The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1934, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1934.
(1'olitical Advertising)
(Political Advertising)
(Political Advertising)
Democratic Candidate for Register of
Deeds for Cass County
Eminently qualified for the office in
t: airing end education. Four years in
tfce Unite! States Kavy end holder of the
highest efficiency lecord that can he
ghe:: by the service. Ear-king petty of
ficer. His service record at Washington
itself is highest type cf recommendation.
9 A vote f cr Mr. Trey means a vote for
never failing courtesy, highest efficiency
and service with a smile iu cftice.
Your Support will be Appre
ciated August 14th
Manley Store
Visited by Robbers
Sunday Night
Large Amount of Provisions Taken
from the Ted Harms Store
in Clean Getaway.
Vcte for J. V. BRANDT for re
publican Register of Deeds. Pol. Ad.
L. 11. Upton was making some re
pairs on the rcof c the store on Mon
d?.y afternoon of this week.
Edgar Newton and wife with their
son wtT visiting for the day on last
Sunday at the home o Mrs. Vesta
CCC went through Union on last
Sunday evening for Ashland where
they will be stationed for the pres
ent. V.'. E. Reynolds, candidate for nom
ination on the democratic ticket for
county commissioner for the second
district, was a visitor at Avoca on
last Saturday night attending the
band concert and looking after his
The Rev. B. X. Kunkel and fam
ily have, been enjoying a visit from
his father, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Kun-
Jel.n Banning and wifj
Alvo kcl cf St. Joseph, who is well past
were visiting in Union for a time on
last Friday and was greeting Ms
many fiends here.
Earl Merritt the painter and decor-
$5 years of age and still enjoying
gced health and enjoyed the visit
with the son.
W. A. Ost, living a number of
ator, is at thi.; tins painting and de-t miles west of Union commenced on
toratir.g the country home o; George
S. Ray north cf Union.
Mrs. Fannie Eikenbery and Jose
phine Cooper were enjoying a visit
for the day on last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Chil
cctt. Mr. and Mrs. Linas E. Reynolds of
Detroit, Mich., who has been visit
ing here for the past week w ith rela-
Tu"sday of this week with two corn
cutting machines in harvesting his
corn crop in an endeavor to salvage
as much of the feed properties as pos
sible for caring for his large herd of
cattle now on feed.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin and
their daughter Ruthanna, eight yars
cf age. were over to Louisville last
Saturday night where they were at-
tives and friends departed last Mon-1 tending the band concert which is a
day for their home in the east.
Mr:-:. Lottie Rosencrans, probation
officer, was a visitor in Union last
Monday afternoon looking after some
business matters for the county in
that line and was also a visitor in
Jess L. Pell of Omaha was a visi
tor in Union on Monday cf this wetk.
While here he first visited hi3 mother
who is well advanced in age and not
in too good health, then he was meet
ing his many friends here.
Harold Gibhs. a friend cf Lucean
Panning and whose home is at Cer
esco while he is working in Omaha,
was spending Sunder with his friend
in Union, the young men both en
joying the visit very much.
Rev. W. A. Taylor and C. W. Ho
back were over to Auburn, accom
panied by the good wives. Miss Mar
jork and Master Donald Hoback and
Ivan were enjoying the rodeo at Au
burn on last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles M. Greene Is at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Brien
this week caring for the children
while Mrs. O'Brien is at the hos
pital with Mr. O'Brien, who has
blood poisoning in one of his hands.
Raymond Erwin, Ben Anderson
and Ray Brandt who have been sta-
feature of the week end at Louis
ville. Besides enjoying the concert
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin and Ruthann
were passing out cards announcing
Mr. Griffin's candidacy for the re
publican nomination for commission
er for the second district.
Joseph V. Brandt, candidate for
the republican nomination for regis
ter of deeds, was in town last Mon
day and vas looking after come busi
ness matters before going out to lock
after his candidacy for the office.
While getting some gas for his car
he met George E. Weidman. also a
candidate for the place. The gentle
men had a nice visit and both agreed
to do their best to get the nomin
ation and election and remain the
best of friends.
lirs. Geo. S. Upton Moving.
Mrs. G. S. Upton will in a
days move from her home in
northwestern portion of town to an
addition which has been built cn the
heme of her son's house for a home
for her.
The village of Manley was again
visited by robbers on Sunday night
and with the result that the Ted
Harms store suffered the loss of sev
eral hundred dollars worth of mer
chandise, largely provisions.
The robbers had come provided
with a truck that was backed up to
the front cf the store and the party
evidently proceeded to carefully se
lect the stock of goods to be re
moved. The goods taken consisted cf five
sacks of sugar, thirty sacks of f.our.
200 bushels cf potatoes, two cases of
salmon, cases cf string beans, as well
as perk and beans.
wants the republican voters to go to
the primaries next Tuesday and
make an X before his name. He has
been a laboring man, farmer, school
teacher, banker and bookkeeper, is
accommodating and eminently quali
fied to handle any office he under
takes. Pol. Adv.
Vote for J. V. ERAXDT for re
publican Register of Deeds. Pol. Ad.
George E. Xickles was called to
Lincoln cn last Monday where he had
some business matters to lock after.
Hallas Akins was locking after
some business matters at Nehawka
iast Sunday and Monday, driving
over in his auto.
Van Allen wr.s looking after some
business matters in Oai
ing the week at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Peter Johnsoa i.nd the
week ends at home. While in Ne
hawka Lucean and wife and the son
visited with Mrs. Gertrude Carper,
mother of Lucean.
Robert Moore of Malvern, Iowa,
where his nephew, Ethan Allen has
been visiting for the past week, was
over to Murray from his home at
Malvern. Iowa on last Sunday, bring
ing Ethan home who had enjoyed a
very fine visit and spending the day
here. On his return Donnelly r.nd
Lr.ura went over to spend a week at
the heme of the uncle in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Copenhaver and
daughters. Misses Virginia and Bes
sie, the latter being employed as a
housekeeper at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Sporer, departed last Mon
day morning with their car for
Brush, Colorado, where they will
visit with their daughter. Mrs. Mc
Namee for about ten days and will
enjoy the cooler climate for the
; time.
(I'olitical Advertising)
(Political Advertising)
(Political Advertising
Next Governor Spends Sunday Here
The Hon. W. B. Banning, who has
bet n campaigning very strenuously
during the past few weeks and who
lias been over most of the state and
made many addresses tellin
needed in Nebraska to bring back
prospertiy, which all are needing
was a visitor at home over Sunday
and departed for Lincoln late Sun
day night to be there for the work
of the beginning of the week. From
the receptions which Senator Ban
ning is being given and the unceas
ing wcrk which he is doing it looks
like this is the next gov-.rnor of Nebraska.
Sunday, driving ever in his car and
as well was visiting with friends.
Gccrga Thcmpson was looking af
ter the garage and filiin. station dur
ing the time while Halias Akins was
called to Nehawka on last Monday.
Mrs. Mamie Bohl, housekeeper for
Thomas Nelson, was visiting with:
the relatives in Omaha last .rSturday,
remaining until Sunday afternoon.
Miss Neva Lancaster was a guest
f.-.i tSo rl-ii- r.n lnct ivulnv it tha
AW. L - H. V. . I M.I . . . - - .... . . . l V - - .-
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Read, where a number of guests en
joyed a fine dinner.
The Murray Christian Bible school j the kittenbail team to the Father
for the past Lord's day was only ST. I Flannigan home west of Omaha
With the extra hot day many were ' v-hcr- the Played with a team of
kept from coming, but with that tJle hoys who make their home there
number they were doing fine. -nd where all enjoyed the game very
Thomas Nelson was a visitor ina!Ih- The boys at the home were
Omnln lpt Sirndav wh-r. he wrs euccssiui in winning over me .Murray
County Superintendent of Schools
Played Kittenball.
Frank Mrasek with his truck took!
the community, both in church and
social life.
Mrs. McMillan was a teacher in
th? schools as well as music and it
was only natural that her coming
back would cause a stir, among the
ones who lived here at that time.
lOnly three are left of the largo fam
ily, Mrs. M?ry Rankin of Broken
Bow; Mrs. Ne'ic Montgomery or
Pennsylvania and Mrs. McMillan of
Thedford. Nebr.
The party left for Custer and
Thomas county Monday.
guest cf
Lawrence Nelson. I '?-!s lhe score of 9 to D. There
they both then driving to
soir.e forty rnihs west c
James E. Hatcheit w
i poorly for seme time is
J well but while he gets
i not strong
lid L 1 i , l , . .. . : . . ,.
Richland i 'viH bc
Omaha. J time durln;
a return game played soint-
the latter portion of the
till not so
bout he is i -i .1 x-
.'ii;:ij u i. iti-j ifc.iiiiTLi-1 in nir
little work to do just
(Political AdvrtT-:ng
hereby announce the filir.:
A. L. Crosser was called to Omaha
last Monday morning to look after
some business matters ior a snort;
time and on his return brought with j
him a truck load of gasoline for his !
clients here.
J. D. Shrader w ho has been rath-j
ur.d who hasj
jcinity of Murray have decided to cut
their corn stalks and save as much
cme Fishing Tiip.
Dee Hostetter and sons. Kenneth,
Keith and Ronald and nephew. Or
ville Tackett. went fishing Thursday
evening down to the Missouri river.
They caught a earn weighing ten
1"and a half pounds, and also a cat-
fui public institutions, but that th
state shall receive full one hundred
cents value for every dollar expend
ed. Should my record be ppioved
by you, your support and m-operatlon
will be appreciated. Sliouid 1 te
elected I will need ycur co-nitration
same as now.
ocratic candidate for"
State Representative,
Sixth District.
fish weighing six and a half and a
numbe-r of smaller ones, averaging
of the feeding properties as possible I ono a:ul a half to thrte pc.un(is apiece
rcony ior seme
been gaining with th
much imp roved and is g
better which is pleasing
Tritnds and relatives.
Rev. Lloyd Schubert
;n Murray on Monday '
v. i e
; this wf ek.
my name for the position of county j COmir.g to conduct ths fur.ral c: the!
commissioner to represent tne tnira . Irite i jrs M G (jhurchili whose d-: a th
district of Casr, county, subject to the ! ,nd burial is appearing in another
will of the republican voters of thejf0Tun,n 0 paper.
distri"t at the forthcoming rrimaryj , ,T -
, , . , ... :'Ir- nnd iIrs- E. S., Tilt were over
election cn August 11th. . , ,
f to Plattsmouth v. her thev - were
I have resided in Cass county all . ...
,., . , visiting wita friends ior the day.
my life, having been engaged m farm- , .
. . . . iclio were guests at ti e home of Mr.
ing tiurmg tne years ami wen Know
Irnd have in mind the cultnig cf the
i stalks with a machine which cuts all
cf the stalk into small pieces for tne
silo, thus being able to haul the
prepared feed to the bam for stor
age. A. A. Young has been at work
when he can find time from ether
' pressing demands building a machine
; for the purpose of cutting the fod
i der and stalks. He was being assist-
j ed by A. T. Hanson on Monday, they
c a j'e.c tin,-, i j i in. iuav i w i v- "
which they thought
for their trip.
was sure good
K3 is now
v. ing much
o his many
ing. This saving of the roughage'
will be a boon to the farmers who
will need something to kep their cat
tle during the winter.
!it:c:il Advertisin
I hereby announce my candidacy
for state representative, sixth dis
trict for second term. You now know
my position on the major questions
coming before the legislature. I also ! Mueller, who preached
stand for efficiency in all depart-;
, ., , . . ,, ! (Political
ror bounty Superintendent
Berlin. Divine services in all re
ligious communities of the German
reich were dedicated tu the 'ii'mf,ry
of the late President Von Hit d-n-burg.
Hniy Trinity church, not far
from Wilhelmstrasse, where Hinden
burg was a regular v.orshi; r. wa
filled with a large cor gregat ion
which was moved to tears at tli'
sight of the president's tr.'pty p w.
His place in the church was decor
ated with flowers and mourning em
blems. A bust cf the late p;t-sidrt
was brought to a prominent position
and bank;d with b'.c -soms.
The b 1 a c k - draped profstant
church was filled to capacity an hour
before the service started, and crowd
stood patiently outside li-tfning to
the words of Reich I ishop Ludwig
a s rmon i "i
I also
Witnessed Game at St. Louis.
Joe Staska and the family who
;onomy in the expenditure cf j
public funds, but caring for all use-
the needs of the community, both as
to the physical needs of the roads and
the financial conditions facing the
have been away on their vacation for
and Mrs. J. A. Pitz where they en-! some time past, arrived home this
joyed a very nice visit. j morning in time to gD to work. Sun-
Mrs. S. F. Latta who has been so day Joe witnessed two baseball games
past continues i at
iit. 1,-uuuiu x utz cit :. uru . x n 111 , , I , .
... . . I -.o s.iow srood improvement ann is "e
ffive tne business r.f flip rr.nntv thp; i
. , . . . , , : so she can be cut a portion of the
same carerul consideration that It . . .
L-iiif. aiiu wr.a me promise oi cooler
would my own private business.
These who have the same personal
interest in the welfare of the county
and its funds are asked to co-oper-!
ate in this work. Your suppcrt is so-'
t. Louis of what was claimed to i
excjlient ball, being a double!
header between the Cardinals and the !
Pittsburgh team. Joe saw the first
grme which he pronounced as rotten j
baseball and the start cf the second I
Jcs V. Erardt Visits Plattsraouthi
Joe V. Bandt cf Union, republican
candidate for register of deeds was
in Plattsmouth today meeting his:
tioned at Nebraska City with the! many friends and making more. He
the' licited. and will be appreciated.
Among tne bail players and many
cf my friends I am known as "Smil
ey." This I say in crder that all may
know who I am and can exercise
their best judgment at the polls.
Greenwood, Nebr.
weather she should crain faster.
The Murrav hardware store has
been very busv ftxk,g estention for j which, was not interesting enough to
ramps. Most of the farmers have had ! claim the attention cf Joe, so he came
to let their pumps down in order to; away and started for home and back
to Murray where they do know how
to play real baseball.
Tvtr:-- vr-aaT-j vsvsr
The unprecedented demand for the new Chevrolet mod
el:: haz brought us in trade many gcod Used Cars that
we must dispose of. Here re seme of the exceptional
values all offered at right prices and on easy terms:
4 1929 Chevrolet Sedans
1 1929 Plymouth Sedan
1 1929 Fcrd Coupe
2 1931 Chevrolet Coupe
1 1932 Chevrolet Coach
1 1933 Chevrolet Sedan
2 1928 Chevrolet Sedans
1 1927 Chevrolet Touring Car
1 1930 Chevrolet Short Wheel Truck
1 1928 Essex
Many Other Cheaper Cars on Display
at Very Attractive Prices
Chicago. Jesse H. Jones, chair
man cf the Reconstruction Finance
corporation, announced authorization
j of a $22,500,000 loan by the RFC
j to the Chicago school board for full
i payment of teachers salaries. The
I lean will finance seven months' sal
jary payments to June 1, 1S34. Jub
j ilant teachers, who paraded from
time to time in the loop in protest
i against payltss paydays, made lans
I !
Set sufficient water for the stock,
as the water in the wells is low just
Albert A. Young was a visiter in
Plattsmouth on last Sunday and was
visiting with his father who is very
j poorly at the home cf his daughter,
Mrs. Guy Wiles and where he has to
be cared for by a nurse, so serious
is his condition.
Mrs. Ella Barker, manager of the
Murray telephone exchange was tak
ing her vacation during last and this
v.e-k and is spending it at Lake
Ohoboji and is accompanied by one
of the girls while the other remains
here. While she is away Miss Mar
garet Long and Del "'res Barker are
locking after the exchange.
A. I). Bakke, who is traveling in
Iowa for an Omaha firm was a visi
ter for over the week end at home
Cf tin pal fj ; tr. ,.: V . . : l
j departing for his work again early
j Monday morning. He is liking the
work very well but finds with
condition cf the crops a little
I ccuraging for the dealers.
immediate payment
tubes. Most of the sum. thev
said, would go to landlords, grocery,
butchers and others who "carried"
them over the days of the financial
drouth. The loan is based on sink-
U"-a lu'lu '-u " -rigage or iL-3. Anna McMi'.Ien cf Thedford
HI non-scr.ool property owned by the
K : school board and covers teachers
ralaries only. The board r.aid its fi
nances were such that payment of
salaries cf other board employes
could be met.
Returns for Visit After 34 Years.
Mrs. Anna Rankin McMillan of
Thedford, Nebr, accompanied by her
daughter and husband of California,
Mrs. McMillan's sister, Mary Rankin
ed Broken Bow, came to Nebraska
City to visit a niece and naphew,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodgens Sunday,
then drove to Murray and paid a visit
to the old Rankin home f John Davis
is now living on the farm) and visit-!
ed the follow ing families: Mrs. Old-1 ft.
ham and daughter, Mrs. Albert f '
Vrnn Mrs. William Snorer. Mrs. 1 1
XV. S. Smith, Mrs. G. H. Gilmore and
Mrs. Pitman and the Davises.
The cider residents remember the j j
surprise given them cn the occasion
of Mr. and Mrs. McMillan's marriage.
The entire community was invited
to a golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. , f
Thomas Rankin, parents of Mrs. Mc-jf J
Miilan. A few minutes before
Mr. and Mrs. Rankin came into thejf
room and took their places beneath .
Specials For Saturday at
Ladies Toggery
String Lace Suits
Values to $5.95 - - Sizes from 14 to 20
Special for Saturday Only
$2.59 each
Group of Summer Dresses
Silks, Eyelets and Knits Values to $7.95
Your Choice of This Let for
$2.79 each
is the
, an arch in the large window. Fol-; 1?
owner of i . . I-
oaatv Ghevroiet
Located in 0-K Garage Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
(Political Advertising)
Henry H. Ragoss
Louisville, Nebraska
County Commissioner
Second District
: I will Appreciate Your Support
i Primaries Angcst 14, 1231.
a larg3 f tock ranch and where she
has resided for the past nearly foryt
years, since her marriage. While
here she was visiting with her friend
Mrs. Wm. Spcrer. An account of her
life in the west end here will be writ
ten for the paper by one of her
Lucean Carper and the family
were over to Nehawka on last
, being accompanied by Mrs. B.
H. Nelson and family who are spe-nd-
Mcrkct Price Paid
See Us Before You Sell!
araers Elevator Co.
Murray, Nebr.
Robert D. Weston, Rflsr.
Phone 17
i lowing them came Anna, their young-!
& t - . . n . . ,i t ,. i;n . . T I P
eii utvaiiLtr iiiiu Jtis. .ui jiiua:i. ii
was then that the guests realized
that the guests realized that they
were not only attending a golden
wedding but a real honest to good
ness wedding. This is the first visit
back since that day. Many changes
have taken place. The Rankins came
to Nebraska from Pennsylvania in j
territorial days, once owned the farm
row the property of R. Minford. one
mile east cf Murray, later purchasing
the farm one mile west of Murray,
now cwned by O. A. Davis. On this
farm Mr. Rankin died and the fam
ily cf 12 children were doing for
themselves in different localities. Joe
Rankin was the last to leave Cass
One day m conversation wita a I
w oman she said I wish I could have
known tljo Rankins. After all the
years you can't talk 10 minutes but
what some cne mentions Rankins.
They did fill an important place In
Group of Wash Frocks
Broken Sizes Only Values up to $3.95
Seme with Long Sleeves, Saturday
$1.00 each
Wash Fabric Gloves
Tan and White - - Values to $1 Pair
Limit One Pair to Customer
17c pr.
n "J
i I i
Ladies Silk Dresses
Sizes from 12 to 44 Values up to $16.75
A Real Special for Saturday at