The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1934, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934.
The Most'a of the Best'a
Men's Holiday Neckwear
In Girt Boxes, at
TLcichlel and Tic to Match
In Girt Box Only
V7e cell especial attention to cur LOUNGING BOBES for
men. Beautiful patterns sik ccrds. i2.S5 to 56.95.
The Chrlstnas Gift Store for Hen
ilrr. Lyuia Mueuch;
spent Tuesday mornin
iu o.
niivr.vcod. j
at the W. E.
Muenchau home.
Harley Klietsch cf Palmyra visit
ed frcm Friday until Monday with and .Mrs. uuy Jones ar.u jacK. j
f rem Lincoln ar.d spent the after-1
noon with her mother, Mrs. Emma)
Jill Caddy, the little daughter o
and Mrs. Ivan Caddy, has been i
r.uite ill for several days
i-r. i .,r. ;
blie will bo better soon.
Little Pattv Jo Picrsol cf Lincoln
spent Monday with her grandpar-t
cats. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. I'ieiscl and !
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forter.
On Wednesday evening cf last
week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scatter
good and daughters were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudolph
and family.
Sunday dinner guests cf Mr. and
Mrs. Will Hudson were Mr. and Mrs.
August Rcsenow cf Lincoln. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Deason of Lincoln were
callers during the afternoon.
Miss Evelyn Wolph of Nehawka
visited the Leaders meeting at the
home cf Mrs. R. M. Kildee on last
Wednesday. Miss Wolfe i3 the coun
ty chairman cf the Project clubs.
Willing; Workers Club.
The Willing Workers Project club
were entertained at the home of Mrs.;
J. H. Adee on the afternoon of De
cember 14th. Mrs. Charles Trumble
and Mrs. August Schwegman were
welcome visiters.
Mrs. Elmer Frohlich, the president,
called the meeting to order and con
ducted a short business meeting.
Mrs. Guy Jones was in charge of
the music period and all joined in
singing the song for the month, "All
Through the Night."
The lessor., "Economical Food
Buying," was presented and found
to be very interesting as well as bene
ficial. At the close of the afternoon the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Trumble
served a delicious lunch.
The January meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Edward Burns on
January Cist.
Present ' Crafty Grandpa."
The play. "Crafty Grandpa," was
well presented last Thursday even
ing by members of the Young Peo
ples class of tbe Methodist Sunday
school, under the direction cf their
teacher, Mrs. R. M. Kildee. The
play cast included Edith and Helen
Nelson, Maxine Porter, Yerna Ilen
riksrn, Edna Caddy, Cedelia Gerhard.
Paul and Carroll Kaatz, Ronald Por
ter and Richard West. V'ith the pro
ceeds the clasrs purchased a nice cur
tain for the church.
Bridge Party.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Charles Scattcrgood
entertained at a bridge party at their
home last Friday night. Four tables
were arranged for cards.
After a delightful evening the hos
tess served a lovely lunch.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ted
McCartney of Alvo ar.d Mr. and Mrs.
William Trunkcnbolz, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Rudolph, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Umland. Mr. and Mrs. John Peter
Bon, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones and
Mr. and Mrs. John Vickers.
Eirtliday Party.
Mrs. Jesse Wall entertained in
honor of Mr. Wall la?t Friday even
ing whose birthday anniversary oc
curred that day. After a pleasant
evening spent playing progressive
T.itr-h the hostess served a delicious
There present to help Mr. Wall
.ninv his birthday, were Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph Ohcrlc, Mrs. Cora Vin
son. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hursh, Mr.
ar.d Mrs. George Peckham, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Burns, Mr. and Mrs.
Vallate Burns, Austin Trimble and
Arthur Thomson of
Mr. and Mrs.
Ken's Iiutialed Kerchiefs
Three in Box, for
Silk and Wool Neck Soarfs
Oxford, Fringed Ends
31 to $1.95
H j
II. E. Ladies' Aid.
! Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs.
a Vickers last Wednesday after-,
Mrs. Roy Vickers of Bennet
Orin Lanning and Dean were
i Mrs
After the business meeting, a pro-
j gram was enjoyed. An exchange of
j gifts vc3 also an enjoyable feature.
Lovely refreshments were served
following the activities of tha alter
' ""
II. E. Clrprch.
Schnylorran, pastor;
ii -
--i r .i. c
S. Supt.
10 a. m. Sunday school. Let's be
present next Sunday. At the close
of the hour v. e will have the white
&ift service.
11 a. m. Morning worsuip.
6:45 p. m. Epworth League. We
will be glad to have all the young
ptople of the community attend our
services. You will enjoy the discus
sions. The members of the League
will have a carol service next Sun
day evening.
Christmas eve, the members of the
Sunday school will present the can
tata, "Santa's Clinic."
Business called Elmer J. Hallstrora
to Plattsmcut-h on Monday of this
week, where he also visited with his
parents for a short time.
Earl Freeman and family visited at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Freeman, who reside northeast of
Weeping Water, last Sunday.
Mrs. Dick Neumeister, daughter.
Miss Bertha, and Mrs. J. H. F. Ruhge,
were in Nebraska City last Saturday,
driving over to look after some busi
ness matters for a short time.
K. V. White and wife, of Louis
ville, were guests last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar-
quardt, where they all enjoyed a very
pleasant time, the two ladies being
A very enjoyable time was had at
the social dance which was sponsor
ed by the Avoca business men.
A large number of young people from
Nebraska City drove up to take in
the dance.
Dr. and Mrs. J. V.". Erendel enjoyed
a pleasant visit Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Margaret Erendel and son,
Richard, where a fine dinner was
served. Mrs. Margaret Brendel resides
in Lincoln.
Dorothy Gollner, who is attending
business college in Lincoln, was a
guect over Sunday at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrc William Goll
ner, returning to resume her studies
Monday morning.
Carl O. Yeiser has installed equip
ment fcr cutting and flitting automo
bile glass, which will enable those
having broken door or window glass
to get same here at home and not
have to make a trip to the city.
Verle Potts was a visitor with
friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday,
calling on his friend, Charles V. Bar
rows. He was surprised to find the
ground covered with snow when he
arrived home, as only a few flurries
were observed at Plattsmouth.
Albert Cockle, of Omaha, and his
sister-in-law, Mrs. Selma Marquardt,
wcro spending the day last Sunday
with friends in Avoca. Mrs. Cockle
was unable to come with them, as she
had an appointment for the day re
quiring her presence in Omaha.
To Held Pre gran Ilsnday
There will be a program and ser
vices at the church this coming Mon
day evening, with a Christmas tree
and treats for the children.
Los Angeles, Dec. 16. Recent
rains were credited Sunday with
saving the lives of a couple whose
! auto p'nged 350 feet down a nicun -
tain canyon.
Olin Morris of the Morris grocery,
was in Omaha Tuesday where he
went for a truck load of goods for
the store.
Mrs. A. V. Frcpst and son Jack
of Nebraska City, were guest3 at the
Mill Al
Hlhonie of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leach
if for the day last Sunday,
gji E. E. Leach has just completed two
i blackboards to rthe children at the
K ! home of Miller Fuesner and which
i-sill sure please the little foiks.
tl) E. E. Leach has teen kept home
3 j from his work on account of an at-
tack of the grippe for a number of
days past, but i3 cut again and at
The people in charge of the road
work for the territory around Union
art putting in their time v. hen noth
ing else is to be done, in overhauling
their catterpillar.
Mrs. G. S. Upton, mother of L. R.
i Upton, has been ill the past week and
t Ieclintr the verv best,
altho being much improved from
what she was a short time ago.
Mr. Charles L. Greene of the Rihn
and Greene store v. ho has been kept
to his home for the past two weeks
on account of a siege of mumps, ha3
recovered and is now getting along
Mis3 Ivy Mougay who is employed
in Omaha was a visitor in Union for
over the week end with her parents,
E. J. Mcugay, where all greatly en
joyed the visit, she returning to her
work Monday morning.
The Union Extension club met
Wednesday at the home cf Mrs.
Charles E. McCartney and where
they enjoyed a very fine time, the
leader being Mrs. L. R. Upton. A
very worthwhile program was had,
followed by a delightful luncheon.
Used Natural Tree.
Yes, a real Christmas tree was
lighted and decorated at the Union
park. The lighting and decorating of
the tree was under the direction of
the Union Vv'oman's club. It was ex
pected to hold a pageant there, but
as the weather was not auspicious,
the program was postponed until
Thursday evening.
Visited in Louisville.
On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Morris and family and accompanied
by Frank L. Anderson and family,
journeyed to Louisville Sunday where
they were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Morris, a brother of C. E., and
where they ail eujos'ed a very fine
visit and an excellent dinner.
The Kud Interfered.
Yes, something always steps in the
path which some people are to tread.
Elmer Withrow, who locks after the
reading of the electric light meters,
found it not so difficult while he was
working in town bt when he essay
ed to read the meters of the rural
patrons he found it very hard, on
'account of the mud. He is usually
able to do the job in two hours, but
he started cut at nine in the morn
ing, returning at one o'clock, and
only had the work half done.
Picked Up His Anny Eifle.
Someone, a greater lover of an
army rifle than their respect for oth
er peoples property, picked up the
rifle of W. L. Stine and made away
with it. Mr. Stine swears vengeance
and will surely make it hot for the
thief if he is able to find the man
and the gun.
Resting Here a While.
The Riggs Brothers traveling show
with which John Roddy has been
working, have come to Union and
are staying here for a time. Mr.
Roddy is also heme for the time
which the show is located here.
Working All Eight Now.
The Union Co-operative Credit As
sociation which i3 a bank, and still
is not a bank, have opened for busi
ness, and have a large number of
members, who are depositors, and by
reason of making a deposit, are also
members of the association. George
A. Stites is in charge of the institu
tion. Ladies' Aid Ideeting.
The Ladies' aid cf the Wyoming
Methodist church which is centered
around the community surrounding
the Wyoming church, are meeting at
the home of Mrs. Carl Balfour on
this Thursday afternoon.
Send Very Fine Greetings.
Frank Larsh of Los Angeles and a
former resident of Union and vicin
ity, having many friends here and
among which is D. Ray Frans and
wife, sent a very pleasing greeting
of the Christmas season which was
a box filled with holly branches and
leaves, also a very pretty wreath cf
j holly which will grace the home of
jMr. and Mrs. Frans this yuletide.
Xraas Headpariers
for Staple Merchandise
Candies, lb 12 to 25
Nuts, per lb 20 and 25c
Peanuts, large size, lb.. . .15c
Crarge Ped, 10-oz. pkg..lOc
Citron Pee!, 10-oz. pkg.. .10c
Currants, 10-oz. pkg 15c
Fresh Celery, Head Lettuce,
Carrots, Cauliflower and
Fresh Oysters-
Apricots - Prunes - Peaches
Raisins Fresh Stock
ThG Quality Storo
Union, Nebr.
tt f sons!
2.11 L 1U.13
mver vorK.s;
Eevicws Missouri and Other Projects ;
as He Urges Continuance j
Sees Vast System. !
Picturing a United States with I
"the most magnificent system of ini-
proved inland waterways in me
world," Secretary Dern, in his annual
report to the president, yesterday an
nounced that the army engineer corps
is spending $343,274,000 on them i 1
and has plans to spend eight billion j
dollars more if approved. A descrip-
tive travelogue of the improvements
was given in Dern's annual report on
civil activities of the engineers,
made public yesterday morning at
Dern reviewed projects which he
said would provide a nationwide net
work of waterways employing thou-
j sands, help business recovery, ana
j make cheaper transportation pos
sible. The 5343,274,000, he said, is
being spent on 12G projects.
S153.194:,7DS in 1934.
An actual expenditure of $153,-,
194, 79S on river improvement work
was renorted for the 1934 fiscal i
The reDort. in which Mr. Dern
teils of his personal inspection of j
1 - J . : ,1 - n oot-c i ! T 1 'J T" t " '
"When this vast program shall
have been completed, it will give
the United States the most magni
ficent system of improved inland wa
terways in the world. It is confident
ly expected that the resultant cheap
water transportation will rot only
reduce freight rates on farm prod
ucts but will encourage industry to
locate in the midst of agriculture,
to the advantage of both.
"The Missouri river, which, from
time immemorial has, by shifting
its course during high-water periods,
destroyed annually seven to eight
thousand acres of fertile valley lands,
has been completely stabilized for
four hundred miles from its mouth to
Kansas City, through the dike and
revetment system of channel con
struction. Instead of the old uncon
trolled river, sometimes l miles in
width, full of snags and bars, it now
runs in regular curves between par
allel banks, with a clear, unobstruct
ed navigation channel. Completion
of the work for another SO miles
from Kansas City to St. Joseph is in
sight within the present fiscal year.
Work is now concentrated on the
ISO-mile stretch between St. Joseph
and Omaha, and a substantial
amount of work has also been un
dertaken in the neighborhood of
Sioux City. The main objective, of
course, is to bring the benefits of
low-water transportation costs to
this great agricultural area.
London. British statesmen were
preparing to open bilateral discus
sions with the Japanese after the
Americans leave the naval conversa
tions, which were shaping toward
formal adjournment without reach
ing any agreement.
United States Amuassador-at-large
Davis told Sir John Simon the Am
ericans would not object to British
and Japanese discussions thru their
delegates here or thru diplomatic
channels if there were guarantees
that neither would attempt to reach
any bilateral accord. Sir John as
sured Davis the British never would
discuss such an accord and would
only attempt to prepare the way for
a three-power or a five-power agree
ment later.
- V
! -
John Stewart Rough and wife were
in Shenandoah last Sunday.
Harry McVey .was looking after
come business in Plattsmouth as well
as visiting with his friends there last
Saturday. I
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop were in j
Plattsmouth on last Saturday, where j
they looked after some shopping atj
the storej there and also visited with ,
Edward Murray, who resides west
v- '
of Nehawka, was in town and reports J equally fine suppor. Sure, they all
ih hand whi-.h he had injured ser.i3jhad a fine time and are locking for
time ago is no v.- healing nicely and (ward to more gei-tcgether meetings
he is agin able to use it in handling
the work about the farm.
Herbert Kuntz and John Chris-
weisser have been building a cab for
the read maintainer which John uses, 1 seriously i'l with plural pneumonia,
as during the winter it is pretty cold ws taken to the Bryan Memorial hos-r-itting
perched up on the machine, a . pital in Lincoln last week, wb.3re he
target fcr the chilling blasts.
Frank Trotter, who returned from
the hospital a week ago, was in Omr
aha with two truck leads of stock last
week and while he is getting about,
he is still feeling some effects of the
injury he received some time since.
The Sheldon Department store has
a very pretty show window arranged
in which there is shown a fireplace
and the proverbial chimney that old
Santa is expected to descend with his
big bag of toys and other gifts on
Christmas eve.
Amos Hirker of Thcrman, Iowa,
was a visitor in Nchawka ever the
week end and a guest at the home
cf his son, Cecil Hirker and vife and
Mrs. Albert Wolfe. On Monday even
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hirker took
the father home, after a most pleas
ant visit here.
Dan Anderson, who has a good
sized bunch cf pigs that are costing
him plenty to feed with corn at it-s
prevailing high price, has had the
swine vaccinated, as he says he dees
net want to keep on pouring money
into their upkeep and then have them
die from the cholera. Looks like this
is pretty good judgment.
Ec:ervoir Filled with Water
The reservoir of the new water
works system was pumped full of
water in HVa hours, or at the rate of the thicker J.e icur.d the fog. At tlie,
60 gallons per minute. The well that corner a mile north of Murray cress-j
was sunk to supply the town with 'reads, he i'cur.d seven cars in thej
water was expected to furnish a flow! ditch. It is at this corner that thej
of fifty gallons per minute, and in this
test, delivered CO gallons per minute
steadily fcr nearly twelve hours, cr
20 per cent above its rated expect
ancy. Considering the past dry year,
it is reasonably certain that the well
will more than meet the requirements
at all times.
And Now They Wonder
A number of the people residing in
the northern and western portions of
Nehawka, who had thought they were
residents cf the city and who paid city
taxes and held city offices, with the
locating cf the mains for the water-
s i
f y ... . .'"i
fi ' , j f.-
Posed by Shirley Tempie
we.rhs and a check up of the engi
neers' field notes et the time tlie city
vr.s laid cut, find tliut their properties :
r.:e not in the city proper ar.d will
b:ve to bo annexed in some manner,
although the exact procedure to fol-
Ic-.v i.i rather uncertain at this time.!
It may be a jrobiem fcr the courts to
v.-rcstie with beiore it is fi nail y set
tled. Well, v.e will see what we will
Eixtherhocd Xet Tuesday
The Methodist Brotherhood met on
!art Tuesday zt the basement of the.
church, where they all enjoyed a very
(line pre gram, that was followed by an
cf this kind.
Very Seric-uSly 111
Y.. A. Ost, who was taken very
is being treated. Reports from the
horpital tell cf his showing some
flight improvement, but that lie is
i-till very ill. Andrew Anderson, of
Omaha was over to Lincoln last Sun
day to visit with Mr. Ost.
Ead a Gocd Sale
Last Monday, nctwithstanding the
dense fog and the poor condition cf
the reads, there was a large end very
greatly interested crowd of buyers at
the sal-3 cf William Schumacher, ar.d
the live stock a-id other goods all
brought very gocd prices. Rex Young
was the auctioneer ar.d W. E. Rey
nolds the clerk.
T.vill Hold Examinations
There will be held an examination
fcr the supplying cf a fourth class
postmaster ior the Ne-hawka office, as
the has slipped from the third
ela?3 to the fourth class, the charge
requiring the appointment cf a new
p j. ti-'-sctr of the proper elassifica
ti'.n, according to the powers that be
In Washington.
Fcurd It Very Fcgg-y
GIrn Rut ledge had business at Ne
braska City last Monday mcrning, ar.d
after concluding his transactions at
that psirst decided to go to Platts-
mc ut.'i r. :ici
the further north he went
; ftor.e trucks fror.i the Rock Blufis
quarries bring great quantities of mud
onto the pavement and motorists who
were traveling at any f-peod at all,
striking this mud and attempting to
put on their brakes, found themselves
doing a talirpln that almost invari
ably ended with their sliding off into
the ditch. Some slid cfT sideways,
others backwards and some headed
dsvn the shoulder embankment. No
great damage was done, but it proved
a thrill to every motorist thus caught
on the fclippe-ry mud and may haw
taught some the lesson cf driving at
moderate speed in times like this.
T 7
' Si ' i
"! -
( 4 t
i I
.' V if-
.' s
6. .. - '
E:rri:c3 at "cthociist Cl'.urch.
LiMu sciic-ol t-vcry ttiiiilay ;a',r:
ing at 10 ii'doiL
at 11.
A cordial
every Sunday morning
invitation tiiended tf-
r -
c 1 .': Ercthrcn in Christ.
Itcv. Otto Knuci'K tsoi:
r:ib!- church : xhn 1 10 a. m.
Chiistma. tree ir.r-iain liy
BIbl? Bcho-..l, 7:30 i. i". TLis is a
union program with the Oturbcin
Prayer and Praise service Wed
nesday evening.
The Woman's Society will have a
covered di:;h luncheon at the parsc.n
age on "Wednesday, Dec. 2 0.
Bible church school 10 a. in.
Christmas service, 11a. m.
We plan to have the hir.h si hool
boys trio sine. Johnny, Morris and
! Clifford. Come!
j The Woman's Society meets with
j Mrs. Linder this vtek.
j The Intermediate C. E. will have
a party. Thursday, Dec. 27.
Remember our offering for the Or
phans Home. Also our gifts to the
The Cttcrbein church is having a
union program with the Nehawka
church at Nehawka Sund y evening.
Dec. 23.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
On. aha. Captain Franks h:is Ikcii
relieved cf the duties entailed by Lis
petition as second in coiam ad of
the Omaha detective bureau, to func
tion independently in the; investiga
tion of unsolved Omaha killings.
Franks will work dirctly under
Chief cf Police Saraardkk and
Franks' duties in the; uttccthc bu
reau will be assumed by Inspector
Kcfcraska City, Kcbr.
1 Desoto Sciar.
"2 Plymouth Sedan
1 Plym&uth Coach
1 1323 Plymouth Coach
1 Flymouth Sedan
1 Plymouth Led an
1 1220 Plymouth Sedan
1 1320 CI rys.'ep Sedan
1 Chrycler Sedan
1 132L Pcr.tiao CoscM
1 1D31 Cludehakcp Coupe
1 1?2f.; Packard Coup a
1 131.7 Euick Coupe
1 1S29 Gids Coupe
1 1334 Chevrolet Cocri
1 1323 Chevrolet Cca-h
1 182:: Chevrolet L'edai
1 1D3-; Chevrolet Coupe
1 1023 Chevrolet Cotpi
1 1E2 Chevrolet Csac.'i
1 1D27 Chevrolet CoacJi
1 1S3C Ford Sedan
1 133C Fcrd Coach
1 1C34 Chevrolet Truck
1 1D33 Chevrolet 1 ruc:
1 1332 Chcyrolct True
1 1fJ23 Fcrd Truck
It will pay ycu to cee theje cars
before ycu buy.