ffebr. State Historical Society mm! VOL. HO. XLV1H FLATTSHOUTII, MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1932. NO. 65 LIe? Committees for Corn Festival are About Complete Duties Divided Among Large Group of Business Hen Finances are of Chief Concern How Practically the entire committee personnel to serve at the forthcoming corn festival has been named, the members of the various committees being as follows: CO E3 SUTTEES Genera Chairman.!!. G. Soennichsen secretary Dr. G. L. Taylor j reasurer E. A. Wurl SOLICITING Prank Bestor. chairman; L. O. Mi nor. J. W. Holmes. Howard Davis, Carl Ofe, Carl Jensen. PARADES Supt. Devoe, chairman; Mrs. John Wolff (Pres. Woman's club). CAP CLUB Carl Ofe. chairman; John Turner, Dr. G. L. Taylor, B. A. Rosencrans, C. H. Martin. Clem Woster, George Con is. Roy Ottredosky. STREET DECORATIONS L. W. Niel, chairman; Fred Herb ster. Carl Ofe. Fred Rea. H. Taplett, Dr. O. Sandln. C. C. Wescott. PROGRAM ) C. C. Wescott, chairman : Frank Bestor, Supt. Devoe. Carl Ofe, A. G. Bach, Leslie Niel. Ed Schulhof. Roy Holly. Charles Pease, S. S. Davis, Rex Young. Dr. Taylor. KANGAROO COURT Frank Smith, chairman; W. A. Robertson. Chas. Martin, Judge A. H. Duxbury. J. A. Capwell. W. G. Kieck. A. L. Tidd. C. A. Rawls, Judge Graves, D. O. Dwyer, Judge Jas. T. Begley. STREET DANCE M. D. Brown, chairman; C. E. Ledg way, Leo Boynton. Martin Lohnes, John Turner, Fred Herbster, James Farnham. Claud Smith, Albert Olson. BOXING. ATHLETICS John V. Svoboda, chairman ; Ray mond Larson, Fred Rothert. O. San dln, John Wolff. Carl Schneider, C. H. Martin. William Barclay. -AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS H. L. Gayer, chairman; Ed Spang ler, Henry Kolting. W. f. Nolte. J. L. Stems. O. Bandin. C. A. Rosen crans. TRADE. STYLE SH0W8 W. R. Holly, chairman; L. W. Niel. Leo Boynton. Al Olson. M. D. Brown. Charles Pease, Elmer Webb, C E. Ledgway. - BANDS W. R. Holly. E. H. Schulhof. L. D. Hlatt. PUBLICITY Elmer Webb. Foster" Patterson, R A. Bates, Frank Smith, Hilt Wescott. LEAVES FOE CHICAGO New Member of High School Teaching Force HAS FCTGERS INJURED From Friday's Daily This morning Mason E. Wescott, who has been spending the past three weeks here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott, departed for his home at Chicago. Mr. Wescott is finp nf th farnltv ef iha r nil a era rt business administration and audit- JaC ? Wah b S" to ine of Northwestern university He oncinc? History department has had the opportunity of a short vacation between the close of the in the High School. Francis Toman who has been en gaged in working at the packing plant of the Norfolk Packing Co., in this city, Wednesday suffered the loss of a part of the first and second fingers and the severe injury of the third. Mr. Tom an was operating a shucking machine at the plant and in attempting to get an ear of corn out of the machine he had his hand caught and the tips of the fingers Young People Present a Fine Entertainment Junior Shakespeare Club Presents Offering at Public Library Auditorium. A FINE TKIP With the . school term, the superintendent and lacerated' The In,ured nand is Prov Last evening the Junior Sharkes- peare club, composed of young peo- is also engaged at Northwestern, be- carin for the position of teacher in ing connected with the theological hne apartment or history college. summer srhool and tho nnpnin? nf lne opening 01 me nign 4 V. --- 1 M 1 A. M 1 X lUB "fguiar laii rm 01 me uni- - " ing very Inconvenient to the youne nle nf this ritv. nresented an eve- vorcltv tn cnnrf utth th. ,om. rniir. uicmuero oi me uua.ru 01 euucauoni - - . - . ' Miss Alice Louise Wescott a Kster were Iaced tb proposition of I a m " " i . . i it in 1 1 f in nii.n sis m irr.T it rn ti no i mihit a it two misiiT-t4 n m , ... J used. I This club has been studying un der the direction of Miss Eleanor Swatek and their delightful offerings and splendid presentation pointed the wonderful training they have received in the past weeks in the study of the works of Shakespeare There were selections given from some of the best known of the plays of the great English poet, "Romeo Sheriff Secures 100 Gallon Still South of City The usual contract was issued this spring to Gerald Kvasnicka, who taught that department in the 1931- 32 term of the school. Mr. Kvas nicka later had the opportunity of securing a position in the Lincoln city schools, but failed to officially notify the board. The school term was to start here in a few days and it Fire Depart ment Elects New Officers for the nnsitinn n t lonct tomnnnrllv Plant Found Concealed in Cornfield until the board received formal no- Along Missouri Eiver Seven Barrels of Mash Taken. was necessary to secure someone Franklin Kiel Named as President and Juliet." "Midsummer's Night f TWT..rfmMlw n Co,;.. Dream," "As ou Like it." "Mac- Dem, "laming 01 me anrew, .aier- tlce of the declining of the contract ' cnam or en ice, ine lempesi ana bv the former teacher I The Plattsmouth volunteer fire de- "Winter's Tale," being the offerings GIVE SHOWER FOE BRIDE Mrs. A. Newton Sullivan was hos tess at a very charmjlng shower at her country horn on Tuesday eve ning . honoring Mrs. William E. Mrasek, one of the brides of the late summer. The home was the scene of much enjoyment with the party of Jolly young people and who pent the time In playing bridge, in which Miss Fern Stivers was the winner of the first honors and Miss Ellen Nora Meislnger. the second. Mrs. Mrasek was presented with a large number of very beautiful and attractive gifts from the friends and which will serve as a pleasant re membrance of the friends in the fu ture years. At a suitable hour dainty and de licious refreshments were served to aid in the completion of a most de lightful time. to this city and have kept the news close dainty and delicious refresh- of hte marriage secret until this I men ts were served by the hostess, time. Iwhos was assisted by Mrs. Gilbert The bride is the youngest daugh-lHira. ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brittaln and AH OLD SUBSCRIBER Henry Schoemaker. one of the best known residents of southern Cass county, was a visitor in Plattsmouth Friday, looking after some business at the court house and also calling on the Journal. Mr. Schoemaker has been a reader of the Journal since It was established here in 1881 by . W. Sherman, he being one of the first subscribers to the paper when It was launched. This is a great record for fidelity to one paper and the Journal appreciates the line loyal support that Mr. Schoemaker has given. BED CR0S3 ENROLLMENT Montana and North Dakota over coming drouth setback with deter mined spirit. Red Cross roll call opens Oct. 10. Last year 100 in crease of membership, record expect ed to surpass enrollment of last year. The people of the northwest feel that the A. R. C gave not only help but taught them economy and how to take care of themselves in the future by giving them garden seeds to raise their own food. The board of education has Be-parinient has selected their officers f the club A distillery plant was discovered cured Jack FIgley, of Wahoo, as the fr he ensuing year at the regular T"6 Players gave a delightful ren- Wedneeday afternoon by Sheriff Ed teacher in history and he is now j meeting held at . the city council anion and despite their extreme W. Thimgan and his assistants, con- busy in the work of th onenlnr k chamber. youth presented a very realistic pre- m ... . cealed in a cornfield along the banks I of school. Mr. Figley is a graduate I The past year was one that the jsentatlon of the well known figures of of the Missouri river south of this of the Southwestern college of Win- city has been fortunate in the facttbe works of Shakespeare city. I field. Kansas, as well as of North- that the fires have not been numer- Janet Wostover and Bob Taylor The still which was captured by western universit yat Evanston, Illi-ous, this partially due to the work served as readers, while the musical tne snenrr was or loo gallon capac- nols. He comes very highly reeom-for the department or seeing mat all "w"" vy xvanua.. lty, and was found dismantled and mended to the local schools and be-1 possible fire hazards were flimjn-l Those who took part in the var- concealed In the center of a corn-line: a rentleman of nleaaine nerson-lated in all parts of the city. IioU3 Bketcnes were: Anna May Mc- field. It having apparently Just re- ality la fast becotnlng a part of the! The department selected as the Maken. Shirley Peterson, Mary Alice cently been moved from the former school life location on a small Island. On the Island was found seven bar rels of rye mash and which was be- HONOBS MBS. MBASEX ing prepared for use in the making! From Friday's Daily of a run of the moonshine whiskey! Last evening Mrs. Clair Snellen and which was destroyed by the offl- I barger entertained very pleasantly cers. - , Jat her home on Tine street, a nam-1 selected at the meeting were: There was no one at the atlU whxnlber of young friend. inlhonor of Mrs. I Presdlent Fra.ihn Klef. it was found by the sheriff and so William B. Mrasek. The event was! Vice-President- Doug McCrary. far the property has not been claim-tin the nature of a shower for Mrs. I Secretary .William. Schmidtmann, ed by the owner or owners. I Mrasek,. whose marriage has Just I Jr. chief of the department. Dr. O. San--uu. Jhn Kenneth Bestor, mine din. who has served in that capacity Rosncrans. in "Macbeth;" Man- over a period of some thirteen years Alice Ohlschlager, Isabel McFarland, and has been untiring In his work Jonn K- Bestor, In "Taming of the for the Are department and in other Shrew;" Anna Marie Rea, .Warren community activities. I Reed. Edna Mae Fetereon. la "Tne The officers of the fire denartment Winter's Tale;" Ruth. WestoverJ Rache) McMaken, Betty Ault,-. June The location of the still along the been announced. less frequented part of the river The time was spent very pleasant banks made an Ideal one for the oper- j ly In games and contests and in atlon of the whiskey maker and even which prizes were awarded Mrs. Her- the owner of the farm did not know man L. Thomas and Miss Fern Etlv that his field was being used for a (era. The members of the party also moonBhlning plant, joined in preparing recipes as well as offering words of advice to the jPfltzmeyer If A-RPTT.TI TW MTSSOTTRI bride. I Asst. Foreman Vern Taplett. Griffin, in "As -o Like- It?" 4ean Taylor""" Arid Bline ""Roseirerane- In Romeo and Juliet; Wllma Swatek Donald Martin, and James Mauzy. in "The Merchant of Venice;" Joe Noble. Helen Hiatt. John K. Bestor, Thelma Kruger, Warren Reed, Don ald Martin, Dorothy Mae Duxbury Margaret Rea, Jimmy Mauzy, Ruth Westover, Rachel McMaUen. Betty T7nnV anil T.n rlr liYirpTnnn Mux Ault and June Griffin, in "A Mid summer's Night Dream." In the prologue of the sketches High School Party is Great Success of Student Body Present for Get-Together and General Social Meeting. Prom Thursday's Daily Charles W. Hula, local Metro politan agent, is to leave this eve ning on a short outing at Lake Oko- boji, lowa, wnere he will spend a few days. The trip is the award given Dy tne company to a number Jjj or ineir agents in tne rteuraska-lowa district who have shown the greatest progress in their work in the differ ent districts. Mr. Hula feels well rw,P,i nvr tho aar nnt ni hp. witn practically every member of cause, of the outine but of the facfthe Etudent bo Present and ,nclud" that he has stood -so well in the lisT,ne tne 'acult the -all-school party hed on the play grounds on high school hill last night wa3 en event which will long be remembered by P. H. S. students and wlil probably become an annual affair. The large group was divided Into four smaller groups by colors and an exciting series of games were ot agents of the insurance company. The company pays all of the expenses of the successful agents at the resort. Treasurer Herman L. Thomas. Truck Driver Henry Ofe. Asst. Driver Carl Schneider. Chemical Man Arthur Kief. Asst. Chief Henry Jasper. Sec. Asst. Chief Fred Lugsch. At a suitable hour the guest of I The local department will be rep- Bob Taylor and Janet Westover were The announcement was made Wed- honor was called to the living room resented at the state convention by jPresented and introduced the various nesdar of the marriage on July 6th of the home and presented with a Chief Sandin and possibly several participants. at Lancaster. Missouri .of Miss Mablo basket containing many packages other of the members, as it is being! Jyawara jucatiaaen representee T.t..n -uriin oi,nn. wi, Urf n.-iit c) was Mnnuitui n nmn heii at Italia cAtyr thin vpir nnri I "William Shakespeare" and Alice of this city. The wedding was very land which disclosed many handsome I makes a very nice motor trip to andlea "Queen Elizabeth." quiet and the bridal party after mo-1 gifts. Ifrom the convention city. torlng to the Missouri city returned As the evening was drawing to a STORE BUST IK LOUISVILLE At the close of the entertainment Miss Swatek presented the young people with diplomas for their faith ful work of the past weeks. 01 Dock Stork" worked overtime last week to deliver babies to happy homes In this vicinity and left a was born and reared In this city and COLLEGE STTJDEHTS j sweet little daughter with Mr. and where she has a very large circle of ABE EBTERTArffED Mrs. Glenn Eager on Wednesday. friends who will learn with pleasure August 31st. This is their only child. of the happiness that has come tol Three of the Episcopal church I Mrs. Andrew Landgren officiated as her. The groom has been engaged grouo who are leavine shortlv for nurse for a dav or two and then Mr. in pipeline construction work and college were the guests of honor at Eager's mother, Mrs. C. A. Eager, came here witn tne construction a party at the Rectory on Monday took charge and mother and babe force of the pipeline companies and evening. Miss Jane Fricke. and are doing fine. This is the first met the lady who he has now made j Messrs. James Begley and Robert grandchild for Grandpa and Grand- his wife. (Llvlneston will soon resume their I ma Eaeer and they are receiving as RETURNS WITH PRISONER REPORTS CROP GOOD From Saturday's Dally Deputy Sheriff Ray F. Becker re turned last evening from Harting- ton. Nebraska, where he was called to secure Raymond West, wanted here on the chargo of attempting to defraud the A. B. Wilson Co., by means of a worthless check. Mr. Becker reports that the crops In the Kartington locality look well and the people are feeling much more cheer ful as they suffered a complete crop university work. The evening was! many congratulations as the proud snent In emmaa an rl rnntnata Thn I no rem t a group divided forces and played a Another baby that arrived at about "V"1" amy last year, irom William Splitt and wife, residents very energetic contest of shuffle-1 the same time, the two being only for many years in Cass county, but I board. In the table games prizes for Ian hour apart, was a fine 8 -pound both the drouth and grasshoppers. The conditions of the crop will re lieve the residents of that section wm an nnnr nratoA nonr Tmnerlsl I hlch Store WrA RArnrArl hr Tforhert I hw loft nf the tiamA nf Mr and Mrs. are enjoying a stay here. They mo- Patterson. James Begley. Marion Herbert E. Mason. This is their third ffom thf necesslty of aId for Btock tored in from the west and are Fricke and Helen Ledgway. The child, the others being two charm spending the time visiting the old evening ended with the serving of a Ing little daughters, Audrey and friends and relatives in this section late supper at which thirteen sat Thelma. Miss Anna Lau. of near - i i of the county. Mr. Splitt reports that down. This, on such a happy occa-1 Murdock, is acting as nurse and giv corn in Chase county is the best for sion, was regarded as an omen of ling mother and son excellent care. several years, but the lack of mois-jgood. rather than the cause ot any the coming year. SUFFERS INJURED FOOT ture last year ddi much damage to I superstitious fear. wheat as that section did not receive the moisture of the east section. Mr. I CREESERS TAVTR tlAVrVf and Mrs. Splitt have made their. home in the west portion of the state The Four Mile Creek baseball for a great many years and are find- team, laying aside their usual labors Ing the old friends fewer here onion the farms west of this city, mo- their trips. ! tored in Wednesday afternoon and Prom Saturday's Dally Miss Eleanor Smetana. who was The many friends of these families injured a few days ago by stepping congratulations. . a needle l8 improTing Dut is Bim compelled to use crutches in getting extend , heartiest Mrs. Mason is a nice ot Mrs. C. A. H0VES TO NEW LOCATION . mi r.11tA I imager ana wa iurmenr kuh around. Miss Smetana was doing Gess. Loulsviue courier. !, wir Bnn a ni iTitiv had fallen into the rug and . when CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Smetana arose the needle pene trated the foot. It was necessary to Thursday was the thirteenth birth-1 have the Injured young woman taken proceeded to take the Plattsmouth J day anniversary of Miss Beatrice Arn to Omaha where the needle was ex Merchants baseball team for a 9 to land In honor of the occasion a num- (traded and the patient made as com- 6 victory. Iber of the young friends gathered at fortable as nossible. The pitching of both March and the home on Pearl street to celebrate ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF 60S The old friends here will be In terested in learning that Mr. and I Becker was steady through the game I the occasion. The time was spent in Mrs. Paul H. Roberts, who were I but errors in the first innings of the j games ot all kinds and at which a formerly located at Malmo. Nebras-1 contest allowed the Creekers to race I great deal of pleasure was derived Announcements have been received ka. are now living at Sumner. Daw- over the plate with the greater part! by all of the jolly group. In honor here by friends ot the birth on Aug- son county, s&r. jtoDeru naa ueior tneir scores. lot the birthday. Miss Beatrice re-lust 11th, of a five pound son. James management of the Joyce. Lumber j The game was held late In the aft-leeived a large number of gifts. At William, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rus Co.. at Sumner and is now engaged lernoon and a great many were out la suitable hour dainty refreshments I sell. 2102 Spencer street. Omaha. in the active management of the af-lto enjoy , the exhibition of the na-were served byf-Mra. Arn to add to Mrs. Russell was formerly Miss Mar fairs ot the company. Itional pastime. . I the pleasures ot the day. Ira ret Sherwood of this city. Large Number Witness Passion Play Pictures Bishcp Shayler Gives Showing and Address at St. Luke's Episcopal Church Last Evening. The showing of a series of pictures of the Passion Play at Obcr Amagau drew a large and interested crowd to St. Luke's church Friday evening. Bishop Shayler told of his visit to this village in 1930 and his meeting with many of the leading characters including Anton Lang the former "Christus" who played the part for thirty years. The villagers are chosen by election for their various roles and the whole project is car ried out in the spirit of worship. Be fore the performance it is a require ment that each should . attend the services at the village hurch. Visi tors must arrive in the village on the Saturday previous as there is no ac tivity on Sunday. The homes of the villagers- are utllized-for the accom- saodation.Af .tourists and many stay with members of the cast. The bishop told of the spirit of those who witness the play, no matter in what frame of mind ttey enter the huge auditorium, before many scenes of the pageant have elapsed each one Is bowed in reverence . and many weep unashamed, as such scenes as the parting of the Master with his mother Mary, or tho ascent along the "Via Dolorosa" bent beneath the weight of the cross, are portrayed. The pictures shown during the de scription were very fine specimens of artistry with rich full coloring. Un til the number of thosa who came to witness the play became too great to be seated the performance of this act of devotion was always given in the parish church. After the lecture a number of ttiosA nrnspnt wont nvnr tn tho Rap- tory for an Informal reception and f' TT" " " rlaved under the direction of game loaders. The arrangements for the Karnes were in charge of Mr. Devoe and a student committee composed of Edward Wehrbein, Greth Gamett, Wm. Woolcott, Stephen Davis, Mar sella Ramel, Floyd Sbanholtz, Ger trude Vallery, Emily Lorenz, Earl Lamberson, Mary Ann RosencranK, Carl Hula, Mildred Cacy, Donald Cot- ner and Mary Ann Gradoville. Mr. Reeder and his assistants, Wm. Illghfield and Edwin Kalina arrang ed for the lightB which lit up the playground in splendid fashion. Miss N'ordLolm and a group of girls from the home economics department, Ger- aldine Griffin, Mary Lindeman, Caro line Heigl and Helen Messersmlth and others of the class, made about twenty gallons of delicious punch which hardly lasted until the party was over. Ice cream and cookies were also served. The ticket committee which hand led the financial arrangements was composed of Geo. Adam, chairman. Norma Baumgart, Mary Mrasek, Floyd Shanholtz, Anna Margaret McCarty, Gerald KelCDavid "Taylor." Gertrude Brink. Mildred Cacy.Mary Lindeman, Marion Reed. Carl Hula, Arthur Warga, Donald Warga, Mary Ann Gradoville and Margie Linde man. Stuart Porter, Sam Arn, Kenneth Armstrong and Wm. Ronoe, served the ice cream. The students appreciated the gen erosity of Mr. Knorr and Mr. Beetos tn helping with the arrangements and plans for the party. HERE FROM ILLINOIS From Saturday's Dally Thl3 morning Mayor and Mrs. John P. Sattler were surprised when an old friend of the family arrived here from Aurora, Illinois. This was William Roggen, who was a resident of this city some forty-five years ago. to talk further with the bishop on the play. The Passion Play Is a survival of the days when the doctrines and stories of the Christian faith were portrayed In the form of "Mysteries" and "Moralities" for the benefit of those unable to read who could learn only by what they heard or saw with the eye. It has been given with very few breaks every ten years for 298 years, with about 700 of the total population of 1400 people taking part. MANY HEAR TALK From Saturdays Dally The first of the series of radio talks, "The Cities of Nebraska," was broadcast this afternoon from radio station WAAW. the program being !from the Murra7 d aTi t0 under the auspices of the Konnett Mayor Sattler was also engaged in shop work and they were boarders at the home of Mrs. Sattler's mother. With the changing of the macTIne and locomotive shops Mr. Roggen left this city and has since made his homo in Illinois. While here he was busy looking up the old time resi dents of the community who bad been friends In the long ago. AGAIN TOPS THE MARKET Producing the best in the way of fat catttle has long been the record of Boedeker & Wehrbein, Murray cat tle feeders and on Thursday they again held the high price on the Chi cago live stock market. Two cars of the whiteface cettle were shipped cago and on arrival there they easily commanded the top price. This is the fourth time this year that the Cigar Co., of Omaha. Tho company had selected ft the first ritv to be I honored. Plattsmouth. a short hls-Murra'r feeder8 taTe made the toD toric sketch of the town and general i review of the community. The an-1 nouncer gave a very pleasing taiic and one that was enjoyed by a large number of the residents of the city. of the market end they very natur ally feel proud of the record. To secure this showing they must have the cattle. VERY HAPPY OCCASION From Thursday b Dally The home of Mr. and Mrs. HERE FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Mayme Phllllpson of Chicago, is here to enjoy a visit at the home Roy of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, Mrs. Phillipson Meisinger west of this city was made 'south ot this city. very happy by the arrival of a fine! was formerly Miss Mayme Sullivan, little daughter this week. The moth-sister of Mr. Sullivan, and has made er and little one are both doing nice-j her home in the east for a great ly and the occasion has brought a many years. great deal of pleasure to the mem-1 The many friends will be pleased her nf thn f m 11 v elrcta. Mm Mei-.tn Ion m that Mm PhllHiwin la fir singer was formerly Miss Edna Hell, j and enjoying a visit at the farm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hell, .which her parents settled In the plo- rr. neer days.