The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 09, 1934, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, JULY 9, 1931.
Manley News items
Joseph Wolpert was assisting on
the farm for a few days during the
past week, but sure found it plenty
Mrs. Joseph Martis, residing near
Jlurray, was a visitor lor a number of
days at the home cf her daughter,
Mrs. John Bergman.
The threshing returns last week
showed the field of Mark Wiles had
grown 32 bushels to the acre while
the field of Phillip Fleming showed
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freeman
were pleased when their son, EnrI
Freeman and wife from Avoca c.ime
and enjoyed the day and dinner with
Eddie Sheehan, who formerly was
employed by the Missouri Pacific at
Falls City, was called back by the;
c ompany and departed early last week
to begin work again.
Wm. Sporer c f Murray was a visi
tor in Manley for a short time on last
Tuesday and meeting with the many
frinds who he knew in the years gone
by, for lie lived in this neighborhood
many years ago.
Messrs. Teddy Harms and A.
Stcinkamp were over to Elmwood on
last Thursday morning where Mr.
Stcinkamp was consulting a physi
cian, iwr. Harms Kimiiv taiung nun
over in his car.
Misses Maggie and Katie Wolpert
were both feeling quite poorly for
a few days last week, they thinking
it might have been caused from some
thing they ate. However alter a few
clays cf fasting they were both feel
ing better.
Billie Moekenhaupt. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Waller Moekenhaupt, has joined
the junior band of Weeping "Water,
and has a clarinet which he is be
coming very well acquainted with
and expects to be its master in a
short time.
Born July 2. 1S4 5, C. E. Moeken
haupt. probably the oldest citizen of
Manley except Uncle George Sehaef
fer, was quietly celebrating the pass
ing cf his 70th birthday anniversary
last Monday and was receiving the
congratulations of his many friends.
Henry Snell and family of Stirl
ing, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Rauth for the day and dinner
on last Sunday, returning home
in the evening. Miss Rena Christen
sen, who has been staying at Stirl
ing for some time, returned home
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth and
Walter Moekenhaupt and wife were
-, . - ,
over to Omaha cn last Monday v.-here
they were called to look after some
business matters and where they also
visited. Oil their return they were
accompanied by Mi.-s Lillian Tighe,
sister of Mesdames Rauth and Moek
enhaupt v!;o will visit for some time
at the homes of her sisters.
qualified for the place as well, Mr.
L Reeder who has successfully taught
in the Plattsmouth schools for a num
ber cf years and P. T. Johnson, who
has also been a successful instructor
and superintendent of the Murdcck
Treated to New Rocf.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Antone
Auserwald is being treated to a new
chingle rocf which is adding much
to its appearance as well as being
better, as the new roof is preventing
a leakage and thus insuring a better
house. Harold Krecklow with his
nephew, a son of Louis Krecklow, did
the work. Louis Krecklow, jr., who
came here last week with his father
from Milwukec is remaining for a
longer stay.
braska City through Manley, passed
here at S:40 a. m. and returning
from Omaha arrives at 5:00 p. m.,
and the people are well satisfied, say
ing that this is the best service they
have had in years.
In Race for Commissioner
Herman Rauth who has been very
btisv with his corn is making the
fields look fine and b thinking that
the com has the first claim on his
time and attention, and that when
he has done what he could for the
fields and they are sure nice and
clean, he win try some campaigning
for the weeks are now rolling by
and the primaries are fast approach
ing. With the entrance of W. E.
Reynolds in the race, the phase of
the affair is changed. There is to
begin with the present incumbent,
Mr. E. 15. Chapman, and who has
a large following, now with Mr.
Reynolds entering his same town,
some cf the strength must go to Mr.
Reynolds, as both are excellent men.
Then there is Mr. If. H. Ragoss of
near Louisville and Mr. Rauth of
Manley, who both will claim much
strength from the west end. and a
man is a good guesser who can say
who will succeed.
Then in the republican ranks both
candidates are from the same corner
cf the district, Horace Griffin, the
Union blacksmith and produce man,
and Carl Balfour who resides near
the extreme south line of the county, good republicans and both hust
ling for the place. Another hard
Visiting iv. Wyoming.
The Rev. Patrick Ilarte who is tak
ing his two weeks vacation is spend
ing the same with his sister who
resides in Wyoming. He departed on
Tuesday, July 3rd so as to be with
the sister for the Fourth of July. He
was accompanied on his trip as far
as Denver by W. J. Rau, who will
spend some time in the west for his
Locking After Fences.
J. R. Reeder of Plattsmouth, was
a. visitor in Manley a few days ago
and was looking after his political
fames in his race for nomination for
county superintendent of schools.
"With the en trance of Mr. Reeder in
the race there is now some fcurteen
Gets a Hard Eump.
While Ed Freeman was attempt
ing to start his Ford the animal
kicked and throwing the crank loose
from the c-nr it was hurled against
the head of Mr. Freeman, striking
just below the ear, which dazed him
and smiting him to the ground where
he lay for some time before he re
turned to consciousness and was able
to arise, ine place still remains
very sore.
Enjoys Good Business.
Theodore Harms, the pioneer mer
chant of Manley, who has been here
for all the present century, havin
come here in 1S9 9, and has been en
gaged in business at the same loca
tion during more than a third of a
century, still continues to conduct
his store, one of the very best of
country stores, carrying a stock much
better in many instances than that
of business houses in much more pre
tentious towns. During the passinj
of the more than 35 years he has
ever kept the integrity of the store
in view and carried a stock of goods
ever dependable at all times. By his
careful buying and offering goods at
prices in line with the time, caring
for the trade so that anyone, how
ever small a buyer, was treated just
as well as the larger one. He has
a clientele dependable and which are
alwavs sure that when an article has
been purchased that it is just as rep
rested. While a few have abused his
good nature and gotten goods which
they have never paid for, he has
gone on in the even tenor of his way,
supplying the needs cf the public
and thanking the same for the gen
erous trade which they have given.
Always in sympathy with the best
interests cf the community, taking
part in the amusements and enter
tainments of the community, he is
the veritable county merchant, con
ducting the ideal country store, fill
ing a most important place in the
Prison Work
Problem Solu
tion is Near
NRA Code Sitnp to Riduce Com
petition by Convict Labor 29
States Sign Compact.
Sunday Pall at Eagle.
The Manley ball team went over
t3 Eagle last Sunday where they had
a tryout with the Eagle team, which
resulted in Manley winning 7 to 0.
Tine Yield cf Wheat.
Roy Sieink-mp threshed his wheat
cn last Monday and was rewarded
irom his 20 acre field just SC2 bush
els or an average yield of 43.10
pcur.ds. This is about the best we
have heard and sure is a very fine
thing for this year, when there was
sure to be a total failure earlier in
the season. And ycu do not hear Roy
candidates seeking the office, two
women and two men, the present in- complaining about it either.
cunibent who lias had a very success-
im administration or the otnee and Tla 11 on New Time.
-Miss Jessie M. Robertson, eminently
riic mail going north from Nc-
m fi n
jujy H-12-13-14
Ladies Japanese Parsole S6
Box Paper . 19
2-Cell, all metal Flashlight . .SQt
39c Cigarette Lighter. Special 25
Tahle Lamp
Vases, ftlottos, Book Ends 9c
Waste Baskets, Fruit Baskets, Sewing
Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Flower
Baskets 390
Alarm Clocks SSc
Visit our 45 Counter
Bates Oook & Stationery Store
Corner 5th and Main Streets
Enjoyed Sociable Time.
On last Sunday the young people
of the St. Patrick's Catholic church
held a delightful meeting on the
lawn cf the parish house when they
had a very worthwhile program, play
ed games and served ice cream and
other refreshments and all enjoyed
the evening very nicely.
Received Serious Injury.
While about her work at her
home in Omaha. Mrs. Emma Sim
mons suffered a fall in which a piece
of furniture caught on the neck as
she fell, producing a severe lacer
ation, even cutting the juglar vein
causing a very dangerous wound and
causing condition to be very
critical. Mrs. Simmcns is aunt of
Herman Rauth, and a sister-in-law of
John C. Rauth. Her sister, Mrs.
Harry Clarke of Iowa City, was sent
for to care for the patient. The
folks at Manley were notified of the
accident and went to Omaha to see
the patient and render what service
they could in this time of stress.
Washington The nation's penolo
gists were reported closer to solving
their perplexing old problem of keep
ing prison inmates busy and simult
aneously preventing the cheaply
manufactured products from cutting
into the field of free labor and in
dustry. A struggle which began early in
the 19th century and has continued
ever since as now yielding to a new
line of attack, encompassing nego
tiations thru the prison labor au
thority. This board was established
under NRA to administer a cede of
fair competition for prison indus
ies. Twenty-nine states signed the
compact, including all but three ot
those whose penal institutions pro
duce articles sold on the open mar
ket. They have clumped their com
mon problems into one heap for a
collective solution. The federal gov
ernment also joined nthe compact.
The most important clause in the
NRA code is one asserting that pris
on made goods "shall be sold not
lower than the fair current price
prevailing in the market in which
the product is customarily sol 1." To
administer this, the authority was
given power to determine the prices
at which prison-made goods should
be sold, after conferring with the
code authorities for the free indus
tries producing the same items.
In its two months of life, the pris
on authority has been busiest carry
ing this clause into effect, and from
it have grown its greatest accom
plishments. The XRA code, incidentally, pro
vides for maximum hours and many
other things included in the usual
code of fair competition for private
business. As a, result prison prod
ucts manufactured under the code
may carry the blue eagle label. An
effort was made by the cotton goods
industry to prevent this, but Gen
eral Johnson ruled otherwise.
Included in the compact are Iowa,
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota,
South Dakota and Wyoming.
Omaha District Judge Yeager
sentenced two of Omaha's most no
torious youthful motor vehicle law
violators to terms of three to ten
years each in the state reformatory
fcr violation of paroles.
They are Leo Kubik, IS pampered
son of the late George Kubik, rack
eteer, who died in the liquor wars,
and Ted Nemecek, 20, an orphan
forced to make his own living by
working as a laborer at a packing
house here.
Kubik was paroled for two years
on an automobile theft charge and
Nemecek for a similar period after
he had run down and killed a pedes
trian last winter.
Kubik was rearrested after his
car, traveling at high speed to avoid
pursuing officers, crashed into an
other machine, injuring three per
sons. Nemecek's offenso was drunken
"Neither of you boys seem to have
any regard for your duties toward
society," Judge Yeager lectured. "I
gave you both a chance to mend your
ways. Yet the first chance you got,
you were out on the highways again
endangering the lives of other per
sons." Both beys had been arrested many
times for speeding.
Mrs. Tilly Kubik, mother of Leo,
. . . . .
created a scene when she came
charging into the courtroom as news
photographers prepared to snap pic
- In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Christoph licil, deceased.
No. 2983:
Take notice that the executor
of said estate has filed his final
report and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of Baid estate
and for his discharge, that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on July 27th, 1934 at
10:00 a. m.
Dated June 30th, 1934.
Jy2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Auguct G. Bach deceased.
No. 3037:
Take notice that a petition ha-?
been filed for the probate cf an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
a:id for the appointment of Agne:j
Ann Bach as executrix thereof; that
said petition ban been set for hear
ing before fcaid Court on tho 2uth
day cf July 1934 at 10 a. m.
Dated June 21st 1924.
j25-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the Creditors of the estate of
John E. Kirkham deceased. No.
Take nctice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Octo
ber 20th 1934; that a hearing will
be had at the County Court Room
in Plattsmouth on October 2Cth 193 4
at ten a. m. for the purpose of exam
ining, hearing, allowing and adjust
ing all claims or objections duly filed.
Dated June 19th 1934.
w County Judge.
on Petition for Determin
ation cf Heirship
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Lohmeier, deceased.
No. 303S:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Yern R. Shepler, as administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the 27th
clay of July 193 4 at ten a. m.
Dated June 27 1934.
jy2-3w County Judge.
Omaha. No word had been receiv
ed Thursday at the federal reserve
bank branch authorizing transfer of
the first $495,000 allotment from the
government to the Sutherland power
irrigation project. Daniel J. Monen,
trust officer of the Omaha National
bank, was in Lincoln Thursday, reg
istering bonds of the project.
North Matte. Keith Neville, di
rector, and Gerald Gentleman, secre
tary, of the Platte valley public pow
er and irrigation district, went to
Grand Island Thursday to record
mortgages of the Platte Valley water
project in Hall county.
Filing of the district's mortgages
in each of the five counties to be
served by the PWA power and irri
gation project is required before
funds can be obtained for launching
of the engineering survey.
Omaha. State FERA Administra
tor Haynes, at a meeting here
Thursday issued an ultimatum to
Douglas county commissioners to
sign within ten days an agreement
to make a 1.93 mill levy for unem
ployment and poor relief, plus a
pledge to use 25 percent of the coun
ty's gas tax income for work relief.
The estimated total thus asked is
$315,000. In return, Haynes offer
ed a pledge by the federal govern
ment to spend $3 fcr every $1 spent
by the county plus a guarantee to
assume the "overload" should em
ployment conditions become worse.
FERA has spent ?6 to every $1
spent by Douglas county since last
August or about $2,250,000 -
iiaynes said. In the latter figure
only cne-half cf the CWA expense
was included, he stated.
When the state FERA committee
meets at Lincoln Friday, Haynes
announced, he will recommend that
Douglas county be granted funds only
until July 15. If the agreement is
not signed by that date, no more will
be alloted. A committee of four was
appointed to confer with Haynes at
Lincoln next Monday.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of James M. Barkhurst. de
ceased. No. 3041:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
cf said estate and appointment of
Forest M. Barkhurst as administra
tor; that said petition has been set
for hearing before said Court on the
3rd day of August 1931 at ten a. m.
Dated July 6. 1934.
jy9-3w County Judge.
Washington A group of Farm
Credit Administration officials head
ed by Governor Myers will leave
Washington Saturday for a series of
conferences with field officers of the
FCA in western and Pacific states
and to study farm and livestock con
ditions in those areas. In the group
will be in addition to Myers, George
M., intermediate credit
bank coramissoner, and S. M. Gar
wood, production credit commission
er. They will arrive in Witchita, Kas.,
July 9 for a meeting with officials of
production credit corporations of the
Eighth, Ninth and Tenth FCA dis
tricts, covering South Dakota, Wyo
ming, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colo
rado. New Mexico, Oklahoma and
Detroit Wind and rain storms
sweeping across southern and south
eastern Michigan killed seven per
sons, injured a dozen others and
caused an unestimated amount of
property damage.
In Detroit, Mrs. Fannie demons,
SS, and Frank Peak, S, were killed
when they were struck by falling
trees. Near Jackson, Louis Conners,
CO, a farmer, was electrocuted when
he attempted to disentangle his auto
mobile from a high tension wire
blown with a tree. At Waldron, in
Hillsdale county, Robert A. Moine,
23, died similarly attemtping to move
a wire which had fallen outside a
Mrs. Lavina Frederick,' 47, of
Jackson, was drowned in Gillett's
lake, four miles east of that city,
when waves swamped the boat from
which she and her husband, D. II.
Frederick, were fishing.
Henry Van Unen, G7, Holland;
and his adopted son, Edward, 11.
were drowned in Black lake near
Holland when their rowboat overturned.
Journal Want-Ads costs littlo
and accomplish much.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Nellie B. Smith, deceased. No.
Take notice that the administrator
of said estate has filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue cf said estate
and for his discharge, that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on August 3rd 193 4 at
10:00 a. m.
Dated July 9th 1934.
jy9-3w County Judge.
Estate of Samuel Casey, deceased.
No. 30 40.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all
persons interested in said estate,
creditors and heirs take notice, that
Martha Tiekotter has filed her peti
tion alleging that Samuel Casey died
intestate in Cass County, Nebraska
cn or about October 1, 1SG3 being a
resident and inhabitant of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska and died seized of the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lots 5 and C, in Block 11. in
Townsend.s' addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska; leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Mary Ann Casey, his widow.
That the interest of the petitioner
in the above described real estate is
that of a subsequent purchaser, and
praying for a determination of the
time of the death cf said Samuel
Casey and of his heirs, the degree of
kinship and the right cf descent of
the real property belonging to the
said deceased, in the State cf Ne
braska. It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 3rd day of August,
1934 before the County Court of Cass
County in the Court House at Platts
mcuth, Nebraska, at the hour cf ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth. Neb
this 5th day of July A. D. 193 4.
County Judge.
it Sir krr,
Crofnnt, Irner, Connolly
Omaha National Hank Bldg.
Omaha, Nel.r.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Application
of Charles II. Gibson, Guardian of
Ruth Pauline Harmer and Rosemary
Harmer, Minors, for license to sell
real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance to a license granted on the
ISth day of June, 1934 by Honor
able D. W. Livingston, Judge of the
District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, to Charles II. Gibson, Guard
ian of Ruth Pauline Harmer and
Rosemary Harmer. minors, for the
sale of an undivided one-eighth in
terest, being the undivided one-sixteenth
interest of each of said minors
in the following described real estate:
Commencing at a point 5bi
feet north and fi75 feet west of
the center of Section 1. Town
ship 10. North Range 11. East
6 th P. M., Cass County, Nebras
ka, this being marked by an
oak tree post, running thence
north 14 degrees and 02 min
utes west 437 feot, thence east
794.5 feet, thence south 423
feet, thence south 4 4 degrees
west 330 feet, thence north 61
degrees 40 minutes west 505
feet to the place of beginning,
all in the SEU of the NWU
of Section 1. Township 10,
Range 11, Cass, County, Ne
braska ;
for the maintenance, education and
support of said minors and the pay
ment of their debts? I will sell said
real estate at public vendue on the
17th day of July, 1934, at 10:00 a.
m. at the south door of the Cas3
County Court House at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, to the highest burner ior
cash. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Guardian of Ruth Paul
ine Harmer and Rose-
21-4w niary warmer, minors.j
TO: Florence Gillespie and Orville
F. Gillespie, wife and husband, that
you. and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 7th clay of June,
1 93 4, The Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance Company, a corporation as
plaintiff, filed its petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each cf you, Ap
pearance Docket 7, Page CS, the ob
ject and purpose of its action therein
stated is to secure a judgment and
decree ascertaining the amount dus
plaintiff under and foreclosing one
mortgage made by the defendants
Emma Andrus, a widow, Harold G.
Andrus and Edna Andrus. his wife,
Florence Gillespie and Orville F. Gil
lespie, wife and husband, on or about
the 21st day of August, 1?2S and
recorded in the office of the Register
of Deeds cf Cass County on the 9th
day of October, 192S at S:01 a. m.
in Volume 5S of Mortgages, on page
4S9, of the mortgage records of said
county, which said mortgage des
cribed :
The East Half of the South
west Quarter ( E '2 SWU ) of
Section Fifteen. (15), in town
ship eleven (11), North, of
Range Eleven (11) Ec: t, con
taining eighty acres, more or
les, subject to public easement
for highways as now located,
and was given to secure the pay
'ment of a promissory note made by
the defendants, Emma Andrus. Har
old O. Andrus. Florence Gillespie
and Orville F. Gillespie, dated Aug
ust 21, 192S. payable to plaintiff in
the principal sum of $2200.00 and
interest thereon at 5 per annum;
that said note is past due and un
paid, and decreeing said mortgage a
first lien on the premises therein des
cribed and directing the snle of said
premises in satisfaction of the amount
so found due in te event said
amount is not paid within twenty
days, and foreclosing each and all
of said defendants of all right, title,
interest and equity of redemption in
or to said mortgaged premises and
for costs of suit and equitably relief.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 30th day of July, 1934. and ir
you fail to answer on or before said
date, the allegations contained there
in will be taken as true and judg
ment rendered and decree entered
poration. By Fred C. Foster and
II. N. Mattley, Its Attorneys.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To t lie Creditors of the estate of
Gcorgo D. Nelson, deceased, No.
Tuke notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation "i
claims against said estate is Oi to
iler 20th, 1034; that a h.aring will
be had at the County Court Room
in Plattsmouth on October 2(ith
19:14 at te:i a. ri. lr-r the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or obj-..-cliiii.j duly
Dated June 22nd, 193 i.
County JinU''.
State of Nebraska, County of Cas.--,
By virtue cf an Order of Sa!e is
sued by C. E. Ledgv.ay, CIc;k cr the
District Court within and lor Ca.-.s
County. Nebraska, and to m- di
rected, I will on the 2t!i dav of July
A. D. 1934, at 10 o'clock a. ni. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house in said County, sell
at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
c-stat" to-wit:
The South Forty-one and
S4100 (41.34) acres of the
West Half of the Southwest
Quarter cf Section Six (0) in
Township Ten (10) North, in
Range Fourteen (14) ea:;t of th'
Cth P. M., in Cass County, Ne
braska; The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Doris Bur
bee, et al. Defendants to satisfy a
judgment of said Court rr covered by
John M. Leyda, Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June ICth,
A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
jl8-5w. Nebraska.
To The Dundee Mcrtage Trut
Investment Co.. Lim;ed, of Scotland,
and all persons having or claiming
any interest i:i the Northeast Quar
ter cf Section Sixteen (1C), in Town
ship Ten (10), North, rf Ii-jnee
(13). East of the Sixth Prindpal
Meridian, in Ciss County, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
Nctice is hereby given that Hans
L. Hansen as plaintiff has filed in
the District Ccurt of Ca'-s County.
Nebraska, his petition against yon
as defendants, the purpose of which
is to obtain a decree quieting title
to the above described real etnte in
plaintiff against all claims by or un
der any of the defendants and can
celing and setting rcide, as having
been paid and barred by the Statute
cf Limitations of the Sti'te of Ne
braska, the mortgage made by Eli
J. W. Pitman and wife Anna Pit
man to the defendant The Dundee
Mcrtg:'ge & Trust I;ivc-tn;?nt Co..
Limited, of Scotland, da tod June 19,
1S.C2. filed for record Juno 19, 1SS2,
recorded in Book N Pago OS of tho
records of said county, to secure the
payment of J 1000.00.
Ycu may answer said petition in
said court on or be fere July 30th.
1934, or otherwise the allcpations in
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree entered accordingly
Tyler &. Peterson, and
Moran & James, Attor
neys, Nebraska City,
Nebraska. j2l-3w
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Everett E. Day, plaintiff vs. Anna
Carmichael, et al, defendants.
TO: Anna Carmichael, the un
known heir.-:, devisees, legatees of
Anna, Carmichael real names un
known and all persons having or
claiming any interest in that por
tion cf V, Street in Weeping Water.
Ca-s Copnty, Nebraska, lying be
tween Lets 5, G, 7 and S "in Block
IS and Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 block 02.
real names unknown, defendants.
You and each cf you are hereby
notified tint Everett
E. Day, p!ai;i-
Don't hold back prosperity by
sending your money to distant
cities. Buy everything you can of
your home town merchant and see
the advantage you will reap.
tiff commenced an action in the dis
trict court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, on the 21st day of June, 193
against you and each of you, the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing title to that portion of G street
in Weeping Water, C:;ss County, Ne
braska, lying between Lots 5, C 7
and S in Block 4 8 and Lots 1 2 -
and 4 in Block 62, in the plaintiff
as against you and each of you rvl
fcr such ether relief as may be just
and equitable in the premises in
cluding costs of suit.
You and each of you are fuuher
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition cn. or before moii.
dry, Augua 6th 1934. or the alie-a-tions
of said petition' will be lake:,
of tZml ,ade0ree cnt"o,l in favor
of the plamtia against you and each
?aW pomiCon.rdinS l U
DWYER & DWYER, riailUiff'
Attorneys for Plaintiff J2 5-4w