1IC NT AY. JULY 9, 1934. PLATTSMOUTH SEM - WEEKLY JOUENAT. PAGE SEVEN TT "in IllOILYWCOB T.y HARRISON CARROLL Ilollyv.onil. Plenty cf excitement here when a lorai newspaper print ed a picture cf I a a Lupi-io in a sick le:l. The hcs'.th dep- vtment gave Ida's doctor a sur.niicns to explain v.i-y l.t ! sent members cf the family into all parts of the world. In tracing their adventures, the picture pives a vivid analysis of conditions in Germany, Frame, England and the United t;xtcL-. I:v.p: mount's "Shoot the Works." Arline Judge and husband, Wesley Ruggles, personally delivered it. ... Raquel Torres is ill with a cold. V photo-! lu-ft gnipiit-ra into q'.K'.rar.tined He de.iieJ respon-j e::f.ci! rihiiily, so did the '. even studio and the a;-!n::d V. i ations of the film are awe- corr.e. The world moves on to more (laughter. Quick news-reel flashes cf Hitler reviewing Nazi storm troops, of Mussolini receiving the aFscist calute from his legiens, of French war maneuver?, of marching thousands in Russia's famous Red Square, of Jap- j rnc e rcpimentr,, cf England's for i mi'.ticns give grim reality to the war cf America's mass airplane a threat. room. Ail too easily, this rtory could hrve upon a ix te of futility. And Hollywood. Credit Eddie Cantor with one of the funnier cracks about the quintuplets. The father of five daughters, the comedian cut the first clipping out and presented it to his wife. "For years you've been bragging Ida," he said. "Take a look at this and see what is being done else- here." . .J Ida Lupine irv. v. ith rrcduc-er Eheehun riter Reg-inald Berkeley doing fair had the male-j their be t to soften the finish, it is ir.gs of a big mys- j difficult to shake off the impression, tery until it caniej "The World Moves On" is one of out that the pic-i the most c:::iti:ig films Hollywood ture was taken ! ha::- ever made. It alio is one of the when Ida was sick ' .Most t;Iarr.:i;ig. several months! In the stampede to get family pic tures hack on the screen, Fox leads oft" with an idea that ought to ring the geng at the ago. The 1, been aide or.de Paramount star 1K.S to rlt d to ta'.k Ion? ic.r J;- f;.?h Etory of the year is be toM by Preston Foster. The M. J. actor heeded his 2 5-foot motor distance to her lather, Stanley Lu piuo, who has run up a ? 1.000 phone bill from London. Ida received a box of flowers and a cheering note from Hal Reason. .Kan II;;riv"s ex, who also is recuperating from infantile paralysis. heat to sea the other morning and stepped just ;-hnrt cf the kelp beds. It will tickle Ilcily c. that the very E-tgi:.- h .!:: ovap impersonate;: Ah: ahr.r.s Li: It happened at the Criterion He turned off the motor and ascend ed f the de-.-k when suddenly the ;.c:.t rhivered and tatie came a scrap- knows ing c-"u::d as if the F .rr ,'.v I ce! was grating .ir.coin. f.n rocks. Foster t)io- ru.jaea to the ran a tor here when they were the old R. the life ci' running (kett Ijrotkeri film on the martyred' president.) 'and looked over. The r e, to his .maze m e n t, he 3 box office. Though it's all supposed to be v e r y secret, they are planning 53 i r tnom Till T?rr i?-- r 4 crs and the new , J child sensation, i! fp:l Shirley Temple. Shirley Temple Courtney Riley Cooper, well known writer of circus and action been engaged to write Preston Foster The picture was silent, but when ; en v a whale. The huge bulk shifted the time came for the Gettysburg ; the front of the boat came into address, the theater manager had con-j t'ie air. Panic-stricken, Filter dive:! trived a hiz dramatic effect bv Lav- ' into tho engine room, started the mo- well-known Lin-; ic,r r ing Gecrge Billings ccln impersor.atcr, behind the screen memorable words. The idea worked fine ur.til Billings became ill. Far row, then nev.iy-arrhetl in Holly wood and a friend of the manager's, was drafted to fill the spot. stories, has a scenario in which Rogers is to play a round-house foreman living in a division point in the Rockies. Plot is to have strictly family appeal, with Will shown as the arbiter of the romances, squabbles and political affairs cf the little railroad town. The picture will be the first time Rogers has ever been teamed with enyene. A triumph, any way yon look at it, for the 5 -year-old Shir ley who has become a star in the amazing time of six months. d shoved it in reverse. He our.t a platform i EC lemnly swears tr.at tne wnaie ici-, ind deliver the l'-wed hmi for several minutes. All of which may not be as wild a ! tale as it sounds. Fishermen declare that the whale probably was trying j to scrane barnacles off its back. Ti'.e most dramatic and terrifying war scenes ever filmed will startle motion pi: ture audiences when Fox rtlcmcs "The World Moves An." A small grcup of Hollywood correspond ents saw this film run off in the pro jection room at Winfitld Shechan's home, and unanimously tabbed it as rr'e x 'Hl'IIjwu's liup'jrtar.f'rfitjr ; ings of the year. j Following the fortunes cf the Gir- ard family, cotton merchants, from1 earlv New Orleans, through Saltfc-Enacks Miriam Hopkins gave the gossips a treat by ceming to the King's club with three b:y friends. Many Holly wood f. elebritics cut to hear the Her berts, singers cf sophisticated songs, i ev.ly-arrived at this late spot. ... Virginia Pine and George Raft, prom inent among them. . --thr?v used t--rail When the news came that the New York censor board had barred "It Ain't No Sin," Paramount officials dreaded, among ether things, how Mae West would take the blow. Emanuel Cohen personally made a trip to her apartment to break the news. The blonde star replied simply: "Well, boyr, lets get to work." And thc.t is why Mae disappointed I:cr fans by not showing up at the benefit fcr the Marion Davies foun dation. She had spent two hours that morning at the beauty parlor, had her dress laid out and the car ordered to go when she got the news. With thousands of dollars at stake and with the picture scheduled for immediate release, the star was corn- screen," says the bore me to death.1 star. 'He would And now even the film dancing- girls are reacting to the censorship menace. A group of chorines have just organized themselves into a club called: "Little Women of Holly wood." They take names from the characters cf the Louisa May Alcott classic. A good sport, this Orizo Orlando, millionaire Spanish wine exporter new visiting the cinema city. He made his first trip to a studio the oth- Director Clarence Brown to let him wcrk in a scene of "Sacred and Pro fane Lcve." He wanted no money. He would just be an extra. Brown said okay, and the a grand time : L- - v.: .:.:. : .:.v-:-. "Clarence Brown-. wealthy Spani3rd had walking through several takes with a group of other atmosphere people. But when he was through, the as- AIvo News Frank Warner of Lincoln was a visitor in Alvo with his brother, W. H. Harmer, better known as Billie, and after spending a short time here. R. M. Coatman and the family were enjoying a picnic party at South Bend on the Fourth of July. They met the family cf Joe Vicker tlmre, they all enjoying a very delightful time. The Alvo town beard met on last Tuesday evening and transacted some important business for the city and also passed a bill for the paying of those who have been working on the streets. R.. W. Wilscn and James Garcia were over to Plattsmcuth on Friday cf last week locking over the situ ation of entering one of the C. C. C. camps which are receiving applicants at this time. Rodney Shreeve cf Wahoo, accom panied by his friend Bill Potter and bcth their grandmothers, were visit ing with friends in Alvo for a short sistant director revealed that codeium8n U1SI mursuay, tne aay alter rfr'li!itin?c vr.n IT i rfwl t h rt f H;n cnnni- ! f OUrill. receive a $7.50 check just like any other extra. Orlando protested vol ubly he didn't want any money, but finally gave in anil tucked the check away in his pocket as a souvenir. Two minutes later he presented Brown with another che k for $500 to he given to any charity Clarence saw fit. What well-known m -trees, now making a picture at an independent studio, introduced her new bey friend around as a well-known business man Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Winters of to their home at Gordon. A niece. Miss Mary Creamer, living between AJvc and Murdock, accompanied them and will visit there for a number cf week, returning home in time to en ter school this fall. Will not Bay Cream at Present E. L. Nelson, the merchant who has been buying cream, has ceased icr the present and will not buy cream for the coming thirty clays in order to get matters adjusted so as to handle it better, but after he shall have gotten things in proper shape will again engaged in the business and as he has ever been will pay the highest prices for cream and its products. Kakirg Seine Repairs. Uncle Wm. Coatman cf ,Weeping Water was in Alvo and at the farm south of town last Tuesday and was making seme repairs a3 the recent stcrm did considerable damage to the buildings there as well as blowing down some trees. groups of music which enlivened the occasion as well with the readings which accompanied them made the evening a merry one. Meets 'with Painful Accident. Roy Stewart nil the family were over to Lincoln for the Fourth !' July and there enjoyed t h ; day v. ry merrily, but which was marrc I lit u a ball vlhkh was thrown in a frame which they were watching, stru k Josephine on the nrse. eau.-iig :i fracture. The little Mi.;.-' was t: l.eu to a phyeician there who treated the injury and they were able to return home. Mrs. -Ftewart took th-- little patient to Lincoln the following day for further treatment. It k that Josephine will g t a!' light. h pec! a'l ASKS TOR EIV0ECE Completed Threshing. R. M. Coatman was furnishing the motive power for the pulling of the big thresher of W. H. Warmer, they making a good team, have just com- d in t ii li I' Omaha, were visiting for over the J plcted their shock threshing and have Fourth at the home of Mrs. Winters' j had excellent weather and wheat that parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Wvatt. was iroctl and clean, tnus aiiowm they returning to their home in Om aha late last week. The families of Archie Miller and Ellis Mickel were enjoying the 4th of July at South Bend where there was a celebration as well as a very line place for a picnic and for swim ming and other sports. Soren Petersen was hauling wheat from the machine at the home of and then, two days later, got him a!l,errc:e 1Ier 0:1 Jart mursday, usm; ib wnrkin" n an etra in n nir-tnrp ! l"c truck of Simon Rehmeler and de Did Yen Know: That El Brendel, the comic, always carries a small mirror that was giv en to him by a Boston fan many years ago? VISIT AT SIOUX CITY Mrs. Solomon and., two daughters, I Lillian and Mary, are enjoying a visit at Sioux City, Iowa, where they will be the- guest cf relatives and friends there for the next few days and enjoying an cutjr.g in the Iowa city. . . Larry Crabbe ' pel led to give cp her plans for the him- Buster is : cvcTitrrg-srr-tr' Trerk-late-rimirs in a ling a shiner as black as a storm 1 studio projection room, studying the picture and getting lined up for pos sible cuts and re-writing. livering the grain to the Rehmeier elevator. Mrs. Jennie Rouse who has been in so poor health for some time and who lies been kept to her home and bed with a nurse to care for her, is reported at this time as being quite a bit improved, which fact is greatly enjoyed by her host of friends in Alvo vicinity and elsewhere. Clifford Jewell and the family of Cordon who have been visiting at the homo of Grandfather and Grand mother C. W. Jewell of Alvo, spend ing the Fourth here and departing on July Cth in the morning to return An action has V.ccr. office of the clerk of lii in which Homer Laync tiff and Mjyohi Layr.t tin . I !m!.i n ; . The plaintiff all: gos i.i t!. petition that the p::rikr, were mankd :.i Wycming. Illinois.. Xovcml.t ; 1 '2 ! ar.d have since be.:; :c..t..t ol Cass county. CANAEIES WIN T TTT T- them to enjoy a good season and com plete their work in good time. There still remains considerable wheat to havest but which will bo combined, as it is too ripe now for handling in another manner. Celebrate i at Avoca. Simon Rehmeier and the family and Professor Leo Hauptman and the femily were over to Avoca on Monday evening where they enjoyed the cele bration which Avoca staged there. The evening was very pleasantly en joyed, although the weather was threatening, but it did net rain. Give Friend Surprise. A large number cf the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cart Christensen as-r-embled and went to their home on kst Wednesday, June 27th, where they made merry the evening in com memoration of the wedding of this estimble couple who were married on June 27th just 23 years ago. The Alvo municipal band was there and rendered a number cf very beautiful The kittcnball fans Tm s::. rt Athletic pcik Led u rea 'h':; the Whit jr.- to n Hill f coming from b, hud cnrtiki to 1G victory fit 1:1' "the A Legion team after the 'tc; . an appc win. really safe mar;:; y 1. it-lit ! tinill '. :::.! ies 1. a 17 ; rican to had i ir the ( !iiti ill -lvci th-injr J. E. LANCASTER CANDIDATE FCR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR Cass County Sheriff Owing to my duties in t!e Stale Sheriff's Office wMch will con tinue until Decemher 1, 1D34, it will rot be possible for mo. to meet all the voters of the County. If you feel tb?t my services as Deputy Sheriff has merited your support, then I will qratcfjily appreciate vour vote at the Pri mary Election on flunust 1411 for the nomination for Sheriff. Rssident Cass County 25 Years THANK YOU cloud. Police it cr not. he got it in the : ci World war, the big boom, the mar- i c a film ""fight. nes at the . . . IIixriel Russian E: Kirkland si etheso kct cra:;h and the growing national- rnm g-:n!:cr. with Oscar Thompson, local Here's a quote from Lee TraT that 'R istio tendencies of .late; World Moves On," The Girards, liko nas year e pic , "The sweep. '. Sari Ivinritza too. with Carter Herman. ... Tho first Los Angeles - to - Washington 1 is there, j nar "I the Rothschilds, ; plane carried the print' cf I'ara- ;tartle you. would never care to associate with or even meet the wise-cracking, hand-waving type I play on the Tear Gas Clouds Envelope Warring Strikers WW' JT . C. : T T f TTT" . v t '. . -a i, ,L , . ' ' Hit 4- - ki f 1 - V . V : oubie the V&f of tour Dofe. ' Oft Treasure Hunt Days July 11-12-13-14 The Ladies Toggery Offers Many Bargains Not Listed in This Ad Ladies' Panama Hats. One group, large head sizes only. V ery desirable service hats Treasure Hunt Price a Childrens and Misses Anklets. White and colors made by Munsing 25c and 35c 19c ft! values Treasure Hunt Price . . Ladies White Washable Panama Hats. All head sizes. Good assortment $Cr Treasure Hunt Special A- -1 : V t '.Jr : - if y 1 , line? thctsand Etriksrs, r:s2d c:: 'tlie slopes cf Hinccs Hill, San Francisco, saw the State Belt Line Ecihcd cperatirg- under heavy p:lke gnard cn the wcterfrcnt below them and, with a concerted Ii:v.I, cLaig:d dsvn tLe lull ints ti:o ranks cf the rcllcc. Ihis phcto shews V7hat resnlted a dra- i!;;eiicc ci z 1 waifare. Edincted p:'kezcn, vreaiing gas macks, ere running thrcv.i elend: cf their cvm tear gas. -rarrung; with cr chasing pickets into a pecket at the base cf P.:nccn Kill. Thij chaigs rerulted in a rict inv cliirs thecsands, in vhich ten men were shot and riany ethers wounded with cities and tec-res more icilel by fames frcm jas shells. Shortly after this battle, cr.e cf r.:r.- thit cccurrcd thrcaghent the irdartiial and waterfront warehouse s'ection, the 0cvcrr.:r 'ci' California, Prank F. Merrian fcnnal ly c?!led cut the national guard in a proclamation declr.rirj thst "tumult cud rioting"' prevails in the city cf San Fiancisco. The trcops are sched uled to take over the waterfront war 2cne tonight (July 5). Ladies Pure Silk Hose, full fashioned Ir regulars. 9 to 10y2 Treasure Hunt Price String Knit Suits in colors. Sizes 14-16-18. So $M iaou JZZ? Womens Rayon Step-in Panties by Munsing. Elastic top, flare and band bottom. Treasure Hunt Price Children's Fast Color print dresses. Sizes 2 to 6 7 to 14 Qftc 3forQ'rl Treasure Hunt Special . a ti -i. Famous Nellie Don Wash Frocks, Prints and Voiles. Sizes 14 to 44. Regular SI. 95 Values Treasure Hunt Special Z?k Nelly Don Wash Frocks, seersucker, print:,, voiles. Sizes 14 to 44 33.95 values g Treasure Hunt Price Qo' 1 V Nelly Don Wash Dresses. Prints and voiles. 14 to 40 52.95 values Q Treasure Hunt Price ij .it KJ One Group Ladies Wash Frocks. Tub Fast. C,-t-o 11 t AC 4"?J Treasure Hunt Price Good assortment of Gossard Summer cor sets in voile and net. $3.S5 and $2.95 values. i reasure Hunt Price tStSioiSiP and iiCU SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL SUMMER GOODS DURING THESE FOUR DAYS TREASURE HUNT SELLING THE SHOP OF PERSONAL SERVICE j! ! Si