The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1035.
J Cass County Farm J
Bureau Notes f
Copy furnished from Office
ot County Agent Walnscott
Plan May Day Tea.
Women's project clu'o members
look toward the May Day Tea as the
red letter day of the project club
year. It is the final county wide
achievement program open to all
members and will be held at the Con
gregational church in Weeping Wa
ter, beginning at 1:30 p. m., May
1st. A musical program has been
planned for entertainment and a re
cognition and installation service
will be conducted by the Home Agent.
Demonstrations Planned
for BcekecDers.
Tuesday, April 30 at 2 p. m. at
the home of F. L. Bailey, Weeping
Water, a meeting will be held to start
a series of apiary demonstrations
which will be participated in by bee
keepers from all over the county.
Spring management of the brood
and seasonal attention and care will
be taken up in the demonstrations.
At this first demonstration the hives
will be opened and the brood exam
ined to see that they have stores for
raising young bees, to see that. the
queen is there and laying well, and
to see that the colony is healthy.
Other problems of spring manage
ment will be taken up. About four
colonies for extracted honey and two
for comb honey will be run by O. S.
Bare, extension entomologist who is
co-operating with the agent in con
ducting the demonstrations, with a
similar number cared for by co-operators
for comparison.
These meetings are open to anyone
interested in beekeeping regardless
of whether he has one hive or fifty.
Remember the first date is Tuesday,
April 30th at 2 p. m. Inquire at the
Farm Bureau office for exact loca
tion of Mr. Bailey's place.
Attend Meeting to Hear Ed O'lJeal.
Two carloads of men, including the
corn-hog and wheat allotment com
mittees, the county agent and other
committeemen drove to Norfolk Mon
day to attend the mass meeting of
Nebraska farmers gathered to hear
Ed O'Neal, president of the Amer
ican Farm Bureau Federation, tell of
the agricultural situation as it la be
ing affected by legislation in Wash
ington. Mr. O'Neal was a dynamic speaker,
facing 'issues fearlessly. He dwelt
considerably on the Agricultural Ad
justment Act, the attack that is be
ing made on it and on amendments
to the act that he and his organiza
tion believe should be enacted by
The meeting was largely attended
and the representatives from Cass
county found many points cleared up
which had been confusing.
Wheat Compliance to Start Soon.
The Cass county wheat allotment
committee attended a session in Lin
coln Tuesday discussing matters of
wheat compliance and a probable
wheat referendum. Forni3 and in
structions are being sent out from
Washington through the state office.
Allotment committeemen and super
visors in charge of the compliance
who were in attendance at the meet
ing were given sample forms with
instructions and information as to
how they are to be executed. Com
pliance with wheat contracts will be
begun in this county probably about
May 1st. The matter of a wheat
referendum the latter part of May
was also discussed at considerable
length by the committeemen and an
nouncements will be made later as to
the final decisions.
4-H Clubs Begin Activities.
Many 4-H ciubs have been organ
ized within the past few weeks and
preliminary meetings held prepara
tory to taking up active work just as
soon as schcol days are over for this
year. Most clubs plan to enter judg
ing and demonstration contests, par
ticipate in 4-H club camp and other
recreational events and to exhibit
their work at county and state fairs.
Following are some of the clubs
which have been recently organized.
New clubs are being added to the
list almost daily:
Keep-Well Club Mrs. Milo Fris-
bee, Elmwood, leader.
Eagle Prime Baby Beef Club
Clyde Althouse, Eagle, leader.
Blue Ribbon Baby Beef Club
James Schsfer, Nehawka, leader.
Baa-Baa Sheep Club Milford
Smith, Weeping Water, leader.
Blue Ribbon Sheep club Morris
Muenchau, Eagle, leader.
Weeping Water Dairy Calf Club
Mary Fager, leader.
We Wallop Weeds Bernard Por
ter, Eagle, leader.
Accomplished Cooks Mrs. Emily
Olive, Weeping Water, leader.
Clever Cooks Frances Rehmeier,
Weeping Water, leader.
Cheery Chef Club Marjorie Zink,
Murdock, leader.
Hows & Whys for Young Cooks
(Name not Chosen) Evelyn Wolph,
Cook Correctly Club Mrs. Anton
Nielsen, Weeping Water, leader.
Tip Top Cooks Mrs. John Beins,
Nehawka, leader.
Learning to Cook (Name not chos
en) Selma Heil, Cedar Creek, leader
Jolly Janes Mrs. Henry Smith,
Avoca. leader.
Hows & Whys for Young Cooks
(Name not chosen) Mrs. Milo Jrris
bee, Elmwood, leader.
Bedroom Betties Frances Meier,
Weeping Water, leader.
Sewing Sallies Mrs. Fred Reh
meier, Weeping Water, leader.
Summer Clothes for the 4-H Girl
(Name not chosen) Betty Sumner,
Nehawka, leader.
Merry Stitchers Pauline Tatter
son, Weeping Water, leader.
Nip and Tuck Mrs. Ada Wildrick,
Louisville, leader.
Rinky Dink Knots Club Herbert
Ambler, Weeping Water, leader.
Eight Mile Knotters Club John
B. Kaffenberger, Plattsmouth, leader.
Everlay Poultry Club Robert
Wall, Eagle, leader.
Nehawka Pig Club Malcolm Pol
lard, Nehawka, leader.
Sow & Litter Club (Name not
chosen) Vernon Root, Eagle, leader.
Super Swine Producers Frances
Rehmeier, Weeping Water, leader.
Grinning Garden Growers Fred
C. Beach, Eagle, leader.
Casco Baby Beef Frances Reh
meier, Weeping Water, leader.
Serve Greens for Vitamin
and Mineral Content.
To most of the middle westerners,
the dandelion is just a weed. True,
we have weeded them out of the
yard, or gone out with a basket along
the roadside or in the pasture to
bring them to the kitchen to cook as
"greens." Does it surprise you, then,
to find that dandelions are now cul
tivated for market on a big scale and
shipped across country by truck and
by carload? Yes, indeed, the dande
lion is a full fledged article of inter
state commerce, in a class with other
greens such as mustard, collards,
kale, turnip tops,- beet tops, broccoli,
escarcle, and Batavian endive, the
latter three of which are more com
mon in larger cities where the for
eign born people have created a de
mand for them. There are also other
greens which are rapidly becoming
favorites with Americans everywhere.
City people, however, must depend
on the market for their source of
greens. We, here in the farming
country, may find our greens in our
own back yard. The common dande
lion, turnip top, beet top, purslane,
and the pig-weed or red-root are all
familiar plants to the .rural home-
maker. - - - . ..
To cook greens properly any kind
of greens use very little water and
do not cook them long. Usually no
water is needed except that which
clings to the leaves after washing.
Cook them only until they are wilted,
stirring occasionally, and do not put
a lid on the kettle. They will lose
vitamin value if cooked too long, and
they will lose their green color if
cooked under cover. Serve with a
seasoning of lemon juice or vinegar,
salt and pepper, or with salt pork or
bacon fat.
Ogden Riddle Nebraska
4-H Account Champion.
Ogden Riddle, 21-year-old Frontier
county young man, is the Nebraska
4-H farm account champion. On his
father's farm near Bartiey he kept
accurate account of all "income and
outgo" during the year. The cham
pion is eligible to compete in sec
tional and national competition and
gets a 5100 merchandise certificate
from the International Harvester
company and a $10 certificate from
the same company for winning his
county championship.
Clyde Althouse, of Eagle, won the
Cass county 4-IT farm account con
test and his book was entered in the
state contest in which Riddle was de
clared champion.
Licensing Amendments of AAA
Would Stimulate Retail Trade
Since the licensing amendments of
the agricultural adjustment act now
before congress would tend to stimu
late retail trade by increasing the
buying power of farmers, a Nebraska
retailer should benefit by the amend
ments, in the opinion of Henry Wal
lace, secretary of agriculture.
Comparatively few retailers in Ne
braska have any other direct Interest
in the proposed licensing amendment,
Wallace says. The licenses which the
secretary would be empowered to is
sue under the pending bill could
never be applied to more than a small
number of retail stores and only to
those handling a large volume of
business or located in a specialized
production area. The licenses cover
ing dairy products and fruit and
vegetables coming from large com
mercial areas might be applied to
chain store groups if these groups arc
buyers of large quantities of dairy
products, fruit and vegetables direct
ly .from the producers.
Other Prices Higher Than Meat.
. During January, February and
March, 1935, wages of tndustrial
workers averaged 80 per cent of the
YOUR CAR may be
struck by some fool
hardy driver and it
may mean heavy re
pairs or a complete
loss. ... Have you
enough automobile
insurance to protect
Searl S. Davis
Platts. Stat Bank Bldg
1929 levels, while prices of non-agricultural
products remained at 84 per
cent of the 1929 figures. During these
same months, meat prices rose to only
6S per cent of the 1929 prices.
These facts, brought out by a com
parison study of the Bureau of Agri
cultural Economics at Washington,
offer no excuse for the howl recently
set up against the high prices of
meat. Even tho consumers are com
plaining against the recent rise of
meat prices, most of the complaint
has been due to the fact that they
have had high quality meat produced
for them for several years at a loss
to farmers marketing the livestock.
The fact that some people do not
have work cannot be blamed on the
livestock producers. Had the farm
er's purchasing power been main
tained at a satisfactory level, he
would have bought the goods and
services of industry and kept more
people busy in the factories. The
ration of prices received by farmers
to those paid by farmers for goods
they buy is now about 85 per cent
of pre-war levels. During the past
two years this ratio has risen from
54 per cent to a high point of 87 per
cent in February, 1935."
Price levels mean very little to
drouth stricken farmers with noth
ing to sell, but higher prices for cat
tle and hogs, corn and wheat build
up hopes for the future. An attend
ance of 1500 cattle feeders at the
annual feeders day in Lincoln indi
cates that these men are feeling bet
ter than they have in the past two
or three years.
Philadelphia. Plans for a 47 mil
lion dollar merger of all educational
and evangelistic activities of the
Presbyterian church in the U. S. A.
in a single administrative body were
announced at denominational offices
here. The announcement said the
merger project, joining the Presby
terian board of national missions in
New York and board of Christian
education in Philadelphia, will be of
fered for approval at the Presbyterian
general assembly May 21 in Cincin
nati. Assets of the mission board,
which spends $3,200,000 annually,
were listed as 43 millions. Assets of
the education board, which has a
"co-operative relationship" with more
than fifty Presbyterian colleges with
100 millions in assets, were listed as
4 millions.
The number of administrative
boards and agencies of the denomi
nation would be reduced to three.
The other two are the boards of for
eign missions and pensions.
Ms iloSl
You will feel more secure
if you have good insurance
Fire and Lightning
Wind and Hail
The cost is small Be safe
insure wi
Phone- 16
J 3
O'Neill, Neb. Even dust storms
blow somebody good. They have add
ed to the recreational facilities of
this section by carving out a lake,
estimated to be 600 feet square and
nine feet deep. Water in the lake is
two feet deep.
The lake now exists where one
years ago there were some wind
swept sand dunes. The winds, ob
servers calculated, removed about
12,000 cubic yards of fine quartz
sand and deposited a part of it in a
creek, forming a dam.
Paxton, Neb. Dust storms which
have been playing havoc with the
farming regions of the western table
lands and sandhills regions have not
been entirely without their good
points, residents have found.
Besides blowing up an occasional
shower and leaving a fine mulch on
land which held vegetation enough to
stop the dirt and sand, the winds
have blown sand and slit off the old
Indian camping grounds in this vi
cinity and bared many relics. A num
ber of finds have been reported here.
Arrowheads ranging from groups of
chips to perfect specimens have been
found, as have beads and other relics.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Clara M. Searle, deceased.
No. 3116:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of Eaid estate and appointment of J.
Howard Davis, as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
10th day cf May, 1935, at ten o'clock
a. rn.
Dated April 9, 1935.
al5-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ts, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Edward Doran, deceased. No. 3110:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is August
19, 1935; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on August 23, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections duly
Dated April 19, 1935.
a22-3wl County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. y
To the creditor! of the estate of
Edward Carr, deceased. No. 3106:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is August
19, 1935; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on August 23, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated April 19, 1935.
a22-3w ' County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Anna Gertrude Staats, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is August
5, 1935; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court Room in Platts
mouth on August 9, 1935, at ten
a. m. for the purpose of examining,
hearing, allowing and adjusting all
claims or objections duly filed.
Dated April 8, 1935.
County Judge.
on Petition for Determination of
Estate of Matilda M. Slater, de
ceased. Estate No. 3119.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Otto
D. Renwanz has filed his petition al
leging that Matilda M. Slater died in
testate on or about August 17, 1932,
being a resident and inhabitant of
Cass county, Nebraska, and died seiz
ed of the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
Lot twenty-one (21) in Jones
Second Addition to the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as her sole and only heirs at
Jaw the following named persons,
Otto D. Renwanz, son; Paul H.
Renwanz. son; Harry H. Slater,
son; Charles Greer, grandson;
Vernon Greer, grandson, Dorothy
Greer, granddaughter, heirs of a
deceased daughter, Clara E.
Greer, deceased.
That the interest cf the petitioner in
the above described real estate is that
of a son and heir of said deceased and
praying for a determination of the
time of the death of said Matilda M.
Slater and cf her heirs, the degree of
kinship and the right of descent of
the real property belonging to the said
deceased, in the State of Nebraska.
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 17th day of May,
1935, before the County Court of Cass
county in the court house at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 19th day of April. A. D. 1935.
a22-3w County Judge. .
County of Cas3, a
Corporation, Plaintiff
1 E. M. Sampson (first, true and
real name unknown); if married,
Sampson, his wife (first, true
and real name unknown); if living,
their unknown guardians, assignees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real name3 unknown);
if deceased, their unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, assignees, trustees and
personal representatives (their first,
true and real names unknown), also
that part of Lot one (1) lying north
of Salt Creek in the southwest quar
ter (SWU) of the southeast quarter
(SEU) of Section twenty (20),
Township twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9) East of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, and all persons,
firms co-partnerships and corporations
(their first, true and real names un
known) having and claiming any
right, title or Interest in that part
of Lot one (1) lying north of Salt
Creek in the southwest quarter
(SW',4) of the southeast quarter
(SEU) of Section twenty (20),
Township twelve (12) North, Rango
nine (9) East cf the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded;
2 Albert D. Welton; :r married,
Welton, his wife (first, true
and real name unknown); if living,
their unknown guardians, assignees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real names unknown);
if deceased, their unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, assignees, trustees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real name3 unknown),
also the south half (SVa) of Lots
two (2), three (3), four (4) and all
of Lot ten (10) in the southwest
quarter (SWJ,4) of the southeast
quarter (SE1) of Section twenty
(20), Township twelve (12) North,
Range nine (9) East of the 6th P.
M. in Cass county, Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, and all
persons, firms, co-partnerships and
corporations (their first, true and
real names unknown) having and
claiming any right, title or interest
in the south half (S) of Lot3 two
(2), three (3), four (4), and all of
Lot ten (10) in the southwest quar
ter (SW'i) of the southeast quarter
(SE4) of Section twenty (20),
Township twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9) East of the 6th P. M. in
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded;
3 E. A. Ryder (first, true and
real name unknown) ; if married.
Ryder, his wife (first, true
and real name unknown); if living,
their unknown guardians, assignees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real names unknown);
if deceased, their unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real names unknown),
also Lot fourteen (14) and the east
half (E) of Lot fifteen (15) in the
Village of Greenwood, Cass county,
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and all persons, firms, co
partnerships and corporations (their
first, true and real names unknown)
having and claiming any right, title
or interest in Lot fourteen (14) and
the east half (E) of Lot fifteen
(15) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded;
4 William M. Cope and John V.
Stradley; if married, Cope and
Stradley, their wives (first,
true and real names unknown); if
living, their unknown guardians, as
signees and personal representatives
(their first, true and real names un
known); if deceased, their unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, assignees,
trustees and personal representatives
(their first, true and real names un
known), also Lot one hundred two
(102) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, and all persons,
firms, co-partnerships and corpora
tions (their first, true and real name3
unknown) having and claiming any
right, title or interest in Lot one
hundred two (102) in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and recorded;
5 Sarah M. Wolfe; if married.
Wolfe, her husband (first.
true and real name unknojn); both
deceased, their unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, assignees, trustees and
personal representatives (their first,
true and real names unknown), also
Lots one hundred fifty-six (156), one
hundred fifty-seven (157), one hun
dred fifty-eight (158), one hundred
fifty-nine (159), one hundred sixty
(160), one hundred sixty-one (161)
and one hundred sixty-two (162) in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and all persons, firms, co
partnerships and corporations (their
first, true and real names unknown)
having and claiming any right, title
or interest in Lct3 one hundred fifty
six (156), one hundred fifty-seven
(157), one hundred fifty-eight (15S),
one hundred fifty-nine (159), one
hundred sixty (160), one hun
dred sixty-one (161), and one hun
dred sixty-two (162) in the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and recorded;
6 Sinia Wilbern; if married,
Wilbern, her husband (first, true and
real name unknown); both deceased,
their unknown heirs, devisee3, lega
tees, assignees, trustees and personal
representatives (their firpt, true and
real names unknown), also Lots three
hundred forty-two (342) and three
hundred forty-three (343) In the
Village of Greenwood, Cass county,
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and all persons, firms, co
partnerships and corporations (their
first, true and real names unknown)
having and claiming any right, title
or interest In Lots three hundred
forty-two (342) and three hundred
forty-three (343) in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and recorded;
7 D. M. Quackenbush (first, true
and real name unknown) ; If married.
Quackenbush, hi3 wife (first,
true and real name unknown); if liv
ing, their unknown guardians, as
signees and personal representatives
(their first, true and real names un
known); if deceased, their unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, assignees,
trustees and personal representatives
(their first, true and real names un
known), also Lots three hundred
eighteen (318), three hundred nine
teen (319), three hundred twenty
(320), three hundred twenty-one
r.21), three hundred twenty-two
(322) and three hundred twenty
three (323), all in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and recorded,
and " all persons, firms, co-partnerships
and corporations (their first,
true and real names unknown) hav
ing and claiming any right, title or
interest in Lets three hundred eigh
teen (318), three hundred nineteen
(319), three hundred twenty (320),
three hundred twenty-one (321),
three hundred twenty-two (322)
and three hundred twenty-three
(323) , all in the Village cf Green
wood, Cass county, Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded;
8 R. II. Haller (first, true and
real name unknown); if married,
Haller, his wife (first, true
and real name unknown); if living,
their unknown guardians, assignees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real names unknown);
if deceased, their unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees
and personal representatives (their
first, true and real names unknown),
also Lot three hundred fifty-four
(354) in tho Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, and all persons,
firms, co-partnerships and corpora
tions (their first, true and real names
unknown) having and claiming any
right, title cr Interest in Lot three
hundred fifty-four (354) in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cas3 county, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and re
9 Paul C. Clark; if married,
Clark, his wife (first, true and real
name unknown), also Lots one hun
dred seventy-three (173), one hun
dred seventy-four (174), one hundred
seventy-five (175), one hundred sev
enty-six (176), one hundred seventy-
seven (177) and one hundred seventy
eight (178) in the Village of Green
wood, Cass county, Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, and all
persons, firms, co-partnerships and
corporations (their first, true and
real names unknown) having and
claiming any right, title or interest
in Lots one hundred seventy-three
(173), one hundred seventy-four
(174), one hundred seventy-five
(175), one hundred seventy-six
(176) , one hundred seventy-seven
(177) and one hundred seventy-eight
(178) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded; .
10 Deliah Helms, now deceased,
and Walter E. Pailing, a widower;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
assignees, trustees and personal rep
resentatives (their first, true and real
hame3 unknown) of Deliah Helms,
deceased, also Lots two hundred thir
teen (213) and two hundred fourteen
(214) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, and all persons,
firms, co-partnerships and corpora
tions (their first, true and real names
unknown) having and claiming- any
right, title or interest in Lots iva
hundred thirteen (213) and two hun
dred fourteen (214) in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and recorded.
Notice of Foreclosure
of Tax Lien
To the above named
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 22nd day of
March, 1935, the County of Cass, a
corporation, filed a petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, against you and each of you,
which cause appears on Docket 7,
page 188 of the records of the Clerk
of the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
said petition, in accordance with a
resolution adopted on the 4th day of
June, 1928, by the Board of County
Commissioners of Cass county, Ne
braska, is for the strict foreclosure of
tax liens on:
Part of Lot one (1) lying north of
Salt Creek in the southwest quarter
(SWU ) of the southeast suarter
(SE',4) of Section twenty (20),
Township twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9) East of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska;
The south half (S ) of Lots two
(2), three (3), four (4) and all of
Lot ten (10) in the southwest quar
ter (SV4) of the southeast quar
ter (SE4) of Section twenty (20),
Township twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9) East of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska;
Lot fourteen (14) and the east
half (El-t) of Lot fifteen (15) in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska;
Lot cne hundred two (102) In the
Village of Greenwood, Cass county,
Lot3 one hundred fifty-six (156),
one hundred fifty-seven (157); one
hundred fifty-eight (158), one hun
dred fifty-nine (159), one hundred
sixty (160), one hundred sixty-one
(161) and one hundred sixty-two
(162) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cars county, Nebraska;
Lots three hundred forty-two (342)
and three-hundred forty-three (343)
in the Village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska;
Lots three hundred eighteen (318),
three hundred nineteen (319), three
hundred twenty (320), three hundred
twenty-one (321), three hundred
twenty-two (322) and three hundred
twenty-three (323), all in the Vil
lage cf Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lot three hundred fifty-four (354)
in the Village of Greenwood, Cas3
county, Nebraska;
Lou one hundred seventy-three
(173) , one hundred seventy-four
(174) , one hundred seventy-five
(175) , one hundred seventy-six
(176) , one hundred seventy-seven
(177) and one hundred seventy-eight
(178) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cacs county, Nebraska;
Lots two hundred thirteen (213)
and two hundred fourteen (214) In
the Village cf Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted
and recorded.
That the several parcels of real
estate described herein were subject
to taxation for State, County, Village,
School District, Drainage District.
Municipal and public purposes for the
treveral years as enumerated in tho
petition and the exhibits thereto at
tached and by reference made a part
thereof, and that unless the same 13
paid by ycu, or any of you, a decree
will be entered in this Court fore
closing it and forever barring you
and each of you of any and all claims
upon, interest or estate in, right, title
to, or lien upon, or equity of a re
demption, in or to said herein de
scribed real estate, and that the sanio
or so much as may be necessary to
satisfy the plaintiff's lien, together
with tho costa, shall be sold in ac
cordance with law, and for such other
and further relief as equity requires
and as to the Court may seem just
and equitable.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you and each of you are
required to answer raid petition on
or before the 27th day of May, 1935.
a Corporation,
By Plaintiff.
County Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Ernest W. Millbern, de
ceased. No. 3070:
Take notice that the administrator
of said estate has filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on May 3, 1935 at ten
a. m.
Dated April 5, 1935.
County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Matt Antone Jirousek, de
ceased. No. 3102:
Take notice that the administra
trix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examination
and allowance of her administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on May 10, 193 5 at ten
a. m.
Dated April 15, 1935.
County Judge.
To Whom it May Concern:
You are hereby notified that the
undersigned filed his petition in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, on the 6th day of April, 1935,
the object and prayer of said petition
being to change the name of the un
dersigned from that of John Jirolmo
to that of John Mael. You are fur
ther notified that the undersigned in
tends to present his said application
for change of name to said court on
the 11th day of May, 1935, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day.
or as soon thereafter as he can bo
heard. You are further notified that
any person or persons having objec
tions to such change of name may ap
pear and present their objections to
the Court.
Dated this 6th day of April. 1935.
aS-4w Annlicant.
on Petition for Determination of
Estate of Myrtle It. Vwnhpn Ho.
ceasod. Estate No. 3118.
In the County Court of fn 5 rniin.
ty, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: Tn nil nr.
scr.3 interested In said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Fran
ces A. Wesenberg has filed her neti
tion alleging that Myrtle R. Wesen
berg died intestate on or about March
uin, being a resident and in
habitant of Cass
and died seized of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
North half (N') of the
Southeast quarter (SE'4 ) of
Section ten (10), Township
eleven (11) North. Range nine
(9), East cf the 6th P. M. in
Cass county. NehrnVn
leaving as her sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Frances A. Wesenberg. Carrie "
A. Wesenberg. sisters, and Wal
ter Wtsenbercr. hmthor
That the interest of the p'etitioner In
the above described real estate is
that of a Eister .inrl hnr t,
v- u 1 u n ui
raid deceased, and praying for a de
termination of the time of the death
of raid Myrtle R. Wesenberg and ot
I...!,,, u:e aegree of kinship and
tee richt cf descent rr
erty belonging to the said deceased"
in u,e cluic ci xseDraska.
It Is ordered that tho o-,, . ,
for hearing on the 17th day of May
1935, before the County Court of Cass
county in the court hmQ n ti..
- "-j m m. lana-
mouth. Nebraska, at the hour of ten
u tiucji. a. m.
Dated at Plpttsmnn vt
tIs ISth day cf April. A. D. 1935
aJ-"3w County Judge. .