The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1934, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Warner near this city was the scene
of a very pleasant gathering of your.g
people on lart Sunday, the occasion
being tne twelfth birthday anniver
sary cf Mi33 Vivian Warner.
The afternoon was spent in names'
and contests and in which prizes were
awarded to Virginia Kolacne. of Om
aha, Gerald Kehne and Millie Koz
acek of this city.
In honor cf the occasion the guect
of honor received many beautiful and
charming gifts.
At the close of the afternoon re
freshments were served, featuring
the birthday cake with its glowing
candles. Mis? Eleanor Smetana and
Miss Loa Davis did the serving.
State Banking
Department Files
answer mere
Present:; Claims in Salt to Enjoin
Closing Park cf Murdcik Filed
Some Week! Ago.
. ..MUJJM!1
One gray horse, 9 years old, weight
1300 lbs.; One iron gray mare, 11
years old, weight 1400; One sorrel
mare, 7 years old, weight 1330. Also
some milk cows. Call or see Dan
Sudduth. phone Xo. 1213, Weeping
From Monday's Daily
This morning Sheriff Homer Syl
vester was called to Greenwood
where the residence of Dr. X. J. Tal
cott was reported to have bten bur
glarized Sunday night. Teh message
received here did not give the details
of the burglary or the amount of
loot secured by the unw;Iocn:e call
ers. The residence is located in the
cast portion of the town of Green- i
When relatives and friends visit
ed Miss Friedda Hughes Sunday at
the Covenant hospital of Omaha, they
found hsr recovered sufficiently to be
brought home. Miss Hughes recently
underwent a double major operation.
Her rapid recovery has been very
pleasing to her many friends. She
will recuperate further at the home
of her rimer, Mrs. If. G. McClusky.
It is hoped now, that her restoration
to good health may be complete.
Friday and Saturday
Hens, Heavy, lb. . . . 3LlC
Leghorn Hens, lb. . . 80
Springs, Smooth . . 100
Stags, per lb 70
Cox, ner lb St
We Buy Eggs
As you knew, we have ono price
to all. This orice is in CASH or
Trr.sle, cptionai with you. We use
only p. nice new clean egg case.
For the best of service and sat
isfaction bring your Eggs and
Poultry to
Phone 42
Largest Store In Cass County, Plattsmoutb, Nefcr.
The State nevaranenL o; Banking
and K. II. Luikart as superintendent
of banks have filed their answer In
the case of the Bank of Murdock
against the Department of Banking
and Superintendent of Bank.-, in
which answer they relate the facts
and circumstances leading up to the
closing cf the doers of said bank on
February 2, 1934.
Said answer alleges that in May,
1932, the officials cf the bank were
called into conference with (Seorge
Woods, bank commissioner at Lin
coln, at which conference tha report
of the Dank Examiner McLain dated
May 3, 1932, was discutd and fol
lowing said conference bank Commis
sioner Wood reported that said bank
report showed that there were exist
ing probable losses in said bank of
$33,o9 4.2S; that the cash revcrv.
averaged from 6 to 7 To ; that it
had bills payable of $21,000.0 ) and
rediscounts ot $14,730 and salaries
then being paid were $4,800.00 per
year. Said report directed thai sal
aries be cut to not more than $3,000
and that a levy cf 100 amassment
bo made by the stockholders, 55,
000.00 of which was directed to be
collected v.ithin CO days. That taid
order had not been complied, with.
Said answer further allegej that
on Dee. 19, 1932 said bank was first
closed by the banking department,
at which time it was in a failing con
dition, its surplus and reserve being
eliminated by existing loans; that
said bank had failed to comply with
the requirements of the banking de
partment to bring its cash reserve up
to the amount required by law; that
on said date it wa- indebted cn its
bills payable in the sum of ?2C,330.00
and had rediscounts in the sum of
$21, 907. OS. its deposit with its cor
respondent banks in Omaha and Lin
coln totaling $2C.19 and its cash on
hand $1.76. On paid date there war,
an estimated loss cn its bond account
of $0,000.00 and estimated deprecia
tion on it: banking house furniture
ar.d fixtures of $.",C00.0'.t and $2,-
I- -
fit: Vv- -. i x '
f. . t .r '. ' t . s :.".
V"fi-v J
General Jcscph Haller, Polish war
fcerc, ts h.c arrived in Chicago Fri
day. General Haller plans a stay of
r.:no days in Chicago on a mission to
iaise funds for 4,000 disabled Amer
ican citir.e::c who fousht in the Pol-
:s:a amy. ine geneial was jj-reeteci
Low Everyday Prices
are What Court! Mosl P . , nm
that's what Wn Offr Yoj
Ths d?.iiy cavin;.;:; you ri rrmli Uraiiin; i?r.
f 21 mere lIlEi'i OiiCCt :' iiffVfUlnrr yri fr.5rit
cn scrnc scnsaiianel f!;r:ci'i afJverr;i'-J r r,n? r
two d?yc of the week merely it uif.rn-.t r'i!s;r': !
All of the mild, ir.ellow smooth
ness of superior Santos Coffees,
freshly roasted, freshly ground for
Ira up
ry &S
f -- ? A!."'.v.
r-. -,
i . . . - - 7
Choice coffees,dclicately blended
to tempt your appetite with a rich,
full-bodied bouquet, freshly
roasted, freshly ground for you.
07! 'A.
thrci:? cl relish-Americans.
Surplus 3. ooo. oo
Net profits 10, ISC. 00
500.00 cn its other real estate ar.d Y reorganization which involves
mart noseirv
for easte;
Gccd for Looks Good for Wear!
These hose are specially reinforced to give you long
miles of fashionable wear. You'll love the pretty
spring colors colors that blend softly with your cos
time. Best of all a hose for every purse.
SI. 49
Beau Brummel
Guaranteed Fast Colors
Wew Spring Patterns
$2 "6?45
"They're a Great Idea"
-these SHIRTS
Pre Shrunk, Balloon Seat Elas
tic Sfdes, Color-Fast Shorts
Fine Combed Y?.rn Swiss Rib
Shirts Your Choice
35 each
Fine Quality Fur Felt
New Pastel Shades
Silk and Rayon
High Spliced
3 Pairs for
(Hi Ri G
Coat Style! Full Cut!
Triple Stitched!
Leather Soles and Heels
Smart Styles
$i.go to
"Star Brand"
Sport ' Jifios-ds
Two Tone, Biege Shades
$2.9S to $3.90
"Star Brand"
White Shoes
Fine Kid and Calf
for Easter
Straps - Ties - Pumps
$2.90 to $3.98
"Star Brand"
" 1
an existing c-stirriktert 1ol;s of ?2S,-
000.00 cn its leans and that there
were other exirtir.3 lesses unknown
to the Department of Banking.
That following the closing of said
bank on Doc. 19, 1932, the officers
ami directors thereof, procured 83
of its creditors to agree that deposi
tors rights to withdraw should be
limited to 1 and the bank was re
leased from payment of interest,
without limitation as to the period
of tims such agreement should be
in force. ' '
That on July 29. 193C. the bank
ing department caused the plaintiff
bank to b? re-examined by Bank
Kxaminer McLain and his report dis
closed loans which are not accept
able a::eets and rhculd be eliminated
and other non-acceptable items as
Loans G0,782.SO
Dond depreciation 0,256.50
Other real estate 2.500.00
Banking hou-e 3.500.00
Furniture and fixtures 1,500.00
Other items 215.00
and that under raid report an as
!:rmD:;t cf 230 on the capital
stock would b necescary to restore
solvency. Said report further chows
excess loans and past due loans of
537, 944. S2 and that the bank ofti
:ial3 of plaintiff bank have made no
plans for reorganizing and removing
the restrictions. That as a result of
:-aid report cf T.Ir. Allen, the .;upcr-vi.-ing
examiner, C. F. Roetzd re
ported to the Superintendent of
Banks and to the Federal Deposit In
surance company, in part: "Inas
much as the report indicates the
bank to be l.opelcrsly insolvent, its
application for membership in t lie
Temporary Deposit Insurance Fund
i-hould be rejected."
'I lie answer further alleges that
the bank is hopelessly insolvent and
lias no plans by which solvency can
be restored; that the Banking De
partment will not approve a plan of
"writedown" by depositors of any
part of thei rdeposit claims; that by
liquidating the bank, the assets may
be pledged for a loan from the Re
construction Finance Corporation in
a sum tqual to 75 cf the appraised
value of the asset:, whiih can Le used
to pay dividends to the depositors
?74, 754.09
That on said date the capital struc
ture of said bank actually was:
Capital stock $20,000.00
Surplus 5.000.00
Net profits and reserves 9,184.24
which report indicates, it is al
leged .that an astesfment of 300
on the capital stock would be neces
sary to re-tore the bank to solvency.
That at said date, there were bills
payable in the sum of $7,087.48, re
discounts in the sum of $1,024.44 and
also excess loans and past due loans
in the total sum of $190,123.09 bo
sides overdrafts permitted in the
trust fund accounts and cash itcni3
were carried in trust cash accounts.
That plaintiff bank was examined
by Fred E. Allen, federal deposit in
surance examiner, as of Dec 29, 1933,
for the purpose of procuring relief
under the national banking act of
1933, which act provides that an ap
plicant bank must show solvency to
procure a loan. The report of Mr.
Allen shows loans not acceptable
which should be eliminated and other
non-acceptable items as follows:
Loans $46,926.12
Bond depreciation 6.001.50
Banking house 3,500.00
Furniture and fixtures 1.000.00
Other real estate 2,500.00
Judgments and claims 980.00
Other Items 170.00
To Creditors of the Bank of Mur
doch. Murdo.-k, Nel.ra-ka:
Noihc i". hereby given that
the 10th day cf March.
under:-ig. ied. E. II. Luikart, Superin
tendent of Banks, of the Department
of Banking of the State of Nebraska,
ir.ade rr,d entered an crd:-r pursuant
to the terms of which aM creditors
and persons having claims against
the I-ank cf Murdoch, Murdock, Ne
braska, are ordered to file the same
with the Depart mer.t of Banking, at
its office in the Bank of Murdor k, in
the City of Murdcck. Nebraska, on
or before the 13th day cf May, 192 4.
under the penalty of having their
claims not to filed forover barred,
unless for lawful reasons shown per
mirsion may' be given to file claim
within six mouths after the date cf
said order.
Any creditors not receiving through
the mail, proper form for filing claim
may obtain Fame at the office of the
Department of Banking in tli2 Bank
of Murdock, Murdork, Nebraska.
Superintendent of Banks.
Enjoy the invigorating, irresistible
flavor of the world's choicest
coffees, exquisitely blended to
delight your Uste. Freshly roasted,
freshly ground for ycu.
Wondar Bread and Cake Demonstration Saturday!
Sugar, Granulated, 10-Ife. cloth bag.Q
rzn 100-lb. Sack, $4,S3
rrr! Casco Butter, solids, lb
i Quartered, 2,7c lb.
Oleomargarine, per lb
Tomatoes, No. 22 cans, 2 for ....
Hand Facked
Pears, No. 2, 2 cans for
Heavy Syrup
Crackers, Soda cr Graham, caddy
Ficsh Stcck 2-lb. Caddy
Pink Salmon, 1-lb. tall, 2 cans 250
Psiacaroni or Spaghetti, 8-oz. pkg. . . .50 5
Quaker Brand 3Cade with Miik rjr:
Light House Cleanser, 3 for 100
Spinach, First Prize, No. 1 tall, 3 for . 25i
Cake Flour, IGA, light, fluffy 240 H
Prunes, med. size, 2 lbs 2S0
Wcodbur3r,c Facial Saap, 3 bars .... 270
Pitted Red Cherries, Mo. 19 can. . . .530
Prunes, Fresh, No. 10 can 3S0
So-Called Gailcn'' Size
S Malt Syrup, IGA or Ideal, each
Greer. Beans, No. 2
rv-"i 1 i'nU rJi- 9
Palm Olive or Camay, 6 bars for
Raisins, Seeded, 4 lbs. for
Hominy, First Prize, 3 cans .
S3 llcdium Size Cans, 5c each
Mustard, quart jar
Catsup, 14-oz. bottle, 2 for
Peanut Butter, quart jar 230
White Kins: Gran. Scap, small size
lilediur.i Size, 170 large Sisc, 23c
Perk and Beans, med. size cans, ea.
G cans for 23
3 Oans
. . .250
. . . 29c
. . .250
. . .120
. . .
SEED POTATOES Sziall size, seed stcck. 100 lbs $1. 23
That on said date the capital struc
ture of said bank was as follows:
Capital 520,000.00
The "Woman's club of PlattrnioutM
Is to be hostess to the convention of
the first district April 2-4, with
around 300 delegates in attendance.
This is Plattsmouth's opportunity to
prove herself a city of hospitable and
gracious courtesy.
The houins committee are asking
that the residents take a survey of
the homo capacity for entertaining
some ot the delegates over night. TI13
serving of breakfast is optional with
the hostess.
Thi3 committee consisting of Mo
damcs L. S .Dsvoe. George L. Farley,
It. W. Knorr, J. E. Wiles. K. J.
Itichey and II. L. Thomas, hone to
-r-t,ito their canvass witMn the
next few days.
Many homes will extend help in
this way to make this part of the
convention a success.
HEAD IE1TUCE Solid, ciisp. Per head
CEA1IGEJ Lartjo zizz, per tic -en
GEAPE FRUIT Nice size, 4 fcr
RADISHES 3 bunches for
CAEEAGE New crop Texas. Per lb
SEETS cr CAIiEOTS Per bunch
Baby Beef Roast, lb 11$
.350 H
Tkomai Walliny Company
h Abstracts of Title
Phone 334 PlatUtmoutb
Rcuzid cr Sirloin Steak, lb
Shoulder Steak, fancy quality, lb.
Center Cut Perk Chops, 2 lbs
Cut frcm Small Ilcgs
Boneless Pork Butts, 2 lbs
4 to 6-Ib. Average Weight
Fresh Perk Liver, sliced, 3 lbs. . . .
Fresh sliced Sable Fish, fey., lb. . .
3 Fresh Chicken Halibut, lb 250
H Red Alaska Salmon, per lb 250
gj Salt Lake Herring, 3 fish 3LO0
M Fey. Holland Herring, mixed, keg . . 950
Fancy Milkers, $1.05 Keg r:
Oysters are Still in Season Is!