The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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W1?mAV TTTTV A 1 ft
Roosevelt and
The Choice of the National Democracy
rr.-s. fail II rv- ;iov, v. )io n '.uiTed
!" ; tin the in :t! some time xinee, l:as
Jcen staying a; the '.;)..: of her rar
Mr. I';-, an l L. ?I. Suave !ry,
'.:!!'':! s-he flr.!l Iirve tcaiiKd l;cr
f : : t :i Tt Ii. vhi"h see:.:. ! ) r turii
: !ov. iy. ;?r many f. h an l.j)ir.r
that s!.o r.iay f-.';:i he well ::;'aiu a:.d
hi 1 or f..;rvr y.r; ;:;rt'i.
earner nominees
of Democrats
Tiio AIvo r.-a.iir..- flub held their
r I t 1 1 . - at the Fi aiik Ivl v avd.; l:o:r.e on
-"dr.-. Wm. Cr.sey v.-eri- fun-i-iy
ks: at the horie of Tir. and
i ;'''-':'"'::--::-;:'":';: 1 d" ' --'.-' a-vvaa; 1 "OS. '.'
-;k ..--v'..-: 'C-i
. -NVTr"-;.' . . ....
J y.: a'.d "i s. C. lit liiin ii ;, j avt nl.i
ef ?.!::. rr.i:,!r Taylor ;:!! wl-i have
i .1 !' 1 . ; I, -r
; .. , , !1 I.1J'ci;i;; t!. ;::!;-;;:;; a: ihc rra i:; r u c : Vi-i,0'l t-r v.-ial. ,
: i' ru wj;l' !: r r.i ,ii-! "
;'":,(-' T:. ':e.f :i r. ' ) rud i a 1 1 v la-t
: ' ' ' . -
.1 (;'
Eiarr.atie Scer.2 as McAaoo Evens His
Store with Smith and Beaks
A!r.:cs. Certain Eeadbck
Cr.r.divlre xiifs to Chicasro t? Attend
CIcsLr.g: Session cf Convention
Tliis Aitrrnoon.
The predletiot.s of many or the
;'! (-.its cf Cov-trnor Roxsevelt
that his; candidacy for the pre- idcncy
i. H i- democratic ticket had been
i t"pyd. wiix1 svu-pt a.-.ile at the ii i
dsy s-.iht session of the national con-
' :: 1 a ; .
Wi'h the fourth ! unfcr way,
th.- t.dl ou-.mnn'i:ig hsure cf Wil
li:. i (Rbhs JK'Ai!i.i;, of Calhoiniu, on
the platform to make an announc
i. uiamat'eally brought to the
r: the cer.Ust. t!w change f'f i:ie
Calif wmla vote pointing the way.
The f.nal result of the ballot save
1 1 .-..-veit LI of the 1.1IS vote.-,
: ";:! i t ? i rx-cefvhig 1S'. with scattered
viic.i for other candidates.
It I'd toed abou. to b. cone unari
;:;("!.; when Coven. or Hit. -hie. him
.' if a (;. ,:d:d::te. stood on his chair
in i !. Maryland delegation and east
ts state's vote for Roosevelt.
Md'lant to the la.-t. Massac husetts
shouted it.; vote for Smith as the Ray I
t-mee Ue:.-;:.'.te .-teo i up ami wavcu
the r state standard a.i th.y (iiot n il.
) v-':-"! vyaclie.l tin d. lo-
;.;! : . h:ii; ;.iaa r.i.i-?t:nce-'. that (iov- j
.ri:.,; Whit.- had r. leased t!u del
l-:.';-; ar.d they were cav.causlr.K 10 !:'. t vot . tlhlahoiaa. w!:ich
l.a-i e :.e to ("i.icao ph. i.l to Oov-(ir.o;-
ri'.ri-iy. j-ir.ed the ILooevelt
I .trade. vo;i'i fi Hdiy f ;r him.
At ie.:J.; p. hi. h; rdiy more than
ci hr.ur afier the ft-, sioa had be:ru:i.
C';::i;:i:an Wal?!i rer.I th- result of
tl'e ballot ard m the a-cor.i:aninic:it
of a deafer. i:: a: thunderclap of ap
pl:",i ;'!' ,( d Roo-evtlt the
!:oa:i'iee of the party.
The n- . Ii cck bra. tors started
:.?:' t purade aiour.d the hail, but
V.".i '.; kaveile.l tht:;: down and pre
i former S-.::::t ?r Ittvl ot Mis
souri. Ti;. j- i! er-haiia-d Mi.'.-turian told
t'... c.e.vent ioa that "oar cheer.; here
ia:.-;ot elect a candidate in Novcr.i-
I: :';'; rv:' :r-ri " tl. i n else," he
: a ;
'it r-"i.nre.5 carm .-t. patriotic
v-or-; from (id ; hour to the moment
v. hati the ballot is cat and j
.,:.:... I
"At t li'-m !:t:e ti.; everv i:-an i
, - i.. .
bas.i h fi. n: his heart ail feeling of
:;-;.; ent a
, .1 .1
.an rin. am!. li!:e
a good sohii salute the colors and
fm e th.e rm nry. I want to thank my
fiiesds far their euxspo-rt. hut above
evervtidna now I summon the demo-
crmy : Mi.-.-otii t to tiie st--ndard." I
t,. i tt,..,.v,
Whe-i Ch ili-man Walsh formally!
p; onout , o! K f;. t ve!t "ii:
-f this ci.uvei.tion." a lart luic-f
. t.-, ,.f .:;...;-... ........n; th., r.ei-lVan
ven-ion f:ooio Hat no wt:
made for a long demon? ration, an
time was. yivea over for former Sen
ator Heed to rally the party stal-j'-! five cent mileage allowance is
v r ,.; . jeontinued. Fees of government Wil
li wa-- Ali'rel Ih Smith., the man:'"'::j(S at'i' reduced iroin $2 to ?l.a0
wheal !.e ,hi tenod -tiie happy war-J"!1-! :t (1 allowance for sub-
11 .0 ; a r -.: s: : r a 1 1 a g 1: 1 01 1 . r 1 1: .1 p res- '
ihi-y at iloui.m in 11-N. who per -
::...' :. ifo.ivtlt to ma:-.! for the
Mw V -r". y.virnorsh';, four yerr,'
a o. Whiio Smith is t the state t)
I:. .over 1 i t::e Tuns- s : . 1 1
v dt v:m brn.tommy far the!
tai ,h::r tad iifmd hit 1:!ajo; it y
,., p..!..,;,., t ..... t liter. fi!:rr:ii-i.' oh expenr : 0 ci navel ar.u
A", -i 'if.y. I e to.aei frcmi i ills- j ;' :! i,1( " f:i-' f tenographers to cii
,; ....: ;. .1 h :.;; tnojs c"-lit jJ'S"s :.nd didrist judge:-, until
;, o : . . ; . , 'Teddv" Ilooro- ifurtlicr noti-e. the instructions said.
VI i
e t
. .a.
a ih.mari Mu's-t , ;: ly in the ecu- j IliZDICT RIVER NAVIGATION
in.y - l !.." as so.ue intimate;; call!
tie ;.-m! :;."... u-;d to i.dt with "T.J Omaha. Loral advocates of Mis
11." v.i. the v, hit !.. '.!.--'. jsouri i iver watt r way doveloymeiit.
His j od'tt ic;.l owu r rrsrs i! iu the upon tli'dr letu.rn fvom Kansas City
. . -,v Ve-dc l'-gh-d-itm-c am! carrieil I Tuesday, v.ire enthusiastic over
him to the vice pre idanlial nomi :;- ; posy:; ! s of having the river r.a vi
al ion in lD2t. He ws.s a-sistar.t sec- gable as far north as Omaha within
rctary ci tiie r-avy in the war days the next few years,
v. dim his rival to be iu November, The group .Monday participated at
Herbert Hoover, v an ad o in Wash- ( I"ansa City in the celebration inaik-in.'-'?
direc tiny liie li cd tuiministra-! ing resumption of Missouri river
tioi-. J. steamboat traffic alier a lapse or
Hjcssvel: Ftp.: ted v.crhiig toward j seventy vests. "In four years we
his latcrt h-mor more than a year (V.-il! have mn-!i a eclebi atian h ue,"
a.go. gradually pmli cling an organ-j I'-'o-l ieied Ri:iU3 II. Lee. chairman of
iz.tio" in all sections of t!;o country the waterways committee of the 0:n
that uo'i for him the commanding .r.h 1 chamber of commerce,
lead in drl.vutr .'truigth that ht had
vhen this, lonve.itio i opened.
TI:c Sr.:ith Opposition.
Month.; ir.fore now fhnitn started j
cut. against him. There lias been Kearney. June 2S. Charles Jor
mtnh t.h.t as to the cause of hla.n. who iias been on parolo since a
a break! the two. Sduhh had , forgery convklion. again got into
I f n p.-r.-milly a,?Iv for 'lays, pant j t ruble a rd w a sentenced, to two
to g. r the r.r-m;-iat: n f'W himrelf. .years in the reformatory by Di-triet
At the outset iatt week, r.iem'cer3 ! Judga E. O. Ilostciler Monday.
ja th? i;ooseveit organization under -
. . ,-..l,-,t th. tnrv r.h! t ra-
!Iitio,1 ot tiC party on the two-thirds
uilo. The governor called eff the at
tempt, however, and the content was
droppc-.! afU'r rplits developed er
pec;aily in Iloo.-rvcit i-tate.; fror.i t!ie
:-o'ith. ir.ahinj; the possible
Ir. oh t::tre;ady clo.;e.
nrnith arid et!;"rs a:mi;-.r-t Iloo-e-veit
,-tooil by th.e tw-ih irds rule, and
also carried the campaign that put
the prohibition repeal plank across
by a four to one vote.
The convention wildly app'auded
when the message was read by
n.ari vValh froia th.e eandi'late for
pre.-blent , rtating that he would ad
dress the convention in porso.i on
Saturday afternoon, reaching Ch!
nun at 1:30 Saturday afternoon.
With tii ad join nment of the con
vention tiie FPntiment for John Nance
(Jarncr of Texas, for vi e-presiden'
wa growing and receiving the
fri.niHy backing of the Rco.evtlt
1 forces.
Omaha. The provi dons of the
federal tccnomy act. c;f(-etive Thuto
day. were relayed from Wasliingtoa
to Val i'etrr, I "nited State.;
here, and he was instructed to apply
the cuts immediately in the Mtl.-ras-
'a J ' " " '"'Ulu-
I)"ovi.non that all court mes-
1... ..t :...!r
1... 1 1 i. : 1 .1:. ...;-..
- - 1'1 a:t u lU4 ,",,t'-
initily," will mean that two men
vvill ht I'm I-'iViiicl. T!i-:'V are A:
nominee!10" Oro-s, Omaha, mes. nger to
Jud.e Woof! tough here, and Clay
Kirk, messenger to Judge Mun
-: ' gt rat Linccln.
The fees of petit and grand jurors
re ivdmed from ?4 to $d daily but
- - '-"-. 1",-ll"u- ",l
ve cent a mils traveling fee con-
' ed f.em ?5 to
---" u and judge:-, wii! be lim-
,! altogether. The
liu,i to ? " a ci ;y iud,ad cf ?lft, far
- - ' - - cf t-uhsh.tence. Mo
au hosit y w ill he g: an ted for t he in-
xj.jrLU riiii.ti
1 n I?
C rover Illied a a -
vi?;tipg at I'i. !.-:. i nth .Sunday, be
ir g r.u' st - tf H. res and I am
i!y !; i!i" ihiy.
While Jehu Crane was av.'-iv .--, a
Liiort vtnatien. the Iiti'it vatol wa '
h'eh' d afu r by rrol h:';in u n. who j On .-, t Jientiay mornin-. Knly;
made an x client man f-.-r th pla-e. j xp reman v. as ov r to Line In. a--Th.ete
was a very r-.ociablr. Ia:ice j ctnipatife-! by Mrs. Ib-rgman. t.i. v ,
given at the hall on last Saturday j takim; vriih th -in .hd:n Crane ami;
nigh., w hieii was nj-)ycd l y a. large ; their sou "handy," who wt r- dt pain- ,
number of the young p-- pl if M;in -
ley and vicinity.
...... .. ..... j .
flrover C lihodem and the family
ore over to Klunvoad last Sun -
day, where they were vi.dting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis,
rcdativt 5 cf the Uhodens.
Tdirij Ihb-n K ib, duiighier of Mrs.
-nt'i:i Au rswald. who is employed
by th.e Hell Teh-phone oir,pnny in its
Omaha xidiang" a- an opt rator, is cn-
jt.-yir.g a vaeation and visiting here
with h: r m'iker and family for sev-
cral woe.-;-.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christen --n
and their nine vtar old daueiuer,
Herat dina. of W. f ping V.'af r. v.o-re
mitiag for the day lr.t Sunday at
..... t., f M ....1 . . It. T
I ll'-li.- .'I .Mi. 1111 ..L.,-. I--Il.l,'..i J.
ilm b. weere all enj v d the day ami
,. , .. , . ,
ine sph ndid uiiiin r whi h was pre-
part il by Mm Hautb. Tiny wut!' f th" He 1 Cross. Hour milhd from
accompanied by d ra ndmother Spen-j'he fans, beard's surplus wheat. The
cer, p.r tlier of Mrs. Ciiri di nsrn. v, ;o j Gt!:t r towa.-j ara Murdock and My-
i nake h i- liom- with the Chri.-tt-n-sen
Hc-rtdqcgvtors for Twine
(let your Twirio and Repairs at the
Alvo Hardware and Implement com
pany. We carry t!m largest stock of
repairs outside of Lincoln and Omaha
anywhere in this vhinity. xx
Woikirg on SIcmbership
With the i haiiging of the rates on
the assessment of the Modern Wooil-
m. n. vddeh made it prohibitive fortvottin into the hoii-e. John I.ppinor, ! , , . , . , .
!!H.;i,hl.;s 1(1 rtn:ain in thev:ho ha charge c,; ,i:e A.-o-.k V r the r, , v
order, a number of the voutiTcr oms state, will nmain in Muruoc!; for the''w' " .'. " ' , ! ' '
(;n accrunt tlf tho j prerent. rs is no hote in U-l . Xl'UV'1 J,i.
i '-' '- ' v"51-"' Hertiand.
p 1 . lfT PrOC Ti O C n T T t r
OlilL d gO LtDy UiGClO 10 0 b O V t)i t !
I f ; . ,-. . -
I ,: : . . Hi
(V '-'S'-VJS, . ,-.-
V '!'
't :-;Ci
Ej"- '""' A ' --. z' - - 'V'
. v.'
r-'.acvii -i v- t..- :,--?,. ,
.-' -.-.. S iiS- ': : v.v-v ;--.
A ycunfj ciiizen ci CIiicr.2'3 is seen gicstlng Givcmcr ?i3!:!i?i
r. R.-scvclt cf Ncv Ycik. Dcx-eiatic pixtr-iihiiHil :,in:i:i::, as th-3
P.eccr.-c-lt car is held up. by a ft eight tvair, fcllcv.'ir.r,- the ciiuncs's
arrival ircni Albany, IT. Y., by plane.
V't r V - ' V " ' ' : , " ,: .
fcj.'i ... :..:r.. w ' ,
i.;v, , v.. ..v .:'.-:; ,
ii -ft.
i;:iv t r. :.' . many o: t.:e:.i -
; d cut vo.i. J.-cpli I!ay..s. i rem
hh h.a.hp
-- a ; a re . ;
M.iby m 1 , -. 1 hursday. making an
( ei 'ort t. se
lit v numbers, but
was no: retting Vt y iar.
Erjcycd Yeiy Tlvz Visit
i:;; far Mitiei, whore ih-v v.i
... j , - -. . , j L j t . - v v iv . i : ! - . ; ... I .t ii e .-5,.r. tie y r.j . udia g he . nt ire we- k
lthtre and Mr. IJ.rgman driving over
sp-.-nd th.
v.Ith Mrs. Cram-.-
' for tlum t u lat Saturday, hringi:
th.em heme.
EvcryLady - Working- ITov
The U,r farm labor has
pr s.-a d into service ail the m -n in
this, vi.-Ir-ity not heretofore employtd
1 and for the lime there is 1 h-nty f
j . r.'; f e r every!, dy. I'm
!. T. -1 i-
j .da;cna. who i.; pa. t tiie working a-,e.
j a s-d J.-serdi Wolp. rt. who lias
i it :a:: s to h,a.; after are t n on.y per-
! - ns. m t engdoyV l at this time.
y ak-i w, 11 f, r tin- hu. iiiug town 1 '
, M.i -I,-.,- I'- O,., , . - .O.
.t.l.-.-. ' l.H , .iW.. iU
! di's. .-ianl- y was one ot lew towns, in
,. , . ,.
t a.-s toimiy not as.tmg I'T a ps-rti-.n
I ;
, , 11 -' - -' -- j -Tr:--. f'lc O. Fc-l-H' ;Ver wa ; a visit
.-i. ;.!.('. i. -,e i.ic.r i,i;'.s w . i c i.e . ii w i.i-e. can :.'e : r ure'J tor a ivin- 5: s:.i!' i i: r.a o;. ?,. v.-her.
r.ard " "c
Manlev. a - -t.:oa"ied bv tie- family
. -i... in.. vi....t..e.i ,,, i.i ia..iu,
fi i-.d'"- the na- i-;ti-r' rdc-
T-T-utr,, r;.r0. -R- T-v-V ' llj 'c
'"1"' --3- x- -K ,CiK nie cf (';.'. Snpv and Lnn-a-tcr
'j-i . ., v-'-t, h) 1 J- '
, " l-.-t.o. ; i(r..i;,ti v.l!Kh , fi ,
has beta 1 it-red t Muri'oik i,,iei
. . ' .,'. Series ysterday (Sunday). An excel-
its inter.' i.'.p v doii-'" tit- in ib"e i
us i--U'.ivi. vs n i..t in.iu.-i , . I.;-,,.;:.-:;, wi'h the
tf this wt ei: , h-'i" d t) M-i:iev "ii e J "
,. it) ... i. i I.. K,..,..t.r i-..:1.a (n,ana lh(.re t0 aci-
large auto patrol machine wnnh waa, fathering.
rtle;v,die;entlyv.lll be kept at Man- 1
Icy and woiked out of here !u)th
ways. A .slight chtm-.-e in the doors
of tr-e jaUroI house 1 ad to he mads
in old; r ti:;.i the ma'hine ccr.ld he
Y :
- y.rr. oi'0,i' d -'i ' 0 J
vW . v- - f v .: tT-.'V
vW - V. - sis?!? - a.t,t - e"v a-r-.VttV.-ra
- :.
j?- . --t-f : ., . .Tii ..v. 'ti e- - r -
iv' '
V ' ,-
1 ' -'
rj'-aks v ry god feri
-t tild e i-; no empty Iiou?c
ii. ; in the to;
:. .ii. 1; ,
:c c.v -
d the ! . w.-, that duri: g th'- late j Wi a.v r, r-turning b,-;no on ha t f-at-:-Cf
m o n " .i inter, Mr.;. I,. na (iiauf. ; nrday.
' f Id:: me. in had sufferi d a rtrok" ! Tiioma-: 2"'it i s n porid as being
::: ! v..:
dr. I.' i;
s r uidliion.
ii-rman an-i wife
?n::n dii , dv t-d far the h- d. i ie
: :.;.' r a:n
. i i . . iii
it main rd during the t vening and
v; ;.; i-ha-'d that the patient v-as
! itnotv vi -1. Widle 5d:e is some
, h,t ' 'r' ;"',H h-r co'-IilI'1 v-i y
Speeding- Furious Kcre
I-n dui aiii y, s-ui
f y.r. and. Mrs.
il-Mwa: d Mundny, t.f near Mauley,
who has bit .n v.ith the I'm' ed
1 St
navy for seme time past, has
. '. '
iii't-n notee e;i
lUiiough anl is vis-
with mtr-o-s and other it: -
ativc s ami fsies.ds. His fuilough was
st i to (.-.pile a Ju-y hut he has
b-- -1 mohisg an effort to s- euro an ex-
. ici.doii of t!-- time. Chert Iv h- fori
' t . . r 1,, ...... .t.i. r. !-.m-
j -r ', Z
i.. ....n -. J"""- 4
i him in hse spiiim and liking tiie ser
....I- ii.. ii.;.: i...: . i. i.mj .11:11 l.JU.iu
vice very with
t.i. rdccl ?c:in-isicis' Picnic
T') n-i, .I-.1' ,,.t- T-i'i" t.'iv'itiotnT
X.'i -hitigton.-
Atlm- a weed; of in-
crnal ciis c-sion ."nich ie:;t its
:: in-
Ore., was both j cciahimd and direet-
...... ... I.: ........ 1 . 1 -. 1 ..'1 v L -
:o" : r. y with unlimited power-.
It was Ike third time 1m hud held
that po.-t.
Li anr..-.;:: cir g i;l- ;vssg -am, h?
aid hr!l it-.urdiati ; instituti j
a oss ciri'.l ci-'sdv remove all !
I off is i rs e-tldd: he.!
the;- regimen '
- a
' t : i e 0: c r er iamn com
ma meg- who d ed to
op-ate !
with i i;.i now.
10,000 m-n at
; tin e--,f rj.gime.i 1 cr.oereu 1
am v ht. .: 1.3 a.
! t.::n nc tj.- ,
...... I ' "' :..u lit-- I .:, 1 av 1 iic -'
josctcd (j co.-.ntr-t lis ohiL-e thir ti:no;lv..n weie v:V!in"g with friends and :'-d a'.'ev. e-l and re' as th hod
jin a "i::.rd-l si.:l :..y." M : -uuwh.l: . j ; t r ives In Mcbraika City and r-n Hi and tivtaia; i-t x-f Chri.,tii.a Run -Sen
it xvs Hir.h e tr.!:l th: rerrt.- that ll,- .-..r., i..,i 1.,. !u:c!. e'er en-., d; thrt s-:id instrunieut
-- 1
ore el i..e ..yet ravaging ep: i.v.iKn;
this eo.vtut'-y itas ev-r experienced"
m-iy ivrv.R froni fai'.itra to provirla
cdeijuate raiions fcr the bonus, march
ers encamped here. l"l "nrgT"!
j 1 aicago. 1.. c. i-rid.1, c ptra: .ons ; j. y in j the beautiful lawn of Mrs. ! t. ranted, and that mthe of the .. :i
vic2 r-"e.: bt:t ( f the Ilotl: Idand -r.ryiU Ki'.cll, Ccient'a m d:: r. ji'vtirv . f rai 1 j-st!tion -iml that t!io
1 lire' .....r-.-d i:.r ; erditpjii ot'i ' 'r.tiag lln-t be .oiviu to all per-
i;.'1; " rV. : . ?rr.Vr-;-,..,! -t! -I:'s- Art!:i:r J);-" !l'!-i-ts 'nt.-rerl-.l iii ianl mati.sby pun-
...e..e.i ..... ...m.. 1.. 1..- i .-t "'!. ; a? an i ly as rprisec! when t!.e pare t; ta , -'s i: i n g a x-' py tif 1 J -5 Onhr in the
cord 01 ttoet ianu the appo. at::;, at ni,l?;o Mr cnd Mri5. ep-orge ; i lattrmx.u, h .! ureal, a seml-we. Itly
of II. L. Ret J general matmner; .,
! for the entire sy.dem v.ith heaih;uar
jtcis at Kansas City.
T'iB.t.iiP! wi'Tl r. rt 11 fxtr. J.".f x vour
.' " - y ..' 1
pnonmrj in news nctns. vaii .u. :
C. Thanks! Jl"
i:;: o. . . ;:t,v
T-hn Sh!nn.-, v hau'i f.
' '-' ( : ' ! :::'o:i f lat wt eh.
ry T.d, t v;. - vi iu.r hi 1-in-"
In on hi-t V,"( t!-;c -day a f . r:i o-in ,
v a.; 1 -wiirc aft. r son:"
Th Jlatl 1": art ft famMy are now
j -- iij t!if i: w house tlott .a::
j hi-ilt o:i the far:a of Joe For man
! 'V. rt of v.-n.
I Fiaoh Tay! ,r ivr : lahiai; hay i!t-
"i't to" pa: t ve( k. bh:n:n r, o-i hod
'. id;:' ::'ay af.e "!o ;i and couiiaiha;;
until the work vas coniplef od.
r:m-:i Uernv i -r and family v:c. '
J!: "I'uiih picnit" whieii
Avo n always ;,'!.; n !" v.- sh-sys in ad
va ! - e on ho-; Faturdi.y ni.o.i.
.'!. and :drs. C rrld iM;--r and
fami;-- ;;-"orvd (- K!:r:vood Pundr-v;
t visl: v.-h.': the lattii's r.iothcr, Mrs.
I'at?-n, wb.o hao h ( quite ill.
S.'ai I'avdjiock (ii.-n. ( d of his
ciutchf ; on ;' iaday. after lia' h-t to
nst t!.:ni f- r r v ral week:;. We are
yhI to know h;;; ankle i; mu.h h t-
ne w a; in a:t mianre r.i the f.'mral
, c- r eld time fri-.nd. John Cainn-
:'.:.!. .. ; -I'.t.i v.'a a v;.-:ior ler at
nan. in r i (irys at In n-i. win re I
; e was a gu- t at in; ham - m I- red 1
j f;uite pocily ard with I; is a ivamod
; y a r.i i:
r. r. di.Tii ult fi,r him to rc
; gain the ler.Iiii whhh he :o miieli!
T-lugere Jtoihluirst and wife vvre
vi r to As:'.!? n-1 on I mt M-v;Iav. who: el
hln y were lot hing afi. r rome !nsi:'" s
i ms ; tc: s as v.-eil as visiting with d!
frit nds.
Ii. A. Davis and daught. r. Mis
C'ii-iiiUfVcr, cf iyraeuse, were guc-.-t:-!
;: r n -ssi time on last Momlay at
i 1 home of I. J. I.intdi. where all cn -
I ' 'x ll lho vi-!t vc '' niueh.
s- r- Heylea had a largo farce of
'"-' ! oat,, w nien
''1" al'.vayr, starts far the purpose of
! u'1 ,::"" the large number of tattle
that he fattens cash year.
I'dwardt Milson was a caller in Lin
ccln on last V.'edmsdav afternoon.
i vhiT'i he was lcokinc" after l,iiyinca
zrtcrv. connected with the st.ue here!
and also was bringing heme goods- for
the stoie.
Mrs. Fred M. l'routy, w!:o has re
turned home from the hospital, where
she was under treatment, is still quite
pocrly and every attention is being
. , , ::ove: ncr wins the p; c-odent ml nom-
P1Vl 11 u('v tnat she may regain her;. ,. . , ,
... niatiou spn ad auieng house (Kmo-
lormcr h.ealt b. . , ...
. , "rati" nwr.ilwif. The s'u-aker urn-
-Hs. Joseph. Armstrong, who i ; at ! . . . ... .,
, . , o-itf ;n. nut a i tied his. Mru-t ::lenie on
the ho-mecf her daughter at Havtlock . 1(.,.lt, lo
. . , . . . . I1'-'1 tt-ejiei" xo i.m i.inui-
r.-pmttd as making nice m;i:m in ,
i , . '"-O, !- 1-oei lo. I.l.t or iC'.oinl
her h-'auh and hopes to return to her . ... . .
, . , , . , , 'p;ace. Hut a nuin.icr iu the Tr.iv.n -s
home in the mar future, whmh h-, al-. ... ,. I1M, fl.,M r,
o the desire of lur many friend-. . " t i " m
The J,hn Foreman family were ! 1 ''J V" t. 7 1.
busy pi.lan.g c lit rnes on last Th.urs -
. ,
oay ai their farm east of town. Mr.
ci .na-i is 1.1 oaitnersnip wun ius
I, . T. - . ,
hro-ther Orest I-oreman at Lincoln.
. . . , , .
uri.-.g c-i nts fcr the Kefimn? 0.1 Coin-
... ..... , , , ,.
. 11. A.arnrr has net bemi feeling1
, . 1
ve:y .--on ior :t)-;:e ti:.:o pm-t. but is.
lenor.ed. tis belt
quite a nit net t' r
at this t'me. He was. however, abl?
to he over to Ota t r.a to look after
orr.m hrsmiss matters en la.-t itd-j In the Cig-.t" (hunt of couu
ucsday. jiy. M'd-;oka.
Ti -- Camp rir: girls of A.lvo, who ' ': to Ci" L'i!)sa ka, County of Ca s.
-ve Mia; Velum Ttarhl urst c n! r-,'
ta'ff .! ih-- et go n i;:a t i.mi :.t a meet a t
the Lome cf "Sr. ard Mm. Hoy CM 5 f-
;:. .-h : they enjoyed a picnic d::r-
i t T ibe aftetnnon and where evi ryono :
cnjoyrcl a good time. .
rv P.-1 .cn,.'o,. t.'i.. rmi-t
, .. ..... -
nrtxi cdw'dren. Vc nee Fv.dve s:id
.... . . , ..... 1 .1. n; . . i. ... . 1 1 ii ...
fdrs. Harlrhurst, who had been vm-ti:-g
there rinee the F.'iday h-fon-..
Cm eveeh.g, .Time Lh'itcl,
3 ;--tung people mrpriscd M2-- J
C.icnc Khzel! r.r.d hrd.p-.t! hi r cr jay
her birthday. The guests served home
, , , .
maae lie cream and cake, and spent,
ti e tAcniug in a ro.iab'.e way, on-
Hray, of Cyra use, a:.i", hrii.;,i,;g;
v.-iih them two grandchildren, Ro'.iy
Tinn:p't'ri. i f Havelock. and Cttio-
. : ... I... 1 .T . . . K ' 1. -. . .
. . :- r... 1 au e. 01 a. . i a ..... v. a-o . 1
..... .
v. suing at trie Uiiis.s ucme. ior s,o...e
'' fnr XV4;,':;:; V-tl r v!"':v lh?'
;r a t n.i i .. y, a :, v..;i
i ov.tlr.'te t- i.ia're t!:e!r loi.o" .vith
ih. Ir dauyiit r.
lit i ; ? e iVI: h- a . I on. Milo.
v.-t : vi-ito:': ;. the J em- of Mr. and
Mis. .f-hu Ih.hir, i.eir i:.i-;le, on
i."rni.,:7 a;i rni . ;i. .v.,: m )(.iv. 1 to
!;.;?: c V locate re
: fT t!.e office
of ::u i.
; -1,
: tahi ig i --tahK. hri. nt. II:.'
is h- i:rr ( :: y. d I y Id le 1 i-.: I r,-.
t"(hrt:d: r rt Murd.."k red Ihiaie re--:
tiv.' !y. Mi'o !;':. dual' d from the
Wrn ham . ;!;oo; f i mha'ming thrs
y- T
. ill . 1 . f .
Mr.-. Harry -, t ,d n;a,i r.tei laiiKd
a r. iT.ib r f 'hi : ri-' '. : a' !h ir i n'.iii
try home at a !: 1 pardy la-t
Tues day ai't n o"- ;), v. ) e i oil i-ijoj-
1 ti. ' mvendid ft i to th- inH
: . t nt. A vi ry .1 tim was
i:d v.dih ih ? yane -; and f
v. h! 'i w::.- : . r d a ueilu'h.tful 1 i:ick
i : n to whieh -;il did mil jn ii i. la
u: ,.ar:.- c. ail '..ted r'r . Aiihrmu
.1 royal enter-.a::. er aril atv look I tig
forwaid U, t::e tim? when ohe shall
entf-i ta in r gain.
G. 3. C. Club EuleitcineJ
Tie ft. K. C. - hd h I d ih. ir met t
. ' ;. Mrs. d. L. f- i -it.'i.t-r's !:-'no oil
d:.-- 7'h. W.- ad-led hu- ih- f i f.-u
far c Ijc-I. a: .1 all tdd t i mbet-i
.ore ' r.i i ;,t Vvnao Itrniut,
dn vra vi. ;
: !' r i i i- in ai I-in-
d-r id- i !-. have a
1 he '
: ( a h v
The r f : t one
: 1 1
with Marvel s;d:.r. r o n ,Iun
rd. with, a jmlgi'ig -on dtv.tijn
'n-'-tl by Mis. It-hhvie.
t ate
jianning on this bring an Int. . noting
Ir..c:rdccit:ic JIavp Tl'vAz
The intern:, dim - rhaxs -f the
M "i.di.-t H.hlj ho.-!, v.ith the
mi- :s and th- mini t. r, :. dat k-
Jul'., v:. re ovx-r to .'e!: a.-'.i City ou
J 1'rlaa.y, -,w !i-. ;.- ;,'.. jd.jjii i.yJ. fyy tfc'',.-;
jcay and where tiny ah o .:.e. .- how a
Molten h
feioncily Aibor
it now
ttatt p. 11k. Tiny
were ta'.'.tn in the ar.; ' ' ib v. .hull
s' n, Mrs. A. H. S'nmer. "e';-m ;imt
iie ';.m Ita;k!::::st. Tin y '-.. also
ae. ; mpat. i-sd by Mrs. Fumae Hark
;:or.;. tin- !:;ti- ran altiing in N'e
bra ! .1 City to vj d- wi'!; f;i, nds lor
the remainder of the wot!
CAP::7zr; rc-E r.iT:-ixi:G iiate
Washing? -vi. A b,. 1 i of thai Sjicak
er Garner will be Franklin Ih R m. c-u!t'.-
running mat- if th.e Mew York
rove: tier wins the p; eddent is.l nom
v -Ci iter ti. tit.i T!o,..n fi-P t ,1 s f.!l
! , ... , Caimer o refusal to ";ua:ie
..... . . .. .
.trade; m the c oa vent .on fig.t o.d
. l ri-t -t..c l .i'-i.-i. 1 j.i 10 :. netioi,
I. ... ..... - .
..' ti 1 . u i .. '. i ,1 tn ...i iiio.: 1.1 .1 1 1 i'i
, . , , . . . . ,
attempt ' !'. 11 very cf hi; nmety
iixas and ( ahfcrir.a delegates to
,. , .
any candidate.
"I3IL 'HlAiXr; AM ) Mtl
tic:: of i';:oi:at;: will
"T(. pU jV.r::f:s i,t j.;
, ; at e of (".. ri-d ina H u'-i oad. d -a-
On reading the p'-iition cf !a .1.
Hne is. !. William Rstii' c I. t-i i wa i d
C iOi'i.-i ! f"!--.!i--!'if....i.l.i,l In.
t,,,... ... ',, ,, .
!tii-mn' r-i: .1 in this .-cmrt tie
l-t lh day x.-f .Inne, i:-"2. a'o! p.:ip-tt-
1. ....... 11.. ...... .........
.1 ... - . . . ....... ,
i " r.cii.-it'i rl to jirobate and tiie ad
1 .Ii'i'-ti.'li' 11 of said isiate b grantc I
to Willi::: 1 i!:!n:-d t-. Hx ecu tot
It i-i ! rcby ..isbti ! that pi n. and
tt ' e ( -t-.r: itt- a, il 5-1 ra'i' tt-r.
i.:r: - '. and do. atenas at tiie ( .uirf g
t art o b.
ti! for eai.l
county, 01: the LV.'th day of July. A.
. :;2. a' H o'eloc?'- a. to. to di"tv
., v.v.. ,, rtv.
. .. ,,,,,..,.. r. ..y,,m , ... t...
r, 1 .."paper piloted in sr. id county, fo
il goo : u-.'-a-ive wt iks prior lo laid
day of h. aria an
What-:, my hand, and the a 1 "C
--'hJ ' nil. this 2'jtU i!.;v of Jutif. A.
I. ltd. 2.
(Seal) ji-2v Ccunty Judge.