY, SEPT. 16, 1935.
P - " V -V
& -Fine
A Goods
Fifths $.50
V2 Gallon 1.00
Gallon . 1.95
Above Prices are Gcod
All This Week
Liquor Store
Cmaha. In an unprecedented
move, Methodist Episcopal ministers
attending the seventy-fifth annual
state conference of the denomination
Thursday heeded the. plea of Bishop
Leetc and sc taside their regularly
scheduled business and entered into
a "spiritual retreat."
They heard Bishop Leete ask fer
vent JTorts in evangelism, ask them
to "mind their own business lest they
be despised as persons ...who , do not
attend to their oxvn affairs," and
listened to an address by Dr. Loren
M. Edwards of St. Louis.
"To believe the futiltarians of our
day,; Dr. Edwards told them. "The
world of idealism has passed. In all
this field of cynical, material, criti
cal realism, idealism has been smoth
ered or suffered out entirely. This
situation confronts the church and
Rockwll City. C. E. Cothan, about
CO, Fairmont, Neb., was found dead
in a road east of here by a passing
farmer. He apparently had stepped
from his automobile and fallen in the
road. Doctors said they believed he
was a victim of a heart ailment.
Sothan was a salesman.
Plattsmouth offers a splendid
market for farm produce of all
fr I I 1 1 ! M -M 'l "I I-1 1 1 Ifr
The Misses Aurel and Lois Cugle
attended the state fair on Monday af
ternoon. Mr. and 2irs. Vera Shepler and
son of Springfield, spent Saturday and
Sunday hero visiting relatives and
old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bucknell and
son, Lorin, were in Ashland on busi
ness last Wednesday.
Delbert Leesley accompanied his
daughters, Beuna and Beulah to Lin
coln Monday morning where they en
tered Weslej'an University.
Rev. W. E. Goings is at the Bailey
Sanitarium where he underwent an
operation for appendicitis and is re
ported as recovering nicely.
Byron Golding of Plattsmouth was
a visitor in Greenwood last Wednes
day and was looking after his prop
erty while here and also visiting a
number of friends.
Mrs. W. P. Willis, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Hillis and son, Leo, and grand
daughter, Marrilee Lingbloom, drove
to Lincoln Tuesday where they at
tended the state fair.
Mrs. John Armstrong spent last
week in Lincoln visiting her son-is-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ton Ferris and family. She returned
home Sunday evening.
Thomas Travardo from west of
Greenwood in Lancaster county, was
delivering wheat to the Farmers ele
vator last Wednesday and has a very
good quality of wheat.
Walter Brockhaga went to Omaha
Sunday to visit his father who is at
the University hospital at that place.
He reported him as getting along as
well as could be expected.
Mrs. Dora Leesley and Mrs. Lena
Hightshoe of Ashland spent last
Wednesday in Omaha visiting with
Mrs. Hightshoe's daughter, Mrs. Ar
thur Lind and her husband.
George E. Bucknell was called to
Omaha last Wednesday, driving over
to look after some business matters
and as well brought home some goods
which the store was in need of.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kuff returned
to their home at Ravenna after hav
ing spent the week here visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Lemon. The ladies are sisters.
Miss Margaret Peters of Des
Moines, Iowa, came in Saturday to
spend some time visiting at the home
of Air. and Mrs. - Charlie Card and
daughters. Miss Peters is a niece of
Mrs. Card.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Cook and
family of Elmwood and Mrs. N. D.
Talcott and niece, Mary Ellen Erick
son returned home last Wednesday
evening from a week's visit with rela
tives near Wray, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore of Kan
sas City stopped last Thursday for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bell. They
have been on a trip to Denver and
through Wyoming. Mrs. Moore is a
cousin of Mr3. Ed Bell.
Mrs. J. V. Carnes and daughters.
Misses Mary and Rhoda and Mrs.
JCellie Van Doren and Harold Carnes
all of Lincoln spent Thursday visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Coleman. Mrs.
Carnes seems greatly improved.
Mrs. O. F. Peters entertained a
few neighbors and friends at her
home on Wednesday afternoon, Sept.
4. The occasion was a farwell party
for Mrs. C. E. Gideon. The afternoon
was spent quilting and visiting. Af
ter which the hostess served lovely
refreshments late in the afternoon,
departed at a late hour wishing Mrs.
Gideon much happiness in her new
The little folks of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Buck have been having a siege
of whooping cough and while they
have been having it very severe they
are getting along nicely with the
malady and it is expected they will
soon be over it.
George Bucknell and family were
attending the ounty fair at Weep
ing Water on Thursday of last week.
They were desirous of going on Fri
day for the rchool parade, but he had
to go to Lincoln on business for the
city and had to forego the attend
ance on Friday.
Paint Club Room.
The members of the American Le
gion Post No. 173 and the auxiliary
members have been very busy the
past few weeks cleaning and painting
their new club room. This last week
the auxiliary purchased a fine piano
which will be a great help to them
in their meetings. When the work is
completed this will make both organ
izations a fine meeting place.
Combine Easiness with Pleasure ... and Reap
-K- 3
m r n- - . - - , , Mt. m u
Wednesday, Tfcurs, Friday, Saturday
September 18-19-20-21 ... at Plattsmouth
For ths Largest Variety of
Pints, Quarts, Picnics, Poney Kegs, 4 and l2 Barrels
Make It Unnecessary that Anyone Should Go to Omaha
to Purchase in Bulk fcr Homo Consumption
Fints, popular brands, during Karnival, 6 for. . . .50c
Half Gallon Picnics 400 and up
Case of 24 Pints .$1.60 up
Pliilip Hof oian
South 5th Street Phone 39
Methodist Guild Meets.
The ladies of the Llethodist Guild
held an all day meeting at the home
of Mrs. W. A. White on last Thurs
day. At noon a lovely covered dish
luncheon was greatly enjoyed by all
present. Thtre was a large number
of the ladies present. The day was
spent quilting on a quilt which they
presented as a surprise to Mrs. B. E.
Gideon as a token of the high esteem
in which she is held by the Guild.
Heirola for Sale.
One No. o Hetrola. used one win
ter, just like new, only $40.00.. Mrs.
Dora Leesley, Greenwood. ltw
Took a Vacation.
C. H. Gibson, the bank receiver
who has had in hand the affairs of
the bank which went bankrupt as
well as the Bank of Murdock at Mur
dock and the Elmwood State bank
at Elmwood. has been taking a two
weeks vacation which included a trip
to Denver, Estes Park and other in
teresting points in the west. He was
accompanied by the wife, they mak
ing the trip via his auto and return
ed and is at work again, looking af
ter the interests of the creditors of
the banks.
Stradley brothers and their father,
was on exhibition at the state fair
and recived recognition, they ex
plaining the entire course of its
manufacture and the materials used.
Three sales were made which the
Stradleys accepted and twenty-three
more were offered but they are held
in abeyance as there is pending a
movment for the manufacture of the
machines on a larger scale and the
owners did not want to encumber
themselves with contracts until they
were assured they would be able to
deliver them in quantities sold. They
are able to produce them a small
number at a time, but to make them
in wholesale lots theycannot handle
them as rapidly as they desire until
they are sure that they can build
sufficient number to supply the demand.
Alvo News
Entertained Ladies Card Club.
Mrs. G. W. Holt entertained the
members of the Ladies Card club at
a kensington on Thursday of last
week at the Holt home and where all
enjoyed a very line time at a one
o'clock luncheon and where following
the dinner and social hour they play
ed bridge and enjoyed a very; fine
time. The membesr were loud in
their praise of Mrs. Holt as an entertainer.
Enjoyed Sunday Night Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodhant Vant en
tertained at their home last Sunday
evening a large number of their
friends where they enjoyed the even
ing at cards i-nd other games as well
as enjoying delightful refreshments
at a proper hour. The gathering was
a most enjoyable affair and contiiued
during the evening.
Doing Some Improving.
Wm. Whitlach who has recently
built a new garage and had it large
enough for two cars, is at thi3 time
having a cob house and wash house
constructed so that the women are
getting the benefit of the provements
a3 well as tho men folks.
Cite Town Beard to Appear.
The state liquor commission at
Lincoln have cited the Greenwood
board to appear and show cause why
they have refused to recommend the
issuance of a license to sell intoxi
cants and the members of the city
council went over last Friday to meet
with the commission and thresh out
the matter.
Had Eyes Affected.
Sophus Peterson, the blacksmith,
while at work at the fhop had the
misfortune lo get some emery dust in
his eyes and which while he had the
particles removed and the eyes treat
ed, still developed a very sore eye and
had to be given careful attention and
treatment but is at this time showing
good improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Leo Schmidt and
small son, also Mr. Henry Weisert
from Peoria, Illinois, are here visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Schmidt's
and Mr. Weisert's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenry Fornoff.
Stradley Sheller Makes Hit.
The Stradley timken bearing shell
er which is the manufacure of the
Cass county is one c trie finest
agricultural centers in the state.
Improved farming conditions and
better prices for farm products
will react to the advantage of ev
ery town In this territory.
Dr. Mildred J. Buzza was called to
Omaha to look after some business
matters on Tuesday of last week.
Wm. Kearn was called to Lincoln
on last Wednesday to look after some
business matters and as well to se
cure some goods for the store here.
David Taylor, the small son ol Mrs.
Ruth Taylor, was feeling quite pocrly
'during the fore part of last week, but
is reported as being much better at
this time.
Little Irene Weychel was quite
poorly the fore part of last week and
was attended by Dr. Mildred J. Buzza
the little one being much better and
was able to be out again.
On Friday of last week R. W. Coat
man and family were over to Weep
ing water atending the county fair
and where they were also visiting
with their friends who reside there.
Frank Taylor and wife were over
to Weeping Water Tuesday of last
week where they were visiting at the
home of Fred Rehmeier and family
and were also attending the county
Many of the friends attended the
funeral of Mrs. Viola Long of South
Bend who passed away last Tuesday
and way buried at Wyuka cemetery
at Lincoln where the husband is at
Billie Warner is to make a trip to
Lincoln where he goes to see his doc
tor who treated his eyes and who is
desirous of seeing what progress he
has made since the operation a few
months ago.
Byron Golding of Plattsmouth was
looking after some business matters
in Alvo last week, having some prop
erty here whiche he was lookingaf
ter and was also meeting with friends
and relatives.
Donald Davis departed early last
week for Lincoln where he went to
enter Wesleyan university for a
course and will make a good student
as he did at the Alvo high school from
which he recently graduated.
K. P. Penco of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Alvo last Wednesday, com
ing to look after some business mat
ters and also distributing bills ad
vertising the Korn Karnival in Flatts
mouth September 18th to 21st inclu
sive. Dr. Millard J. Buzza and Pharma
cist Wm. Kearn are both feeling
j pretty well over the very nice man
' ner in which they have been received
by the people of Alvo and for the very
fine business which they ave been
' Frank L. Edwards, the genial salcs
: man of the Earl Bennet store has
been incapacitated and was compelled
to remain home and for a short time
in bed as the result of an illness
which especially attacked him in the
George Eraun and wife of South
Bend were visiting in Alvo last Wed
nesday, bein.'j guests at the home of
the mother of Mrs. Braun, Mrs. Wm.
i mmini lfi
i -ft' ifr'f im HPi T -3 -
Yeager and as well were visiting
with the many friends which they
have here.
Rev. R. J. McKenzie departed last
Wednesday for Omaha where he went
to attend the conference of the Meth
odist church of this district which
was in session there. It is the desire
of the church at Alvo that he be re
turned to this charge and a request
has been filed that this may be done.
E. L. Nelson, whose former call
ing was the tuning of pianos for
which he has a diploma, was called
on to place in the best of condition
the piano at the Alvo public schools
and has performed the work and the
piano is now in the very best of con
dition and ready for use at any time.
Miss Lucile Buising who has been
employed with the Farmers Union
store in Elmwood for some time past
and which has kept her pretty close
to her work, is taking a vacation for
a week or more and is geting rested
up from her work. She is staying at
the home of her parents whide rhe is
Glen Demmitt and wife have been
painting their home on the tarm and
as Glen has been very busy with the
farm work, the painting of the struc
ture has fallen on Mrs. Demmitt. who
is making the house look very much
different and when it is completed
will be much improved and as well
protected from the weather.
Students Attend Fair Friday.
Roy Stuart and family were over
to Weeping Water on last Wednesday
attending the county fair. While
they were a v. ay the store was looked
after by Uncle Joseph Richardson.
They were there also on Friday when
school was dismissed and most of the
students were there to enjoy the
school parade which is one of the very
interesting features of the fair and
which is always held on Friday of
the fair. A large number oi the peo
ple of Alvo were in attendance on
that day.
: it .VH'ir
Hanriltcn, Elgin, Illinois
end Swiss
v. here he is lo take a course us v. t'.i.
departed last Sunday for the j.,t. On
3a.-:t Friday evening he v. us t:ivt ii a
farewell reception at the lunch
basement when a very worth while
program was had. There v.a.s t.lso a
veiy fine supper given which was en
joyed by all those in attendance. The?
people of Alvo hold this yoi.g man
very highly in t'.uir regard and are
very anjicus for him to bucrc.d.
Feeling Better Now.
Mrs. J. M. Armstrong who has not
been in the Lest of health for some
time past, is feeling better at this
time and is expecting to show good
improvement as she has her eyes bet
tcr fitted with glasses which is con
sidered the main cause of her ill
health. Her many friends are hoping
she n ay soon be in the best of health
Car. j t Cour.ty Fair.
Tho Alvo ;uartet. 1 ur of th. r::i. i
cians of the city ot .'.! .o and one who
presided at the piato wire- t.vtr t
Weeping Water laM V. dti. : Ja
where th'y gave a group of ni;
The ladies who were so kind as to
thus assist in making the fair a
success wc re Mrs. Arthur Hinges,
Mrs. Earl B'-nncrt. Mrs. Otto I;luver
land Mrs. 11. M.
To Enter Columbia Soon.
Ronald McKinzie, son of Rev. and
Mrs. R. J. McKenzie who has a posi
tion in the Columbia university and
Farriers Crear.: Elation.
Tli? members of the l'ai I':i!:i
of th? vicinity of Alvo 1.(1:1 a meet
ing late last week in whi"h con
sidered the meter of giving luvor to
the Farmers Union ct ai.i station
j which -Mr. V. W. Jewell lias reccTitly
j installed. He-xpc:id-th'i Llili.m on
'Thursday of last week.
Fall Fashion
Silk Crepes for Fall
5,95t S10,9S
ERE are dresses of the hour!
Every new style note for fall is
included, and every little point in
the dressmaking will impress you
as being of the very finest. And
yet these dresses are only $7.95
each a buy that you'll search far
and wide to equal. There are doz
ens of new models. Black and
white, brown and green, navy and
red. Sizes from 12 to 50.
ij 1
The Shop o Personal Service
Ccnbim Business with Pleasure ... and Reap'
Yrd J
Wednesday, Tftns, Friday, Saturday
September 18-19-20-21 ... at Plattsmouth
STATIONERY SPECIAL, regular $1 value 50c
Pink, Blue, White and Lined Envelopes
CORRESPONDENCE CARDS, 75c and $1 values . 49c
in Pink, White, Blue and Crey
Desk Lamps
Outstanding Value
I I Pocket nives
with Two Elades
If 25c i
Compact and Box of Face Powder 2Sc
Mottoes and Pictures, a large group, choice 7Sc
Heme and School Dictionary, 890 pages 73c
Picture Frames specially priced. ... 10c, 25c and $1
Metal Waste Baskets, $1 value .G9c
Sewing Cabinets, quantity limited, each.
O r
$2 value. 51. 3D $3.50 value . 52.35 $5 value. $3.50
25c Bargains
Vases, Jelly Dishes, Small
Framed mottoes, Salt and
Pepper Shakers, etc., etc.
7c E&pgains
newer Bcw!s, Bock Ends,;
Vases, Incense Uurr.em
Also many other articles.
at Greatly Reduced Pr-ises
Bates Book Store
5th and Main Streets Plattsmouth
mi" i .1 i