The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 16, 1933, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MOOTAY, JAOTABY 161933.
Journal Want-Ads cost only
few cents and get real results I
iee These Suits
Another clothing feast
for you. Your choice of
many fine suits (several
Kuppenheimers includ
ed) single trousers, at
with Two Trousers
Hot Shot for Wednesd'y
January 18th
Broken sizes in Men's
Overalls. Pair ..
From Saturday's DalJy
Last evening Mrs. Frances Zitka,
who has been seriously 111 for the
past week from iiu and pneumonia,
died at the home on Xorth Ninth
street at the age of seventy-eight
The deceased lady had been a resi
dent of this city for the past forty-
two years and had a large circle of
friends who will regret to learn of
her passing.
Frances Kasper was, born in Bo
hemia, April 15, 1854, growing to
womanhood in that country and
where she was married to Joseph
Hula. The family made their home
in tiio old world for a number of
years after their marriage and then
came to the United States to make
their future home. There were eight
children born to Mr. and Mrs. Hula,
five of whom preceded the parents in
death. The surviving ' children are
Charles W. and Anton Hula of this
city and Michael Hula of Louisville.
The husband died a number of years
ago and Mrs. Hula was married the
second time to John Zitka, who also
preceded her in death.
For DedBesday, Sma 1 8.
Men's leather faced, lea. tipped Gloves . 19
Boys' Sheep lined Coats, sheep collar . $1.95
Men's Winter Shirts and Drawers .... .59
Boys' wool Munsing Union Suits 69
Boys' Aviation Goggle Caps 39
Men s all-wool Blue Serge Suits ....... $15
Wednesday is lVaOAtfaftft'o Store Open in
Gift Night UUl50ll?llU O Evening
Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh and
Youngstown steel companies threat
ened rail carriers with "immediate"
relocation of their plants to the De
troit area unless relief in freight
rates is granted. "We cannot per
manently pay S5.70 a ton to deliver
steel into Detroit," J. A. Coakley,
general traffic manager of the United
States Steel corporation subsidiaries,
told representatives of three freignt
associations at a public hearing.
"I will say Irankly, unless our de
mands for reductions to compete with
water rates to the automobile district
are granted we are prepared to
change our factories to the source of
the demand," Coakley said. The peti
tion of the United States Steel com
panies, which was supported by in
dependents of the Youngstown, O.,
and Pttsburgh areas, demanded re
ductions ranging from 4 cents to as
high as 15 1-2 cents per hundred
pounds. .
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chase,
who have made their home in this
city for the past few years, are soon
to leave for their new home at
Bcloit, Wisconsin. Mr3. Chase is not
in the best of health and the rela
tives, in Wisconsin have desired that
they come there to assist them in
the care of the home there. They are
expecting to leave the last of the
Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts of -Title
j. Phone 324 -
January White qods Sale
Brings you nev . I ov prices on staple merchandise!
Without a doubt these are the lowest prices you'll ind
anywhere on merchandise o merit and quality.
Check the items you need and bring this ad with you!
Tubing .
and 40" V 15
IjII -1-1--: 23
81" Foxcroft Bleached ---24
81" Foxcroft Unbleached -1-21
81" Unbleached (light weight) -l 17
81" Peguot, Bleached 33
72" Peqnct, Bleached -1 29
Foxcroft, 63x99 55
Foxcroft, 72x99 59
Pullman, 81x90 59
Pullman, 81x99 69
Peqnot, 81x99 90
Feather Ticking
Fancy Tickings, Featherproof, yard 21
A C A Blue and White Stripe, yard .14
Size 17x34, each, 59; 2 for ; SI
' Outing Flannel
White, 27-inch, good weight. 5 yards 29
Birdseye Diapers, hemmed, per doz 75
Krinkle Crepe, white, colors, Yard 11
Large size Dish Cloths, each 5
Curtain Marquisette, 36-in. width, Yard 10
Fine quality Curtain Materials, reduced to,
per yard . 19
Natural Cotton, 3-lb. batt, stitched 39
2 bolts Bias Tape, 6-yd. pieces for 9
Foxcroft, 36'
Tequbt, 42""".
Pillow Cases
Silver Seal, 42x36 2 for 25
Pullman, 42x38 2 for 35
Unbleached Muslins
Fine quality 10 yds., 65
Light weight f 10 yds., 45
Bleached Muslins
36" Hope Muslin -
36" Soft finished .
10 yds., 69
10 yds., 49
Stevens Unbleached, 16" yd., 12
Stevens Bleached, 18" yd., 14
Part Linen Crash, 10 yards for 75
Size 15x30, Striped borders. 6 for. 39
3 for 9 6 for 25
Linen Napkins, 20" unhemmed. 6 for $1.75
Merc. Damask, colored border, yd : -29
Linen .Damask, 72" wide, per yard $1
Krinkle Krepe Spread : 69
36" Cheviot, fine grade, plain, blue or
grey, per jyard 10
Unbleached Muslin
Quality good for Tea Towels,
etc. Limit 10 yds. to custom'r
10 Yards for 25c
Worli Shoe
Outing Bal Style
98c pair
Star Brand
Ladies, Children's Star Brand
Strap Slippers
98c pair
Men's fine Yarn Socks Seamless, asstd. solid colors. Pair ... 60
Women's Straps and Ties High and Cuban heels. Pair. . .$1.08
Regular $3.90 and $4.85 Values
Shoe (Laces- Black and Brown. 36 and 50 in. lengths, 3 pair. .5
Heavy Glazed Yarn Tubular Laces, Fabric Tips
Men's Shirts and Shorts An unheard-of price. Each ....... 150
Vat 'dyed Percale Shorts, guaranteed fast color. Elastic sides. Assorted Patterns and Colors
Swiss Rib Shorts Full length, full cut. Correctly made.
Roosevelt Says
No Offers Made
Yet for Cabinet
E. T. Rector of Omaha Among Visi
tors to President-elect
IIcAdoo Sunday.
New York. Jan. 12. All cabinet
speculation was ruled out of order
today by President-elect Roosevelt
with the statement that he has made
no offer and probably would make
none until next month.
Turning from, a series of confei-
ences revolving principally about the
farm relief problem, the president
elect, in a meeting with newspaper
men brushed aside the cabinet specu
lation, adding that it would be guess
work now even on hi3 own part to
write on the make-up of the official
It also was made very emphatic
that Mr. Roosevelt intends to know
very well and talk with those he in
vites to sit about the council table
with him.
Only one person is regarded here
as a certainty in the Roosevelt cab
inet James A. Farley of New York,
chairman of the democratic national
committee. lie is slated for post
master general.
Talks with Woodring.
Harry H. Wo6dring. who just re
tired as governor of Kansas, led off
the farm discussions today at the
Roosevelt homo'. Silent about the
"party plan" agriculture measure in
congress, oodnng said Immediate
action is necessary to increase farm
and commodity price3 to "meet the
economic crisis."
A delegation representing the Am
erican Association of Creamery But
ter Manufacturers, headed by W. F.
Jensen of Chicago, urged revenue
legislation on products in which for
eign oils and fats'are used as a means
of stopping these importations.
The group also protested the inclu
sion of dairy products in the house
farm bill and asked that the legis
lation be confined to wheat and cot
ton alone.
Sees McAdoo Sunday.
Today's Roosevelt conferences were
concluded by a call from Senator
Lewis (dem., 111.), a member of the
foreign relation3-committee. William
G. McAdoo, senator-elect from Cali
fornia, will vsit the president-elect
at his Hyde Park'home Sunday night.
A delegation representing the Na
tional Grange i3 on tomorrow's call
ing list.
The delegation of creamery but
ter manufacturer's included Edgar T.
Rector of Omaha.
Other callers , included General
Taufflief, a member of the French
senate. The latter call was describ
ed as "purely social." World-Her
Specials For Wednesday
10 lb: Cloth Sack
I Black & While COFFEE
EE Ground fresh for you on our Hobart
EE Grinder that removes ALL the chaff.
I Lb., 35c 3 Lbs.,&
S55 y MM
Pork and Beans
FIRST PRIZE. Large ZVz can
First Prize. Peas
No. 1 size can - - -
Kraut Juice
FIRST PRIZE. Pep can -
First Prize Corn
No. 1 size can - -
4 lbs. for - ---- - - -
Raisins .
Thompson Seedless. 2 lbs.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Large Package Free
with one pkg. Pep, Rice
Krispies, Wheat Biscuit, all fdr'i
Meat CpccSollG
Pork Chops
Center cuts. Per lb. - - -
Pork Liver Rc
Per lb. - ------- - - Ci
4 lbs. for,
Toilet Paper
Gloria, 1000 sheet rolls.
Tall Cans Milk
Popular brands. Each
4 rolls
Golden Table Syrup ll c
10-lb. can -------- TlTI
Crystal VhiteOyrup ldhc
10-lb. can, -------- Itv
Flour and Feed
IGA Flour, 48-lb. bag . .':'90$
Boss Flour, 48-lb. bag.'.;-. . 7G
Corn Meal, 10-lb. bag 150
Shorts, 100-lb. bag. . 6Q
Bran, 100-lb. bag . . 550
Shellmaker, 100-lb. bag.. . C50:
m c
. -
Washington.-! A general asre7
ment was reached at a Joint hearing
of the senate and house Irrigation
committees that a further morator
ium should be - granted settlers ,oI
western reclamation projects, and
subcommittees were . detailed ; to ;PUt
in shape legislation to secure this ob
jective. . . ' ... - f .- :--
Phone the news to No. C.
Wednesday, Jan. 18, Gift Night
. '..-. -v. '
The outstanding event of our January Clearance Sale-
About 100 pair of Women's Novelty Pumps, Ties and
Strap styles in Black Kid, Brown Kid and Patent leather.
All Going at One Low Price '
Journal vyant-Ads cost only ml few cents and get real result!
Women's black U. S.
first grade rubbers. Hi,
med., and ihc
low heels. Pr. tUc5V
Oxfords - Straps
Hi grade shoes in Pat
ent and Dull leathers.
Your choice . $1 .49 pair
Your Choice
Your Choice
$295 . 345
Buy Now and Save!
Home of Quality Footwear
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Of Smart Guaranteed
Wednesday Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Including our regular Dollar line of. 80 Square Prints and
Broadcloths. This is THE sale that you have waited for!t
"Hundreds of Dresses to Choose From
All Sizes, 14-20, 38-52 Plenty of Large Sizes
Wednesday is Gift Day
Pease Style Shop
Oass County's Largest Exclusive- Ladles Store
Plattsmouth, iHepr;
s. :