The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1934, Image 1

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    Nenr. Sz'c Historical Society
9L P-
210. 104
Nebraska City
Orchestra Heard
in Fine Concert
Ilnslcr.l GlOUD Under the Direction
cf George Strobel Present
Program Sunday.
From Monday's Daily
One cf the most enjoyable musi
cal events to come to Plattsmouth in
years was the splendid symphony or
chestra that was heard last night at
the Presbyterian church.
Despite the cold weather the at
tendance was quite large and proved
to b? a very appreciative audience.
Nebraska City can well pride her
self cn this splendid civic organiz
ation composed of professional as
well as non-professional many very
young high school students among
them, who under the skilled direc
tion of Mr. Stroble gave an almost
perfect performance.
The selection from "The Firefly"
by Friml, with its delightful melody
and rhythm was very well received,
the violin solo, "Zigeumerweisen" by
Saraste,by Mr. Stroble was bsauti
fully rendered, a number that gave
the artist an opportunity to bring
out exquisite tonal shadings of rare
beauty. Then the contralto solo,
Trees." by Rosbach with orchestral
acccmpaniment by Evelyn Storms
Beard was a lovely contribution and
in their hearts all were wishing.
that an encore might he permissible,
so that we might hear this lovely
voice again.
Then the final number from the
xjitt: ..ijii, ah nfcittvi vi, u . - i, " v i
this delightful musical program to
a close.
Mr. Rice as managing director,
graciously gave a Tew remarks, say
ing they were glad to have been here
with us, and yet there was a fesling
cf sadness, for Mr. Stroble is leav-
mg tor tne west coast tocay 10 resiue jjc
at Seattle. Wash., and they will either J Sc,prano solo Mary Annie Rosen
have to disband or find someone who i cr::ns
will be abl? to take his place, and so j Boys' Octette Wallace Terryberry,
these excellent musicians, it i3 to j CarI Hu!a 01iver Taylor, Edwin Ka-
hoped. win tint! a wortny saccessoi j
to carry on tbe able leadership so!
well done by thc-ir beloved Mr.
The Plattsmouth Woman's club
wishes to thank everyone that assist
ed in the arrangement of this pro
gram the Presbyterian church and to
the ushers.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
raikcning was the scene of a very de
lightful birthday party held on Sat
urday evening, January 27, for Miss
Estella and Miss Norma
Raumgart. The evening was spent in
dancing and singing.
Those present were: Misses Ella
Weiss, Norine Mayabb. Ellen Nora, i
Verna. Catherine, Lucile Meisinger,
Thyra Baumgart, Dorothy Siemoneit,
Marie Speck. Ha Taylor, LaVerna
Rhoden. Amy and Dorothy Elliott,
Martha, Eernese, Ellen and Norene
Kafftnberger, Mildred Murray, Ellen
Kelly, Mabel Smcck, June Keil, Dor
othy Salberg, Vivian Terryberry, Mil
dred Kostka. Mary Wagner, Joyce
Gauer, Marie Parriott and the guests
of honor, Norma Baumgart and Miss
Tarkening. Messrs. Louis Wagner,
Elmer Stoehr, Floyd Gauer, Leonard
Stoehr, Theodore Bora Stoehr, Walter
Doyle, George Mas-abb, Albert Todd
Arthur A., Raymond, Albert Weiss,
Arnold Euechler. David Taylor,jof thc Berjes of nne that have
Glenn. James, Charles, Verncr Kaf
fM'iprri". Gauer Salberg, Marion
Speck, John Kally, Louis Kostka,
Merrill, Harold, Eugene. Stuart,
Clyde, Oliver, Reuben and Arnold
Meisinger, Albert Hilfiicker, Harvey
Cehrns, Gerold Keil, Jack Heim.
Frank Bierl, Verner Friedrich and
Wade Knapp; Leonard Tarkening and
Earl Haffke of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Figley had
number of friends here Sunday as
guests for the day at their home in
the Herold apartments, entertaining
the party at dinner and for the even
ing. Those In the group were Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Ullstrom, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Ullstrom, Hope Frank and
Thelma Ullstrom. Mr and Mrs. Elmer
Mayes. Miss Gladys Thompson, all of Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Jr., Mr.
Lincoln; Miss Hilda Ullstrom and! and Mrs. Edward Donat Sr., and Mr.
Ear! Jensen of Council Bluffs. lend Mrs. Verne Hendricks.
Sunday morning Sheriff Homer
Sylvester motored to Omalia with Lis
brother, Cass Sylvester, who had been
sworn in as a special deputy to go
to Dallas, Texas, to secure Haiold
Ilhouen. Mr. Sylvester left Omaha at
S:20 Sunday mornins in the south
bound plane and expected to reacli
Dallas at 4:33 on Sunday afternoon.
The special deputy will receive the
prisoner Ircm the Dallas city police
who have him in custody and expert::
to start bach as scon as possible for
this citv.
Many Attend
the Preliminary
Music Contest
Winners Selected to Represent Platts
rncutJi High School at Content
at Peru, February 9th.
From Mor.aay's Pally
Last evening the preliminary mu
sic contest was held at the high school
auditorium and a pleasing attendance
was present to hear the various num
bers that were given in the several
classes. The contestants were so ex
cellent that the judges. Miss Timm,
Auburn, and Miss Reese. Omaha, had
diriculty in the choice of the winners.
The concert was under the direc-
tion of Miss Leona Hudson, formerly
of the music department cf the State
Teacher's co'legs at Peru, with thei
accompanists being Miss Jane Roe-
deker, Mrs. Jack Figley and Mrs. L.
s TjCv-e
The winners
in individual
groups were as fellows:
Violin quartet Mildred Knofiicek,
Alice Kiatt, Lois Rertor, Rachel Rob
ertson. Baritone solo Bernard Knofiicek.
Violin colo Mildred KnoSicek.
Girl's medium voice Margaret Ye-
Hna Bernard Knofiicek. Herbert!
Mino- winiaia Woolcott. William i
Jensen. j
Viola solo Wallace Terryberry.
Roys' high voice Edwin Kalina.
Rass solo William jensen.
Piano Jane Boedeker, Edna May
Cello soio Ecrnard Knofiicek.
Girls' sextette Mary Annie Roscn
rrans, Helen Gilmour, Lois Rest or,
Velma Weils, Jane Eoedeker, Vir
ginia Trively.
The First Methodist church had
fcr the Sunday services, two visiting'
pastors who gave fine talks at the
morning as well as the friendship
hour in the evening at the church.
In the morning services Rev. Luth
er M. Kuhns, of Omaha, well known
Lutheran minister of that city and
prominent Masonic leader, gave a
mcst imprsssive sermon to the con
gregation which was deeply appre
ciative of his coming hire to serve
them during the absence cf the reg
ular pastor, Rev. C. O. Troy, detained
at Paxton. Nebraska, by the illness
of a grandchild.
At the friendship hour in the even
ing Rev. G. A. Pahl, pastor of the
St. Paul's Evangelical church, was;
the speaker and gave a fine address
tliat win long be remembered as one
been given by visiting clergymen and
la ymen.
From TuprflEv'a Datly
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Verne
Hendricks entertained at her home
in honor of her mother, Mrs. Edward, vho was celebrating her birth
day. Mrs. Dcnat was very much honor
ed to be able to celebrate her birth-
aiday on President Roosevelt's birth-
clay. Mrs. Donat and the president
are also the same age.
Mrs. Hendricks served a very de
licious luncheon and the afternoon
was spent very pleasantly.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Ham
ilton Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Faith,
Scout Cabin
oath of City is vvheuer Will I-I?l:c Ore cf the
3:-;t and :vlc:t Atti active Camps
in Eastern iTcbraska.
V.'c.rk at the Sc ut cabin at Camp
Wheeler is rearing completion. The !
inter!:, r finishing is going rapidly for-
ward v. ith the Im;o board in place.'
and the stained battens now being!
put i-p. All chimney work has boon j
ccmph'ted and a fire in the fireplace
each day provides warmth for the
workmen. Cabinets in the kitchen are
also ncaring complcticn.. There re
mains to be done some painting of the and window trim, the
fitting cf finish hardware, laying of
the oak floor in the main assembly
hall and the exterior finish.
No definite plan has been adopted I
for this latter item, several being un
der consideration, including the use
of shingles, regular lap siding or a
eclcred slate roofing material, with
painted battens covering the joints.
The material requirements (in ad
dition to all donated salvaged mater
ial), including truck hire for hauling
of salvaged materials, have run in
the neighborhood cf S29S, with out
side finish, a few minor items and the
cost of an insurance policy on the
building yet to be reckoned with.
Available money for materials so
far contributed, totals S22H.30. divid
ed as follows: Government allotment,
$94.00; Rotary club contribution,
SS3.70 : T. II. Pollock contribution,
This leaves a balance of approxi
mately ?"1 with which to provide the
exterior f.nish. minor incidentals and
insurancs ccat. The estimated outlay
for these items, if lap siding or shin-
gles are used on the outside, varies
.,-1-, ,-;n v.1.- tr.tni
&L1I1VV. liL, UUL Mill LlUbUUiJ H'lttl
ound ?70. If slate surfaced roil
roofing is used, the total cost of these
remain rrr items could be reduced to
arcund ?15.
Thus it will he seen that to com
plete the job in A-l shape and provide
a cabin as nicely finished both inter
ior and exterior as any average home,
there will yet he required $49 addi
tional material money if siding cr
chin gles are used, or about $15 if the
roll roofing is used.
The comnrltee will meet tomorrow
night at 7:20 at the office of the
lowa-Nebraska Light and Power Co.,
to consider this last phase of the
problem, with assurance cf being ad
journed in ample time so that all
may attend the Roosevelt birthday
ball later in the evening.
The Royal Neighbors of America
camp of this city has installed the
new officers for the year, ihe imp:es
rive ceremony being conducted by
Mrs. Phillip liirz as the installing
officer and Mrs. Louise Klinger as
the ceremonial marshal. The officers
installed comprises the following:
Oracle Mrs. Emma Kafienberger.
Vice-Oracle Mrs. Minnie Renner.
Past Oracle1 Mrs. Emma McMakcn
Chancellor Mrs. Rose Sulrer.
Recorder Mrs. Sadie Jones.
Receiver Mrs. Freda Stibal.
Marshal Mrs Louise Klinger.
Assistant Marshal Mrs. Katie
Inner Sentinel Mrs. Fear! Mei
singer. Outer Sentinel Mrs. Lillian Niel
sen. Manager Mrs. Elizabeth Buttery.
Graces Miss Minnie Hild, Mrs.
Emma Nolting, Mrs. Helen Meising
er, Mrs. Louise Tritsch.
Sword bearer Mrs. Jer.sio Klinger.
Musician Mrs. Dollie Hudson.
The evening was closed with the
serving of refre.hments and the en
joyment 'ct a social period.
visit i:t city
Mrs. Mary Carver and Mrs. Cap
itola 0?mond of Omaha, were in the
c:ty Saturday for a few hours as:
luncheon guerts at the home of Mr. J
and Mrs. Robert A. Bates. The ladies j
are former residents cf Grant City.jdrcn cf the schools at 11:30 a. m.
Missouri, where the Bates family
made their home for a number of ing there will be a shewing as well
years The visit was a very pleasant -as a talk on gardening for the gen
one for the party and brought the'eral public and all are invited to at-
renewal of many eld time incidents, j
Judg- and
Regie y
ith it-.-
Cicr ai tea
may take them to
V : .
icv return no: .
. They
;: a ten
a;,d trie
y ct'.i
"i eXae. 'i. .
Fort Vc
-VP. uat-U-
' C;i tlic
tm r- v. an ; :at:v
from that city
I .alia j ai.J Fort Wcrt.
e:p it f) enjoy a .
with the Rev. W. V. j
Mrr:. Beyley, the rerv.
Jihn's Episcopal cliraci
accompanied cm the trl,
. th
IT ;
y were
F. !
Hay ho
..itr oi a:.
Fmser a! of
Mrs. C. H. Lewis
hem iviOiidav
L?.ige Number cf Old Prientls Gaths
r.t Tirct Christiar. CLurch
for the Sei
The funeral of the latt was lield o:i liu; ila
Mrs. C. II.!
jet the Pint Christian church, a lar,
number cf the old fri.:n:
attendance to pay their in
cf rcpert to the memory
teem i d lady.
being in
this cs-'
IM. Re-. tor, E. A. Lorenz.
McKelvcv cf Mynard' u' Piattsmouvh James Mauzy,
Rev H. .
gave words of comfort tj the bereaved
family and frier.els ane jaid tribute
to the long and u.ful lile of th-j de-
Duri:;?; the services hr. e numbers
were given by i rank A. I'Flrlt and
Hal Gprnett, "The O.d Ru:
U'rops." "In the Sweet Pve and L'vc,"
Safe in the Aran oZ Jv.-ut," Mrs.,
O. C. Hudson
playing the accompani-
Martha Susan Tbomas was
in Jackson county.
V,"c.-t Virginia
r.. f i uc , ...... i
0:4.r a. in. Jan.
!7, lif24,
d CT
i years. 3 months and..1 Iaya
I ua -s'
I in hoiv
v. 5. 1SS2.
he was joined
to Charles 11
-' i: "I1U v -ceuea i u ucul.i
on March
In 1SS7 Mrs. Lewis, with her hus-.
band and one child settled in Piatts-
mouth, in which place and vieh.ity1
they have made their entire reeiu r.ce.
She leaver to mcurn her loss six
i daughters and two sons, ivirs. taa
Kellison. Cedar Creek: John W.
Lewis, Milburn, Neb.; Mrs.
Hall, Pelican Rapids. Minnesota;
Mrs. Alice Stull. Omaha; Mrs. Ethel Plattsmcuth : Mrs. Stella
Cuffelt. Plattsmouth: Mrs. Bertha
La Mov of Los Angeles: Mr. Gkn
Lewis. Plattsmouth Thirtv grand -
Hn'hir.r, n rwi frrr - r.t-r,".t( hii,en
airo survive.
There preceded her in death
-lid Edr Lewis
children in infancy
June 23, 19P.1.
Four sisters reside in Wert Vir
ginia. A df-vr,td wife and mother
he- life was full of kindly deeds for;tnts of the f!'t,om- and Mrs. Fred;
her family and fiends!' I T- Rani?e- -,lr- Ramge was at Have-j
vT- u,,.',-. " r'-'r.-n ti-,v I lock to attsnd the wedding of the son.
Merritt Patton. Patton, Lee;
Piper, Robert Piper and George Win-!
scott. all of whom lived in the neiah -
borhcod of Grandma Lewis, as sbe
was lovingly calhnl.
From Monday's Daily
Tkn pr:, ii.rt .tininnoTi r.f
1 : 1 1 u:.ei i-ie iu-ii u.. '
the various ward comrnitteer, of the
ittsmouth Garden club held a very
enthusiastic meeting last evening to;
map cut further plans for th
cam -
agreed that eac h ward
It wa
ppoint v. clearing commit-
tee that will have charge of securing
all surplus uowers and bulbs and see -
ing that they reach the hands of
those who may need them.
Mr. A. L. Tidd was also appointed I Saturday evening the home of Mr. ; tion of the many acts of kindness dur
as a committee of one to look into; and Mrs. Joseph M. Sedlak on west'ing the sickness and death of our
securing small evergreens from the Locust street, was the scene cf a very j mother, Mrs. C. H. Lewis. Also we
state agricultural college for use over j pleasant social gathering, a group of .wish to thank the minister, the sing-
thc cit'
The reports on the ward groups,
was most pleasing as three wards are; Mrs. George Trotter, the latter for- bearers and those who sent the fceau
now highly organized and it is hoped ! mcrly Mi-s Heien Sedlak. j tiful floral remembrances. T!?e
to have the two remaining wards The young people received a large Children of Mrs. C. H. Lewis.
lined up for the work soon. j
On February 12th at the Central!
building auditorium there will be
held a motion nicture showing of the
work of garden clubs over the nation,
there being a showing for the chil-
!0 p. m. At 7:30 in the even-
Oilicers oi
Ad Club are
i'ic::tl-zt H. V7. Xncn Completes
the Selection Of CoimiiltSCS
election of Coi.miitt2as
:d Secrctarv cf Club.
Oi com u-es arm on icc-rs ,
::i:it-.-s Mens Ad Club hasj
.--iii'-.-cl follow:!.;: the coia-j
::n me i vx c-no.i:
11. V. Knorr, ai
by th-- pre::i -
J the naming
i : '.
as secretary,
tr.- is as iol-
The full lh-.t cf the ch
ih-crident II. W. Kr.crr.
Vica-Pre?ident F. M. Bestor.
Tr;asurtr W. H. Puis.
Secretary George L. f'ai ley.
Directors C. C. We.-cott, E. A.
Wurl. James C. Mauzy.
The committees of the club as an
nounced are as fellows:
Advertising C. C. Worcoit, chair
r.:;:n : II. G. Sc.ennichsen. Fred P.
idi. C. 11. Martin, Frank Mullen.
Mimber.-.hip K. J. AVeyvich. chair-
i mr
n; l-rank rduiien, D. A. Itosen-
Entertainment E. L. McKisrick,
chairman; Carl Ofe. Chas. Tease, F.
cnairman: u. a. iioser.crans. cj. v,.
Vescott. II. F. Goos. E. A. Wurl, H.
E. Wtiitv.-orih.
King Korn Kommitte
I Foennichsen. chairman E. A. Wurl
Fritz Frickc, C. C. Weseott, Frceljthe national headquarters to he!p
r-usch. E. L. McKissick, John Cloiiit,
L. S. Uevoe.
Ti;'(H Snrvev Committee Frank
Rcj tor, chairman; Carl Ofe, R. A.i1 luc 11001 m aciuuion 10 me aa anc?
Host ncrans. E. A. V.'u:l, Charles!
Pt-ase. Wm. Puis, 11. G. Soennichsen.
John Cioiclt, Philio Hofl'man, L. B.
Eg r. btrger.
Gift Night Committee Fred P.
I Ru h, chairman; Jamts G. Mauzy,
rt'n - isoeimienscn, t ranti JUUiien.
Constitution Committee E.
IWeyrich. chairman; C. H.
! !. F. Goos.
1"- u"'
j Fetter llomes and Garden E. A.
Wurl. chairman; Charles Pease, John
Public Address R
Foster Patter-
Publicity George E
Lurch. R. A. Bates,
Farley, F. P.!
Sunday at the country home cf Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Ramge, was observed
tne parsing ci the twenty-fifth wed-
ding anniversaiy of this estimable
couple, they being joined in the har ry j
tVc h? a sroup of the relatives and;
It was on Thurrua;
Jan. 2S. 100 9.
i"1 avelo: k that Miss Bessie Shannon j Turs-Jr.y
l"at city was married to AlvimMrs. Iler
Ramge, who at that time was engaged
with the Burlington at their Have-
ilot shops. The mariiage ceremony
was prrf .n-med by Canon H. B. Bur-
ess, rector of the St. Luke'
of this city, who had married the par -
The anniversarj-
spent here in visiting and the enjoy -
of the fine dinner and the
uest-j of showered v. ith con -
from the group cfi a nose drer.s and gave a number of
!tbe native songs and told very intnr-
Those who were in attendance at estingly of the mission and school
the anniversary were Mr. and Mrs.jwoik in the far off empire of Japan.
r red
1 V t"?n--. "-r iinrrrts nf T.1 r
1 Ihn'.p'.i 1".Tr p n ii ?.t re -T I. ATeicinr'pr
r 1 -' - " " - " - - - -
j of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mitch-j
jell, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin, Dean
and Arline Mitchell, Lincoln; Miss;
Ruth Ilolcomb, Maynard Ramge,
Robert Ramge, Mr. and Mrs. Rex
j Young, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seott, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Todd, and the guests
cf honor, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ramge
the friends joining in a shower anu
dancing party in honor of Mr. and
number of handsome gifts that they
will long cherish as remembrances
cf thc old time friends.
The evening was spent in dancing
to the music furnished by Louis
Kostka on the acccrdian and F:ed
Duda on the comet, the dancing con-
tinning until a late hour.
The evening was concluded with the orthepedic hospital taking treat- She wp.s taken much more seriously
the serving of refreshments by Mrs. jment. The patient has been there fori ill Monday afternoon and it is neccs
Sedlak which was a fitting climax of . some time and is gradually improving : sary to have her under the care of a
the most enjoyable occasion.
Mr. and Mr::. Herman L. Thomas
returned home Monday evening from
Denver, where they have been .-pending
the week end. While at Deliver
they woreT guests oi a cousin of ;! r.
Tuoma., and their stay had
a line oppc.rtunity of visit i:.g over the
i city. They report the v. oather con-
ditions at the Colo: ado city as fine,
the reason being warm and the
gvoui.-d not froz-.n. Leaving here with
a nil el ucy Fiklay they were much
.-i:rpris ,1 to find the near zerc
( weaih. : that i; pievailing.
Bail Attended
by Hundreds
American Legion IJaLioom Filled as
Residents cf Community Honor
Birthday of Picsident.
From Wfilni'sday's Iai!y
The residsnts cf Plattsmouih and
the surrounding community filled the
American Legion auditorium last
evening to honor the birthday of
Picsideni Franklin D. Roosevtlt and
to do tlnir part to aid the Warm
Springs, Georgia, foundation for in
fantile paralysis.
The result of the ball will bring a
neat sum that will be dispatched to
j ! the goal of $2,000,000 for the
Tiier.' was S11T received
sael oi tickets, all joining in doing
their part in the good cause.
The grand march was led by Mayor
and Mrs. John P. SattJer to formally
open the ball and was followed by
the dance until the hour fcr the re
ception of the address cf President
: Roosevelt ta the- people of the na
The Marshall orchestra furnished
the music for the hall and a fine pro
gram of popular and standard dance
numbers were given and which was by tbe large crowd until
I late hour.
The dance was a fine expression of
the community sympathy for the 1
great cause of the Warm Springs,
foundation as well as an affectionate .'
triouie to our great president.
The St. Mary's guild of the Epis-
; ropr.l church were entertained on
afternoon at the home of'
F. Patterson, a large num-
' !k:' ' Ine -auiCo being in attendance,
at thc event.
Following the business session ofj
the society Mrs. Patterson, vice - pres -
! ident, introduced Mrs. William Hoag-
; land of Omaha, diocesan president
and her guest. Miss Emma Johnson,
of Rawlins, Wyoming. Miss John-
son has just recently returned from
a four years st;
y in Japan where she
1 was a teacher at the St. Margaret's
'school for girls at Tokyo. Miss John-
son rppeared at the meeting in Jap-
A rinnliT nf met nrpt; nf .Tnr.nri i'.nJ
ith.p Fni-ennr.l ppy ool Wfis r.lo i.ho vn
i i
by Miss Johnson
At the close of the afternoon dainty
and delicious refreshments
j served to add to the pleasures of the
i occasion. Mrs. Harold Hayes and Mrs.
a. E. Stewart poured.
We wih to express to the kind
friends and neighbors our apprecia-
ers wna turnisneu the neautitui songs
at the funeral
well as the pall
Frank Koubek and mother, Mrs.
Frances Koubek, were at
Sunday where they enjoyed a short
visit with their niece and grand-
(daughter, Frances McCart, who Is at
i under the treatment.
Students Pre
pare for Tests m
Ilattzmonth Hja School Kr.s Tine
Eeprescntation for the Sc-vercl
Clashes cf Contest.
The sub-distric t contest compo. ed
of the southeastern N-:bia:-i:a coun
ties scheduled to beheld at Auburn
the wvLk of March 19th. In audition
it is possible that I'latt-mouth may
have repn eer.tatives in the Peru con
tests to be held on March 2 4th. The
local eonte:-t to determine the P. H. K.
speahcra will be held about the mid
dle of March. Plattsmouth has been
unusually successful in declamatory
work in the past, three times win
ning the sub-district championship
as well as individual championships
in the district finals. On three differ
ent occasions, the di-triet contest has
hern held here, but this year it will
be held at Columbus. Local entries
are already at work and have selec.ed
their readings in preparation for ti.e
local contest. The contestants in Its
different divisions ar as follows:
Humorous Jeanette Hirz. Wilcia
Johnson, Edna Mae Peterson, Wm.
Slayman. Mary Katherino ' Wiles,
Betty Kalina, Mildred Dvorac-k,
Leona Price, Wave Smith, Jane
Iramatic Alice Hirz. Jane
Thomas. Lois Gile, Pcarlc Tompkins,
Fred Frickc, Katberine Armstrong,
Louise Rishel. Vlasta Adam, John
Cloidt, Marjorie Tidball.
Oratory Laurence Rhoades, Oliver
Taylor, Dorothy Seinioneit, Earl
Extern peraneous Edgar Seltz, El
len Kelly, Eleanor Black, Maynard
A shower was given uonuay even
ing at the heme of Mr. and M.S. C.
L. Kniehe in honor of their daughter,
Mrs. Shirley Reedy. The evening wa.
enjoyed with gam?s and contests,
prizes being awarded the winners.
The bride receive'! a large numbe.
cf beautiful gifts which she v. ill long
j cherish as remembrance.; of th;
neighbors and friend?.
At an appropriate hour a deliclou
two-course luncheon was se:ved by
r.irs. . Li. inieue wno was asnr.ieu
by Miss Elizabeth Bergman, Mrs. Con
Lynch and Mrs. J. H. McMuken. The
table was decorated in the color
scheme of pir.i; end white. The guct
an enjoyable time.
Those present were: Misses Wil-
hcimma Henriehsen, Louise i uz-
mayer, Ann Zitha, Agnes Konfrst
Lucille Case, Helen Koubek, Lillian
1 Koubek,
Antionette Kouoek, Amy
i Elliot, Lois Ciles, Vlasta Adam, Helen
. Woolcott, Mrs. Wm. Wetcni:amp. Jr.,
i Mrs. Con Lynch, Mrs. Joe McMakcn,
Jr., Mrs. Rae MtMaken, Mrs. J. 11.
McMaken, Mrs. Max Fitzmeycr, Miss
i Elizabeth Bcr-rman, Mrs Joe Adam,
Mrs. James Mauzy, Mrs. John Hal'
strom, Mrs. Goodman, Mis. Ernest
Giles, Mrs. C. L. Knieke rnd the gue:-t
of honor, Mrs. Shirley Reedy.
ftjitehal or xns. suite
The funeral services for the late
Mrs. Nellie Smith, long time resident
of this community, was hild at tbe
Settler funeral horn" Tucrday after-
rnon, wheie a numbe of tne old
friends had gathered to pay their lart
tribute?, of esteem to lie r memory.
Dr. II. G. Il.Ciueky, pastor of the
First Presbyterian chinch, was :n
rkarf e cf the? servic e and gave to the
hereavrd family words of hope and
consolation in tbefr los.
Thc Presbyterian l.iah quartet,
composed of Frank A. Ch.idt, H. G.
McClusky. R. W. Kno-r and L. I.
Hint t. gave two of the old and loved
hymns, "Ijoal Kindly Lilit" and
"Abide With Me."
The interment wa-; at the Oak Hill
cemetery in the family olt bzeside
Mr. Smith who preceded his wife in
death tevcral years ago.
Mrs. H. M. Wilcox who has rot
been in the best of health sine? No-
i vember, 1C22, when she v.-as injured
in an auto sn.ashup, is now much
worse, reports from her bedside state.
traired nurse at this time.