The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1932.
Ray Wiles and family were visit
ins for the day on last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson.
Ex Governor George Sheldon of
Jacksonville, Miss, was a speaker at
a Republican political rally on Sat
urday of last week'.
Homer Sylvester was a visitor in
Rock Bluffs on last Tuesday evenins
where ha was attending a democratic
meeting at that place.
Paul Ward was busy when not
otherwise employed about the lumber
yard in assisting in tearing down
the old I.ynmn building.
Mrs. Kd Mohr. llvlns a few miles
south cf Weeping Water, was shell
ing and delivering her last years corn
o the elevator at Avora.
Homer Sylvester, the democratic
candidate for Sheriff, was a visitor
in Plattsmouth on last Friday and
was attending the Korn Karnival.
John B. Roddy or Union was a
visiter in Weeping Water on last
Tuesday where he was looking after
some real estate matters and was
busy for the afternoon.
Elmer Michelson was making some
changes at the store by tearing out
the partitions in the rear portion
cf the store and building a balcony
in the rear where he will provide an
Troy L. Davis and A-ta Neson
were shelling and delivering corn to
the elevator at Weeping Water and
getting the cribs ready for the corn
which is just now being picked on
the farm.
Oscar Domingo and Amos Bates
both shelled corn on last Tuesday,
Mr. Domlngi binning his corn for
sale In the future while Mr. Bates
delivered his to the elevator in Weep
ing Water.
Ed Lawrence, the manager of the
Farmers Elevator, was a visitor in
the western portion of the state dur
ing the early part of the week. He
wa$ called there to look after some
business matters.
Mrs. E. W. Dowler was a visitor
with, a number of her very close
friends in Union early last week and
was also looking after the interests
of the We .ing Water Republican
as well'v piie there.
E. L. McCartney and the good wife
were over to Lincoln on last Monday
where they were looking after some
business matters. . While they were
away" the- barber shop- was . loolrad
afterby ausicegreysi ' a -Mrs.
Helen Gordon who with her
brother, E. Klnnimon, returned home
early this week after having visited
in South Dakota. After a short stay
here they departed for the west
where they will visit for a short
Clifford Jones and family of Lin
coln, where he is engeged in the
barber business, were to Weeping
Water last Sunday visiting at the
heme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
iVrthur H. Jones. All enjoyed a very
fina visit.
At the home of Martin Nelson on
last Sunday were gathered Arthur
Nelson and wife and Anton Nelson
and Curtis Nelson and wife. All be
ing there to enjoy a visit and to see
how the brother, Julius Nelson who
is sick, was getting along.
Banker O. C. Hinds, Harold Mey
ers, A. R. Birdsell and J. J. Meir
the druggist and Rev. Pangburn
were over to Plattsmouth on last Fri
day where they were extending the
Korn Karnival. They were much In
terested in the delapidated auto
Billy Ash Is a vetfiran thresher
and some time since has completed
all shock threshing. Now he is hav
a number of stack threshing jobs.
He began last Tuesday to thresh for
Fred Rehmelr, C. E. Pool, Lawrence
Wise and Roy Wiles. He was having
the machine pulled with the tractor
cf Harold Wiles.
Julius Nelson, who has not been
In the best of health for some time,
was to the hospital in Omaha where
he underwent a . clinic,' having his
back examined, which he in juried
recently. He was told by the exam
ining physician that he must go to
bed, leaving It only to come to the
the hospital for observance.
R. S. Shields the cleaner and the
Thougbf uF S ervice
TiTE HAVE esiablfsned an In
V stltution for the purpose of
relieving the, bereaved family
of . burdens and responsibilities
which- accompany v the passing
of a' loved one. . .
Our. knowledge and experi
ence In this- profession' assures
satisfaction to the family of the
deceased. . V " " ' '
good wife were to Omaha on' last
Sunday. They had started to attend
a picnic with some of their friends
but something went wrong with
their car when they were three miles
out of PlattsmoUthi They were pull
ed intd' town by' the accomodating
sheriff. E. W. Thltngan, and .11. was
five o'clock in .the evening before
the car was repaired. They contin
ued their journey to Omaha 'where
they tock in a show and jfbrgot a
bout the picnic.
Quarry . Work Delayed
On account of the burning cut of
a bearing In the crusher which is
used at th Independent Crushed
Stcne Company on last Tuesday, the
work had to be shut down until a
part of the machinery was taken to
Omaha and repaired.
The work has been going on very
steadily and giving employment to
a large number of men;
Mrs. S. F. Girardet Dies in Illinois
Some fifty years ago Mr; and Mrs.
Stephen F. Girardet came to Weep
ing Water where he operated a bus
iness for a concern of Nebraska City,
Wessell and Kahn. After a number
of years he purchased the business
about the year 1SSS which he con
tinued until during the world's war
in 1916. He moved to Aurora, 111.
where some time after he died, the
remains being brought to Weeping
Water for interment.
The wife continued to reside in
Aurora until on' last October 3rd she
died. She was buried there beside
the grave of her mother. The family
will be remembered by the older in
habitants. They have been away
about fifteen or sixteen years. Mrs.
Girardet was about "sixty five years
of age.
At His Post Again.
Henry Mcgehsen was able to re
turn to his home eraly this week and
is at his work in the bank again. He
has been at' the Veterans hospital
for some weeks where he underwent
an operation and treatment. He is
getting along nicely but is not in
his full strenght yet but Is gaining
every day.
Razing the Lyman Building
The Lyman which G. R. Dinger
recently purchased is being torn
down and the materials removed.
Ralph Binger with a force of men
axet the-work and, will sooa,havs
a portion 'oft the history of Weeping
Water will be torn from the records,
just as the destroying cf thef old liv
ery barn was last year.
Cincinnati. The United States
circuit court of appeals ruled that
co-operative marketing associations
may bo adjudged bankrupt under
federal laws, reversing Federal Judge
Paul Jones of the northern district
of Ohio. The court acted in an ap
peal of H. G. Schuster, of Vermillion,
O., and twenty-one northern Ohio
farmers, from the decision of the
Cleveland judge denying an involun
tary petition in bankruptcy for the
Ohio Farmers' Co-operative Milk" as
sociation, Cleveland. Action of the
court, however, was not on the merits
of the original suit, but upon the
question of whether marketing co-operatives
could be dealt with under
provision of the bankruptcy laws.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuc?day. the 8th day of November,
1932. at the usual voting places
throughout Cas county, Nebraska,
on election will be held for the elect
Ion of the following officers, to-wit:
One President
One Vice President
One United States Repre
sentative .
One Governor
One Lieutenant Governor
One Secretary of State
One Auditor of Public Ac-
"courits '
One Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings
One State Treasurer
One Attorney General
One Railway Commissioner
One State Senator, Second :
One State Representative,
Sixth District
One Chief Justice' of the
. Supreme Court
One Judge of the . District
Court. Second District
, One Court ty Judge -One
County Commissioner,
First District . '
One County Sheriff (To Pill
Vacancy) - . ..-.
. One County. Surveyor (To
Fill Vacancy)
, - Also Justices of the Peace,
. : Read Overseers, and As
sessors in' the Precincts
of the Cotinty, as. pro
vided by la,
the polls at said election will
operiat-8:00td'cldck in the morning
and close at 8:00 o'clock in the
evening of the said same day.
in witness wheteot r hat set my
hand antf afasetf ' tb Sial- of Cass
Ccuaty, at .PIxtttsscutBf Njtraska,
this 10th day of October 4D.193?.
(Seal).-- :i"'. '
utiiotj iTEr.m
George' E.' Nickles of Murray Waa
a visitor in Union on last Monday
and was looking after some business
matters for a short time.
L.G. Todd and the good wife were
over to Lincoln on last Monday
where they were called to look after
seme business matters for a "short
At the home of Mr.- and Mrs. Roy
Mullis, Mrs. Mullis and a' daughter
have been very sick with diptheria
but are reported as being softie' better
at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Todd " were
over to Omaha on last Tuesday, they
taking with them a load of hogs iii
their truck, as well as looking after
some business matters.
Roy Upton was a visitor in Omaha
for a number of days during the past
week, called their to look after bus
iness pertaining to the crusade a
galnst the growing of ceder trees.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Todd enter
tained at their home north of Union
on last Sunday. They had as their
guests Mr. Todd's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Todd and as' well Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Cleghorn of Louisville.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford ot
Coleridge arrived in Union early last
week. For three days they enjoyed
the hospitality and friendship' of
relatives and their many friends.
They left after having spent their
time here mqst pleasantly.
Miss Leta Hinds of Council Bluffs,
who is a cousin of Miss Ora Clarke
cf Union, sang for the first time
over the broadcasting station of
WOW, and will be on .the regular
schedule in the future. She is called
the "voice with a smile."
Mrs. David Murray shelled and
delivered some six thousand bushels
of last years corn. The same was re the elevator of George tA.
Stites. This clears the bns of Mrs.,
Murray's and will make room -for
the storing of thi3 years crop.
W. H.j. Porter and. the good , wife
were over to Plattsmouth on last
Sunday . where they were spending
the short-time while they-were there
a'ttending the services at the Metho
dist church where their friend, Rev,
C. O. Troy, was conducting the-ser1-vices.
v .
On last, Sunday.. Mont Robb,, and.
,daughter..JHiss Augusta,attMv, J1)
am their,hona,.wh&re4frey
entertained.; They had . . their,
guests for the occasion the family
of F. W. Robb of Lincoln and Mrs.
Hugh Robb . and daughters of . Neb
raska City.
Mrs. George A. Stite3 and Miss
Augusta Robb were over to Nebras
ka City on Sunday where they went
to attend the discourse which was
delivered by the Right . Reverand
Bishop Shayler of Omaha, who was
speaking at the Episcople church in(
Nebraska City.
The residence In which Mr. and
Mrs. P. F. Rihn make their home
and which is owned by some parties
in California, is being redecorated
and repainted. Earl Merritt is do
ing the work and when he gct3 done
the home should be In fine condition
for this excellent couple.
George M. Porter of Lincoln, a
brother ofW. H. Porter. D.-B. Port
er and Mrs. C. J. Snawley, was a
visitor in Union for a short time
last Friday visiting with his brothers
and sister. After Fpending some time
here he departed for Plattsmouth
where he was looking after some
Mrs. Mary Taylor of Lincoln and
her daughter. Miss Rachel, were
guests of their many friends and as
well as their relatives in Union for
a number of days during the last
week. They Visited at the homes of
W. H. Porter and Joseph Banning
and others.' After enjoying their vis
it her they departed for their home
in Lincoln.
Horace Griffin has just completed
two new wagon boxes and has 'paint
ed the same and is ready 'for the
man who wants one for corn picking.
He has been rather busy as he has
as well constructed two trailers, one
for Jaines Fitspatrick and another
for who ever" may desire it: He has
been assisted in his- work by Lester
Shumacher. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Banning en
tertained' at ' their home in Union
and had as their guests Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Latta and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Tyson, air of Blair. The pleasure
of the gathering was enhanced by
the presence of Mr. and Mrs. LL'R.
SnipeS. former county agent of Cass
county, whdrnow make th'eir home
In Lincoln. ' '
Mrr. Rostella Clarke and daughters
entertained for. the day on last Sun
day.' They had as Jhelr. guests far
the day and: a very, fine dinner, Mr.
and Ms. Thomas Hlflds and children
pf jCouncil . Bluffa a .y-ell as MUs
JfabH "ftlnWt ana Crl -i Hln4sJ
4 '..; ' " '"
.i F AUL :
; -
tladc by DobbS
4 !
Mellow Fur
Silk Trimmed
Latest New York Styles!
and also Mrs. ' Vesta Clarke. This
made a very pleasant' assemblage of
relatives and friend."
When Robert . Alexander was as
saying to deliver a' load, of cobs at
the rear of some building oh Main
street he met with a (small accident.
He was driving up. the alley from
the west, just south" of the Prcps
building and the loosi? stones would
not allow the unshod, horses to hold
their footing. . The ; wagon with it's
load of . cobs ran backwards down
the steep incline,, breaking the wagon
.badly. The team t and wagon were
extricated and delivery wris ziade
from the other .direction.
County Meeting-Red Cross
There will be a meeting of the
American Red Cfos's1 at ' Weeping
Water cn the consul g Friday of this
week. At this tiniefthey will Jiold
their annual mtetingvand elect the
.officers of tlie County" Chapter.
: ,- r- .' "
, No Schccl This Week
On account" of J the- general - poor
health of the jsciioH hujar.en, and the
fear of an increase of this condition,
the schools of Uli4ff Vtere -dismissed
fcr the' present' 'week rh't" the in
crecEing sickness4Jigljt , be checked
and 'eradicated: I .! .3 - 1
Democratic JiaHvbafc Eock Bluffs;
r W. B.13JanrrtikW Ocorge; Re .NicJv-;
Ids'' and Homer Sylvester Avere - over
t RockBlufrs Whete'tii'fyVere hold
ing a democratic, rally and explain
ing the issue of tiu? campaign from
a democratic standpoint. Mr. Ban
ning, after having speken . at Reck
BluJrs, departed ,fcr. Btil!evue where
he was also bllkih'Mnwnke nrt addres.
.x r.
Enjoyed Birthday Celebration
At. the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
F.-' Rihn on last Sunday there gath
ered a number of their friends for
the purpose of celebrating the pass
ing cf the birthday bf .Mr. Rihn. and
also Miss Wilma Pickard of Platts
mouth. There were there for the
occasion Mr., and Mrs. John Alwin
and daughter. Miss Wilma, and Mr.
George Perry, all of Plattsmouth.
Enjoy Pleasant Visit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Llndsey had
as their pists for the week Mrs.
O. Glatz, sister of Mr3. George Lind
rey and Wm. Schlief, Mrs. C. Albert
and daughter and .Leonard Gundel,
all of St. Louis,. Mo ,
The week was spent -visiting the
state capitol, Omaha. Plattmouth
and Nebraska City and other places.
Thursday Mr. Henry Llndsey enjoy
ed dinner with tlverti all. They left
for their homo Saturday by autcT.
with a stop over at Kansas City.
When the car stopped out on the
highway and on investigation dis
closed that there was no gasoline,
the backseat driver said: Well, why
stop here? Why don't you drive on
to some filling station?
Poultry Wanted
Friday & Saturday
Cash op Trade
Heavy Hens, lb. . . . 10
Native Springs, lb. . 0
Leghorn Hens, lb. . . 7
Leghorn Springs, lb. 0
Cos, per lb. 4$
dust be Healthy arxf Fie . ,
frprrt Feed
Flattssiouth, Phone . 42
Miss Ruth Hogue, who is teacher
at a' Manley school, was a visitor at
tlie home of lier parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Hogue, on last Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Lemon were
enjoying a visit on last Sunday at
the home of relatives in North Bend
where they drove in their car for
the occasion.
Mrs. James Dill has been vlstlrig
for. some time . at the home of her
mother, Mr3. Gearge Adams, . Who
makes her home In Kansas, but who
resided here some sixty years ago.
Martin Stava and son, Thomas
Stava' of Plattsmouth were visiting
for the day on last Sunday at the
home of their daughter and e'stcr,
Mrs. George Troop and family. All
enjoyed a very plearant day.
John Nix, who l;cen working
about here off and cn for a. number
of years but who has been away for
a time, has returned and will amixt
In the picking of corn for John L.
Young. Here he has a let of good
corn to work on.
Misses Lavernc end Dorothy, tlie
daughters of Mr. and Mm. Ltrr
Shrader, were over to Plrtturmuth
where they went to rpend n tow d?ys
at the home of Mr. and Mr?. Earn
est Giles and family. All njoyd tli
visit very much.
Virgil Welleneclk cf Dunbar vraa
a visitor in Nehawka cn last Satur
day and secured c very fine hoar for
his herd of Hampohircs. He return
ed Monday and took tbe pig heme
with him. While, here Virgil viewed
with J. H. Steffcas. .
Charles 'R. Tracp of PlatTtmouth
And Will Trocp cf narlh c Nchvka
were in Omaha la t Monday r.herc
the were looking over the etoc!: yards
with a view cf purclicsing seme feed
ers to Cat some cf th3 good corn that
has been grown la Cass ctur.ty this
summer. "
While sawing wood with a buzz
saw Frank had t!i? misfor
tune to get cno of bin fingcr3 in the
saw with the-result 'that the member
was cut off and which waa attended
with much suffering.- The finger was
dressed and is getting :alDr.g as well
as could be'leoked for.
Whilo a number cf workmen were
loading wood In' the tru-2 cf R. 1).
Taylor one'ef tha sticks rtfuek Mr.
Taylor on th5 fcrcliead If tut a gash
of corsiderabro lifrgth' ; aVrsss -the
foreheid' HVhlch4 reftlre'rf niHc'stltChes
of the turgecn" to cloirc. Hi how
ever getting along r.lcc!y and i3 -keeping
at his work.
The Lewistcn band fwns r.sked to
play at the Kern IC:rnival and re
sponded with: ruteh pleasure. Tliey
gave the very bect cf rr.Uoic and
pleased the largo ercv.d that had
gathered to heer them. John Chrls
weisser was among them and assist
ed materially in tho wonderful music
that was furn!sl;cd.
The Nehawka Wcmans Club were
gathered at the home cf Mrs. Eliza
beth Easter and daughter. Miss
Laura on lart Friday. There they en
joyed a very fine program as well as
a most delightful luncheon end a very
pleasant aftcrncon. The subject for
the day was Indaln Life, and Mrs
W. A. Ost hnd a flno display of relics
of -the Indians which Mr.- Ost had
collected rnd which the Indies fcund
most interesting.
Had a Gcsd Sale
Harry' Knte has made a success
in the breeding end growing of fine
hogs, and r.i3l:cs ?. specialty on the
raising cf Hnmrshircs. He held a
sale last Sr.urdr.y r.nd disposed cf
a large number cf tr;o porkers.. He
received a ; vary gacdprice and was
well sstisficd, notwithstanding the
close time.
Fcnncr.Orcrrcr yisits Here
Mr. and Mrc. C-e:rge L. Sheldon
of Jacksonville. Mii53., former' res
idents here a a well ra farmer govern
or of thin great EtUe,. have been vis
iting in Nchiwiii nr.d other portions
of Nctr.ncl;'?.. They will remain in
thest:t3 fcr scins weeks this fall.
Former gcxernrr S-cldon was visit
ing wifi hi'j miny friends here dur
ihg'hls et-'y r.nd' was In' Plattsmouth
visitir.g frlcr.tl3 t!:ero also.
, ..JVhile, licrq lire, Sheldon visited
the Wcm?r.s Club of Neliawka which
was gtlTcrcl nt ths home 'of' Mrs.
Elizabeth Erctsr. Biie 'made an ad
dress congratulating the club on
their grc J -work cs well as telling of
the Ecutt!.Vrid .v.h;ro they ihakc their
Undcrrjcca Clinic at Hcspital
Fred W. Melsinger,- who has be6n
in pepr health for some tlmo and
whose. cp;iditl:n, Bad" dkused great
apphf'ohcnci'.!1,' wai to "the- hospital
where hs tcok an exhaustive clinic.
He found that ho was in: better con
dition thah he had thought. His
trouble was found to be gaU stooee
and which can be handled without
any great ' danger. This news was
received with great joy.
Wins First Prize
' Miss Marie Lutz, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Lutz, won flrv.t prize
with her float in the Korn Kftrnlval
parade held In Plattsmouth last Hat
urdcy. Miss Lutz in the teacher of
the Pleasant Hill school and had the
assistance of her pupils to win the
first' place, which was worth more
than the prize of ten dollars.
Attracted Attention
The MtiaketciTH, whU-li Is compos
ed of Tommy Mason. Ted Mr-Lain and
Roy Lancaster, who furnished mu'-h
of the amusement nt th Corn Festi
val, were greatly pb--aed with the
grand way In whlrh Ibr.-y wr-re re
ceived and of the manifestations of
pleasure at their playing.
Nehawka Schools Again Open
The Nehawka vrhrrtU were closed
a week ago on account of the prevel-
ancj of sore throat, the forerunner
of diptheria. Tli-y opened on Mon
day of this wr'k with a trained nurse
to Insp'ft all scholars. It It hoped
that the rliseaso has been stamped
out and that there will bf-. nothing
mf re to fear. Every precaution will
bo observed to protrct the students.
Meet3 With Accident
While Jesfte Wise wan attempting
to board the truck of R. I. Taylor
lant Saturday he fell and suffered
tho dislocation of his collar bone.
It was replaced in proper position
with much difficulty and has been
causing this gentleman much grief.
It is getting along as well as could
be looked for under the conditions
of the injury.
The Ashland high school football
team will be the opponents of the
Flatters at the local football field on
Friday afternoon at 3:30. The Ash
land team is one of the bert in Saund
ers county and last week scored a
7 to 0 victory over the Weeping Wa
ter team.
Last season in tto cnuunl tilt of
Plattsmouth and Ashland, the Saund
ers county .aggregation waa able to
Snatch the victory frcm the locals
by a small ccorc, so this yenr the
Plotters are set for revenge In a vic
tory ' The team came through the.Thur
man, owa, game in excellent shape
and 'all of the squad will be avail
able to use "in - the Ashland contest
Thi3 will be a fine opportunity for
the fcn3 and the residents of the
community to come out and sea their
team in action and for their excel
lent work this season they deserve
a large attendance to inspire them
on to victory.
"Sec it before you Buy it.
We Announce
Not a Sale .... But New Styles
At New Low Prices
Permanent at Our Store
Smooth Kid
Calf and Suede
Reptiie Trimmed
Here is good news important savings for
women and misses .... the lowest standard
prices at which ENNA JETTICKS have ever
been offered. New styles, smart for every
occasion, 177 sizes and widths,
1 to 12 AAAAA to EEE
You can get your exact size, in the model of your choice
fitted by one of our skilled shoe technicians.
"Younecdno longer be told that you have an expensive foot"
Fetzer Slides Co.
Horn of Quality Footwear
low Hodcrn I'ioncn
Lose Pounds of Fat
Swiftly Safely
Gained Physical Vigor Youthfulness
with Clear Skin and Vivacious Eyes
that Spaikle with Glorious Health !
Here's the-recipe that banishes fat
and brings into blossom all the nat
ural attractiveness that every woman
pomtetises. . .
Every morning tak one half tea
epoonful of Krus.-hen Salts In a glass
nft hot water, before breakfasts-cut
dov. n on pastry and fatty mi ats- go
light on pcfatoes, butter, cream and
tfugar in 4 wttk3 get on the scales
and note how many pounds of fat
have vanished.
Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts
thfc coat Is trifling and it lasts 4
weeks. If evon this firnt bottle doesn't
convince you this Is the easit, safest
and surest way to low fat if you
don't feel a wipf-rb Improvement In
hoalth o gloriouly energetic vig
orously alive your -money gladly
rr turned.
JJut be sure for your health's sake
that you ak for and get Krusdien
Salts. Get them at F. (i. Frlcke &
Co., or any drugstore In the world.
From Monday's Tai!y
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Royal of Lln-
icoln were here Sunday to vlstl with
fju-'ge C. L. Graves, father of Mrs.
i Royal.
Fred Ethridgc and Gus McNurlin
of Greenwood were here Saturday to
' fpend a few hours attending the
Kern Karnival.
From Wednesday's Pa;!y
The banki'rs of the county are
holding their annual meeting today
at Greenwood where the Greenwood
bank and Col. Hall end rtaff are the
hots of the other financiers. The
Cass County Banker's association,
taking advantage of Columbus day,
October 12th, being a legal holiday,
h3ve selected this date for the an
n.ual meetings.
Tlie president of the county asso
ciation this year Is If. A. Schneider
ot the Plattsmouth State bank of this
city rnd the secretary Is R. F. Pat
terson of the Farmer3 State bank.
The business cession of the aspo
ciation . will , be held this afternoon
and thebanquet, and social features
enjoyed thla cverilag. .
With the excellent weather condi
tions It Is expected that practically
all of the banker.? and their' ladies
will bo in attendance at the meet
ing s and banquet.
Some excellent rpottcd Tolam'.
China l-ucra. Also Drown Leghorn
cockerels, priced right. John Rice.
Codar Crt-rk. ol3-2tw
i -