THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1934. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE A r ft IV. Hurray Fred Drucker and the family were visiting with friends in Plattsmouth for the day last Sunday. Arthur Copenhaver, of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray early Mon day morning, dispensing gasoline ard oils. Mr. end Mrs. George Reicke were in Syracuse last Sunday, where they were visiting with relatives for the day. Ralph Kennedy and the family were visiting in Plattsmouth and as well were looking after some business matters at the same time. George Nickles was looking after - Feme business matters in Plattsmouth last Monday, and was also in Omaha, driving to both places in his auto. V. E. Mackey and family were vis iting in Plattsmouth last Saturday night and besides visiting with their . friends were looking after some shop ping as well. Ray Frederick, with his help, is busy at this time with the harvesting end threshing of his sweet clover crop for reed, lie has some four hundred acres to harvest and thresh. Harry Albin and wife were over to Omaha on last Saturday, where they were looking after some business mat ters and making purchase of goods for the cafe which they conduct here. Miss Janice Ehlers, of Bertrand, ar rived in Murray last week and is vis iting with Mrs. Ella Barker. She will remain for some time, assisting with the work at the telephone ex change. Mrs. Anna Meyers, of Avoca, was a visitor in Murray for over the week end and a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Barker, manager of the Murray telephone exchange, for the few days, which all enjoyed very pleasantly. W. J. Patterson was a visitor in Weeping Water for a number of days during this week, being a guest while there of his brother, Judge A. J. Pat terson and another brother, David Patterson, who farms near Weeping Water. Joe Bonnie was the victim of the severe heat wave of the rast week, and Saturday he was rendered uncon sccious from tha heat, remaining in that condition for nearly twenty-four hours. He is feeling some better at this time, however. Miss Bertha Pitman, of California, arrived in Murray on last Tuesday and will visit here for some time with relatives, being guests of her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Pitman and as well with Mr3. Adaline Perry. They were all present at a birthday party which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davi3 in honor of Mrs. Addie Perry. A very fine time was had. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Graves are both very poorly. While they can be up a portion cf the time, they are com pelled to remain in bed most of the time. Their advanced ages makes their poor health much more difficult to ccmbat. The many friends of this excellent couple are hoping they may soon be restored to better health, al though the hot weather is making that very difficult of realization. Robert Moore, of Malvern, Iowa, was a business visiter in Murray and vicinity last week, where he was buy ing horses and muler.. He was accom panied by his little daughter, Laura, who visited for the time Mr. Moore was here with her cousins, the child ren cf Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allen. When they returned home on last Friday Ethan Allen accompanied them for a week's visit at Malvern. James W. Hobson was spending the week end with relatives and friends in Plattsmouth and cn Sun day was assisting in celebrating the passing of the birthday of James Mc Culley at the home of Mr. and Mr3. Dewey Hobson, where the occasion was properly celebrated. A son of Mrs. James McCulley, Fred McCulley, who makes his home in Chicago, was also there, this making a merry party. HIGHEST Market Price Paid or GRAIN See Us Before You Sell! Farmers Elevator Co. Murray, Nebr. Robert D. Weston, Mgr. Phone 17 ance from this portion of the district. Enjoyed Missouri Pacific Picnic On Tuesday of last week there was held at Nebraska City a picnic for the employees cf the Missouri Pacific lines and which was greatly enjoyed by all who cculd make it convenient to at tend from this district. Rose Redden and family and W. E. Mackey and family and C. W. Allen and family were down and all enjoyed the occa sion very much. Pioneer Cass County Woman Dies at Plainview Mrs. Harriett Eoyal Passes Away After Ulness Covering: Period cf Several Months. Bailing Straw New That nothing may be tost in the way of feed for this winter, the straw that came from the threshing of the wheat and cat3 is being bailed and preserved. The straw piles at the Ray Gerking home were being bailed last Monday. Hard on Bees This Weather Tom Nelson, who is a bee man, says that the excessively hot weather is hard on the bees, as the comb melts and allows the filled combs to fall on the bees, smothering them. W. E. Mackey, who has a number of hives, has suffered the loss of four stands of bees in this manner lately. Attended Tri-County Picnic There was held at Bellevue on last Sunday a picnic for the 4-H clubs of three counties, and at which there were a number in attendance from this place, among them being Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young, Willard Allen and Effie Poynter. A very pleasant time was had and which was greatly enjoyed by all who were in attend- TEAM THEM UP QSWDS "W S MOTOR OIL and STANDARD RED CROWN V i ' x ? ' s "- i f K ,' ,- F. H. GERBELING Standard Oil Service Station ays: "Good gasoline goo! motor oil and careful erric make any car last longer. We haTe all three at no extra cost.1 O A good oil makes a good gasoline better. IsorVis "D" because it does not form sludge permits your en gine to respond fully to the extra live power of Stand ard Red Crown Superfuel. To get the finest service out of your car, permit only IsoVis "D" in the crank case Standard Red Crown Superfuel in your gas tank. 3 FINE GASOLINES Standard Red Crown Superfuel: An already fine gasoline let out another notch to give extra, . 0 lire, usable power at no extra cost . . . hual- Reiiance: Combines low cost and high 4 n J 0 mileage .Ja . Red Crown Ethyl: The finest gasoline your 1010 money will buy ........... 1(1,4 L 3 FINE MOTOR OILS ISO-Vis "D" a premium oil worth 30f at . . 252. Polarine . . 20$. Reliance . 155. Standard Oil Will Not Be Undersold on VALUE STANDARD OIL SERVICE At thmsm Standard Oil Dealers and Stations Standard Oil Service Station 747 Vine Street Visited Here Over Sunday A. D. Bakke, who is traveling in Icwa selling the products of an Omaha firm of which he is a member, was a visitor at his home in Murray over the week end, departing early Moa day morning for his work in cur sis ter state. Visited in Union Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were guests for the afternoon last Sunday at Union, where they were visiting for the time at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. E. Leach and where they met and enjoyed the company of A. V. Propst and family and Mr. C. S. Johnson father of Mrs. Propst, who makes her home with the Propst family. A very enjoyable visit was had by all. Announcement. I hereby announce my candidncj for state representative, sixth dis trict for second term. You now know my position on the major questions coming before the legislature. I also stand for efficiency in all depart ment3 of the state and all officers also economy in the expenditure oi public funds, but caring for all use ful public institutions, but that the state shall receive full one hundrec cents value for every dollar expend ed. Should my record be approved by ycu, your support and co-operatioi: will be appreciate, hould 1 be elected I will need your co-operation same as now. GEO. E. NICKLES, Dem ocratic candidate for State Representative Sixth District. DEATH OP JOHN HEISEL From Tuesday's I"aily The death of John Ileisel, young est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Heisel, pioneer reidents of Plaits mouth, occurred suddenly this morn ing at Lincoln. Mr. Heisel had not been in the best of health for the past several years, but his condi tion was not such as to cause ap prehension from the members of the family. There are surviving two brothers and one sister, George and Fred Hei sel and Miss Anna Heisel of this city. VISITING RELATIVES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Elmont Preston and family of Columbia, Missouri, are spending a short time in this coun ty with the relatives and old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Prestcn are staying at Weeping Water and visit ing over the county with the old friends. They disposed of their farm holdings near Imperial two years ago and this year have not been farming. Mr. Preston in company with his ccusin, Bert Philpot, was a visitor In the city Tuesday to meet a few of the old friends. Takes 6 InGhss Off Hips and Bust The SAFE Way to Reduce "For three months I've used Krus- chen Salts I've lost 45 lbs. taken 6 inches off bust 3 bottles gave me splendid results." Mrs. Carl Wilson. A half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning is the secret how overweight folks can reduce SAFELY and at the same time gain physical attractiveness. One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You can get Kruschen Salts at F. G. Fricke & Co., or any drug store In the world. 4T-4 Miss Marriott Ellington v.-as born at the historic village of Rock Bluffs, Cass county, Nebraska, April 1, 1SG2 and passed her birthday this last spring. She had been in poor health for some time and during the win-! ter was working near Elmwood when she was taken very ill and taken to ! the home of her sen. Ray Royal, near j Plainview where she had recuperated and visited there and with another! son Gerald Royal, and was there dur-j ing the early portion cf last week, j returning to Plainview where she was makng her homo. Last Thurs day evening while seated on the lawn of the home at about S o'clock, passed away very quietly. The funeral was luld Sunday at . Plainview, where she- was laid to: rest beside the husband, who diedj some twenty-five years ago. j Miss Ilattie Ellington was born in j old Rock Bluffs when it was in its! very palmiest days and there secured I her education, in later years being j united in marriage with William A. j Royal. Wm. Ellington, the father! of Mrs. Royal, was the first sheriff of Cass county and resided in Rock Bluffs, and for seme two years went across the river, farming in Iowa, j Mrs. Hattie Royal who is sister ofj the late Joe C. Ellington, leaves only ! one brother, Charles Ellington, of Omaha. CANDIDATES VISIT CITY Saturday drew a large number or 1 j candidates into the city to seek the j acquaintance of the residents of this community. Two of the many demo cratic candidates for congress were here in the afternoon and evening. O. W. Meier and Henry C. Luckey, both of whom would lik? to succeed John H. Morehead in the first dis trict. Mr. Meier is a well known leader of the Spanish war veterans, while Mr. Luckey claims to be the only farmer candidate for the office. Francis V. Robinson, cf Lincoln, a candidate for the demccratiic nom ination for attorney general, was a visitor here Saturd&j to meet the voters and to renew acquaintance with the Plattsmouth members of the bar, many of whom are old friends. Mr. Robinson has been practicing law at Lincoln since 1920. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mrs. M. G. Churchill of Murray, who has been, in such poor health for so many months, with the pass ing of the months and not receiv ing and permanent improvement, it was deemed the best to take her to the hospital in Omaha where treat- j mer.t could be made and where the best of care could be given. She was taken Monday morning in the W. L. Hobson ambulance to the University hospital. Drs. R. T.V. Tyson and G. II. Gilmore assisted in getting Mrs. Churchill into the ambulance and she was accompanied by Dr. Gilmore who is assisting Dr. Tyson in the case. It is hoped that the patient will improve after having been tak en there, she having suffered greatly during her illness. LEAVE FOR MINNESOTA Keith Snyder and Jack Troop of this city departed Sunday for a trip to the lake country of Minnesota, where they are planning on spending their vacation fishing and taking in the various points of interest in that section of the country. They expect to be absent several weeks on the trip. (Political;) ALPHA C. PETERSON FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Cass County Ha3 Good Schools Why Change! Your support will be appreciated. Thank you. Primaries August 14 Non-political ballot. Jy23-2tw (Political Advertising) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Candidate for County Superintendent XOX - POLITICAL. Primaries, Tuesday, Aug. 14 Your Support will be Appreciated I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A LOT FOR YOUR MONEY? YOU'RE RIGHT! B And every item, whether you buy one or fifty, is marked at a money saving price! Del Blonte Sliced or Half PEACHES No. 2i2 Can - 17c 3 cans, 49 c Del Monte Whole Segment GRAPE FRUIT 14c 2cans,27c No. 2 Size Can - - G II APE FRUIT JUICE. No. 2 can. .130 - ? r-T :?"s m Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat., July 27 and 28 Hems Beans One each, 10c can Kidney, To mato Sauce, Vegetarian and Boston Style 4 cans - - Silver Bar TOMATOES an1 2 f0r IgC 3 for 256 MiW 1)1-: I. Mwil -. run Del Monte Whole Kernel Golden Bantom CORN 12-oz. Vac. Pack 2 cans, 25' LETTUCE 5-Dczen Size COCh, 6C !"rt-i.!t r( ( ulormlo Icebrrjc, Solid llrndx. 0RAHGES Calif. Sweet Juicy Valencias 17(1 Sl.e "JQ U1U Size OO- -3- Slae AM- ilozt-ii - uJC Iixr-n - OJC Doirn - WATERMELONS, lb 2Y2c Swt-rt Iteri HIir Tom nKou. VJo! or Half quart basket . . . .25c ( nMforniii Mountain IlnrtlrttM PLUMS, quart basket .... 19c Cnlifornla llvs! Uuartr CANTALOUPES, 3 f or . . . 25c l"r-h Vim- Hlpc'iini Jumbo Sl.r. POTATOES, 10 lbs 25c fnlil'tiruia Wnxheu l.unt; VVIiilr Shattorn or Itisiho Pri Triumph G&EEB? BEANS, lb 10c l!ci:u!, SlrinslrKN. CARROTS, bunch 5c l-"rch (rrru Tois. CABBAGE, per lb 5c Kreh. Solid Colorado. VEAL E0AST (Shoulder), lb H'j Choice, trnder quality. Itouud hour or Shoulder rut. Try it with Jr-!iiC. U. S. Choice BEEF ROAST (Shoulder), lb.12y2 l-Torxt ruru fed II-i-f f'r a mut drllolou uira or pot roniat. BEEF (Belled Rib) ROAST, lb 10 Choice and tender with real rleh flavor. lt" also deliei'.iUM ulleed eold. HAMBURGER (Fresh Ground), lb 7V2 Kreh irruund lean loOfi I'ure Heel for Meat I .oaf or lnttlex. VEAL STEAKS, Rcund, Sirloin, T-Bone, lb 20 lull flavor, tender choice quality. Treat the fumily with ar or two cooked their favorite wa. U. S. Choice BEEF (Round) STEAK, lb 22 l'. S. Chcdce Ileef aure you the very flucat In Ihiup Hound Steak. VEAL BREAST, per lb. TyM Olttaiuahle in one piece or ('Iced for atewlnK. BACON, Hinky-Dinky, Mb. pkg 230 llert-'M a flue quality, mild aumr cured Huron, all allced and wrapped lu cellophane. Hickory amoked for flator. LARD, Dcld's 100',; Pure, Mb. pkg; 9 Casco Creamery BUTTER SOLIDS Mb. Carton Quartered. 27c lb. 26' Margarine Best of All )Cn 2 lbs. - - LJL MY VV Ilrand 1 Hf4 1-lb. Carton - - V Del Monte Fancy Red SALMON Mb. Tall Can, 13c 2 for 35' Del Monte Fancy CATSUP 14 02 2 for 9Qc Bottle, 15c 1UI JELL-O ASSORTED FLAVORS Pkg. - Post Bran Flakes, 2 pkg-s.-lDt So-Tastee Soda CRACKERS or Certified .lb 1 g Grahams caddy 1"C Karo Red or Blue Label SYRUP Pail - 49C Pail - 2 S WIN YOU Salad Dressing or RELISH SPREAD 8-oz. Jar, 10 PC Pint Jar, 15 Quart Pal Brand Peanut Butter Mb. Jar 15c -J rrV ?M' WAX mwiiND'Ff 3 lbs., 62c ag FfEE SUGAR bll W I" I. A TK IX IIKKT 100 lbs, $5.43; 10 lbs. PURE CANE 10 lb. 100 lbs, $5.55 CI. Bag fSB pM 33c 58c Skinner's MACARONI Spaghetti or Pure Egg Noodles 3 pkgs r Pure jn S - - 1 Welch's GRAPE JUICE Quart Of Pint -f fc Bottle OOZ Size tlaisin- 11 BRAN ITS C00P-AND C000 FOR. YOU 2 for Crater Blue Prunes, No. 10 can, 35 ; 3 cans for $1 Bed Spot Loganberries, lib. 10 can 53i Bed Spot Strawberries, No. 10 can 69 Producers Eoyal Anne Cherries, No. 10 can 49 Roberts Milk, 6 small or 3 tall cans 170 Post Toasties or Kellcgg's Corn Flakes, large pkg: 100 WARF! ELD'S energized COCOA irlb. can, G 1-lb. Can, 120 2 Colman's Mustard 1- oz. can. 90 4-oz. 2- oz. can, 15 can 29c Airy Fairy Cake Flour, 2 3 4 -lb. pkg" 230 Heavy Bed Jar Ring's, 3 dozen for 100 Mason Jar Caps, dozen 230 Mason Fruit Jars, Pints, doz., 650; Quarts, doz 750 Santa Clara Prunes, med. size (70-S0s), 3 lbs 290 Champion Brand Lye, High-Test, 4 cans 250 BUTTER-NUT FRUIT PECTIN For Making Jams "fl jlc or Jelly. Pkg. - - jLLHjV M. J. 33. Junior COFFEE 1-lb. Pkg. - Lipten's Tea Green Japan 1-lb. Pkg., 2 for 690 i2-lb., 2 for 370 1 fk c V4Ab. 2 for - - US Hollywood's Famous Avocado Tissue Soap Nature's Aid to Beauty Formerly introduced as a 3 for 50c seller liars H Twenty Grand Cigarettes Pkg. - - c iovdi:hki SOAI Sparli A 10c Package FREE with Each Large Pkg. Lge. Pkg. - .19' 12. J. B. 'Safety Sealed1 CoSEce Best Grind for Percolator, 3 1h can qqc v u O C Dripolator or Pot 2 lb. can 59c can MAGIC WASHER KOK KINK KA 1HKS Small Pkcr., 9 Lge. Pkg. PROTEX fdnifkY JL 1!- HEALTH &WZ.BT U UUWli m JLj 19c Ken-L-Ration SlPKRIOIt DOG FOOD ) 1-lb. Cans KIT-E-RATION for the Cat - 2 cans 19c 23 c Coronet Flour An 48-Ib. Bag - - -9A3V HINKY-DINKY 5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $f.C9 24 lbs., 930 ; 48 lbs. 1 Flit Fly Spray Kills Flies, Moths and Many Other Pests! Quart can, 79c Pint can - 47c Vi-Pt. Can 27c Palmoiive SOAP 6 Bars Super Suds 2 lge. Pkgs., 330 3 small Pkgs. - - Crystal White Soap 6 Giant Ears, 230 10 Eeg. size Bars Crystal White Soap Flalie! 21-cz. Pkg., 100 5-lb. Box .... 2J 29c