I PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL FACE SIX ift Day gpecials For Wednesday, August 3rd McLaughlin's Ambrosia Coffee, lb 35 Rich and Mellow McLaughlin's 992 Coffee, lb 300 Full Flavored Santos Peabcrry Coffee, per lb 2Q Queen Olives, quart jars, each. . 320 Mustard, Yellowstone brand, quart. . . .170 Genuine Dill Pickles, quart jar 150 Peaches, large cans, in syrup 150 Homa Malt, per can 450 Blue Ribbon Malt, per can 450 Old Number Malt, per can 350 Swift's Quick Naptha Soap, 5 bars 130 Jubilee Egg Mash, 100-lb. sacks $1.25 Id VEacot FHouxr 48-lb. sack Gooch's Best Flour $1.09 43-lb. sack Omar Wonder Flour 1.09 48-lb. sack Dictator Flour -75 48-lb. sack Little Hatchet Flour CO A. G. BACH Quality Groceries Telephones, 18-19 Go. Paris Store, 118 GIVE FRIEND SURPRISE Tho l.idio ir f tic Chrl.-tlau church I'tiasiinlly Minrtsl Mrs. S. O. llack ii!or;t at her homo Lif t Wednesday. This MiinriM was in tho form if an all day social K-"t licriitK. Tho ladies en mo with well filled baskets ami i v-l a delicious picnic dinner dur ing tho noun hour. Tho rest if tho Your Car for Public Liability and Property Damage The cost o insurance is small com jure! with the loss you may sustain Notice, Farmers Wo Ii.no :i special rato for l-'unn t.ir. Tnu'ks. IV tote yut insure Call, see or writ?. Duxbury S Davis Porat Bids.. Thoce 56 ilay was spent In piccliiK quilts and visiting. lurlng- tho hoxt of the afternoon t ho cool shade of tho large maple tret a lured them out on the lawn whore the activities were con tinued. Pining the hot weather Mrs. Hack enherjc has been uuahlo to attend tho meetings and social featherings of the Ladies" Aid and bo this meet ing proved a very pleasant occasion to her and was greatly enjoyed by everyone In attendance. Asserts Repub licans Failed to Keep Promises Arthur F. Mullen in Radio Speech, Says Present Conditions Best Argument. Present conditions are the strong est argument that can lie made, in favor of placing the federal and ntate government In control of the demo cratic party, declnreil Arthur Mul len, democratic, national committee man from Nebraska and a leader in tho Uooscvelt campaign. In a radio address ovr station WOW Friday ntr.M. "The republican party won Its victory in 192S by misrepresentation and deceit." he suid. "They pointed out that the election of democrats meant hard limes and depression, and that the election of republicans would Insure good times and pros perity." lie recalled some of the repub I lean slogans and promises of that campaign, such as. "a Jo! for every man;" "a final triumph over pov erty and a chicken in every pot and a car In every backyard." stress ed in advertisements of the repub lican national committee and the speeches of Herbert Hoover. "Difficult to Convince.' "With millions out of work and many millions living olY public char ity: farm products selliiu; for less tTian coft of production; manufac turing plants closed; transportation systems in bankruptcy; general bus! ness disasters existing over THE FIST of Folly tempts you to race with a speed ing train. Such folly encour ages accidents and swells thi fast growing daily total cf necdlcrs disasters. Always watch the fist of folly cr you too will suffer. Even thcugh you do diive carefully you should have complete automobile insurance. Stale Board to Make Reduction of 17 Per Cent This Reduction of All Farm Lands While City Lots and Improve ments Arc 15 Per Cent. Searl S. Plattsmoulh LJavis Nebraska 2C0 ATTEND 4-H CAMP From Friday's Pailv Two hundred of the noys and girls of Cass. Otoe, Sarpy ard Dousl, counties are at Ldlevue this week where they are in attendance at tho fourth annur.I 4-II camp which cneis- et v. ccino.-iUi v. The camp continues through Pat our urday ami h.ns been one that has UNDERGOES OPERATION A. It. O raves, of Murray, who Is past ninety-one years of age, was operated -n this week at the family home at Murray, lr. tJ. H. Gilinore and Ur. Tyson, of Murrny being the operating surgeons. Mr. Graves has ten suffering from an ailment for some years ttnmllug and to correct this it was decided to have an oper ation performed and which has proved quite successful. The patient Is doing very well considering his advanced years and It is hopd by the relatives and friends that he may recover and enjoy many more years of life. Cfllophan- ribbon for gift pnek rg.s. Assorted colors. 18 yards on spool UV. Sates Book Store. styles of iennajettick SHOES FOR WOMEN 1 White tfietffast $ i m&dm country; hanks failing on every hand, it will be difficult to convince tne American electors that the re publican administration fulfilled the prcmljcs it made In 1928." he con tinued. "The Nebraska farmer who Is sell ing his wheat for 30 cents a bushel In the local markets knows that the republican tariff of 42 cents a bushel docs not protect t lie wheat grower," he asserted. Less Interference. "What is needed in our' national affairs la for the government to stop interfering; with the ordinary flow of men most pleasant lor t!;e young people in attendance. The course of instruction which is beinq; taken by the young people includes grafting and budding, inr.ect Identification. atchtry, handwork, craftwork, swim ming and baseball. The director of the camp is J. W. Heed of Sarpy county, who is assist ed by County Agents C. K. Poheidt of Douglas county, A. H. PeLong of Otoe county an 1 P. P. Wain scot t r.f Cis county, with assistant county agents aiding in the wcrk. The expenses of rath child at the camp is in cash and six eggs commerce, both inside and outside and six potatoes'. With this paid in- of the nation; open our ports and to the treasury the camp heads x- commerco trading with other peo- prct to close the camp without a pie; stop using public money; stop deficit. I disarranging and interfering with Everv minute" of each dav !a fill- private business and dispense with with specially planned activities. costly experiments in which public This evening there will !? special funds are squandered ami lost ; prac- Utunts pi t pare ! bv the different tice economy in the operation of group at the camp fire meeting ............ ... A .. .1 . . . -. 1... ..1. . . I . . I . . . . M'xiuimui, mm (iu iku iu iui Saturday tr.oro will tie the aware simple and effective plan that oper ated in the democratic administra tion of 1913 to 1921. Our trouble is that we are having too much gov ernment, said Mr. Mullen. PROLONGING STAY lf GXD m 0)(D(D 2 Fetzer Shoe Co. Eo2 of Qs&lity Footvar From Thuritsy8 Pully Latest news from the Imisvllle Itoy Scout caravan, touring the south. Is to the effect that Instead of leaving for home Monday, as earlier reports indicated they would, they have gone forth Into further new territory on a trip that is taking all this week and will bring them to an Atlantic sea beard as well as points on tho tiulf of Mexico. They expect to be back in lUrmingham Sunday, for a rest-up from their strenuous sight-seeing tour of this week, preparatory to leaving for home next Monday morning. As most of last week was spent in the vicinity of Hirmlngham. they took advantage of tho opportunity of outfitting a new trailer, built on an old Chandler chassis and equipped with larger tires capable of carrying the heavy load, and reports say they have had no further tire trouMe on their trip to the Atlantic soahoard. The load on the trailer when they left hero July 11th is estimated at! close to 5.000 pounds. Including thoi weight of the chassis itself, and the $0x3 Mi high pressure tires, although bought new just lieforo the start of the trip, proved, inadequate to carrv it. accounting for their many flats and a delay of two days in reaching IMrmingham. According to present calculations they will to home around the 5th or $th of August, after four strenuous weeXs of s.ight-seeing and having vis ited more than a dosen stats. to winner of competitive contests In the various Held.'? of activity. VISITS AT XAHSAS CITY from Friday's I wily Mrs. V. V. Leonard and daughter. Miss Verr.a. with l.yio Leonard of Omaha and Mjix Worley of Lincoln, have Just returned home from a week's stay at Kanras City, Mis- Die Htatj; board of equalization at tin; KH.sioii in Lincoln has voted to make the Hat reduction of seventeen Pt oent on r.'.itn 1pik1:5 ami itnprove- iih nts and fittem per cent on city lots and ii;r,.rovnicnLs. This was Um r.:iiioiiii t inent mailed to all county board.: of equalization Thurs- lay. In Ca:: county the farm lands had been reduced to fifteen per cent but will now be placed at t Tic jev "iitecn per cent reduction. The city lots and improvements wore left a:? reducvd by the county hoard. Tlirt state levy will have to he in creased to 2.22 mills or more this year r.s a result cf the estimated i million dollar reduction in the as sessed valuation of nil property. Altho ?400.000 less is required this year to iai.-;e an amount Tor the state government equal to one-half the total appropriations for the bien nium made by the last legislature, the board figures that an increase Tii Hie levy is inevitable. The reduction of $40. O00 this. year is due to tho expenditure of emergency funds for buildings and legislative expenses last year. Last year the state levy was 2.04 mills, v. hich raised a total of ?ts213.41? state revenue. The levy last year required 1.93 mills for tho state gen ii of a mill for th? The last legislature cut the annual levy for the capitol fund in two. Another .11 of a mill levy will be required next year when the capitel hvy expires. In its i-ession Thursday after noon, the- board considered fran- oiuse values oi punni: mohi' i-ui ill ations, land values being laid aside for the time being. No decision was announced. The board i3 taking into consid eration that counties returned as- fosred values of lands at $2!S,327.-01-1. or 17 percent less tha nthe year before, personal property at S?9. 94$. 647 less, a reduction of 24 per cent, and lots nt 592.S69...9 less, a total reduction of $491,145,440. The braid has by its own action reduced railroad property $ 3 1.0 00.- 000, which makes a total cut of $r.22.000.000 ir. assessed valuations. A cut in franchises cf public service corporations w.u runner reduce me is:v?sod valuation of ail property in the ftr.te. MONDAY. AUGUST 1, 1932. 1 Gift Day Specials at 1 p Plat tsmouth's Leading jlj Cash Store f Corn, No. 2 lin, 4 cans for 250 B p Tomatoes, No. 2 size, 3 cans for .... 25 g E Pork and Beans, lg. 2 size, 3 for. .2$t ei Kr: Packed ia Plattsmouth S H Monarch Cake Flour, plzg g Green Beans, No. 2, 3 cans' for 250 gj H Red Salmon, 1-lb. tall cans, 2 for. . .35p g g Pineapple, Igr. 2Y2 size can 140 g Matched Slices sn M Milk, popular brands, 4 tall cans . . . 190 g Little Hatchet Flour, 48-lb. bagr 890 5 Matches, 6-box carton 190 g O-K Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs 150 g cral fund and capital fund. TENDER FASEWELL sour I. wh; home of t'. V. Leonar The v l.-itors on their wqre nccompar.ied by they w ere f.uest at the Last eveo.ir a lare number of the close friends of V. T. nistcll. the retiring supcri'.'.ter.dent of the ltliKX. gathered at I'on Vieux. the country estate of W. K. lleily. to honor Mr. Pistell. Vie p!oa5.:i: eveninsr wr.s enjoy ed by the enmhers of the party in pl.iyir.s: cards ard other diversions ;hr,t r.'.ado the time pafs trot enjoy aMy fv-r all of the y.rcup. Tho rii'nb.Ts of the party com prised American I.ei'.ion raembers. Klks. .uo'.f cl'.:h associates nr.d iv.c.r. hcr of the K. of O. av.d church or-pnni.-r.tio-s in which Mr. iv.stcil vas All who irathcrcxl r.t the event" joined in the .set: era! cpres?io'a of: rccrct felt ;'t the departure of Mr. , Tlinm W!Imr rmnf.!iv 4- !;stcll and his M!endid t.ly frvi I G AT MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Good Quality Colfax, Full Cat, Triple Stitched Coat Style Sizes 14y2 to 17 Wednesday Only . . . .29 each Children's School Handkerchiefs 6 for Sc ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Capwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oterdorsky, were at Weston. Nebraska. Wednesday where they were called to attend the funeral cf 'be late Michael Mid'san. sramifather of Mr.'. Capwell and the funeral ithe largest wholesale and family, return nore.o M.tc Violet Leonard, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l V. Leonard. The party is he ins entertained at the Leonard home here thi week and will leave r.ext week for Sieu t'ity. low a. where they will enjoy a short stay and then return to Tlaitsmouth for a more ex tended visit. Mrs. Oterdorsky. After services and interment the Tlatts mouth party motored hack to their home here. Mr. Madican was one of the old time residents of Weto:4 and one of the best known citizens of that section of Saunders county. months and was called to tho eaft for a business conference at Chicago. He vill leave from this city for Chi cago and where he will be several days before leturnins to Oklahoma. Mr. Herold is the representative in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana of the Richard Huduut Co.. one of bouses in the VISITING IN THE CITY country. ENJOY PICNIC SUPPER Henrv R. Herold. cf Oklahoma i City, is hero to enjoy a short visit 'with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold as well as with the many old ' time friends in the communitv .Mr. The members of the K-B tridce club were hostesses on Wednesday evening ct the Elks Country club to their husbands and families. The members of the various families had come with well laden basket? con jtainir.jr xh necessary supplies for a apreiizinp fjrrer. I: say that the occasion delicious and i Herold has been in California where; was enjoyed to the utmost by a'.l cl his family is spondir.s the summer. ;he cumbers of the party. Abstracts cf Title Huvne H - riattsmouth 4- . . ... ..". . . . HERE FROM MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. C A. Seitter of Ham ilton. Missouri, and Mrs. W. K. Los lie, of Breamer. Missouri, are In the city a guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. t Troy and family, Mr. Seitter and Mrs. Leslie are brother and sister of Mrs. Trey ar-.d with whom they have not baJ the pleas ure of a Tisit in many months, 7.ey will enjoy a Tisit for a few days at th Troy homo and in looXins over the places of interest in this community. Wednesday Gift lay Speck's th city. wi-hiuiT that the the future- wo-i'd find the occasion to visit a.cn'.'.i family in tir'.e and with the fricv.d At ere ure of a party. Mr. IMst. I ".dim a 1 here. a suitable hour refreshments served that odded to the pleas- 11 of the :v.er.;Vcrs of l?.e WwWM all 11 will be cr..ca c el at iarbor si o of the K.Af5 'vrrcss Co.. they reji.'.irs :vei ir. that fv.burb. Mr. sr i Mis. 11 i, b.ildr'-! "r CMcasv d where IVOrV UlSil ianS.:C dctNirtcd this ;orr.r. lf.D Tr.irv Tn-iKfl Sxihere they wii! n-vi.ie a White Tea Cups. . ScZ'Z Extra Special H.nbor sho,v- of the Reflisvrator Kv Sugar, Creamer ,10c pre co, thc rxd.rr. j- l.At ?v.- Green Glass. Both feir 10c jr Glass Plates 5c Green G!af SofiraAl YteCjV Mrs. T. U A.Ur,. frcr rosidc-.t iT'cre. wt: r-.cr trcr.e .vr.. inw- Of persona! FARM PROPERTY of R, A. Taylor, taken ur.der chattel mortgage in favor of Fumers Stats Bank. Friday, August 5-2:00 p. m. at T. H. Pollock farm, 2 miles east Murray. HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS ;y :r.i. 10 yrr ci vrt, 120 IV.; ere rav horw, II vxr$ rt. 1C.0 lbs.: c?.f twfcii here, 10 jtxt Ci. rt. isad Jbi.": ere Vl&nS IX THE CITY Extra Vlur$ Dress Prints, yd . 10c F$t Color Bias Tone. ? for . . 10c Irregulars ASK F0S GIFT COUrOXS Knorr's Popular Variety Store Her. of tVc'vor.t,, were tn the c;1j TfcudAy to svrnt t.e At trc hoiv.e of Mr. rd Mrs.. vA'.V Vn- er. ire at i:i.x ronce r--r( fir a nurnW-e of -oArv 5v. .V.rrts K-ir.jt oV!vJ tn i'.aI svrt went of tV. t'-.uUvKt t.i ftatiow. t fOMt VvAr .t WAS XVATiS- ferro.! to v',wt t t. rvx'v 5e ere to Ia.V.o w a voiu many of the old tiwe ttlew.. t eld. rt. rcr. rr.srt. 0 xr: c.i. xt. ISO0 iH. ... Or- Hc.iViz t; cze r.;r. rthAn coxr; cr.e Sei Fci.i cctt; ce? GrfrrT-J;rvfT er-ar: er.r K-d TV.J UiUr z:. . . . Fexr S.-i Ircc kti ri IT heii cf Kid I:::w p;ir.J rif FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc Ore IV'.er rXsfr wxpo: or.e lew m-heel m-i ,f ; c-e wtr.z Km: -r.r C rew vV.tiv;or; two rrc.rr cxV.irrrj; erf rzetr.rf ii.-iire: ..r ttVr; e.r.e 5-fls imv r Utvx. cKe him: er.e ::trr: ere pr.j: fkv; rr .lierri$; 1.-tt:; ere psae: two vr; t,y :el Wrr : T.t iScpr; Ysji-xxn; &zt !es e.re ;tct fttfc; jvt ..r txxr; ere w-reci;r hkr: eite Urcl; we &ilfr. rrereX; e.r.e tA:V x ; trrr? .at.s cr,e iATti;: er,e xifre; ere pirin; Vo x mVf ; S fTer$ v iiy; err.rtv KrvrU ;.,-er; Krpfr Jiy; ee ei jvj. cr Also One Tent to be Sold TERMS CASH R, K Patterson, Clerk Rex Youn, Auct. :! A 1 ! H 1 , (,