FAOE TWO FLATTSMOUTH SEMI . WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JUNE 30, 1032. o j High in University Scholarship Contestl m " - -, " " " Mr c ... -If. WIN SCHOLARSHIPS f i! i c- J: y.V.l :1V, : :. . ii; - .V.ion dACKCN miss VR0.L6 James Fj?anos MuAfSDT to JO Kiad'.u.te, aiitl the third group had ail t:i IiO'M.s with 10 03- iucie grud- iu'.tt-. A total vi 107 sfhool.5 yuali unl in the i-oiiiest. , l"";rl ;. and matluniiitics. v:'.v iveii to at Uast two f-priord in ...ii . rhovi. the ttsts au;iiin:.--toied by lu al :h ho i oft icial.-, who seloct ! sxu-l-- sit on a basis of sehol- 1 : 1: v . 1 : i!V. : iK ; ' : -- Cliiio: IL'!'. i.J 11:. ' At-arV initio !,:a: ka. a c 1 . 1 1 1 : t hy Ci lie ;ih'.''-. t) . no: ; : v:i i- .1 I'i.l -I.-. tl A ;:sl;a . .iack.-t.ii i( t! i t 11 U:l oil; It (It .... , ;'i :.;:u.o: thii f!ito:- tli I 'Xt I'm a v.-;:.-: J 1. K Vcsuio o Yr.i- 1!. f! ot to r.tr ti:- Lii i- art. jU:l-..d J:.:!'.-i'a!l. Dts.i!!:. r..'.is.?. Tit.' paper:; were t the university ai.d the inn ai us- av. a; ti.- inau i j iuv umai'i s in vain to attciul' -.soap. No i -I:nol iauy receive more , . , . m Kiss- ' III. ill ""P : e;5oiai : :.!,. anossta mc . Mesvos: av.asd-. l ?ut!i sholartliip do- 01' V, ii!i-' AVa- t i le v.ot to use it. it will go to the 10 7 i i: lie is oi' a p'i:Oii i-ext on the ; nopi. raajoi injr st within the ! 1 av I'iiivcis ;i:S an : 1:. a. sty ; sin:' Ne-:ioisp of sc!ioois. Should the t-tudent ur.ee- .c liiu - 1 1 1 Usinif tt. '.-ity. 1 of asi'i- ' aepnv il -:::.iat -. a va!' av. . i ,lfd r " t!:. -v :.-1.: All :' t:-. - -"7'i :u: t . ! : c ,i : i ' !, .'sir la: w i v. 1 1 S.!l . . V V 1 i a a is vsu sou a to "tuake good" at the uiiiver- it is prol-ahk- llsat he will he of the s-'.-holnrship at the ' n! of t he first semester. I II : r Longman of Eagle is oue of ;!:o ls7 winners of a years tuition I . 1 '. . hP;h r . oar r o:.t -x ' a ela . .; all eo: of 1: c?,'-o!.i : a-ia" s . .... 1 '.'.' of th :. Oil-- ha.;;i s. an -L !.olai ship at the University of Xe-.v.-!:a. s. ".): (iii't-; to an annouace ps:; (:" l hancellcr K. A. Uurnttt. 'iivi-if'i ii:- ! plar.. to eater th? teachers eo!-or,t:!!!s- J '. Oiivt- Javk was named a'.ter- !ii!i v .'-.- .siatp. Those scolarships. with an es c;; 0;: r oa-. t i:::a t - ! value of :J7j each, were ;-."! i-iore ;.'iva'-Io.l to the v.-iiu ers in an aca !! roup I ".: n.ic i .) itos held in the various i'rrorn 21'fehcoli !a?t May. 11ZT LY HO0SZVELT la.-t ('.!'. 'i heii'i th:;t v.' 1 - . th v 1 . ; : v. or 1 ...1 :. !i : !:.-h: :or. a tl.L si: ti tl. th-.-! e : . t ::vcut iv Wiliian's of Lincoln as special eoun slI p.-tpas-c and file a brief in the os- .-lipsome ci.ua asi-iina lor a rer.ear- a'o t3u::g 01 li e sun hlou by Attorney Uen of the'eral ?orer.sen appealing from the ?'-ssr.ient oi natural gas I'. C. Radkc, attorney tor ovorr.or"s! hoard's a it v as 1:1- pipe hues. laans'o.n j t he department of trade and com Koo evclt I ssser; e. and I'lark Jeary of Lincoln rSO ;u-if ca: .cnor do, iaod t v. o-t hi !!;. n:P. the w ord ; rep: evented the state hoard when the p resent vd to the su- ihl atecpt ico v. iis first y the can-jpreine eoui t. the toan v.d'j 1 ne ru::: c-.-Siisuif. a.brcg:.'e .. v.- ('.eaiiloi'.v ' e 4 i o::: C I ''!! if l! ai 101 t xp ; r.; .j.-.v." T hi -i ca a voti';;r to e co:: vl nt ion x Pallets. lC- ti Tunsls for payment of special counsel may be or.i th. attorney genei- stt's pi'i priatioii for prosecution?, as the attorney general is not rcp-rospi-.tiiii? the board but is on the opposite side. 1 t j 1 1 ijuesle J I rOSITICN WANTED SZIECT SrZCIAL C0UIT5ZL 'ya;s ai.d Ijivi-i r.or hCiS t.f lh( s :: :. ::: d : , 1 I Car-able youns? wonsan looking for position i:i .ti e home of an elderly ll'jdy preferred, where : he could keep ther mim-i year oi l bahy with her. Small wages. bo . :. 1. Ja OS e(;aalie-; Would take full charge. Call 4920 1 i - V (-l.i ploy . A. M. Mor 'II. Ciine & . Unioa. Phone the news to Wo. 6. Kuey Long Making Speech i - " i 'ii'iijA "'liit "Kf.i f A'V -v-f f ;S. . V-,5 '-wHSi-i ' .-4kf AtfifB Nehawka Mrs. Gilbert Edmonds is enjoying a visit from her sister, Miss Audra Edmistson of Lincoln. Misses Dorothy Druckcr and Lois Traop were visiting with friends in rinttsmouth on last Saturday. Misses Eva and June Lancaster were esijoyiiig a very plesisant visit cn la::t Sunday from their little friend Hr.zel Drennen. Mrs. C. 1). Shupp of KodundD visiting with her many friends here and also is locking after come bus iness matters in and about Xehav.ka. Charles F. Ilitt has s.ccepted the position of one cf the life guards at th? Murray bathing beach and has been assisting in making things the safest there. John Whitemun was delivering wheat a' the Farmers Elevator on last Monday, getting the bins clear ed out for the new crop which is so near ready for the harvester. Mrs. Wm. Colder who is attending school at Peru was a visitor at both, the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Trocp and at her house in Plattsmouth for the week end. Clause Tarns of Nebraska City was looking after some business matters in Nvh;swk;i for the past few days. Mr. Tains is writing hail insurance usid which ha sees a great neces.-ity. -Mrs. Larl Troop was a visitor in riattsmouth on last Saturday and a guest of Mrs. Lois Troop, who had just returned from a hospital at Omaha, and is feeling fairly well and showing good improvement. Frank Trotter was ever to Omaha witii sever:1 1 loads ot cattle tjr Eugesie Xutzman and was accom panied on last Sunday nisrht by his friend Frank Hold) who went along to see the country as well as the town. While Martin Jourgcson was diiving along the highwya a truck coming along side swiped his car tearing off one of the wheels and otherwise injuring his car. Martin was fortunate in that he was not srriou-dy injured himself. Wilber Xixon. who has been so seriouly ill with double pnemonia for some time is reported as being considerable better at this tim and is showing good improvement. His many friend? s;re- hoping that lie may soon bo able to bo about again. Mr. and Mis. Fred Drueker were called to riattsmouth for the day on last P'riday where they iiad some business matters to look after as well as visiting with friends. Tom Troop was also a passenger with Mr. and Mrs. Drueker and was visit ing with friends as well. Robert and Miss June IJurton. brother and sister, were visiting for the week end at Centralist, Kansas where they were the guests cf their friend. Miss Jean Sehumache and on their return Miss Sehumache who was their teacher during the past year, returned with them for a weeks visit. Lester Shrader jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shrader, who has been at the hospital at Omaha where some time ago he underwent an op eration fcr appendicitis was able to return home the latter portion of Inst week and is doing nicely scince his return home and is hoping that l e will soon be well again and be able to be at his former duties. arrived in Xehawka Saturday night. Mr. J. W. Fulton had never been far ther west than Chicago, where he worked as a lineman some years ago for the Western Union Telegraph company. They are all enjoying a very line visit. Mr. Thomas Fulton, who left the east some 52 years ago, had not been to the old horns at Har bor Degrace for 23 years and the visit at this time cf the brothers is truly very enjoyable. Mr. Thomas Fulton is contemplating returning with the brother for a visit when he returns. Giving Gcod Service Two Weeping Water firms, one of tliem dealing in ice and the other in bakery goods, supplies the tarritory noitb and west of Nehawka each al ternate day or three tripe per week, and which is a great convenience to the farming community which they se:ve. The other is the Kahn Dakery cf Weeping Water, whidi serves the route with "Our Town Bread." They are each building up a good patronage and they truly deserve it. United Erctluxa in Christ. Otto Engebrctson, pastor. NEHAWKA CHURCH Bible church cchool (Missionary Sunday) 10 a. m. Evening go:-pel service (Independ ence Day S-'i vice) S o'clock. Special numbers will be given at these ser vices. Come. Prayer meeting at the church Wednesday night. The Ladies' Aid society will be en tertained by Mrs. Shomaker on Wed nesday afternoon. The Boys club (R. F. A.) met last week and reorganized. They are planning a special trip for next time. OTTERIIEIX CHURCH Bible church sphoel 10 a. m. (Mis sionary. ) Morninur worship service at 11. The young people will have some special numbers for this service. Prayer meeting at the church i Wednesday night. The Ladies Aid i-ociety is being entertained at the home of Mrs. C Murdoch this week. The Young Peoples' C. E. ate hav ing an ice cream social this week. Xcxt week they will meet at Harold Philpott's Friday, July Sth. The Junior Christian Endeavor meets at the church on Thursday afternoon. Nebraska Has Big Place at the Democrat Meet Senator Hithcock, Avthnr Mullen and "Jim" Kaiiley Have Eusy Time at the Convention. LOCAL NEWS My I.'l WIX'IITT, Stu!l ('ftrrt-Miiomlriit While the state of Nebraska, may be "way out west" to szeme of the folks around here it isn't hard to see what those handling this con vention know where to come for their leadess. There are at least three Ne braskans who are having a lot to do with this putting this meeting across, and let me tell you they are thee busy men. Probably the busiest of these therr three is Col. James Hanley, attorney of Omaha, who is the assistant sar gent at arms. You've heard of the one armed paper hanger, and the one armed fiddler, both of whom are sup posed to be plenty busy fellows, but they can't hold a candle to this man. He hr.s more things to do, asid more places to go, than any three men should have. He is constantly be scisred bv the poor unfortunates who either lost their tickets or left them at their hotel, those who probably had no tickets in the first place but still want to get into tho convention reporters, photographers, and other pests of the lowest order who all crave some favor. On tcp of that he has charge? of the ushers and what not. But in spite of all he manag to stav cheerful and ready to listen to whatever anyone lias to say. Then tbero is Arthur Mullen, also of Omaha, who is the lioor leader for tho Roosevelt forces. What a job that man lus. Its largely up to him to get this New Yo'k governor elect ed, and if he doesn't come through well, some one- in yoing to be all over him. lis can be seen at any time Senator Walsh Presiding :,w..- V..-iT-.- 'i,r ' .n. , if -i ' -i f-'CS&-Jp.lA i M. 1 ""d til A'HnrXimTM .triTTil Ti TTli -," tT" while th? convention is in session running from one end of the conven tion hall to the other, having all kinds of conferences with important looking people, and looking plent From Monday's Daily Attorney C. E. Tefft motored in this morning from his home at Weep ing Water and spent a short time here on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Iiild and c-hil- j important himself. drer, of Council Bluffs, were here Another Nebrask 1 Sunday to spend a few hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hild. parents of Mr. Ilihh Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. Roscncrans were at Nebraska City Sunday where they spent a few hours visiting with their son, Billy, at Camp Wilson, the Scout camp, where Bill is spending a ten-day period. mm Wodac-scJay's Daily L. Lindner and Attorney Gsiy L. Clement of Elmwood. were in th? city Tuerciay afternoon attending to some matters at the court house and visiting with friends. Mis. Frank Ross and Mrs. Oscar Knutson and daughter, Dorothy, of Louisville, were-inline city Tuesday tion who t.nvies hini his place n who holds a important position is former Senator Gilbert W. Hitchcock, publisher of the Omaha World-Herald. lie is chairman of the platform committee He's in a plenty tough spot, because whatever his committee submits in the way of a platform its going to meet with opposition on the prohibi tion plank. Word is out that thL committee is about ready to report According to the "dope" the plank on the eighteenth amendment isn't going to be a.-; wet as some had hoped for. Lut its needless to say that "dope" isn't' always right. Anyway, whatever the committee reports Hitchcock has a plenty tough job land their isn't a man in the conven- afternoon for short time looking after some business affairs. Miss Harriot Simons, daughter of Mrs. Janet Simons is spending the week at the countrv home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Baker. Mrs. Baker being a school mate of M;ss bimor.s. LITTLE . LAUGHTER ARRIVES The many friends in this city of Mr. and Mrs. llersiiel Dew. of Kan sas City, will be interested in learn ing that Mr. and Mrs. Dew are the proud parents of a little daughter, born Sunday at noon. The mother and little one are doing nicely and the occasion bringing a great deal of pleasure to all of the members of the family circle. Mrs. Dew was for merly Miss Dorothy Hirz of this city. :.c::r -L-iicy P. j.v.:r Ci .Louisiana :s svjen majuue: his success- Lhc L.;;.:.c:at:c convention to se.it his o?l?tr.it.irtn 1vc.r. o y :.::.:::-;iicr. ex Gcveincr Franklin P. Ecsssveit of New presidency. - ----- Visited Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Cunningham and wife of Norfolk were guests in Ne hawka on last Sunday at the home of J. H. Steffens and family and Albert Anderson and family, Mrs. Cunningham being a sister of Mr. Steffens and Mrs. Anderson. In the evening they also visited at Nebras ka City ith friends. They all en joyed the visit very much. Viaitiag: Brother Here Thomas E. Fulton and the good wife, and Mrs. Albert Stoll, who has been here during the past number of months taring for her mother, Mrs. Fultcn, who suffered injuries, and who. by the way is getting along very nicely at this time, are all enjoying a visit from J. W. Fulton and daugh ter. Mrs. Rachel Fadely and son, Robert, of Harbor Degrace, Md.. who arrived on last Sunday. They left their home on Friday morning and foster daughter of Mr. sine! Mrs. Mat thew SuLer of west of the city. Fireworks stoD in at Qatcs slock Ctcro and see the low prices on everything in this line. HERE FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Todd and son Albert, who have been spending the winter in California, arrived home Saturday evening. They made the trip by auto from Long Besicli smd report si very plesisant trip east, but hit liere Saturday night sis the rain storm biokc, having their car g in to a ditch vest of the city while they were motoring to (lie K11 Todd lio-.ie. Mr. siiid Mrs. Todd and son will enjoy the summer season here cn i;:e fMiii and in visiting with the manv old time friends smd neighbors. TAKES UP ENGLISH COURSE Miss Esther Olson, who has been teaching in the public schools at Bernardslcn. Musk., for the past win ter, is spending her vacation isi pur- If you want to save mensy on 1 , 0 special educational studies. Mis' Olson, who is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgp . OIso; of ibis citv. is now enrolled at the summer school of Harvard tiniver- sitv trVin.T the English course of fho university. Miss Olson has also a friend and associate in school work attending tho university with hci' Cool Cool Shirts Cool Senator Thcmzs J. Walsh, 01 Montana, is seen a.-:ui::i::g- chair manship cf the Democratic national convention in Cliicao yester day aiternccn fcllc-wing; his victory over Jouctt Shcuse cf Kansas. It was a Eecsevelt victory. WCRLD FLIGHT STARTS SOON New York. James Mattern of Fort Worth, Tex., and Bennett Grif-'a secondary .-pokcsmoji put r.-.si h faith in the pro posed inters, aticnal eoi.fi.iei.ee. Idaho and Ut-h w-.se disposed to ii.;kj this .tier and sec 1; in.n.ed thc United Stales for ci silver as a basic late action by rehabilitation moiscy. ET:Y RAID C:i CHICAGO CIU3 fen of Oklahoma City planned Mon day to take off from Floyd Bennett airport Wednesday on a globe en circling flight in which they hops to break the record tf eight days and fifteen hours, established last year by Wiley Post and Harold Gatty. Their oig red. white and biua mon oplane is now practically res-dy. Ev ery sort of modern c (julpmcnt, in cluding ice indicators, has been in stalled. It carries seven gasoline' tanks, six of which formerly were In the Win vie Mnc tin- inononla'io' , , . , T. 1-. ..'the sixty-three year old :p.?b. whoso useu ov tot 1 iiuu uaiu. il i.a-. a. 5o0-lorse power super-charged mo tor. Their plasie has no name. Its CM -arc. 1; pi:, nsinistrator Avsan mand the arse . t :.; Lei-:; of th.;- s.dat C'ii'-a,;o. i;i v.l.o:? men found v. ino a y Pro:.; ..iii !, ' . !.'!. 1 y- Sv. i-i: pri . i.- !;;'.i,.:i Ad v.i,';!,! de nine S!lf,i.l- h dub of P.;k hi ; ;s. .'man, I who led the raid Fntuids'v bf it on number is NR SC9E. The fuselage is blue, and the wings red and white. After the take-off from Floyd Ben nett field their itinerary will be as follows: Harbor Grate, N. Ire land. England, Netherlands, Berlin. Moscow, Omsk, Novo, Sibirisk and Qakutsk, Siberia; Fairbanks Alaska, Edmonton. Alberta, and New York. CALL FOR A SILVER PLANK Chicago. Western democrats for their party's national convention were seeking a William Jennings Bryan to lead them again in a fight for romosietization of silver. And among those who oilered themselves. tho not himself a delegate, was Wil liam Jennings Bryan, jr., of Los An geles, son of the commoner. Another was Senator Whteler of Montana, who cxpressod belief an agreement was near on a silver plank for the I party platform which would pledge; initiation of an international con-j ferencp look in;; to reiisosutization of tho w hilo mi ial. Tho mining states of the west. Califor lia. Nevada. Utah. Idaho, Montana and Colorad o, r.pneared' to t:iml as a unit demssmling si strong iher plank. Nevada sm.l Montana 1 mcii-.bership includes msiny p:oniin icnt Ckiiaoaii.-. asserted ach v. ould 'be chr.s aed with illegal 1 1 aurpoi t a- tion anl po-'s: -. iosi. "Th.' '-lab," he added, "ean.tiot be eonsiiucu as their home." But Dr. O. C. Nylu'iil. iiesUient cf tho dish whoso ?1T.".00L v. ort.'i of' co.-tly fui is hi tigs the prohibi tion officials announced they would attc-mpt to have confiscated, retort e.i: "The rai l v.a.i a , outrage. The club bars nver ovsi"l any llijuor." He instruct"d the club's attorney to fight to the limit any aid-mpt to ronfispate th? fU:ii.; aiid 10 oppose' any padlock proceedings. EELLEVUE TO GET AIRPORT Omaha. The Omaha Belh vuo Ait port company, organized more than two years ago, has, acquired tho entire south half of the village of Bellevue as a site for the establish ment of a commercial aiipost. it was ai.ncuncid Monday by William J. Ilotz, official of th? company. Plans have been drawn and approved by government airport officials, for the constitution of four runways and a hangar, Hotz f-aid. Don't deny t-e kdics their Fireworics tis year. Prices are at bed reck at tho Bates Cook Store. Mrs Wilson at-Convention Hats There is a combination to beat eld man weather. And we've an ticipated your needs et prices ycu'll enjoy payirg. Hot weather Pants ?1 and S .5 Shirts . 650 and 950 Straw Hats . . 72c, i3S SUN3JYSIDE CLUB Word lias be:n received from Mrs Macky. f pom or of the "Sunnyside Garden Club'' who is1 visiting at Washington, Iowa, that she will be home about the 1st of July, and the club weiner roast will be held rome time in July. LOUISE BAKKE. News Reporter. MYNARD C0IIMUNIIY CLUB At the Mynard community hall on Friday evening at S o'clock, a splen did program of music will be given by the Lewiston band. There will be home made ico cream and cake served. Everyone invited to attend these community meetings. V--' VVrfi.ClW-y I- A -r 3 'f? : ' - : ( ! ff l J-Jt r.-.v. V.,. -1 It Jclia' Zandalch 2llins, cf WaEhirglcn. D. C, brother "of Mrs. .Wccdiow Wilson, is snapped cciivcruna: with his tistCr in a box at the Eeaocratic conventicn in Chicago Stadium. i