THURSDAY, SEPT. 1. 1932. PLATTSHOUTn SSI3-WEEKLY JOUKIAL PAGE SEVEH So We Kept Ouv Car! Ore Woman Tells Another WK IMKMM.Ii hH,lue a ew home jirJc. Iiui jag kii'in - Iiinco nerv. :-: wr :niutr( iUr- M fl't fiu.l .:nel urn thriliiit-ry, suil it rritlly I:oUm c-iiariiilr. -!!. J- nrrr itic so ct-1 nciv rai l". . Ituf nr Im.iiuIi ntm ibKm lr:-a-? iintl It miudiU cim.I a f - t-r. n - J:f-j tlKiiriv! on a in-w rnr. ! ut lie on- Man kuiip over anil rl cp it ruuK like mid ihfrr'n t ltu.nt! of in fit- left in i. hrrt- tlit! ive ik il t W h of rvcnr to MURRAY GARAGE A. D. BAKKE, Propr. Murray Crcsser and wife and Mrs. Fannie Crosser were over to Omalia on last Sunday where they enjoyed a -isit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Gregg, who has been visiting for some time in Murray as a guest at the home of Mrs. Berger, went to Nehawka a few days since for a stay of a week. Adam J. Sshaffer and Phillip I Schaeffer were over to Plattsmouth 0.1 last Monday, called there to look after soino business matters for c short time. Tom Nelson has been placing some spcuting on 'his-- house and also mak ing some repairs to the foundation which was made necessary by recent i neavy rains. ! August Englekemcir was in Mui- The P. A. Hild elevator shipped iay and arranged for the purchase cn Monday of this week a car each 0f lumber for the erection of a corn of imu n and wheat. crib to -.oi( the rop v.-hich is so Mr. and Mrs. P. F. .ihn were visit- rapidly maturing. i!ig in Murray with friends cue day! Jarvis E. Lancaster and the family during the pt:st week. wcre over lo Omaha on Monday of Betiy Leu Kennedy fell off a tri- this week where they enjoyed the yi !e and cut her mouth badly. Doc-; circus and shows which were appear ur Tyson dressed the wound. j iRg there on that date. The Bc-edekcr and Vthrfcein firm" Gearge E. Nkkk-s and W. B. Ban shipped i load oi Tery fine hogs cf Tnion were over to Louis the market cn Monday of this week. 1 Vil!o one day lat't week and a!so at- Mibs Rene Dele-- Denier hr.s be ?n ' t,-y.O.c i .- Merchants and Farmers resisting at the Murray State Bunk : picnic which was held at Springfield, 'urlng the time since Mr. Charles) Messrs Yin. Sparer, Martin Sporer, Uoodeker has been ill. j and Chester Sparer were to Omaha John Chrlstensen cf near Union jc.n last Saturday where they were was a visitor in Murray on last Mon- looking over the stock market with i day afternoon and was locking alter the idea cf purchasing some feeders, some business matters. f Jo-cph Staska, the genial p. rid effi- Thcmas Jennings and I!y G ruber j cient operator and agent for the Mis were to Omaha or. last Monday where ' souri Pacific, is at this time taking they were 1 -joking after some bns- ; his annual vacation and the bu-iuess iness ma iters f-r the day. i j3 being looked after by Chester There was in building at the Mur- Dcdson. ray lumber yar 1 three sheep feeding I w F Vallery was shelling and de bunks t.r ike Todd who is ie Jing ( livering t.cru ln&t jIonjay to feeders a Ir.e number of the lambs. i a, piattpmouth. where there is a . j goodly amount of this cereal used the feed yards of the Norfolk 'acking Company. J. D. Rising was in Murray on last THE UPTOWN GARAGE 'Monday and secured two feed Lunks AMD WCHK SHOP ir feeding sheep. These he took to xvith two veiy able Mechanics 3 : th- ranch near Cedar Creek and also serve yo. No need to- tjo away froo; left orders fjr tv-0 more t3 be niade tcv far the test cf work. We. can; ard wfcich he wou!d obta!n later. 0.a it. Give us a call at the Up-Town !..,,,. , . . , x. . , . , 1,; John D. H urteman of Leigh. Ne- Garate. et of Service gxaraiit?ed! ' , . . . s ibraska was a visitor in Murray with Cciine. Accessories, Supplies j tig um.le CvnJgv xkkles aml WC8 I-OIl CrO'Cei, PrCDrietor 1 act'onir,aniei1 ,J5' another uncle, Lee Garage of Murray Bible School Lesson Study! Sunday. Sspteriter 4th By L. Neitzel "Erils of Intemperance" Daiah o:ll-lC. 22, 23. The author cf this lesson is mo?: Bib!-.- students at the ' Siht of the Old Ttsiamtr.t." A little sk'.uh of this great man might be of ii.ur-st. lit lived durin.5 the reign f 1 t"?zlah. Jotham, Ahaz tnd lleze kiah. kings of Judah and even into the r -gn of Manassth. 7I3 to 61S B. C. lie was married and his wife was caihd a prtTbetess. Called to -his ;.ii?si:n in the last year cf Uzziah Char. S . and according to tradition the saSercd mtriyrdoni by being fawn ar-funf'.c-r (H(b. 11:37). His style of v.rith.g 1-, at cnt-e elegant and sub lime, forcible and ornamental. In his sentim.nts there i:-- uncommon eleva- tir.n and majc.-'v; in his imagery the j utmost propriety, elegance, dignity and diversity; in his language un cf mm-.n beauty and energy, clearness and simplicity. So much more fully and !early docs he predict the Mes slah i::iJ dercribe His kingdom than ::ny rth-rr prophet, that he is styled "the Evangeli rl Prophet." His chief p: j,h;(! s aro the captivities 2nd the ruin c f vaiious nations. But his Mes : ii,':- prttiii lions a;e of the greatest :r.:p : The whole life of Christ is. t'-.ur.d ir. his book. From this 1 eson v.e learn the -.rtrr.: of strong drink to body, mind, r"u!. h :me smcl nation. Intemperance has cursed the v.o-ld since Noah's ii.-..-, and hr-s teen condemned by C.r.l. and the i!!s that follow its use P'ir t'd cut: ard mf-n that have the t ill.f ir.g of their fellownitn at heart, lave lifted up their voices against this ('in:;,::, that has mo; e victims and sorrow ar.ri misery to its credit than rl! the wars and diseases that have (". Imatt-d nations. And still we have m n, and wcii.tii ou intir r, . . e 11 r.:::t '.o raid) who defend this mon :(; cr.d would bring it back to de ! ;.u; h c ur youth, corrupt politics, and rvn.i men ?aei;:rins into a ui unKara s I. ir.g of shame and to harden consci ence, it Pads to euher great is . 1 . , . . . x. r . 1 Evan- ! puts to hazard the lives of men; (2) The prophet points out the connec tion between inte mpcraice. unhallow ed festivity and an infidel disregard cf the Works of God. The "wees ncup.ecd by the prophet upon sov.z and daughters of intemperance. Learn here that habits of intemper ance are progressively formed. Be ware cf the first step, of the first temptation, of the first immoderate indulgence. Pix "woes" are pronounc ed in the iifth chapter against men that use and favor strong drink; the judgments cf God will come clowly but tuire. First "woe," against the selfish, who add house to house, field :o field, and deprive many of a home. (Verses 8-10). The second "woe" ogainst these who indulge in the flowing bowl and a frivolous and careless life, disregarding God and his works. (Verses 11-17). The third "woe" against those profane and blas phemous men who dare God to pun ish them. (Verses 18-19). The fourth "v.oe" against those who wilfully dis tort the truth. (Verse 20). The fifth "woe" against those who are proudly self-confident those who deify self, count Divine guidance and wisdom to be wholly unnecessary. (Verse 21). The sixth "woe" against the judic iary, who will not prosecute evildoers, accept bribes, pervert justice. Drunk enness incapacitates judges for the discharge cf their official functions, but tempts them to make a trade of justice, with a view to the indulg ance of the appetite. (Verses 22, 23). The slogan "safety first" should be replaced by "sober first." then safety !s practically assured. There is as much place in business for alcohol as for rand fn an engine. "While the liquor traffic is direct ly destructive, demoralizing, the most Nickles of Omaha, and they were visiting friends in Murray Monday., On three thirty o'clock last Sun day morning there came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Warlick a very fine baby boy. The parents received the little one with much joy. Both the young man and his mother are doing fine. Mr. Guy Stokes of Louisville was In town on last Monday evening, coming to bring his mother, Mrs. Addie Frans home who had been visiting for a time at Louisville. Mrs. Stokes has just moved to the Mrs. Linder house. The force of men working with J. A. Scotten on the large hog barn at "Weeping Water for the County Fair have it completed and ready for the fair which convenes Sept. 13th and continues until and includ the sixteenth. C. "W. Allen and the family were over to Malvern. Iowa for the day on last Sunday where they went to visit with the family of Robert Miller and there were joined by a number of other relatives. All enjoyed the visit very much. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jean of Gree ley, Colorado were in Murray, they being on there way to visit with the parents of Mr. Jean, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jean cf near Mynard. Mr. Jean is an instructor in the schools of Greeley. They expect to remain for seme time. Dr. R. V. Tyson was a visitor at Elmwood on last Sunday where he was a guest at the home of his par ents for a good portion of the day and for the excellent dinner that was served. He returned home and in the evening went to Omaha for a time. Mrs. Earl Lancaster and daughter Miss Florence and son David were over to Omaha on last Sunday where they went to visit with Roy Lancas ter, of Nehawka, who is at the Un iversity hospital. They found the young man in good spirits and ready for the operation which is expected soon. The children of Ivan Deles Denier and Dale Topliff were over to Omaha recently where they were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Trim pe. On their return the Trimpe child ren came heme with them for a visit for this week and are dividing their time at the homes of Ivan, Deles Denier, Dale Topliff and, grand mother Mrs.' Susie Berger, .jind are sure having a good time. showing good improvement. It is hoped that he will. soon -be in his former good health again. Miss Rene Deles Denier is assisting with the work in the bank during his illness. A Good Time in Spite cf Mishaps The banner class of which Mrs. Faris is teacher entertained their families at a picnic Ftiday eftcrnoon and evening at the Murray Bathing Beach. During the afternoon a ball game was held. The boys played against their dads." The score was" 25 to 15 In favor of the boys. During the game Bob Long knocked a fly and Bo Mrasek started to catch it The ball hit him in the jaw cutting his mouth and knocking two teeth loose. One of the boys accidently stepped on John Faris and skinned his shin. After the bah game sapper was ser ved. Lots of fried chicken, ice cream and cake was had. After supper the kids were playing Follow the Leader and Katherine Long fell and hurt her hand and knee. Those present at the picnic were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kiel and Ver don and Chester, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson and Wallace and Eddie; Mr. and Mrs. John Faris and Junior, Leora Rieke, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Faris, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kennedy and Betty Lou, Earl Mrasek, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Todd and Mary Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Long 2nd Katherine. Margaret, Bob and j Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wiles- Afld Marion, Grace Louise and Stephen. Christain L. A. to Meet The Ladies Aid of tlie Christain church is to meet at the church building Wednesday, September 7th when they will hold an interesting session. The hostesses will be Mes dames E. W. Milbern, Fannie Cross er, and Frank E. Scott, while the leader frr the program will be Mrs. O. T. Leyda. Wheat Thieves Abroad Chester Sporer and Wm. Sporer have been suffering from the theft of their wheat by some petty thieves who have at two times taken in all some thirty bushels of wheat. The guilty parties are suspected and it is expected they will be arrested soon and made to suffer for the theft. Booms and Board for Children I am prepared to furnish rooms and board, or either one, to those attending school. See me for ar rangements. Mrs. J. W. Berger. deadly havoc it wreaks upon a nation !!. If weVnquire what stirs these " th degeneracy it inflicts upon ,0 action, we find the answer j f-c many or its citizens, seriously low ::. T-.rje 23. "for a bribe." i. e. for!Ting the average standard of char . . ,v jaetcr and conduct. As alcoholic de- Tic r in. with its ooncraiUants and j Rei.eracy progresses in a man, he be- i. nations is dr:;cribed in the text: mes less and less a social being. He (1. The prophet refers to intempc r- is increasingly animated by brutal in-a.ic- and its associate habits of fc8-! tincts until he becomes at last anti tivity : nd dissipation it is both bad j social and criminal. . ir. principle and degrading to charac-j God knows b'it what 'is good1 for ter, it has a greater tendency than man; therefore he says: "Touch not, almost any other to destroy the feel- taste not, handle not." (Col, 2:21). Will Teach at Wilsonville Miss Catherine Leyda, who last year taught in the Wilsonville. Nebr. schools, is again to be one cf the instructors at the same school. She will depart this coming Friday for the west to take up her duties there on the following Tuesday, September 6th. Miss Leyda has made a success of her calling and is liked by the people of Wilsonville, who are great ly pleased that she is to return. LOCAL NEWS From Monday's Daily Mrs. R. W. Knorr and children and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Devoe were at Omaha today where they enjoyed the Ringling circus. - - Mrs. George E. Huttou or thisVity returned Saturday -evening from State College, Pennsylvaniahere she had been for the past two months. -- Attorney C. E. Tefft and Andrew Olson of Weeping Water, were here today for a few hours looking after some matters at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Burton of Palmyra, Nebraska, Mjr. and , Mrs. Mark Burton of Nehawka, and.Ws Burton who is makingia visit in Ne braska from his homt in. Oregon, were here Sunday to -vtU with the relathres for a shot t tinW. , -An m Mrs. Hilt Martin and 'Mrs.' Charles E. Martin were in Omaha today. to spend a few hours withr friends and enjoying a short outing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaeffer and daughter, of near Wiping'-. WatWi were here today looking a-fTertcmcj matters of business at the court house. . . Editor Lee J. Mayfield of the Louis ville Courier, with" d Walkef of that city, were here today. tor aAfew hours attending tflrjwoafe tmsiness matters. Had Most Enjoyable Time The all days meeting and picnic which was held at the Christain church on the lawn was well attend ed, some seventy five partaking of the dinner and good fellowship. There was also a goodly crowd in at tendance at the Christain Endeavor in the evening. Putting Buildings ir. Condition Harvey Gregg, the carpenter and builder, is at this time building a perch at the home of Dan Horchar and as well as placing a roof on the buildings of the farm. It is expected that there will be the necessity of the construction of a corn crib, for the one that they have is full and a fine crop is maturing in the fields. From "Wednesday's Daily Earl M. Jardine of Greenwood was in the city today looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends for a few hours. William Atchison, of near Elm wood, with his son, William, were here Tuesday for a short time at tending to some mjatters at the court house. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peters and Misses Thelma Leesley and Helen Marvin of Greenwood were here today to at tend the teachers' institute at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tucker of Nehawka were here today to spend a few hours attending to some busi ness matters and visiting with friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wordeman of Leigh, Nebraska, with, O. B. Worde man of Omaha, who were here as guests of Lee and Miss- Etta Nickles, returned Tuesday to their homes. Sterling Hatt, of Chicago, is here to enjoy a visit of two weeks with his mother, brother and sister. Mr. Hatt is a former Plattsmouth high school student and while in school was one of the outstanding athletic leaders of the school. MHSI5GEB FAMILY REUNION The annual reunion of the Mei- singer family will be held at Gar field park at Plattsmouth, on Sun day, September 4th. All members of the family tre urged 'to come with your baskets filled for a. good feed and to enjoy the day1' a29-2tw-3td . - COMMITEE. Charles H. Boedeker Better Charles 11. Boedeker jr., who has been so sick for the past week.' is reported as being in a much better condition at this time and is still Plattsmouth storm offer overy shopping advantage of the larger city, plus a personal contact be tween huyer and seller that means far more than the "opportunity of choosinn from an extra shade or two of pink." I , FOR SALE New Seed Rye. 50c per bushel. John Rice', Cedar Creek.: - al-tfw ST IB SIB 0gfi7G cn at your DHuimEs-IIDutmllxy store 5n addSttiion ito yoiacr gC3Gl?y Cav00ufjc2 V? O COBIE,- visit our fine new Peat Depart ment and invest in the 8avlngs we offer you. DO ALL. your table shopping here Friday and 8aturday. Take advantage of Hinky-Dinky low prices and Hinky-Dinky convenience! Del Monte Fancy Crushed PIXIE APPLE No. 10 Can "Gallon" Each S7 Large no. Zi Can PORK LOIN ROAST lb. Choice Iran. 3 to !i lb. aTrrajcr wclieht, from elMc"I Yum SHOULDER ROAST lb. C'hlfe )08iK flrrf. 1'lnrtit quality I . S. UovrrDiaril n PORK CHOPS lb. . . OmI.v rhuirp enter ut offered from Klb cr latin SHOULDER STEAK lb. Choice tender lleef. t'. S. Government Inspected. Cat ao; Delleioua prepared ! tjle or fried. PORK TENDERLOIN lb. Delicious Breaded or Baked with DreaniaB;. RIB BOILING BEEF lb. From oodk tender, lean lleef, our regular high tinallt erunteut Inspected. Very eeouomlral brained or boiled. BELLY STRIP BACON lb. This Ad for FRIDAY-SATURDAY, Sept. 2nd, 3rd Dold'n fancy lean, nflld oucar rare, either In whole or half atrip. FU, Gov POST TOASTIEQ Kellogg's or Miller's Corn Flakes 2 &. . . 29 Campbell's FORI! & BEANS Med Can 5cc cans P & G Reg. sire, 10 bars sadt New Giant Size )C 7 Bars for - - - aWC Red Oak Sugar No. 2 can - - - BnooriG Eed Handle H DC ,4-Tie. Each - - ili '..o. 3 .1 1 '-!.... VUttCOtJftiD-K.TT f !"vt. Dpttttoi? .n D)C I -lb. carton .. - II V PEACHES Elberta Freestone Crate - - PRUNES;in.'tfn ftc ORANGES Med.KS?M. Donn - - - 7 BANANAS 55? gc CELERY WeneB?eached. Each .... HEAD LETTUCE sssvssj: e; " fa ' Roberts MHILEI Tall Cans Q fOP Eagle Brand Royal Anne CHERRIES, No. 2l2 cans, 2 for - VanCamp's Med - XIW'IUAX Can Jl Can No. 21 2 for - - Del Monte Fancy RED SALMON, i2-Ib. can, 10c ; Mb. tall ! Pure C & H Cane SUGAR, 100 lbs., 54.C9; 10-lb. cl. bag Best-of-AII Brand riARGARIHE, per pound - - - - - Pure Strained HONEY, 5-lb. pail CAKE FLOUR, Airy Fairy brand, ph- karo syrup 5Br. caabnei 25c 10-lb. Can 49c 43c CHIPSO or Oxydol Lge.Pkg. - H75C Schofcert's Famous Peanut Butte? l-lb. Jar -13c 19c Hinky-Dinky Best for the Money. Lb. .203 Hinky-Dinky 24 lbs., 53c lb. Jty EiAr.a JELL (P Assorted j JtT Flavors. Pkg. - tZSyjr TJOn&zzMl oi? Dratttteffniatt Goliad ei?ccc2rac 1sD'w"r.eo 8 oz. jar 13c, Pt. 22c, Qt. 35c S G Magio Scouring Pads ir i4c Jgl 23c OIPEiAY Pt. 2C X Pt. 45c Qt HDcH Identic CoOuoc 8UPER VACUUM PACKED . iTi',?Lr '' J Water Crcns Tissue Vite as Csow, O Lge. Celt as Down Rolls PlsSn cr I2cp Flavored Can, Dcst I7IL5)ILJI More women use this "Balanced" Flour than and other. lb . Wt H,. 24 29C 2g