t f I PAGE FIVE 'IC-7DAY. JULY 4. 1932. ,fTi.1t - i,.f. vE-Enir for th-- pa- ton (ley - at ' Ik atttiful urrcundincrs and are will-j 0 1 A . 1 UUN'" h rtTltl:, 1:.-,:, of l.,r ,hn.ht,r. Mrs. O. IE ; ing to sacrifice their time to the end 691112 Aerial tuUi'liiiUYi lit Nf ! M.EonaiE will a. EE-, hi to viEt that "home" may be all that the i . p iUwUUUd 1 I UhkJ ,...,;.. r!,(, v.r, ,..st -..,, Bmo implies. How different from f fO Klimf) tt TTCVfnTTTTT CTV7 . TTTTTTT V TnTTRHTAT. Daylight Breaks on Weary Democrats in Stadium iking in v.vEi id a. -::.-" i I....; 1-1 Mnr.hoh en r !.!liV- - w day?. (-:a. a . i. : .. , (''I:. :h:c-r f-t v.-. t iv : E: v - r t -w t trrsT ir-r tne ver" ec- ' tt4V.'f.4 - v. m; : 1 V E. h..n pi IvErc i: 1 - C vj-. r );. . CiUPiC '. v. i : e ICCjtli-t. p, limn Srdn Gc. 1... x'.rr. v.r.s .. w i-!. i: . E : . ; !.:;: -..:v C :.:. T.r :.t. 4.4l4lJ..-., lUl, Thought on Way .; p, r-:r.n((iai:rht"r. Mrs. j the li of many who make of it f AE.Er.d. b-Ere she ; men !y a place to (at and sleep and . ....... i U1:- '! t'.iv ir most of the time it her 1 1 ,-;u...;., .,-, v. ". ir(: '.T. r- ' i;i the E. m..v a '.:. r otiierwtse ;;: . :.:: ! 'A v.-v. E 1 : v . : : i ! : i.e.e- work thus spent yields hi- re-. Transatlantic Fliers Say That Plane r-mgrutiilativms to ..ir. ana to UaUt On Xlxe oca IS the Solution. ' t it. ; :: u i rip, hut : ; v. Corners 4-H Clue. ":. :. v. E ; . . ;..v 1 , p ; ,E-i . .- p- r 1 .! I". Vtil : 1 the '!.'.' p. E IV; :..':. " 1 n-! re i :: v.div.- Home. Regular air service be- (1 Yl.:ir.-day. June the Oozy tv.ee :i Europe and America could he a uE'.'s room oltih. met ut ! developed if a method were devised tf the lea-.U r. Zll as Edna 'of making- an airplane alight on wa . ; .-: regular business ;ter ever, if foj? were so thuk that it Aft'.r tho toil . all we di 1 w r." impaihle for the pilot to see our lu..; 1 r.--on. mahk-r, eur-tl.e Furfa.- e. Mr. Harold Oatty, Aus .. ,.. v. :.:i!or. and the new -tralian who went around the orid '-!;: l-l i' a pie. e of furni- : er.ht days with the American. V;- ah . tall.cd of having a j Wiley Post, in told the Trans- t.a:n. i ocean tic Flierc convent ton. ,;ivi t;..- Ij ..:: :u d and wc Mr. Gatty rugpe.-ied a jiorth At .i:vri a daii ty lunch by our'lantir route by way of Greenland. : Iceland and Labrador. ';,, :;; r of cliit) i.-! "Ti:e presence of numerous land i i.oii-.e ;f Wilms ;r;? iilac3 ai:d the ab.-ence of lonii o!; J;;iv 1 !!!;. T1EPOKTER fiierhts over open water renders the Citei.laml rcute valuable." he paid. "Now, if we develop blind landing r." we have blind fly::.?;, the route h-ir'wi"! l.c available all the year around." It would be i:cce ;rv. Mr. Gatty a.v. o. s.'.m we rid'told the airmen, t: land in 200 to Ail m ti.beiv ' :jo :t iVet of fog. (. e E- -,li: I.1..1 wvo .--('r.-.f v. ii-:: p:c.-i i.t and one d the '. i.rhl-'i.-. HViLE J Aror.soN. Xev.r- IU-porter. w- -.! -.. v . r ii- r- H r-ns ? .pnr; . h- :.s : r.::. Ke :. r E ::. t - in V f !.-. r (Ii tir. atiOE Kow Be fere Congress f" ,t -r - fc - v s k 6 ,v- :.:- .:- .v-,; ;- . . i !x V 1 " iy ' . : - . . -.y fc: .: ' " .4 y . : ..-:-' . ; .' i' yt. . : .. -" 'v - ' ; :-, : " J . - v ; . f i- ' - " :' - - . . ..-.a.; x :. i . ? - , 7- - ' I ia w . E; : a :y ??c-.t:tlon Inr:o'ucci Within an II cur After Ibnk Submitted X-rri;-. Eeaction. l:ir a J ,::.e 2l. Within an v.,'i;i (f the dt morrat n ;; - a :;.:r.: : tee"- stand for :.;c repeal rea; hed Wn.-inr.cton. "Eon -.-r..- lu foi-L' cing:e-ss to : eonih ammdment out u : G.!-.k:: Trip :.a h. :ie- t :- : aEvt- Loving M. Hiack. :' h. "t l.'- j. i. in... X. Y. iutrdi:ced the rt-;--v-:i :, .-I it, ticn. It calh.d for state I :!: . Ehirry .f) ,.. .. , : ; ;. t ) upon a resolu- :. V. I'Ek- -:o:! ....ly ,Uvi,:g: i "The 1'ir! : eiitli r.moi:dment to !E e Etutior, is hereby repealed." -v C' :zps:o t -EE'' vi?".'H)s upplaufe from OE." Ada- h' lh .E,h - of th i'vn lE-prese nta :: a lire tive p..d a .'or if. p.. V.'ir. i jo.orr.ptly ; ah- a ''-.Eh ".':: an E I that ti.f 'etr.oo ratio bad true1:, i t..h- lEa'.r op the tepeal re.-olu T ion i i..al:.- t : red li :'Eia:i':i wipir.g out the Yol v v. T'cey -u; d a1 t uadtr u.-pe:i. ion of the v a Korris Reaction. ; -I can't ret uwi-y from the fact E.a: p: E.ib;: Em harn't been patis la: to.--," ? t:i ! F nator Xorris. "I am rot ro.ro h-:: that v. e have tried it Era: tn't'oi:. Ihit I don't want to .. leave i; vEde op n. It may be that . ::!..d:fi'at:on of the Volstead act will ' a r .-( f ssary ( xjieriment that we vEil l:ave to try. I think that we can do it undo;- the constitution. S: nat :r Jo.--ph T. Ilobiiison (Ark.) drt.i'n ratic v iee-prc--identiul candi- 'dat- in lf'2. s--.id he preferred the .. ! o-ubmirrior. p:aiik. Siakcr Jf hn X. Garner f derm. t'apt. Vo'.fgr.ng von Groitau. v. ho flew 4070 miles from Germany to Chi-ngo via Greenland, supported Mr. Gatty'3 contention. lie said it was possible to alight in fog by gradually coming down to a level of nine feet above the sea, when the vvatcr is visible, or by trailing 100 ft et of wile which lights a lamp on the instrument board the moment it. touches the water. The day when airplane? will cross the south Atlantic in Ex hours and the north Atlantic in 10 was fore seen by (."apt. Dieu'.or.r.e Cost-. Paris-toEN'ew York liior. He gave transatlantic aviation a brilliant fu ture but a dull present. "Transatlantic flights," Captain i Cor to said, "have had considerable moral results but diminished, not to say iiO. practical results." Land T!ar.os capable of floating will be used im-tead of revulat :ou seaplanes in. transatlantic flying in the future. Cap'ain Coste continued., and they v. ill have a speed of f.00 miles an hour and will be able to fly in any weather. S. ror Francisco Iglesias. who flew from Spain to rtrazil in sug gested that a floating island be buTlt between the Azores and Bermuda. "Transatlantic living can be done regularly now on both the south and ncrth Atlantic, but whether it can be made to pay is another Question." said Lieut. -Commander I'. V. H. Weems cf the United States Xavy, who helped in the preparations foi st veral ocean flight?. Lieutenant - Commander Weems considered the southern route the most feasible, but he pointed out that larger populations were brought in contact by the northern route. A scene for a painter is this view cf ih rays of roklen f-nhrht of a r.tw cay as they stream in upon thousands below folicwinrj an all nk.ht session of the Demo cratic nztional convention in Chicago stadium. After 3 ballots came sojournment. . . . .... . ... ,.r.. i ., f,n ?i .. i.o:-, ti- open maii-o.i, . e c-i . c .i i.a -' ; ' ''- v ECCO-cr n ?4rC 'v.hat he can : . l.-vins no choice. ;atio.: Alfred IE Smith thero cam OOClj Oil Ow Inowtver, if he l..:: hi, ov. n he can po wr-.-.l. JE::i J. i:a'k:m, the n.an IT TTt '- .i,.r ,i p -' : i -l hred ' -..-ho at o.n.E.V re'tuo-t !.: ;;::; o.-ir- ai.:l i .; h r: W'.PhfT v Je a 1 : ! p.... s urelv as ir such as the Marfan. When the E;'m- .th; Eew Yf -1; P-vtrs.cr. hut the man er goes out to buy a ho; ; e in the. v. P j v. as hi- mo. t ca'tspc-i.e;. ppon- ot.fti Jiiai K'.. t. re iia:i i.a i-t t- . i ''- ' 1 u se ou arm forha;'E'E- There is ah-o th- cE.-po.-iti-.ti ci ran of the demorrali.- !:.,'.io.a! C'jtn E: in 1.1 iiii'.c for ihe : - i it ncy PLATTE EAPIDLY GOING DRY Kearney. The l'latte river val ley from here to Xorth Platte prob ably will be dry within two weeks and irrigators are considering plans for building their own reservoirs. At a meeting of famers here Wed nesday. K. H. Willis, head of the slate irrigation bureau, said that :h' -.: in vi ,v t f i ex. i . l.il l, vi a i v. : iu v. i . ii'inut , .. ,, ., r , von the :..'.: of , onlv the oveifiow from the Pathfind- , ., to comrn nt but was understood to , . ih:t tn-y a-e ph.-l- . tr river could be allowed to flow m- - (..-I : : th 11 lt a ""l n ' ! to t'o liver bed at the Wyomiug Pi., a i ,v, ;-...-t for-''";i" En tn ' to i. -'.5.,: Tie ur vi a:.- arj a;1, ah.o hv id ..m "Why Farneis Should Seise TLeir -, . r ....t i-a-r.: he t.r- .n.cu. 'I have 1.0 ; .mment at all," Ovn Horses" Is Title of I . , ' - ,''' ' 1 o.-d di-- ,..h: - TTT. . tain thai his me:.-, l.a.-. a R ')...! us .c s.-ie.. Prize Winner. Position. This i, uy impctta-.t. An! Another of his oppommts E the I -n-ternm red Ere is uiy trouble- Eonust frr the nomination. Governor Farmer? of today are facing the'?,.ni r;u-;, tan inr tuuawayr. and Hit- hie ot .larytam', hov tvtr. said: problem of their horse:; seeing and'.cliou, r:::aE:-UT r. IIov ever, if ihe.-V.E- democrats in Maryland believe the new stock is scarce and high ' :,. ;.lC... i. e : his ow.i E ri:: chocrc in tie ;Erc"ple:: (f democracy and priced. At the present time there is 1 ;i cood r a' e and .Ere and iuvaEahly E e : Iv ay.- follow the candidate. We a shortage of good young stork onL,, .. c-pa v. ith sin liar dip -i:ion. arc c: pe ialE glad that the delegates the market. i Handling a colt from the Lopinning 1 from Maryland aided in getting the With oil and gas at suc h high i Vja"AVi- a nitu h better behaved uni-iwet plar.l: in the platfoim. 1 have prices Old Dobbin has suddenly step- imai. 'b, v. working for twdve years for it ped back into the lime light. His; i.a?t, hut not leant, is the beauty, and I am glad the democratic party , ..... .1 4-.. ..... ...l I ....... 1-. 1 .. l..nrl t..-.r- tl ! j v.-'-.t.1 " leeci can ne grov n on lae ian:i iiiuvui 1 nt re i.-n 1 a ivi.aiei .::v.-v- i.vu.. -.ja (hear.fr than iras and oil can be pur- ' doesn't rv.ell when he 1 ides behind1 The pieiuiesque Oklahoma::. Cov- chased at present prices. The farm-a x-t mat! bed team. It gives him ;tr:ior Murray, sai l: "It was my p- ers must work out their own proo- ;aitied pride and plt-asuic. ne t an ; in : m t rrnt koc re ei:. v. ...s ..o 1 t .o- ne lems to their own advantages. There- irat. 00 lu: from the same parentage j man. hut now 1 rinrercly wish I was for, if Tte exnects to use hi.3 horse?, !rr.! ret mat- hes that anyone would 'mistake n. The fai t that I permitted the cheapest labor available, he must i0, proud to own. He give? notice my name to he placed in nomination plan their replacement. The quest ion arises w hether it is cheaper to raise or buy this replace ment stock. Pasture prices are $r..0o per head for colts. It takes about four months per year to pas ture a colt. The re.-t of the time there is usually w aste. Fir h as stalk field?, etc., that his range costs little. Allowing three years at this, rate means a cost cf CdEEOO tor pasture. The service fee is usually ? 15.0 0. making a total of if 51.00. The rest of his feed may be charged to the added fertilizer lie brings to the farm. He may be used a little in the har ness at three and at four is ready for work. Can you buy a good sound horse four years old for ? 5 1.00? Many produce them cheaper than this by using their own pasture land. Another thing is the type the farm er prefers. Some farmers like a heavy draft horse like th' Percheron while others prefer a lighter type. EEer colonic: . : - .- v. a- as folio-I"--;::- EEum E to the river bed at the Wyoming j.vtato line. To provide sufficient wa- ' . . . 1 ,....J.. .... 4 4. . .1 1 I v ! ) 1 : . : 1 ' e i ? v. 1 u as Kearney, 1.400 second acre feet led' vaur would hr-ve to pass down In Batm Suit . 1- .. -..i. :H'lln , .. , ..,,1.1 ,, v.V i l'e I 1 VOl uv -Vv... ... v-vvv T I t ' ! t a j I n"!M:.. 4 v ... v mart t 1 1 i' c ::'.: r: : of the great e.-t hiceds oi' irrigators between Xortn ore nr.! :-:iop 1:1 eeon(i".ie re- , , Ti Idatte and Kearney. 200 feet would I :. a n d U-Ti.peram-c. I. ... i c ro.p'i-ed in Mav. ;.00 feet in June, (s -: o .:;: tie conve::', .0.1 van 1 1 " . . Erd l.roo in Julv. the same amount 0. i be ;da: . .. . ( we . : o ac i En." -rri- Slrpp eao; if u", - p.r th ::;:.. will may carry : teen tli ToX.t, e e-author of the !,ii::::;,i "I don't (are to com ment t:!.til I see the plank actually : w : to p.-,- th E- an 1 Mr:-;. p:-E as oio- at ;t 1 y the p.-au- 1 J;: ;. U I: 1 1 .. th ii. h i ... h- 1 .. ' ' ' i-i Ar.nid and TOO in September. He i eowEdered it impos.' ihle to furnish it hat amount of water or even a i minor portion of it without rains up ithe valley. Besides scheming to impound their native water supply, the farmers are considering pumping water into irri- i Senator J. J. iEalne (rep.. Wis.) "Ti.e i- i- rotb.lng U'icertain about that pErh. and pending repeal, it is Erble to legalise beer and -E ..rh'-Iierald. ver' ( 1 i. i..r r. y ilo c; BUTLER COUNTY HAS 20a 4-H MEMBERS We ' '.. L .4 4 V. David City, June 2S. Butler county lay:-, claim to one of the larg est 4-H club enrollments of any TED Without a county agent, there now li.-'ir- mnn. thnn 200 vniin erst ors en- TO, I-.-. f...4 .-oi,. T'o-r.! nrl-: " " a ,-:y. nil t .....E,. . r'.-jr' p. ;d " t o lr: ;d a new hog3''ct'' S- V' l. of 'hi ha')- p:.i - bv CO feet. jCit", is president of the oi ganizatioii : h w. with. E h id;.: a;-' to cover the c ntire sponsoring the 4-H club movement. :- rf tie Ira- j e-i-'rliio- ; the blueprints ard j Monthly meetings for Kutler coun- :.-ec:f: ;!'.; the' on-, he seen at the! , , , .4. i :.: i'- ; .. - tv fliili m-.ftrrs iii'p ;! . t r:i et 1 " cr wide ir.,;:: tiur au cuice at ec?n.s v. a-I " t ." hi"- ,-r lattontion. The most recent meeting : .0; aE ; . h r h.o.js.-w rlc. tin E The bids mu; t be in the hands attracted 500 persons, including ;lPE to r.nd E:m t . be..u;i.y 1 he ' ' y ' Frank K. Wood. ;iut.nibci.3 u!;d parents. . uv ..at 11; i..: . , v. 1 vj 1'. ii,,, ...... 1 !.! . '....'..: ..... 41,. ,.:V4 4! 1 . ' ' I - v ... 1 I I . , 4.1 1 I ' V- 1 L I v to Erin their ae .er.t or iviwt anv or all hi Is. Cdvcrtislna is the lifo of irzde. :. : ,:. : !:: to . a. h a IEEE L. CAKSTEX, j and the merchant who advertises ., . P:e:ident. consistently and renularly will ' ' 'V .' '' ' ;" ' . V FRANK E. WOOD. ; reap the greatest benefit. Let the i.v,.c4 ftv .vft 44 1.. tscretary. i journal assist you. 1 i th i : a th.. y i. :i 4 ' . E:E j f E.p. A: :4 : ' " y :: w fists. b 4 W?tvif::-; Ev EEE.E ife'C ., V -I -ill jI-' E '.'i-E ";V ' " . X ' 4, r.-r .vv.x..; : ... .-: .'... v : I S:;e li Ei.? v.:.'. : 4--. .d'vE'-E .vE.Ef.' ''- x& TS1- -,t' .E " ;;? '"SSS- i v ik Fighting the $200,000 breach of promise suit brought against him by Myrtle Hazel Joan St. Pierre, pretty Pasadena, Cal., nurse, David Kutton, husband of Aimee Semple JlcPherson, is shown in court (top) at Los Angeles. He does not seem much upset by the trial, smilinz jovi.ilJy at the evidence. Meanwhile, his evangelist wife, ijmorant of the court proceedings, is shown (lower) CQcvakscins at a seaside sanitarium. - . . ,. , 4... P. . .1.. 4 ..,..11 ........ ,..4 .1 . maong his ncignuors icr nis line ,mear.i inae wouiu Mip'it. i..e v.iu horses. We hear "Dia.ttify The-'di, late, as that is the way 1 piny the Homestead" everywhere. I t me adJ,;game. "Beautify it with Ptetty Teams." Governor White rf Ohio: "Wo ThE is the Washington BEenton- bow to the will of the convention." rial year and when you think cf j ?E!v:n Traylor: "1 am peuon-Wa.-".:;:gt' t: on hi : beautiful white !a!!y very l.aipy at KooreveltE noni-.-taliion, v. hy not let every farmer . ir.at ion." follow hi.- iootf-tcps and laise a colt I Senator Wheeler of Montana: "It's in his memory and at the same time ,cieat." he!) himself to a better farm work horse. william f rooxi i on:. Sunshine Garden Club, Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. 3HAT PARTY IEADERS SAY Senator Huey P. Long: "Koo.'e- vc lt w ill be a v inner. The re never was any doubt but that we could put him over." Mayor Frank llogue of Jersey City refused to comment. John F. C irry, the Tain:!. any lead er: "The convention has decided. We are good democrat?." i Chicago. Comment, jubilant or. designed, and in some caes ominous silence cane from democratic Kad-j If you want to SCO prosperity re els at the end of the fourth ballot : turn, contribute now by buying ttmsie that rave the democratic nom- the things you have put off qet- . t- T pm,.,,.,M i ting. Prices are at low ebb. Head mat:on to franklin D. rtoo.-cx e It. , - , , - Hit; uuuiiim i-us itr iitvua ui From the former political friend of usu values fn every line. Help in Demonstration for Dad r r ri t - - ? -3-t- t- 4 "' H - 4 . i 1 E As : i. - J 4 "" .1 j i V 5 ' v, - ! ? V 4 'Tf ' i A6- r ' 4 . . .... 4 -1. . 4-4. 4 ...! l ' ' j E ' ' " T " V ;; :J" vI - Sat 4v L jv, . V ' L . " 1 ; . - !.. -E)A v z .v. --v - - " i 0 4 Jk . v, . . )f . ft . S i . E . x i-Z 4.. -.4. '5 v- :" :- . t 5 OO , u J - . E ;" ' . V j .' . . . , ' N : '.:-. Et . t oe--o i " . .'V V v. 1 ' ei ' .r4 .: ... i til - v.-0' ." ft,;.." v'v - : E v ,-.:,! 4-Ew: Kcre ere seme Rcoscve-Its doing their shre in. ti:c (lriinjitra ticn fcr Governcr Franklin D. Rccrevelt ir. Ciiiiaso taiun. Left to right: Mrs. Curtis B. Dall (caugbter cf Eccccvelt), FiaxiklEi I). Eccseveit, Jr., and Hit. Janes EociieTelt.