The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 07, 1934, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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IiIOlTEAY, MAY 7, 1934.
: t
. -fr-S-i-M-I-I-I-I-I-
4- "
t-H i-;-:-i-r-
Pcarley Cly.ner was called to Lin-cr.-ln
lat Wednesday to look alter
seme business matters. lie made the
trip in his car.
Elmer Coleman and the children,
cf Ashland, were visiting last Mon
day at the home of E. A. Landon and
SJiss Catherine Coleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grady am!
baby wore ever to Lincoln last Sat
urday, where they were looking af
ter i-.ome business matters.
Mrs. G. W. Holt, who has been
rather pcorly fcr pome weeks past,
was very sick during the last week.
requiring the attention of a nurse as
well as some one to do the house
v crk.
P. A. Sanborn was a visitor in Om
aha on last Monday, where lie was
recurinr; some repairs for the work in
the para ere and also some repairs for
the farming machinery which ho
V. S. Karr.r. war, a business visi
tor in Platifcnicuth l?ct Monday,
having: some business to loci: after
in connection with the road improve
ment work which is being done over! ;
the county.
Joe Panning, of Union, was a visi
tor in Green wor-d for a short time
cne dav last week. Union having had
their druggijt r.u ve to
Lanning is interested in
Mr. '
c iher locate there.
Mr. and Mrs. Y. I.. Y,'!;:-. v.k.'
I ave been making their heme at
Elsie, Nebraska, for some time, are
guests r.t the home of Mr. an 1 Mrs.
Hilles. whore they are spending a
couple of weeks.
Fred Ethercdge was in Lincoln a
few days ago to consult a physician
regarding his health. lie and his
wife both had
time and have
ever it as yet
t the same ;
net gotten ent
although they
anuch better.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalgren, of
Jlcpe, Nebraska, were visiting in
Greenwocd with friends and relatives
for a few days last week. Charles
"Yatson and sister, of Kerwin, Iowa,
were also guests of relatives here at
the same time.
Mrs. Y. II. Lcesley was celebrating
3:er birthday on Thursday. May 3rd,
being just fifty years older than her
little granddaughter. Margaret Leav
er, who was celebrating her third
birthday. Loth the grandmother and
the granddaughter have the same
given name. Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs
Fred Y. r-theredge
were enjoying a visit from a party
cf Omaha friends during the past
v.ctk, among them being Mr.
and I
Mrs. Frank Eingham
Jack ard June
Altcn, Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Mr.
and Mrs. Ryner. A very fine visit j enjoyed by all. j
Miss Alpha Peterson, county su- j
pcrintendent of schools, ac-ccmpanied
by Miss Marie Kaufmann. who was
fcr a long time teacher of penman
ship in the Plattsmouth schools, were
visit in c in Greenwood last Wednes
day morning. Miss Peterson is a!
candidate for re-election to the office!
she bar, filled so capably ior a num-I
bcr of terms. j
John E. Etradlcy, the road patrol-;
Snan, fry;- that with the weather so!
c'ry as it har born this spring, it is'
difficult to get the reads to stay:
where they are put, as the dirt quick-!
ly blov- away, lea", ir.g the chuck-'.
holes. f;.;..o gof d sraking rain will;
be r. ccc. ry bc' the proper grad
ing ami smoothing up job can be suc
cessfully accomplished.
Ocncr'.c Mother's Day
Loth tii' chnnner, 1:1 Grccnwoen. j
the Met!.: ;i.:t and the Christian, will;
c bserve with special services the pass
ing of Mother'. day and will give the
mothers of the land special honor in
their scrvLcs. Letter attend one of
the l:;'al churches next Sunday and
rod your own tribute to that of the
ether worshipers, in honor of the
le.;t friend that man ever had.
ZCiV:. Elmer Cclenian Dies
Mr.;. Elmer Coleman, age 37 year:-
ho ha-, been rather poorly,
w; ;
trikpn tn the hosnital where she un
derwent an operation and where she
I ;..-;:;ed av.ay cn Friday. April 27th.
Mrs. Coleman, whose name was form
erly Miss El wood, was a daughter cf
Mr. and Mrs. John Elwood. She was
. , . r -1 ... , t '
united in marnase . ilii r. 1
Coleman some years ago. To this j i,-Ji'-g carried out by the Havelock
vnior. there wire born three children, j rtJ-- The district officers were also
Eljis, 14; Jean. 12, and Ivan, 9. Thejclc:K- installed by Grand Mas
funeral was held at the funeral home ;te:T' 'vV- W. Jeffreys ar.d Grand Scere
cri last Sunday at Auhland and burial tzvy E- Davis.
v as in the Greenwocd ccme'.cry. Greenwood came in for a number
of the district officers, including
Zaccalatireate Server. Eoildny j George Buckncll, viee president;
Xcxt Sunday, May 13th, being jIL A- Jchiuton, secretary and Leo
Mother's day, both local churches j Meters, custodian.
v.-fil held sr.ocirl services in honor or j The lodg3 comprising the district
"Mcti-er" the mcrnir.g. In the j -le Capitcl ledge, Lincoln. Xemahi.
evc::ii:g at the Christian church, the l:a:fctt, AbhlanJ, Greenwood, Have-
ba.caiaureatD termou will be deliv-jsck, University Place and Rcca.
Market Price Paid
See Us Before You Sell!
Seed Corn, 75p Bu.
Farmers Elevator Co.
Murray, Nebr.
Robert D. Weston, Mgr.
Phone 17
cred ly Ilev. Unite Gidecn. Space
will be reserved lor member:-; of the
vlas.-j ami ihcir immediate relatives,
and a l.!r;,e attendance is expected.
Rev. Gideon will be assisted by the
Rev. Goings. Music will be furnished
Ly a double mixed quartette. The
church building will bo decorated in
the class colors of the 10 3 4 graduat
ing class.
Coitsst PrcgrcEEzg JJicciy
"!-.e Lible school contest being
ted by
the Greenwood Chris-
i.-.n enure:;, new in us mini t-t-tv.
is showing gnd remits in the at-te:ulan-.c
as well as the offering. The
attendance has an increase of
12 per cent while tue ouering has
red 40 per cent. Much inter
est is manifest and as the contest
gres on even greater results are look
ed for.
Tire Ecstrcys Cliickens
On !a: t Friday there c curred a
fre at the home cT Mr. and Mrs.
LI' yd Grady which destroyed both
the chicken hou:e and the brooder
'.:n:se, together with some 375 young
chickens, some cf them nearly half
grown. Mr. Grady was working in
the field at the time and noticed
snickc coming from the chicken He hurried to the house and
called to bis wife, but receivin
no l
have gone to the brodoer house, as
they were ac;ustcmed to do, to watch
the little chickens. Hastening on to
the brooder house, he looked into the
windew and saw the place was empty
and with very little smoke therein.
The chicken house, however, was fill
ed with smoke and ro hot there was
no use trying to enter the building.
So he returned tc the house to con
tinue the search, thiding the wife and
baby asleep, -which was a great re
lief. Mrs. Gra ':y had laid down with
the baby to g: t it asleep and also
gone to sleep horscif.
j The lcs.i cf the chicken house and
! brooder house and the "75 chickens
therein, has proven quite costly, but
j Mr. Grady was glad to find the wife
land baby secure from harm. It ap-
i- -"1" o-ai LIJe me Mill it'u in nit
"i'-as;'1 i.-u-r anu uu iu nit
1. ; . i- v . .-i . i
breeder hcuse. instead of originating
in the latter house, where a brooder
stove was in operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady have
new Sol-llct heater f,
trial at the chicken business and let
u.i hope that the next time they will
have better luck.
Zczv.j Attend Listiict licet
;i.c twenty-five of the member:
cf Green ';od I. O. O. V. lor'ge were
pre.-ent at the district meeting held
at Ilav.dock la?t :.I..n-Jay. The total
iT.-xr. la
''fs in excess of 2o0 rep-
f the various lodges in
ii.o district and a general
.od time iiad by ail. I
II. A. Shipraan wa- chairman of!
the;e::5 .'c.--k!...ii, which was open-!
0'i by ih singing of "America." fcl- j
lowed ly the i::vo ation by Chaplain!
E. V". Pri'c. Curtice Drake, of Have-I
lock l-idge, gave the address of wcl-j
: e: peno was by Fb.yd
nha i"!
c. This
: . : a .
wed by an ad:! rev
s by t'.e g:
K-ipper was
re n ir.g, will
served at G:S0 in the
mi'sie- by Hampton
-die. The tour imager
as C. M.
-iuraar'. men. her of Capiloi lodge, of
Liiuohi. A :;olo by Mi:;:; H;.zel Miller,
J'.e-.-cmpanSccl by Mr:;. Daisy Thomas.
j war foil' wed by r.n addro.-s by Orand
I Master J. F. K-hubert and Grand Mas-
I tcr V. W. Jeffrey,
of Wavtrly. A
g duct by Mrs. Hedges and
Dm: a drew a rcund of ap
trc.m the banqueters. This
was held at the Masonic hall
um crt
P'a'i: e
I :
in Jk'.veloc k.
Fi: ilo-'. ing the dinner came addi
tional business je:s.:ions and a the
cor.cduding feature a school of i.i
.irr.ction. with initiatory degree work
Activities Start
ing This Week
Eusy Program Is Outlined for tb.2
Members of the Senior Class
Up to Graduation.
May is the month of commence
ment activities and plans have been;
completed for the traditional events
which occur during this month. The
Si-r. ior play "The House Beautiful"
tonight, marks the opening of the
commencement season, and on Satur-,
day night. May 12, the annual Junior
Senior banquet will be held at the
American Legion building. The ban
quet this year i.i being served by the
American Legion Auxiliary and will
be an outstanding event in the usual
beautiful sitting always provided by
the class in their decoration scheme.
Class committees, under the direction
jci Mr. Ftariett and Frederick Fricke,
general chairman, have been work
ing for sometime in preparing for
this event.
The annual awards convocation
program will be held at the high
school Friday morning. May IS, at
which time the honor awards tor
the year will be announced. This
occasion marks the recognition of a
large number of studmts who have
contributed to the activities and life
of Plattsmouth high school during
the year which is just closing.
The baccalaureate rervice will be
held at the Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening, May 2 0 at S:00
o'c lock. Reverend W. J. II. Petter of
the Episcopal church, will deliver the
sermon and the other churches of
I'iatU-mouth will unite in this serv
ice. Final examinations will be held on
May 21-22, w ith the commencement
program scheduled for Thursday
evening. May 24 at 8:00 o'clock in
the high school auditorium. The
speaker will be Superintendent Ralph
G. Brooks of Hartington.
The final Senior convocation will
be held on Friday morning. May 25
and the year will be closed for the
clrss of 11)34 with the final Senior
far well picnic on the afternoon of
May 25.
From rri!ay's Iai!y
Last cening the Eastern Star of
Eimwood observed the thirtieth an
niversary of th establishment of
their chapter. The members of the
older had invited the members of
Canopy lodge A. F. & A. M. to join
them with their ladies and a very
large number were present to parti
cipate in the enjoyable time that had
been arranged.
A banquet was served by the
ladies and a fine program of enter
tainment offered by the Elmv.ood
ladies. A nurabf r of former residents
of Eimwood from other points were
in attendance including County
Treasurer and Mrs. John E. Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Capwell of this
city; Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Xechy and
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Miller of Lincoln.
Beads - Hand Bags - Vases - Books
Ear Rings - Vanity Cases
Stationery - Table Lamps - Clocks
Beck Ends - Incense Burners
Playing Cards
Candle Holders - Flovt'er Bowls
Beautiful Radio Lamps
Sewing Cabinets
We have a nice line of Mother's
Day Cards . . . at prices from
5c to 50c
An Eye Opener
Do you realize that under our
Hew Eeal Plan, yen can own a
for less than you can buy
the same quality ready-made?
Who wouldn't pre
fer an individually
tailored suit?
and the prices, $15 to $55
Ccme In Let Us Shew You!
Since 1879
The E. Sass Iris farm near Omaha
on the Military road, is extending an
invitation to the Plattsmouth Garden
club members to visit the farm on
Sunday, May 20th. It is planned to
have a caravan of cars leave this city
at 1 o'clock for the Iris rarm.
This Iris farm is o.:e or the best
known in the United Slates and was
given widespread recognition for the
beauty of its products.
Those who are going are request
ed to meet at the O. K. Garage at 1
o'clock on Sunday. May 20th.
Anyone wishing to co that does
not have a car please notify any one
of the committee.
Anyone Laving a car and will take
en? or more with them, it will be
greatly appreciated, and also notify
the committee.
Tkoraas Wallisj Company
Abstract of Title
PhoDe ST4 - Plattflinoutb
Work Straws
25c, 35c, 50c
Dress Straws
50c to $2.55
All Kinds Shapes Prices
Corner 5th and
Platters Win
Tri-County Meet
at Ashland
Platters Take First vith 40 5-6
Points; Valley Second with
3412 ; Waterloo Third.
The Plattsmouth high a hool
track team were victors Friday aft
ernoon iu the Tri-County meet at
Ashland, scoring 4 0 5-6 points; Yal
It y, 4; Waterloo, 29 Vs ; Ashland
25 1-3; Papillion, 14; Eimwood, 10
j 5-6 ; Weeping-Water, 2; Alvo 1. The
summary of the events was as 101
lows: Mile run Won by Hendrix, Platts-
! mouth; second, Auffrecht. Papillion;
(third, McNally, Weeping Water;
! fourth, Borman, Papillion. Time
5:10. S.
440-yard dash Won by Cotner,
Plattsmouth; second. Bordorf, Papil
lion; third, Cunningham, Waterloo;
fourth, Jackson, Ashland. Time
100-yard dash Won by Moore,
Waterloo; second, Sharp, Waterloo;
third, Bargar, Ashland; fourth, Rue
ter. Eimwood. Time :10.5.
120-yard high hurdles Won by
Cotner, Plattsmouth; second, Steng
lein, Waterloo; third, Carper, Water
loo. Time :20.
SSO-yard run Won by Stenglein,
Waterloo; second, Walden. Platts
mouth; third, Auffrecht, Papiliion;
fourth, Jackson, Ashland. Time-
220-yard low hurdles Won by
Ale-sen, Ashland; second, Lamberson,
Plattsmouth; third. Crouch, platts
mouth; fourth, Stenglein, Waterloo.
Time :2S.4.
8 S 0-yard relay Won by Platts
mouth; second, Ashland; third. Wa
terloo; fourth, Valley. Time 1:43.9
220-yard dash Won by Moor:-,
l Waterloo; second, Bargar, Ashland;
third, Parks, Ashland; fourth. Hirz,
Plattsmouth, and Rueter, Eimwood,
tied. Time :24.1.
4 4 0-yaid relay Won by land ;
second, Eimwood. Time :47.5.
Pole vault Won by Mauley. Yal-
iley; second, Pflug, Valley; third,
Smith, Valley, and Ileadly, Water
loo, tied. Height 10 feet 5 inches.
High jump Tie between Lutton,
Ashland; Hiner, riattsmouth, and
Rueter, Eimwood; fourth, Pflug, Val
ley. Height 5 feet 7 inches.
Discus Won by Pflug, Valley; sec
ond. Borman, Papillion; third, Coy,
Valley; fourth. Taylor, Alvo. Dis
tance 104 feit 7 inches.
Shot Won by Mason, Valley; sec
ond. Taylor. Plattsmouth; third. Dor
man, Papillion; fourth. Coy, Valley.
Distance 41 feet 10 inches.
Dread jump Won by Pliug, Val
ley; second. Rueter, Eimwood; third,
Hirz, Plattsmouth; fourth, Cotner,
Plattsmouth. Distance l'j feet 9
Javelin Won by Smith, Valley;
s'cond, Taylor, Plattsmouth; third.
Cook. Alvo; fourth, MeXailly, Weep
ing Water. Distance 131 feet lis
From Thursday s raiiy
Postmaster J. Vf. Holmes today
placed on sale the issue of Mother's
Day stamps that have been printed
by the pestoffice department as a
special recognition of this great na-
tional event. These stamps are pre -
pared for the purpose of adding a
1 spe
:-cial touch to the mother day re -
! membrances.
May !3th. . . is Mother's Day!
Cur best friend we ever had. Don't
forget your mother on Mother's
We carry a complete line of Wood
ard's Mother's Day Box Candy!
Call and leave your order now.
Main Streets Plattsmouth, Nebraska
When you go to buy aspirin,
just remember this: Every
tablet of real aspirin of
Bayer manufacture is
etamped with this cross. No
tablet without this cross is
GLrsLINE Bayer Aspirin.
Safe relief for headache, colds, sore throat,
pains of rheumatism and neuritis, etc.
Genuine Bayer Aspirin Does Not Harm the Heart
Manle'y News Items
In a ball game between Laurel Hill
and Mauley, the latter won over the
Hill boys by a score of 10 to 4.
A. Steinkamp, who has been so il'
fcr a long time, was not feeling quite
so well the early part of last week.
Andy Sehlicfert and Harold Kreck-j
low were in Omaha on lat Tuesday, '
where they were called to look after:
pome business matters.
CI rover Rhoden and
wife were at
Weeping Water Tuesday afternoon
cf last week, v.-he re they were visit-
ing and doing some shopping.
Mrs. William Cacy was in
coln carlv last week, where she went ,
to have some dental work done, asjent p- li;cre wa'3 th-n (jne
her teeth have been giving her some j :
trouble of late.
Miss Anna Earhardt, who is em
ployed in Omaha, was a visitor with
her mother for over the week end,
and also enjoyed a very fine visit
with her friends while here.
Mrs. John Habel was over to Mrs.
Herman Cansemer's east of Manloy,
v here she was visiting with her sis
ter and her father, Mr. Joseph Ma
cena for a short time, and found her
father feeling much better.
Miss Anna Murphy, who has made
her home in Omaha for a number of
years, but who has been visiting at
the home of her mother for the past
few months, returned to Omaha last
v eck, where she has again taken up
her work.
Walter O'Rrien was securing some
lumber for the making of a storage
tank for water for the home, which
he will build out of doors. He will
build a cave extending some five feet
above the ground and with the stor
age tank on top of it.
The Rev. Eather Patrick Harte,
pastor of the Manley church, was a
I visitor at David City on last Monday,
where he went to visit with bis old
tin'e friend, the Rev. Father Murphy,
of that place. The gentlemen have
been friends for many years.
C. E. Hccksnhanpt Poorly
Accompanied by his daughter. Miss
j Sue, C. E. Mockenkaupt was over
j to Omaha last Friday, where they
; went to the office of Dr. Sachs and
Mr. Mockenkaupt underwent a clinic
A Complete Line of Mottos
10c to $1.75
Candy Dishes
Powder Jars
Table Scarf
Radio Scarf
Nut Ecwls
Fruit Bowls
Fruit Baskets
Waste Baskets
Bread Beards
Cooking Cabinets
Tcilet Set3
Manicure Sets
Of Bayer
Remember this for your owl
protection. Tell your friends
about it for their protection.
Demand and
pet Gemiine
to ascertain the condition of bis
health, which has not be-n the best
for some time.
Nc Sain in Sight
h'.Mi Harms, who
is sine
that b'
1 1" ere i
for the
hr ping
ar.d maybe he does, says
ta be no rain of any account
next live weeks. Everybody is
that Teddy is wrong.
Decorating Store Eoom
Hrrold Krecklow and Pete Harms
j have wrought a v.cnderful change in
' tlie appearance of the store r om of
gi vii'i
Harms, which they have been
: an interior coat of paint, in
cluding the walls and ceiling The
bright colored paint makes the phoc
much lighter and is a f-ood inve-t-
Keceiving; Treatment
Mrs. Yv'alter M kenhaupt. v. b
ha? net been in the I est of health for
seme time, is now at Kansa- City.
where she is receiving treatment for
her health and will remain for some
I three weeks yet. During the time
! when she is away, the little daush
I ter, Anna Marie, is staying with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John
C. Rauth.
Files for Commissioner
The many friends of Herman Rauth
have been urging him to file for the
office cf county cemmis.-doner, on the
demccratie ticket, feeling sure that
he would make a splendid commis
sioner. Acecc-ding to their wishes,
lie made a trip to Plattsmouth lasl
Tuesday in company with bin wife,
and while there filed his name for
the office.
Suffers Less from Fire
Fire destroyed a brooder house and
some C'O chickens, many cf them
partly grown, on the Carper place
that is occupied by Joe Dietl, Jr., and
wife, one night last week. The Deitl
family were unaware of the fre un
til told of it by a passer-hy, und by
that time it had gained great head
way and. the building was con; umed,
tcgetlic-r with the contents.
For news or sTicppiKrj sargams,
read the ads in the Journal. You
will find them the equal in every
way of the "headliners" offered
by large city stores.
Pewter Ware
Tciict Water
Fey. Clothes Brushes
Make-Up Boxes for
Dressing Table
Hand Tcoled Hand
Beaded Bag3
Fountain Pens and
?1 r
1 1
! !
1 ' I