The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1932, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    7HT7ESDAY. JTTNE 9. 1922.
I he PSattsmoiif
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., aa second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postai Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles, 2.00 per year. Kate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.60 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly In advance.
What the gentlemen in Congress
appear to n :?ed is exercises in reduc
ing. :o:
The Forgotten Man finds lie's re
membered regularly the first of ev
ery month.
The atom, if science keep? on split
tine; it. will toon feel like the Demo
cratic party.
The daughters of the last revolu
tion are acting like the mothers oi
the next one.
A tabloid paper is offering a prize
for a word to supplant "tabloid." We
submit "blabloid."
The difference is not so great as
it was between rugged individualism
and ragged individualism.
The first thing to leak out when
the depression hit us was the saw
dust in the stuffed shirts.
Things you never learned in cross
wood puzzles: She made a besom of
wattles to sweep the weir.
The Le:
:e of Nations is endeav
oring to discover some outrages be'-
ing committed by nations that won't
talk back.
At least the big boys have learn
ed that money's power to absorb a
business doesn't always provide
brains to run it.
A wiie is never auie to unuer-)
stand that when it is too wet lor
her husband to work the garden, it
is dry on the golf-links.
Anyway, the situation ought to
begin to Improve as poon "is v.-e fine!
out from the graduation sreakers
just what we ought to do abort it.
A Kansas girl who had her heart
set on a June wedding was inform
ed bv her lawyer last week that her j
divorce couldn't porsibly be obtained
before July.
Reduced to a few words, as near
ly as we can understand it, Jimmy
Walker's defense will be that he is
just one of those charming persons
People just can't resist giving money
The bridge team, known as the
Tcur Horsemen announces that it has
dropped Oswald Jacoby from its
membership, and Mr. Jacoby replies
that such a thing is impossible, be
cause he has quit the Four Horse
men. This, we believe places the af
fair in a light completely satisfac
tory to all concerned.
Pagan. Burma, although deserted!
for C00 years, still possesses today
the greatest collection of temples in
the v.-orld. From 300 B. C. to 1300
A. D.. it built about 5.000 of them
within its sixteen square miles. In
all history, they have never been
equalled in number, variety and such
architectural magnificence.
It seems to be quite customary for
candidates this year in sending their
publicity to the newspapers to state
that "I am not financially able to
spend the money I would like to with
the papers of the state, but will ap
preciate any publicity given my can
didacy." They all apparently over
look the fact that most newspaper
men are not "financially able" to
give away space in their papers,
EM on mm en Ss
We are distributors for the famous
Rock of Ages granite. Largest stock
and lowest prices. Drive over to our
plant, southeast corner of Square.
Glemvood Granite Worhs
Glenwood, Iowa
2 fciiLSS
Oh, what is so rare as a day in
June if it's wedding day.
This is not the first depression.
Remember about the pumpkin cater,
who had a wife and couldn't keep
It is said cigars are being smoked
much shorter. Recalling Peter Dudl
ey's remark to a th'ilty smoker in
one of the Weber Ji Fields shows,
":.r. your chewing tobueco is on
President Von Hindenhurg dis
misses Chancellor Rruening, moved
particularly bv the recent successes;
of Adolf Hitler in elections to the'
Prussian ciiet. The- Hitler star
still ascending, the German rcp;:!:iic
is tlrreatened and the world outsidc
is disturbed.
Disappointment succeeds to the
reassurance that followed the re-
leleetion of Hindenburg. What make
it more disappointing
is the i-ee-tTt
overturn of the mimstrv in France
witn the praaical certainty that Her
riot will be premier. For Ilerriot i::
known as a man of peace and of
moderate ideas. The conference on
seemed more hopeful because of Her -
riot s success, it seems jess nopeiui
because of Drucnine's fall. II it lc i
has been a fire-eater, talking force,
talking revision of Germany's east
ern boundry, along with all the oth
er things lie has promised which no
man could perform.
Hitler is a demagogue, as his re
cord shows. Yet he has go
.Vol a ficrmnn. lint an Austrian, he!
joined the Germany army. After the
war he organied men and planned a;
l revolution by force
Ii ended in the
1 1 . . .1 : it.... -1 ' ,c i (
; luuitiuus putccii e-i j.i-u.
I left the great LudendonT taking ro-j
fuge in a Munich "user
cellar and
i saw Hitler sentenced to prison fori
! five years. But Hitler v. a- out in a
I year. Soon he v as winning votes.
!?.nd from lhrt time drifted steadily
'away from his talk of force. If any-,
i thing, this showed him stiil more aj
: demagogue; iie won id neat for pow
or until he saw that power might
be his through votes, with less dan
ger of prison sentences. !
The Hitler program has been ar.a-
lyzed by students who show its cor.
tradicti'ons. lie holds himstlf out a? :
the great defense of Germany against j
rnmnil'Til?ir. n::l in turn Tirot.OseS
the nationalization of industries,
,vp, t!k r,bont the nationalization
of land. There is to be more for'
oroi-i-'-.ndv ivitli tin v i v phowr? nf
attaining this end. j
Hitler is rot feared as a possible
Tniin? or Stalin miirhfc be fear-1"
2 W VS-i
Ld. . No one suggests that he has the!aI:d a half years of carf fuI inves;i"
..... . .. ,
force or abilitv tecjuisite to a real,
, . , , !
dictator. Rather, he is the dema-
.... .
gogue politician, and if he comes
... , . . I
into puttti, 1-t tA;;i-iru 10 mjuw iiiki- i
self as an utter failure
But he Lasl
not come into power, and his prom
ises glitter in distressed Germany,
whose peorle have only recently
come into the responsibility which
the ballot imposes in a democratic
government. Adolf Hitler, it seems
now, must go up farther before he
is done.
Meanwhile the world is anxious,
having known much trouble and
small good come from the swash
buckling, all-promising, self-seeking
leaders, who too often gain favor in
a nation because of its distress.
Milwaukee Journal.
A reader submits a simr! formula
for the prompt termination of the
present depression:
Para an act (similar to Lin
coin's emancipation proclama
tion ) freeing everybody of their
debts on the day this act is in
troduced in congress. Regard
less of what an individual, cor
poration, city, county cr state
vould owe on that day. this act
would free them of all obliga
tions and give them a clean
As it now stands, almost ev
ery one is on the verse cf col
lapse, so let's get it over with
and start a new prosperity at
Rut the "collapse"' upon which
"verse almost every one r.ow stands"
would be rUide certain and c omplete
by applit a lion of the s-useesied n ni -
ody. For it would destroy instant ly
the value of every bank account, t
cry insurance policy, every Imildinsrl
and ban association shave, every j
trust ii?"d in the land.
The savings of the people.
money with wheih the people's daily j . -.ocm one day early in April a
business i.-- being dot.e, the a -sets "l'crov d svuni!"i! o'-er tl.v I"! ter den
the insurance companies, the small Linden. It flowed over the stre. t ard
trust funds upon which millions of I sidv wuikB alike and moved in such
v-My.s. orphan and aged couple? a If ass that it was impossible to
murt live, are not in the form of headway agaimst a. T!:l cause
productive. : lie currency, lying in proved to be a parade of perhapr
vaults, l ta money has taken the.f-fty policemen fro m
form of loan?. It is represented by ail,-)t he r wi: h half a do;
bond.-, by mortgages, by commercal i hrr.-eback. Tiie sp"
j I):1IH'r-
Xuliify I ft. th? American public ,
'uid bo immediately pauperise-
i,:Evei: desperate del
tnemselvts i
would be hurt, rather than helped.!;
I What good a
canceld i'aun mort -
j sac?, if the cancellation leaves offering an escape feni the diffi
! farmer's. cus'omer.-- without toe , X1-a an(; perplexities of the re
l wherewithal to buy his product: '.' j :;.un lesime. Put :--nh a revo-
Wi,-'.t good a fori
iven personal note.
: 11 1 K:i:-g io-- n'.e ut oioi oi J.U
1; oi employment, owing to me
consentient c
-,T-. 1..
paralysis of:
! u.-i..ei.-. ui v...a. i.ene-m i..e i.ui.:-;
'".cation of the loan Joan ( itizen has:
i - f i . i t . ..II :
, ,J
ined on his life in.-urancc pol -
if sin h nullification makes the -
; I'o!i( -v it--11" f -revet
. ' Out .--nv'-f.iifiiii1
Oui- corresnontle-nt, of course, l.adii.'
no such untoward result in
. i
when he offered hi?
uggertinn. He
merely thought it would he a nice
thing all around, if every hard pres
et! debtor chould suddenly lind his
obligations canceLd.
In the first place, the- scheme, if it
ne far.cor'1' euectuateJ. would substi -
uucr seenui;si e iitnu
j caaov. Hinu-r-ai irriy. tne out
r&n v-rc-ek!ng of ail b;ls5r.c-. for
i u" pre.-, 1 on nice is cvti.tuuiy t-'oiaj
which:10 t:iu- 111 '-(:,:itI pice , me
"hemo could not be H:ctua1 ed
' I'reenlent nor congress ps-
sessi n g c ons t i t u t ion a 1
iv.thority to
impair contractual obligation
r'V.nli.c! T .-- .1 TTT -. ro Ivnoe..
n:;i ir;i i uiiu in ui r -. '
;mae ma ne -ianei. nui a i.enne, Th;rr y.tiircp now postoffice buikl-i2tphyi-
still blov.s from the direc-;incs in uirft,rciU cilies are planned
t'oti from which, came the political
cyclones of- 1 C4 9 and 177C. The feath
ers ii ruffles arc comparatively hum-
He cme . Thy ''eionp; rot to PtaU ly
democracies to whom the septet- ol!anj thu, r;,n,T,ete;; w!th Iiriyate res
i egal
lut ; .
i to the bureaucracies that present-1
iUay Tuhn hoCic
I in ttruain on May . an otnciai
i c ommittee, inc luding some of the
most distinguished lawyers of Eng
land. Scotland and Wales, presented
t upon this question after two
gaiion. i ne inoutrv naei Oe-en started
by ro less an authoritv than Lord
Hewart. Chief Justice of England.
who wrote a boou entitled "The New
- '1"l,,,:' ": " uec-.ct. eu ;
that tre great departments of the
State were seriously invading alike
ihe supremacy of Parliament and the
functions of the law courts. The of
ficial committee describes, Lord Hew-
i art's warning as "a public service"
and recommends the setting up of
permanent bodies in both Houses of
Parliament to prevent authority from
becoming misplaced.
In India also, bureaucracy has be
come suspect. A chestnut still crack
ed hilariously by Indian pundits has
it that Adam could not have been a
eivil servant because it is author
itatively reported that he once lost
a substantial portion of his side. In
popular British slang "side" means
' bumptiousness.
j In Russia a similar feeling bas
i arisen. The Congress cf the Commu
jnist Party at this year's annualmeet
ing at Moscow passed a resolution
declaring for the indictment of any
off icial who adopts "a superior atti
tude" toward the public
The bureaucrat in Britain has
now been voluminously exposed. In
India he is being taught gentler man
ners by passive resistance. In Rus
sia the Communist Congress is tak
ing note. The lessons of Charles 1
and George III seem not to have
been in vain.
Journal Want-Aus cost only a
few cents and get real resultsl
In Berlin two month.--, ago a mem
ber of The Stai's staff made many
inquiries about the p;; ssible restora
tion cf the monarchy. IK- was as
sured on every side that i oihing of
il.e sort v. as contemplated by any
important group. Tl-" were peo
ple h? was told, who believed a lim
ited monarchy v.-as. In -its r suited to
the German temprameiit than a re- lege senio- writes this department,
public. Rut these were held to bej"r,a editorial..- and other less public
mere theor ists, who di.l not even j e xpi essions of sympathy on my grad
havc a candidate for the throne to! nation from college with no job in
suggest, j sight. Who told these busybodies
If, then, there is substance to the that I wanted to work, in the first
t t.".i-' tli"t .'resilient T i mien -
j ;,;;rg intends 10 retire
j evo;- cf the former
j the plan must be a r
j expect cd development,
i ijjjitv of course. Tie
i" October in
c; ;wn prince,
en; and un
it is a po.-tri-C-
rmar- peo-
j.i. have rc tradition "i
They are not schooWl ia
a republic,
iiistitut io'is. Tly (-njoy the
ami oageantry o:' monarch.-.
station to
enthusiasm that
need a similar show would tie
reEuiarlv twice a wet k.
o there is a c-hanc- that the peo
might welcome- back a HoLenzol-
;ieni as the syaibc;! e f i a glory and
; jlit j ,T, v,-oult! caus-e i
at apprehen
voub.i be re-
in rurrspe a::d
j Kard
v.:;;e!y as a
ce to the
peac;-. I": til there is
matie.s t the tontr;
wiTI he dip:;-ed to l
--fihi! e
-v the
in for
v.orld K ve t here are
n.e;: i:i Ger-re.-to
rat ion o
tr.c.ugh levcl-iieadc d
!n;i;I:v to nrcvcr.t the
Kansas -ty star.
TTT.-fTT' WAIT T .A"Tmt!VT.f -".TJ
I ii :
e-f the rati--:. wide demand
iveri-ment .ui:'-;:r
il-.-m ihei;
it- I'tu-ine. e. v. jiicn c or..j ;-T ;; mhiii
: p- ivate con
e r:
at:' hearing o
, :.0w tonus ol l.ustne..
which govern-
r.-.Hnt agencies ate raking on from
a'thne ,c time.
(rie ot .lie late-t is the roie oi
landlord with oCices to rent, v.nicn
; the treasury der-anment a ssumed in
j Kansas City, where it had a surplus
0." office rooms in a newly construct-
j ed fc-drral reserve bark building.
Some of the office space was offered
I lor rent to the nttblic, tn direct com-
! petition with Kansas City investors
who had put their monev into office
1 -
le'Miiiil' "c:
with rooms for restaurants, where
not only postoffice employes may se-
cure their meals but tiiey will be!
k - p - n to the general public. Unclejay and do. appear at the County
tun ' nil i ui iiiucc vitm-.-,.
T ,Ir,,i,.,OE- .-a i,rj . r,1T. itl
t uncn ie- u.e pi-tnr.ea to run in
son.c- of the new government build-
ingfi, for the accommodation of em
ployes and
for the general public
use. Uncle Sam is also feeling his
way towatd operating sis a wholesale
grocer by encouraging groups of em
ployes to buy their supplies in a sort
of club at wholesale prices. These
new branches of government oer
aticti are proposed at the very time
v. hen congress pretends to be seek-
5. wavs for e(.ono..,y hv restriction
of government bureaus,
ton Pantograph.
Journal Want-Ads set results!
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court cf Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Floyd M. Saxon, deceased:
On reading the1 petition of Ruben
R. Saxon, Executor, praying a final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count filed in this Court on the 4th
day of June. 1932. and for final as
signment of the residue of said estate
and for his discharge as Executor
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do. appear at ihe County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1932,
at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause,
if any there be, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be granted,
and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy
of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this 4th day of June, A.
D. 1932.
(Seal) jG-3w County Judge.
fesr Sawing
Commercial sawing from
your own Ions lumber cut
to your specifications.
We have ready cut dimen
sion lumber and sheeting for
sale at low prices.
"I'm pretty well fed up," a col-
; nl:i i . "
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun-
s s .
In the County Court.
In tli-- matter of the estate of Wil
liam D. Cr;I-man. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Ton are hereby notified that I will
-;t at the County Court room in
iattsmnuth, in said county, on the I
.'.n ':ay ci .nine. a. u. 1 :..::: ana on bv c K Leuewav. Cleik of the Dis
ihe L'.'V.h day of September. A. D. Iritt c'ourt within and for Cass coun-l!-;2.
at ten o'clock in the forenoon tv. Nebraska, and to me directed. I
of each day. to receive and examine Uui on the 25th day of June. A. D.
ail claims against sail estate, with a ic,oo nt in ovin.k n i-i of snid ihv.
view to their adjTistment and allow-
anc. i he tune limited for the pre -
se-T.atiun of claims against said estate
is three months from the f:4th day of
n of'i ers o-;'Jui' I- 1,:- ;iIH- tbe time limit
" e;l fed- payment of debts is one year
tele caus'-M. j r,,n ...lid 4th day of June. 1!32.
it was a-:-1 Witiies.s my hand and the seal of
sain ioi'?.-y l ourt tins J(tn cay oi
lay, 1 rj
(Seal m.10-r,v Coutity Judge.
Scate of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue rf an Order of Sale issued
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, and to me directed. I
w'l! e n the 2nd day of July, A. D.
l'. '2, at I" o'ioek n. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house ir. said county, sell at public
ruction to the liithest bidder for cas:h
the following real estate, to-wit:
The south one-half (F's) of
Lots, five ( ) and six (fil in
. I H ! (I ; 1 ' J , 1(1 lilt V i
Plattsmoutii, Cass county,
The same b.-i-irc levied upon and taken
as the property of R. A. Rosencrans
ct ;.l, Defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of v;;:d Court recovered bv The
i Standard Savings and Loan Associa-
'bin. plaintiff against said defend-
Plaifsmouth, Nebraska, Mav 2Cth
A. D. 1032.
Sheriff Cass County,
m HO-f. TV-
and Notice on Petition for Settle
ment of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State- of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Campbell, deceased:
On reading the petition of Peter
i pb Administrator, praying a
final settlement and allowance cf his
account filed in this Court on the
17th day of .May. Ii:t2. and for final
I assignment of the residue of said es
tate and for his discharge as Admin
istrator thereof;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interesteil in said matter
C'ourt to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 17th day of June. A. D.
1P32. at ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er rf the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen-de-ncv
of said petition and the hear-
inq. thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof. I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this 17th day of May, A
D. 1032.
(Real) in 2 3 -3 v County Judge.
To Byron Cough. Joseph Kinsey
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in or Vo 33 acres off the
south side of Lot C. and in or to Frac
tional Lot 27 of Government Lot 3,
all in Section 33, in Township 1
North. Range 14. East of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, in Cass county,
Nebiaka, real names unknown, de
Notice is hereby given that Louis
Stava and Samuel T. Gilmour as
plaintiffs, have filed in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, their
petition against you as defendants
praying for the decree of said court
brrring and excluding each and all of
you from having or claiming any
right, tit'e. interest or lien in or to
'any r.f said real estate, and quieting
the tiMe to 33 acres off the south side
of Lot f in Section 33. Township 12.
North. Range 14. East of the Gth P.
M.. in Cass county, Nebraska, in Louis
Stava: and quieting the title to frac
tional Lot 27 of Government Lot 3 in
Section 33. Township 12. North.
Range 3 4, East of the Cth P. M.. in
Cass county. Nebraska, in Samuel T.
Gilmour, all in fee simple title.
You are required to answer said
petition in said Court at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, on or before July 25th, A.
D. 19 32. or your default will be en
tered and a decree entered, in accord
ance with the prayer of said peti
tion. LOUIS STAVA and
C. A. Rawls. Plaintiffs.
jC-4tv ,
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
Ry virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by ( E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 9th day of July, A. D.
1932. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following real estate, to-wit:
Lots seven 7) and tight (R)
in Rloek fifty-seven (.17 in the
City of Plattsmouth, in Cass
county. Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of John Rauer,
Jr.. and Emma Rauer. defendants, to
saiisfy a judgni'-nt of said court re
covered by L. F. Hoifcrty, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. June 3, A.
D. 1932.
Sheriff of Cass county,
State cf Nebraska, County of Cass,
Rv virtue of an Execution issued
j T t l5l'e south front door'of the court
1 iiOUS. jn S;.ii county, sell at public
'.,,., iritl tfl .1,,. i,!p-ilf.t i,i,Mpr for rnsh
the following real estate, to-wit:
The northeast quarter (XEU )
of the northwest quarter ( NW
U ) of Section thirty-two (32 t.
Township eleven (11). North
Range thirteen (13). East of
the Gth P. M., in Cass county,
The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Frederick Omer
Schlic htcr.ieier. defendant, to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered
by Federal Trust Company, a Corpora
tion, plaintiff against eaid defend
ant. Plattcmouth, Nebraska, May ISth,
A. D. 1-J32.
Sheriff Cass county,
and Notice on Petition for Settle
ment of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss.
To the heirs and all persons inter
ested in the estate of Gertrude E.
Morgan, deceased:
On reading the petition of Paul C.
Morgan, administrator, praying a
final settlement and allowance of his
account filed in this Court on the
27th day of May. 1932, and Tor a de
cree distributing and assigning the
residue of said estate and for Lis
discharge as administrator;-' v -
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 23rd day of June. A.
D. 1932 at ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not b'
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof he given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this 27th day of May, A.
D. 1932.
(Seal) m30-3Tv County Judge.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of W. B. Taylor, deceased, both
creditors and heirs:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 31st day of May,
1932. Leon a F. Lay filed her petition
in the County Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, alleging that one W. B.
Taylor, also known as William B.
Taylor, a resident of Dustin, Hughes
county, Okla.. died on April 9. 1928,
leaving a last will and testament,
which said instrument was on April
26. 1932. duly admitted to probate in
the County Court of Hughes county,
Oklahoma, a copy of such will and the
probate thereof duly authenticated is
produced herewith; that said W. B.
Taylor died seized of an estate of in
heritance in the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 40 in
Young and Hays Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth and Lot 4 in
Block 1T.2 of the City of Platts
mouth. in Cass county. Nebras
ka, and the southeast quarter of
Section S and the northeast quar
ter and the east half of the
northwest quarter of Section S,
all in Township 2, North. Range
23 West of the 6th P. M., in
Furnas county, Nebraska;
That the said W. B. Taylor was the
owner of an undivided one-third in
terest in the fee of above described
real estate, subject to the life estate
of Adaline Taylor in said real estate;
that said Adaline Tavlor died March 1
2C. 1932. and petitioner. Leona F. f
Lay, is interested In said real estate
as sole devisee thereof, by said will.
Petitioner prays that a decree of said
rnTt be made and entered allowing
the said will as the last will and testa
ment of said W. B. Taylor; that regu
lar administration of said estate be
dispensed with, and decreeing that
said estate descend free of all debts
of said decedent, to the beneficiary,
Leona F. Taylor, now Leona F. Lay.
of Henryetta, Okla., as provided in
said will.
Said petition will be heard In the
County Court room of Cass county, in
Plattsmouthr-Nebraska, on the 27th
day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock a.
Dated May 31, 1932.
(Seal) j6-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the trusteeship of
the estate of Anna Gorder l'loetz, de
ceased :
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
James T. Beglcy. Judge of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
made on the 12th day of Mtrch, 1932,
for the sale- of real estate hereinafter
described for the payment of legacies
and expenses of administration under
the last will and testament of Anna
Gorder Ploetz, dec-eased, there will be
sold at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash at the south door of
the court house at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, on the 20th day of June,
1932. at the hour of Iff o'clock a. in.,
the following described real estate,
to-wit :
The east one-half (EV2 of the
northeast quarter (NK'i) of
Sec tion eighteen 1 : L Township
twelve (12) north of Range thir
teen (13) east of the Gth P. M.,
in Cass county. Nebraska, and an
undivided one-half interest in
and to Lots two (2). three (3)
and four (4), in Block thirty-live
3o) in the City of Weeping
Water in Cass county. Nebraska.
That the sale will be held open for
the period of one hour and that the
highest bid will be submitted to the
Court for confirmation and approval.
Dated this 14th day of May. 19 iZ.
Trustee of the Estate of Anna
Gorder Ploetz, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of Judgment in partition en
tered on the 20th day of February,
1C32. confirming shares in the case
of Humphrey Murphy, plaintiff, vs.
Joseph P. Murphy. Margaret Murphy.
Edward W. Murphy. Agnes Aiurpny,
Bradford J. Murphy. Margaret Mur
phy, Catherine Wonder. Charles J.
Wonder, and Ershal Murphy, then
pending in the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, wherein the un
dersigned was appointed referee to
partition the land involveel in said
action; upon report of the referee
that physical partition of the land
could not be made without great
prejudice to the parties it was there
upon ordered and adjudged by the
court that said land be sold and the
proceeds thereof be divided into
shares between the part (en as there
tofore determined. Pursuant to said
Judgment of the court, the under
signed referee will, on the 23rd day
of June, 1932. at ten o'clock a. m.,
of said day at the outh front door
of the court house in I'lattsmouth.
in said county, sell the said real
estate, to-wit:
The SEi and the N hi. of the
XEU of Sec. 20, Twp. 11,
. North Range 12. east of the Cth
- P.-II.. in Cas Count'. Nvau-.ka,.,
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash, ten per cent of the bid
to be paid at the time cf the sale
and the balance of the purchase
money to be paid upon confirmation
of sale and making deed by referee.
Said sale will be made subject to a
mortgage in the sum of $1,842.12.
with interest from Jan 1, 1932 at
per cent, to the Lincoln Joint
Stock Land Bank on the NVi of the
NE M of Sec. 20, Twp. 11, North
Range 12.
Dated this 23rd day of May. 1932.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
H. A. Schneider, Administrator ot the
Estate of Robert Troop and Thomas
Troop, both deceased, for license to
sell real estate to pay debts.
Now on this 21st day of May. 1932,
came H. A. Schneider, Administrator
of the estates of Robert Troop and
Thomas Troop, both deceased, and
presented his petition for license to
sell the real estate of the deceased
parties in order to pay the claims filed
and allowed against said estatcB, and
the expenses of administering said es
tates. It appearing from said petition
that there Is an insuffitier.t amount
of personal property in the hands of
the administrator to pay the claims
presented and allowed by tae County
Court, and the expenses of adminis
tration of both estates; and that it is
necessary to sell the w hole of the real
estate of the deceased parties in order
to pay the aforesaid claims and costs
of administration:
It is therefore Considered, Ordered
and Adjudged that all persons inter
ested in the estate of Robert Troop
and Thomas Troop, both deceased, ap
pear before me. James T. Begley,
Judge of the District Court, ut the
office of the Clerk of the; District
Court, in the court house, in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass count', Nebras
ka, on the 9th day of July. 1932, at
the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon, and show cause, if any there
be, why such license should not be
granted to H. A. Schneider, Adminis
trator of the estates of Robert Troop
and 1 nomas iroop. uotn deceased, to
sell all of the real estnte o- said de-
ceased, so as to pay claims presented
and allowed with the costs of admin
istration. It is further Considered. Ordered
and Adjudged, that notice he given to
all persons Interested by publication
of this Order to Show Cause for four
successive weeks in the I'lattsmouth
Journal, a legal newspaper published
and of general circulation in the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
By the Court.
District Judge.
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