THURSDAY. JUNE 23, 1932. PLATTSKOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUB1TAL PAGE SEVEN Opening Announcement We hereby announce the opening of the pool at the Murray Bathing Beach,, which occur red Wednesday of this week, June 22nd. In the preparation of the pool for swimming by ths public, we have spent some $1,500 for new equipment and machinery and to ably care for the wants cf the public and to make them entirely safe in every line! Come and enjoy the pool we have ample life guards and every precaution has been taken for ycur health. Clean, pure water! FRANK MRASEK Murray, Nebraska a Murray relumed from Plattrniouth. business trip at Ir. G. II. Gilmore was a visitor fr the ;r.i;ig on last Monday at tl:e heme of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Frans f I'niru. Mrs. Ir. G. H. (lilmore and son Ji hn are on their way home from ti e cast where John has been at tending school. Dan Hart-bar and the family were P';lc!.s at lie Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lancaster for the day and din Tier on last Sunday. Thomas Nelson v." as pleased when his tun Lawrence of Omaha came ! j i took the father to Nehawka j wiiere he attended the masonic j I-lee. j Harry Kuaiio from Xtlw.wka was j hn Kiri-r afiT-r some hui:i-ss matter? in Murray fur a short time as he i I Bertha Xickles was a visiter in Nebraska City on Monday of this Just a before You Go DOUBTLESS you're planning now cn that auto trip you'll take as your vacation. May you enjoy it to the utmost! But may we also sug qest this: You'll want your car in A-No. 1 shape before you leave. Sc, why net have it checked up new in your own home town fay peon I s you KNOW people who are RESPONSIBLE. Maybe there's little or ncthino it needs. But we'd like the opportunity of looking it over. Drive in now while we both have time. Then you can ENJOY ycur trip to the fullest with the crrroff your mind! MURRAY GARAGE A. D. BAKKE, Propr. Bible School Lesson Study! E-nday, June 2Gth By L. Neitzel week where she took her brother to the St. Marys hospital where he re mained to receive treatment ' for his health. In his trip which ended on Mon day cf this week C. II. Boedeker jr. tells that the corn in both Kansas and Missouri is twice as high as it is here and that the wheat is well along in harvest. Drs. J. F. Brendel and G. II. Gil more were over to Weeping Water on last Tuesday where they enjoyed the gathering of the cass county medical association at Riverside park. Mrs. Brendel accompanied Mr. Brendel. Chester Sporer had the misfor tune to get one of his thumbs injur ed while at his work which resulted in a case of blood poisoning whuh required the services of a doctor. It is now much better and showing good improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Pallance of Kansas City are expecting to visit here on July fourth and will be gue;-ts of Mrs. Pallance Uncle, E. S. Tutt and wife, as well as visiting her other uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Julius A. Pitts cf Plattsnioutii. Mr. Thomas Nelson was a visitor in Omaha and was in attendance at the grand lodge of masons, this being the twentieth year he has at tended grand lodge. With the at tending of the grand lodge next year he will become a veteran mason in the grand lodge. The ladies of the Christian church have had the floors of the church as well as the woodwork varnished and as the weather turned very wet the varnish did not dry as rapully as was expected and the bible school and the evening services were held in the Sunday school room. Ht have -Learned from Gents's."' LEfrO.V I "God in Creation." He is the Either of all things. The believ ir.. sf'1 a;pts this truth and humb.- ly .r v t l ( f. .r- Him and worship! Tfcet wTth God. which was honestly kept v..?v:r cf the creation are admitted by ai! x. Thtr- is no end to them. Kir..: TSavid. when he took a look at Lis w.-.:M. exciaime.l: "The heavens d-dar- il.t- Elory of God: and the fir-Mamt-i.t :!:;-..-(. :h hi.? handiwork." Psalm !::!. LI'X II "How Sin Begins." The enny of God sought to destroy tht- l-aii'ii'u! home of men and sue tttdtd. II? introduced sin into the world by i mpting man. Sin is yitld ii;sr to tmjtatirn. It separates man i; c i.i V,( V In order to restore man to the favor of Gc.d, he made the first i:!.vt: pave a promise and fulfilled it. "Cc d sr loved the world that He gave His only b :-gotten Sjii." John 3:16. LESSON" III "The Call of Abram." 7i. human race hed degenerated so far. that Gtd started a new race, and to this cr.d called man from Ur of ih- (";.ah!.et tht- best man of his tl:.; So ; i? calls men and women to ;'.:.y f..r p-cial service. Here wa3 a ir..::. i .-ir. pi: faith, v.ho took God at 1.1. wt.:d; sui-h men God can use to ta: ry : his purpose. LE.-SOX IV "Abram s Generosity to 1. .!.'" H. re we ham more of the c? a: f this man. God had not r..a-.i- a i:ir.-;ufc- in his man. Abram v v.l'l JL' s-'urrendcr his rights for tl - (;.kr : p ae and thereby we l'V-v:. ;.(! will bkss such deeds. I.- t. ih .t-!i:.-h man. by the chok-e he 3..- J . 1 5-t ::!!. v.hile Abram grew Ji h. "S-.ek yr- fnt the kingdom of G 'I." .Math. o:33. LESSf .X V "Isaac- and His Wells." T:.'- .-(orid of the patriarchs repre- who up to this time has brought no honor to his name. On his flight .from aa tnraged brother, he is met by God in a peculiar way. From this time on he is trying to follow in the steps of his forefathers. He makes, a ,15argaijv Returned From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Boedek er jr.. who have been seeing the west for the past two weeks, return ed home on last Monday via way Kansas City where they had been spending the last four days. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pallance. Mrs. Pallance being formerly Mii Helen N'ims. They had visited be fore at Denver and drove by auto from Denver to Kansas City. They first went from lure to Estes Park and from there to Boulder where they visited with friends, and in all their trip found many pecple whom they had formerly known. the hospital on last Friday where she underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Boedeker fi over to Omaha on Sunday and found her getting along as well as could be looked for. Graduates With Honors Miss Florence Bartlett, who clos ed her high school work last week at Omaha, graduated with high per vents. She had as her guests at the exercises incident to the graduation her two close friends. Misses Rene Denier of Murray and Beat liee Kawls of Montana, who with her parents are visiting in Murray at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith. Visiting Here Mrs. Homer Miller and son Dck of Plainview.who have been visit ing in Lincoln for the past few days, were brought to Murray by her sen Edmcuti of that place. They will visit here for some two weeks with her sisters, Mesdames Wm. Sporer and A. C. Long and their families. cay "iittc eacy t toaflaim ttEne QaJ foiraGugGft all IHI3ouLxy-IMimEsy, im GuDatftterr "Flhiatt tiUne E,eQBuI?eDQuaSt" Prove it yourself (5 Hears Sister Dead. Clarence Gerry and his sister and brother-in-law, Dr. "Roman of Om asa all started for Decater. Illinois. They received the news that the sis ter of Mr. Gerry died June 1G. They left for Illinois Friday morning in Mr. Gerry's tar. The sister's name was Mrs. Anna Ohmstead. and she died of dropsey. She had been ill over a year. Her mother" lias been there attending her. She left one daughter. Man cannot get away from God. ""Whither thaJl I go from thy spirit, or whither shall I flee from thy pres tsce?" Psalm 13!) : 7. LESSON VIII "Jacob ; and Esau Reconcile d." We should learn here to btf willing at ail times to forgive the wrongs of others. Man can get the power from God, like Jacob at Peniel, j then where he met God face to face and received a new name and a blessing. Now he could meet his brother and God paved the way for a reconcilia tion after twenty years. "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for breth ren to dwell in unity." Ps. 133:1. LESSON" IX "Joseph, the Dream er." Now God's plan for a new race assumes shape. An ambitious boy is selected to prepare the home. The dreamer lives up to the high ideals of his youth and realizes them. The pure, clean boy, a model for young men. God can use for his purpose. "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto, according to thy word." Psalm 113:H. LESSON X "Joseph, the Worker." Tne reward of faithful service is more wcik and larger responsibilities. Jo seph is ascending the ladder of suc cess. A willing worker, he becomes God's agent for greater tasks than assistant warden in the king's prison. The premiership of Egypt is his re ward. '"Study to show thyself ap proved unto God, a workman that ntedtth not to be ashamed." II Tim 2:15. LESSON XI "Joseph, the True Enjoyed Picnic Sunday At the home pf Mr. and Mrs. O. T. I .rev da ten young people gathered and enjoyed a picnic, which had to be held in the house on account of tha weather. There were there for the occasion Misses Florence Lan caster, Neva Lancaster, Catherine Leyda, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Perry, David Lancaster, Rev. Shubert. Rich ard Brendel. Gamer and Bert Wor- Has New Furniture Mr. W. E. Milburn. the rural car rier, has just received a new table for the working of the mail and also a new distributing rack for preparing the mail for the routs. This will add much to the conven ience of the service which he renders. Like the Picture Show The picture show which the bus iness men of Murray are sponsoring has been meeting with success and is pleasing all the people, both the merchants and those who come to enjoy seeing the pictures. Undergoes Operation at Hospital Miss Flora Jane Boedeker. who has been troubled with appendicitis for sumf time past, was taken to Entertained Their Friends Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sporer en tertained for the day on hist Sun day at their home and h;'d as their guests for the occasion Messrs and Mesdames Forest Leonard and tdieir kiddies, Guy Kiser and kiddies and William and wife and Charles Spor er. All enjoyed the day most pleas antly and at the dinner they had a freezer of home made ice cream which added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. RED CLOVER HAY Near i i sta- : For sale in shock or wir.rqrw. Rock Creek Stock farm filhn tion. Bring jour wagon and rack. j Rock Creek Stock Farm"jirrayi N'e- j braska. - i1 ''jZ-Stw; LITTLE STITCHERS CLUB The Little Stitchers sewing club! held a meeting June 17th at thej home of Mrs. A. O. Ault. The girls had a picnic. Lucile Meisinger was a visitof. The girls have a new member, Mr5. Gregg. Their vice president, Joyce Gauer, dropped out of the club and Mrs. Alice Franks was elected their new vice-president. The next meeting will be July 1, and the next project will be a sport dress. MARYANX SWAXDA, News Reporter. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY DEL MONTE, LIBBY or COURTESY Fancy Red SALMON l-lb. Tall can 19' VAN CAMP'S Pork and Beans, Red Beans ox Hominy 3 c Med. can, 5c or C for ' & fj? ties' BoaSiiE! This Ad for Friday-Saturday, June 24-25 A large shipment of excellent quality mcllons on sale Friday and Saturday. Large, sweet, ripe rucllcns, averaging 2& I Irs. in weight. Mgsi stores ask from 3 to Sic a lb., for this quality, or 75 to 85c each. Our price, Friday-Sat., EACH Red Oak Sugar C2?im a No. 2 can i APRICOTS California Finest of the Season Large Suuare Basket, Ea. . . Can Them NOW 4-iasket Crates, $1.35 TnMATnEC Firranipe 35c 15c Si'vsr Bar Tomatoes No. 2y2 can, 3 for 291 Lb. Basket No. 1 Large RED TRIUMPH NEW POTATOES each 21c SUGAR Fine Granulated 10-lb. Clcth Bag C & H Fowdered or Brown 3 lbs.. 23c 43' Casco Creamery BUTTER l-lb. Carton BEST-OF-ALL Margarine Per lb. C Mission 3rand KRAUT No. 2 can, 7$ No. 2 Can 5c Del Mont s Crushed Pineapple Nc. 10 Can SVn So Called J'MaC Gallon, Ea. V Bel Mcnte Emit Salad, No. 1 can, 19c; No. 2, 23c; No. 212-3XS 'Silver Bar Peaches, in syrup, No. 2V2 can !5c Challenge trand Early June Peas. No. 2 can lQc Roberts Milk, tall cans, each 5c Tri-Scm Pure Apple Butter, Giant 2Vz-lb. jar 29 C Macaroni, Spaghetti cr Shell Macaroni, 2 lbs. for . 15 Iiesh Salted Peanuts, per lb 10c Morton's Salt, 10-lb. cloth bag 19c Prince Albert cr Velvet Tobacco, 15c size, 2 fcr 25c Canning Supplies Jar Rubbers, 3 doz 10c Jar Caps, dozen 23c Certo, per bottle 25 c Fruit Jars Pints, per dozen 59c Quarts, per dozen 79c Hinky-Dinky COFFEE Sweet Mild Blend 3 lbs., 55 1; Lb. - 19' - 'i.ffrriiit type from Abram. He j Urothc-r." It is better to forgive the j'.-. r ace can b? main-j wronirs cf others than to harbor bit- it b- .1 by a firm refusal to fisht. V- .'.. frit c f Cod to do that. It ! ter feelings toward them. In this he If live- p. : Jl;:ls. l:iiib:-,:.t." l. VV V( -ibb-. as much as lieth in you, table with all men." Rom'. r VH "Esau Sells His This (.art l--s, easy-going u-tH-h us to be careful cur' God-Siven chances. iaiti. s tr.d talents. When r.;an ! i to It 1;. i::dii!. I exemplified the teaching of Jesus. "Hcv.- oft fchall my brother sin against me. and I forgive him? Till seven times? Not seven times, but seventy times seven." Math. 1S:21 22. LESSOX XII "Jacob, the Aged Father." Kindness to parents and re-:-rrct for the aged are high marks of lize what has been lost goodness and true refinement. The t!;sr-crard and the ex-1 di'-.rordant and divided family is at ;.ri'ri,i;r cf spiritual things for ma-(last happily reunited, and the last of t'i:al ihirs a. id the future'fer pres- the' patriarchs sees his family situat- '' 1.1 at ion. and what a bad bar-j ed in a sale plate, in a school, to :-- bcf!i mad-j. it may be too (learn by Lard labcr, endurance, and l:t to rep-, nr. "Emu for one morsel I co-cperat ion, also in the melting pot !' '. a-ut! s id his birthright found of affliction, not forgetting God. Thi.; i; j li( f ..r r pfriitauce, though he. isthe neutlous of a new nation 70 '.-f iuht it a.-iuily with teams." souls. Here we have at lait "A ches l.'i,;ev 12:ie-i7. j tn generation, a royal priesthood, an I.EtON VII--Jacob at Bethel." t holy nation, a peculiar people." I This is the third of the patriarchs, ! Peter 2:9. BIG SPECIAL SALE Chicks Murray, Netjc. Saturday, June 25 Afternoon and Evening - J. E. Lancaster Feed Store $4.50 and up, per 100 Owing to Age Brink Hatchery Carolyn Drown celebrated her seventh birthday Saturday by enter taining several friends at the movies then later serving ice cream and cake and candy at the home of her grand parents, Mr .and Mrs. Oliver C. Dovey. Those present were Dorothy Jfan i Turner, Norma Curtis, Rachael Rob- eitson, Harriet Goos, Jane Patter son, Wheeling, est lrginia, Alary Eleanor and Carolyn Brown of Lake- wood, Ohio. NURSE AT CONVENTION From Wednesday's Iiaily Miss Florence Yelick. of this city, departed this morning for Wayne. Nebraska, where she will act as the camp nurse at the Ep worth League convention, which is to meet in that city. Miss Yelick is a graduate nurse of the Methodist hospital at Omaha and her splendid training will make her a valuable addition to the con vention BtaiT. Underwood's Deviled Ham large can, 27c $C Small can JjL Hi! 2 American. Brick, Swiss, Pimento," limberger. Chateau American, Chateau Pimento 2 2ir Crown Jewell FLOUR Guaranteed 48-lb. Bag . 79 Children and Adults both Eelish Them. Wlftcat oir Qnce 2 pkgs. . fl$!3 Wnndssaill cs Butternut Salad Dressing 1000 ISLAND or SANDWICH SPREAD 8 oz. 1 C Pt.23c Qt. 39c Hinky-Dinky FLOUR High Qjality 24-ib. ro Bag - cFtv. 4S-lb. Bajr - 89c CEDAE CREEK CIUB Granulated Small Pkg., Sc jfK - IKedium - 23c FRFF t,ar While Kinq ivi-i- Tcilet Soap for largo pkg. carton end that gives silk washing directions V "Safety (SFFEE llb.c 2ib. can, mD can, ALADDIN COFFEE, l-lb. Vac. pack. .270 can, Plain or Hop Flavored SKINNER'S Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles 3 Pkns. 'r. . 19c The Cedar Creek club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Meisinger Tuesday afternoon, June 14th, with all but one member present. Had a very nice meeting. The lesson was i "The Farm Vegetable Garden." The leaders gave demonstrations on can ning vegetables and meat. At a late hour they all went home, well pleas ed with the new way canning method. REPORTER. AN APPRECIATION Ve wish to thank our many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy which are gratefully ac knowledged and deeply appreciated. Arthur C. Johnsons Ur. and Mrs. M. Tritsch and Family. VIGO The Better Dog Feed For Dogs, Puppies and Cats. 3 Cans C 0 Finest Money Can Buy Big 3-lb. Can - - - ILID ISEEDAIL VALUES Those Crispy, Crunchy Ready o-Eat Whole Wheat Flakes 2 pkgs. 2A Sensational discov'ry Sakes beautiful Bis-tfTTi C cults quick. m V Pkg. GOLD MEDAL SoItasOHkCakeFloar b SS v i