PAGE FOUIt WHY NOT GIVE .tilt fcl L-VI 3 THAT ARE HEEDED AND ARE USEFUL A New Piece of Furniture in the Home is a Gift that Every Member of the Family Can Enjoy If you feel that you cannot afford a Living Room, Dining Room or Bed Room Suite ... a single piece to fill in where needed would please. For example, select one of the thirty items that are listed below! Occasional Table Occasional Chair New Rocker End Table Radio Table Smoker Bridge Lamp Floor Lamp Table Lamp Book Case High Chair Mirror Baby Buggy Tricycle Scooter Sled Doll Buggy Taylor Tott Doll Bed Card Table FARLEY F0RB3T0RE Sculh Sixth Street Plattsmouth, Nebr. J Cass County Farm Bureau Notes Copy furnished from Office J. of County Agent Wainscott ... .... ... Farm. Bureau Annual Meeting. The annual county Farm Bureau meeting will be held at the Congre gational church in Weeping Water, Thursday afternoon, December 20th at 1:30. This is an open meeting and everyone in the county is in vited to attend. The usual business meeting with election of farm bu icau board members will be held. C. Ii. Steward, secretary of the Nebraska State Farm Bureau Feder ation, X. W. Gaines, community or ganization specialist, and II. G. Gould, district supervisor, will be the speakers. Reports of the various activities of the Farm Bureau and Extension Service in the county will be given. Parr Young, chairman of the Corn and Hog Control Association and Evan II. Armstrong, chairman of the Wheat Association, will review the operation of the county control associations. The feed and seed sit uation will be discussed as well as the relief problems in the county. Home Account Project Grows. The agents plan to check in the farm and home accounts kept in the county the past year during the per iod of December 2G to 29 inclusive. Women interested in starting a home account are welcome to visit the con ferences and receive instructions on how to start their book. Every home is a business concern with income and outgo. Every home maker is one of the managers of this business concern using money and home products which if not used at home, might be scld. How much does the manager of this concern improve each year in her management job? Home accounts is a device which has already helped many Nebraska homcmakers as is shown by their con tinued interest and the growth in numbers. In 1929 there were 25 homemakcrs who kept the whole year's record and sent it in for sum mary. In 1930 there were 36 books r.ummarized, in 1931 there were 91 books summarized, in 1932 there were 147 Looks summarized, in 1933 there were 214 books summarized, and in 191 there were 585 homemak crs keeping the records and we ex pect a splendid growth in numbers who will send in their bock for the past year in order to receive a sum- Men's Kerchiefs Initialed, 3 in hex 50 Men's 3s th R&bes Ecac-rn Clctli 2.ES up Men's Silk Ties Christmas Ecres SC up Men's Dress Shirts Special Packing $1.S5 Men's Dress Gloves Genuine Pigskin, pair$l.S5 Men's Kid Gloves Warn lined. Pair $2. WESCOTT'S Since 1870 llFTi B B I a Writing Desk pyiagazine Rack Cedar Chest Dish Closet Medicine Chest Rug or Mat Clothes Hamper Kitchen Set Studio Couch Table Set (ChHd's) mary. A summary tells the home maker the facts she has lens wanted to know but unless a classified record i3 kept she can only make a guess. i-H'ers Win at Chicago. We are very proud of the fine showing made by Cass county 4-H'ers at Chicago last week. Virginia Trively of Plattsmouth and Frances Meier of Weeping Water, won the national girls room judging contest. Virginia was high individual in the contest and Frances was third. We were sorry for the mistake made in the Plattsmouth Journal last week which stated that Frances Rehmeier was a member of this team. Miss Ruth Ann Sheldon of Nehaw ka, assembled the reading unit which represented Nebraska at Chicago and which placed fifth. Miss Margie Ruth Pollard, also of Nehawka, was awarded a championship on her jar ' of canned fruit which was entered in the 4-II canning contest spon sored by the Hazel-Atlas company in connection with the Chicago Inter national. We especially want to honor the leaders of the clubs in which these girls v. ere enrolled. Virginia Trively was a member of the Sunuy Side Girls Room club led by Mrs. E. C. Giles of Plattsmouth. Mrs. I). D. Wainscott of Weeping Water led the Kozy Korner club of which Frances Meier was enrolled. Ruth Ann Shel don belonged to the Pretty-It Girls Room club, and Margie Ruth Pollard was a member of the "I Can Maids" club, both of which were led by Miss Evelyn Wolph. These are all very fine honors and the girls and their leaders are to be congratulated on their placings. They come as the result of many hours of hard work and mental effort. Have Herd3 Tested for Bangs' Disease. Several farmers in the county have signed applications to have their herds tested under the fed eral campaign for the eradication of Bangs' Disease, commonly known as contagious abortion. If you are in terested in having your herd test ed it is not too late to make appli cation. However as the program is purely voluntary, only the herds for which the owner has made applica tion, will be tested. The application or agreement stipulates that the test will be done free of charge. In re turn the owner agrees to dispose of all reactors and to clean up the barns and yards. For the animals so elim inated ho will he paid an amount equal to the appraisal less tho net proceeds of marketing the animals and lcs:; any other moneys received because of tho elimination of the ani mal, but in no event to exceed $20.00 for a grade animal and ?50.fO for a registered purebred animal. No pay ment is made on unregistered bulls. It will pay you to call at the Farm Bureau cfrice and have the program fully explained. SHOvTTSG IMPROVEMENT Mrs. James M. Robertson who sus tained a fall Thursday evening at tha home on Vine street, is now showing much improvement and it is hoped will soon be able to resume her usual activities. Mrs. Robera son fortunately suffered only a severe shaking up as the result of the fall but has been confined to her room since that time. !AJ Sale of Iowa Land Planned to Individuals TvPlvr Per Csnt of State's Total Acreage Now Is in Hands of Corporations. Ames, Dec. 11. The transfer of Iowa's corporate owned land back into the hands of individual farm op erators stands as one of the biggest problems in Iowa's land planning program, believes Dr. W. G. Murray, agricultural economist at Iowa State college. Until such a time as the majority of the present land holdings of cor porations are sold, this group of farms will hang over the land mar ket like . a 'cloud. Dr. Murray told the state planning board. More Than 12 Per Cent. Tointing to the large amount of land already in the hands of cor porations, amounting to more than 12 per cent of the state total in Oc tober, 1934, Dr. Murray said that despite the country debt adjustment committees there are still a large number of foreclosures going through district courts. Several plans are available to speed up the transfer of this land to private hands, one of the most ,'U"1'""1 Ul i3 ment plan. Dr. Murray asserted. Ln-j der this method farmers would buy from corporations on the basis of a certain crop payment each year. Such a plan is best adapted to grain sections of the country and is quite common in the western wheat sections of Canada, Dr. Murray as serted. The advantages of such a method, as Dr. Murray pointed out, is that in case of partial crop failure the farmer will still be able to make his payments as a part of the crop. Crop failures for even one year al ways make it extremely difficult for farmers buying land to pay inter est and principal under the cash sys tem. Slicing Scale Mcihod. Another plan which Dr. Murray advocates to aid in speeding up the transfer of land is payment on the sliding scale method, the payments being made according to the increase or decrease of prices. "Such a plan." said Dr. Mur ray, "works well in taking care of the ups and downs in prices such as those that have occurred during the past five years and may be worked out for both in terest and principal payments." A somewhat similar method that has been employed with some suc cess is an optional provision stating that in years of both low yields and low prices principal payments and a large part of the interest will be waived, and in years of high prices and high yields, payments will Le increased accordingly, he said. Recognizing the opportunity for misunderstanding under such a plan, it does serve to take much of the risk out of purchasing a farm, he said. Murray believes that some of these methods of purchase will have to be employed if Iowa is to work out of the present situation where nearly CO per cent of the land is operated by tenants. HUEY LOXG GOES TO COUET Washington. Despite the U. S. supreme court ruling that he was not immune from service in a civil suit, Senator Huey Long filed a mo tion in the District of Columbia su preme court to quash the summons and service in the $500,000 libel suit brought against him by Brig. Gen. Samuel T. Ansell. The motion, al most identical to that thrown out by the District of Columbia court of ap peals and the U. S. supreme court, was filed in Long's behalf by his at torneys. It recited that because Sen ator Long was a resident of Louisiana and here only on official duties, he "was immune and exempt from serv ice of civil process." WE CAN USE MORE fillEfl :n S t 3 for Holiday Trade at Special Prices SEZ US BEFORE YCU SELL Our Service Satisfies Corner 5th and Main We don't skin anybody, but wc can take care of your Hides at top prices. F-LATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Elmwood News Albert Alford was a visitor for a short time last week with friends and relatives in Nehawka. George W. Blessing of the Leader Echo was called to Plattsmouth as a witness today, Thursday. Neil Lewis of near Alvo was visit ing and looking after some business matters in Elmwood Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Pearle Shreeves cf Lincoln was a visitor in Elmwood with her many friends for a number of days the first part of this week. George F. Wilson was looking af ter some business matters in the county sceat today and was accom panied by a number of friends. Albert Theil of northwest of Mur dock was a visitor in Elmwood Wed nesday of this week locking after some business matters and visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brant and fam ily of Weeping Water were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home of his mother in Elmwood. where all enjoyed a very pleasant time and good visit. Albert Wellinger who is one of the very best of road workers, has been looking after the overhauling of the tractor which he uses so that and summer, also in case of a do maud for it during the winter, To Spend Winter on Coast. Raymond Eveland, wifo and son, Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gus- tin en this Thursday with two ears'e.-, Sidney Thomas. Mary M. Alex- departed for Long Beach, California, where they will spend the winter. Miss Nora Eveland, their daughter Miss Bertha Ostertag departed some two weeks ago and are there now enjoying the very fin climate. The trcs- personal representatives and all .... . J other persons interested in the es- party will remain lor the rest of tates of George Thomas, David V. the winter. Clearwater, Eliphlet Cramer, Electa Cramer, Sidney Thomas, Mary M. Many Ell jcy Class Play. Alexander. William M Alexander, The Junior cla"L of the Elmwood Iniel i" T,homf ' . . , , , i Thomas, Mrs. Daniel L. Thomas, first high school gave their play, "Meet reaj nanie unknown, John Q. Thomas, the Millionaire," which they pre- and Mrs. John Q. Thomas, first real cented at the Community building ' name unknown, each deceased, real Tuesday night, to a well filled house, 'names unknown, and all persons hav T. P . . , . ing or claiming any interest, right. The cast of characters was as fol-; estate in cr lien upon tne east lows: Rosie O'Toole, Evend Thim-jhaif of the southwest quarter of sec gan; Billy Perkins, Sterling Miller; jtion 11, and the southeast quarter Mrs. Sullivan, Betty Clements; Ken neth Downes, Ralph Dreamer; Dale Mainard. Dale Miller; Roger Norin. Orrin Miller; Nancy Dwight, Phyllis Greene; Bruce Downes, Richard Blessing; Charlie Stevenson, Paul Rueter; Carol Eeckley, Hazel Stege; George Parsons, Yeryle Fleischman; Betty Fisher, Myrle Eveland; Gordon Speidel, Oral Kuchn; Janet Pace, Fern Hill; Sally Minister, Ruth Mc Crory. Meets With Painful Accident. While Ralph Greene was carefully walking on the icy pavement an ex tremely slipper piece of walk tripped him up and in an endeavor to keep; from falling, one of the bones of his foot was fractured and he has been getting about with the aid of a pair of crutches. Talk Old Age Pension. Following the Junior class play there was a meeting of those inter ested in the various propositions for a pension for those advanced in years. They discussed the matter from its various angles but did not get any thing definite accomplished. It is hoped that something definite will be dons about it by the state legis lature or the national congress dur ing the winter, as there is much suf fering and even the young and able bodied men' and women find it diffi cult to make both ends meet. Preparing for Christmas. The public spirited citizens of Elmwood went to the county where they secured a very fine cedar tree which they anchored in the midst cf an intersection of the streets near the American Exchange bank where it has been trimmed and decorated with the many colored lights, mak ing a very beautiful and a delight to the children and espec ially at night. Oa Christmas eve there v.' ill bo a program and a dis tribution of gifts from tho foot cf tho treo when fanta will delight tho hearts of the children and wc expect a number cf tho this hustling city. citizens oi Homs from tha Couth. J. P. Cobb and wife and Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. M. Hickman who have been for the past three weeks spending their time at Hot Springs, Arkansas, where they have been taking baths for their health and where they also expected to enjoy the climate of that section. However the weather was cold and rainy most of the time they were there and they even had to go to and return from the bath houses to their hotel in the rain. They ar rived home on last Sunday- evening and were hero in time to experience NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court cf Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the es tate of James M. Barkhurst, deceas ed. No. 3041: Take notice that the Administrator of said estate has filed his final re port and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determination cf heirship, assignment of residue cf said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on January 7, 1935, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 7, 1934. A. H. DUXBURY, dl03w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To tha Creditors of the estate of Ernest W. Miilbern deceased. No. 3070: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is March 23, 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court Room in Plattsmouth cn April 5, 1935 at ten A. M. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections dulv filed. Dated December 3, 1034. A. II. DUXBURY, County Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CASS NEBRASKA. Elizabeth Meisinger, Lena Tritsch, Wilma May Tritsch. by her father ,aiid next friend William II. Tritsch, V III! U A A COV J J -J A A . 1 I ildVll UUU Adelia Meisinger, Plaintiffs, vs. David W. Clearwater, ct al Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the defendants David W. Clear- water, Eliphlet Cramer, Electa Cram- Under, William M. Alexander, Daniel Li. i nomas, vn.anua u. 1 nomas, .irs. Daniel L. Thoma3, first real name unknown; John Q. Thomas, and Mrs. John CJ. Thomas, first real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega of section 11, all in township 12, north range 12, east of the Cth P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska, real names unoknown; You and each of you are hereby notified that Elizabeth Meisinger, iLcna Tritsch, Yv'ilma May Tritsch, by ner iamer anu nexi inenu h iaiau. II. Tritsch, Clara Tritsch, Ed H. Tritsch and Adelia Meisinger, ai plaintiffs, filed their petition and commenced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebras ka, on the 23rd day of November, 193 4, against you and each of you; the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to the east half of the southwest quarter of section 11, and the southeast quarter of section 11, all in township 12, north range 12, east of the Cth P. M., m Cass County, Nebraska, in plaintiffs as against you and each of you, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 7th day of January, 1935, or the allegations therein con tained will be taken a3 true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiffs as against you and each of you according to the prayer of said petition. Elizabeth Meisinger, Lena Tritsch. Wilma May Tritsch, Clara Tritsch, Ed II. Tritsch and Adelia Mei singer, Plaintiffs. W A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Flaintiffs. some very cold weather. Vernon Pearslcy Very Sick. Yernoon Pearsley who has been .in k'nnc::!? for some time, returning to jau.?ucj - i Elmwood some time ago is very poor- Jl"' ..." frili(.,,r ly at this tune wun a critical ca,e of pneumonia Jleet With Mrs. Hiil The club leaders and the ent membership of the 4 -II club which j is composed of members residing be-j tv. ecn Alvo and Elmwood were j'r.g at tho G rover Hill heme on last We d u c : , d a y a 1 1 c r l . o c n . .-. . . Entertained Paster:: Star. Mrs. Emily Gcnraler, who is a mem ber cf ths Order of Eastern Star was iiortcr.3 to a iremington cf this order Ft her home in Elmwood Wednesday of this week. A very entertaining program was had and which was en joyed by thece present. Rcf rcshments were served by the hostes ht from Murdock were present at meeting. tnC i W0MEIT FLIERS AP.E D0WIT Oklahoma City. Jean La Rene and Henrietta Sumner were forced down at 10:55 p. m., less than two days short of their goal of a new endurance record flight for women. The fliers were in the air S days, 6 hours and 13 minutes. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Iu the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of James Bajeck deceased. No. 30SS : Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of Michael Bajeck as administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court cu the 2Sth day of December 1934 at ten A. M. Dated November 27th 1934. A. H. DUXBURY, d3-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Daisy Nottleman, deceased. No. 2090: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of John Nottleman, Sr., as Administrat or; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 1th day of January, 1U35, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 5, 1031. . A. II. DUXliTRV, dlO-Cw County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To t!:e creditors of the estate cf Phillip Lambert, deceased. No. 3079: Take notice that the time limited for tho pre. cr.tation and filing of . Iain ; $:raii;j-t said estate i. Marc h 21, 103."; that a hearing will be had at tho County Court room in Platts mouth on Mar-h 2U, 1035, at te:i oVlocic a. m., for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated November 23, 193-1. A. II. DUXBURY, n2G-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Alexander II. Graves, deceased. No. 3075: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is March 21, 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on March 9, 1935, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly tiled. Dated November 21, 193 4. A. II. DUXBURY, n2G-3w County Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CASS NEBRASKA. Michael Ilild, Ferdinand Jacob Ilild, George Michael Hild, Philip Adam Ilild, Frederick Leonard Ilild, Anna l.'rtliorilio Tllla .HI '1 Tvnim.T F "abeth Friedrich Plaintiffs Lh.abeth i i ledrich, I laintms, The heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Alpha Vright, also known as A. Wright, deceased, real names un known, and all persons having or claim any interest, right, title, estate in, or lien upon lot 9 in block 97 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, real names unknown. Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the defendants, the heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Alpha Wright, also known as A. Wright, deceased, real names unknown; and all persons hav ing or claimhig any interest, right, title, estate in, or lien upon lot 9 in block 97 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown. You and each of you arc hereby notified that Michael Ilild, Ferdin and Jacob Hild, George Michael Hild, Philip Adam Hild, Frederick Leon ard Hild, Anna Katherine Puis, and Emma Elizabeth Friedrich, as plain tiffs, filed their petition and com menced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass Nebras- ka. on the 2Gth day of November on the (ith day or Jovemler '-"""i v. nugnea; . 14, against you and each of you, ' Shutter, first real name unknown; object, purpose and prayer of!"'1''3- c- Snutter, first and real name 191 the which is to obtain a decree, of court quieting the title to lot 9 in block 97 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, in plaintiffs, as against you and each of you, and for ' ' such other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises. further notified that you are required to an- raid nctition on or before linn- !day the 7th day of January 1933, or3 in Mock 5 in the City of Platts ;rc "the allegations therein contained will irio,:tl1' Ca"3 County, Nebraska, real be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favoj- cf the plaintiffs ! is against you and each of you ac- 1 meet-cording to tho prayer of said petition, j Michael Hild, Ferdinand Jacob Ilild, George Michael Hild, Philip Adam Ilild. jaCDD lliifl. liCOTLP A!l.-l,r Frederick Leonard Hild, i a ','l,rl3t a"d each of you, the ob- Anna Katherii:e Puis, ar.d :-jf-ct Purpose and prayer of which is Emma Elizabeth Friedrich, ito o-in a decree of the court quiet-Plai.-niffs. tke titl to lots 1, 2. and 3 in ROBERTSON, block 5 in the City cf Plattsmouth. Attorney for Plaintiffs. c." County. Nebraska, in the plain- (tiff against you and each of you, :OTICE TO CREDITORS janil fcr slch ether relief as nay be . jJnst. end equitable in the premises. :W. A In th3 County Court cf Cass Ccun- i", iU'Ji asna. rc . !!hri r1.-..n;..-..Jrl X',. "i.rr,. 'C: I . . -j i ... i . u uvvi.nijv.u- dv'. u L- U J . i Take notice that the timo limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is March 28th 1935; that a hearing will )e had at tne County Court Room IniIus lo 1110 prayer of paid petition. Plattsmouth on April 5th 1935 at ten A. M. for the ruroose of Mam. ininir. hearing, allov.-irs- ar-i ef ' - - ""J UUJ lag all claims or objections duly filed. Dated November 27th 1931. C. E. TEFFT, Special County Judge. THURSDAY, DECEOER 13, 1931. T1 NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of the (.".ma ty of Car:s, Nebraska. In Ro Application cf V. If. Cf:Y!t. administrator cf the estate cf Marth t S. Levis, deceased, for license to s-vll real estate. Notice i3 hereby given that under a license issued by the Distr:. t I'-mu of Cass county, Nebraska, ti e ur..'.er signed Administrator of the estate f Martha S. Lewi:;, deceased, will (,ff,.r for sale at public aiK tion at t!.c -v:th frcr.t door of tha court house ia the City cf Plattcmoiuli, Cass county, :, Lrarika, cn tho 29th day of !? ember. 1034, at 10 o'clock a. m.. the r.-'.l c -tato belonging to said estate ami : scribed a.i Lets 72, 73. 7 1, 7.',, 7!. 77 ai.d 7S. in Wire's Out Lots A.idlti u to the- City cf Plattsmcu.h, Ca.-s enti ty, Nebraska. Terms of sale, pi ciish at ti:r.c; of Eale, balance on con firmation. Possession to be given at time cf coiiiirination. W. II. COFFELT, Administrator of the- Estate of Martha S. Lewis, Decca.-c!. n 2 '3-3 w SHERIFF S SALE State cf Nebraska, County of Cav, S3. By virtue cf an Order of Sale issued l;y (.'. E. Lcdgway, Clerk of tne Dis trict Court within and for C':u- c can ty, Nebraska, and to me direclc i. I will on the 22nd day of Le e: fo r. A. D. 1031, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. oi i-aid day at the south front c:o.r c: the court in the City of I'intt--mcULh in said county, sell at public au-tion to the highest bidder for cash the following re-.l estate, to-wit: Sub Lot 1 of the souti!ca-t quarter cf tho southwest quarter cf Section 13, Township 12, R-jngcj IS, eaot of the 0th P. M., in Cass county. Nebraska; and ah:o Fractional Lot 21 in the northeast quarter of the routkwest quarter of Section 13, Town hip 12, Range 13, cast of the c'tii P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, containing' 2 acre:;; I'lso the south CO tcet of Lots 5 and C in Block 2S in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska. Said lands in Section 13 above described will he offered for sale first and if they do not sell fur sufficient to satisfy said judg ments then the above described property in B:ock 2S in the City cf Plattsmouth will be offered for sale. The same being levied upon and takon as tha property cf PlattT.icuth Lodgj No. 73 9, Benevolent fc Protective Order cf Elks, a corporation, defend ant, to catisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Edward J. Delan ey, plaintiff against snid defendant, and to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by J. W. Holmes, Trustee, cress-petitioner against saiu defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, November 1G, A. D. 1931. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, nlD-5w Nebiaskn. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OI THE COUNTY OF CASS NEBRASKA Charles Yallery, Plaintiff, vs. James O. Neil et al Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the Defendants: James O. Neil, 'Mrs. James O. Neil, first real name unknown; George W. Snyder, Mrs. George W. Snyder, first and real name unknown; D. L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Daniel L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Daniel L. Hughes, Mrs. D. L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Elmira W. Ilugres, C. Shutter, first real name unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter, first and real rame un known; C. Shutler, first real name unknown; Susan E. Shutler, Fran cis Mewcs; Mrs. Francis Mewes, first and real name unknown; F. Mowers, first and real name unknown; Julia Mowers; The heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tates of James O. Niel, Mrs. James O. Neil, first real name unknown; George W. Snyder, Mrs. George W. Snyder, first and real name un known; I). L. Hughes, whose name jV ",u'6tu lo lJS uaniei i.. jiugnes. -Jrs- D- Hughes, whose name is r11" lo ,)e imira u . Hughes; C. unknown; C. Shutler, first real name unknown; Susan E. Shutler, Francis Mewes, Mrs. Francis Mewes. first and real name unknown; F. Mowers, first and real name ua- -j - . j1;0"11: J"a Mowers, J. Edgar John, each deceased, real names un- j known ; and all persons having or claiming any interest, right, title testate in, cr lien upon lots 1. 2. and nti!:;os unKnown; ' 011 r-a catn " J"ou are hereby uiai cnan&3 allery as plaintiff, filed a petition and corn- i1--cncoa Iln ration ni the District Ucurt cf Casa County, Nebraska, on ;tho 22rJ tIaJr of November 193-1, lnU Et)cI of you are fuither i notified that you are required to " ci.u ltlulll!il ID Uli- - 1V the 7th iT.iv t,f T..,,,,o,. 1 " -. the legations therein contained will iba taken as true and a decree w ill be j rendered in favor of the plaintiff as ; as-inst you and each of you accord- - - J II li 11 U I V J. I 'Jt . I I CHARLES VALLERY, Plaintiff. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. W. Every penny spent Top aCvertls inrj will yield a big return. J V