I. f 1 PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOUTH THURSDAY, IJARCH 7. 1935. nn nn n n n THESE PRICES GOOD FRIDAY - SATURDAY BROWN SUGAR, 3 lbs 25c SUPER SUDS, 2 pkgs. for 19c REX LYE, 3 cans for 23c AMMONIA, pint bottles, 2 for .15c WHITE FLYER SOAP, 3 bars .10c PEAS, small can .5c PORK & BEANS, small can. .5c BAKING POWDER, Ten Strike, 5-oz.. .... 10c TOMATO JUICE, 1212-oz. tins, 2 for . . .19c PUMPKIN, No. 2 can, 2 for .15c KRAUT, No. 2 can, 2 for 19c SEEDED RAISINS, 15-oz. pkg. 10c FRENCH DRESSING, Old Monk, 8-oz 15c UNIT STARCH, 12-oz. pkg 11c SPINACH, No. 2 can, 2 for .25c BABY BEEF Sirloin or Rotmd Steak, lb 25c Baby Bee Roasts, lb. .18c Fresh cut Hamburger, lb.. 12c Pure Pork Sausage, 2 lbs.. .... .35c 5-lb. box Sliced Bacon 80c Bacon Squares, per lb. ..... . .20c KAVE FINE MEETING in i " yv li III " A w w 1 1 ii MM ma&t wmmmmmmmmm I ' . The Rotary club. at their meeting Tuesday had a very Interesting meet ing that' covered the matter of com petitive relations. The meeting was In charge of E. A. Wurl as program chairman and who presented the speaker of tho day. Ernest Buffert, president of the Omaha club as well as a prominent retail merchant of that city, was present and: made the main talk of the day. He discussed the business methods of the modern day and the need for a high standard of ethics be tween those in competing businesses. There was present as guests . Ray King?ley, of the Omaha Rotary club, who had organized the Plattsmouth club several years ago as well as Fred W. Tische, also of Omaha and Henry G. Soennichsen of this city. The high school students for the month of March will be Marion Reed, La Platte, senior and Edward Had raba, junior. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS FOE SALE OR TRADE A small pony. See Louis Klema, Murray, Nebr. ltw FOR SALE OR TRADE Four roll corn shredder in good running condition. Philip Ileil. m4-2tw MOVES TO NEBRASKA CITY Mr. and Mrs. Russell Loveland, who have been making their home in the D. C. Morgan, residence on North Sixth street, have moved to Nebraska City. Mr. Loveland has been engaged here in the Norfolk Packing Plant. The Morgan residence is now being occupied by the Robert Gray family who have come here from Table Rock, Mr. Gray being with the Lin coln Telephone & Telegraph Co. FOR SALE - - Two-row loosf I'rnnnd Meter Farm all., Mrs. H. F. Gansemer, RFD 2, J Plattsmouth. m7-2tw i 1 - WCRK HORSES FOR SALE Several good work horses and mules for sale. E. J. LUTZ, m4-4t sw Plattsmouth, Nebr. FOR SALE 25 ton freshly ground cprn fodder, $5 per ton, our scales. J. D. Rising, Cedar Creek, Nebr.. Tele. Platts 3330. m4-2tw From Wednesday's Dally Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Tritsch, of near Louisville, were in the city to day for a few hours attending to some matters of business and visit ing with friends. "I made it myself," women say with pride nowadays. You can lock more individual if you sew for yourself this spring and as smart as those who wear ready-niades, not to mention the savings ycu make! Fabrics Prominently Featured are . . Cords or Pick Pon Seersucker Gingham 'Pique Broadcloth Prints Linen 29c - 39c 49c - Se O Let Hollywood Patterns help you solve the "how to make" question. It is easily answered from the carefully selected styles shown in our latest Hol lywood Fashion Bocks. They Fit! Easily Put Together! Inexpensive! 15 Printed Silk Crepe Flain Silk Crepe Matellasse Weaves $3 Per Yd. These are the most prominently featured . by Belding - FULL FASUIOUED HOSE Service Weight Ringless Chiifon Sheer Chiffon All New Spring 59c Colors, $1 PHOENIX - ALLEN-A - HOLEPROOF Hcse of Distinction and .Value . . They meet every demand for service and ap peal ancc and are priced to fit the purse! SMART BLOUSES $1,95 Silk Crepe and Taffetas Almost any color you might de sire to match ycur suit or skirt. Carefully selected styles that reflect the latest trend. Young Men's Dress Caps In Snappy Tans . 7Qn and Grays Ech . . . .( U" Made of all wool Suitings . . . with full leather sweat band and attractive linings. . . . Un breakable visor. . . . New stock. Spring Styles are Here! TIMELY CLOTHES IfJDLV PIIICES -t. - "Bartleit Strictly - ; Hand Tailored Correct frX and High BJ Quality WfSwf.'' Thru-out! rlvV Regulars Slims and Stouts .50 TOP G9ATS All yool,rJight- as a feather, ana vferm! . New Models at .50 1 SPECIAL SATURDAY OfJLY "BIG SMITH" OUERALLS All Sizes Guaranteed to give Qi Satisfactory . Wear .15 ' iii " 1 mm felt Distinguished Models in the new Spring shades. All types are here and they're brand new! Offered at a price you can afford to pay. $ft-8S to $3-95 A Year Around Uacation horn Floor Care ' ,JL If 3 ffitff 3 You need not wait for sum mer vacation time to give yourself a va cation from floor care. Buy an Armstrong Quaker rug for ycur kitchen and enjoy the new freedom from scrub ting. Prices 6x9 - $4.85 9x12 - 8.85 111x12 $12.50 NEW SPRING TIES They're ell Hand Tailored and as Colorful as Spring Itself! See them! BEAU DRUr.lf.lEL SHIRTS They're smart! They're distinctive in every single detail. From the marvelous assortment cf Spring patterns to the superb tailoring throughout. $1,-35 Vat Dyed Broadcloth ATHLETIC ae-SHORTS Pair Extra large balloon seat gives comfort you do not find in ordinary Shorts. Cov ered e!astic sides. Unusual value! Fine Swiss Rib ATHLETIC SHIRTS Bleached "White Rayon Trimmed !r . Li-. 17 isOmpieies rive Years' Service at County Farm Harry Nielson Has Proven Most Effi cient as Superintendent of the County Institution. Harry Nielson, superintendent of the Cass county farm west of the city, is completing his fifth year of service in that capacity and is mak ing his annual report to the county board of the institution in its con duct. The choice of Mr. Nielson for this position has been more than justified in the excellent way that affairs have been conducted and the excellent care of the property and the county warJs. When Mr. Nielson arrived to take charge of the farm there were but thirteen residents while now there are twenty-six who make their home there and under the care of the Niel son family. In the five years there have been nine passed away and nine others have left the farm for various rea sons. That the residents have had excel lent care is shown by the fact that eleven of the original thirteen that were there five years ago are still residents of the farm home. In addition to the care of the resi dents Mr. Nielson has conducted the farming of the 120 acre farm of the county and with the exception of the extreme drouth of last year there has been excellent crops and which have contributed a great deal to the support of the home. CARD OF THANKS We wfsh to express our apprecia tion of the words oi sympathy and acts of kindness shown us In the death of our loved one and assure that all of these acts of kindness will long be remembered. Especially do we wish to thank the members or CCC Company No. 761 at Nebraska City for their beautiful floral re membrances. Mrs. Earl C. Brittaln and Children; J. C. Brittaln and Family. I 5SC2S ICR BRAND I S3 I in l JANACEK - PAEEI0TT WEDDING The marriage of Miss Emma Jana- cek and Mr. Everett Parriott occur red on Saturday, March 2, at Papil- llon, where the young people, accom panied by James E. and Agnes Jana cek, brother and sister of the bride, had motored. The bridal party and the immed iate families were entertained at a most charming wedding dinner served at the home of the bride, following the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Agnes Janacek of La Platte, where she has grown to womanhood and has for Boone time been engaged here at the Nebraska Masonic Home. She has a large number of friends here who will join in their well wishes to the j'oung people. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Parriotfof near this city and has made his home here for a num ber of years and is a young man held in the highest esteem by all who have the pleasure of knowing him'. The groom is In the employe of the Merritt Sand & Gravel Co. Mr. and Mrs. Parriott are to make their future home in this city and In their wedded life will carry the beBt wishes of tho host of friends. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy, of Plattsmouth, Neb., who are spend ing the winter in Kearney at the Midway hotel, celebrated their fifty- eighth wedding anniversary on Thursday of this week, February 28. Mr. and Mrs. Mauzy are the par ents of Mrs. MInta Todd, of this ity, and are well known to many residents of this city. They have been residents of Nebraska for more than half a century. Mr. Mauzy celebrated his eighty- third birthday in January, and Mrs. Mauzy observed her seventy-sixth birthday the past month, Just a few days before the anniversary celebra tion. Kearney Daily Hub. n S3 a B a 33 r3 ii I a s n B 9 n I y y i I I I n p R ii II ii 3 n AMERICAN Macaroni and cneesa . Scrredpiping hot . " ThB Family aaroS . . -A 'It btt lha root I AfES & SUP. . . tvo:'ivjN,i.' v'3: ft:- i -'f- :. t i CAUFONIA hbs. lie lbs..... 17c 87c 29c 23c 10c Raisins, 2 APPOINTED CONSTABLE n ii H I 1 B rl ij li I U I B U M LARGE IGA - Prunes, 10-lb. Box EVAPORATED' Peaches, 2 lbs.. EVAPORATED Apricots, per lb. . . . IOA BUAD Prune Juico ..... SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR niCE Fancy Blue - Rose, 3 lbs IOC OVALTINE Per tin OOC GREEN BEANS 1 Q Wo. 2 tin, 10c; 2 tcr. . . LVC CRACKERS- rjr- 2-lb. caddy 1 I C UMA BEAKS r No. 2 tins. 2 for IDC COFFEE Peaborry OI Fer lb. ... .. LtLC DAWN Crepo Pap op 1A 3 rolls for. .... r. , . . . ; iuC BUTTER Casco QO Solids. Per lb . . 0C IGA JELL Asstd. -J Q flavors. 4 pkgs... XuC ii M u U s fj H 1.5 H H H !l El il Ii h i! i H t j r (! i ! Il HIIIIII 'I IM XMM BAKERS PREMIUM CHOCOLATE 20c The board of county commissioners pa at their meeting Tuesday approved H the appointment of J. A. Nelson as constable for Louisville precinct. The ft appointment was made by P. A. jp Jacobson. Justice of the peace at II BEEF CHUCK th. 28s Pork Liver, lb 120 Fresh, Delicious Fresh Hearts, lb. . 12$ Fine for Baking. Pork Shoulders, lb. . 10 Fresh Skinned, 4-0 lb. Smoked Hams, lb . . 23 12-14 lb, Whole or Half Boiling Beef, lb . . 12$ Fancy Corn Fed. FRESH AND SALT WATER FISH AND OTHER LENTEN SPECIALS. 95c Louisville. Men's White ' SWEAT SHIRTS O With the New Freedom Sleeve Boys, G0 WESCOTT'S Since 1879 4 B IB Q y fa II iii n y if! ii 0 FRESH PEAS Tender, Southern grown, 2 lbs,. ZSo LETTUCE Large, crisp solid heads. Each Go GREEN BEANS Fancy, tender. Lb .130 CARROTS Solid, green tops. 3 lbs. for. 100 APPLES Fancy WInesaps, 5c lb. Bushel '. ...S1.89 GRAPE FRUIT Large size Seedless, 6 for. ....... . .250 GRAPE FRUIT Small size. Full of Juice. Eaoh.....3o ORANQES Extra large Jumbo size Navels, doz.. 49o ORANGES Large size Navels, doz., 35o i 1 iA f il T3!,',STE'T'B:Til'la''illr'"','y,'""" "" 'l'H"l"' ii 4 11 i3 1 4