The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hurray Hardware
will Oil Ycur Harness
for 85c Set
We are Lellirg- White Elcssom Sweet
Cbver Seed at frcm $2.25 to $3.40.
We have the scei and can furnish it
when yen want it. We take your
order new and held it until yen want
it. We require $1 a bnshel deposit.
These Prices will be
Higher Later
array Hardware Co.
Murray, Nebr.
fir.gpr and George Thompson had a
hand rprained.
Lester Shrader vas over to Platts
mouth on la3t Monday evening &rd
was in attendance at the Knights
Templar initiation and when they
were getting read to return Lester
lost his sword, but hastened back on
Tuesday morning to see if he could
find it.
Mrs. J. E. Hatehett who has been
spending pome two weeks at the home
cf her daughter, Mrs. J. E. V.'asson of
Ilaveloik, returned home late lact
week, having enjoyed a very Zne vitii
while away and was brought home
by the daughter and husband v, ho
also vi?ited here.
Mr. and Mrs. Iver Stanli.-h o: Nor
ton, Kansas, arrived on last Sunday
at the home of Mr. ami M:'. C. M.
iiead where they visitid for over the
Buy Your Seed
Make the good selection of getting
it from where it is grown end from
a reliable concern. No guesswork as
to results if you follow this practice !
We always Pay Y ou the Best
Price for Ycur Grain
Lcrge Blossom Sweet Clover
$3.50 Bushel
Fa risers Elevator Gs.
Frederick Seed Go.
Phone 17 Murray, Nebr.
the other came back after the lim
on over to i knockdown and the third time which
Heme Taitnt piay at Lew Lion Fri-
y. Jar., 19.
Mr. I;. M. Kline parted away at his
Lome . a:-t of Murray Tuesday.
Ail-:: Vernon, Jr. has been kept
from fcliool on account of a severe
C. R. Troon was looking afterj Mr. and
Feme burlru-ss matters in Murray son
, w eek end
Omaha to look after some hu..i:j
I Mrs. St an dish is a si.-ter of Mr. Iiead j willing to behave
j which added much pleasure to tbe'rrueh sobered.
; vi:-it.
Mrs. Earl Lancaster was agreeably
rv.rpri.Ked when her sister, Mrs. liosie
Lickett of Gar.dy arrived last Satur
day for a vijit &r a f i w days with
her siiter and other relatives here
and at Flaitsmcuth. She wa.- on her
way to Omaha where she entered an
hospital for observation and treatment.
Mrs. Luc ear. Carper and
were ever to Linloln on
he went down to the ground i.e.- was
himself and was
Tue: day of this week.
John liobscheidt butchered his
ruv.ply of summer's meat during the
first part cf th; week.
last Sunday where they went to visit
at the home of Mrs. Carper's father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Gril
le: e .
j fir.. They al.-o picked t'p Mr?. Ger-
Lov.iston Community, nude Carper, mother of Lucean, at
Long Time Resi-
r f Tiff
eeni oi masonic
Chauncy 3. Walton. Si. Dus at Home
Earlv Todav After lor. Period
of "ill Health. I
Blase Causes Excitement.
The home of John Frans, the prop
erty belonging to the Sam G. Latta
estate, was lound on fire last Mon
day and Mrs. Frans hastening to the j spending his youi
Tsitt ::rrl Tirnimr irr FtOle save th ! years lOCatlll
alarm and much help was then hur
ried to the scene and it was not long
until willing hands had put the fire
out. Had it been oniy a few minutes
later the entire house and contents
would have been turned.
Center Jan. IS. Xancy
folks. Free admission.
Anns Browns 1 N't hav.ka. taking her along to visit
jwith her two daughters who are stay-
Wm. Spore r who has been ill forjiag at Lincoln now.
is new muc-h imp roved'
Lloyd Lewis and
Passes Into Proper Hands.
The selection cf Mrs. Lawrence
Smith as the person of Murray for
the CWS work, found a very thankful
person to do the work required w hich
is caring for the public library atul
family, accom-1 ether similar things, and as Mr.
some' panied by J. I). Lewis, father of Smith is in such a condition that h
some t;m
r-.o.d is able to be cat and doiiu
light wo:k about the heme. Lloyd, w ho makes his home with the cannot wort this piece of work comes
Earl Mrasek was over to Omaha j son and family, w ere over to Union I very thankfully to Mrs. Smith,
ia- t Monday evening, having some lat Sunday w here they w ere visiting j
n!for the day at the home cf Mr. and'
j Mrs. Earl Merriit. Mrs. Merrit has!
-'betn ill for some time, but was seem-;
ciia on last Monday to look alter fome j :ngiy uenereti ire w
bu:-;nt:s and was also in Union, and: father ami the members of the bro-
snecp to deliver for Donald Karri
oa the highway rcut'n of Man-ay.
Georjre Xicl:h-3 was called to Om
min on AVe-iru-.-dr-v to Plattsmouth. j th-r's family.
i . '. e
1-c.iu n . ri
w as a vit
.! Murray during t
cf this week and
Will Xak- County Can7ass.
The Rev. Lloyd Schubert, pastoi
at the heme el" Charlt-s M. Read for ; of the Murray Christian church will
the day. j on the coming Lord's day deliver a
Mi-s E rsie Copenhaver of Union 'discourse at Greenwood, as the pastor
has accepted a in the horn? 'tin re, Rev. W. E. Goings, has been
of Mr-, and Mr-.. Y.'i.i. Spe:er and is-ruite ill and is still rot strong
Was Hit Sy Truck.
While Roy Engelkemeier and a
friend were on their way home from
Omaha lat Tuesday where they had
been cn some business a bit of ice
istant housekeeper, J enough to conduct the church serv- caused the truck to. skid and hit the
Will Have Ccm-Hcg Ieet.
Tlicre wii! be a corn-hog meeting
in Murray the coming week which
will be held at the Presbyte: ian
ihurch which will be in the nature
of an explanation cf the working of
this law and what is expected cl
these w'o apply for loans.
In r invent:
car which. Roy was driving, turning
hi-- car around and also breaking a
wheel as well as crushing both fen-
Irs. Sparer being not in the best of ' ices. Rev. Schubert will also con
:calth. juuet services at the Plattsniouth
Hardware company A nnstian cnarcn cn tur.aay evening.
1 " I P. 1 1' T T a V la luauucil.;, d eu:t ex. rje ti. t. uti. im; iiuwii. u3 uic iu t,ti io;
(.T.t;rt.. Ts .rnrv fi or- v-r.ii mnV.i church Tiicmb ?rsbip of all cburcbes' before anything could be done to
r,., f-.. tl - re le'-ih-! 'n tne county and also to make record identify it and its owner
in l'nes whirl: are , CI rame. iu:s .s none m oraer tuat
ing of the etock
run nr.
I'.'oore is still going on
mere effective work may be done by
the churches of the county.
crutches tn.'?. wcec. cause:
dent in a eoaetin-r par
Kcil also had his face
1 by an acei- j
ty. Chester!
badlv cut. i
Riehard Meilurn suffered an injured
W'? frrr pz.. the service that rniKes wr.-'.t thr vcr' !:est in v;rtpr!
Also c?rry first grade Winter Oi!s.
Pretne and "!! fop
Gives Gift to Church.
Mrs. Mary Xickles, formerly Miss
Mary Ray, but who was united in
marriage to Mr. Robert R. Nickles
One of the citizens of Murray w ho i sixty-live years ago on January 5t:i.
looks after his own business and : tne nusoana preceuing lier, about nve
dees not molest anyone else was down years ago, they haing then lived
to wn and two other cf the eitizer.ry . tore ther for sixty years
Properly IIarJiaiidled.
Prom Monday's Pally j
This morning at the Nebraska Ma- j
sonic Home occurred the death cf
Chauacy P.. Weiton, the oldest resi-;
dent of the Home in the point of resi-'
dence as he had beep, at the home!
i-iuee February 14, 1 b 1 S.
Mr. Walton was a familiar figure:
ou the streets of Cue ct'y and had,
taken a intere. t in tht a flairs'
ef the community since his residence:
here. Being an ardent democrat;
it was one of the greatest pleasures j
to this fine old gentleman that he!
was able to live to s. the triumph
cf his party candidate for the pre.-ri-j at the last ehftion. j
Mr. Walton was born in Merrerj
county, Illinois, January 27, ISH'e
i '! r and in later
Ord. Nebraska. :
where he became a member cf Ord
lodge No. IOC. A. F. A. 3.1. While!
at Ord Mr. Walton was engaged as i
a salesman for a great many years'
until his advancing year.: forced his
withdrawal from the wo.h. In the
session of the legh lature of 1CC9
1911, he served as the postmaster cf
the state senate.
lie is survived by cr.e daughter,
Mje. Edith Jaeger. North Platte, and
cue sen. Floyd Walton, iveiding near
The funeral services will be in
charge cf Piattemcut; lodge No. C,
A. P. &. A. M. mid will be held on
Wednesday afternoon at the Horton
ium.-ial heme.
The funeral service of Mrs. Mary
J. Voodry was held on Monday after
noon at the First Presbyterian
church, a large uun.mer of the eld
friends and neighbors being in at
tendance to pay their last tributes of
respect to the memory cf this estim
able ladv who had just closed a
long and useful life
.t covered al
0.1 the Coth
having tucked a quantity of corn ! anniversary oi tneir wedding, Mrs.
juice under their belts concluded theyp'-T Null's presented the Christian
would have some sport of the quiet j church cf Murray with a check for
citizen. They
heckling him
began the game ofj$c as a token of her love for the
after the matter 1 church in Murray which she had been
Vcjr nciiatop
; had proceeded so far, a swing from
j the right hand of the quiet citizen
sent one of the parties to grass and
ithat was enough for him. However
immmm mum
tf AT 1932 PRICES ON MOST zzz.Z
a member cf for forty-one years.
Hurray Bank Elects Officers.
At the annual meeting of the Mur
ray State bank which was neld on
last Monday the following officers
were elected: W. G. Eoedeker, pres
ident; Fred Nutzman, vice-president,
and C. II. Boedeker, jr., as cashier.
They are operating under the federal
bank guarantee law and are well
..atisfied with the insurance for their
customers which they are buying
from the government. G. M. Minford,
most a century.
Dr. II. G. McCiuskv. pastor of the'
church had the religious service and
in his remaiks brought to the mem-j
bers of the family circle and the rela-;
tives words of comfort and consola-i
tion in the separation that they have:
been called upon to face. '
The Presbyterian male quartet;
composed of Frank A. Clcidt, II. G.
McCIusky. L. O. Minor and L. D.
Iliatt, gave two of the favorite hymns j
of the departed, "Same in the' Arms I
of Je?us" and "Rock of Ages." i
The interment was made in the:
Oak Hill cemetery west of the city. ;
The interment was at the Oak Hill;
cemetery, the pall bearers being J.;
W. Holmes. E. II. Schulhcf. Frank'
A. Cloidt, George L. Farley, L. D. j
Egenberger. William Gorder. !
The Horton funeral home was in j
0 Although the latest Goodyear All -Weathers
average 359c more non-skid mileage, most sizes ara
priced as low or lower then the 1932 tires! All the
Ilesvy Duty sizes are lower they cost SOc to $2.70
less ... Ccme in, we'll show you the new flatter,
also thicker tread, and closer-together diamond
non-skid blocks that make the world's largest
selling tire a still greater value today!
Omaha. Dean Noyes, CWA work
er, has replaced Dean Noyes, city com
missioner, in the life of this city. For
eleven yars Noyes served the city as
street commissioner. Last May h,e
was defeated and left office a short
time later. Last Tuesday he joined
the CWA payrolls here as a cement
finisher at thirty hours a week for
90 cents an hour.
"I'm working hard now and I'm
proud to be. I have to work to live,"
said Noyes as he gave first aid to his
calloused and chafed hands. Before
getting the CWA job, Noyes said ne
had worked at small jobs of cement
work and roofing repairs.
"In the last campaign the other
side figured up that I received $9 6,
000 in pay checks from the ciiy. Well,
they were wrong for we took a pay
cut the last two years," Noyes said.
Noyes worked for the city twenty-seven
years in all, eleven as com
missioner, thirteen as general fore
man in the street department and
three in the parks department.
The blacksmith shon on North
Fifth street, one of the long timej
landmarks of the business seetion cf j
the city, is once more the resound;
with life and activtiy, it being ar-j
ranged for use as a garage and auto 1
repair shop. i
The building is to have a concrete!
floor placed in it as well as a general
repair of the building and will later j
be occupied by Ray Bryant as a gar-'
age and repair shop. j
This building was erected in the
early days and was used as a black- J
smith shop up until the death of!
William Hassler. six years ago, since i
that time being closed by the etate
until the opportunity afforded to put
the building to use again.
The structure will be fixed up for
service as a garage and is well lo
cated for this purpose cn one cf the
main streets of the city.
"As useless as an abanGoned Christ
mas tree" also would fit cash registers
and check protectors which many of
us had on hand for several years.
From Wednesday's IDaily
An action was filed in the office
of the clerk of the district court to
day in which Emil C. Dehning is
plaintiff and Gladys F. Denning, de
fendant. The petition of the plain
tiff states that the parties were mar
ried at Omaha cn March 19, 1919 and
that they have lived together until
January 10, 1934. It is alleged that!
the defendant deserted the plaintiff, i
going with another party and taking
the three minor children. The plain-!
tiff asks the court for a decree of di-
vcrce and the custody of the children.
Quash is a good word, and should
be used outside courtrooms. Every
stern parent should try to quash his
ofTspring now and then.
S JrL nyone interested in saving more
money this year on foods
land who isn't should buy them
at Hinky-Dinky.
Silver Bar Sliced or Ivannoe Half
PEACHES (m Svrun
Io. 2Yi can:
3 for flSc
u'CKTE crushed
PmeagSSle, Oceana Red Pitted
CliSrrlSS cr Vale Brand
B lack Ha sssfcesrries MQiZ
Tirs. 10 'Gf.l.' C-?rT - - - - - "itsi?
v. 6 E M k m fa
JiJ & - r
Ad for Pialtsmouth, Fii., Sat., Jan. 19 and 20
i'Lst Prize 2 arrow Grain
2-Jo. 2 Can C
for 27c
Swans Dowsa
CAKE FLOUR, pkg. . 24c
CALUMET 1 -lb.
Cakinn Prwder Can -
Palmolive, Camay or
K!rn s h. w.
6 Bars
CABBAGE, lb 5g
YAMS, 5 lbs. f os- 25c
I':i!::-j ( iilifurrim (iroeii 'JHih
CELERY, Igs. zialhz, css
W rli l:!i-: li"tl, Ii- i'c!!"t (lifur:jiu
SMOKED HAM riri.i- m9llVzC
I! -kry
1 !"" II VHSII
l i i; in
1" . 6 (or 2S
t u
Far,;M sv,i:::t
a l !v V A KI.S
I'xlrn l.nrtf
ic, I '- . n - -
mar: Jat.tMi "
79 6 S&s. - -
Itl:i I':ik.vil
lancy Idaho JOKATEANS
I:fir Mif.TWH linni!, ii:rnr -i!r-I
i:iki-i1. : I irtun'!:t!K rircrx r J .
-fir-' Icnri -:alll?-, i:i-.-iii:m t'lKlt I.oIum.
n -. i it-. i -n I . unor;. I inner.
.r vr; i.
l'iiu' :i:ni:iy ijn-nr'. 1 . S. 1 iim-'-1,
ii- tf i in-i.. for i i: Ii iui:. c'ii or jio: ruBxt.
0:i! t lifice !ti or J.tiia cuts, irTeil III uny
t lift kiitviK U-lrMl.
VEAL CHOPS (Rls) lb. .
. .6c
. .8C
C:ifi--. lenirr ,iiiiiitv.
t.rilK.ciI it ' In I . irjc:.
Tlirv lir;- ri'."i!ly
If vn j.rrfi-r.
SMOKED HAIS i !. Ih, 20C
il n-i.ft vTtr In t li !knrti fn tit lirfei tr Ixiil.
PORK TSKDEaLOn, Ite. . . 22c i.iTiilil.v. l.liiiiiiu.Mt' in whole liM-e
r In 'fi 1 1 if n.
1 1 1" ii ii m! in. !'.). 'I'l :i: iinl.!-.. i;i iit'-e l'ir
BACGH Hinky-Dinky, lb. pkg. -
f !!: fi.i'f: :imlil. Susnr -nroil.
C:sco Cpcarr.eri"
l-3b. Csrton.iL
Carton -
WfiKFI ELD'S energized
i-lb. can, 7c 2-lb.
1-lb. can, lie can
Garnsticn, Pet, Eorden's
op Roberts'
Small Can. Zc (fi
Tall Can - - - -
Cnclfcy Brand '
Go o-s elv series
cr For Al! Brand Sliced
Tic. 10 Ga!.' Can
Del FVSonte, Advo or J. TP..
Fancy Red
1-lb. tall can.
3 cans for
1 V" A
rf-fW S., 55C
o-Tact22 Scda or Oyctcr
cr Certir:d 2.Ib - ft
G2f ShSIKS Caddy iVC
Large Pkg". .
Giant Pkg. .
Prince Albert or
Smr.ll Tin. .11c
1-lb. Can
& "5JGAE1 Fine Granulated
10-Ib. Clctli Eas
C A H Pure Csne JJO.
TO ls.. 5.03; 10 !bs. Jt
A Whole Grain Cereal of
Wheat, Rye and -
Flax ,
Pkg. kiJ
'viCAtal ijm wade a'r.3
2 Pkgs. fcr
Epashetti cr Pure
Egg IM oodles
3 pkgs. - -
Salacl Dressing
1C0D Island or Rslish
S-cz. Jar, ICc
?'n.t. 25!c ; Quart -
Ccrnty Fair Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 3 fcr
Emerald Leaf Spinach, No. 2 can, 2 fcr 23c
Ven Camp's Sifted Peas. No. 2 can !212
ETacarcrd or Spaghetti, 2-lb. cello bag SLc
E'ancy Blue Rose Hice, 3-lb. cellcphace bag: 2.SC
Northern Navy Eeans, 5 lbs., 23c ; 10 lbs 5Sc
Something NEW
for Breakfast
M. J.
Ccct Grind for Percclator,
Dripcfatcr or Pet
Can L
Can Can
Santa Clara Prunes, medium size, lb., XCc ; 3 lbs. for.
Yeast hidden in a
de.iciou cereal a
blend of toasted
whole wheat flakes
and active yeast.
'Good for what
ails you."
California Apricctr.. lb., IHc : 2 lbs. fcr 23c
Choice California Peaches, lb.. 2 lbs 27c
Choice Ilired Dried Frnit, lb., 15c ; 2 lbs 23c
Clack cr White Pis, 15-ca. cello pkg- 15c
Seedleis Haisins, 2-lb. bsg, XEc; 4-lb. bag 29 e
1-lb. Fku. -
High Test
3 cans for - - -
Champion Lye, 4 cans 25 C
5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $f .79
24 lbs.. S3C:48 1bs. 1
48-lb. Bae 1
P G, Crystal White
cr Omaha Family
10 Ears Ad
SILVER LEAF. 0 bars19c
Magic Protex toilet
Washer SOAP
Lge.Pkg. j9C 6 bars -
The best cooks use It be
cause it is scientifically
24 lbs. 98c
43 lbs. .